All couples in love who decide to tie their fates in marriage must decide on the main question: how to make a wedding bright and memorable. After all, this is the most important and happiest day in the life of every person.

There are many options: someone wants to spend this day alone with each other, someone has enough home gatherings with their closest relatives, some want to gather guests in, others are satisfied only. It all depends on the amount of money in your pocket and the imagination of the newlyweds.

My partner and I also solved this problem. A huge number of relatives and friends who have been waiting for our wedding for several years, as well as our cheerful natures, immediately determined that a quiet, modest wedding would not work under any circumstances. The standard option with a pretentious limousine, a walk through one of the parks, a cheerful toastmaster and a restaurant, we unanimously dismissed immediately. I wanted something new, large-scale, extraordinary.

How do we organize everything?

This issue was resolved quite spontaneously. Our relatives living in the city of Mozhaisk offered us an excellent option for holding it: "Outpost". The next day we were already there: the delight that we experienced when we first saw this place and talked with the organizers cannot be described in words.

A wonderful view of the ancient and the Moscow River, a huge green area with a real "Saloon" from Western westerns and many, many beautiful horses. The only thing that seemed unrealistic at that time was how to transport guests in the amount of 100 people from east to west. But, as they say, everything is doable!

There were still many issues to be resolved, each of which greatly affects the entire organization as a whole. But since we became almost six months in advance, there was time ahead for careful planning of all the details.

In this vein, we independently compiled and made invitations: on paper in the form of scrolls, with a huge inscription “WANTED”, we invited guests to our holiday, which will take place in the Wild West of the Moscow region. The uniform was asked to choose the style of westerns. Most of the guests liked it, because it was something new, not binding, free. The only person who did not appreciate this venture was our aunt, who loves luxurious and elegant high heels. But she put up with everything and came to us in jeans and a cowboy hat.

But no matter how much time we had to prepare for the happiest day, it turned out to be not enough. The day before the wedding, we remembered that the wedding cake was not ordered. Traveled then, as it seems to me, all the pastry shops, bakeries, even the bakery managed to look out of desperation - but in vain.

In such a short time, no one undertakes to bake such grandiose products. We had to make do with two of the usual biggest cakes we could find in the whole city. The only zest we could bring was that instead of the usual ones, we bought two small inflatable balloons on sticks in the form of horses.

That solemn day has come

So, everything is ready for the celebration and the long-awaited day of our wedding has arrived. Since the groom's grandmother could not imagine a wedding without, my friends had to prepare this very ransom.

The groom took me from the house of our relatives and we went to. Initially, it was planned that only witnesses would accompany us there and to the photo session, while the rest of those invited at that time would go straight to the horse base. However, not all guests listened to our request and went to the painting with us, perhaps they wanted to make sure that the marriage had definitely taken place.

After that, after all, it was possible to send especially naughty guests along with a video operator to the venue of the event. We ourselves went with a photographer to the most beautiful places in Mozhaisk and arranged a photo shoot. The only thing that overshadowed her a little was the terrible cold that turned out that day, despite the fact that it was the month of August.

While the photographer was tormenting us, the guests were no longer allowed to get bored at the ranch. First, the bus delivering people was encircled and captured by cowboys, who escorted everyone to the scene of further events.

At the horse base, the guests immediately plunged into: in the middle of the territory there is a real Saloon, the cook fries fresh meat on the fire, the horses are already harnessed and eager for action.

After a small breakfast, a real sheriff divided all the guests into teams and involved them in an exciting game: people competed in throwing a lasso, throwing a knife, and much more. For each victory, the teams were given gold bars.

At the end of the competition, their number was counted, and the winners were determined, who received a horseshoe for luck as a reward. In addition, the guests had a short ride on horseback, and the cowboys rode the kids and pregnant women, who turned out to be several people, on a horse-drawn cart.

After the photo session, my husband and I got on a carriage and went to the guests, who were already looking forward to seeing us at the base. After the parting words of the parents, the definition of “who is the boss in the house” and everyone was invited to the tables to start the official part.

It was non-standard that in addition to the usual salads and fried meat, each guest was presented with a taste of the national one.

Further, according to tradition, friends began. We did not hire a toastmaster, as the program of events was already very rich. We asked witnesses, who were assisted by an employee of the horse base, to manage the celebration a little.

When the guests had already had time to relax, enjoy cowboy food and drink a little, a real concert began - the speakers were a particularly active part of the guests: parents, relatives and friends. It became and, of course, cheered up everyone.

After that, everyone was asked to go out into the fresh air and continue to participate in competitions, namely: in a real rodeo. Everyone was captured by the spirit of the competition: both participants and spectators. Another surprise was the host's announcement: to serve everyone with soda at the expense of the house - this made our holiday even more similar to a real western in its classic form.

Then my husband and I were put on horses and allowed to gallop freely. We had to compete: who will catch whom in a lasso. It gave us and our guests a lot of positive emotions.

Then I had to pose again for the photographer, as he found a huge haystack on the ranch and his eyes lit up with enthusiasm and new ideas for his work. After our photo session, the photographer was no longer allowed to go by the guests - everyone wanted to get pictures in such an entourage.

Naturally, none, even if it is arranged in a cowboy style, can not do without dancing. A disco was arranged in Saloon, the DJ was also provided by Outpost itself, and we didn’t have to look for him, meet and negotiate separately, especially since we ourselves threw most of the tracks on the disc in advance.

After such a busy day, the bus safely delivered all the guests to the "Fisherman's House", where everyone went to their rooms and got to rest.

Second day outdoors

Waking up on the second day, the guests immediately went to the shore of the Mozhaisk reservoir, where the cook had already set the table and grilled shish kebabs.

Here guests could relax, talk to each other in a calm atmosphere, wander around the picturesque territory of the boarding house, rent a boat, sing and, of course, dance again.

The fun continued almost until late at night. Then everyone packed up and went home.

After reading the story of our wedding, many will think that the costs were huge. I want to state with certainty that this is not so. Such a wedding cost us the same money as if we celebrated it according to the standard scheme with limousines and restaurants.

Each couple is individual. Do not be afraid to experiment, turn your fantasies into reality, approach with soul and then your holiday will become the brightest and most memorable for both your young family and your dear guests.