If a man speaks of serious intentions. Serious intentions of a man - how to understand them

It's a shame that even when you feel good together, for men this is not always a reason to think about a joint future. “To avoid disappointment, we will use the good old principle “forewarned is forearmed!”.

1. "A man is in no hurry to introduce you to his friends." It is clear that this is not about the period that does not allow you to simply break away from each other. But then a man who is proud of his choice is eager to show off in a close circle. Maybe you really are not his dream?

2. "Doesn't introduce parents." This is alarming, but it is important to know the reason. The family is not always ready to support the choice of even a dearly beloved son, not to mention those cases when the situation there is tense. “This is not always a manifestation of the frivolity of a man,” the author explains.

3. "During joint outings, he pulls back and rarely looks at you." You may think that he is embarrassed by your presence or distracted by other women. The author comments on this as follows: “Most likely, he is just bored with you.”

4. "Drinks alcohol at every meeting." This behavior may indicate self-doubt, but other explanations do not sound comforting. “There is a high degree of probability that a holiday man is next to you. He wants to have fun and is only ready for a non-binding relationship.”

5. "Rare meetings and calls." Do not be naive, busyness and business will never interfere with the desire to always know where your beloved is and what is happening to her. “Most likely, he is married and he has a lot of female names in his notebook, and he plays “harem” with you.

6. "Swears at his exes and is rude to other women in your presence." Quarrelsomeness and pettiness are a quality of character, but for your beloved you want to be the best. If he does not consider it necessary to keep it to himself, it is hardly important to him what you think of him. “It will soon surface in a petty quarrel,” adds the author.

7. "Constantly says that you need to change something in appearance and criticizes your figure." This interest is called sexual desire, not love. “When we love, we fully accept a person, without trying to remake him.”

8. "Asks for a loan of a certain amount of money." By nature, a man is a leader, his woman can be patronized and weak, but by no means a tractor and an assistant in solving problems. "You don't need a gigolo, do you?"

9. "A man is in no hurry to share his future with you." This is ambiguous. His dreams and plans may not be overshadowed by you at all, but by other factors - past experience, fear of circumstances and a pessimistic attitude. “It is worth learning more about the events of his past life.”

10. “A man is not in a hurry to help you and meet, only you call him.” It would seem that there is nothing to think about. But in fact, we are ready to replace reality with any explanations - he is timid, not used to being the first, does not know how to express feelings. "The maturity of a young person is manifested in the willingness to take responsibility for your life together."

The fact that this is an optional set, psychologist Alisa Metelina herself mentions in her book. “I pointed out, first of all, those signs that a priori will be for you.”

The dream of every girl is to get married, start a family and be constantly loved. And for all this, the very smallest thing is missing - to understand whether the man who is next to her has serious intentions. Everything is quite simple here, our mothers, grandmothers have already identified certain signs of a man's serious intentions.

10 ways to tell if a man is serious

At all times, men have remained a mystery to women. We are always trying to understand them, to get to the bottom, so to speak, to feel what is in their soul and heart.

Natural secrecy makes them closed and incomprehensible to the female. When it comes to relationships, especially romantic and love ones, between a man and a woman, more and more incomprehensible moments begin to appear here.

A number of questions arise in the head of beautiful ladies, how can they understand that a man has serious intentions? Close friends, and even relatives, begin to join the battle, everyone wants to give advice, assuring that they know the answer for sure.

Thus, fear and confusion settle in the lady’s soul, she is no longer sure of the sincerity of feelings, does not understand how to continue her life, chaos and distrust covers her vulnerable body.

Turn on the mind, not the heart, and look at the attitude of your man towards you from the outside. Do not try to embellish, somewhere the behavior of a man or justify him. Do not pass off what you wish for the truth of the first instance.

Mindfulness will help to understand that a man has serious intentions. Pay attention to how he communicates with you and his attitude towards other women. A man with serious intentions will not be interested in other women.

At least, he will not try to get acquainted with someone and flirt either in real life or virtually. And if he assures you that you need to build an open relationship, rather, we are talking about his freedom. Do not follow the lead of such a man, you will not decide how to understand the serious intentions of a man and how to understand men in general.

If a man pays attention to other women, while telling you what inspires him in her, these are far from serious intentions, and he perceives you more as his girlfriend.

Pay attention to how he behaves when you are together in the presence of strangers, and how he introduces you to acquaintances and friends. If a man has serious plans for you, he will introduce you to his friends and will not delay getting to know your parents, both yours and his own. But do not be upset if he introduces you as a girlfriend or girl without saying "bride" - perhaps your relationship with him is not yet at that stage.

Confidence. If he initiated you into some personal secrets or told about his past, then he entrusted you with the most secret. And this is a sign of seriousness towards you.

If a man talks about a future life together, thinks about the plans and prospects for your relationship, you should know that this makes it clear that the man has serious intentions. And talking about children in general can be regarded as a weighty argument.

A man who cares about you will want to spend a lot of time with you. He will try to get out somewhere with you on the weekend, or spend an evening together. A man in love will want to call you more often or chat on the Internet. This does not mean that both of you will chat for hours on the phone or chat online for a day.

A native home for a man is a sacred stronghold, if the doors are opened to you there, then you can be sure of the seriousness of his intentions. He introduced you to the circle of his closest people. A man with serious intentions towards you will introduce you to his parents and friends and will want to get to know your loved ones and relatives.

Not every girl that a guy introduces to his parents will immediately become his wife, but he is unlikely to introduce passions with whom a man does not value relationships to his family. Of course, in life it happens differently, and often such an acquaintance occurs a couple of months before the wedding, and sometimes even after.

Here acquaintance with friends - the fact is still controversial. First, if a man is serious, he usually does not hide it in his environment. And, secondly, maybe until a certain time he does not want others to interfere in your relationship.

If meeting your parents, he takes it easy and takes this event seriously. After all, they need to please and show themselves from the best side. So, it's time to think about the wedding.

If a man is interested in how you feel about children, this can be understood as a sign that the man has serious intentions. It is not necessary that he wants the birth of a child in the near future, but men want children from their beloved women. And with random girlfriends, it makes no sense to talk about such serious things.

A man who is serious won't pull you into bed on a first date, and will probably only be platonic for the first few months. If this stage is too long, it is worth considering.

If a man constantly tells you about his past relationships, how he was abandoned, offended, or how bad his girlfriend was before you, this is also an unpleasant sign that your relationship is not so serious.

Perhaps you are just a life raft for him on his way to the ship of his dreams. No one says that a man should keep his past a secret. No! A man should tell briefly that he had such and such a thing. A loving person will take care of his soul mate and will not want to disturb the heart and soul of his beloved with what was, because it is already so far in the past.

You can see even more if you have the opportunity to live together. If a man does not want a serious relationship with you, he is unlikely to offer to move in together. Otherwise, you will have the opportunity to get to know him better.

Signs that a man has no serious intentions

Even if you have been dating for more than a year, this does not mean that the man has serious intentions towards you. And if this causes you concern (is it not by chance that you found this article?), then there are reasons for doubt.

Read in what situations it is better for you to end a relationship if you want not just to have fun, but to start a family.

If they don’t want to appear in public with you, if your meetings are hidden, beware, perhaps your man is already busy, or even married.

If a young man is rude to you, especially in the presence of others, this may indicate his bad manners, and this can also be understood as a sign that the man has no serious intentions. Moreover, in the future, this can generally lead to the fact that a person will raise his hand to you.

A man who often ignores you, does not answer calls and messages, breaks promises, calls only in situations convenient for him, is not worth your attention - he has no serious intentions towards you.

If your man makes compliments, jokes and communicates a lot with other women, then you are just a friend for him, he has no serious intentions.

If a man finds reasons not to call you, disappears for a long time, finds excuses not to meet with you, or postpones meetings, then such a man does not have serious intentions for you. A serious man will look for meetings with you by all means, and not come up with reasons not to come or call.

If something is bothering you a lot in your relationship with a young man, talk to him openly and your heart will calm down. If a man wriggles, avoids answering, well, you will have to conduct some kind of test, experience his feelings, or watch him - perhaps he has someone else.

The first month flew by swiftly and dizzily after meeting the most charming, strong, kind man. The young body, exhausted from the persistent caresses of well-groomed and strong hands, demands the continuation of the love feast. A fiery heart, energetically pumping blood at the sight of this beloved and dear man, asks for even more passion. However, the clouded mind, which has subsided for a while, whispers more and more insistently that it is time to find out the true intentions of the man. The consciousness, relaxed for the period of romantic courtship, more and more boldly begins to hint that there are some trifles and certain circumstances indicating that a man may have other plans for the future, which are clearly different from our fantasies.

Indeed, such a situation occurs at every turn, when a couple is excellent together, but love confessions, proposals to legitimize relationships from a guy are not at all heard. When partners have a great time spending rare hours of divine idyll, however, there is no slightest hint of a serious relationship on the part of the young man. For a certain period, uncertainty can be tolerated, but over time, every self-respecting woman has a logical question: “How to understand the true intentions of a man she likes? How do you know if the guy you love so much has serious plans?
The fact that the soul of another person is darkness, and the device of the male psyche is a completely dense forest, was well known to our mothers, and grandmothers and distant ancestresses. The camouflaged behavior of the guys, their silence and unwillingness to show emotions is a natural and natural phenomenon. All this is due to the fact that it is much more difficult for a man to recognize the presence of love than to conquer the expanses of the Universe and break scientific stations in distant galaxies.

In a declaration of love and the narration of their plans, young people are frightened by absolutely everything. And the fear that they will not be able to find the right words. And anxiety that they will be misunderstood. And the fear that they will be ridiculed. And the anticipation that others will find out about their plans. However, the greatest obsessive and all-consuming male fear, which does not allow aloud to talk about their intentions, is due to the fact that the guys naively believe that as soon as the lady of the heart can find out about serious plans, she will certainly reject him.
Stealth is a natural instinct of men, which, in their opinion, allows them to survive and succeed on the love front. We will not reshape the male psychology, but we will accept this feature of the guys as a fact. And we will begin to act like a spy who has penetrated a complex male life in order to find out: he is attracted only by a short-term relationship, or he has serious intentions. We take the advice of psychologists for guidance.

How to know that a guy has serious intentions: signals of his sympathy
A huge mistake that many women make is to pass off sweet dreams for harsh reality. To get rid of the chaos in the head, eliminate the confusion in the soul and determine the true plans of the guy, the main action is to take off the rose-colored glasses, put out the heart fire and turn on the mind. We, as sages who have taken the lotus position and are watching life from heaven, should look at our relationship with the guy from the outside. To impartially assess the essence and quality of our contacts. Analyze the behavior of the partner, his statements about life values ​​and plans. Do not try to embellish his personality, do not justify his actions and do not distort the true meaning of the meetings.
To determine if the guy’s intentions are serious or if he longs for a short pleasant pastime, attentiveness, observation and prudence will help. We should study very carefully how he specifically relates to us: what he says, how he helps, what advice he gives. No matter how ridiculous it may sound, but even if a man opens the car door for you, whether he offers his jacket on a cool evening, can tell a lot about his upbringing and manners. We need to pay attention to what opinion he expresses in general about the female gender, respectfully or dismissively talks about his parents, whether he appreciates family traditions.

To find out the intentions of a young man, it will help us to enter his social circle. We must understand what his friends live and breathe. Find out if he prefers to contact established family people or likes to spend time in a cheerful and noisy company of bachelors who dilute their leisure time with fun with women.
To tell if the guy has serious intentions, his statements about his previous relationships can also. Whether he accuses the previous passion of all mortal sins, stigmatizes her, attributes devilish flaws, or responds with warmth. If, as a result of his former relationship, he became a father, we must carefully examine how he relates to his own child. We remember that if a man speaks cynically and angrily about a previous companion, we cannot be insured that such negative diarrhea will not happen to him after our separation. We take into account that if a man does not help and does not contribute to the upbringing of an existing child, then he is unlikely to become a caring parent in the future.

Pay attention to whether he tries to introduce you to his circle of friends, how he introduces his companion to his friends. We take into account that a young man with serious intentions tries to “show off” his lovely bride to his friends and therefore is happy to be with her in companies. We remember that if a man is building some kind of global plans for you, he will not delay the moment of acquaintance of his chosen one with his relatives. Of course, you can’t expect that after the first date, the guy will definitely introduce you to his parents as a bride. However, if a man does not make any attempts to get to know his family after a year of meetings, then he is unlikely to make serious plans for you. This phenomenon is often observed among married men who lead their mistress by the nose, assuring that they are single.

A sign that a man has serious intentions is trust. If a person boldly trusts you with secrets, without concealment tells the details of his past, shares his experiences, then, for sure, your presence in his life is included in his plans. Another sign that speaks of the serious intentions of a guy is a conscious choice of topics for conversations regarding the prospects for a life together. A guy who talks about how wonderful and happy you will be together is definitely interested in continuing the relationship.
A weighty signal confirming that you are valuable and dear to a man is his hint of a clear desire to procreate. A man will never discuss the topic of raising children if he does not see the current companion as their mother. Unless, of course, he is a notorious liar and a cynic.
An important evidence that the guy has serious intentions is his desire to spend as much time with you as possible. A man in love will regularly call you on the phone, write messages on social networks. He will try to meet you after work and offer to spend the evening together. He will definitely want to be with you on the weekend.

Many women believe that if a young man invited them home, then this is a guarantee of his serious intentions. However, this is not entirely true. There are guys for whom native penates are a sanctuary, where the entrance to mere mortals is not available. But there is also a large group of guys who simply do not have the opportunity to find another place for intimate meetings with a woman. Their house looks like a passage yard, where fifty young ladies visit every month, and not only his girlfriends, but also the chosen ones of his friends. Therefore, it is not necessary to draw a conclusion about men's plans just because you crossed the threshold of his apartment. But if a guy persistently demands that you pack your bags and move to his paradise in a hut, then this is a serious argument that confirms his interest.

When a man feels sympathy for a young lady, he will show care and tenderness. And for his help, he will not demand anything in return. A guy who is interested in a woman will never ignore her requests, will not refuse to perform those things that he is capable of doing. He will not evade cutting dead trees in the garden of his beloved grandmother. He will courageously carry a rotten sofa from the bedroom to the living room. A man in love will patiently teach your little brother how to ride a tricycle.
Some ladies believe that if a guy is in love, he will talk about his feelings without stopping. However, young ladies forget that for some young guys, vows of deep love are an empty sound that they reproduce daily. That is why most often the silence of men is a confirmation of their serious intentions. His gestures, facial expressions and movements speak about the true feelings of the guys. A young man in love with his whole body will strive to get closer to his chosen one. He will look the lady of the heart straight in the eyes.

A serious guy will look for ways to surprise and please his chosen one. Moreover, he will not necessarily arrange surprises if there is an important reason. It is not necessary that his gifts will be expensive, but you can definitely count on the originality of the ideas of a man in love. Of course, there are some guys who are unable to think beyond sweets and bouquets.
Another important point that reveals the essence of a male relationship is direct intimacy. A man in love will not insist on intimacy and rush a woman. At the moment of an intimate meeting, he will not be limited solely to his own pleasure, but will try with all his might to make his lady pleased. A man in love will not immediately turn to his smartphone after the meeting, he will not rush to a spontaneously organized business date.

In the morning after a stormy night, a man in love will offer breakfast or at least make coffee. He will not be indifferent to how the lady of the heart will get to the house from his apartment: he will deliver the woman to the entrance by car or order a taxi for her. A man interested in a companion will not limit the time of her stay in his house, hinting that at eight in the morning a conference is being held in his apartment. Moreover, he will not disappear for a month after the first sex.

How to find out the plans of a man? Remember that a man in love will not:

  • talk exclusively about sex;
  • avoid meeting with you and look for a reason to cancel a date;
  • issue ultimatums;
  • interrupt you when you talk about your feelings;
  • "hide" you from the public;
  • disappear for a long time;
  • demand the impossible from you.

  • Remember: if something is bothering you a lot in a relationship with a man, the best way to find out his plans is to talk to him frankly. If the young man plays up and tries to get away from the conversation, it is quite possible that his intentions are not at all too serious, or he has another woman.

    All girls dream of a successful marriage, to be loved and create a strong family. In order to prevent a serious mistake, you need to make sure that your companion's intentions are serious.

    Experienced women can determine whether a man is ready to marry or not. Modern young girls can also learn about these signs.

    The representatives of the stronger sex have always remained a mystery to women. Many try to understand them, but it can be quite difficult to figure out men, they know how to hide their feelings. What is happening in the heart, no one knows.

    It is natural secrecy that makes every man closed. Not all women can understand them. Many questions arise when a romantic relationship arises between a girl and a man. It is during this period that incomprehensible moments appear that have to be dealt with.

    10 signs that a man has serious intentions!

    It is not surprising that a lot of questions appear in the female head. They are always concerned about what a man's intentions are. Relatives, girlfriends and just close people give advice to girls, but they can not always be trusted. They think they are well versed in love matters.

    A woman has doubts, fear, and real chaos is going on in her head. Distrust is increasing day by day.

    1. We must always be guided by the mind, but not by the heart. A woman should look at the relationship from the outside, analyzing the behavior of a man. Do not embellish reality, justify it. No need to pass off wishful thinking.
    2. You need to take a serious look at your man. It should be analyzed how he treats his lady and other women. Those men who have really serious intentions never pay attention to other ladies.. They will not flirt or make other acquaintances. If a man insists on an open relationship, you need to think about it. With such a person, you need to be careful. First you have to find out what the man's intentions really are.

    Often men pay attention to other ladies, while telling their companion about them, this is also a serious sign. Most likely, he has no intentions of starting a serious relationship. He viewed his lady as a girlfriend, not a future wife.

    1. You need to pay attention to how a man behaves with a woman in the presence of other people. If he strives to introduce his girlfriend to friends, relatives, then he has serious plans. Often men present a companion as a girlfriend, and not a future bride. But don't get too upset. Perhaps he has not yet decided to make any precise decisions.
    2. Confidence. When a man is ready to tell his lady some plans for the future or boldly talks about the past, this is already a sign of a serious relationship. A woman can be calm, because it is going to the wedding.
    3. A man always talks about the seriousness of his relationship, you just need to take a closer look. If he began to build for the future, talks about joint children, this is already a weighty argument.
    4. A man who loves, appreciates his lady, tries to spend more time with her. He strives to be together on the weekends or just organize a joint evening. A lover often calls, writes, because he wants to be aware of how his beloved is doing.
    5. When a man brings a woman into his house, this is a serious step.. He seeks to introduce her to her parents, close relatives. Of course, do not rush things. Getting to know your parents is not always a big step. But often this happens a few months before the wedding. We'll have to watch the guy to draw any conclusions. If a man is not in a hurry to bring a woman into the house, to introduce him to loved ones, then he still has no serious intentions. But do not despair, you need to give him time.
    6. Questions about how a lady treats children, another sign of serious intentions. Of course, it cannot be said that he immediately wants the birth of a baby. He's probably just making plans for the future. Men always want to have children from their beloved. With casual or temporary girlfriends, they will not discuss such a topic.
    7. You need to pay attention to the first date. If a man is in a hurry to drag a girl into bed, this is not a sign of serious intentions.. It is better to avoid such a man. It is important to think about the case when for several months the relationship is only platonic.
    8. It’s bad when a man constantly remembers past relationships, those girls who left him. This is considered a sign that he is not yet in the mood for serious relationships. Most likely, he considers a woman at this stage only as a lifeline. Of course, a man should not hide his relationship in secret, but also should not remember them regularly.

    A loving man always takes care of his beloved, shields her from all disturbing thoughts. He will strive for a life together. But do not rush, you need to give time to your loved one.

    How to know that there are no serious intentions

    If a man has been dating a woman for a long time, this is not a fact that everything will end up living together. There are no prerequisites for this, it's time to think about whether this is the right satellite. You need to know when it's time to end the relationship.

    When a man refuses to appear in public with a lady, to introduce her to friends, parents, it means that he does not take the woman seriously. If everything happens secretly, it's time to leave such a groom.

    If a man is often rude in a circle of strangers, this is another signal to think about stopping meetings. This speaks not only of the bad manners of a person. In the future, such a man can raise his hand to his woman.

    Ignoring calls, messages, regularly breaking promises are signs that he has no serious intentions. It is worth abandoning such a man.

    If a representative of the stronger sex regularly communicates with other ladies, compliments everyone, then he is not yet ready for a serious relationship. He does not build any plans for the future with such a man.

    When a lover always has reasons not to call, to disappear for a long time, to constantly voice some excuses, this is a sign of a lack of seriousness. A real man must find ways to meet the woman he loves.

    If a woman begins to think about the sincerity of the relationship, this is the first signal that everything is not going so smoothly. It's time to analyze all the dates, his behavior, conversations. This will allow you to find out what intentions the man has: to build a joint future or just meet periodically. In addition, suspicious behavior may be a sign that he has another lady. Of course, if the relationship began recently, there is no need to rush. Let the man think.

    When there are many doubts, and there is anxiety in the heart, you can just talk openly. Do not be afraid to voice your doubts, talk about feelings. This is the only way to build strong relationships. If a man openly enters into a dialogue, does not avoid answering, then he still has serious intentions and you can be calm about the future.