How to understand what intentions a man has. How to understand that a man has serious intentions

It's a shame that even when you feel good together, for men this is not always a reason to think about a joint future. “To avoid disappointment, we will use the good old principle “forewarned is forearmed!”.

1. "A man is in no hurry to introduce you to his friends." It is clear that this is not about the period that does not allow you to simply break away from each other. But then a man who is proud of his choice is eager to show off in a close circle. Maybe you really are not his dream?

2. "Doesn't introduce parents." This is alarming, but it is important to know the reason. The family is not always ready to support the choice of even a dearly beloved son, not to mention those cases when the situation there is tense. “This is not always a manifestation of the frivolity of a man,” the author explains.

3. "During joint outings, he pulls back and rarely looks at you." You may think that he is embarrassed by your presence or distracted by other women. The author comments on this as follows: “Most likely, he is just bored with you.”

4. "Drinks alcohol at every meeting." This behavior may indicate self-doubt, but other explanations do not sound comforting. “There is a high degree of probability that a holiday man is next to you. He wants to have fun and is only ready for a non-binding relationship.”

5. " Rare Encounters and calls. Do not be naive, busyness and business will never interfere with the desire to always know where your beloved is and what is happening to her. “Most likely, he is married and has many female names in notebook, and he plays "harem" with you.

6. "Swears at his exes and is rude to other women in your presence." Quarrelsomeness and pettiness are a quality of character, but for your beloved you want to be the best. If he does not consider it necessary to keep it to himself, it is hardly important to him what you think of him. “It will soon surface in a petty quarrel,” adds the author.

7. "Constantly says that you need to change something in appearance and criticizes your figure." This interest is called sexual desire but not love. “When we love, we fully accept a person, without trying to remake him.”

8. "Asks for a loan of a certain amount of money." By nature, a man is a leader, his woman can be patronized and weak, but by no means a tractor and an assistant in solving problems. "You don't need a gigolo, do you?"

9. "A man is in no hurry to share his future with you." This is ambiguous. His dreams and plans may not be overshadowed by you at all, but by other factors - past experience, fear of circumstances and a pessimistic attitude. “It is worth learning more about the events of his past life.”

10. “A man is not in a hurry to help you and meet, only you call him.” It would seem that there is nothing to think about. But in fact, we are ready to replace reality with any explanations - he is timid, not used to being the first, does not know how to express feelings. "Maturity young man manifests itself in the willingness to take responsibility for your life together.

The fact that this is an optional set, psychologist Alisa Metelina herself mentions in her book. “I pointed out, first of all, those signs that a priori will be for you.”

Very often, a woman in a relationship is tormented by the question of how much serious man towards her? He cannot figure out where in his actions there is a border between a pleasant pastime and a deep feeling, a desire to create a strong long-term union. Therefore, let's try to clarify when serious intentions men - how to understand and support them?

Home female mistake on early stages relations is her impatience, haste, desire to quickly receive guarantees that she does not waste time in vain, on relationships "without a future." Because of this, she takes promises, beautiful deeds, an abundance of attention for seriousness. I suggest separating the wheat from the chaff.

Do you know what secret words will help to fall in love with a man very quickly?

To find out, click on the button below and watch the video until the end.

The importance of the time factor

No matter how much you want to hurry - it will not work. Love, respect, responsibility for another person are not born instantly. It is strange to expect (and demand) seriousness after several meetings, no matter how well they went.

Therefore, in the first couple of months, you should not think about seriousness at all. No, of course, as long as you get to know each other better, it becomes clear how much a man, in principle, suits you (and you suit him), and it is important and necessary to look at this. But until the relationship has been tested by serious situations (conflicts, for example), while the first passion and tenderness are burning in them, there is no need to look for seriousness in a man. I assure you - it is not in it.

Men "swing" much longer than women, and everything they do at first is dictated in best case delight in your direction and the desire to please you, in the "worst" (but quite natural) - the desire to satisfy your passion (in fact, this is far from the worst case.

Did he take you abroad for the weekend? It only means that he wants to go somewhere with you, nothing more. He bought you half a lingerie store, which means that he wants to see it on you, nothing more. Does he pick you up from work every day and take you to expensive restaurants? It means he wants you to eat well and be safe and spend more time together, nothing more.

Now about the depth of communication, this is also important. Do you know how he lives, what he dreams about? Whether to share his difficulties, whether he asks for advice. Tells what he will do in your absence. Simply put, is the intimacy in your communication growing, are you becoming important and necessary for him? Actually, if this is so, the main thing is that it depends on you that his intentions become serious, you did.

How to find the key to a man's heart? Use secret words that will help you conquer it.

If you want to know what to say to a man in order to charm him, click on the button below and watch the video until the end.

What are the serious intentions of a man

Three main markers allow you to define. That a man is serious about a woman. She admires him, and he cannot contain his admiration (although they have been together for more than a month). He wants to take care and takes care of her, tries to make her life better in all aspects. He is afraid of losing her - expressed in jealousy, the manifestation of possessive feelings in other ways. These are the three main psychological bases.

If a woman has doubts about the serious intentions of a man, as a rule, they are not unfounded. That is, if enough time has passed since the start of the relationship, and during the first three to five months they have not fallen apart, by this time the man begins to understand what he feels in relation to his beloved, what he wants. And it starts to broadcast, consciously and unconsciously.

Actions, words, all your attitude. A woman does not have questions whether a man is serious if he is serious. In such cases, he is attentive to her emotional state, takes care of her, helps. If there is no respect for you or your feelings in his behavior, if a man constantly shows neglect, looks for reasons to quarrel, provokes or manipulates you - this is a reason to think.

What to do if a man has no serious intentions, but he does not let go

It is important to understand the wording here. What does "do not let go" mean? You put into these words the meaning that he continues to see you when he wants, or disappear without explanation, behaves in such a way as to keep you "on short leash”, but all of the above does not happen (care - interest - fear)?

He behaves the way you let him behave. You hope that something may change in his attitude towards you, and you are waiting for this. But it is not he who does not let you go, but you do not let him go. It doesn’t suit you with what is happening (he, as I understand it, everything is in order), but you continue to meet with him.

Clearly indicate to him your desires (if you think you are mistaken, and he already chooses for you wedding ring) and see what it does with them. If a man's intentions are serious, your desires are important to him. Like your condition, your joy and good mood.

Has anything changed in his attitude towards you and actions in your direction? I think everything is obvious, and the question of whether this man has serious intentions and what kind to understand them disappears.

What to do if a man has no serious intentions

The main recommendation that can be given in such a situation is to stop deceiving yourself. That he will change, that he has not yet seen how wonderful you are. Or that he will come to his senses if you become even more wonderful. Many women are drawn into long-term relationships with men who do not choose them to the end, without serious intentions, the desire to start a family with them. They even agree to live with them, give them warmth, care, sex.

They are driven by fear. Loneliness, the fact that another meeting will not happen. For years they deceive themselves that he will appreciate everything, realize and change. Do not do that. Don't settle for being with a man who doesn't take you seriously and doesn't hide it. This is detrimental to a woman, and in 99 cases out of a hundred it ends with the man choosing someone else.

And even if he does not choose, their life together turns into a very sad sight. Because in this situation neither he nor she can be happy, they remain unsatisfied. He has the one that is given, she has the one that is received.


Do not rush to assess the intentions of a man on early stages relations. Time needs to pass. As the relationship develops, this issue will clear up by itself. If a man starts taking you seriously, you will feel it. He will take care of you in all plans, become your close person and gradually you will develop. If this does not happen, you will feel it too, and the main thing here is not to deceive yourself, and not to think that everything will change with time.

There are only a few secret words , upon hearing which a man will begin to fall in love.

Discover a secret that only a few women know. Click the button and watch the video until the end.

The dream of every girl is to get married, start a family and be constantly loved. And for all this, the very smallest thing is missing - to understand whether the man who is next to her has serious intentions. Everything is quite simple here, our mothers, grandmothers have already identified certain signs of a man's serious intentions.

Surely you often have a desire to read other people's thoughts. I especially want to know what a man who cares about you thinks. If you are observant enough, then you will not escape special characters non-verbal nature, by which you can understand how serious the man's intentions are.

How to know a man's intentions

So, the very first rule is the ability to listen to what the interlocutor says to you. Men are different: some can constantly amaze with jokes and stories from a past life, while others won’t hear too much words. But it is in the few phrases of the silent ones that one can catch the secret meaning.

If the interlocutor in a conversation only admires your external data, then, most likely, the intentions of a man are determined only by a pleasant pastime. In the case when a man begins to ask some everyday questions, to be interested in your opinion about some everyday moments, we can say that the person is in a serious mood and in this moment the man's intentions are more than serious.

A distinctive sign of the conversation can be considered a conversation about children. Certainly not to be considered this topic as a proposal to create a family, but already on this basis it can be said that a man is probing the soil on this subject from a potential mother of his children.

You can also understand the intentions of a man by the fact how he plans your pastime together. If he talks about how he will successfully go to the sea or to some kind of party, then most likely your romance will not last long. If a young man in the summer begins to talk about joint celebration New Year, then this can be regarded as a man's serious intentions.

In addition to talking, it is very important to pay attention to the very behavior of the gentleman.

At the first meetings, it is quite difficult to make an objective picture of the perception of a man, since he still plays a role. The first progress can be already after a month of communication, when a young person begins to prioritize. If you spend the whole weekend without him, and at that time he goes fishing with friends, then it is clear that the man’s intentions are not far-reaching.

It is also worth paying attention to the look of a man. If, moving towards each other, a young man averts his eyes to the side - this is an unkind sign. It is possible to characterize positively the man who open eyes walks towards you and tries to look into your eyes. This may indicate real feelings on the part of the boyfriend.

The only thing worth remembering is that a man who is really interested in a woman will constantly remind himself of himself either with his presence or with his calls. In addition, a truly in love man will not notice anything around him except his chosen one. If your gentleman is constantly looking at the ladies around him. That is a sign that you could not completely win his heart.

Another indicative moment of serious intentions of a man is acquaintance with parents and relatives. warning sign maybe not introducing you even to friends, which may indicate that there are no feelings on the part of the man.

The third rule for determining the intentions of a man is the help offered and the support provided by him. A man who is serious about a woman will always strive to lend a helping hand to her. Especially noteworthy is the fact if the young man himself offers his help (take him to work, bring food, nail a shelf, etc.). Such an initiative can be considered as a serious intention, since the desire to take care of the woman he loves has come into his mind, and this main feature what a person wants to dispose of.

It is very bad when a man keeps silent at your request or even pretends that there was no request. Such behavior should alert you. For a small test in order to understand the intentions of a man, you can ask him for some help, and then you just have to follow his reaction. Remember that a man in love with you will try to help in any case and make sure that no difficulties touch your shoulders.

What betrays the seriousness of his intentions

Whether a woman is determined to get married or not, she wants to be taken seriously anyway. How to understand, entering into a relationship, they have a perspective, or do they promise sheer hassle and disappointment, followed by separation, depression, and sometimes the services of a psychologist are also required? Here are ten obvious signs that harmonious relationship are unlikely to fit. If you observe three or more of them, then think about it.

  1. Everything happened too fast. The circumstances of acquaintance for guys, as a rule, matter. If a girl is ready to immediately build a relationship with a guy, having met him on the street, in a bar or on a dating site, then the guy monogamous relationships there must be good reasons. Of course, there are exceptions. But as a rule, the more banal the way of acquaintance was, and the easier it was for him to achieve physical intimacy, the less he appreciates this relationship.
  2. You mostly spend time together, he prefers not to meet your friends and not to introduce you to his. This may have different reasons, but the main one is that he does not want others to consider him your boyfriend. In the first weeks and even months, this is normal, because everyone has the right to be passionate, while maintaining their independence. But if he doesn’t want you to have a joint social circle, then this is an eloquent sign.
  3. If you still go out together, but you feel that he seems to distance himself from you, does not touch you, does not look into your eyes, is interested in anyone and anything, but not you, then your relationship is doomed. On this basis, one can recognize happy and unhappy families even after many years life together. If people are together, then it is always visible, even if they are very sociable. It is also seen when the presence of each other is a burden to people.
  4. He doesn't introduce you to his parents. As a rule, with parents, especially with mom, the guy introduces not every girl, but the one with whom he is serious. So there is no rush here. Much depends on the situation in his family, on what kind of relationship there is. If they are tense and dysfunctional, then perhaps he just values ​​\u200b\u200byour relationship and does not want to dramatize it by getting to know relatives. If everything is fine in the family, he is close to his parents and at the same time does not introduce you to them for more than six months, from this we can conclude that his intentions are not serious.
  5. If during each meeting a lot of alcohol is drunk. Let's put aside the possibility that both of you just like to drink. People who are really interesting and like each other won't get drunk every time. If this happens, then something is wrong with these people and their relationships. A little alcohol is fine, but if a guy feels the need for it and can't stop in time, then healthy relationships, which every woman dreams of, cannot be built with him.
  6. He appears in your life only when he wants it. normal relationship are built on a mutual trust basis, when people regularly check how each other's affairs are and plan joint time. If a guy calls, comes to you or invites you somewhere solely on a whim, then he wants to “get settled”, enjoying with you without any obligations on his part.
  7. He has no respect for female gender as such. There are a few possible causes: psychological trauma, the habit of living “according to concepts”, according to which a woman is a second-class creature, the desire to assert herself at the expense of her “victories” on the love front ... Do not flatter yourself that everything will change with your appearance in his life. If you understand that a guy is prone to disrespectful and rude treatment of women, this tendency will remain with him, but do you need it?
  8. He is trying to manipulate you. To one degree or another, we all manipulate each other. But if a guy constantly makes you worry and worry about him, he talks about himself heartbreaking stories, asks for help in solving his problems, and most importantly - deceives you, then such manipulations indicate that he wants to use you in his own interests.
  9. His position regarding your joint future is passive. He does not stop talking about joint plans, but he does not show his own initiative either. Masculinity is active by nature, which means that the intention to build harmonious relationships is manifested in the active position of a man in relation to his woman. Therefore, it is normal to expect from him that he will offer options for joint leisure, his help in some matters, and show concern for you. If the initiative comes only from you, then a happy life together will not work.
  10. He is married. The sign, as they say, is the last in the list, but not in importance. If you enter into a relationship with a man, knowing that he is married, then this is on your conscience. But the case is very common when a man either assures that he and his wife have not been a family for a long time, or stupidly deceives. If you understand that this is just your case - alas, you can only sympathize.

These are not all the signs that indicate frivolous intentions men in relation to you, but any of them will most likely lead to the fact that this relationship will become a waste of time for you. Any experience can theoretically be useful, especially in youth, when there is strength to acquire this experience. But if you want to get married and be happy in marriage, try not to make obvious mistakes.

Signs that a man has no serious intentions

Even if you have been dating for more than a year, this does not mean that the man has serious intentions towards you. And if this causes you concern (is it not by chance that you found this article?), then there are reasons for doubt.

Read in what situations it is better for you to end a relationship if you want not just to have fun, but to start a family.

  • If they don’t want to appear in public with you, if your meetings are hidden, beware, perhaps your man is already busy, or even married.
  • If a young man is rude to you, especially in the presence of others, this may indicate his bad manners, and this can also be understood as a sign that the man has no serious intentions. Moreover, in the future, this can generally lead to the fact that a person will raise his hand to you.
  • A man who often ignores you, does not answer calls and messages, breaks promises, calls only in situations convenient for him, is not worth your attention - he has no serious intentions towards you.
  • If your man makes compliments, jokes and communicates a lot with other women, then you are just a friend for him, he has no serious intentions.
  • If a man finds reasons not to call you, disappears for a long time, finds excuses not to meet with you, or postpones meetings, then such a man does not have serious intentions for you. A serious man will look for meetings with you by all means, and not come up with reasons not to come or call.

If something is bothering you a lot in your relationship with a young man, talk to him openly and your heart will calm down. If a man wriggles, avoids answering, well, you will have to conduct some kind of test, experience his feelings, or watch him - perhaps he has someone else.

The dream of every girl is to get married, start a family and be constantly loved. And for all this, the very smallest thing is missing - to understand whether the man who is next to her has serious intentions. Everything is quite simple here, our mothers, grandmothers have already identified certain signs of a man's serious intentions.

10 ways to tell if a man is serious

At all times, men have remained a mystery to women. We are always trying to understand them, to get to the bottom, so to speak, to feel what is in their soul and heart.

Natural secrecy makes them closed and incomprehensible to the female. When it comes to relationships, especially romantic and love ones, between a man and a woman, more and more incomprehensible moments begin to appear here.

A number of questions arise in the head of beautiful ladies, how can they understand that a man has serious intentions? Close friends, and even relatives, begin to join the battle, everyone wants to give advice, assuring that they know the answer for sure.

Thus, fear and confusion settle in the lady’s soul, she is no longer sure of the sincerity of feelings, does not understand how to continue her life, chaos and distrust covers her vulnerable body.

Turn on the mind, not the heart, and look at the attitude of your man towards you from the outside. Do not try to embellish, somewhere the behavior of a man or justify him. Do not pass off what you wish for the truth of the first instance.

Mindfulness will help to understand that a man has serious intentions. Pay attention to how he communicates with you and his attitude towards other women. A man with serious intentions will not be interested in other women.

At least, he will not try to get acquainted with someone and flirt either in real life or virtually. And if he assures you that you need to build open relationship rather, it is about his freedom. Do not follow the lead of such a man, you will not decide how to understand the serious intentions of a man and how to understand men in general.

If a man pays attention to other women, while telling you what inspires him in her, these are far from serious intentions, and he perceives you more as his girlfriend.

Pay attention to how he behaves when you are together in the presence of strangers, and how he introduces you to acquaintances and friends. If a man has serious plans for you, he will introduce you to his friends and will not delay getting to know your parents, both yours and his own. But do not be upset if he introduces you as a girlfriend or girl without saying "bride" - perhaps your relationship with him is not yet at that stage.

Confidence. If he initiated you into some personal secrets or told about his past, then he entrusted you with the most secret. And this is a sign of seriousness towards you.

If a man talks about a future life together, thinks about the plans and prospects for your relationship, you should know that this makes it clear that the man has serious intentions. And talking about children in general can be regarded as a weighty argument.

A man who cares about you will want to spend a lot of time with you. He will try to get out somewhere with you on the weekend, or spend an evening together. A man in love will want to call you more often or chat on the Internet. This does not mean that both of you will chat for hours on the phone or chat online for a day.

A native home for a man is a sacred stronghold, if the doors are opened to you there, then you can be sure of the seriousness of his intentions. He introduced you to the circle of his closest people. A man with serious intentions towards you will introduce you to his parents and friends and will want to get to know your loved ones and relatives.

Not every girl that a guy introduces to his parents will immediately become his wife, but he is unlikely to introduce passions with whom a man does not value relationships to his family. Of course, in life it happens differently, and often such an acquaintance occurs a couple of months before the wedding, and sometimes even after.

Here acquaintance with friends - the fact is still controversial. First, if a man is serious, he usually does not hide it in his environment. And, secondly, maybe until a certain time he does not want others to interfere in your relationship.

If meeting your parents, he takes it easy and takes this event seriously. After all, they need to please and show themselves with the most better side. So, it's time to think about the wedding.

If a man is interested in how you feel about children, this can be understood as a sign that the man has serious intentions. It is not necessary that he wants the birth of a child in the near future, but men want children from their beloved women. And with random girlfriends, it makes no sense to talk about such serious things.

A man who is serious won't pull you into bed on a first date, and will probably only be platonic for the first few months. If this stage is too long, it is worth considering.

If a man constantly tells you about his past relationships, how he was abandoned, offended, or how bad his girlfriend was before you, this is also an unpleasant sign that your relationship is not so serious.

Perhaps you are just a life raft for him on his way to the ship of his dreams. No one says that a man should keep his past a secret. No! A man should tell briefly that he had such and such a thing. loving person will take care of his soul mate and will not want to disturb the heart and soul of his beloved with what was, because it is already so far in the past.

You can see even more if you have the opportunity to live together. If a man Serious relationships does not want to be with you, it is unlikely that he will offer to move in together. Otherwise, you will have the opportunity to get to know him better.

Signs that a man has no serious intentions

Even if you have been dating for more than a year, this does not mean that the man has serious intentions towards you. And if this causes you concern (is it not by chance that you found this article?), then there are reasons for doubt.

Read in what situations it is better for you to end a relationship if you want not just to have fun, but to start a family.

If they don’t want to appear in public with you, if your meetings are hidden, beware, perhaps your man is already busy, or even married.

If a young man is rude to you, especially in the presence of others, this may indicate his bad manners, and this can also be understood as a sign that the man has no serious intentions. Moreover, in the future, this can generally lead to the fact that a person will raise his hand to you.

A man who often ignores you, does not answer calls and messages, breaks promises, calls only in situations convenient for him, is not worth your attention - he has no serious intentions towards you.

If your man makes compliments, jokes and communicates a lot with other women, then you are just a friend for him, he has no serious intentions.

If a man finds reasons not to call you, disappears for a long time, finds excuses not to meet with you, or postpones meetings, then such a man does not have serious intentions for you. A serious man will look for meetings with you by all means, and not come up with reasons not to come or call.

If something is bothering you a lot in your relationship with a young man, talk to him openly and your heart will calm down. If a man wriggles, avoids answering, well, you will have to conduct some kind of test, experience his feelings, or watch him - perhaps he has someone else.

The editorial office of AiF received a letter from a frustrated 35-year-old Irene N. from Nizhny Novgorod: "Marvelous! Men themselves persuade a woman to have sex almost on the first date, saying: “We are adults, it will end with this anyway”, “Let's not think in standards”, “We are so drawn to each other, in life and there is so little good, why deprive yourself of joy?

And then they shed after the first night! And my friend, having achieved intimacy from me, now declares: “If you are with me like that, it means that you go to bed with everyone, having barely met!” Why was he in such a hurry to have sex with me then?!”

Despite the seeming frivolity of the question for many couples, he nevertheless became a stumbling block.

- A whole chapter in my book is devoted to the inconsistency of male desires! - says "aif" psychologist Anetta Orlova. - Most representatives of the stronger sex believe that they have a clear image of the ideal woman they are looking for in their head. But in fact, these are ... two images! The first ideal: a virtuous keeper of the hearth, a caring mother, a woman with mass moral values who takes care of herself. When a man meets such a woman, it would seem that he should marry her as soon as possible! But ah! He quickly gets bored with such a lady. Because, it turns out, male head"dwells" another ideal woman! This is a priestess of love, bright and sexy. Which is devoid of complexes, is in harmony with its body, is ready to give love and is open to sexual pleasures and experiments.

In the depths of his soul, a man dreams of meeting one that combines both holiness and depravity. Remember the saying: Ideal woman: in bed - a prostitute, in the kitchen - a hostess, in society - a lady. And we, knowing these conflicting desires of a man, need to learn how to competently maneuver between them. For one thing, don't give up too quickly. On the other hand - do not overdo it, do not overdo the man. Because sex is still not an end in itself, not a prize, but one of the many ways in which adult men and women interact.

Pay off... with yourself?

So, what should the ladies do when the representatives of the stronger sex behave with them in the way that the reader Irina described ?!

When a man just meets attractive woman, it immediately works natural mechanism: get in touch with it as soon as possible, master it, get to know it completely. During this period, he absolutely sincerely believes: physical intimacy is exactly what he needs now! He does not think then "leave" the woman and "accused of debauchery."

But, if almost at the second meeting he satisfies a deep need for rapprochement, he has doubts: “Somehow everything turned out too quickly ...” And he even experiences some disappointment: civilization is civilization, but no one canceled the hunter's instinct .. .

Today, the so-called “morning syndrome” is widespread: two practically strangers wake up in bed after a stormy night and, looking at each other, experience not yesterday's passion, but ... some kind of awkwardness. In numerical terms, on a 10-point scale, their physical closeness has already reached 10, and emotional closeness - only 2-3 points. In such cases, it is difficult for a man to cope with embarrassment and he wants to run away. Therefore, after sex, a woman does not need to call first and even more so blame him for "getting his own and gone." By doing this, you will not only not help the cause, but will further exacerbate men's doubts about continuing the relationship with you. Remember: if he took a break, your pressure can push him even more. But, if you already decide to call, communicate without any claims and anguish.

- It is desirable that a man invest something in a woman before he gets sex,- says Anetta Orlova. - In the biological environment, everything is clear: for a young male to receive the location of the female, he must bring her food. In our case, investments are not monetary investments, but emotional, temporary ones. A man should feel that he is conquering a woman.

By the way, the big trouble is when a girl enters into sexual relations not because she wants a man, but because it is inconvenient for her to refuse. It seems to many that if a man invited her to a restaurant, she should pay with something. This complete nonsense. And women go to quick sex for fear of losing a fan. Hearing "I want you! Why postpone?”, the woman wants to please the man so that he does not go to another. This is also complete nonsense - you need to have sex when BOTH want it.

■ Don't take it too literally men's words"We like each other so much, why put it off." In fact, by offering sex, he doesn't count on it at all!

- Masculinity and sexuality are closely related, according to the representatives of the stronger sex, - says Anetta Orlova. - A man believes that if he goes on a date with a woman, it is simply his gallant duty to demonstrate that he wants intimacy. This rule is sacred in all cultures. So the man seems to say: “I want and I can. You're awesome, I like it." At the same time, a man, hinting at a woman about sex on a first date, does not at all think that he must get it today. He persuades just in case, suddenly it will work out. No - no big deal either.

Use improvised and often funny methods to prolong the courtship period.

- The lightest and in addition win-win way- make sure that under no circumstances you yourself do not want to sleep with him says the psychologist. - How? For example, put on a simple and multi-pair (from different sets) underwear! Or trousers, and under them - torn tights ... In such a situation, not a single self-respecting woman, even at the peak of arousal, would never allow physical intimacy, so as not to lose face. Or, going on a first date, you need to deliberately limit the time, they say, you have to go somewhere later. It is advisable to say something pleasant for male ears. Not "I'm going to pull out a tooth," but "on Fridays I have classes - belly dancing." Do not agree to "come for a minute to visit." Answer with humor: “Listen, we are adults and we understand what it means to “drink tea”. I like you, but I need time to get to know you."

And the last thing: if you did not follow all these recommendations and nevertheless rushed into the abyss of passion, then please, relax! No need to say in the middle of the process: "I'm not like that." Have fun. Men appreciate such women. ( See ideal #2.) Well, we'll talk about sexual experiments in one of the following issues.