Italian mustache. Types of male mustache

A properly selected beard is a plus for male attractiveness, masculinity and intelligence. And what do we know about handsome men with a beard, attractive brutal men?

That's right, girls pay attention to them - a good reason to grow a beard, make a fashionable beard and mustache haircut, (photo below)!

Have you seen the bikers and Metallika fans? They look intimidating, but stylish. Men's beards, styles girls like - this is important. Want to see the right haircuts, beautiful men's beards, photo Hollywood stars presented to your attention.

A beard will go to everyone, except for the owners small face, so we advise you to arm yourself with a razor and remove the growing one. She will reduce the face, which does not look aesthetically pleasing.

It is worth considering that not everyone is suitable for dense facial hair. But don't get upset. For every man - there is an individual style.

Following the advice from the article, you will choose an individual style for yourself that will hide flaws and emphasize dignity.

Also get acquainted with different beard styles, photos and names are presented below.

In contact with

An improperly chosen style will make you an untidy dork, even like a homeless person. People will bypass you, and the girls will not even look in your direction.

So don't be in a hurry to make your hair look like your favorite celebrity. Before choosing a beard cut for yourself - determine the type of face.

  1. Oval. Men with an oval face type - rejoice. Guys with other types will envy you. Experiments? No problem. This type will suit any style and look!
  2. Cordate. Pay attention to the triangular type - this is for you.
  3. Brilliant or diamond shaped. Dense vegetation will not suit you. Look at Wolverine - you will come in handy!
  4. Oblong. In the form of a horseshoe or classic sideburns - what you need! In no case do not shave the types of beards in men (photo below), which lengthen the face.
  5. Round. Chubby dream to visually lengthen the face. In this case, we advise them to grow a medium mustache and lower the "goat" or trapezoid (from temple to temple) beard.
  6. Square. For those of whom they say: “muzzle with a brick”, rounded ends will do.
  7. Triangular. Owners of this type dream of expanding the lower, narrowest part of the face. A square, rounded or horseshoe-shaped beard will help them fulfill their dreams.
  8. Pear or bulb. Grow long sideburns - girls will appreciate it!

Men, remember that the style and look that suits every type has not yet been created! Everything is individual.

Read, memorize, choose.

So, to have stylish male beards go to tips:

  • determine the type of face(the types are described above). This is the main factor influencing the choice of the shape of the future beard;
  • beard color for men hair thickness, growing on the face. This is also important. Blondes, fair-haired and red-haired boys - allow yourself. Dark-haired (brunets, brown-haired and others) - choose something smaller. If the hairs are thin, then you have to forget about dense thickets;
  • height. Tall guys- indulge in wide beard cuts and styles. Short men - a neat little beard will suit you. Average height- choose the golden mean - you're in luck!

Have you chosen a style for yourself? Congratulations! Scroll on, it's interesting! You will learn the technology of cutting beards and mustaches by visiting the master. Watch the video.

Beard haircut - photos are presented to your attention.

The weak part of humanity (women) is madly afraid of gaining weight. And what is the strong sex afraid of?
According to the results of Internet voting and polls: men are afraid of going bald.

Saying goodbye to every falling hair, men almost cry. The fear that they will turn away from him, bald, is incredibly great. Let's see if the fear is justified. No.

The style is very popular nowadays. A bald head in combination with a properly selected beard is one plus:

  • spending time on a morning shower is three times less;
  • shampoo saving. You need less (only for a beard) - the cost is less;
  • evenly spreading tan
  • "dangerous" look - create an image of a tough nut, the girls will appreciate it;
  • don't shake in fear from the thought of baldness - there is no hair anyway.

Suitable for bald men the following types male beards.

  1. Duck tail.
  2. Screen and Wolverine style.
  3. Duck tail.
  4. Goatee.

The main thing is to choose them according to the type of face. So, a bald head and a beard are a good combination, fears were driven away ... let's move on. Do girls think bald men are handsome, look at the video.

With each passing day, similar beard styles without mustaches are also gaining popularity.

Associate this popularity with the fact that it will take less care because there is no mustache.

And not every girl will like tickling with mustaches during a kiss. This species has many advantages and they are clear from the name.

Examples of haircuts for beards without a mustache:

  • Goatee
  • old dutch. Very dense vegetation from temple to temple. The length can be infinite. Shave your cheeks.
  • Island. Little dotted vegetation under lower lip.
  • insect style. The ends resemble the antennae or chewed insect.
  • Mini- goatee.
  • Lincoln without a mustache. Oval oblong or triangular type - this beard is for you!
  • Klingon. The mustache is shaved off above the lip, leaving parts on the sides, connecting on the sides.
    So, guys, you don't like mustaches? Shave boldly. There are many types, take your pick.

With a mustache

Fact - a beard looks spectacular and more masculine in combination with a mustache. Previously, everyone wore a mustache, but now a man himself has the right to choose - to grow a mustache or not?

Mustache fashion is back, so grow it boldly if you like. The style of the beard and mustache makes every wearer an elegant and independent man.

Mustache Beard Design Examples:

  • Suvorovskaya. In the case of this beard, leave the chin clean. And the sideburns fall just below the lips and rise, growing together with the mustache.
  • Anchor. It got its name for its appearance. How to shave such a beard, you will see in the video.
  • . In honor of the military man from Italy, who first shaved this form of beard in men with a mustache.
  • Short boxed bear. neat lines, thin mustache, sideburns and beard - for this style gained popularity among Hollywood actors.
  • Full or. Thick and voluminous, with a mustache and sideburns. Very suitable tall men. With this style, the sea of ​​brutality is guaranteed. How to make such a beard, look at the video.

Mustaches become fashion element, which is gradually regaining its lost positions not only in Europe, but also in our country. Modern types of male mustaches offer big choice various options that are suitable for any type of face and individual worldview. Every year, the number of men who wear mustaches is rapidly increasing. Of course, this may seem strange and old-fashioned to some, although such people are becoming less and less. Indeed, such an element of the face will certainly make your image courageous and charismatic.

Variety of models

Among the variety of mustaches, there are more chic or relatively simple options. From the first category, we can note such models as chevron, imperial type, handlebar, Fu Manchu, Dali and many others. At the same time, new options regularly appear that can be created by anyone on their own.

Most popular varieties

There are currently some types male mustache which can be considered the most popular and interesting. Each of these options should be considered in more detail. One such option is the chevron type. It is a rather thick mustache with a wide base that covers the entire upper lip as much as possible. A similar model was worn by Joseph Stalin. Another interesting variety is Dali. It was named after the famous painter Salvador Dali. These are long, narrowed mustaches, which, with the help of a special styling, strongly bend upwards. A popular option is a mustache in English style. They are made narrow and start from the center of the upper part of the lip. At the same time, places above the corners of the mouth, as a rule, are carefully shaved.

Among the Asian types of mustaches, Fu Manchu can be distinguished. This variant starts from the upper lip and hangs down the sides from the mouth right down to the lower jaw. Often they are made quite long to emphasize their shape. Places above the corners of the mouth are also shaved. A similar model is the Horseshoe. Its difference from Fu Manchu is that the area near the corners of the mouth is not shaved. Here they leave a chic mustache narrow in width that grows along the jaw line. In appearance, they resemble an unfolded horseshoe.

Mustaches used to be popular Handlebar. In appearance, they resembled the handlebars of a bicycle. This option can be either long or short. This shape can be achieved by using a special wax. The main requirements are the presence of a long, thick and curved mustache. This style in Lately is starting to gain popularity again. Pretty rare, but at the same time handsome type represent the imperial mustache, which should be very thick. They should grow above the lip and cheeks, and at the same time be directed upwards.

From relatively small mustaches, one can distinguish such species as shade, artist's brush and pencil. The artist's brush type covers the entire area of ​​the mouth. Such whiskers are usually short with somewhat rounded short edges. As for the lampshade, this view is very reminiscent of an artist's brush. The difference here is the edges, which resemble a lampshade. The pencil mustache is thin and narrow. They are usually sheared directly over upper lip. This style is very diverse, and therefore it can be done in different ways.

Another popular variety is pyramidal mustache. They are also considered relatively small. This concept combines a mustache that has a narrowing at the top and an expansion at the bottom, which resembles a pyramid. You can also decorate this view in absolutely every possible way, which makes it very diverse.

Used to be popular toothbrush style. It was a relatively thick mustache, which was shaved clearly in the center above the upper part of the lip in the form of a wide strip. Such a mustache was worn by the famous silent film actor Charlie Chaplin. Also popular among sailors and residents of the north is the walrus style. It is characterized by large bushy whiskers that hang down all over its mouth. At the same time, they completely cover the mouth.

Mustache, mustache, mustache...

Psychologists believe that the shape of a mustache can determine the character of a person and find out how inclined he is to individuality or, conversely, to imitation. The shape and size of the mustache is primarily determined by the anatomical structure of the face - the size of the nose and lips. So, mustaches can be divided into several categories: long, short, short, curly, lush, narrow, etc.

Lush, but lowered mustache, slightly twisted at the ends (Fig. 5.8), give out a cheerful nature, accustomed to a wild, carefree life, but if necessary, able to make the right decision.

Rice. 5.8. Lush but drooping mustache, slightly curled at the ends

Volumetric long mustaches, located parallel to the floor (Fig. 5.9), give out a businesslike, confident person, a successful entrepreneur and a good-natured family man.

Rice. 5.9. Voluminous long mustaches parallel to the floor

Short mustaches (antennae), as a rule, belong to active, confident and enthusiastic natures (Fig. 5.10). Such people usually do not know how to lose with dignity.

Rice. 5.10. short mustache

The mustache of "Salvador Dali" (Fig. 5.11) is worn by bohemian people, closely associated with art, in search of a new and unusual, trying to stand out both by their actions and appearance.

Rice. 5.11. Mustache "Salvador Dali"


Salvador Dali is a Spanish artist, painter, graphic artist, sculptor, director (Fig. 5.12). One of the most well-known representatives surrealism. In life, he was distinguished by eccentricity and shocking outrageous behavior.

Rice. 5.12. Salvador Dali

Semicircular full mustaches (Fig. 5.13) belong to the "fathers of the families." These are good-natured and balanced people for whom peace and family well-being is the ideal of life.

Rice. 5.13. Semicircular full mustache

What do we know about such a part of the male image as a mustache and what types of mustaches are there? The fashion for wearing mustaches has been around for many years. Mustaches have always been considered a sign of aristocracy, masculinity and strength. In tsarist times, they were worn by monarchs, nobles, officers. Later, the mustache became a self-evident element of the appearance of a man. Closer to our time, the fashion for a mustache either disappeared or reappeared. And today they are considered a trend of male appearance.

History of popularity

If you want to radically change your style, be sure to start wearing a mustache. At first, you may feel a little uncomfortable, because the new image will not be easy to get used to. But later on, you will most likely like your new image. With a mustache, you will look more determined and masculine.

Mustache Varieties

Mustaches come in different shapes and sizes. There are many types of them. To some extent, every man must have come up with his own individual style of mustache at some point. In this article we will tell you what are the most famous and popular types of mustaches.


These elongated and sharply twisted mustaches bear the name of such a famous creative personality like Salvador Dali. In order to wear this style of mustache, you need to be prepared to spend a lot of time styling it.


Often these are lush mustaches, at first glance resembling a wrapped horseshoe. The mustache should grow along the edges of the corners of the mouth and end only when it reaches the jaw line. This form of mustache is typical for many bikers. Also, such a famous actor as Terry Hulk Hogan wears them throughout his life.

A dense mustache, which is located just above the upper lip along its entire length and twists slightly towards the top. They were very fond of wearing by monarchs and nobles, hence their name. It is interesting that Budenov had such a mustache.


Solid large mustache, completely obscuring the upper lip. Tom Selleck enjoys wearing this style of mustache.

fu manchu

This mustache bears the name of the protagonist from the work of the British writer Romer Sachs. A long mustache is released above the upper lip, which should not be shorter than the lower jaw line. At the same time, the hair above the edges of the mouth is carefully shaved, which is hallmark this style.


The name speaks for itself. This form of mustache strongly resembles a lampshade. It is very easy to give a mustache this shape on your own at home in front of a mirror.

The corners of the mouth should be shaved, and the mustache itself should be let go from the middle of the upper lip. They should be thin and long with sharp tips. During the war in England, such mustaches were worn by the military.

Artist's brush

Not long lush mustache, growing along the entire length of the mouth line. With such a mustache, we have seen Brad Pitt more than once. This form is now popular among young people.


A narrow, thin strip of bristles above the upper lip. They were worn in the 40s-50s of the last century by Hollywood actor Clark Gable.

The whiskers are wide at the base and narrow at the top, resembling a pyramid in shape. Very comfortable and popular among men.


Dense little mustache, released right under the nose. Mustache characteristic of Hitler and Charlie Chaplin. They are suitable if a large mustache bothers you.


A large mustache, often completely covering the mouth. These were worn by the famous writer Mark Twain, as well as Friedrich Nietzsche and even Joseph Stalin.


A mustache reminiscent of a bicycle handlebar, as their tips are twisted up in rings. The Italians call them spaghetti mustaches. They were often worn by soldiers during the First World War.

Mustache "only there"

Small almost invisible antennae. In fact, this is just a stubble left above the upper lip. If you hate frequent procedure shaving, then this type of mustache is just for you.

Not all types of male mustaches are listed above. But having an idea about their main types, you can come up with something unique for yourself. Everything here is limited only by your own imagination. Add a pinch of creativity to your life and create a bright, memorable image with a mustache.

Today, mustaches and beards have become a real trend in the world of men's fashion. Smooth-shaven men are not held in high esteem these days. It is believed that a young man becomes more sexy and attractive if he has a mustache or a beard (or both). But choosing a mustache and beard is a purely individual process, since the wrong shape and length can have a completely opposite effect.

How to choose a mustache

At male population Mustaches have always been popular and in demand. They serve as an ornament and a means for a radical transformation of appearance. After all, with the help of such a detail, you can hide flaws and correct the shape of the face. Mustache haircuts can be very diverse, and it is necessary to select exactly those that will be in harmony with the appearance of a man.

When choosing a mustache shape, you want it to fit perfectly with the features and shape of your face. It is also important to consider the shape of the nose and the position between the chin, mouth and nose. In general, mustache haircuts should be done by professionals who approach each client individually, his appearance and style.

Mustache Varieties

Mustache shapes can vary in size and length. There are almost a hundred types of different types of mustaches. Consider the most popular of them:

  • Dali. This variety was named after the famous artist Salvador Dali and is an elongated mustache that twists up. When choosing this form, you need to know that they require a lot of time for laying.
  • Horseshoe. Such a mustache got its name due to the shape, similar to an inverted horseshoe. They grow along the edges of the corners of the mouth and end when they reach the level of the jaw.
  • Imperial. This form was preferred by monarchs and the nobility. The mustache should be dense and located along the entire length of the lip, their ends twisted up.
  • Chevron. The mustache should be thick, large in size and completely obscure the upper lip.
  • Fu Manchu. The length of these whiskers should be below the level of the jaw. They are released above the upper lip and all hair, of course, except for the mustache, is shaved off.
  • Shade. The simplest and easiest form that you can do yourself at home without resorting to the help of specialists.
  • English. Such mustache cuts were popular among the British military. They are long and thin, they should be released from the middle above the upper lip. The tips of the mustache should certainly be sharp.
  • Artist's brush. Whiskers grow along the entire line of the mouth, not long, but can be quite lush. Today, such mustaches are very popular in youth circles.
  • Pencil. To represent this form, the image of Johnny Depp should be revived in memory. It is he who prefers such a mustache - thin and narrow.
  • Pyramidal. The whiskers are very narrow at the top, where they originate and widen towards the bottom, covering the entire length of the mouth.
  • Toothbrush. They start just under the nose, small width and very thick. Charlie Chaplin and Adolf Hitler preferred these.
  • Walrus. They are large, thick and can completely close their mouths.
  • Handlebar. In their appearance, the mustache is similar to a bicycle handlebar, since their ends are twisted up. The handlebar mustache was popular among soldiers during the First World War.
  • Only there. The question of how to cut a mustache does not arise with this form, because in fact it is just stubble that was left to grow over the upper lip. Such mustaches are adored by men who do not like to shave.

Mustache care tips

Haircut of a beard and mustache is a matter for professionals, since only a master can do perfect shape suitable for the appearance and oval of the face. But there are also generally accepted rules that you should know. The sharp tips of the mustache should always be milled with a sharp razor. Thinning with scissors should be done to make the mustache less lush. It is carried out strictly along the bottom edge.

Before cutting the mustache, they need to be combed in different directions. After that, the excess length can be removed with scissors and the mustache combed from the center to the left and right to give it shape. You can also use tongs to shape. They should be flat and have stable heating.

Mustaches and beards should only be trimmed dry. Otherwise, there is a risk of getting a huge difference between what you wanted to get from a mustache trim and the final appearance.

Mustache Trimmer Tools

Cutting a beard and mustache requires some preparation, or rather, the availability of the necessary tools. In order to trim your beard and / or mustache at home, you need a trimmer, scissors, comb-comb and, of course, a mirror.

Scissors are used to align the mustache and/or beard line and cut off protruding hairs. It is recommended to use a professional tool, but its price is quite high.

Mustache trimmer is universal tool, which can be used to trim mustaches, beards and even hair. For this, trimmers are equipped with special nozzles. The price of this tool is not very high, so it is available to absolutely everyone.

How to choose a tool

In order to choose the right mustache trimmer, you need to familiarize yourself with several principles and rules.

  • If the hair is very coarse, you need to choose a model with a blade that is adjustable in length. In the presence of soft and obedient hair it's not obligatory.
  • Depending on the area of ​​​​use, you can choose wired or Today there are even models for a car that can be powered by a cigarette lighter.
  • In one set with a trimmer, you can immediately purchase tools and attachments for the care of eyebrows, hair in the nose and ears, etc. They cost more, but they are equipped with all the items for caring for vegetation on the head.
  • The tool should fit well in the hand and be comfortable.

How to trim your mustache

And now - about the process itself.

  1. It is necessary to comb the mustache so that they lie in one continuous, even line.
  2. With a trimmer (in vertical position) define the contour of the mustache.
  3. We make a frame, holding the trimmer with the marking side towards us.
  4. Holding the trimmer away from you with the marking side, we process the line of the mustache and lips, thereby giving the vegetation the desired contour.
  5. We make the final shape by holding the tool with the blade towards us.
  6. To fix the shape of the mustache, you can use special wax.

Deliberately careless bristles, stylish beard or a neatly groomed mustache can make any man attractive. These natural decorations are able to create unique image and turn everyone simple guy with a not too expressive appearance in a fashionable and charming macho.

It is quite possible to create the desired mustache shape on your own and at home. To do this, you need to know the features and subtleties of the form various types mustache and pick up those that will not only appeal to you, but will also be appropriate.

The end of the Second World War was marked not only by serious changes in the political life of the whole world, but also by changes in fashion trends. It was then that the brush mustache, which used to be incredibly popular, began to lose ground, giving way to their new type of mustache.

Mustaches have gained extraordinary popularity, resembling twisted arcs with tips pointing upwards. Jimmy Edwards, a British actor and former pilot, can rightly be considered a trendsetter for such original mustaches. In 1947, it was he who founded the "Twisted Mustache Club" at one of the parties. Oddly enough, this community is still thriving today. Members of the club are required to have "fluffy decoration of the upper lip with tacky tips."

For reference! In the famous mustachioed club Jimmy Edwards, beards were strictly prohibited.

Mustache handlebar

Translated from English title this mustache means "bicycle handlebar". Their shape really resembles this subject. The tips of such mustaches are famously twisted up or into small rings.

In Italy, this type of vegetation was known as spaghetti mustache. Handlebars were popular with soldiers during the First World War.

These mustaches are short and long, depending on the wishes of the man.

Advice! To neatly and beautifully lay the mustache in a shape resembling a bicycle handlebar, it is better to use a small amount of special wax. This will allow you to subdue the lush vegetation above the upper lip a little and create the desired look with stylish curls.

What they look like: photo

Who will suit?

For lovers of mustaches, it has always been a big problem from the whole variety of fashionable and stylish models choose the most suitable mustache and beard. It is necessary not only to boast of a manly stubble, but also to hide the flaws, while emphasizing the advantages favorably. In general, handlebars are suitable for many men. But still, when choosing this type of mustache, it is important to consider the main criteria:

  1. Direction and speed of hair growth.
  2. Hair color.
  3. Face shape.

So, for example, handlebars are very suitable for men with a square-shaped face. They will create a smoothing effect, giving the face the correct neat shape.

How long to grow?

As mentioned earlier, a bicycle handlebar mustache can be either long or short. If you are determined to grow a stylish mustache that will adorn your face and create a unique image, it is important to pay attention to this process.

For short handlebars, about two to three weeks will be enough. If you want to grow a long mustache, you will have to wait at least twice as long. It should be borne in mind that the rate of hair growth in men is different. So, for example, someone's mustache and beard of the desired length will grow in a week, while someone will have to wait almost a month.

Many are looking on the Internet for advice on how to grow a mustache? The main recommendation in this case is to throw away the razor and do not touch the vegetation on your face for a couple of weeks. If you only want a mustache, you can still get rid of the beard. The boundaries of permissible hair growth just above the upper lip are not limited.

When the antennae have reached a sufficiently impressive length of 1.5 - 2 cm, they can begin to be smoothed from the center to the sides, directing the hairs a little down and then up again.

Mustache haircut

This moment of caring for a beard and mustache is best left to professionals, at least for the first time, until you yourself understand what exactly you need. To cut your mustache yourself, it is important to know a few nuances:

  • File the ends of the mustache to make it look neater and not too full. This must be done along the bottom edge.
  • Before cutting, the mustache is carefully combed, positioning them the way you want. After that, they can be cut to the desired length.
  • A beard, like a mustache, can only be cut dry.
  • Mustache trimmed with a trimmer. First, they are given the desired shape, creating a contour, and then all unnecessary is removed.

How to care?

To learn how to properly care for facial hair, it is better to contact a barbershop and purchase a special shampoo, wax, as well as a small comb and others. useful tools for mustache and beard care.

It is wrong to think that facial hair does not require special attention. The most desperate fashionistas and stylish mustachioers regularly take care of their pride - mustaches and beards, gently combing them and famously twisting them, applying wax to them. It is important to take care of facial hair regularly.

English mustache

In the days of the British Empire, the military was held in high esteem by wide (and sometimes narrow), rather long mustaches, which became quite thin at the tips. They got the name "English mustache". To give this type of vegetation the desired shape, men shaved the hairs in the corners of the mouth. An English mustache begins in the center above the upper lip, and their tips are twisted into a very thin tube.

Men with such mustaches are hard to imagine without a tailcoat and a strict top hat.

What they look like: photo

Who will suit?

For men with a narrow oval or triangle-shaped face, it is recommended to wear not only an English mustache, which will emphasize their sophistication and nobility, but also a Chevron and a Walrus mustache.

How to do?

Mustaches are becoming more and more confident in the lives of men, because they certainly add masculinity and charm to their image. To acquire a chic English mustache, you need to make quite a bit of effort.

Important! When forming an English mustache, they need to be cut against the direction of hair growth.

It is difficult to say how long it will take for each man to grow a mustache of the desired length, since the growth rate of hairs is different for each individual.

Curly English mustaches are formed quite simply. First you need to grow the stubble to the desired length, and then cut the mustache to the desired level. In addition, it is important not to comb the mustache from the center to the sides, but simply shave the notch in the center with a razor, forming the desired contour.

A feature of the English mustache is that the area above the corners of the lips is shaved, so it is also important to do it right.

If you are unable to beautifully twist the ends of the antennae with your fingers, you can shave them the way you want. Sideburns should also have a neat, clear shape.

The tips are curled by hand, sometimes forming rings, and in some cases simply sharpening them and making them very thin, sticking up, as you like.

How to curl your mustache at home?

Many fashionistas who carefully monitor their image are concerned about the question: how to twist a mustache at home so as not to depend on a hairdresser and be able to do it on their own. Curly mustaches look much more interesting than ordinary stubble, and shaping them is a pleasure.

If you have already formed a mustache, and they have acquired the desired look, now it is very important to properly care for them. For this there are many special means, which can be purchased at the barbershop or hairdresser.

The washed mustache needs to be combed properly, apply quite a bit of wax to the fingers, rub it and gently apply it to the antennae. Straighten the hairs in the desired direction from the center to the cheeks.

Reaching the ends, roll the hairs into thin straws to get a peak, pointed like a needle.. Wax will help keep the mustache in shape and naughty hairs will not stick out of them. Now the tips of the mustache can be left in this state, but if you want to form a mustache with curls, twist the sharp edge inward, forming a ring, hold to fix the result and that's it - you are irresistible.

Exquisite English or original handlebar mustache - whichever option you choose, they will certainly add zest to your image and make it special.

Forming such a mustache and caring for them is not so difficult as it seems at first glance. It is enough to devote only a few minutes to this nuance every day and others will certainly appreciate your style and interesting image.

Since mid-2005, mustaches, as part of a forgotten image of men, are gradually returning to fashion. well-groomed face and fashionable haircut, in harmony with beautiful vegetation, are signs of masculinity, attractiveness and success. The desire of the representatives of the stronger sex to look charismatic and boldly led to the opening of numerous barbershops, where the masters help to choose their own style. But before experimenting, it doesn’t hurt to find out what types of mustaches exist, why they are “turned on”. What care will be required for a beard and mustache?

A mustache will make a man look more charismatic

To whom and what mustaches are suitable?

The task of the mustache and beard is to highlight certain areas or facial features, to give them contrast and expressiveness. Often they are grown to veil the flaws of the oval or cosmetic defects skin, such as scars. But becoming a "mustache" does not mean giving up shaving your facial hair. This means familiarizing yourself with all the styles of male mustaches and finding the best one for you. Which is not easy, because different form faces fit different types vegetation. Universal variant does not exist even for men with the same oval face. But since there are many styles, every man has a chance to find his own style and create an image.

Do you already have a mustache?


An experienced barbershop master can suggest which and to whom mustaches suit. Here the main selection criterion is the shape of the face:

  1. Square. Men with square shape faces fit a mustache or beard with short hair or gathered in a ponytail. Such a haircut will allow you to express the oval lines in the cheekbones, and a short-cut mustache that makes up a circle with a beard (bare cheeks) will allow you to lengthen your face. Mustaches are perfect for such an oval, together with vegetation on the chin. Gives cheekbones masculinity.
  2. Triangle. To remove the imbalance between the upper and lower parts of the head will help thick male mustache, closing in a line with a beard. But it’s better to remove the sideburns and not cut your hair short.
  3. Circle. To make the face visually thinner and elongated, shaved and short-cut lines of vegetation in the cheekbones and thick short-cut mustaches will help. A thick beard with a flared mustache line is also a great option. Haircuts are no less demanding. In combination with facial hair, it should be neat and short.
  4. Oval. Universal face shape that suits any type of vegetation above the upper lip. They can be combined with a three-day stubble and even a beard.

The decision to grow a mustache means that a man is willing to spend a certain amount of time grooming his hair. Otherwise, the image of a unkempt and disheveled caveman will become his calling card. Do not lose sight of fashion trends. If you want to look stylish and sophisticated, it is wiser to choose for yourself several types of trendy mustaches and experiment.

TOP 15 most fashionable types of mustaches

It will be quite difficult to list all types of mustaches, so it’s wiser to focus on the most popular and fashion options. This:


The vegetation is characterized by a wide and thick base, repeating the curves of the male's upper lip. They completely cover part of the upper lip, but do not go beyond the corners of the lips. This form of mustache gives the face severe masculinity, but requires regular and competent care, otherwise all beauty will turn into “thickets”. I. Stalin wore them. This type of mustache suitable for large and tall men with a square or oval face. Care: Chevron mustaches need to be combed and trimmed, hair styled in one direction.

Chevron mustache will give the face a severe masculinity


They are characterized by thin elongated ends and a wide base covering the upper lip. The elegant English mustache was brought into fashion by the British military. They are suitable for men of average build and with large facial features, lips. The plumper the lips, the better the curved “strings” look. If the facial hair is abundant, then the English shape is given with a razor. The areas above the corners of the lips and on top are neatly trimmed.

Elegant English mustache brought into fashion by the British military


Steeply twisted up narrow and long mustache. The ends end at the wings of the nose, but do not twist inwards. This unusual shape invented and worn by the artist S. Dali. It was named in his honor fashion shape. Its feature is excellent compatibility with beards. Narrow lines on the cheekbones or goatee. The choice of option depends on the style preferred by the man and facial features.

A feature of Dali's mustache is excellent compatibility with beards

fu manchu

This is a neat and stylish mustache with a medium thickness base. Their main feature- hair grows down in strands tapering downwards. The growing vegetation follows the lines of the upper lip. To create the Fu Manchu type, the chin and cheeks are completely shaved, leaving only strips of hair growing perpendicular to the line of the lips. The beauty of the form is in the length of the regrown ends. This version of the male image was introduced into fashion in the first half of the 20th century. After the release of the series "The Mystery of Dr. Fu Manchu", in which main character wore just such vegetation. Although it is noteworthy that in the classic work, the doctor did not have it.

The beauty of the shape of this mustache is in the length of the regrown ends


These inverted horseshoe-like mustaches are distinguished by the same width along the entire length. Their base is wide and seems to frame the upper lip, descending to the chin. They grow to the jaw line. This form of vegetation looks great on an oval and round face with medium to large features. The shape of the Horseshoe mustache also resembles the previous form. They are recommended for men with abundant vegetation. The base should be lush and dense, neatly trimmed and with hairs laid in one direction.


The shape resembles a bicycle handlebar - the base grows over the middle of the upper lip, and the ends wind up. Style your hair naturally in this form is not easy, so wax is often used. Mustaches are elongated (the base goes beyond the corners of the lips and smoothly turns up, without sharp twists) and short (the length does not go beyond the corners of the lips, the curvature is clearly visible). Such a mustache does not look with a rarely growing hairline. The "bicycle handlebar" should be lush and elastic, but trimmed so as not to cover the lips.

Laying the "Bicycle handlebar" is not easy, so use wax


Very original and small mustache (narrow and thin). To create a line following the contours of a smile above the upper lip, the hair is trimmed both from above and below. The thickness of the base takes the form of a line drawn with a pencil on a sheet of paper. This form of vegetation male face was extremely popular in the early to mid-twentieth century. These beautiful mustaches require special care - daily cutting and styling. The form is popular in Italy, Hungary, France and Spain. Depending on the shape of the face, it can be elongated, medium length and short.

Extremely popular at the beginning of the 20th century, the shape of the mustache


Ideal for men with a "poor" hairline. The pyramidal shape is very reminiscent of many types of mustaches, for example, it looks like a "rare" chevron. Its feature is a narrow base at the nose and a wide one above the lip. Suitable for most men and is considered the most natural. At the same time, pyramidal antennae look great both short-haired and elongated.

Pyramid mustache fits most men


In America and Europe, this type of mustache was extremely popular at the end of the 18th century. - the beginning of the 19th century. After World War II, brushed mustaches were no longer worn by men. This form has a minimalist style. Hair grows only over the central part of the upper lip. The width of the base is not more than 4 cm. The “Brush” shape looks with a dense growth of bristles. Hair should be the same length and combed smoothly. Today, men's mustaches of this style are increasingly being looked at, because the great Ch. Chaplin also wore them.

"Toothbrush" made popular by Charlie Chaplin


feature - many thick hair across the entire width of the mouth. The mustache goes beyond the corners of the lips, covering the upper lip. They often close their mouths. This is the most voluminous and massive form. Such a mustache can be worn by large men with dense facial hair. History knows individuals who preferred this particular form - F. Nietzsche and M. Twain.


Suitable for men with dense facial hair. They create a voluminous base, gradually tapering towards the ends. The classic Hungarian mustache resembles an overgrown walrus. But there are still differences. The hair of this form should be cut uniformly throughout its length (medium length) and combed on both sides of the center of the upper lip. It is considered a sign of courageous nobility and courage, because it was worn by all the cowboys of the Wild West, sheriffs and the military.

Hungarian mustache worn by cowboys of the Wild West


Italy has given modern men several forms. One of them, namely the Italian mustache, was very popular in the pre-war and post-war period. It resembles an "overgrown" Pencil of medium length, starting from the base of the nose with a pyramid. The contours of the vegetation should repeat the smile, but not go beyond the corners of the lips. The mustache is neatly and shortly cut to the same length, looks thick.

There is also a second type of mustache - Balbo. They got their name in honor of the founder. Their feature is the presence of a beard. But at the same time, the mustache line does not merge with the beard line, there are no sideburns. The length of the hair is the same in both types of vegetation. The style of the beard is selected separately. IN classic version hair is grown on the cheekbones and chin (completely closed), and shaved from the cheeks, neck and under the lower lip. This form of vegetation perfectly lengthens the face, gives the cheekbones masculinity and expressiveness. It is also worth considering that the length of the hair should not exceed 0.4 cm.

Subtle sophistication of the Italian mustache


Another type of mustache Pencil. These are thin and graceful lines of vegetation above the upper lip reaching the corners of the lips. The width of the base is not thick and bulky. At the same time, the French mustache has a characteristic line - it starts almost perpendicular to the line of the lips, and then smoothly breaks along.

French mustaches are suitable for men who have round face and dark hair


They are very similar to the shape of the Handlebar, but with two differences - the ends are narrowed strongly, looking up, but not twisted. The smoother the transition, the more graceful and elegant the shape looks. An excellent choice for men with a triangle face shape. Goes well with a beard. They can be lush and thick.

An imperial mustache is a great choice for men with a triangular face shape.


A great option for young people with delicate features. In the classic version, the ends above the corners of the lips are grown so that they hang down to the chest in thinning strands. IN modern version They are not here. The difference in shape is a perfectly shaved face and the area under the nose (Filtrum column and Cupid's arc). The mustache starts from the arc. The hair is combed along the ode of the side in two medium-thick lines.

The difference in shape is a perfectly shaved face and the area under the nose

There are other types of mustaches that are combined with a beard in men, but they did not hit the trend. When choosing your type, you should rely not only on advice, but also on personal feelings. Therefore, those representatives of the stronger sex who decided to become a "mustache" should wish to be patient. After all, choosing an image is not an easy task.

Services of barbershops masters: advantages and significance

The master of the barbershop probably knows how to make the desired shape of the mustache, give hair to the face of a man right kind. In addition, it is extremely difficult to take care of your own hair. Just as difficult as cutting your own hair. Hiking to the master is a guarantee that facial hair is styled correctly, looks neat and well-groomed.

The first step on the way to a stylish image is search experienced craftsman

But if a man really cares about how he looks, then going to the barbershop and choosing a master should be done long before you start growing facial hair. Why? Everything is simple. The choice of the type of facial hair for each man is individual and consists not only in correct definition oval face. Determined based on the following factors:

  • Height. Men of average and short stature voluminous and massive types of mustaches do not go. Tall representatives of the stronger sex with large facial features are not suitable for options in combination with a voluminous and thick beard.
  • How much a man knows about mustaches and how to care for them, whether he can pay enough attention to them.
  • Naturalness of external data. Facial hair should look harmoniously against the background of the hairstyle. Looking at a “mustache” man, one should not get the impression that something needs care - a hairstyle or facial hair.
  • Do you need to correct the appearance? We talked about the oval of the face above.
  • What type of hair, volume and color (we are talking about facial hair). Densely growing vegetation is suitable for some forms, rarely - completely different. Bright skin not combined with a dense and thick dark mustache or beard. Preference is given to shaved cheeks and a graceful mustache. But in the presence of red or blond hair give preference to density, volume.

Cutting and styling facial hair is a serious and difficult task. It depends on the overall look. Therefore, trips to the master of barbershops will be useful from the point of view of study. He will tell you which comb is used to style a particular type of hair, which scissors are used to cut. The demands of facial hair care are so tiring and time-consuming that 8 out of 10 men are more than happy to entrust this task to a professional. Therefore, the first step on the way to a stylish image is the search for an experienced master and a barbershop.

Choose which mustache shape you want and see if it suits you. Depending on the type of face, a man can choose certain styles of mustache. Pay attention to where on your face the most intensive growth hair, as well as their density. Thanks to this, you will be able to choose the correct shape of the mustache.

  • You can edit your photo in Photoshop or ask friends or family for advice. If you can't do either, then just look at yourself in the mirror and imagine yourself with a mustache that you like.
  • Try short mustache. A short mustache is a great choice for people with thick dark hair. Here are some popular short mustache shapes:

    • Mustache "Pencil": narrow and thin, such a mustache is located exactly above the upper lip. Graceful and, perhaps, dapper. If you are going to become the owner of this form of mustache, remember that when performing this form, there must be a strip of skin between the mustache and lips, otherwise it will look like a lip pencil. This mustache style requires a lot of grooming.
    • Mustache "Fu Manchu": a thin line covering the upper lip, descending along the sides and hanging down to the lower part of the jaw. Don't be confused given style mustache with horseshoe style. IN this case the area above the corners of the mouth is not shaved.
    • Mustache "Toothbrush": thick mustache, shaved in a wide strip in the center above the lip. You should be left with a small rectangle of vegetation no wider than the nose. This mustache shape is associated with Adolf Hitler.
  • Try a long mustache. If you want to become the owner of a thick mustache, then it is worth noting that your hair should be straight and coarse. Usually, Thin hair they grow very fast, but it is unlikely that you will be able to create the look of a thick beautiful mustache if your hair is very thin. Most likely, they will just hang near the corners of your mouth, constantly annoying you. If you decide on a long mustache, the following information will be very helpful:

    • "English mustache": long, wide mustache with thin ends, starting from the middle of the upper lip. The area above the corners of the mouth is usually shaved. Use wax to give nice shape your mustache.
    • Mustache "Walrus": large, thick, hanging mustache across the entire width of the mouth. Often completely cover the mouth. The bright owner of such a mustache is Teddy Roosevelt. Trim your beard with a trimmer without touching your mustache. Wait for the mustache to grow in by shaving clean the rest of the face.
    • Selleck's mustache: Named after famous television personality Tom Selleck. This shape is similar to the walrus mustache, however, it does not completely cover the mouth, as the owners of this mustache cut off extra hairs above the upper lip.
  • Experiment. An unusual combination of mustache and a small beard gives the man solidity and self-confidence. Get creative, look at yourself in the mirror, and try to imagine how you would look with some form of mustache and beard. Remember, you can always shave your beard if you don't like it.

    • The goatee is a circular beard connected to a mustache. Mustache "Fu Manchu" and "Horseshoe" - are the best options to create this image.
    • The lamb chop beard creates a vaudeville or civil war, where couples circled in a waltz.
    • Try a straight mustache if you want to look like an actor.
  • Trim your mustache. And although for some mustaches, trimming is controversial issue but maybe your mustache will find it useful. Some mustaches need more work than others. But the complex with waxing, combing, trimming and shaving should be yours. daily ritual if you want to have a chic mustache.

    • Depending on the shape of your mustache, trim it with scissors when necessary: ​​daily or once a week. After a month of trimming your mustache weekly, you will already have a good idea of ​​how much to trim your mustache each time.
  • Watch your face carefully. Wash your face in the morning and before bed with a facial cleanser. Thanks to this, your face will always be clean.

    • Mustaches can collect dirt and natural oils, so they need special care as they can lead to skin irritation and breakouts. So keep your mustache clean to avoid unnecessary skin problems.
  • If necessary, shape your mustache. Perhaps you dream of a walrus mustache, then you can leave your mustache untouched for several weeks. But on the other hand, if you're trying to grow a Pencil mustache, you'll need a comb, a trimmer, and you may need to shave every day.

    • Put some wax on your mustache. After washing your face or taking a shower, apply some mustache wax to the middle of your mustache with your fingers. Spread the wax, covering all mustaches. Then brush them well.
    • Comb your mustache if necessary. If you are growing a mustache, then when you comb your hair, do not forget about the mustache. So you teach the mustache to grow in the direction you need. Use a comb with fine teeth.
    • Comb your mustache to the left and right of the center.
  • "Moustache is a panty pass," reads folk wisdom. The presence of hair above the upper lip means that a man is standing in front of you, not a boy. It's about about lush vegetation, and not about a virgin, untouched by a blade cannon.

    Mustaches save those who have an ugly bald patch on their cheeks, like an Indian. They make you look like an adult, respected Azerbaijani, an enterprising chairman of a millionaire collective farm, a senior researcher, porn actor of the 80s or trendy hipster. All the tough guys wore mustaches: Albert Einstein, Hulk Hogan, John Carpenter, Semyon Mikhailovich Budyonny, Soso Vissarinovich and even Adolf… Haha, no, not the one you thought of, but Adolf Sachs, whose last name with the addition of the suffix “von” revealed is the name of a musical instrument.

    Of course, the choice of mustache is entirely up to you. Their diversity causes envy even among bearded men. But before you choose your uniform, a little educational program about what a decent guy and what is not.

    If you have thick, Cambodian jungle-like dark hair, then you will feel most comfortable with shapes such as Pencil, Fu Manchu, and Toothbrush. But no, forget it, it was worn by Charlie Chaplin, and in history there was another Austrian with a mustache, like Chaplin.

    Owners of straight, but thick hair should choose a wide mustache. As a rule, thin hair grows very quickly, but it is unlikely that you will be able to create the look of thick beauty, like Nietzsche, if your hair is very thin. Most likely, they will just hang near the corners of the mouth, trying to get into the mouth.

    Happy owners of wide mustaches are strongly recommended to wear the so-called "English mustaches", mustaches "Walrus" and "Chevron".

    An important role in choosing a mustache is played by the shape of the beard. The owners of the so-called "Triangle", in order not to expose a pointed chin in an unfavorable light, need a short mustache. "Walrus" and "Fu Manchu" will turn you into a cartoon character with a mustache more face, "Pencil" is the perfect solution.

    The oval face shape is considered universal, as almost all types of mustaches are suitable for it.

    Chubby men need a mustache that will visually make the face more elongated. So categorically avoid a thin mustache, my round-headed friend. "Pencil", "Chevron", "Pyramidal" will save you from aplomb.

    For men with a square-shaped face, curled "Handlebars", "Fu Manchu" and "Pyramidal" mustaches are suitable for smoothing features. More hair curls on the face!

    Well, now directly to the mustache itself. Choose a shape, remember your idols, look in the mirror and put down your razor.


    No curls, no frills, just a wide, thick mustache covering the upper lip. For serious men like Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin.

    fu manchu

    Fu Manchu is a literary character created by Sax Rohmer. The embodiment of evil with a long thin mustache, lowered to the bottom. If you are not the lead singer of the Dschinghis Khan group, if you do not plan to arrange a Tatar-Mongolian yoke in Rus', if you do not look like Shao Kahn, then it is not clear how, when and why you will wear them.


    Full mustache, equal in width, growing to the jaw line, similar to an inverted horseshoe. They are distinguished from Fu Manchu by the fact that their ends do not hang down, and the line itself is much wider than that of Asian mustaches. The area above the corners of the mouth is not shaved, so everything is close to the face. Bikers, Cossacks and Hulk Hogan love to wear such mustaches. If any of the above is close to you, you know what to do.


    From English, their name is translated as "Bicycle wheel". The famous curled mustache, which is especially popular with hairy youth. They can be both long and short - it all depends on the hair. The most important thing is to make the right curls at the ends. And here, as they say, wax to help.

    If you are a soldier of the times of the First World War (which we very much doubt) or a fashionista who carefully monitors himself, then such a mustache will greatly adorn your fashionable muzzle.

    English mustache

    Thick mustache, starting at the middle of the upper lip and famously twisted at the ends into a thin, thin tube. Such a mustache lacks a top hat, a tailcoat and conversations in the style of "Three in a boat, not counting the dog", or investigations in the style of Hercule Poirot. Although the Kukryniksy liked to add such mustaches to the bourgeoisie.


    Show me an idiot who wears the great artist's cockroach mustache, set up and twirling, and I'll tell you his diagnosis.

    Imperial mustache

    A very lush mustache that grows not only on the upper lip, but also stretches up the cheeks, inextricably connecting through the sideburns with the rest of the hairline. For such a mustache, you need to be incredibly pretentious and self-sufficient, like emperors Russian Empire and Austria-Hungary, or the late Lemmy Kilmister, who gave that mustache a second life.


    It's a mustache triangular shape, a bit like a chevron mustache, but more correct form, narrow near the nose and wide at the base. Classic and very comfortable mustache for all occasions. It is meaningless to list their owners, because they are imprinted on the legendary faces of Ron Jeremy, a cowboy from the Village People, and even Nicolas Cage in his time. Maybe your dad or grandfather wore them. They smell like the 70s, free morals and grains of cocaine entangled in their hairs.

    And if you grow a stronger mustache, letting go of the fluff under the lower lip in parallel, then you can become like Frank Zappa.


    In the 20-30s, half of the men on the planet Earth wore these mustaches. For example, such legendary figures as the People's Commissar of Internal Affairs of the USSR Heinrich Yagoda and Marshal Blucher. Today, to wear them, you need to have a lot of courage, because history remembers them over the upper lip not even with Charlie Chaplin, but with Adolf Hitler.


    A thick mustache, combed from the center to the sides, tapers and ends at the level of the corners of the mouth or a little further. The level of their splendor, as a rule, depends on the laziness of their owner.

    If you draw close attention on the name, it is not difficult to guess that the fashion for such a mustache originated in Hungary. A few centuries later, in the desert canyons of the Wild West, they gained a second youth, growing on the faces of bank employees, sheriffs and other evil spirits.


    Fluffy mustache hanging over the lips. Such mustaches often cover the mouth. If you are not embarrassed by the prospect of constantly dirtying your mustache in borscht and being nicknamed "Mr. Tusk", then please grow it. Comfort yourself with the thought that such mustaches were worn by Mark Twain, Friedrich Nietzsche, and you are a millimeter closer to their greatness.

    Only there

    Barely noticeable and short mustache, indistinguishable from ordinary bristles. The only difference is that their owners have abundant vegetation accumulated only above the upper lip and on the chin. Such people also do not like to shave every day.


    small thin mustache, often shaved above or below. The main reference point for their thickness was a pencil, thanks to which they got their name. In the 30s, 40s and 50s, they were incredibly popular thanks to such Hollywood idols as Clark Gable, who became almost synonymous with this mustache. Nowadays, it is impossible to imagine the face of Metallica guitarist Kirk Hammett without them.

    Such a mustache, requiring daily care and attention, were worn by the most fashionable personalities of that time - mafiosi, thanks to which the image of an inveterate gangster of Italian origin is not complete without neat stripes above the upper lip. After all, Vito Corleone, played by Marlon Brando, did not escape elegant hairs.