How to grow a beard without a mustache. Fashionable male beard without a mustache

The fashion for a mustache or beard is a reflection of society's views on what is acceptable and what is not in the appearance of a strong half of humanity. From era to era, the fashion for shaving has changed. Moreover, at the same time, it was different for different classes of society. The fashion for a beard in Russia has always been influenced by neighboring civilizations - on the one hand, the Western and on the other, the Eastern (South).

Beard in the ancient world

- in order to trim his beard a little, he used a flint knife;

The ancient Egyptians had a special attitude to the beard. Only pharaohs were allowed to wear beards. Men, on the other hand, shaved their beards with flint razors, and more affluent people with bronze razors. Pharaohs who did not grow their own beard wore a fake one. Such a beard was tied to the face with ribbons, and the ends of the ribbon were tied into a knot behind the ears. After the death of the pharaoh, the queen was obliged to wear his beard.

The Greeks preferred to wear a beard of a conical shape, while they were not lazy to curl it with large spirals or small curls. In order to give the beard the effect of graying, men had to soak their facial hair with special aromatic oils and then sprinkle it with pounded bean flour or chalk. Some Greeks dyed their beards with colored clay or, having previously covered it with alkali, brightened it by exposing their chin to the sun.

Oddly enough, the fashion for long beards came to Eastern Europe from Byzantium along with the baptism of Kievan Rus. But for many decades after the introduction of Christianity, pagan priests with smooth faces roamed the Russian forests and dales, who called on the unbaptized people to abandon the will of the “unshaven bearers of the cross” who had come from the southern seas.

But the beard in Ancient Rus' nevertheless took root. In addition, a beardless person was always denied a blessing. According to Patriarch Adrian, God created a bearded man - only cats and dogs do not have it. The beard was protected by the state, like a real shrine. So, Yaroslav the Wise even set a fine for damaging the beard. The prescription established that people during a fight should not pull each other's beards. If one of the participants in the conflict tore out a patch of beard, he is obliged to pay a fine of 12 hryvnias to the state. At that time, this amount was considered very impressive and exceeded the fine for a crippled hand.

In Russia, wearing a beard was dictated by many years of customs and religious regulations. Such rules were described in detail in the Pilot Books, Nomocanons, and also approved by the decisions of the Stoglavy Cathedral.

The prohibition of wearing a beard

True, anyone could pay off the ban on wearing a beard - something like a passport for a beard was issued for a lot of money. It was a copper plaque with a mustache and beard depicted along with the inscription "Money taken." The badge had to be worn at all times.

In the 19th century, Russian emperors turned to the topic of the beard more than once. Wearing a beard was allowed exclusively to peasants and persons who had reached a respectable age. For young people, a beard was considered a sign of freethinking. Officials of all ranks were obliged to shave their entire faces smoothly.

Features of fashion in the USSR

But one indisputable fact remains - the beard has always existed. To this day, it is considered the outward expression of masculinity and strength., .php?artid=4&id=930,

We bring to your attention a selection of the brightest and most fashionable options. But do not forget that for yourself you need your face. So, for example, if you are the owner of a round face, then the best option for you would be a meek, neatly trimmed beard and preferably with a mustache. You can safely choose the option "" and experiment with it.

Pick up a beard

For a narrow type of face, on the contrary, a “full beard” is more suitable. Such an image will give more brutality, solidity and significance.

To achieve harmony for an oblong face, we recommend lowering the sideburns and do not cut them much, they should be lush.

And of course, we advise the owners of a triangular oval to achieve the effect of weighting the lower part, you can try the so-called “horseshoe” shape.

Types of male beards

Suvorov beard

Its beginning goes from the temporal region, smoothly stretches down, passing along the cheekbones, emphasizing them and smoothly moving to the corners of the mouth. Not having sharp changes in direction and just as gracefully passes into the moustache. The chin and cheeks are shaved clean.



Her appearance resembles a full, neatly trimmed beard. But the difference is that there are no sideburns in the Balboa look. The beard is massive and wide. You can add it with a mustache and a base under the lower lip, the main thing is quality care.

To create such an image will require no small experience and excellent skill. When switching to this style, use the services of a good specialist, do not skimp. In addition, beard styles don't change as often, and you can learn over time by watching your beard's technique.

hipster beard

Full beard / Russian

Such an image maximally emphasizes in a man the very look for which the ladies love so much. Courage is lacking these days.

We do not argue that there are ladies who prefer clean-shaven men, but a full beard already obviously attracts the attention of the majority. The naturalness of this appearance is at its maximum and does not require much control.

You can control the length to your heart's content. The line along which the beard grows is always unique, and, as they say, nature is not mistaken! If you want, you can trim with a beard clipper. Do you want to leave a natural contour? Please! Do not spoil the natural beauty. Same story with the mustache. Suitable for any type of care.

Hollywood beard / captain

In the thirties, this image was very popular. Everything new is not new at all, we just forgot about it well. In another way, she is also called "Bretta".

The shape of the beard got its name because of the characters in the films. More precisely, if a Hollywood man considered himself "cool", then he wore this particular style of beard.


This image came to us from the near 90s .. She should look neat and short-haired. If the haircut is done correctly, then the beard will cover the chin. With the help, you can easily achieve an intelligent look and your image will be more sophisticated. For the perfect look, make the contour evenly rounded starting from the lips and ending with the chin. She, as it were, should continue the line of the mustache.

Van Dyck


Despite the unpleasant name that this type of haircut received, such a beard is found quite often on the faces of our contemporaries. Usually bohemian personalities, subtle musical natures and unrecognized geniuses resort to it. And it should be noted that it goes to many.

She received such a name in ancient times, when people firmly believed in demons, and they depicted them just the same with a similar beard. These types of beards for men are also different, you can add your own elements and thereby emphasize your individuality.

A curtain

To get this type of beard, sideburns need to be grown along the lower part of the face. The chin area should be clean-shaven. Optionally, you can add a mustache to your image.


More and more often there are guys with overgrown bristles, such an image betrays a certain charisma to a person, betrays masculinity and attractiveness in appearance. Nowadays, everything that is more practical is becoming fashionable.

A stylish male beard has been fashionable for a very long time. If you decide to experiment and grow your own beard or change yours, now you will learn all about the different types and who will suit which one. In this article you will find the most fashionable options, find out which men's beards are stylish this season and be sure to choose what is right for you.

The main thing to pay attention to when choosing the very perfect beard is the shape of the face. This is where the key to the success of your experiment lies.

Face shape and beard: combine correctly

Every day, the male beard is becoming more and more popular. Its types are varied. There is plenty to choose from for the most capricious man. The main thing is to choose the right one for the shape of your face.

Owners of an oblong oval or rectangular should try experimenting with sideburns. Keep in mind that they should remain a little bouffant, so don't cut them too short. It is with this detail that your face will look as harmonious as possible.

Short beards are most suitable for chubby men. It is important that it be neatly trimmed. And if you add a mustache to it, you can achieve a stunning effect and conquer all the representatives of the opposite sex. The surest option for people with this face shape would be a goatee. With it, you have the right to safely take on experiments.

Those rare lucky ones who are lucky enough to have a triangular face shape should think about weighting the lower part. Most likely, you will be as attractive as possible with such a type of beard as a “horseshoe”, it will visually equalize yours. And if it is a black beard, success is guaranteed for a man!

As for men with a narrow face or pronounced cheekbones, you should make your image more masculine and solid with a full beard. This option will give a drop of brutal notes to your face. A black beard will look generally amazing!

What styles are popular today and what never goes out of style

Now that we have dealt with the forms, it is worth starting to study the types of the most popular beard options.

Full, or so-called Russian beard

This option is suitable for those men who value masculinity. It is this form that attracts women who are looking for that very brutality and perseverance. These qualities are sometimes so lacking in today's world. Yes, some young ladies love completely clean-shaven companions, but such a full form will attract the eyes of even the most ardent opponents. The owner of such a beard, in principle, does not need to do anything himself, all the beauties themselves will come up to get acquainted. And most importantly, this form does not particularly require care, the main thing here is naturalness.

Mother nature took care of our beauty, so the line along which the beard grows is unique for each of us and suits each in its own way. Edging can easily be done in the salon using a special beard trimmer, but if you want the most natural effect, then leave your outline. Believe me, nature has given us something that only adorns us. As for the length, it all depends on your tastes and preferences. You can make it shorter, or you can let go of long hair.

If you decide to add a mustache to your beard, then here follow the same rule - naturalness.


Mustaches have not been at the peak of popularity in recent years. There is still a strange stereotype in our heads that has not been relevant for a long time. It just so happened historically that since the beginning of the last century, everyone in the army had to grow a mustache, so now, seeing a man with a mustache, we involuntarily imagine him in military uniform.

But all these stereotypical points of view are absolutely not justified! Yes, maybe there are still people of the old school who, serving in military structures, consider it a duty to have a mustache, but there are only a few such men. The modern man, who has decided to let go of his mustache, lets know that he is completely independent. This is a sign that a person is completely self-sufficient and able to make decisions on his own. In addition, a neat mustache looks quite exotic and attracts the eye. We can safely say that the mustache is back in trend!

Hollywood style

The Hollywood-style male beard is at the peak of popularity today. This long-forgotten trend is back on the covers of famous glossies. Once upon a time, in the distant thirties, men with this kind of beard were considered really cool. Another name for this form is "bretta", it clung because of the heroes of the then popular film. In that distant past, if a man needed to show off and show that he was a real macho, he grew a beard of just this shape.


Men's Balbo beard is very popular this season. This view is very similar to the usual full. The only difference is the lack of sideburns at all. The beard looks very neat, but it does not lose its massiveness and width. A mustache and a small base under the lips are very suitable for this shape. But it is worth saying that such a beard will require very high quality and constant care from the owner.

A simple amateur will definitely not be able to create an image in the style of Balbo, you should trust an experienced person who knows his business. If you decide to try it, be sure to contact a good salon, where you will be served by a master who knows his business. It is unlikely that you change the shape of your beard once a month, so do not be stingy and carefully observe the actions of the master, perhaps soon you will learn how to care for your beard yourself.


The name of this type does not sound very pleasant, but it is worth noting that almost all men have a similar style. Most often, this form is worn by lofty and dreamy personalities: poets, musicians, showmen.

You should not think that there is only one option for such a beard, there are a lot of them and everything first of all depends on you. It is up to you to add any elements and highlight certain facial features.

A curtain

This form of beards can often be seen in films. The image is created using long sideburns to the lower part of the face and along the edge of the oval. In this case, the neck and chin must be clean-shaven. Mustaches are very suitable for this shape.


Male beard goatee is back! This species was popular in the seemingly distant nineties. If everything is done correctly, then the beard slightly covers the chin and looks very neat and short-haired. People with this look more intelligent, and they are always mistaken for intellectuals.

To make everything look as stylish as possible, the outline should be rounded evenly along the entire length. Let's just say that the mustache should smoothly pass into the beard.


Long beard or stubble? It seems that the answer is unequivocal - bristles! In fact, it's just a cry of fashion. Men increasingly prefer practicality, and therefore, slight grooming has become fashionable. Guys with such a beard are very charismatic and attract attention. This option is very stylish and does not require any inhuman effort. The most important thing is to cut all the hairs evenly, and your light unshaven will bring you success.

As you can see, today the male beard, the types of which are the most diverse, is back in fashion. With or without it, the choice is yours!

Courage, fortitude, intelligence, intelligence, devotion to the family - all these qualities are inherent in real men. And adorns the modern womanizer, of course, a beard. Everyone wants to look stylish and attractive, so today you can choose the shape of a beard that will ideally fit the oval of the face, giving a stylish, well-groomed look, attracting the attention of the weaker sex.

A beard without a mustache is one of the barber tricks

Barber style is back in fashion

Barber art is back in fashion. The days of mustaches and beards just because it was easier that way are long gone. They were replaced by everyday life and today a fashionable beard is a unique image and aesthetic beauty.

Bearded men admit that caring for vegetation is much more difficult than shaving to zero. Beard lovers have a couple of advantages:

    they don't spend money on razors;

    on cold winter evenings, the beard does not allow the face to freeze;

    A well-chosen beard design makes the face more masculine and expressive.


Not everyone wears a beard because it's fashionable or comfortable. There are peoples who have been decorating their faces with vegetation for centuries, and now it is like a national tradition with their secret haircut patterns.

How to grow a beard

A stylish beard requires constant care. This affects hair growth and condition. In order for facial hair to bring joy to you and your loved ones every day, regularly follow three rules:

    Comb your beard daily in the direction of hair growth, giving it the desired shape.

    Wash your hair with soap or shampoo 2-3 times a week.

    Take care of facial hair by applying balms or other special nourishing products to it. Do this operation once a week.

We select options for stylish beards

Experimenting with their appearance, both women and men are constantly trying to find themselves, their own, unique image. Few people succeed on the first attempt to choose beard options for themselves without a mustache or with a mustache, but it’s worth trying.

So, in order to acquire a beard, it is necessary to take into account the structure, shape of the face and the density of the overgrowth. These three factors affect the final result - the beauty of the beard.

As soon as you decide to let go of vegetation, then immediately forget about razors for at least a couple of weeks. After the specified time, it will become clear in which places the vegetation is thicker, in which less often. This will help determine the beard models that will be most suitable for this man.

For help, it is better to contact a specialist who will tell you what kind of “beard shape”
suitable for a particular person with his type of face, density of vegetation. He will give her the right shape, give recommendations for caring for her.

If there are flaws on the face such as scars, awkward moles and long noses, then a real barber will help to veil these flaws in your appearance with the right haircut, making them your virtues.

Trimmer: how to use it correctly

In order for the Hollywood beard not to lose its beauty and well-groomed appearance, it must be constantly looked after. In this complex matter, a trimmer is needed.

It is designed for facial hair care. With it, you can cut your beard, giving it the desired length and shape. in use. It comes with attachments, thanks to which the appearance of your beard will be on top.

The trimmer has one or more nozzles, it happens with or without speed control. This directly affects the cost of the device. Before purchasing the device, consider what trimmer functions you need.

Types of haircuts among Muslims and Slavs

Today everyone wants to look stylish. Therefore, both Muslims and Slavs try to emphasize their image, choosing for themselves unique types of mustaches and beards. Some adhere to fashion trends, paying tribute to fashion, others hide facial flaws.

Anchor, distance, screen, Suvorov - all these are the types of beards that people today choose for themselves, based not on nationality, but on the type of beard that fits the oval of the face, correcting its shortcomings.

modern barber hairstyle

A beard without a mustache is the choice of many men. In this case, womanizers prefer to let go of sideburns or sideburns, which seem to turn into a lush beard or a neatly trimmed beard.

A beard without a mustache is the choice of many young people.

The famous song “And you are so handsome with a beard” is sung by modern girls who dream of meeting an attractive, courageous barber. However, whether it is worth decorating the face with lush, dense vegetation, everyone decides for himself, but the fact that lately women have been attracted to bearded men remains a fact.

It is important for a man to know which beard shape to choose, which beard to grow without a mustache, in order to look attractive. There are several main options for the design of facial hair, which are most successful. Every bearded man wants to look attractive and stylish, so you need to be able to choose the right shape of a beard that will fit the oval of the face, look neat, make it look well-groomed. Today, barbering is at the height of fashion, so men today grow a beard not because it is convenient, but because the decoration has an aesthetically attractive appearance. However, it should be understood that caring for vegetation is quite difficult, it is much easier to shave to zero.

A man who wears a beard has several advantages over his shaven companions. If you know how to properly grow a beard and mustache, you can save a lot of capital on the purchase of machines. In addition, in the cold season or windy weather, the face is always warmed by vegetation. A properly designed beard always looks courageous, makes the face more expressive and memorable. Stylish jewelry needs regular care. The quality of the hairline directly depends on this. In order for the vegetation to only please its owner, it is necessary to constantly adhere to several rules:

  • To give the vegetation the necessary shape, it should be carefully combed out. Every day, with a comb with frequent teeth, the beard should be combed in the direction of hair growth.
  • Two to three times a week, the vegetation should be washed using shampoo or soap. Only clean hair looks neat and attractive.
  • Once a week, it is necessary to apply various kinds of beard care products, for example, balm, conditioner, rinse, and so on.

Growing a beard is incredibly difficult, but maintaining it to look attractive is even more difficult. Before you start caring for your hairline, you need to grow it out. It is worth noting that the first four weeks, there can be no talk of any form. It will take a month for the hairs of the industry to reach a certain level. Only then can you take up a razor, trimmer or machine.

How to choose the shape of the beard

What beard shape to choose? In order for the bristles to look attractive, it must be properly designed. It is rare for a man to be able to choose the right vegetation option for himself without or with a mustache the first time, but after several attempts, most likely, the necessary form will be found. The choice primarily depends on the shape of the face, but it is also important to take into account the color and structure of the hair, the density of vegetation, as well as personal preferences.

Initially, it is necessary to adequately assess the possibilities of the future hairline. The first and most important thing to do in order to grow a beard is to determine its texture, direction of growth, as well as its speed. You can do this as early as two weeks after giving up shaving. Thus, a potential bearded man will be able to understand whether he will have to limit himself to an elegant goatee, or whether he will still be able to grow voluminous vegetation, whether he will be able to walk with facial hair, whether he will cause discomfort, annoy his owner. Particular attention should be paid to the following points:

  • Does the beard go with the mustache?
  • Whether the vegetation appears evenly on the neck, cheeks and chin.
  • Are there bald spots where there are no hairs at all.

Next, you need to evaluate the shape of the face. It is best to do this not in front of a mirror, but from a photograph. So you can identify features that will not catch the mirror reflection. Often a shortened, heavy chin, strongly protruding cheekbones or sagging cheeks become a problem. A correctly chosen shape will help hide all visible imperfections, including acne marks, scars, age spots, as well as focus on advantageous parts of the face, adjust the existing proportions.

beard for round face

A round face needs to be visually stretched a little. To visually lengthen the oval, you need to choose stretched between the temples or trapezoid vegetation. In this case, it is correct to grow a beard along with a mustache, the corners of which will be lowered to the bottom. Any kind of goatee would be ideal. For example, a classic goatee or van dyke, which differs from the first solution in that it does not have a mustache connection. A chubby man will also have to forget about ton chops and mut sideburns, as they significantly increase the width of the oval. The main task is not to soften the shape, but to stretch it, so you can safely choose options for a wedge-shaped or square design.

Beard for an oval face

The elongated shape looks great framed by ordinary sideburns or a horseshoe beard, which has a pronounced round shape. Any kind of design that expands the oval of the face will do. That is why you should immediately abandon the goatee or goatee that lengthens it. It is worth noting that almost any vegetation will suit the owners of this form. A voluminous, full beard will look great, so do not be afraid to experiment. The main thing is that on the cheeks there are straight lines of the borders of the hairline.

Beard for a square or trapezoid face

For owners of this shape, any mild type of beard is suitable, which, if possible, should cover a large surface area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe chin and cheeks. This technique allows you to smooth the corners, making the face visually similar to an oval. Stylists recommend considering options such as chinstrap or chin curtain (skipper). The latter type of design is great for a trapezoidal face shape, as it allows you to narrow the lower jaw. A critical mistake is the design of a full round beard with clear boundaries.

Beard for an oblong, rectangular face

The main task is to add width, that is, the shape options for a round face, narrowing the outlines, automatically disappear. To visually make the face a little shorter, you need to know how to properly grow a beard and mustache for an elongated silhouette. Small vegetation no more than two centimeters long is best suited. At the same time, there is no need to adjust the width on the sides, just follow the length. Such a hairline can soften sharp, rough features, rounding them, making them smooth. It is strongly not recommended to abandon the mustache.

Types of vegetation with and without whiskers

Every day, varieties of design without vegetation above the upper lip are becoming more and more popular. This is due to the fact that such decoration does not require much time for care. In addition, most girls who are condescending about facial hair negatively perceive the tickling from the hairs located above the male upper lip. The most common design options include the following:

  1. Goatee- tapered towards the bottom.
  2. old dutch- This is a thick hairline that grows from temple to temple. The length is chosen depending on the personal preferences of the bearded man. Cheeks must be shaved.
  3. Island- small dotted vegetation, which is located under the lower lip.
  4. Lincoln without a mustache- above the lip, the mustache is completely shaved off. It is necessary to leave only those parts that are connected on the sides.

Such variations will look great if they were selected in accordance with other basic requirements. However, it is not uncommon for cases when types of vegetation without a mustache are not suitable for a man. Here you will either have to abandon the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bfinding lush vegetation at all, or agree to the option with hairs above the upper lip. Therefore, before deciding what to do to grow a beard, a man should consider solutions with a mustache.

Maybe a beard and mustache?

It should immediately be noted that such an ornament looks more stylish and courageous. For example, the anchor beard got its name due to its appearance, but it is quite difficult to design it on your own. The Suvorov type is distinguished by a clean-shaven chin. At the same time, sideburns descend slightly below the lips, after which they grow together with the mustache.

The Russian or full, voluminous beard with sideburns and mustache is especially popular. This type is best suited for tall men with broad shoulders.

Thus, almost every member of the stronger sex can find out which beard to grow without a mustache or with them, but there are exceptions. So, for example, men with a small face with hairy vegetation of any type look ridiculous. That is why it is better for them to abandon such an undertaking.

Published: 09.06.2017