What do men think about strong women. What do men really think about relationships with women?

All girls are interested in Are there any thoughts in a man's head besides bed scenes? It turns out that yes, men do not just get acquainted with women in order to satisfy their natural, purely physiological needs, men observe a woman, evaluate, arrange checks and give characteristics. To know, , you can only try on a male shell, joining their company, that is, becoming not a lover, but a friend of a man. Only now, men do not make friends with every woman, but with certain type, strong and strong-willed and by no means sexy and seductive.

Appearance is the most important

No matter what they say, but men at all times have loved, and will love with their eyes. That's just men do not just look with all their eyes at long legs, but pay attention to details and instantly draw conclusions about how neat their new acquaintance is. What do men think about women, throwing a single, but well-aimed look, is it a real lady in front of them or just a painted, cute doll. Screaming bright colors in clothes and a hairpin, of course, will attract a man, but if a girl has no washed hair or not polished shoes, then no colors, words and antics will help. Untidiness is the first thing that will repel even a seasoned heartthrob.

Where is Nofelet or honesty check

When a closer acquaintance is made and the female charms have already worked, the man nevertheless shows himself to be persistent. tin soldier and digs deeper to find out how close this girl can be. What do men think about women, sitting nearby on a soft sofa, not really about how to touch this leg? Not at all. Most men think: next to him is a life partner or just another nightly entertainment and adventure. And then a tricky maneuver comes into play - a check for honesty. This can be done in any way, for example, a man will talk about his favorite writer, who never existed, and if the person read the mythical author, then the woman will continue to lie throughout her life together.

The girl went crazy

What do men think about women who act like kidnappers male hearts? Their thoughts are directly related to their fears of excessive beauty and confidence, even more impudence. The bright color of the night moth may attract the gaze of a man, but a real man will be bewitched by him for a short time. It's just that the moth itself will fly away to another fire. Knowing, obviously, such a treacherous disappearance of a heartbreaker, a man will not approach this type of woman even for a cannon shot. Therefore, you should not envy the beauties who shoot their eyes at men, such ladies are often left alone.

Availability of a woman

Those girls who clearly show their attention to a man will never get a response, desired result, since it is arranged by nature that a man hunts himself. Therefore, the prey, which itself swims for dinner, becomes insipid and tasteless for men. Overcoming difficulties, moving mountains, facing obstacles on the way to a woman turns men on much more than a set table. True, everything needs a measure and games of catch-up, hide-and-seek and blind man's buff can soon get bored with a man, so you should not go too far and delay the pleasure you both want for a long time.

Loving means faithful

A man, having chosen a life partner for himself, continues to evaluate her, watching conversations with friends, behavior in in public places, and even looking closely at the habits and little things that the girl no longer notices behind herself. Excessive coquetry with true friend can lead a man to thoughts about the frivolity of his girlfriend, and then a man can arrange a test of loyalty, which does not always give the desired result and inflicts a wound on a man. After all, men are so strong and unbending in appearance, but inside they are vulnerable and even a little shy, so lovely ladies should take care of men, without whom life ceases to be not only exciting, but loses its meaning.

It's no secret that men are warriors and fighters. They are used to fighting for a place in life, winning the love of women, position on the career ladder and much more. That is why in their heads they always make up their personal rating, build a hierarchy of achievements and qualities, according to which not only the actions of others, but also their own are evaluated. For them, there is a standard of behavior of a real man, and to correspond to it is the highest goal. It is on this that his self-esteem and opinion of himself depend.

If a man succeeds, then in his own eyes his rating increases, and in others, according to the man, too. Friends must match it own position in the ranking. Not necessarily in the field of career achievements, it can be personal qualities or something else. But a man will not have comrades among those who are far behind him in priority areas, considering them losers.

For women, such an assessment does not apply or operates differently. A man evaluates a potential partner according to completely different characteristics, so it makes no sense to try to impress him by demonstrating masculine qualities. A man can transfer such a woman to male rating, respectively, she loses positions in his women's top, after which it is perceived exclusively as business partner or a good friend.

If you have achieved much greater success in your career than a man, then in order for him to correctly evaluate you in his rating, let him know that his other qualities are important to you: courage, determination, masculinity.

Men don't understand women in the same way that women don't understand men.

It is for this reason that it is sometimes so difficult to convey some thought to your beloved, you just speak different languages. The habit of women to speak in hints affects, expressing most of the meaning in emotionally colored words, and not in logical maxims, as it would be more comfortable for a man. Additional details, without which it is difficult for a woman to perceive the situation as a whole, only distract the attention of a man, he loses his meaning and focuses on trifles that he does not need. In the end, he generally ceases to understand what they are trying to explain to him.

Don't tell him what you want more heat and worries. Just say that if he covers you with a blanket when you fell asleep and forgot to hide, then you will be pleased. If you want him to give you flowers, also tell him about it directly. Don't forget to specify which flowers you prefer! The main thing here is not to overdo it. It is enough to say once.

Men's memory is arranged quite differently.

It's time to talk about how men's memory works. Unlike women, who for the most part remember the mood and emotional coloring of events, men remember logical facts. That is why, if you are jealous or offended by him, then as soon as the emotions are gone, you quickly forget and forgive. A man fully forgives only when he logically substantiates for himself the reason why he should forgive. He remembers the essence of the event for a very long time, but the emotional interpretation may change over time.

So, if you were flirting with someone, and he was jealous of you, then he will remember what you were doing at that moment, what words you said and what look you gave the interlocutor. You can convince him that your words did not contain the emotions that he recognized, but trying to make him forget about this episode will not work.

Men think about relationships several times less than women.

The fair sex spend hours pondering what his words meant. They worry about how the man perceived them, discuss all the vicissitudes of the current romance with their friends and mother. But men don't do that. Relationships take up much less space in their thoughts.

If a man has, he enjoys them or experiences unpleasant emotions in this regard. He analyzes how this phenomenon in his life is good for him. This does not mean that he is on the development of relations, and he is not ready to do something to improve them. He just sees it all differently.

To better understand what topics men care about, pay attention to the headlines of glossy men's magazines. There will be no topics about the psychology of relationships, but questions about sex, cars, finances.

Men also want attention and love.

Women, focusing on how to understand what a man thinks, can forget about why they, in fact, spend time together. There is a universal language of communication available to both sexes: it is love. Take care of a man, treat your relationship with him as something important, give him warmth and attention. This is what will allow not only you to begin to better understand him, but also him - you.

How you want to fall in love with yourself and fall in love. Is there something in a woman's behavior that makes men fall in love with her? and think about a woman all the time. How does a man fall in love with a woman? Will he fall in love with the one he remembers once a week or less often? No. For a man to fall in love, he must constantly think about a woman. All his thoughts are focused on her. Even if he is busy with something important, thoughts still flow smoothly to a woman.

How to achieve this? Call, write, constantly flicker in his field of vision? Such behavior will cause more irritation than romantic feelings. It is necessary to create a special atmosphere in which a man constantly dreams about a woman.

Women's secrets

To make a man rack his brains, you need to create intrigue. This is the cornerstone. Nothing will work without this. intrigue is powerful tool"falling in love" of a man, proven by years of experience of past generations. Any will do format: in correspondence, in plans for the next weekend or for the year. You can even tell him something like: “I got to the core of you! You're not really who you say you are!" Naturally, two questions immediately arise in his head, for whom I pretend to be and who I really am, which he will certainly voice. At this point, you need to gently evade the answer. Say that you are very busy right now and you will tell everything at the next meeting.

A man in the head at this moment there is a mini-explosion. He doesn't know what to think. And he starts thinking about a woman. What did she understand, when, why and what will happen now.

They say that a woman should be a mystery. It really is. You do not need to open your soul to a man from the first minutes. Leave hidden, dark corners. And if it so happened that from the very beginning it was not possible to maintain the intrigue, then “cover up” and move away at a respectful distance. Play with him like a cat with a mouse, now approaching, then moving away.

The second point is not to let a man get fed up. A woman should be a little missed. When a woman devotes all her time to a man, gives out maximum information about herself, her family and a pet, a man eats it with pleasure if he is in love. But after a very short period of time, he gets fed up. Yes, he enjoyed communication, examined and tried a woman with different sides, satisfied his curiosity. And that is all. He doesn't need more.

And if you eat in small portions, then you want more and more. After a small piece, there is a feeling of hunger, slight dissatisfaction. And the man reaches for more. You need to learn how to slip away in time, disappear from his field of vision. To make him a little hungry and bored.

For example, let's simulate such a situation. Date, not the first, but one of the first. Perhaps the third or fourth. At the height of the evening, you are interested in each other, having fun, you absolutely do not want to interrupt communication and end the meeting. And suddenly the woman says: “Honey, I'm sorry, I have to leave. Urgent business… Everything was great! Thanks for a great evening!" And the woman leaves. What does the man feel at this moment? He is confused, he does not know what to think, how to react. The “Cinderella effect” works again. And he ends up spending the rest of the evening alone, replaying the events of the date in his head, and constantly thinking about the woman.

The man is even more intrigued and completely entangled in the woman's networks.

It is clear that you want to stay with him, spend more time. But you need to get over yourself. Running away from him, a woman provokes a chase, a hunt. And a man, as you know, is a hunter by nature. And he is not interested in easy prey. The more he runs after a woman, the more he will appreciate her. And it is in the power of every woman to provoke this pursuit.

The problem of many women

One of the most common problems is this. A woman completely dissolves in the chosen one, gives him all of herself, her energy. A man at this moment is good and comfortable, but bored. Hence the lack of initiative. Gifts, courtship. Why should he strain, if the woman already belongs to him.

You can not concentrate on a man entirely. In life, there should be a place for other things: friends, work, hobbies, and so on. All these things are a lifeline from the pool. It is by holding on to them that a woman has a chance not to drown in love and not choke. There are many beautiful things in life besides relationships. And for them you need to hold on with all your might. Love sucks, but life should not revolve solely around this feeling.

We learn not to stick to a man and not to become dependent on him.

Always happy to help you become happier.

With love,

Irina Gavrilova Dempsey

Every woman wants to be loved and adored. When a man looks at his chosen one with delight, it is worth a lot. To personal life developed harmoniously, both partners should be sexually satisfied. But at the dawn of a relationship, a woman does not always understand what a man wants from her. To understand, it is enough to carefully observe the young man and correctly evaluate his actions and words. If a man wants a woman, the signs will be quite eloquent.

How to recognize sympathy?

Psychologists identify a number of factors that may indicate that a man has more than just friendly feelings for a woman.

Does a man want a woman?

This question interests every girl at the beginning of a relationship. Of course, the most reliable evidence is an erection that has arisen, but it is not always possible to notice it. Therefore, it is worth looking for other ways that will help determine the desire of a guy. If a man wants a woman, signs such as or gestures will definitely give him away.

How can you tell if a guy is aroused?

Experts advise to pay attention to a number of factors that indicate that a man is excited.

Male confidence

If a man wants a woman, the signs cannot be hidden. Each young man tries to show his individuality in order to conquer the girl, but there are still common features. In the presence of his chosen one, a man can straighten his tie or belt and touch his face.

When he keeps his hands on his belt or on his hips, this is self-confidence and a subconscious call for sex. A man wants a woman to caress these places.

All thoughts are about one thing...

If a man wants a woman, the signs will "scream" about it. A young man can persistently call a girl home for some completely stupid reasons: watch a movie, evaluate his renovation, or help him with the design of an apartment.

When a man thinks about sex, he can talk vulgar phrases which sometimes even repel girls. But this must be dealt with, because this moment he is completely focused on his feelings and desire to possess the chosen one.

material side

Many girls often think about what are the signs that a man wants a woman. Signs can also relate to the material aspect. When dining in a cafe, a young man will definitely pay for his passion, and will not offer her to split the bill equally. This does not mean that the woman is obliged to spend the night with him, but the man hopes that she will appreciate his generosity.

Some secrets of male psychology

It has long been known that the representatives of the stronger and weaker sex differ in nature. Therefore, women should not expect from men what they cannot give them. In order for relationships to develop harmoniously, girls must take into account some of the characteristics of men.

Young people do not know how to violently show delight and admiration, they prefer to hide their emotions. Even a minor compliment can be regarded as the highest praise. A woman is unlikely to hear words in excellent form.

Almost all men love to interrupt. They do this not on purpose and do not want to offend or belittle the interlocutor. This type of communication occurs on a subconscious level. The brain of a man is arranged in such a way that he is looking for a solution. Therefore, while the girl sets out the essence of the question, he may already think over the answer and skip the information that, in his opinion, is unnecessary.

When talking with a man, you must first state the main idea, and only then proceed to discuss the details.

Young people love to argue, but a woman should not take this as a quarrel or disagreement. You do not need to prove anything to a man if the question is not fundamental. It is much wiser to agree with him and admit the correctness of his arguments.

When a tense situation arises, it is enough for a woman to touch a man and hug him to extinguish a quarrel. This behavior turns off the logic and tunes it to the emotions.

The most valuable thing is deeds!

The behavior of a man who wants a woman is quite predictable. He will look for meetings with her, call after dates, give flowers and gifts. Do not settle for not making sure that the young intention. If he is sure to prove it with his actions and actions. And when a man needs one-time sex, he is unlikely to take care of and seek the attention of his passion for a long time. Women should remember this, so as not to experience a bitter feeling of disappointment later.

Strange thing, but in antiquity the cult human body was predominantly a cult of the naked male body. Now it's the other way around. You will only see a photo of a naked man in a gay magazine, but naked woman- it is first of all beautiful, and then erotic. Perhaps the point is that ancient world penis possessed magic power, so it was regularly shown to the gods in order to increase the yield of vineyards. Or that homosexuality in antiquity was considered normal. By the way, who has more beautiful genitals - a man or a woman? But I digress...

On the one hand, women have won - their body is erected in modern world into a cult. On the other hand, they lost. Because they have nothing to look at (except for themselves in the mirror). I don’t believe that all the girls I know will wrinkle their noses at the sight of a photograph of beautiful bathers or sleeping in beautiful pose naked man. It is unlikely - they will begin to examine the picture as intently as I examine the bathers. There is something that draws them to opposite sex, in addition to the instinct of procreation?

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Yulia Sonina, editor, 35 years old

IN next life I would like to be born a man. To finally master the preference, the urinal, drink four times my current dose without suffering a hangover the next morning, and have a penis. Obviously there is something to it. I personally do not know a single man who would like to become a woman. Even if he thinks it would be nice to have a penis a couple of centimeters longer or thicker, he will never give up what he has. Even if the sex ended as soon as it began, and you are up to orgasm, as before the cluster of galaxies Able 2218 (located at a distance of two billion light years from the Earth), he is well done, a hero, he got up. In my opinion, the first glimpses of love for one's neighbor, which are expressed in pleasing a woman, appear in men by the age of thirty. At this age, they stop thinking in one place and accidentally notice that sometimes it is just as pleasant to wake up with a woman as it is to fall asleep. Before that, men have to spend all the potential of love, cunning and sociability on building relationships with their dignity. And I understand them. If we are in tender age growing breasts are embarrassing, then what stress they should experience at first, watching morning after morning the process of turning a limp lump of flesh of a strange configuration into a solid uncontrollable structure. True, in this form, this body really arouses sympathy and interest. The penis, which has become a phallus, completes the figure of a man. Now everything in it is functional, perfect and, excluding slippers, corresponds to the idea of ​​​​nature. The man is the aggressor. Of course, there are more than enough aggressive women today, but female aggression from the point of view of anatomy is not supported by anything.

Maria Evseeva, photo editor, 27 years old

I love men for their simplicity. With men, in general, everything is easier - it is easier to communicate, easier to make friends, easier to understand their motives and thoughts. And even when it comes to the beauty of the body, men are much simpler. Think for yourself - a woman, in order to be considered beautiful, needs to work on a whole bunch of parameters: elastic chest, thin waist, slender legs, rounded hips, graceful hands, slightly tanned skin... The list goes on for a very long time. Men are different! Have you ever seen a man who would be concerned about the fact that he has ugly knees? Thank God I didn't come across them. The only part of the body that all men really care about is their penis. But after all, everything is much simpler with him than with numerous components. female beauty and sexuality. Because when it comes to sex, most men goes the standard scheme is used: the eyes see, the hands touch - the man is excited. All! Imagine how easy it is! A man will never refuse sex just because he is wearing the “wrong” underpants or there is no epilation. And he will not think during sex about whether his hips look profitable in this position. He will just enjoy the process. That is why I love men so much - their body and their physiology in general.

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Anush Khanum, doctor, 38

The male member is not such a simpleton as it might seem at first glance. His talent is revealed in the farce genre, which requires a huge amount of self-irony. The penis resembles Gogol's character (it wasn't a nose, oh, not a nose!), who from time to time begins to live a life separate from his master and, moreover, to subordinate his life to himself. From many men I have heard complaints of uncontrolled erections. How they were ready to collapse from shame, standing at the blackboard in the classroom, making a presentation at a conference or daydreaming on the beach. Others, on the contrary, accused their pet of laziness and inaction. At Dovlatov, a woman reproachfully throws to her lover: “Not only did he not stand. He didn't even lie with you. He rolled." And, mind you, they are talking about him as a separate person. This cute object, with the stubbornness of a snake-tempter, begins to push immature minds to all sorts of sexual adventures: not noticing anything around, from the time of the first erection to the tomb (whoever is lucky), the man tries to attach the object under any pretext. Here the tail is wagging the dog. And what kind of male power can we talk about when a kick from the foot in groin can cut down even the most aggressive kingpin? Why do they need this turned inside out and absolutely defenseless parody of the female reproductive system?

Unable to withstand the test of two principles of architecture - convenience and strength - it can only participate in the "beauty" nomination. I don't know about you, but it makes me happy. By the way, several of my novels nearly burned down in initial stage when, when looking at an object, I had a wild hysteria. I am amused by the variety - no, not even the sizes - but the forms. Trunk, pointer "To you, citizen, to the left", invocative sign "Kom tsu peace". As well as all kinds of eggplants, carrots, zucchini, petit gherkins and other agricultural products. How can you not laugh? But do you know why I still fall in love? Because it usually comes with good man with a sense of humor.

Elena Tol, sales manager, 35 years old

I like it very much male body, masculine scent. I love harmoniously built men: straight legs (crooked - do not excite!), Broad (but in moderation!) Shoulders, developed (but not too much!) Muscles, large and not short arms, correct form head and neck... But if you have to choose between a perfectly built man and a man with a belly, I will not hesitate to choose the second. Men with a tummy (small, neat, like my husband's) are my weakness. The tummy is, in my opinion, so touching! Material proof that in front of me is a living person. With their little flaws. It is possible, for example, that he works a lot, and therefore he does not have time to play sports. It is also possible that he likes to eat and maybe also drink. In general, you can live with such a man. And you can have offspring. He will not take a steam bath because of his appearance, disappear in the evenings in a fitness club and forever assert himself. We will cook together Tasty food and drink. He will love me.

I don't like at all thin men they make me suspicious. Is he not eating well because he is unwell or too nervous? Or does he not have enough money for food? Be that as it may, I would hardly want to have sex and give birth to a child to such a man. I am not drawn to large individuals with a pile of muscles either - it seems to me that such a man will ... crush me like a truck, literally and figuratively. Suppress my identity, not protect. A overweight men cause me friendly sympathy, but no more. There is a fat friend in my life, he once actively courted me. Very kind and wonderful person soft toy, warm and fluffy. But grown girls don't go to bed with teddy bears.

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Svetlana Kolchik, Deputy editor-in-chief, 33 years old

I've always liked hairy men. The hairier the better. In all places. And unshaven. Ideally three days. Hairless (especially on the chest, arms and legs) men seem sterile and inanimate to me. Like a Ken doll male version Barbie. And our life is already too sterile. Shower morning and evening. Antiperspirants, deodorants, condoms, antibacterial wipes. Brazilian epilation. Man in a case. We think, analyze, plan too much. Touching a hairy man is for me almost a return to a cave, to prehistoric times, when people lived by instinct. And the females chose the male not by the make of the car, but by the smell and hairiness. The mane on the body is testosterone. It is strength, basic instinct. But, to be honest, I also like successful men. I find it incredible sexy man in an expensive, well-fitting business suit, without a tie, the first button of the shirt is unbuttoned, and from there ... Exactly! crawl out dark hair. They signal to me that in front of me is not only a man in a case, but also a man, a male. And I immediately want to unbutton the next button, and the next ... The only thing I do not agree with is the mustache. Kissing a mustachioed man is like kissing a hedgehog. The mustache is some kind of masquerade, a disgrace to Santa Claus. And I love real men.

Ekaterina Chumerina, correspondent, 27 years old

At the age of 13, from the advice of a more sexually experienced friend Masha, I learned that the main thing in a man is not that the suit fits, but that he has ... curved legs. If like a cavalryman, then very well. This means that he is a passionate lover, loves spontaneous sex, can finish a huge number of times during the night and is always ready, like a pioneer. Long years I considered this rule an axiom and did not take straight-legged men for men at all. Confirmed the theory of my first man. His legs were crooked enough for me to agree to lose my virginity with him. Everything came together - mexican passions, sleepless nights... Then there were several more bow-legged, but here already with varying success: one "wheeled" to its fullest, the other only on holidays and without extreme sports. So I stopped being a hostage to crooked legs, and my attention switched to noses and priests. Everything can be fine in a man, but if the butt is flat, hanging or like a saddle, then he immediately loses 50 percent of his charm. Butt should be like a tough nut to crack! And here even my most eloquent fans will not convince me. By the noses, they say, you can determine the length and shape of the penis (and even the head) of a man. And rightly so - I never missed. Miniature noses, very thin and snub noses have crumbs in their pants. Long, wide, fleshy (within reason, of course) - everything is in good shape there. It’s more difficult with aquiline noses - I don’t know, they didn’t fly. In general, look down and up and you may find a lot in common.

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Alena Isaeva, fashion director, 41 years old

It is the hands - and not the eyes, and not the penis, and not the priest, - business card men. Man's hands– the way to my heart and to everything else. Size, shape, color - at the meeting they are evaluated immediately, the verdict is irrevocably pronounced. Small, narrow, white, with fingers like miniature milk sausages... What can be done with the owner of such hands? Once I came to interview, in front of me sat a man with small white hands. His fingers were short and slightly crooked. He did not have time to open his mouth, as I realized that I could not be in the same room with this man for a single minute. I was overcome by an inexplicable feeling that in front of me ... a serial killer! Hands are directly related to the character of a man. Small feminine palms - weak-willed, sluggish, petty nature. Too manicured nails, perfectly polished, with clear varnish- A selfish, selfish narcissist. strong wide male palm, not necessarily with long aristocratic fingers - it's sexy and beautiful. The owner of such hands seems reliable, generous, courageous. He's a man. But no less important is how he uses his hands. My friend fell in love with her future husband when she saw him pick up a camera. Recently I met a man who is very interesting and outwardly attractive. His hands were beautiful, with long well-groomed fingers. He invited me to a restaurant, they brought us wine and bread. My companion half-squeamishly took a piece of bread with two fingers, then in exactly the same way - a glass of wine and a napkin. I almost felt sick. I imagined how he touched me - unmanly, suspiciously, with two fingers ... Terribly asexual. A man's hands are not meant to be touched. They are made to take.