What do oriental men like. "Eastern wives": real stories and important rules

There are legends about the beauty of Russian women. Russian girls look after themselves very carefully, they like to visit salons and fitness centers. This is what attracts. Oriental men also pay attention to their exotic appearance - light skin, blond hair and blue or gray eyes. In eastern countries, this is considered very rare. Women who married representatives of the East and moved to, that they are often noticed on the street. Often, Eastern men start relationships with Russians to show off their “curiosity”.

Often Eastern men marry Russians for material reasons. Russian women do not require a marriage ransom, gold and expensive clothes.

Oriental men are famous for their firmness, strength of character and ability to seduce even the most impregnable representatives of the opposite sex. First of all, they idolize their family, mother and beloved woman.

Distinctive features of the Eastern man

A brunette with burning eyes, a bright appearance, a stormy temperament and bold deeds - isn't it the dream of most women? In southern countries, girls feel like queens, because oriental men admire them. Why are they so attractive? As a rule, they are courteous and know how to win a woman, no matter what it costs them. Tenderness, attentiveness, care and perseverance are exactly what a girl is looking for in her future life partner.

However, the medal also has a downside. Do not forget that men pay attention not only to the appearance, but to the behavior of a woman. An Eastern man believes that a woman should not only help him in difficult times, but also unquestioningly fulfill his desires. The beloved must be faithful and give the children proper education. A woman in the East is the keeper of the family hearth, and a man is a breadwinner and conqueror. For many European women, such humility and devotion to their man is unacceptable, because they want to reach career heights on their own. In addition, men and women in the countries of the East lead a separate lifestyle, which also applies to public places. As a rule, Eastern girls live in a world closed to men.

One of the main virtues of an oriental man is discipline. Most Muslims believe in God and believe that the main purpose of life is to fulfill the will of Allah. Faith in God helped to develop in the men of the East the ability to control themselves, which helps in many areas of life.

What kind of woman does an oriental man need

Every man wants to know that he is loved and expected at home. For an oriental man, not only comfort in the house is important, but also the fidelity of his wife. An unfaithful wife dishonors her husband and is subjected to various punishments according to the laws of Islam. Eastern men are very proud and honor the opinion of their family. An important wish of a Muslim is a good relationship with his parents. An oriental man is very powerful and jealous, so the beauty of his woman should belong to him alone, and not attract the attention of strangers.

If your chosen one is of oriental blood, you will most likely have to forget about short skirts and T-shirts. In your wardrobe should appear things that cover the shoulders, elbows, knees and chest. A smart and strong woman should be next to a Muslim, but he will dominate the relationship. Think about the fact that the family is a complete mutual understanding that you need to strive for. Trust your feelings and you will have a strong long-term relationship with an oriental man.

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Since ancient times, the beauty of Russian women has been admired. Slavic beauties know how to properly monitor their appearance, and constantly resort to their secrets. That is why Eastern men often marry Russian girls.

The positive aspects of the marriage of a Russian girl with an oriental man

Foreign suitors are also flattered by the ability to be submissive, economic and accommodating. This applies not only to everyday life, but also to the intimate life of a couple. Compared to Eastern women, Russian beauties are more liberated in terms of sex and often dominate, from which they know how to enjoy.

Marriage with an oriental man will be quite strong and reliable. The fact is that men from the east are sure that they are the defenders of the family, the earners and breadwinners. They will never demand from their wife assistance in making money. When they get married, they take full responsibility for their spouse and their children. In addition, such families are rarely poor.

Foreigners are very generous towards. They allow themselves to present their chosen one with expensive gifts and jewelry. Most often, mercenary girls are led to this, without being aware of the further development of their relationship.

The negative aspects of the marriage of a Russian woman and an Eastern man

Almost all Eastern men are against their women working. The wife, in their opinion, should only do household chores, manage the household and raise children. In a relationship, the husband will always be the main one. The wife is obliged to help him in everything, not to argue and to fulfill his will.

A Muslim family with many children implies the presence of four, five, or even six children. So a woman should also be ready for this. Moreover, in the event of a divorce, a representative of the weaker sex is unlikely to be able to take her child from her father.

In the East, as you know, families are very large. And the newly-made wife is obliged to respect all the relatives of her husband, whether she likes them or not. Sisters, aunts, grandmothers will now and then actively participate in the development of relationships in your family.

Virginity is a very important indicator for Eastern men and for normal relationships in your future family.

The free independent movement of a Russian woman through the streets of a foreign country is prohibited by Muslims. A woman does not have the right to go shopping alone, meet friends or just go for a walk. She must always be accompanied by her husband, or with an older male relative.

Should Russian girls marry Eastern men?

Like any other human relationship, marriage with an oriental man has its pros and cons. Still, such family ties contain more negative sides than positive ones, however, each woman imagines an ideal relationship in her own way.

If a girl has been brought up since childhood and lived according to Christian principles, she is unlikely to be able to become real and get used to other people's traditions and customs.

To marry an oriental man or not, it's up to you. However, before such a serious step, you need to clearly weigh all the positive and negative aspects of this union.

October 8, 2007

Victoria (Sweden):Reflections on the theme of relationships and marriages with Eastern men.

Hello Olga and all readers of your magazine!
Looking through your magazine, I read several letters from women on the topic of dating, relationships and marriage with men from Eastern countries. I remember several women wrote and gave a lot of practical advice regarding those who were going to marry Arabs, Turks, etc. I would like to write my thoughts on this topic.

Like many who have spoken in this magazine, I consider it a great risk and self-sacrifice on the part of a Russian woman to marry an Eastern man and move to a country where the laws of the Eastern world fully protect men. Many, of course, will say that you can run into a European who can also oppress and mock a foreigner. This, unfortunately, is possible. But in a European country there are crisis centers for help and a social system that will not let women who find themselves in a difficult situation disappear. This is not the case in Eastern countries. There, a woman is considered only as belonging to a man and in everything she must unquestioningly obey her husband. Therefore, it is simply pointless to talk about some kind of rights for women. Many women are so in love with their chosen ones that they are ready for anything for the sake of love. And even go to a completely different world, which can be very cruel and unpredictable in relation to women.

Unfortunately, the price is too high, which has to be paid for the fact that life with an oriental man may not work out. And love passes quickly, as many have already said here. But then it's too late to catch on...

Even living in a European country, I had to watch and hear many stories of relationships with Eastern men. Unfortunately, many of them didn't work out. I will give examples.One distant relative of my friend (Swede) met a Turk. He proposed marriage and moved in with her. Some time later, he received a permanent residence permit in Sweden and managed to take most of his relatives to Sweden. Literally a few months later, when all his numerous relatives moved, he filed for divorce from her. After the divorce, he managed to sue something from her, but it seemed to him that this was not enough, so he even tried to appeal the court's decision. He pursued her in every possible way, called, threatened - she even had to change her phone number. Now she remembers it as a terrible dream and a huge mistake in her life.

The second example from the life of a close friendwith whom I have been in contact for over 2 years. She herself is not Swedish, but moved with her parents to Sweden as a child. Naturally, her mentality and way of life is formed like a Swedish one. Her parents were only for her to find a Swede or another European man. But oddly enough, for some reason she wanted to look for oriental men. This may be partly due to the fact that she prefers to cook more Chinese and Thai dishes than Swedish. In addition, she is not indifferent to Indian goods and is generally interested in Eastern religions. So, she met a man from Iraq who came here as a refugee. At first there was friendship, then love, and then he decided to move in with her to live together, then to get married. In Sweden, as in other countries, it is common for people to move in before marriage. After his move, she felt that his attitude had not changed for the better. The love ardor faded, and he began to show his rights. It began with the fact that he asked her to limit contact with her friends, then asked her to call and report on everything, no matter what she did. He constantly tried to control her through a mobile phone. The fact that she is interested in Eastern religions, he perceived as an opportunity for her to convert to the Muslim religion. The last straw of her patience in this relationship was that he strongly wanted to force her to join his religion and wear a veil. Then her patience snapped, and relations with him were severed. Even after the breakup, although it's hard to believe (!), he still calls her and tries to return what was. But a broken vase can no longer be glued together, and she is really glad that such a relationship has come to an end.

I gave these examples for a reason, but because I wanted to emphasize thatEastern men, for the most part do not changeeven though they move to other European countries.Their way of life formed in childhood leaves a big imprint in their lives.. There is such a thing as adaptation, and when people move, they adapt to other living conditions, keeping something from the old and acquiring a lot of new from the life of the country where they moved. But this, as a rule, does not happen among Eastern men. Yes, they master the language, study, find a job, but at the same time, the desire for power and their consideration of women as subordinates is very strongly expressed in their families. Quite often you see here women dressed in a veil, and, in general, speaking little Swedish. Many of them did not even study at a regular school and, having got into courses for foreigners with them, I had to be surprised that a seemingly easy training program was given to them with great difficulty.Their women, despite the move, remain completely powerless and do what their husbands tell them to do.. Of course, I agree, for such women, this seems to be the norm of life, because they were born in such a way, were brought up in such a way and grew up with it. Well, how does a European woman feel when an oriental man suddenly starts to order everything around her ??? Moreover, will he force you to wear medieval attire and control everything?

At the very least, any European will be shocked. Another thing is if an oriental man, having moved to another country, has adapted so much that his dominance and desire to own a woman as a thing is not at all manifested. But I don’t know how realistic it is to meet such an oriental man. Since many have close relatives or other relatives, the latter simply will not allow him to "break away" from the clan. Men from Eastern countries, as a rule, do not make such sacrifices as changing religion, habitual way of life, etc. They are just waiting for sacrifices from Russians or other Europeans who, due to their love and their naivety, are ready to sacrifice a lot in life.

In conclusion of my letter, I would like to give a link to an interesting life story, written by the eyewitness herself and telling about the real life of women from the Eastern world. I read this story for several days, because. very detailed description. I hope that many women who, in a fit of love and passion, are thinking of moving to an eastern country, after reading this story, will think many times before taking such a risky step...

Victoria (Sweden)

"Russians in Sweden"
"Marry an Arab, marry a Muslim"

Send letters to the editorial address - [email protected]
Tatiana (Haifa, Israel):My walks along the shores of the Mediterranean Sea (photo report).

Hello Olya, and the girls are members of the club.
Olya, your photo story inspired me to do some creativity. I live in Israel in the beautiful seaside city of Haifa. I work as an English teacher in high school and, of course, I have very little free time. But when a free couple of hours appears, I go to the sea and walk 9-10 kilometers along the coast. The Mediterranean Sea is very warm and gentle and always helps me to relax and think again about how wonderful the world we live in is and how important it is not to waste our health and nerves on empty and vain things that we are so often preoccupied with without noticing. something more important and global. For me personally, the most important thing in the world is my son, communication with nature, self-development and, of course, my work. Everything else is secondary.

This is a photo report of one of my trips.

Mediterranean Sea.

Just like these lovers walk and breathe
fresh sea air, I walk along the sea for a couple of hours.

Behind was one of the Haifa beaches - Hof Dado.

Some people walk like this.

The children and their instructor kindly agreed to pose.

One of the most beloved Israeli beach sports is rackets.
Both old and young play.

On the way back, it's nice to have a glass of freshly squeezed juice...

Or eat at a restaurant.

Someone prefers to lie and sunbathe,
I am also a supporter of outdoor activities.

Sim finish. Best wishes,
Tatiana (Haifa, Israel)


Exactly for a month, our author Olga Zhilina tried on the role of a submissive oriental wife. All for the sake of her husband. And in order to see if he turns into a hero of a real oriental (or some other) fairy tale.

The life of the women of the East

Practice: If it was only about sex, I would be happy to try. But no, something else is required of me! In the morning, brew coffee and bring it with fresh buns to my “sultan” in bed. And it doesn’t matter that I want to sleep, rocked the child all night or wrote an article! Or here it was with us - today I massage your feet, tomorrow you knead my back. But the experiment does not imply equality, and for a month I have to work hard as a masseuse.


Practice: We divided the household chores among ourselves. And I had no idea how to live differently. But the insidious Ainash paid special attention to this point: “Don’t expect a man who washes floors and bakes pies to load Gazelle with cement and curse plumbers.” On the first evening, Valya wondered why, after the dinner I had prepared, I did not let him wash the plates. The husband very quickly acquired the habit of snoring in front of the TV after a hearty meal.


Practice: According to the tradition of some countries, mothers take care of sons until the age of three, and after this age, the boys go to be raised by their father. Our Tiger cub - that's what we call our son - is not yet 10 months old, and he is at my complete disposal. However, Valya loves to crawl with the baby, twist and throw him to the ceiling and loves to bathe together before going to bed. To deprive them of these joys would be cruel. Sorry Cosmo!


Practice: Looking good at any time of the day is normal for me. But maybe it's worth adding a drop of seductiveness to the image? From the mezzanine I took out silk trousers, a top embroidered with sequins and a belt with bells, which I bought in Egypt five years ago. “Here they come in handy!” my frugality rejoiced as I carried the breakfast tray to the bed of my beloved, jingling melodiously. "What are you dressed up like that for?" - the husband was surprised and clearly thought: "I started something bad." Beauty in Arabic: 10 secrets of Eastern women.


Practice: Raise a man on a pedestal and constantly praise, it seems to me that this mission of Eastern women is impossible. We perceive spouses as partners, friends, lovers, but a deity? Even I, now financially dependent on my husband, could not cultivate awe. And yet he is smart, handsome and kind - for this I fell in love with him. My experiment is an occasion to remind myself and him about this! All month my mouth poured honey. You should have seen his surprise when, having freed himself after a 6-hour fight with virtual monsters, he lay down, and I, usually not hiding my dislike for his computer games, whispered in his ear: “Darling, you are a hero!” Speaking of monsters...


Practice: How many times have I wanted to drag my beloved away from the monitor, close Internet access and erase all games from the hard drive, including Klondike! But at the same time, it was curious how long Valya himself, stunned by the freedom that had fallen on him, would last. After two weeks of active virtual life, a miracle happened. “To go see the apartment tomorrow, or what?” the husband suggested.


Practice: The next morning, at 14 o'clock, the husband was equipped and set sail. An hour later, a call: “There are no more workers in the house!” I'm not surprised. Six months ago, specialists who were doing repairs in neighboring apartments offered us their services, but Valentin said that for that kind of money he would learn the tricks of painting and plastering himself. He did not begin to study, and the workers drove off to new projects. A new plan appeared: “I will do everything myself! Sanya will help. Sanya is a classmate, an alcoholic and a parasite, stubbornly leading Valentine astray. The last time they bathed the birth of the Tiger cub so violently that they were swept up with a bottle of whiskey near the Vykhino metro station and placed in a monkey house. It's scary to leave them unattended! I say: “I understand, you need to meet. Come to us, I will cook lamb in pomegranate sauce and buy red wine!” As it should be oriental woman, with a smile I serve them at the table and do not interfere in men's conversations. In a conversation about repairs, not a word ...

Secrets of Oriental Women: Experiment Results

For 31 nights and days, I, like Scheherazade, pleased my husband, following the above rules. Once the project was on the verge of failure - the Tiger Cub fell ill, and after a sleepless night with a crying baby, I didn’t have the strength to wash, wash, cook and at the same time please my husband’s gaze with my blooming appearance. Fortunately, my husband is not a heartless padishah and did not cut off my head, but cooked a completely edible soup, and also cheered up a cold Tiger and hit the road for groceries. And in the children's polyclinic, he took us in line with the doctor in the morning. What a caring one. During the experiment, I thought a lot about our family and came to the conclusion that my husband is as gouging as I am a dictator, he has as much infantilism as I have leadership habits. What can you do, we are both a product of our civilization! And the life of the women of the East does not suit me.

I noticed…

GOOD: For a month, we never quarreled due to the fact that I controlled my emotions and words (I have to admit: all quarrels are initiated by me)! Valentine rested as he wished, and contented, pacified and rounded, he departed for his watch. The very next day I found a team of workers on the Internet, ordered building materials over the phone and began repairs.

When girls grow into girls and begin to communicate with the opposite sex, dreams are dispelled. Disappointed in the surrounding men, we can begin to dream that somewhere beyond the seven seas they are completely different.

According to the results of a survey of the teamo.ru dating site, in which more than 10,000 women, every third would like to marry a foreigner.

Having learned that Europeans, even very wealthy ones, usually do not overspend, and in some situations even demonstrate excessive frugality (read - greed), in search of a prince, the girls rushed to a generous East. Coverage - from Turkey before United Arab Emirates. Eastern machos like our compatriots of almost any age and with different external data. The language barrier is not a problem. Our women are attracted by their fair skin, thin, soft hair, ability and willingness to

As a result: he is so brutal, temperamental, romantic; she is so gentle, caring and loving. He is ready to provide and give, to the best of her ability and salary, whatever she wants. And everything seems to be fine, but ... There are enough "buts". About everything in order.


Having matured, you need to stop building castles in the air and live in the world of your fantasies. All men are different. Not in different countries, but in general. Negative experiences in their native spaces and special cases from magical overseas fairy tales are not evidence that in Russia men are bad Lebanon or Saudi Arabia- better. We must understand that we are being treated the way we allow ourselves to be treated. If a woman chooses the role of a victim and cannot behave differently, in any other country she will find her tyrant.


The number of Christians in Muslim countries is negligible. Before you start building a relationship, it would be good to understand how important faith is for your chosen one. The point is not the strictness of religious canons - the fact that a man prays five times a day or visits a mosque on major holidays, most likely, you will guess in the very first months. Here you can pay attention to family traditions, rules. If you have big plans, then for the upbringing of children, including their belonging to any confession. If you do not feel ready and able to accept Islam, then this should be considered.


Even neighboring countries can differ significantly: a special flavor, customs and traditions that cannot be ignored.

Relatives and environment

If you are the most incredible and wonderful for your prince, the opinion of relatives may be biased. You are a foreigner for them, a stranger and incomprehensible. On East the influence of older relatives is more significant than in our latitudes. It would be worth preparing for the fact that the paternal grandmother will not sit with her grandchildren.

The language barrier

After years of family life in pairs, the spouses no longer communicate so closely with each other. This happens when a relationship is overtaken by a crisis, but this is hardly the norm. spouses talk, discuss topics of interest to both, solve problems and so on. If you can't find a common language, both literally and figuratively, the relationship can be very difficult.


In general, before you start running your finger over the map of the eastern state, you need to properly study everything that you have to face. Get acquainted with life, relatives and friends and see if you can fit into Eastern life.