Mustaches in girls: how to get rid of? All options. Photo of fashionable male mustache. Men's mustache view - photo

This option is supported by the fact that most girls prefer clean-shaven men. You also need to take good care of your beard. Are you sure you have time for this? Therefore, the first type of beard is its absence.

short stubble

It is enough not to shave for two or three days. If you want light unshaven to be yours corporate identity, buy a trimmer and constantly trim the length of new hairs. Only then will the bristles look neat. And another tip: completely remove the hair that grows below the Adam's apple to look stylish.

Medium bristles

A few more days and you will have stubble on your face middle length in 3–5 mm. It is very important that it does not look like you have gone on a week-long binge. Remember that the cheeks (if hair appears there too) should always be clean-shaven, at least partially. Otherwise, sexuality turns into slovenliness.

Long bristles

The bristles are 6–7 mm long. This is not just unshaven, but almost a full beard. Therefore, it is much more difficult to care for her than the previous ones. The trimmer comes to the rescue again: trim the stubble every few days, and everything will be fine. We also completely remove the hair that grows above the lower third of the face and that climbs onto the Adam's apple.

classic beard

The perfect beard in the classic sense. To grow such a beard, you will need quite a lot of time and patience. It’s better to go on vacation altogether so as not to scare friends or colleagues with your strange appearance (especially if you have always been clean-shaven).

When the hair grows to desired length(after 4-5 weeks), it's time to give the beard the right and nice shape. It is best to contact a professional and sign up for a good barbershop. The master will take into account all your wishes - and the perfect beard is ready!

french fork

Classic beard, but with a twist: her Bottom part shaped like a French fork with two tines. Hence the name.

Duck tail

Another variation of the classic beard. As you may have guessed, it got its name due to the fact that the lower part looks like a duck's tail. Today it is a very, very popular type of beard.

Round beard

A simplified version of the classic beard with a neat rounded shape. The main plus is that such a beard does not require complex care: the hair retains its beauty for quite a long time. round shape and stay tidy.


A small beard starting under the lower lip and extending across the width of the chin. It looks demonic, especially in combination with shaved sideburns.

Robert Pattison

Hollywood beard

A beard with which you definitely will not go unnoticed. We owe this beautiful combination of mustaches and beards to the Emperor of France, Charles Louis Napoleon Bonaparte: it was he who introduced the fashion for such original vegetation.

Van Dyke

The beard style is named after the Flemish portrait painter Anthony van Dyck. This is a simple combination of a spiky beard and a thin mustache.

The lines of the beard and mustache should be clear, even and neat. Tracking Van Dyke-style vegetation isn't easy, but it's worth it.

sea ​​anchor

The beard runs along the jaw line and joins in a small strip under the lower lip. Cheeks and temples should be carefully shaved.

Orlando Bloom


A very unusual kind of beard was named after the Italian military and political figure of the last century, Italo Balbo.

This is a wide beard with “fragments” neatly shaved on both sides and with a base under the lower lip. In addition, you need to leave a neat mustache.

Robert Downey Jr.

Wide tanks

Style for those who like long and thick sideburns. The chin always remains clean, but what to do with the mustache (to shave or not to shave?) - decide for yourself.

It is important that the lower edge of the sideburns clearly coincide with the lower line of the chin.

Fused wide tanks

A neater and more modest version of the previous style. The sideburns are not as thick and end approximately in the middle of the chin. To support desired shape sideburns, use a trimmer. The chin, in turn, must be perfectly shaved.


Cool and real stylish look for a man who likes to attract attention. Verdi is a beard round shape with partially shaved cheeks and a bushy mustache.

The mustache extends beyond the corners of the mouth by no more than 1.5 centimeters, and the length of the beard does not exceed 10 centimeters (measured from lower lip). Remember: the mustache must be perfect! Well-groomed and laid.

The style got its name in honor of Giuseppe Fortunino Francesco Verdi, the great Italian composer.

Eric Bandholtz

Thick and long beard, thick and long mustache - this is the style of Bandholz. All you need is just not to shave. Very, very, very long time not to shave. And only occasionally trim your beard and mustache a little so that they are cute and neat.

The style is named after Eric Bandholz, who one day quit his job because management forbade him to grow a long beard. Today, Eric is the owner of the world famous company male cosmetics Beardbrand.

Infographics and photos:

A properly selected beard is a plus for male attractiveness, masculinity and intelligence. And what do we know about handsome men with a beard, attractive brutal men?

That's right, girls pay attention to them - a good reason to grow a beard, make a fashionable beard and mustache haircut, (photo below)!

Have you seen the bikers and Metallika fans? They look intimidating, but stylish. Men's beards, styles girls like - this is important. Want to see the right haircuts, beautiful men's beards, photo Hollywood stars presented to your attention.

A beard will go to everyone, except for the owners small face, so we advise you to arm yourself with a razor and remove the growing one. She will reduce the face, which does not look aesthetically pleasing.

It is worth considering that not everyone is suitable for dense facial hair. But don't get upset. For every man - there is an individual style.

Following the advice from the article, you will choose an individual style for yourself that will hide flaws and emphasize dignity.

Also get acquainted with different beard styles, photos and names are presented below.

In contact with

An improperly chosen style will make you an untidy dork, even like a homeless person. People will bypass you, and the girls will not even look in your direction.

So don't be in a hurry to make your hair look like your favorite celebrity. Before choosing a beard cut for yourself - determine the type of face.

  1. Oval. Men with an oval face type - rejoice. Guys with other types will envy you. Experiments? No problem. This type will suit any style and look!
  2. Cordate. Pay attention to triangular type- this is for you.
  3. Brilliant or diamond shaped. Dense vegetation will not suit you. Look at Wolverine - you will come in handy!
  4. Oblong. In the form of a horseshoe or classic sideburns - what you need! In no case do not shave the types of beards in men (photo below), which lengthen the face.
  5. Round. Chubby dream to visually lengthen the face. In this case, we advise them to grow a medium mustache and lower the "goat" or trapezoid (from temple to temple) beard.
  6. Square. For those of whom they say: “muzzle with a brick”, rounded ends will do.
  7. Triangular. Owners of this type dream of expanding the lower, narrowest part of the face. A square, rounded or horseshoe-shaped beard will help them fulfill their dreams.
  8. Pear or bulb. Grow long sideburns - girls will appreciate it!

Men, remember that the style and look that suits every type has not yet been created! Everything is individual.

Read, memorize, choose.

So, to have stylish male beards go to tips:

  • determine the type of face(types are described above). This main factor, influencing the choice of the shape of the future beard;
  • beard color for men hair thickness, growing on the face. This is also important. Blondes, fair-haired and red-haired boys - allow yourself. Dark-haired (brunets, brown-haired and others) - choose something smaller. If the hairs are thin, then you have to forget about dense thickets;
  • height. Tall guys- indulge in wide beard cuts and styles. Short men - a neat little beard will suit you. Average height- choose the golden mean - you're in luck!

Have you chosen a style for yourself? Congratulations! Scroll on, it's interesting! You will learn the technology of cutting beards and mustaches by visiting the master. Watch the video.

Beard haircut - photos are presented to your attention.

The weak part of humanity (women) is madly afraid of gaining weight. And what is the strong sex afraid of?
According to the results of Internet voting and polls: men are afraid of going bald.

Saying goodbye to every falling hair, men almost cry. The fear that they will turn away from him, bald, is incredibly great. Let's see if the fear is justified. No.

The style is very popular nowadays. A bald head in combination with a properly selected beard is one plus:

  • spending time on a morning shower is three times less;
  • shampoo saving. You need less (only for a beard) - the cost is less;
  • evenly spreading tan
  • "dangerous" look - create an image of a tough nut, the girls will appreciate it;
  • don't shake in fear from the thought of baldness - there is no hair anyway.

Suitable for bald men the following types male beards.

  1. Duck tail.
  2. Screen and Wolverine style.
  3. Duck tail.
  4. Goatee.

The main thing is to choose them according to the type of face. So, a bald head and a beard are a good combination, fears were driven away ... let's move on. Do girls think bald men are handsome, look at the video.

With each passing day, similar beard styles without mustaches are also gaining popularity.

Associate this popularity with the fact that it will take less care because there is no mustache.

And not every girl will like tickling with mustaches during a kiss. This species has many advantages and they are clear from the name.

Examples of haircuts for beards without a mustache:

  • Goatee
  • old dutch. Very dense vegetation from temple to temple. The length can be infinite. Shave your cheeks.
  • Island. Small dotted vegetation under the lower lip.
  • insect style. The ends resemble the antennae or chewed insect.
  • Mini goatee.
  • Lincoln without a mustache. Oval oblong or triangular type - this beard is for you!
  • Klingon. The mustache is shaved off above the lip, leaving parts on the sides, connecting on the sides.
    So, guys, you don't like mustaches? Shave boldly. There are many types, take your pick.

With a mustache

Fact - a beard looks spectacular and more masculine in combination with a mustache. Previously, everyone wore a mustache, but now a man himself has the right to choose - to grow a mustache or not?

Mustache fashion is back, so grow it boldly if you like. The style of the beard and mustache makes every wearer an elegant and independent man.

Mustache Beard Design Examples:

  • Suvorovskaya. In the case of this beard, leave the chin clean. And the sideburns fall just below the lips and rise, growing together with the mustache.
  • Anchor. It got its name for its appearance. How to shave such a beard, you will see in the video.
  • . In honor of the military man from Italy, who first shaved this form of beard in men with a mustache.
  • Short boxed bear. neat lines, thin mustache, sideburns and beard - for this style gained popularity among Hollywood actors.
  • Full or. Thick and voluminous, with a mustache and sideburns. Very suitable tall men. With this style, the sea of ​​brutality is guaranteed. How to make such a beard, look at the video.

Mustaches become fashion element, which is gradually regaining its lost positions not only in Europe, but also in our country. Modern types of male mustaches offer big choice various options that are suitable for any type of face and individual worldview. Every year, the number of men who wear mustaches is rapidly increasing. Of course, this may seem strange and old-fashioned to some, although such people are becoming less and less. Indeed, such an element of the face will certainly make your image courageous and charismatic.

Variety of models

Among the variety of mustaches, there are more chic or relatively simple options. From the first category, we can note such models as chevron, imperial type, handlebar, Fu Manchu, Dali and many others. At the same time, new options regularly appear that can be created by anyone on their own.

Most popular varieties

There are currently some types male mustache which can be considered the most popular and interesting. Each of these options should be considered in more detail. One such option is the chevron type. It is a rather thick mustache with a wide base that covers the entire upper lip as much as possible. A similar model was worn by Joseph Stalin. Another interesting variety is Dali. It was named after the famous painter Salvador Dali. These are long, narrowed mustaches, which, with the help of a special styling, strongly bend upwards. A popular option is a mustache in English style. They are made narrow and start from the center of the upper part of the lip. At the same time, places above the corners of the mouth, as a rule, are carefully shaved.

Among Asian types mustache can be distinguished Fu Manchu. This variant starts from the upper lip and hangs down the sides from the mouth right down to the lower jaw. Often they are made quite long to emphasize their shape. Places above the corners of the mouth are also shaved. A similar model is the Horseshoe. Its difference from Fu Manchu is that the area near the corners of the mouth is not shaved. Here they leave a chic mustache narrow in width that grows along the jawline. In appearance, they resemble an unfolded horseshoe.

Mustaches used to be popular Handlebar. In appearance, they resembled the handlebars of a bicycle. This option can be either long or short. This shape can be achieved by using a special wax. The main requirements are the presence of a long, thick and curved mustache. This style in Lately is starting to gain popularity again. Pretty rare, but at the same time handsome type represent the imperial mustache, which should be very thick. They should grow above the lip and cheeks, and at the same time be directed upwards.

From relatively small mustaches, one can distinguish such species as shade, artist's brush and pencil. The artist's brush type covers the entire area of ​​the mouth. Such whiskers are usually short with somewhat rounded short edges. As for the lampshade, this view is very reminiscent of an artist's brush. The difference here is the edges, which resemble a lampshade. The pencil mustache is thin and narrow. They are usually sheared directly over upper lip. This style is very diverse, and therefore it can be done in different ways.

Another popular variety is pyramidal mustache. They are also considered relatively small. This concept combines a mustache that has a narrowing at the top and an expansion at the bottom, which resembles a pyramid. You can also decorate this view in absolutely every possible way, which makes it very diverse.

Used to be popular toothbrush style. It was a relatively thick mustache, which was shaved clearly in the center above the upper part of the lip in the form of a wide strip. Such a mustache was worn by the famous silent film actor Charlie Chaplin. Also popular among sailors and residents of the north is the walrus style. It is characterized by large, bushy whiskers that hang down all over its mouth. At the same time, they completely cover the mouth.

Mustache, mustache, mustache...

Psychologists believe that the shape of a mustache can determine the character of a person and find out how inclined he is to individuality or, conversely, to imitation. The shape and size of the mustache is primarily determined by the anatomical structure of the face - the size of the nose and lips. So, mustaches can be divided into several categories: long, short, short, curly, lush, narrow, etc.

Lush, but lowered mustache, slightly twisted at the ends (Fig. 5.8), give out a cheerful nature, accustomed to a wild, carefree life, but if necessary, able to make the right decision.

Rice. 5.8. Lush but drooping mustache, slightly curled at the ends

Volumetric long mustaches, located parallel to the floor (Fig. 5.9), give out a businesslike, confident person, a successful entrepreneur and a good-natured family man.

Rice. 5.9. Voluminous long mustaches parallel to the floor

Short mustaches (antennae), as a rule, belong to active, confident and enthusiastic natures (Fig. 5.10). Such people usually do not know how to lose with dignity.

Rice. 5.10. short mustache

The mustache of "Salvador Dali" (Fig. 5.11) is worn by bohemian people who are closely associated with art, who are in search of a new and unusual, trying to stand out both by their actions and appearance.

Rice. 5.11. Mustache "Salvador Dali"


Salvador Dali is a Spanish artist, painter, graphic artist, sculptor, director (Fig. 5.12). One of the most well-known representatives surrealism. In life, he was distinguished by eccentricity and shocking outrageous behavior.

Rice. 5.12. Salvador Dali

Semicircular full mustaches (Fig. 5.13) belong to the "fathers of the families." These are good-natured and balanced people for whom calm and family well-being- life ideal.

Rice. 5.13. Semicircular full mustache

What do we know about such a part of the male image as a mustache and what types of mustaches are there? The fashion for wearing mustaches has been around for many years. Mustaches have always been considered a sign of aristocracy, masculinity and strength. In tsarist times, they were worn by monarchs, nobles, officers. Later, the mustache became a self-evident element of the appearance of a man. Closer to our time, the fashion for a mustache either disappeared or reappeared. And today they are considered a trend of male appearance.

History of popularity

If you want to radically change your style, be sure to start wearing a mustache. At first, you may feel a little uncomfortable, because the new image will not be easy to get used to. But later on, you will most likely like your new image. With a mustache, you will look more determined and masculine.

Mustache Varieties

Mustaches come in different shapes and sizes. There are many types of them. To some extent, every man must have come up with his own individual style of mustache at some point. In this article we will tell you what are the most famous and popular types of mustaches.


These elongated and sharply twisted mustaches bear the name of such a famous creative personality like Salvador Dali. In order to wear this style of mustache, you need to be prepared to spend a lot of time styling it.


Often these are lush mustaches, at first glance resembling a wrapped horseshoe. The mustache should grow along the edges of the corners of the mouth and end only when it reaches the jawline. This form of mustache is typical for many bikers. Also, such a famous actor as Terry Hulk Hogan wears them throughout his life.

A dense mustache, which is located just above the upper lip along its entire length and twists slightly towards the top. They were very fond of wearing by monarchs and nobles, hence their name. It is interesting that Budenov had such a mustache.


Solid large mustache, completely obscuring the upper lip. Tom Selleck enjoys wearing this style of mustache.

fu manchu

This mustache bears the name of the protagonist from the work of the British writer Romer Sachs. A long mustache is released above the upper lip, which should not be shorter than the lower jaw line. At the same time, the hair above the edges of the mouth is carefully shaved, which is hallmark this style.


The name speaks for itself. This form of mustache strongly resembles a lampshade. It is very easy to give a mustache this shape on your own at home in front of a mirror.

The corners of the mouth should be shaved, and the mustache itself should be let go from the middle of the upper lip. They should be thin and long with sharp tips. During the war in England, such mustaches were worn by the military.

Artist's brush

Not long lush mustache, growing along the entire length of the mouth line. With such a mustache, we have seen Brad Pitt more than once. This form is now popular among young people.


A narrow, thin strip of bristles above the upper lip. They were worn in the 40s-50s of the last century by Hollywood actor Clark Gable.

The whiskers are wide at the base and narrow at the top, resembling a pyramid in shape. Very comfortable and popular among men.


Dense little mustache, released right under the nose. Mustache characteristic of Hitler and Charlie Chaplin. They are suitable if a large mustache bothers you.


A large mustache, often completely covering the mouth. These were worn by the famous writer Mark Twain, as well as Friedrich Nietzsche and even Joseph Stalin.


A mustache reminiscent of a bicycle handlebar, as their tips are twisted up in rings. The Italians call them spaghetti mustaches. They were often worn by soldiers during the First World War.

Mustache "only there"

Small almost invisible antennae. In fact, this is just a stubble left above the upper lip. If you hate frequent procedure shaving, then this type of mustache is just for you.

Not all types of male mustaches are listed above. But having an idea about their main types, you can come up with something unique for yourself. Everything here is limited only by your own imagination. Add a pinch of creativity to your life and create a bright, memorable image with a mustache.

Today, mustaches and beards have become a real trend in the world of men's fashion. Clean-shaven men are not held in high esteem these days. It is believed that a young man becomes more sexy and attractive if he has a mustache or a beard (or both). But the choice of mustache and beard is purely individual process, since the wrong shape and length can have the exact opposite effect.

How to choose a mustache

At male population Mustaches have always been popular and in demand. They serve as an ornament and a means for a radical transformation of appearance. After all, with the help of such a detail, you can hide flaws and correct the shape of the face. Mustache haircuts can be very diverse, and it is necessary to select exactly those that will be in harmony with the appearance of a man.

When choosing a mustache shape, you want it to fit perfectly with the features and shape of your face. It is also important to consider the shape of the nose and the position between the chin, mouth and nose. In general, mustache haircuts should be done by professionals who approach each client individually, his appearance and style.

Mustache Varieties

Mustache shapes can vary in size and length. There are almost a hundred types of different types of mustaches. Consider the most popular of them:

  • Dali. This variety was named after the famous artist Salvador Dali and is an elongated mustache that twists up. When choosing this form, you need to know that they require a lot of time for laying.
  • Horseshoe. Such a mustache got its name due to the shape, similar to an inverted horseshoe. They grow along the edges of the corners of the mouth and end when they reach the level of the jaw.
  • Imperial. This form was preferred by monarchs and the nobility. The mustache should be dense and located along the entire length of the lip, their ends twisted up.
  • Chevron. The mustache should be thick, large in size and completely obscure the upper lip.
  • Fu Manchu. The length of these whiskers should be below the level of the jaw. They are released above the upper lip and all hair, of course, except for the mustache, is shaved off.
  • Shade. The simplest and mild form, which you can do yourself at home without resorting to the help of specialists.
  • English. Such mustache cuts were popular among the British military. They are long and thin, they should be released from the middle above the upper lip. The tips of the mustache should certainly be sharp.
  • Artist's brush. Whiskers grow along the entire line of the mouth, not long, but can be quite lush. Today, such mustaches are very popular in youth circles.
  • Pencil. To represent this form, the image of Johnny Depp should be revived in memory. It is he who prefers such a mustache - thin and narrow.
  • Pyramidal. The whiskers are very narrow at the top, where they originate and widen towards the bottom, covering the entire length of the mouth.
  • Toothbrush. They start just under the nose, small width and very thick. Charlie Chaplin and Adolf Hitler preferred these.
  • Walrus. They are large, thick and can completely close their mouths.
  • Handlebar. In their appearance, the mustache is similar to a bicycle handlebar, since their ends are twisted up. The handlebar mustache was popular among soldiers during the First World War.
  • Only there. The question of how to cut a mustache does not arise with this form, because in fact it is just stubble that was left to grow over the upper lip. Such mustaches are adored by men who do not like to shave.

Mustache care tips

Haircut of a beard and mustache is a matter for professionals, since only a master can do perfect shape suitable for the appearance and oval of the face. But there are also generally accepted rules that you should know. The sharp tips of the mustache should always be milled with a sharp razor. Thinning with scissors should be done to make the mustache less lush. It is carried out strictly along the bottom edge.

Before cutting the mustache, they need to be combed in different directions. After that, the excess length can be removed with scissors and the mustache combed from the center to the left and right to give it shape. You can also use tongs to shape. They should be flat and have stable heating.

Mustaches and beards should only be trimmed dry. Otherwise, there is a risk of getting a huge difference between what you wanted to get from a mustache trim and the final appearance.

Mustache Trimmer Tools

Cutting a beard and mustache requires some preparation, or rather, the availability of the necessary tools. In order to trim your beard and / or mustache at home, you need a trimmer, scissors, comb-comb and, of course, a mirror.

Scissors are used to align the mustache and/or beard line and cut off protruding hairs. It is recommended to use a professional tool, but its price is quite high.

Mustache trimmer is universal tool, which can be used to trim mustaches, beards and even hair. For this, trimmers are equipped with special nozzles. The price of this tool is not very high, so it is available to absolutely everyone.

How to choose a tool

In order to choose the right mustache trimmer, you need to familiarize yourself with several principles and rules.

  • If the hair is very coarse, you need to choose a model with a blade that is adjustable in length. In the presence of soft and obedient hair it's not obligatory.
  • Depending on the area of ​​​​use, you can choose wired or Today there are even models for a car that can be powered by a cigarette lighter.
  • In one set with a trimmer, you can immediately purchase tools and attachments for the care of eyebrows, hair in the nose and ears, etc. They cost more, but they are equipped with all the items for caring for vegetation on the head.
  • The tool should fit well in the hand and be comfortable.

How to trim your mustache

And now - about the process itself.

  1. It is necessary to comb the mustache so that they lie in one continuous, even line.
  2. With a trimmer (in vertical position) define the contour of the mustache.
  3. We make a frame, holding the trimmer with the marking side towards us.
  4. Holding the trimmer away from you with the marking side, we process the line of the mustache and lips, thereby giving the vegetation the desired contour.
  5. We make the final shape by holding the tool with the blade towards us.
  6. To fix the shape of the mustache, you can use special wax.

There are many great and luxury styles and mustache shapes, including the famous "General Li", "Fu Manchu", "Dictator" mustache, "Hollywood" mustache, "Hero" mustache and others. Below you can see just some of the mustache styles.

It is important to note that the greatness of the mustache is that a new style can be created every day by any mustachioed man…. and sometimes a woman.


Thick and wide mustaches, as a rule, completely cover the upper lip.


Narrow long mustache, curved steeply upwards. Named after the painter Salvador Dali.

English mustache

Narrow long mustache starting from the middle of the upper lip. The area above the corners of the mouth is usually shaved.

fu manchu

Mustache starting above the upper lip and hanging down to the lower part of the jaw. They usually grow very long. The area above the very corners of the mouth is shaved, which distinguishes this mustache style from the Horseshoe style (see below)

Mustache "Handlebar"

Mustache "Handlebar" (from English - handlebar: "bike handlebar") can be either long or short. This is due to the fact that such a mustache should be thick and long with the tips curled up, which can be achieved using mustache wax.


Full mustache, equal in width, growing to the jaw line, similar to an inverted horseshoe. Whiskers grow around the edges of the mouth in a horseshoe shape, sometimes called "pipes". This mustache style should not be confused with the Fu Manchu style. IN this case the area above the corners of the mouth is not shaved.

Thick mustache growing above the lip and on the cheeks, stretching upwards.


A mustache similar to the "Artist's Brush" style, but with corners slightly reminiscent of the shape of a lampshade.

"Artist's brush"

Thick whiskers covering the entire width of the mouth, usually short with slightly rounded edges.


Thin, narrow mustache trimmed above the upper lip. This style can be arranged in different ways, as shown above.

The general name for a mustache that is narrow at the top and wide at the bottom, resembling a pyramid. This style can also be formed in various ways.

Thick mustache, shaved in a wide strip in the center above the lip.


Large, thick, drooping whiskers across the entire width of the mouth. Often completely cover the mouth.

Mustaches for men are something sacred and untouchable. Such beauty grows for a long time and takes care of it even longer. Sometimes men are so proud of facial hair and get used to it that they wear it for years, decades or their whole lives. Many actors, directors and singers also did not escape a similar fate.

And since famous people they are almost always in sight, their mustaches become almost a trademark and few people can imagine them without a familiar element on their faces. Let's pretend and see.

Mikhail Boyarsky

Probably, it is Boyarsky who is the most famous mustachioed man in our country. But even with his mustache there were incidents. “Before the filming of the film “D’Artagnan and the Three Musketeers”, I long and painfully grew a mustache, but on the very first day, curling them, the make-up artist burned the pride of the musketeer. I had to glue artificial ones until my own grew back, ”Boyarsky said.

He began to grow a mustache young age and without them looked like this.

Another world-famous barbel. True, his mustache is unlikely to make anyone smile.

Stalin grew them out as soon as the opportunity arose, and has never shaved them off since. A general secretary without a mustache can only be seen at a young age.

Igor Nikolaev

Long light curls and dark mustache - this is the unchanging image of the singer. However, he himself claims that he did not create an image on purpose, but he no longer imagines himself without a mustache. “I think all changes should relate to creativity, what is inside a person. And what grows on the face is already from the field of physiology, ”said Nikolaev.

“Since I grew a mustache, I have shaved it only once, before taking the oath.”

Nikita Mikhalkov

A director without a mustache is not represented not only by the audience, but also by own daughter. Once Nadia Mikhalkova said in an interview: “I would be upset if he shaved them off. Previously, I did not like what pricks when dad kisses. And now I like dad so much that I can’t imagine him without a mustache.”

But the director and actor began his career as a beardless one.

Leonid Yakubovich

The TV presenter has become a kind of brand of the Field of Miracles program, and of the entire First Channel, largely thanks to his mustache. In one of the programs, a participant working as an insurance agent insured Yakubovich's mustache.

Leonid Arkadyevich grew fashion accessory at a fairly mature age.

Many of the actor is familiar precisely in the stage image with a signature mustache.

But in life, Chaplin did not wear a mustache and looked not at all like a comedian, but like an attractive playboy.

For a long time, many historians believed that the Fuhrer wore a mustache with a brush, following fashion. This myth was dispelled by the writer Alexander Fry, who served with Hitler. Like all other colleagues, Hitler was ordered to trim his mustache, because they could interfere with putting on a gas mask.

Until that moment, the future Fuhrer wore a lush Prussian mustache.

Hitler was completely beardless only in his teens.

Hulk Hogan

The wrestler is the bearer of Fu Manchu's signature mustache, without which it is already impossible to imagine him.

It is not surprising that Hogan decided to grow a mustache: without them, he does not look like an awesome wrestler, but a cute bumpkin.

The genius of mathematics and physics became the prototype of a real professor thanks to his tousled hair and thick mustache.

Einstein never shaved his mustache, so without them you can only see him in childhood photographs.

The vocalist of the band Queen most of the time wore a distinctive mustache.

Sometimes Freddie shaved off his mustache. For example, in the last clip, filmed shortly before his death, he appears without a mustache.

Sacha Baron Cohen

The British actor grew a mustache for the role of the Kazakh journalist Borat, and this is how he remained in the memory of the audience.

Now Cohen goes without a mustache.

Clark Gable

In most films, the American actor starred with a mustache, which definitely gave his image more masculinity.

However, even without the mustache, Gable also appeared on the screens.

The surrealist mustache is perhaps the most recognizable in the world.

Just like many others, Dali grew a mustache at the first opportunity, so his shot without a mustache is a real rarity.

Saddam Hussein

The mustache of the former leader of the Iraqi Republic became so inseparable from his image that, hiding from the Americans, he even shaved it off, leaving one beard.

Like others oriental men, Hussein grew a mustache as soon as the opportunity arose, and therefore, in a beardless state, he can only be seen in childhood.

The Cuban revolutionary sported perhaps the most iconic mustache and beard.

Ernesto Che Guevara shaved for quite some time until he threw himself into the abyss of the revolution.

Alexander Lukashenko

Once, Lithuanian oppositionists opposed Lukashenka's visit to their country with banners with the inscription "Mustached entry is prohibited."

Alexander Druz

Master What? Where? When?" made a mustache his invariable attribute, which many consider even a talisman.

Shaved Friends can only be seen in the photo of youthful times.

Friedrich Nietzsche

The German philosopher and writer grew such a dense and unusual mustache that he became an example for many of his contemporaries to follow.

Without a mustache, Nietzsche did not look so serious and intimidating at all.

Frank Zappa

The rock musician also invented the signature mustache shape.

And so Zappa was a decent young man.

Armen Dzhigarkhanyan

The mustache has become such a familiar part of the actor's appearance that, without looking at the photo, you can wonder if he has them.

David Suchet

Everyone knows the British actor in the image of Hercule Poirot with a small mustache.

Seeing a photo of Suchet without a mustache, you can even experience a slight disappointment.

Danny Trejo

Mustaches with lowered tips, like many of the heroes of our reportage, have become calling card actor.

Today, mustaches and beards have become a real trend in the world. male fashion. Clean-shaven men are not held in high esteem these days. It is believed that a young man becomes more sexy and attractive if he has a mustache or a beard (or both). But choosing a mustache and beard is a purely individual process, since the wrong shape and length can have a completely opposite effect.

How to choose a mustache

Mustaches have always been popular and in demand among the male population. They serve as an ornament and a means for a radical transformation of appearance. After all, with the help of such a detail, you can hide flaws and correct the shape of the face. Mustache haircuts can be very diverse, and it is necessary to select exactly those that will be in harmony with the appearance of a man.

When choosing a mustache shape, you want it to fit perfectly with the features and shape of your face. It is also important to consider the shape of the nose and the position between the chin, mouth and nose. In general, mustache haircuts should be done by professionals who approach each client individually, his appearance and style.

Mustache Varieties

Mustache shapes can vary in size and length. There are almost a hundred types different types mustache. Consider the most popular of them:

  • Dali. This variety was named after the famous artist Salvador Dali and is an elongated mustache that twists up. When choosing this form, you need to know that they require a lot of time for laying.
  • Horseshoe. Such a mustache got its name due to the shape similar to an inverted one. They grow along the edges of the corners of the mouth and end when they reach the level of the jaw.
  • Imperial. This form was preferred by monarchs and the nobility. The mustache should be dense and located along the entire length of the lip, their ends twisted up.
  • Chevron. The mustache should be thick, large in size and completely obscure the upper lip.
  • Fu Manchu. The length of these whiskers should be below the level of the jaw. They are released above the upper lip and all hair, of course, except for the mustache, is shaved off.
  • Shade. The simplest and easiest form that you can do yourself at home without resorting to the help of specialists.
  • English. Such mustache cuts were popular among the British military. They are long and thin, they should be released from the middle above the upper lip. The tips of the mustache should certainly be sharp.
  • Artist's brush. Whiskers grow along the entire line of the mouth, not long, but can be quite lush. Today, such mustaches are very popular in youth circles.
  • Pencil. To represent this form, the image of Johnny Depp should be revived in memory. It is he who prefers such a mustache - thin and narrow.
  • Pyramidal. The whiskers are very narrow at the top, where they originate and widen towards the bottom, covering the entire length of the mouth.
  • Toothbrush. They start just under the nose, small width and very thick. Charlie Chaplin and Adolf Hitler preferred these.
  • Walrus. Have big size, thick and can completely close the mouth.
  • Handlebar. In their appearance, the mustache is similar to a bicycle handlebar, since their ends are twisted up. The handlebar mustache was popular among soldiers during the First World War.
  • Only there. The question of how to cut a mustache does not arise with this form, because in fact it is just stubble that was left to grow over the upper lip. Such mustaches are adored by men who do not like to shave.

Mustache care tips

Haircut of a beard and mustache is the business of professionals, since only a master can make the perfect shape that suits the appearance and oval of the face. But there are also generally accepted rules that you should know. The sharp tips of the mustache should always be milled with a sharp razor. Thinning with scissors should be done to make the mustache less lush. It is carried out strictly along the bottom edge.

Before you cut your mustache, you need to comb it in different sides. After that, the excess length can be removed with scissors and the mustache combed from the center to the left and right to give it shape. You can also use tongs to shape. They should be flat and have stable heating.

Mustaches and beards should only be trimmed dry. Otherwise, there is a risk of getting a huge difference between what you wanted to get from a mustache trim and the final appearance.

Mustache Trimmer Tools

Cutting a beard and mustache requires some preparation, or rather, the presence necessary tools. In order to trim your beard and / or mustache at home, you need a trimmer, scissors, comb-comb and, of course, a mirror.

Scissors are used to line the mustache and/or beard line and cut off protruding hairs. It is recommended to use professional tool but the price is quite high.

The mustache trimmer is a versatile tool that can be used to trim mustaches, beards, and even hair. For this, trimmers are equipped with special nozzles. The price of this tool is not very high, so it is available to absolutely everyone.

How to choose a tool

In order to choose the right mustache trimmer, you need to familiarize yourself with several principles and rules.

  • If the hair is very coarse, you need to choose a model with a blade that is adjustable in length. If you have soft and manageable hair, this is not necessary.
  • Depending on the area of ​​​​use, you can choose wired or Today there are even models for a car that can be powered by a cigarette lighter.
  • In one set with a trimmer, you can immediately purchase tools and attachments for the care of eyebrows, hair in the nose and ears, etc. They cost more, but they are equipped with all the items for caring for vegetation on the head.
  • The tool should fit well in the hand and be comfortable.

How to trim your mustache

And now - about the process itself.

  1. It is necessary to comb the mustache so that they lie in one continuous, even line.
  2. Using a trimmer (in a vertical position), we determine the contour of the mustache.
  3. We make a frame, holding the trimmer with the marking side towards us.
  4. Holding the trimmer away from you with the marking side, we process the line of the mustache and lips, thereby giving the vegetation the desired contour.
  5. We make the final shape by holding the tool with the blade towards us.
  6. To fix the shape of the mustache, you can use special wax.