Goatee: mockery or fashion element? Basic principles of growing and correcting a goatee beard

Greetings to all beard lovers. Today we are talking about a type of beard called Van Dyke or Van Dyke. In the people it is also called "Chekhov" or "like Johnny Depp."

The name of this type of beard came from the name of the Flemish artist Anthony Van Dyck or Dyck or Duke)) whoever calls it.

Antoon van Dyck (1599-1641) – South Dutch painter and graphic artist, master of court portraits. Throughout the 17th century, this type of beard was one of the most popular in European countries. Van Dyke is a plus blend, but the cheeks are shaved and the beard on the jaw is separated from the moustache.

Van Dyke and are two different types of beards that are very similar. They are both very popular and are often confused.

Van Dyke just for you:

  • If you want to have an aura of secrecy and the deepest knowledge in anything (it doesn’t matter what)
  • If you are a sophisticated person
  • If you want to look more professional
  • If you don't want to be like a nerd
  • If you are a fan of Johnny Depp))

Van Dyke style?

To begin with, it is worth noting that Van Dyke has little things that need to be paid attention to. For example, the edges of the mustache seem to be bent down.

So when you separate the mustache from the chin, be careful! Do not cut off excess from the mustache!

In general, the creation of Van Dyke is not a complicated process:

  • Shave your entire beard so that the hair on your entire face is the same length;
  • Wait a week or two for your hair to grow back and become thick. Van Dyke needs longer hair;
  • After the time of waiting and excitement is over, shave off the hair on the cheeks, leaving the hair on the chin in conjunction with the moustache. Start at the ears, move towards the center, after the top of the cheeks, move to the middle, then to the bottom and to the neck.

I recommend using a trimmer without a nozzle for these purposes (be careful not to cut yourself in the meat!), As it is easier to mark a new border with it. And only after that, with a regular razor, you can remove the remnants of stubble from the cheeks and neck. You should have got something like this:

This "round beard" was popular in the 90s.

  • Now the most crucial moment! I strongly recommend to wash off the remnants of hair, foam or gel. You need to see well what you are doing. Bright lighting will be in place. The last stage begins. Jewelry work!
  • Gently shave off the hair on the neck until you get the likeness of a goatee.

The traditional Van Dyke is pointed at the bottom, wax will help you with this.

  • Now separate the mustache from the beard on the chin. Attention! Separate the mustache just below the corners of the mouth, as the mustache should be sharp and bent down. The best way to do this is with scissors.

Seven times measure cut once! Do it slowly and carefully! If you screw up, then start all over again!

  • Keep symmetry, cut in very small segments. Since both sides should be the same, you will need to trim. This can cause you to cut off a lot! That's why! Important! Cut off a little!
  • After the most important stage is over, wash your face and check if you missed anything important, if everything is smooth and beautiful, if so, congratulations! You have a Van Dyke!

How to care:

  • Comb! Broken hair and pieces of food will be in full view with such a beard, and Van Dyke is a stylish, sophisticated look. Inaccuracy is unacceptable.
  • With the help and

The goatee is one of the most stylish and elegant types of beard ever flaunted on a man's face. So it was in the days of gallant musketeers, so it is today.

  • Modern men appreciate the goatee because it adds sophistication to the features of almost any (with the exception of a particularly round) face.
  • This aristocratic beard has never gone out of fashion and has always been relevant.

In contact with

A man who adorns himself with this neat beard immediately acquires the appearance of a stylish, refined and self-confident person.

The goatee is a small island of vegetation left under the lower lip in the very center of the chin, shaped like a wedge.

The goatee is sometimes erroneously referred to as the goatee. In fact, these are different types of beards, differing both in shape (the outlines of the goatee are more rounded) and in the area occupied on the round part of the male chin. The goatee occupies all its roundness, the goatee is much narrower.

  • The goatee can be completed with a mustache and wide sideburns, at the same time it is often worn without additional accessories.
  • There is also a miniature version of it, which is only a small strip of hair under the lower lip. Most often there is a combination of this beard and a stylish short mustache.

Men with what type of appearance can wear such a beard?

We emphasize again: the goatee is not suitable only for chubby men. On the faces of all other types, it looks impeccable.

This beard is most often found in the artistic environment and among famous people representing show business.

She gives a special romanticism to the appearance of thin men, and burning brunettes acquire with her help a special attraction for the fair sex, who prefer communication with true machos.

Types of goatee

The variety of goatees can be reduced to three main types. They are:

How to grow and arrange a goatee?

Growing a beard is a very responsible step that radically changes the appearance of a man, so it requires a certain preparatory period.

Preliminary steps

  • By moving the razor away, facial hair is given complete freedom. Since the hair on the face of a man can grow in the most unexpected way (the reason for this is a genetic predisposition), before releasing the goatee, you need to make sure that they are in the right areas of the face. This will become apparent after a few days.
  • After making sure that the hair in the desired area grows without problems, you can safely wait until they become a little longer. If there are few of them there or they generally refuse to grow in the chin area, a man should think about what other kind of beard suits him.

How to quickly grow a beard - video:

  • Having mentally imagined his image with a goatee on his face, the young man must think over several possible combinations of its length and shape. This can be done with the help of information obtained from illustrated magazines and sources on the Internet. An excellent opportunity to choose different types of beards for your face is provided by computer modeling programs for appearance. They are both on the Internet and in good hairdressing salons.
  • Having decided on the choice of shape and desired length, you can begin to form a beard.

Stage of goatee formation

How to make a stylish goatee?

  1. Any beard begins to form around the edges, and this is where you should start. Carefully acting with a razor, they begin to remove excess hairs, outlining the desired contour. At the same time, the strict symmetry of the created beard is monitored.
  2. It is necessary to perform the operation of delineating the contours of the goatee with a trimmer (razor) or an impeccably sharp blade.
  3. Since the direction of hair growth on the face is never constant, you will have to wield the blade in different directions.
  4. If the beard will be completed with a mustache, it is necessary to determine their shape. If desired, you can make a small gap between the mustache and nose.
  5. Completing the formation of the beard, it is given a wedge-shaped shape, sharpening the corner (if the shape of a traditional wedge is chosen as a sample). If it is assumed that the goatee will be Vandyke, the corners should be made on both sides of the chin.

How to make yourself a goatee - a master class in the video:

What is a beard shaving template and how to use it?

Beginners who are not confident in their abilities, you can purchase a special template for shaping and shaving the beard. You can buy it both on the Internet and in a specialized store offering products for stylists.

Such templates are universal, because, by slightly adjusting the size and adjusting to a certain face shape (there are three types of settings), they can be used by men with any type of appearance.

How to make a neat beard using a template?

What is required for self-shaping a beard?

A beginner barber will need very few tools. He must have:

  • Large mirror (possible with a magnifying effect).
  • Electric or battery trimmer with a set of special attachments for beard care.
  • Hairdressing or nail scissors.
  • Comb with frequent teeth.
  • Shaving cream. Its use will be especially relevant if the young man is endowed with sensitive skin or too hard facial hair.
  • Cosmetic wax for hair styling. It is not necessary to use this tool, it will only give the beard and mustache an extra gloss and well-groomed appearance.

You probably know that there are many different beard styles. Have you heard that each type has its own name? Below are some of the most popular beard styles.

Van Dyke

It's really a standard combo that includes a neat little beard and mustache that mature men often prefer to wear. On the one hand, it is a simple style, on the other hand, it is traditional and timeless. Such a beard was recently shown to the world by the American actor Christian Bale, although it was named after the 17th-century Flemish painter Anthony van Dyck.


Bandholz is currently the most requested beard type. This masculine, testosterone-filled style is one of those beard types that automatically asserts masculinity. This type is distinguished by an exquisite beard, which must be properly cared for in order to maintain its ideal shape. It is currently one of the most popular beard styles with hipsters, musicians, and fashion-conscious tough guys. This style is also complemented by a neat and at the same time unusual shape of the mustache.

Hollywood beard (Hollywood beard)

One of the most popular varieties of beard is sometimes called "winged", but it has gained popularity under another name - Hollywood. This particular style can be worn by men of all ages and requires minimal maintenance by shaving the hair off the cheeks in a straight line all the way to the ear. Currently, such a beard is quite popular with athletes, musicians and young guys.

Stubble beard

The Stubble beard is one of the beard styles often sported by many celebrities, namely George Clooney. And although this is certainly not the only look that has come into fashion, it can be called a timeless classic that makes men brutal. Such a beard does not need much care. The style is considered simple also for the reason that you can grow an “accessory” in a short period of time. Moreover, such a beard often gives a man an unusual appearance, which cannot be said about a clean-shaven face.

Chinstrap (Chinstrap beard)

If you have some skill, try making a thin strip of hair cut with a razor or trimmer. It looks exactly like a helmet strap on the face, only in the form of hair. A thin line of vegetation will, as it were, encircle the face from one temple to another. This beard style is worn by popular actors such as Gerard Butler and Ben Affleck.

Dear Gentleman (Respectable Gent)

This short, neat and well trimmed square beard is perfect for men who like to be in control. You need to be able to properly care for her, and this sometimes takes a very long time. But, despite all the difficulties, young guys also prefer such a cute beard.

Viking beard (Viking)

You don't have to be a member of some swag to grow your chin hair into a V shape. Not only is it high style and fashionable, the tapered shape flatters the facial features, elongating it and making it seem more chiselled. This is a kind of small facelift, only without any surgical interventions. This shape is great for men who are trying to hide the signs of aging, and for this reason, the length of the beard can reach unpredictable lengths. Plus, nothing says masculine like a giant beard on your face.

Honest Abe

This is one of the most classic beard styles and was created by, you guessed it, American President Abraham Lincoln. This is a complete and just the right balance between a rural, earthy masculinity and an intelligent city guy. Most notable here is the complete absence of a mustache. Abraham tried not to shave off his facial hair, and his beard was proof of that. Although beards began to fall out of fashion among high-profile politicians after his election, few presidents since 1913 have had no facial hair at all.

Butcher's beard (Butcher's Delight)

This is a short vegetation at the tip of the chin and around it with severed sideburns. This style is complemented by a long mustache, smeared with wax, with rounded ends up.

Soul Patch

By law, only Billy Bob Thornton is allowed to wear the Soul Patch beard. Of course, this is a joke. But seriously, it's a tiny patch of hair in the center of the chin, surrounded by clean-shaven skin. We do not know how such a name appeared, but we are sure that it has nothing to do with souls.

The popularity of the beard has reached new heights in the 2010s, and the variety of beard styles may well rival that of men's hairstyles. According to statistics, more than half of the adult male population of the Earth once wore a beard or mustache, and every 20 wear it at the current time. Why not? After all, a beard is the best and natural symbol of masculinity, at least as long as you don't let the beard grow out of control. Many bearded people go a very long way in shaping their beard, choosing the style that best suits their face shape and is just the icing on the cake to complete the look they want.

The differences of some styles at first glance are quite insignificant, while others differ dramatically. Understated, classic, modern, lumberjack, old Russian... no matter what style you're looking for, there are styles to suit every face shape and taste. Let's start by describing the general types of beards and then move on to specific styles.

  • Partial beard

The term "Partial Beard" is not clearly defined, but generally refers to any facial hair (including moustaches) that covers only a portion of the areas where a beard normally grows (under the lower lip, chin, lower jaw, cheeks, and cheekbones). A partial beard may extend all the way to the ear area, may include a mustache, or be any length of stubble or more.

  • full beard

A full beard generally refers to any style where the hair grows from the cheeks, lower jaw, extends to the ears and covers the face from the chin all the way to the cheekbones. A full beard can be very short, such as a 3-5 day old stubble. A full beard usually includes a mustache that is usually connected to the beard.

As you can see from these definitions, the length of the beard hair does not matter when defining a "Partial" or "Full" beard. Most styles can be divided into one or another type, but still more often the style is understood precisely as the shape of the beard, and it is long. What's more, many styles can be combined for truly limitless variations.

Describing all the styles is not only extremely time consuming, but practically does not make sense. Below we will try to describe the 37 most popular styles.

Partial beard/Moustache

  1. Mustache "Pencil"

Beard style "Pencil"

Just a very narrow, short line (like a pencil) above the upper lip. Mustache "Pencil", as a rule, slightly twisted up at the tips.

  1. Dali style

Dali beard style

This style resembles the "pencil" style. Very tightly twisted as far as possible to the center of the mustache. The tips of the mustache are curled up. The beard, or rather the mustache, got its name in honor of the world-famous painter Salvador Dali, who wore this type of mustache.

  1. "Policeman" style

Cop beard style

Stereotypical 70s cop style. The "police" style is wider than the "pencil", with ends that do not extend beyond the lip line.

  1. Bicycle handlebar style

Beard Style "Bicycle Handlebar"

In this style, the mustache is left to grow longer, so that the ends extend to the line of the eyes or a little further. The ends are twisted up.

  1. Mustache "Super Mario"

Super Mario Beard Style

Great style for an avid gamer or anyone else who is not afraid of public attention. The style, as the name implies, is borrowed from the protagonist of the Super Mario game. It is a wide, long mustache without twisted ends. Slightly curved backwards.

  1. Insect style

Beard style "Insect"

A unique and bold, minimalist style that looks like two thin insect antennae on the bottom of the chin and pointing down.

  1. Style "Island" or "Fly"

Island beard style

This style is the smallest amount of hair that can still be considered a beard. Almost all hair is shaved, with the exception of a small area of ​​hair below the lower lip. Can be worn alone or with a mustache.

  1. "ZAPPA"

Zappa beard style

Named after the famous American rock musician and guitarist Frank Zappa. It is a square "Island" and a wide fluffy mustache with the tips turned down approximately on the line of the middle of the eyes.

  1. "Imperial"

Imperial beard style

The style is the same "Island", only very long. So the beard extends to the bottom of the chin and below. At the same time, it is extremely important to maintain the correct, neat shape.

  1. Style "A la Suvorov"

Beard style "A la Suvorov"

It looks like a long mustache, the ends of which extend right up to the line of the ears or hair on the head. How correctly the lines are curved and rounded.

  1. "Franz Joseph"

Franz Josef beard style

The style is similar to Alya Suvorov, but less rounded. The lines are straight and clear, forming a "W" shape

  1. "Fu-Manche"

Fu-Manchu beard style

Another style that is somewhere between a beard and a mustache. Whiskers shaped into a rather thin straight line curving down at the corners of the mouth at right angles. The style got its name thanks to the cycle of novels by Sex Romenov "Sinister Doctor Fu-Mancha". The negative hero just wore a mustache of this style.

  1. « Winnfield»

Winnfield beard style

This style looks like a cross between "Fu-Manche" and "Franz Josef", except that the sideburns are not connected to the mustache. Named after Pulp Fiction character Jules Winnfield (Samuel L. Jackson)

  1. "rapper standard"

Beard Style "Rapper Standard"

A thin strip of vegetation runs from the temples along the edge of the jaw. The mustache is connected to the chin. As the name implies, this type of beard has received particular popularity among rap artists.

  1. Anchor style

Anchor Beard Style

This style is so named because the facial hair is shaved and styled to resemble an anchor.

  1. "Balbo"

Balbo Beard Style

The Balbo beard looks like an inverted "T", with a short stem and most often with a mustache. In this version, the beard and mustache are not connected. Vegetation is located on the lower jaw for about half the length of the jaw plus a fairly thick beard on the chin.

  1. "Van Dyke"

Van Dyke Beard Style

A thick goat beard combined with a mustache with upturned tips. It got its name in honor of the South Dutch painter and portrait painter Anthony van Dyck. This type of beard was extremely popular in the 17th century, both among the military and among the upper class. Over time, this type of beard has not lost its relevance at all and has retained its popularity to this day.

  1. "Bicycle handlebar and pinstripe"

Beard style "Bicycle handlebar and pinstripe"

This is more likely not even a separate style, but a combination of two styles of a bicycle handlebar mustache and a thin strip of beard starting right under the lower lip. It was this style that Aramis from the immortal creation of Dumas preferred.

  1. "Goatee"

Goatee beard style

This style is a thick chin hair, most often rounded at the bottom. Sometimes the beard extends along the edges of the mouth to about the upper lip.

  1. "Bicycle Handlebar and Goatee"

Beard style "Bicycle handlebar and goatee

The same goatee in combination with a mustache, most often a mustache in the form of a "Bicycle handlebar".

  1. "Narrow goat beard"

Beard style "Narrow goatee"

As the name suggests, this is a narrow goatee that usually starts not under the lower lip, but from the chin. By the way, this particular style is more like a real goatee than those listed above.

  1. "Broad goatee"

Beard style "Wide goatee"

As the name suggests, this style is similar to the regular "goatee" except for the hair on the lower jaw. Here the beard is elongated along the lower jaw line, reaching a vertical line passing by the outer corners of the eyelids.

  1. "Sparrow"

Sparrow Beard Style

The style is named after the hero of the films "Pirates of the Caribbean" Captain Jack Sparrow. It is the same goatee, but with pigtails at the bottom of the beard and a small mustache.

  1. "Wide tanks"

Wide side beard style

Style consisting mainly of sideburns. But the sideburns in this strength are so large that they extend along the lower jaw almost to the mouth.

  1. "Fused Wide Tanks"

Beard style "United wide sideburns"

The same wide tanks, but connected by a mustache.

  1. Beard "Sail"

Beard style "Sail"

Very wide sideburns, turning into a full beard, are often complemented by a mustache, in other words, it can be described as a full beard in which the chin line is shaved to the throat.

  1. "Old Dutchman"

Beard style "Old Dutchman"

This ford has become an integral part of the image of "sea wolves" and captains. It is a full beard and a complete absence of a mustache. Thus, the hair fringes the shape of the face.

This type of beard has a rich history. At one time in the XVII-XVIII century, a certain religious community known as the Amish was distinguished by extremely pacifist views. For which they were often persecuted. As vegetation, the Amish wore full beards, but in order to visually distinguish themselves from the soldiers, among whom mustaches were very common, the Amish shaved off their mustaches.

  1. "Skipper" beard or "screen"

Skipper Beard Style

This style can be described as a very thin "Old Dutchman" style beard.

  1. Klingon Style

Klingon beard style

The style gets its name from the appearance of the fictional alien of the Klingon civilization from the television series Star Trek. It is a "skipper" beard with edges rising to the corners of the mouth.

Full beards

  1. "Bristle"

Beard style "Stubble"

The classic look, varies in length from a few millimeters to a centimeter. The mustache is connected to the beard.

  1. "French Fork"

French Fork Beard Style

The French fork is a full beard, characterized by the fact that the beard below the chin is divided in two, forming, as it were, a fork with two teeth.

  1. "Duck tail"

Beard style "Duck tail"

If, from a full beard in the French Fork style, the beard was not divided into two parts, but brought into one, then the Duck Tail style would be obtained. You can read more about this style in the article: Duck Tail Beard Style.

  1. Style "Hollywood" beard or "Brett"

Hollywood beard style

The Hollywood beard is a mustache connected to the beard, as well as vegetation running along the lower part of the jaw. Cheeks are most often smoothly shaved below the line.

ii hair growth.

  1. Beard "Box"

Box beard style

A wide beard similar in shape to the "Old Dutchman", but complemented by a mustache connected to the beard.

  1. "Verdi"

Beard style "Verdi"

A full, rounded beard, similar to the Balbo style, but the beard extends down the lower jaw all the way to the ears.

  1. "Garibaldi"

Beard style "Garibaldi"

Generally a large beard, very similar to "Verid" but larger, especially at the bottom. But nevertheless, "Garibaldi" should not be more than 15 centimeters in length.

  1. "Full beard" or "Russian beard»

Full Beard Style

This is the most complete beard. Usually does not require special care. Looks a little wild and disheveled. But with very little care, it looks very cool.

Of course, there are many more beard styles and it is probably impossible to describe them all. Yes, this is by and large not required. In this article, only the main most popular styles are given, and are given mainly in order to demonstrate their diversity. As you already understood, by combining with a beard and mustache, you can create your own unique style or choose a ready-made one, exactly the one that suits you.

Full beard to you!