The most beautiful piles. Types and shapes of female breasts. The most beautiful breast size

There are no two identical people in the world, for this reason each woman can have different types of breasts. Each person is unique, and differs from others both externally and internally. No person should be classified according to any criteria. But still, in some cases, people have some similar appearance features, and therefore the types of body parts are formed.

And even though each woman is unique, there are still some patterns in the structure and body. For example, they distinguish different types of figures, which, by the way, is very convenient, especially when it comes to choosing clothes and accessories. In the same way, there are different types of female breast shapes.

Breasts are classified scientifically and they are named by what they look like most. Most often, body parts are identified with fruits and vegetables or with geometric shapes.

The scientific classification of female breast shapes is determined by their external similarity to fruits and vegetables, landforms and more. Classification units have an artistic, figurative name that fully characterizes the individual shape of the breast and its distinctive features. In this article we will give a short overview of each of the forms of female breasts. They are all different, but based on the listed signs, you can easily determine your breast shape. And by the shape of your breasts you can determine the traits of your temperament. Don't believe me? Check it out.

  • Snowy hills. This type of bust is characterized primarily by small volume. Most often, owners of this type wear bras of size one or even zero. The halo usually has a wide diameter and is light in color. The nipples are cone-shaped and slightly pointed. For owners of this breast shape, very characteristic features are the richness and diversity of the inner world, an extensive worldview, daydreaming, they are often idealists.
  • Globe. The shape of such a breast is really very close to a ball. The breasts are round and most often average or larger than average in size. The nipples and areolas are characterized by a wide radius and are often dark in color. All shapes are correct and well defined. Women with such breasts often have a strong and strict character, their behavior is characterized by a certain challenge. These women go through life with their heads held high and look down on men. They are wonderful seductresses, skilled lovers, but unapproachable and principled. These women know how to achieve goals, they are independent, demanding of themselves and others, and what are called “femme fatales.”
  • Renaissance. The name of this type was given to the paintings of the famous Renaissance artist Rubens, or rather, to the naked or half-naked women depicted on these canvases. This breast shape is characterized by a fairly large volume, it is soft to the touch and seems fluffy. The skin of the chest is very light, almost transparent, covered with small but noticeable moles. The areolas are clearly defined, but small in size. The nipples and areolas are dark and very well defined.
  • Chloe. Owners of this type of breast are characterized by elastic breasts of small volume. The areolas are not very wide, the nipples are very firm. About the character traits of the owners of such breasts, we can say that such girls are “eternal children.” They need to be looked after, looked after, taken care of. They are often very naive, gullible, and like children, they are easy to deceive. They trust anyone who is kind to them. But when the deception is revealed, they take it hard. Women of this type are extremely vulnerable and painfully perceive deception and betrayal in their direction. In a sense, they are irresponsible and frivolous; you will not be able to make them think about the future, but she will easily allow everything to be decided for her. Often there is such a trait as lack of confidence in oneself and one’s strengths.

  • African savanna. As a rule, women with such breasts are very hot, sexy, feminine and spontaneous. This breast shape is primarily characterized by dark skin color, hence the name. They also have fairly wide and well-defined nipples and areolas. Size is average or larger than average. For men, such a woman is a real find. In her they will find the embodiment of femininity and sexuality, fidelity, beauty, sublimity, and at the same time, these women are seductive and desirable. They become good mothers, smart and attentive wives.
  • Turkish woman's eyes. These are quite large breasts, they have nipples sticking out in different directions with pointed tips and not very wide areolas. The skin of the chest is dark. You need to be very careful with these women. They are cunning and calculating. They are very good at lying and showing off. Men should be especially careful with them - if you deceive a woman with such a breast shape, she will certainly take revenge on you, and the revenge will be cruel beyond measure. These women are secretive and know how to hide their true motives and feelings from the world. Who knows what kind of thoughts are wandering through the head of this mysterious woman? Her eyes say one thing, her smile says a second, and her words say a third, but they all lie.
  • Water surface. Women with such breasts are the best wives and mothers. The breast size is quite large, and it is slightly “blurry” - it has lost its shape a little. Even if the breasts are not so elastic, they have very beautiful outlines, and the opposite sex really appreciates this particular shape. The nipples are wide and do not stick out.

Features of the water surface

They say about the character of such a woman that this is exactly the person who will come to the aid of anyone who needs her. Women with “water surface” breasts are sensitive and gentle natures, open and sincere.

The body composition of such women is often quite dense. Although if a woman takes care of her figure, she will remain sexy for many years.

These women rarely ask for help, preferring to deal with problems on their own. Since they help everyone, but rarely ask for help themselves, they may feel injustice against them and begin to worry about it, and it’s completely unfair, because if you don’t hide your problems, someone will definitely respond and help.

Most often, they are completely devoid of career ambitions, but at the same time they are excellent housewives, and can make a career in a field related to economic affairs - for example, a chef.

  • Circe. This form is considered the most perfect of all. Consequently, this breast shape has a good average size - the “golden mean” between large and small. Its shape really follows the best canons of ancient sculpture. The geometric shape is spherical, smooth, fit. The breasts are quite elastic and remain so for many years.
    Speaking of character, it is worth saying that these women are independent, or at least strive to be independent. They work hard and achieve a better life for themselves. Often these women are successful both in their careers and in the family. It’s interesting in bed with them; every time they strive to achieve a feeling of some kind of novelty, which, undoubtedly, is attractive to the opposite sex.
  • Lady fingers. Probably everyone knows what the shape of a grape looks like, after which the name of this shape of a woman’s breast was given. This chest has an elongated forward shape, just very similar to the grapes of this shape. The skin on the chest is light and smooth, but the nipples and areolas, on the contrary, are dark. Such a woman has a light character, she is simple and pleasant to talk to, smart and witty.

They are soft, pliable, slightly naive, and can carry on a conversation on absolutely any topic.

They are successful in their careers solely due to their diligence and commitment. They rarely mind their own business - they prefer to follow orders than to be responsible for something and make independent decisions.

  • Alma mater. Men love this shape of female breasts the most. And indeed, she looks very seductive - large, her nipples almost always stand out well, her skin is elastic and toned, light and smooth, and her breasts themselves are soft to the touch.

And the name in this case characterizes not the shape of the breast, but rather the qualities that are characteristic of women who have this shape. The thing is that such ladies strive to take care of everyone in everything, both children and their significant other. Their maternal instinct exceeds the instinct of all listed species. This isn't always a good thing. Of course, there is nothing wrong with a mother taking care of her children, but sometimes there is too much care, which is why children do not grow up to be independent.

  • Fox Nose Breasts. In shape, these breasts actually resemble fox noses - extended forward, small, with pointed small nipples.

What can be said about the character of women with this type of breast? First of all, they are ideal women for marriage - they know how to find an approach to a man, adapt to him, seduce and praise. You won’t get bored in bed with them - they are impatient, active, and love experiments.

They strive for more in their career, but very often laziness gets in the way. Perhaps, if they were not lazy, they would reach heights in big business, but it often happens that they lack initiative or desire, and they do not even begin to do something that could bring success and money.

  • The next breast shape is pear-shaped. Women with this shape usually have medium breast size, small nipples and areolas, protruding nipples and slightly pointed breasts. The skin is elastic, the breast itself is soft.

Their character is strong, they are self-sufficient, independent, smart and cunning. Men will have a hard time building a relationship with such a woman, because she will argue with you and show an independent disposition, which not every member of the stronger sex will like.

And who knows, maybe this sly-eyed beauty is just leading you by the nose? Women with pear-shaped breasts are careerists, purposeful individuals, relentlessly pursuing their goals.

  • “Lemons” – as a rule, not very large breasts, with large nipples protruding in different directions. The nipples are light, most often pink. The character of these women can be said to be playful, sexy, seductive, charismatic, and witty. These are notorious adventurers, leaders; such a woman, undoubtedly, can become even a man’s best friend. But building a love relationship with her is not always easy, because they are fickle in love, changing partners often and almost without thinking.

They are lucky in their careers, and they often manage to build a business or make a career based solely on their ability to twist and get out of any situation. But do not underestimate them or consider them stupid because of this - they have more than enough intelligence and resourcefulness, but they prefer to hide it for profit and to throw dust in your eyes.

  • Pineapples. These are, as you may have guessed, large and elongated breasts. The nipples are medium in size, pink and well visible. As for their character, they are capricious, spoiled, and selfish. But at the same time, they often display traits of striving for something more than a successful career or a happy family.


In the end, it is worth saying that the shape of a woman’s bust does not necessarily determine her character, but such patterns are indeed present.

And every woman will be interested to know what the shape of her bust can mean. This topic may also be of interest to men who will learn something new about the character of their significant other.

Mostly women dream of big breasts. Having heard enough myths about the miraculous properties of cabbage, many beauties suffered, eating it in the hope of having impressive figures, but everything was in vain, and those who were destined by nature to have large breasts got it, and the rest of the girls had to be content with what they had.

Although many people are chasing a large breast size, there are many women who are happy to exchange their volumes with sufferers, because large breasts cause only problems: constant aching back pain, problems with choosing clothes, as well as the gaze of men. Here are 7 record holders, among which you will find ladies with the largest natural and artificial breasts in the world.

Natural breasts

1. Annie Hawkins-Turner

2. The lady is known throughout the world under the name Norma Stitz. She has the official status of a record holder in the Guinness Book of Records. Norma is the owner of the largest natural breasts in the world, and as a result, the largest bra size.

3. Norma Stitz - stage name. The woman became famous not only for her bust: she is also known for her work in the modeling business and the film industry (she starred in several adult films). However, popularity did not stop Norma from becoming a mother of two children.

4. Myosotis Claribel

5. The girl has African-Spanish roots. Perhaps it was this fact that influenced the development of such an impressive bust. Miosotis' status as the owner of the largest breasts has not been officially confirmed. However, this does not bother her fans.

6. The girl is also famous for her work as a model, including in nude photo shoots.

7. Ting Hiafen

8. For a Chinese woman, Ting has a simply prohibitive breast size: after all, for Chinese women, even the third and fourth breast size is already a rarity.

9. It must be said that, unlike the above-mentioned owners of gorgeous busts, Ting did not use her large breasts as a way to earn money. On the contrary, to improve her living conditions (the girl had constant back pain and found it difficult to walk without assistance), she turned to plastic surgeons, who performed the appropriate operation.

Victims of plastic surgery

10. Lolo Ferrari (Eva Valois)

11. French dancer, porn industry star. The girl was a record holder in the French Guinness Book of Records. She was the owner of the largest breasts in the world: each breast weighed 2.8 kg!

12. Lolo has had more than 20 breast enlargement surgeries. The result of the operations was not only worldwide fame, but also health problems. The girl constantly took strong medications. Eva Valois died at the age of 37 in 2000.

13. Chelsea Charms

14. American model, stripper, dancer and porn actress. In 2011, Chelsea Charms became the Guinness Book of Records holder for having the largest breasts in the world.

15. Nature awarded Chelsea with a fourth breast size. But this was not enough for the girl, and at the age of twenty she underwent her first bust enlargement operation. There were other surgical interventions. During the latter, the girl received polypropylene breast implants. Their peculiarity is that they absorb water from the body and expand. This is how the bust increases. The use of these implants is prohibited in the EU and the USA, since the risks of complications after such operations are very high.

16. Sabrina Sabrok (Lorena Fabiana Colotta)

17. Sabrina always dreamed of holding the title of owner of the largest breasts in the world. What she, in general, succeeded in: having more than a dozen plastic surgeries behind her, the girl still achieved her goal. However, Sabrina is not going to stop there and does not hide it. The exhortations of doctors in this case (as in all others) are to no avail.

18. Sabrina is a famous Latin American TV presenter and model. In addition to candid photo shoots, the girl is also known as a musician: she played electropunk in the band Primeras Impresiones. And Sabrina is a happy mother. In 2010, her son was born.

21. Impressive breasts, which attract everyone’s attention, help a girl build a career in show business and keeps her from getting offers to take part in various photo shoots.

A lot of roads are open to a beautiful woman. In front of the smart and attractive are the paths that bring power and wealth. Be that as it may, an appetizing and seductive bust will not hurt both a beautiful and smart young lady. Erin Brockovich’s very apt answer to one question comes to mind: “ Why did you think you could go in there and find everything we need? Explain to me. - Because I have beautiful breasts" And she was right, because the bust is a woman’s real weapon.

The most beautiful female breasts

In ancient times, it was believed that the ideal breast was the one that fit in a man's palm. Taking into account current data, it turns out that the most attractive breast size ranges between 2 and 3. Indeed, a bust of such volumes looks as harmonious as possible, and also retains elasticity and freshness longer.

Scientists, in turn, have calculated that the most beautiful natural breasts can only be considered those whose lower and upper halves are in a ratio of 45/55%. In this case, the nipple should stick up. Nothing is said about the size of such a bust, so ladies with curvy figures should not be upset. Among the celebrity ladies who have gorgeous breasts are:

– the most beautiful breasts in Russia

The gorgeous, plump beauty is known not only in her homeland, but also in a good part of the world. She is not shy about her natural curves and skillfully emphasizes them with decent cleavage. The seductive lady's height is 165 cm, chest, waist and hip measurements: 105-76-109 cm. As the well-known showman said: “A woman should be curvy, in whose arms you want to die.” According to him, it is the young ladies in the body who run the show.

Ani Lorak – the most beautiful breasts in Ukraine

Choosing from Ukrainian beauties is not so easy. Carolina's competitors were singers Erica, Tina Karol and Nastya Kamenskikh. This rating is not clear. But she continues to admire her body even after the birth of her daughter. Always fit, she was included in the top 100 sexiest women in the world several times. The cutie's height is 1.62 m, and her weight is only 48 kg, other parameters: 89-60-90 cm.

Scarlett Johansson - the sexiest breasts in Hollywood

The talent of this famous actress from the USA is gaining wild popularity. Many people remember it from the films “The Avengers”, “Iron Man 2”, “Lucy”, etc. The girl rightfully became the owner of one of the most attractive busts. Scarlett's height is 1.60 m, but her parameters are simply ideal: 94-63-95 cm. The curvy figure of the young actress always stands out against the backdrop of the “starving” Hollywood beauties. For this, she was awarded a similar “title” by men.

Jessica Simpson - the sexiest breasts on the planet (according to InTouch magazine)

This successful businesswoman is a singer, actress, designer and TV presenter. In addition to her tenacity in the field of show business and the fashion world, Jessica fascinates the public with her seductive bust. Having played a fiery beauty in the comedy “The Dukes of Hazzard,” the girl immediately drew the viewer’s attention to her perfect figure. Simpson was wearing a pink swimsuit at the time. In 2012 and 2013, Jessica gave birth to a daughter and a son, but this did not stop her from returning even more appetizing figures to their proper state. The height of the beautiful lady is 1.61 m, other parameters: 96-65-92 cm.

Marilyn Monroe - the most seductive natural breasts in the world

The incomparable blonde has been the ideal of beauty for millions of women for many years. At one time, Marilyn was an idol and the first fashion model that the whole world knew. The star's biographers claim that she did not undergo plastic surgery to enlarge her breasts. In any case, the figure parameters of this fashion and style icon remain an ideal for all times. With a height of 1.66 m, the sex symbol of that time weighed 54 kg, the volume of the beauty’s chest, waist and hips was 92-58-91 cm.

Interesting! The owner of the largest breasts in the world is Annie Hawkins-Turner. Her bust is included in the Guinness Book of Records; her breasts are 1.8 m in volume, and each weighs 25.5 kg.

And yet the beauty of a woman is not only in the splendor of her forms. The main thing is kindness, affection, sincerity and tenderness. Girls, be yourself, because there will be a man who will love you for who you are.

Fashion trendsetters dictate new rules. The neckline increases, the necklines go down, the shoulders and arms are exposed to the limit...

But if you don't take care of your breasts, you'll languish in a closed-neck blouse in the heat. Breasts are in the spotlight this season! It’s simply impossible not to take care of her!

Breast cosmetics are intended only for the skin. By increasing skin elasticity and hydration, we can achieve some increase in volume.

How to apply products for beautiful breasts?

  1. All products are best applied with light stroking and circular movements.- from the center to the sides. Grab the skin under the breasts and décolleté, being aware of the “surroundings” (primarily the inside of the shoulders).
  2. Do not apply any of the following care products to your nipples: This is an area with a high degree of natural pigmentation, and if not handled correctly, unwanted changes can occur here. You can lubricate the nipples only with a photoprotector, but it is better to isolate them from the sun with clothing.

Cleansing for beautiful breasts

Soft and neat. Everyday - cleansing milk, best for sensitive skin. Do not overuse shower gels with a high content of surfactants. Deep cleansing can be done, but not too often and using gentle means.

Moisturizing and strengthening beautiful breasts

Usually these functions go hand in hand.

Algae extracts, hyaluronic acid, urea derivatives add and retain moisture.

Ginseng and gingko extracts tone.

Shiitake and soybean extracts prevent damage to dermal fibers. Kigelia Africana promotes cell regeneration.

Various herbal combinations improve the synthesis of collagen and elastin, promoting skin tightening.

Test: your chances of beautiful breasts for many years

For each positive answer we award 1 point.

4-6 POINTS: It's time to rethink your breast care habits. Even if she is in good shape now, she won’t last long in this mode without losses.

2-3 POINTS: It can be better, but you are on the right track. Correct the “failing” points - and everything will be fine.

0-1 POINT: you have every chance of having the most beautiful breasts for many years, unless you change your tactics.

Is breast enlargement effective through drugs?

Numerous means to increase breast volume continue to excite the beauty industry and the imagination of consumers.

Drinks, tablets, chewing gums and creams promise stunning results. But these promises are not confirmed by anything. No one has seen clinical trials of these drugs with the publication of results in medical journals. They are certified, but this is only a guarantee of harmlessness, but not effectiveness. The mechanism of their action is unclear. Perhaps there is swelling, due to which the volume increases.

Manufacturers often talk about an increase in volume due to the growth of glandular tissue. However, according to a dermatologist, the effect on glandular tissue is fraught: “If, in principle, there is a tendency for glandular tissue to grow, then stimulation can lead to malignant processes. Any glandular tissue can grow, and no one can guarantee, for example, that a goiter will not grow instead of a beautiful breast.”

Therefore, you should always remember that any dietary supplements are registered as food additives that improve the general condition of the body and require caution in use.

Absolute contraindications to breast enlargement products - age under 18 years, pregnancy and breastfeeding, benign tumors and breast implants. Relative - an allergy to some of the incoming components. You should always consult a breast specialist before taking supplements. These products often contain phytoestrogens, which are important for the body as a whole and for the breasts in particular.

If there are products that stimulate the breakdown of fat, then there should also be products that encourage its accumulation. For example, in the laboratories of Methode Jeanne Piaubert they developed the Transbuster complex, which captures fats contained in foods and “feeds” bust fat cells with them. Based on this complex, Decollete 3D gel was created, which is recommended to be used three times a day between meals.

Salon and home treatments for beautiful breasts

Massage for beautiful breasts

Author's methods and modern developments of breast massage techniques allow you to establish blood and lymph flow, get rid of congestion, and significantly tighten the skin of the breast. In addition, massage of the décolleté area is usually included in facial treatments. Some of the most interesting developments are Nadya Payo’s “42 movements” massage and various techniques from the brand’s SPA specialists (comfort zone).

Wraps for beautiful breasts

Isothermal wraps (corresponding to body temperature) are also good for the chest, since heating is not suitable for everyone. The composition of the wraps depends on individual preferences and characteristics.

Wraps activate metabolism and improve breast skin. Apply the mask in a thick layer to the skin until completely dry. A recipe for one of these masks: mix cottage cheese with olive oil and egg or sour cream with honey. Apply the resulting mass to your chest for 20 minutes, and then rinse off.

Masks for beautiful breasts

Mud and algae masks regulate the water-salt balance, remove toxins and nourish the skin with essential substances. And plasticizing ones provide a lifting effect.

Cold shower for beautiful breasts

The procedure is unpleasant, but irreplaceable. It improves blood circulation, strengthens blood vessels, makes breast skin elastic and firm. Perform it in a circular motion, starting from the left breast, for 1-2 minutes a day. If you are not able to subject yourself to such execution, experiment with ice. Run a piece of ice across your chest and then up to your neck. This is good skin and body care, you are guaranteed a lifting effect.

Diet for beautiful and healthy breasts

Formula for the most beautiful breasts

Apparently, men have nothing to do, since it is not enough for them to simply admire the beauty of a woman’s breasts, but they need to turn everything into mathematics, calculate and calculate from and to, in order to derive the formula for the ideal female breast.

1. The ratio of the upper and lower parts of the chest,
roughly speaking, the length from the beginning of the breast to the nipple, and from the nipple to the fold under the breast. Some “experts” say that it should be 1/3 to 2/3, i.e. 33% to 67%. Others, such as Patrick Mallucci, a plastic surgeon, believe that the ideal proportion is 45% to 55%. The owners of such parameters can be considered the American model Caprice Bourret and the Russian TV presenter Lera Kudryavtseva.

2. Triangle rule. Draw a triangle ABC, the base of which is the line AC connecting the nipples, the corners are the depression between the collarbones and the two nipples. Having mentally drawn a figure, we divide the length AC in half, and what we get is divided by the distance AB (BC). For an ideal breast, the ratio is 0.4 - 0.6. If it is less than 0.4, the breasts sag, but if it is more than 0.6, they are too raised.

The most beautiful breasts in the world

This is clearly not the biggest, as many men and women believe. The most beautiful breasts can be exclusively natural. This is not a list of the most vulgar breasts or the most successful plastic surgery for breast augmentation.

Miss Most Beautiful Breasts - Tyra Banks

Miss Most Beautiful Breasts - Salma Hayek

Miss most beautiful breasts - Scarlett Johansson

Miss Most Beautiful Breasts - Jessica Simpson

Miss most beautiful breasts - Halle Berry

Miss most beautiful breasts - Madonna

Miss most beautiful breasts - Carmen Electra

Miss Most Beautiful Breasts - Katherine Heigl

Miss Most Beautiful Breasts - Audrina Patridge

Miss most beautiful breasts - Jennifer Aniston

Miss most beautiful breasts - Megan Fox

Miss most beautiful breasts - Caprice Bourret

Miss most beautiful breasts - Laetitia Casta

Miss Most Beautiful Breasts - Beyoncé Knowles

Miss Most Beautiful Breasts - Marisa Miller

I would be grateful if you add to this list or make comments.

Read on the topic beautiful breasts

Ideal female breasts. What is she like? Beautiful, lush, sexy breasts are the dream of any woman, her pride, beauty and male weakness. Since ancient times, goddesses of fertility and childbirth were sculpted in the form of full-breasted and even multi-breasted women. The beauty of the female breast has been glorified since ancient times in the poems and works of many poets and writers. And artists depicted her in their amazing, ingenious paintings.

Sounds interesting and intriguing. according to many men, should be flexible and slender, chiseled, long and curvy, beautiful, ideal female breasts ! Women's breasts, attracting with their beauty, sexuality and splendor, seem to fascinate men, depriving them of their minds. More than once we witnessed them, as if hypnotized, speechless, looking at the lush breasts of a juicy beauty. And this did not at all depend on the intelligence and education of the interlocutor. The gaze of each of them during the conversation, now and then slid down to the chest. All men, both married and unmarried, admit that they stare at the owners of a beautiful bust on the street, in a club, in a cafe, etc. That is, they are stunned by women's breasts - the most attractive and sexiest thing in a woman... Large breasts, like a strong magnet, attract and excite men. It’s not for nothing that men let a woman pass first to admire her butt, and kiss her hand to fully enjoy the beauty of her breasts.

The writer Anatole France spoke about this: “How many men, overwhelmed by a bust, marry everything else.”


  • a skinny woman will be cold in bed.
  • The fat girl barely gets through the door.
  • the cheerful one will be walking,
  • and with a sad person, sex once a month, and not more often.
  • The cold will give you a sore throat.
  • with a hot, scratched back.
  • being close to a long-legged one is not a good idea,
  • when she wears heels.
  • The one who is smart will deceive without difficulty.
  • Living with a stupid person is also nonsense.
  • a beautiful woman will easily leave for someone else.
  • and the terrible one is a disgrace to one’s home.
  • so it has to be, no matter how you look at it.

Karen Wetherby, a German doctor who led a project to study the effect of female breasts on men, stated: “Just 10 minutes of looking at a beautiful female breast is equivalent to a 30-minute aerobic workout.”

What kind of breast is considered ideal? A single standard, an ideal breast, the tastes of various experts, as well as connoisseurs of breast beauty, have always differed, even in ancient times. For example, the great scientist of antiquity, Plato, raised the spherical shape of the breast to the peak of perfection; the Epicureans considered the ideal shape of the breast in the form of a pyramid or square.

Modern scientists have found a common standard for the correct shape and volume of female breasts. The prototypes were classical sculptures and living models, thanks to the study of which the average statistical parameters of a beautiful female breast were established. The standard is the chest of a young girl of 17-18 years old, about 162 cm tall, during her maturity and prime.

Parameters of a beautiful breast, according to experts:

  • the upper part of the chest should be 1/3 or 33% of the total volume
  • lower part – 2/3 or 67%.
  • distance from the nipple to the center of the chest – 9 -11 cm;
  • distance from nipple to collarbone 21 cm;
  • areola diameter – from 3.5 to 4.5 cm
  • the distance from the fold under the chest is 7-8 cm;
  • fold length 11-14 cm

According to research by British surgeon Patrick Maluzzi, the ideal female breast is a breast that has a lower to upper ratio of 45:55. with raised nipples. The elevation angle should be 20 - 45 degrees. Russian TV presenter Lera Kudryavtseva and American model Caprice Bourret can be considered owners of such breasts. Very small or large sizes and volumes are considered deviations. But when talking about ideal breasts, it is necessary to take into account weight, height, body structure, and also the fact that breasts have their own significant differences among different races.

What to do if the breasts do not meet the standards? Dear women, there is no need to be upset. Remember! The ideal female breast is the breast with which a beauty is not ashamed to undress in front of a man. In this case, neither the size, nor the color of the nipple, nor the shape are important, but the feeling of the beauty of your body, the beauty of yourself loved. The problem is most often in our heads. Inability to present yourself to your beloved.

Often women, having beautiful, gorgeous breasts, develop complexes and turn into “little mice”. Conversely, women with small or almost no breasts are interesting and charming, radiating positive energy and sexuality. They are very popular among men.

Some women are groundlessly concerned about the condition of their breasts, and are constantly tormented by fear and doubt. What if: the breasts don’t grow, after childbirth they droop like the ears of a spaniel, and HE doesn’t like it?

Remember the main thing: breast size is not important. - it's not scary. It is important that it has a beautiful shape, is elastic, and does not sag. To do this, just follow the necessary basics. And with just a little: a little knowledge, internal self-discipline, effort, and your breasts will become healthy and beautiful at 25, and at 45, and at 65, and at 95! And you will get rid of constant discomfort, both physical and mental, and a calming feeling of harmony will return to you. And if nature offended you a little and did not give you a diamond - large and beautiful breasts. It's not a big deal - now it's just fixed! You can enlarge or reduce your breasts on your own - without any operations, pills, any miracle devices, and most importantly, harmlessly.