Cutting a beard - step-by-step instructions with life tips and photos. How to trim your beard? How to make a stylish beard (photo)

Very often, men experience difficulty and fear when shaving their face and neck. The complex terrain, the protruding Adam's apple, really adds trouble and some skill is required in order not to get hurt and learn how to shave correctly.

Some people, due to excessive caution, are left with unshaved areas of skin. Some are concerned about redness, pain from cuts, or ingrown hair. All this may be a consequence of an incorrect approach to shaving.

In this article we will tell you 10 tips on how to shave properly for a man and avoid cuts, redness on the skin, and other irritations caused by the razor.

Some manufacturers claim that you can shave your face and neck without using shaving foam or gel. Don't take their word for it. Yes, they use some kind of soap bar to soften the shave, but it does not replace a full-fledged shaving gel/foam. Therefore, be sure to use shaving foam.

Use shaving cream or gel

The hair on your face can grow in different directions. Hair follicles located on one side of the face or neck can even be arranged in a circle. Understanding the direction of hair growth is the first step to shaving properly.

The easiest way to determine the direction of hair growth is to run your finger along 2-3 day old stubble. If the stubble scratches your finger, you are going against hair growth. If your finger goes smoothly, you are following the hair growth. You can even draw a “hair growth map” on paper if it’s easier for you to remember. Draw the direction with arrows on both sides of the face.

You need to shave in the direction of hair growth. Do not mind! This is the main rule of shaving.

Proper skin preparation is very often overlooked. As a rule, men rinse their face and chin, but they may, for example, forget about their neck. Remember to rinse your entire face and neck with warm water. Rinse thoroughly to remove dirt. It's even better if you steam your skin during a hot shower or a warm towel placed on your face and neck for 2-3 minutes. The pores thus open up and shaving becomes both easier and safer.

If you have very sensitive skin, applying a small amount of shaving oil will help reduce irritation. The thin film will prevent the blade from touching the skin, and you can easily get through difficult areas.

Proceed as follows: wash your face -> apply oil -> apply shaving cream.

After preparing your face and steaming your skin, try shaving and rinsing the razor with cold water. Oddly enough, many note a decrease in irritation and the risk of cutting their face and neck.

By “special” I mean a shaving machine with softening strips and a large number of blades (from 3 pieces). They are sometimes called "safety razors" for shaving. In fact, the manufacturer of the machines made sure that with little knowledge about shaving, you could not hurt yourself or cut yourself, even shaving against the hair growth (as the advertising claims). The production uses high-quality sharp blades located at a certain angle so that the edge of the blade does not protrude too much and does not injure the face.

Tip #7. Pull out some hard-to-reach areas of skin

In some places it is very difficult to shave, even using all possible emollients. For example, the Adam's apple area is a very difficult area. Try to move the area of ​​skin or tighten it by moving your head forward or backward. Shorter strokes of the razor will also help to delicately shave a difficult area.

Do not put pressure on the razor when shaving. You need to shave calmly and effortlessly. If the unfortunate hair is not shaved off, try slightly changing the direction of movement of the razor.

Once you have finished shaving, you should thoroughly rinse your face and neck with warm water (before applying aftershave lotion). This will allow you to get rid of any remaining shaving foam and particles of shaved hair.

After applying aftershave, it is recommended to rinse your face with cold water to close the pores of the face and neck. This is especially useful if you prefer to shave in the morning and then drive through a dusty city.

Let's face it. Many people fail to shave their face and neck perfectly, even after years of practice. Obviously, your skin won't become like a baby's even if you pour all the shaving products on yourself. Therefore, try not to cut yourself and bring your skills to a “satisfactory” level, and I think this is quite enough to look “presentable”.

Why not grow a beard? Today, shaving is the norm and therefore eliminates the growth of facial hair. Sometimes men need a little courage to radically change their appearance. Of course, just growing a beard is not enough; you need to learn how to properly care for it.

How to grow a beard correctly - first steps

We recommend starting the difficult process of growing a beard while on vacation. You will be more relaxed while away from your work and people. Often, many men give up their idea halfway, hearing the unkind reaction of their colleagues. Try not to shave at all, at least for the first four weeks of hair growth.

How to grow a beard correctly - a common mistake

The most common mistake is trying to start shaping a beard too early. Even if you are just planning to grow a small beard, you should allow it to grow for the first four weeks. Many men at this stage cut off more than they really want.

How to grow a beard correctly - beard formation

After four weeks, you can begin shaping your beard. Typically, many men want to define the "neck line" along the bottom of their beard. This is best done with the help of a professional hairdresser or stylist. The "cheek line", the top edge of the beard on the cheeks, is best left natural. If you plan to start your beard just below the eyes, you should also leave the cheeks alone.

How to Grow a Beard the Right Way - Don't Let Itching Hold You Back!

If you experience itching on your face, try to keep your skin clean daily with shampoo and conditioner. She will eventually be able to adapt to the new situation. The itching may be temporary, but applying baby oil or moisturizing lotion can provide quick relief. Balms with shea butter or beeswax also have a beneficial effect on hair growth by providing moisture and protecting it from wind damage and dangerous sun rays.

How to grow a beard correctly - set a goal

Don't give up halfway! Set a target date. For example, give yourself at least six weeks of hair growth before giving up on your efforts. When you reach the six week date, you can decide whether you want to have a beard or get rid of it.

Maintain your beard

  • Buy a beard trimmer and get advice on how to use it.
  • Dry your hair with a soft towel.
  • If you decide to get rid of a new beard, the easiest way is to use a special trimmer or hair cutting device.

How to properly grow a beard - using a comb

Do not forget that the beard looks neat when it is systematically combed. There are round, short, and long combs on sale that are specially designed for beard care. Combs can be made of metal, plastic, wood or even bone and have wide or thin teeth. For long beards, always choose wide-toothed combs, and for small beards, fine-toothed ones to help shape and maintain facial hair. The comb is also used when applying oil or balm to the hair.

How to grow a beard correctly - soap, shampoo, conditioner

Beware of detergents containing parabens and sulfides found in hair shampoos. Many men prefer to groom their beard with soap. You can try both to see what suits you best. However, remember that the skin under your beard is much more sensitive than on your head, so organic ingredients should soothe it, not irritate it.

Growing a beautiful beard is not easy because it directly depends on how well you care about your facial hair. By following these tips, you will eventually become the owner of a prestigious and courageous image.

In the modern world, a beard and mustache are not just facial hair, it is an element of appearance that gives individuality, character, a real work of art. Growing them is not so difficult, but making them attractive and well-groomed will require a lot of effort. How to trim your beard beautifully so that you and others like it? To do this you need to go through several basic steps.

Growing hair

It’s good if you already have a beard and you just need to correct its shape. But what if you have to start everything from scratch? To do this, you need to stock up on a lot of patience. After stopping shaving, as they grow, unpleasant sensations may appear, including itching. Since hair grows unevenly on different parts of the face, you will have to come to terms with the fact that an uneven growing beard will not add attractiveness to its owner.

Hair growth must continue until the required length is achieved. It is better not to make any adjustments until this point. As a rule, it can grow by 13-15 cm in a year. Most men suit a beard up to two centimeters long. In this case, you need to shave your neck to create a well-groomed look.

What types of beards are there?

Today the most popular beard options are:

1. “Goat” - cut so that elongated hair remains only at the very end of the chin.

2. Goatee - it is intended to leave both a beard and a mustache. It is cut in such a way that the hairline passes above the upper lip and smoothly turns into an asymmetrical oval, which widens towards the chin.

3. “Franz Joseph” - a strip of hair descends from the ear and, not reaching the chin, smoothly turns into a mustache.

4. Skipper's - a narrow strip of hair runs from ear to ear and covers only the lower part of the chin, forming a horseshoe.

5. Anchor - a small mustache remains above the lip, a thin vertical strip of hair remains on the chin, expanding towards the bottom, like an anchor.

6. Box - classic, the beard is neatly and evenly trimmed, covering the entire chin, blending in with the mustache.

How to choose the right form?

When the question arises about how to trim your beard, you first need to decide on its shape. It’s not a fact that the type you like will suit the oval of your face. It must be remembered that a beard can decorate and even hide any flaws, but it can also worsen your appearance.

Almost any beard looks harmonious with an oval one. An elongated face can be visually expanded with the help of sideburns or a rounded horseshoe beard. But a goatee or goatee will narrow your face even more.

How to trim a beard correctly for those with a round face? A trapezoidal beard from ear to ear or a goatee would be appropriate here, but it’s better to forget about sideburns.

A triangle face will be noticeably transformed thanks to a square-shaped beard or a slightly rounded “horseshoe”. Hair color should also be taken into account. As a rule, almost any type of beard suits blondes, but brunettes are better off choosing a compact beard.

In newfangled salons and hairdressing salons, you can use a service such as: In this case, your photo is loaded into a special computer program, and the stylist selects the appropriate beard shape for you. This is quite convenient because you can understand in advance how to trim your beard and see the approximate final result. But what to do if there is no time or opportunity to turn to a professional master? In this case, you will have to do everything yourself.

How to trim your beard yourself?

In order to make a beautiful beard at home, you will need:


- (in case of very sensitive skin or coarse hair);

Scallop with thick teeth;


Trimmer machine with attachments for trimming beards.

A beard is a kind of masterpiece that emphasizes the individuality of its owner, so it is quite important to choose the right style. Look at your colleague - what kind of beard he has, photos of various options can be seen in magazines. Consider whether this style suits you. Look in the mirror, examine your beard from all sides. Before you start cutting, make sure you have thought through all the details carefully. You have drawn a picture in your imagination, which means you can proceed to the next step.

Beard trim

Apply to the areas of the face and neck that are supposed to be cleared of hair, after which you should carefully remove excess hair using a razor according to the model you want. When this task is completed, the chin is thoroughly washed to remove any remaining cream and dried with a towel.

How to trim a beard if it requires significant shortening? For this it is better to use scissors. First you need to wet your hair with water, but so that it is only slightly damp, and comb it with a comb - this will make the cutting process easier.

How to trim your beard beautifully with a trimmer

Now it's time to use the trimmer. The beard must be thoroughly dried and combed so that the machine does not cut off excess. Movements should be smooth, without interruptions. You need to start cutting from the ear, gradually moving towards the chin, and then go back up. This way you can gradually achieve the desired shape.

For beginners, it is better to use an attachment that cuts hair as little as possible, since without proper experience, you can cut off excess hair. When this process is completed, the beard must be washed again, dried and combed, then carefully examine the result in the mirror. If you find individual hairs that do not fit into the overall picture, you can get rid of them by carefully cutting them off.

Goatee at home

How to trim a goatee beard yourself? This will not be difficult, since they now sell special shaving templates that can be adjusted and adjusted to your face shape. Such devices tightly cover the part of the beard and mustache that should be left. And those hairs that are outside the template can be safely cut with a razor or trimmer - the result is a beautiful and perfectly even goatee.

Modeling a beard at home is a rather difficult task. But if the result of your work is completely unsatisfactory, then you can always completely shave off all facial hair.

Many men wonder how to cut and shave their beard on their own. At home, this process is greatly simplified, however, even here you will need a lot of perseverance and adherence to certain rules. It's no secret that there are several methods for cutting a beard, as well as several types of beards. And today we will talk about how to properly cut a beard at home, and also discuss the fashion trends of the season.

A beard is always beautiful and courageous. Growing a beard is really difficult because each hair type requires its own personal haircut.

What's fashionable this year?

First of all, I would like to note that this year the beard claims to be the main trend of the season. And all because not only beards, but also long hair are in fashion. The trend is a short beard and its opposite – a long beard. Such seemingly simple trends shape the image of a modern urban man. Another fashion trend of the season is long hair, which stylists recommend wearing with a long beard this year. Moreover, stylists place the main emphasis on a cone-shaped beard.

What types of beard are there?

There are many options for creating a beard. The main ones are the Canadian style beard, short and long beard. However, before we move on to describing the types of beards, it should be noted that they are all suitable for a certain type of hair and face shape. This means that you should choose a beard based not only on your personal preferences, but also on your personal data.

The Balbo style beard involves a short mustache and a beard without sideburns. This is an Italian beard type that creates an incredibly attractive and, in a sense, reckless image of a modern urban man.

Another type of beard that is very popular among men is the Canadian beard. This type of beard involves short hair, a mustache and no sideburns. At the same time, the beard line runs only around the chin, which makes this beard incredibly neat and beautiful.

The trend of the new season is the ducktail beard. This beard involves long hair styled in a triangle. There are sideburns and a long mustache. The image turns out incredibly courageous and beautiful!

This type of beard is not for everyone. However, many stylists believe that a Lincoln-style beard can correct the shape of the face. It has a square shape and is simply ideal for those with an oval or triangular face.
The Lincoln style beard is a square beard with long hair and sideburns. In this case, the mustache is completely absent!

A “Royal” style beard or a royal beard involves a short, neat mustache and, accordingly, a beard. This is a sophisticated royal style that creates a discreet image.

A light and short beard that resembles a week's stubble is also in fashion. Usually men prefer to wear it paired with short haircuts. However, there are exceptions. This type of beard will be an excellent solution for long hair.

The short boxed beard style is one of the most popular options today. Many men prefer this kind of beard. Quite often you can meet Hollywood celebrities with a short boxed beard. A short boxed beard implies medium length hair, sideburns and a mustache. They look incredibly courageous and at the same time neat. This is an established trend that is very popular among men!

The modern long beard is paired with sideburns and a short mustache. This is a grunge look that showcases the style of a real man. It is chosen by those who are not shy to show off their individuality!

To create spectacular images at home, you should learn haircut technology. However, you should not assume that everything will be simple. After all, this is a certain art that a hairdresser has been studying for more than one year. So, to trim your beard at home, you will need a good light source, a mirror, a trimmer, a comb, scissors, and a razor (optional).

When you have grown a beard, it must be properly styled. First, you should comb your hair and remove excess hair from the edges. Hair should be cut from bottom to top and not vice versa. The beard and temple area should be trimmed on the fingers, without strong tension. When cutting your hair, be sure to look at the resulting silhouette. Using a clipper (trimmer), we level the temple area and trim the hair on the neck area. To align the edge line, the clipper should be held sideways, cutting hair from bottom to top.

Stylish appearance has long ceased to be a priority only for women. A well-groomed and neatly shaven man is perceived by society as a serious, respectable person.

And some men grow beards in different shapes, thus highlighting their individuality and sense of style. This trend has led to many salons offering male hair styling services.

However, few people know that with the help of modern devices, shaving a beard and mustache, as well as giving it shape, can be done at home. The most important thing is to know the basic principles.

Styling, or modeling of facial hair, is performed using special devices that are successfully used at home.

A trimmer is a device that works on the same principle as a professional hair clipper, but it is designed for cutting short hairs from the face and other parts of the body.

Important! The distance between the teeth of the trimmer is much narrower, therefore the risk of skin injury is significantly reduced.

Of course, modeling a beard and mustache is a rather difficult process. It will require not only sophistication, but also special skills. By and large, this is an entire art that has long been considered a noble cause and passed on from generation to generation.

With the help of a beard and mustache you can both choose an individual style and hide some imperfections. The main guidelines when determining style are:

  • hair color;
  • density;
  • man's height;
  • features of the figure.

Modeling consists of several steps, but initially the shape is determined. For example, fair-skinned men with dark hair will want a small beard and clean-shaven cheeks. A wide beard will look good on a thin face. For chubby men, a goatee in the shape of an inverted trapezoid or a cone is more suitable.

Did you know? In Islam, wearing a beard is mandatory and cutting it is prohibited.

Those who suffer from disproportionate nose shape are recommended to hide this defect with a mustache. If your nose is not too high and long, then it is better to wear a narrow long (so-called English) mustache. Moreover, the longer the nose, the longer the facial hair should be.

If the nose is high and large, a thick mustache will correct this. A curly long mustache will help hide the fullness of your face. And for those who have excessively full lips, they can be slightly covered with a mustache. In addition, when choosing a shape, it is necessary to take into account the location of the eyebrows, eyes, chin, cheekbones, ears, nose and mouth.

After the shape is chosen, it is necessary to prepare the vegetation for cutting - to grow the hair. Moreover, just stopping to shave it is not enough - you need to take care of your hair and skin. In order for the follicles to receive enough nutrients, the skin needs to be moisturized. Before growing a beard, you must completely shave your beard.

When the hairs grow a little, you can start modeling. During this period, the hair must be trimmed every 5-7 days, giving the beard the desired shape. In this case, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Short hair is always cut against hair growth.
  2. Long vegetation is always milled.
  3. Take care - use special shampoos and comb your beard regularly.

Important! If you are cutting your mustache and beard for the first time, you may not achieve the desired result, since the hair does not immediately lie correctly.

How to shave a beard and mustache

Before you start shaving, you need to choose a tool that's right for you. Many people still prefer razors with straight blades, but they are gradually losing their popularity because they quickly become dull, and they are being replaced by more modern and convenient devices.


If you are going to shave your beard with a trimmer, leaving a small stubble, then remove the protective cap from the device and shave from the ear down. When working with this tool, you must follow these rules:

  • the trimmer should always be at the same angle;
  • move the instrument from one edge, starting from the ear;
  • movements must be smooth, sudden movements are not allowed;
  • It is better not to shave your neck with a trimmer; for this, use a razor.

This video clearly demonstrates how to shape a beard yourself, with a razor, scissors, a comb, a clipper and two attachments 6mm and 3mm.

Did you know?
A man's beard and mustache grow by 3.8 mm per day (13.8 cm per year). And with daily shaving, about 65 mg of hair is shaved off, which is 500 g over 16 years.


Scissors can be called a classic of hairdressing art. Before the advent of trimmers, they were the ones that barbers used to shape their beards and mustaches. To care for facial hair at home, ordinary scissors will not work; for this you need to have a special hairdressing tool.

Of course, it will not be possible to completely get rid of vegetation using scissors, but it is entirely possible to give it the desired shape.

The basic rule to follow when using scissors is to never cut wet vegetation. Wet hair can be cut off more than necessary.

How to trim a beard with scissors, watch this video:

When cutting with scissors, you will need a comb (comb), through which the hair is passed and cut along the outer edge. To trim your beard symmetrically, you need to start from the ear and move towards the chin. The same procedure is repeated on the other side.

Razor (to zero)

About 95% of men use a regular razor for shaving their beards, since it allows them to remove excess hair more efficiently.

To get the cleanest possible face, it's best to shave in the morning. Before the procedure, it is advisable to wash your face with warm water and soften your skin. This will help make the bristles softer and make shaving easier.

After the preparation has passed, a napkin soaked in warm water is applied to the face, after which foam is applied to the face. This is done with soft massaging movements. Foam is used to cover all areas that need to be shaved.

When shaving a beard, the machine is carried out in the direction of hair growth towards the chin. When shaving, the machine is rinsed in warm water.

After the beard area is shaved, you should move on to the neck and chin area. To thoroughly shave this part, the head is tilted back and shaved from the chin to the neck.

Once you've finished shaving your beard, you can start working on your mustache. In this area, the stubble is especially hard, so you should hold the foam for a while to soften the hair. Then the foam is washed off with warm water and reapplied. The mustache is shaved with careful movements from top to bottom.

Proper aftershave care

To ensure that a shaved face does not become “speckled” and that the beard and mustache grow well, they need special care.

Beard and mustache care

It is not difficult to take care of your mustache and beard, the main thing is to do it regularly. At the same time, they adhere to the basic rule - they are washed every day. It is better to do this with regular shampoo, and after washing, rinse the hair with conditioner. This will help remove static electricity and make the vegetation softer.

Skin care after shaving

After shaving your beard and mustache, you should rinse your face thoroughly and then apply lotion. You should not apply any creams after shaving, as this may cause wen to appear. The cream is applied 15 minutes after the skin has been lubricated with lotion.

Important! You can shave no more often than once every three days. Frequent procedures lead to active hair growth and increase its rigidity.

Proper trimmer care

In order for the trimmer to last longer, you need to take care of it, just like a regular beard shaving machine. As a rule, the kit includes a cleaning brush, and manufacturers recommend washing this device under running water (some trimmers can be used directly in the shower).

Proper care of facial hair will help not only radically change a man’s appearance, but also affect his position in society. Therefore, there is no need to be afraid of experiments and you can safely start taking care of your appearance at home. Thanks to our advice, you already have knowledge about the basics of care.

A beard is always beautiful and courageous. Growing a beard is really difficult because each hair type requires its own personal haircut.

What's fashionable this year?

First of all, I would like to note that this year the beard claims to be the main trend of the season. And all because not only beards, but also long hair are in fashion. The trend is a short beard and its opposite – a long beard. Such seemingly simple trends shape the image of a modern urban man. Another fashion trend of the season is long hair, which stylists recommend wearing with a long beard this year. Moreover, stylists place the main emphasis on a cone-shaped beard.

What types of beard are there?

There are many options for creating a beard. The main ones are the Canadian style beard, short and long beard. However, before we move on to describing the types of beards, it should be noted that they are all suitable for a certain type of hair and face shape. This means that you should choose a beard based not only on your personal preferences, but also on your personal data.

The Balbo style beard involves a short mustache and a beard without sideburns. This is an Italian beard type that creates an incredibly attractive and, in a sense, reckless image of a modern urban man.

Another type of beard that is very popular among men is the Canadian beard. This type of beard involves short hair, a mustache and no sideburns. At the same time, the beard line runs only around the chin, which makes this beard incredibly neat and beautiful.

The trend of the new season is the ducktail beard. This beard involves long hair styled in a triangle. There are sideburns and a long mustache. The image turns out incredibly courageous and beautiful!

This type of beard is not for everyone. However, many stylists believe that a Lincoln-style beard can correct the shape of the face. It has a square shape and is simply ideal for those with an oval or triangular face.
The Lincoln style beard is a square beard with long hair and sideburns. In this case, the mustache is completely absent!

A “Royal” style beard or a royal beard involves a short, neat mustache and, accordingly, a beard. This is a sophisticated royal style that creates a discreet image.

A light and short beard that resembles a week's stubble is also in fashion. Usually men prefer to wear it paired with short haircuts. However, there are exceptions. This type of beard will be an excellent solution for long hair.

The short boxed beard style is one of the most popular options today. Many men prefer this kind of beard. Quite often you can meet Hollywood celebrities with a short boxed beard. A short boxed beard implies medium length hair, sideburns and a mustache. They look incredibly courageous and at the same time neat. This is an established trend that is very popular among men!

The modern long beard is paired with sideburns and a short mustache. This is a grunge look that showcases the style of a real man. It is chosen by those who are not shy to show off their individuality!

To create spectacular images at home, you should learn haircut technology. However, you should not assume that everything will be simple. After all, this is a certain art that a hairdresser has been studying for more than one year. So, to trim your beard at home, you will need a good light source, a mirror, a trimmer, a comb, scissors, and a razor (optional).

When you have grown a beard, it must be properly styled. First, you should comb your hair and remove excess hair from the edges. Hair should be cut from bottom to top and not vice versa. The beard and temple area should be trimmed on the fingers, without strong tension. When cutting your hair, be sure to look at the resulting silhouette. Using a clipper (trimmer), we level the temple area and trim the hair on the neck area. To align the edge line, the clipper should be held sideways, cutting hair from bottom to top.

If you want to have a beautiful beard, you need to regularly adjust its shape with a razor. As with most such cosmetic procedures, in order to properly shave stubble, you need to have certain skills and experience in this matter. In this article you can learn how to make a beautiful beard and always look stylish and respectable. In addition, here are the main points that will help you shave your facial hair correctly so that there is no discomfort, injury or irritation.

How to prepare your skin before shaving

Before you begin the shaving process, you should wash your face well with warm water. This will soften the stubble and prepare your facial skin for the blade. To get a good effect, you can moisten a small towel with hot water, squeeze it out and apply it to your face for half a minute. This will help better prepare your hair and skin for the procedure.

Immediately before you start shaving your beard, you need to treat your face with shaving foam, gel or cream. The product should be squeezed into the palm of your hand and applied evenly to the chin, neck and cheeks with soft circular movements. It is necessary to cover as much as possible all the places that you are going to shave. It’s even better to take special brushes that will allow you to apply foam or cream more evenly.

Shaving tools

To shave your beard, you will need several types of tools. In particular, the most popular are:

  1. disposable machine;
  2. machine with replaceable blades;
  3. electric razor

Each of these tools has its own advantages and disadvantages. The choice of a specific device largely depends on the characteristics of your skin and its sensitivity.

Electric shaver

Using an electric razor is quite simple. You just need to carefully study the instructions that are in the tool box. However, an electric razor is not suitable for all men. For example, this device will not be able to remove too hard stubble. It also won't cope with ingrown hairs. Therefore, many men often prefer machines, using an electric razor only periodically.


When using razors, you should first of all monitor the sharpness of the blade. This is very important, since a dull blade will quickly lead to skin irritation and even damage. Men with overly sensitive skin should take this especially seriously. Even if you shave with disposable razors, they require frequent replacement. As a rule, you can shave no more than three times with one.

Shaving technique

  1. First of all, you need to decide what you will use to shave your beard. We talked about choosing a tool above, so we won’t dwell on this in detail.
  2. It is best to shave stubble in the morning, when the skin is well rested. Before the procedure itself, you should prepare your facial skin with warm water or special creams. This will soften the hair and skin on your face so that the process goes smoothly. After finishing washing, you can apply a wet towel or napkin to your face for a short period of time.
  3. After completing the preparatory stage, foam or gel is applied to the face using circular massaging movements. The product should be applied to all areas that require shaving. As you shave the stubble, you should periodically rinse the machine in warm water.
  4. Now let's start working directly with the machine. They should be applied in the direction of hair growth, starting from the cheek. The machine is driven from the beginning of the stubble to the chin. After eliminating hair on the cheeks, you need to move on to the chin and neck area. To do this, the razor is drawn from bottom to top, from the neck to the chin.
  5. At the final stage, you need to shave your mustache and chin area. In these places the bristles are the hardest, so they are dealt with last, when the foam has had time to soften the hair.
  6. If the bristles are too hard, you should immediately wash off the foam, and then use hot water to treat problem areas. You need to apply foam to them again and shave these areas.

How to properly shape your beard

If you want to have a beautiful beard, you should pay attention to shaping it before shaving. Creating a beard shape consists of several stages:

  1. First, you should study the contours of your face to understand what type of beard will suit you best. In any case, it is necessary, and only then to engage in its formation. This is necessary in order to understand where your hair grows best. For example, they may grow closer to the nose or further away from it.
  2. Once you have studied your face shape and decided on your hair growth type, you need to choose a beard shape. If you have intense growth of stubble at the junction of your chin, cheekbones and mustache, then it is best for you to choose a uniform shape. Men with a round face should choose or. For men with a so-called thin mustache, the preferred option would be a beard like the one worn by Abraham Lincoln.
  3. Once you have decided on the shape, the hair should be allowed to grow well to the required length so that it fills all the places on the face necessary for this shape.
  4. Now you can grab a quality razor and start shaving your beard to give it the shape you want.

Beard care after shaving

In order for you to have a beautiful beard, it needs special care after shaving. After completing this procedure, you should rinse your face well and apply aftershave lotion. Experts do not recommend using any creams, as their use may result in the appearance of pimples or wen. If you still want to use the cream, then it is better to do this no earlier than 10-15 minutes after applying the lotion. It is believed that you should shave your facial hair no more than once every three days. Shaving more often will make your stubble coarser and increase hair growth.

What are the types of beards?

Step by step shaving process

1. First, decide what you will shave with. Men in most cases choose a razor with safety blades. However, these blades become dull quite quickly, so you need to replace them often to ensure a safe and clean shave.

2. It is advisable to carry out the shaving procedure in the morning. Before shaving, it is recommended to wash your face well with hot water and apply cream to prepare your skin for shaving. This will soften the stubble and the shaving process will be better. When finishing washing, you need to briefly apply a napkin or towel soaked in hot water.

3. Once the skin is prepared, you need to apply shaving foam to your face with massaging movements. Then apply lather evenly to each area on your neck and face that needs shaving. When you periodically shave your hair, try to rinse the razor in hot water.

4. You need to take a razor and draw a vertical line in the direction of hair growth along the cheek to the chin from the beginning of the stubble. Once the stubble is shaved from the cheeks, you need to move on to the neck and chin. To do this, you need to raise your head and draw a line with a razor from bottom to top, to the chin from the neck.

5. Finally, you need to move on to shaving your mustache and chin. These areas have the toughest stubble, which is why you need to wait until the shaving foam softens the hair.

6. If the bristles are too hard, you need to wash off the foam, then rinse the desired areas with hot water, and then reapply the foam. Carefully shave your mustache so that the razor is directed from top to bottom, and then you need to shave off the stubble from your chin

After shaving, be sure to rinse your face and use lotion.

Publication date - 03/04/2015

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How to shave a beard?

A beard can make a man look more presentable and masculine. However, it doesn't suit everyone. You need to choose a certain beard shape that will highlight your strengths and hide your flaws. The beard should be neat and well-groomed, only in this case it will decorate your face.

Today we will talk about how to shave a beard correctly and what subtleties must be observed.

Shaving a beard is not an easy task. If you are not confident in your abilities, go to the hairdresser. Previously, there were special establishments for shaving - barbers. Today, barbers are becoming increasingly popular thanks to the fashion for beards. For the first time, it is best to go to a master who will style your beard and tell you how to properly care for it.

Let's look at how to shave a beard at home.

How to shave a beard beautifully: choosing the type of beard

Study your face: the size of your mouth, the shape of your lips, cheekbones and chin. Also pay attention to the shape of your face: a beard will look good on a round face, which visually lengthens the face, for example, a wedge beard. If your face is narrow, a horseshoe beard or trapezoid beard will suit you. As you know, faces have different shapes: square, triangular, oval, etc. You need to choose a beard shape that will balance the features of your face and visually make it more regular and symmetrical. So, if you have a triangular face, then you can make a square beard, which will make your chin heavier. Also pay attention to the direction in which the stubble grows.