Heartbreaking love stories.  sad stories - Short stories

Touching stories touch to the core, and even the most callous person can be touched by a couple. Sometimes in life there are not enough small, kind experiences from which you can be moved to tears. Our touching stories are selected for this. Stories are taken from the Internet, and only the best ones are published.

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“I stood in line at the store, behind a little grandmother, whose hands were shaking, a lost look, she tightly pressed a small purse to her chest, they saw it for sure, so knitted, I saw it several times and she didn’t have 7 rubles to buy, what she took, bread, milk, cereal, a tiny piece of liver sausage. And the seller spoke very rudely to her, and she stood so lost, I felt so sorry for her, I made a remark to the seller and 10 rubles to the checkout. But my heart began to beat so quickly, I took this grandmother by the hand, she looked into my eyes, she didn’t seem to understand why I did it, and I took it and led it to the trading floor, simultaneously picking up products for her in the basket, everything only the most necessary, meat, bones for soup, eggs, all kinds of cereals, and she walked silently behind me and everyone looked at us. We reached the fruit and I asked what she likes, grandmother silently looked at me and I took a little bit of everything, but I think it will be enough for her for a long time. We went to the checkout, people parted and let us out of the queue, then I realized that I had little money with me and barely enough for her basket, I left mine in the hall, paid, all this time holding this grandmother by the hand and we went out into the street. At that moment, I noticed that a tear flowed down my grandmother’s cheek, I asked where she could take her, put her in the car, and she offered to come in for tea. We went to her house, I have never seen anything like this, everything is like a scoop, but it’s cozy, while she was heating tea and putting pies with onions on the table, I looked around and realized how our old people live. After all I got into the car and then I was covered. I cried for 10 minutes...

14.10.2016 2 3929

One day, a father scolded his four-year-old daughter for wasting, as it seemed to him, a large amount of golden wrapping paper, pasting over an empty box in order to put it under the New Year tree.
There was hardly any money.
And because of this, the father was even more nervous.
The next morning, the girl brought her father a box pasted over by her and said:
- Dad, this is for you!
The father was incredibly embarrassed and repented of his intemperance the day before.
However, repentance gave way to a new fit of irritation when, upon opening the box, he saw that it was empty.
"Don't you know that when you give someone a present, there must be something inside?" he shouted to his daughter.
The little girl raised her large, tearful eyes and said:
- It's not empty, daddy. I put my kisses in there. All of them are for you.
From the feelings that flooded over him, his father could not speak.
He only hugged his little girl and begged for forgiveness.
My father told me later that he kept this gold-lined box for many years near his bed.
When difficult moments came in his life, he simply opened it, and then all those kisses that his daughter put there flew out, touching his cheeks, forehead, eyes and hands.

23.08.2016 0 4257

I never thought that I would find myself in a situation from which I could not get out myself. Briefly about myself: I am 28 years old, my husband is 27, we are raising a wonderful son of three years. I grew up in a Ukrainian village, my parents are in good standing there, however, they have been going to work in Russia for five years now. I have been married for four years, but this is not marriage, but hell! When we met, everything was like in a fairy tale: every day flowers, soft toys, kisses until the morning! Then, as always with young people, they fly. But my dear was not afraid and said: give birth. My husband goes on flights, he is a sailor, he makes good money. And now it's time to get acquainted with his unfortunate parents. They didn’t like me right away, they say, a provincial. His parents have been divorced for twenty years, but they communicate with each other. His father never loved his children and was shy: they lived poorly and poorly after the divorce, but his son did well: he got a gigolo with a young rich girl. My parents paid for the wedding, they also rented an apartment for six months, and his parents only shouted all over the town that they arranged a gorgeous wedding for us. My husband had a vacation, he had to return to the sea, and he did not want to leave me alone for a long time in a rented apartment. I moved it to my father-in-law, and then I knew all the torments of hell: she hid food from me, closed the washing machine in the pantry so that I could wash it by hand, turned on the music at full volume, pushed and so on. It's time to give birth, I went at night myself, without waking anyone, and in the morning, lying with the baby in the ward, I listened on the phone, how bad I am, that I didn’t close the vestibule (I don’t have the keys to it). She spent three days in the hospital, no one came. My mother could not get there, because it was January and the roads were very snowy. True, a godfather came to the discharge with flowers and took me away. We returned home, and there the holiday was in full swing! Drunk people I don't know rushed to bathe my son. And we have experienced this too. The husband returned six months later, the baby was three months old. At that time, we were just living in the village with my mother: she came on vacation and took us away. I returned with my husband again to that hell from which I had just escaped. Difficulties have already begun in our relations. True, he helped a lot with the baby: he washed diapers and warmed porridge, they didn’t know any problems with money, since he made good money. And then the pressure from the mother-in-law began to give her $ 200 a month for utilities. My mother-in-law lived in a three-room apartment, I was with a child, my husband and his older brother, who, at the age of 30, did not work anywhere and sat at a computer for days. The husband correctly said that we would all pay equally, so she got furious and kicked us out with the baby on the street, we had to rent an apartment. Two years did not communicate with her at all, and then she called and said that she was in the hospital. We immediately broke down and went. She had a breast tumor, but nothing happened. We paid for the operation and the postoperative period, she was discharged, the husband began to visit his mother often. And then I noticed that, as soon as he stayed with her, he arrived drunk, aggressive. He began to reproach me that it was I who brought his mother to the operation (I wonder how?). Before that, he drank very rarely - he valued his career, and now for a long time he has been turning into a drunk, an aggressive tyrant, raising his hand at me, shouting that I am a kept woman and a beggar (these are the words of his mother). Yesterday a drunk came again, now I'm sitting all in gold, like a Christmas tree, and with a black eye.

02.06.2016 0 1982

When this old man died in a nursing home in a small Australian town, everyone believed that he passed away without leaving any valuable trace in it. Later, when the nurses were sorting through his meager belongings, they discovered this poem. Its meaning and content impressed the staff so much that copies of the poem were quickly distributed to all hospital workers. A nurse took a copy to Melbourne... The old man's only will has since appeared in Christmas magazines all over the country, as well as in psychology magazines. And this old man, who died a beggar in a godforsaken town in Australia, struck people all over the world with the depth of his soul.
Coming in to wake me up in the morning
Who do you see, nurse?
The old man is capricious, out of habit
Still living somehow
Half blind, half fool
"Living" is just right to put in quotation marks.
He does not hear - it is necessary to overstrain,
Wasting food.
He mumbles all the time - there is no way with him.
Well, as much as possible, shut up!
Dropped the plate on the floor.
Where are the shoes? Where is the second sock?
The last fucking hero.
Get off the bed! For you to die...
Sister! Look into my eyes!
Be able to see what...
Behind this weakness and pain,
For the life lived, big.
Behind a moth-eaten jacket
Behind flabby skin, "behind the soul".
Beyond the present day
Try to see me...
... I'm a boy! fidget dear,
Cheerful, slightly mischievous.
I'm scared. I'm five years old at most,
And the carousel is so high!
But father and mother are near,
I glare at them.
And though my fear is indestructible,
I know exactly what we love...
... Here I am sixteen, I'm on fire!
I soar in the clouds with my soul!
I dream, I rejoice, I grieve,
I'm young, I'm looking for love...
... And here it is, my happy moment!
I'm twenty eight. I am the groom!
I go with love to the altar,
And again I burn, I burn, I burn ...
... I'm thirty-five, my family is growing,
We already have sons
Your home, farm. And wife
My daughter is about to give birth...
... And life flies, flies forward!
I'm forty-five - a cycle!
And the children grow by the day.
Toys, school, institute...
All! Flew from the nest
And scattered in all directions!
The run of celestial bodies is slowed down,
Our cozy home is empty...
... But we are together with our beloved!
We lay down together and get up.
She won't let me be sad.
And life flies forward again ...
... Now I'm sixty.
Once again, the children in the house are crying!
Grandchildren have a cheerful round dance.
Oh how happy we are! But here...
... Faded suddenly. Sun light.
My love is no more!
Happiness also has a side...
I went gray in a week
Hungry, soul drooped
And I felt that I was an old man ...
... Now I live without fantasies,
I live for my grandchildren and children.
My world is with me, but every day
Less and less light in it ...
Throwing the cross of old age on your shoulders,
Brad is tired of going nowhere.
The heart was covered with a crust of ice.
And time does not heal my pain.
Oh Lord, how long life is
When she's not happy...
... But this should be reconciled.
Nothing is eternal under the Moon.
And you, leaning over me,
Open your eyes, sister.
I'm not a capricious old man, no!
Beloved husband, father and grandfather...
... and the boy is small, hitherto
In the radiance of a sunny day
Flying into the distance on a carousel...
Try to see me...
And maybe, grieving for me, you will find YOURSELF!
Think of this poem the next time you meet an old
man! And think that sooner or later you too will be like him or her! The best and most beautiful things in this world cannot be
see or touch. They must be felt in the heart!

29.05.2016 0 1799

I had a successful hunt the other day, I easily found the lair of wolves. I immediately shot the she-wolf with a shot, my dog ​​killed two of her puppies. He was already boasting to his wife about his prey, as a wolf howl was heard in the distance, but this time it was somehow unusual. He was saturated with grief and longing.
And in the morning of the next day, although I sleep quite soundly, a roar at the house woke me up, I ran out of the door in what I was. A wild picture appeared before my eyes: at my house, there was a huge wolf. The dog was on a chain, and the chain did not reach, and probably he could not help. And next to him, my daughter stood and merrily played with his tail.
There was nothing I could do to help at that moment, and she did not understand what was in danger. We met the wolf's eyes. "The head of the family of that one" - I immediately understood. And he only whispered with his lips: "Do not touch your daughter, kill me better."
My eyes filled with tears, and my daughter asked: “Dad, what’s wrong with you?” Leaving the wolf's tail, she immediately ran up. He pressed her against him with one hand. And the wolf left, leaving us alone. And did not harm either my daughter or me, For the pain and grief I caused him, for the death of his she-wolf and children.
He took revenge. But he took revenge without bloodshed. He showed that he is stronger than people. He conveyed his feelings of pain to me. And he made it clear that I killed the children ...

09.05.2016 0 1474

This letter from father to son was written by Livingston Larned almost 100 years ago, but it still touches people's hearts to this day. It became popular after Dale Carnegie published it in his book.
“Listen, son. I say these words when you sleep your small hand is under your cheek, and curly blond hair is matted on a damp forehead. I snuck into your room alone. A few minutes ago, as I was sitting in the library reading the newspaper, a heavy wave of remorse washed over me. I came to your bed with the consciousness of my guilt.
That's what I was thinking, son: I took my bad temper out on you. I scolded you when you were getting dressed to go to school because you only touched your face with a wet towel. I chastised you for not cleaning your shoes. I yelled at you angrily when you threw some of your clothes on the floor.
At breakfast, I picked on you too. You spilled your tea. You greedily swallowed food. You put your elbows on the table. You buttered the bread too thickly. And then when you went out to play and I was in a hurry to get on the train, you turned around, waved at me and shouted: "Goodbye, dad!" - I frowned and answered: "Straighten your shoulders!"
Then, at the end of the day, it all started again. On my way home, I noticed you playing marbles on your knees. There were holes in your stockings. I humiliated you in front of your comrades, forcing you to walk home ahead of me. Stockings are expensive - and if you had to buy them with your own money, you would be more careful! Just imagine, son, what your father said!
Do you remember how you then entered the library where I was reading - timidly, with pain in your eyes? When I glanced at you over the top of the newspaper, irritated at being interrupted, you hesitated at the door. "What do you need?" I asked sharply.
You did not answer, but impetuously rushed to me, hugged my neck and kissed me. Your hands squeezed me with the love that God put in your heart and which even my dismissive attitude could not wither. And then you walked away, treading your feet, up the stairs.
Well, son, soon after that the newspaper slipped out of my hands and a terrible, sickening fear took possession of me. What has habit done to me? The habit of finding fault, scolding - such was my reward to you for being a little boy. You can’t say that I didn’t love you, the whole point is that I expected too much from my youth and measured you by the yardstick of my own years.
And in your character there is so much healthy, beautiful and sincere. Your little heart is as big as the dawn over the distant hills. It manifested itself in your elemental impulse when you rushed to me to kiss me before going to bed. Nothing else matters today, son.
I came to your bed in the dark and, ashamed, I knelt before you! This is a weak atonement. I know you wouldn't understand these things if I told you all this when you woke up. But tomorrow I'll be a real father! I will be your friend, suffer when you suffer and laugh when you laugh. I will bite my tongue when an angry word is about to come out. I will constantly repeat like a spell: "He's only a boy, a little boy!"
I'm afraid I saw you as a grown man in my mind. However, now, when I see you, son, wearily huddled in the crib, I understand that you are still a child. Yesterday you were in your mother's arms and your head lay on her shoulder. I demanded too much, too much."

A real story about love from life is not always cheerful, optimistic and with a happy ending, as many people think, but often sad to tears. It can be filled with regrets about what did not come true, about what cannot be returned.

Nature pleased the last warm autumn days. I sat on a park bench, smoked cigarette after cigarette, and sadly looked into the distance. When you are almost 50, you no longer want no noisy companies, no alcohol, no dubious decorated girls who look only into your wallet. I want simple human warmth, love, care ... But I myself missed my happiness.

I was brought out of my far from gloomy thoughts by a bright blue ball that fell near my feet. Looking up, I saw its owner - a blue-eyed girl of about 6 years old, who ran up to get the toy, smiled at me and, after a little hesitation, said: "Uncle, please give me a ball ...". I handed the toy to the child and caught myself thinking that the look of those sincere sky-colored eyes was so similar to the eyes of the one I once loved.

Lena... Lena, my dear, what an idiot I was. I ruined your life and ruined mine. All these thoughts flashed through my head in a split second. The girl said "thank you" and ran to the man and woman, who were holding hands and talking cheerfully. Probably her parent, I thought. And the woman looked so much like Elena ... But Lenochka and I could have had the same baby, - I sighed aloud, and a bitter tear rolled down my long unshaven cheek.

For the first time I saw Lena in Yalta on the seashore, when I came to the Crimea to take a break from worries and have fun on my 35th birthday. Then I decided to wake up early and still meet the dawn, since soon I had to leave home, to dusty and stuffy Moscow. For all two weeks of my stay in the Crimea, I did not succeed. After sitting in a bar in the company of beauties, I returned to the hotel room after three in the morning and often not alone. What a dawn...

So, when I came to an almost deserted beach, sleepy and yawning, my attention was drawn to her - a girl of about 20 with golden hair sparkling in the light of the rising sun, slender, in a light blue sea-colored dress and a snow-white hat. She sat by the water's edge with an album in her hands and made a sketch of the seascape. , there was so much simplicity and naivety in her movements that I involuntarily stared at this drawing angel. She was the exact opposite of the young ladies with whom I used to spend time, brightly made-up girls with magnificent forms and cheeky manners. All I wanted from them was sex, often I didn't even remember their names.

And her face, breathing simplicity and attractiveness, fascinated me for a few minutes and turned my head. I don’t know if I would have met her myself, but the opportunity just turned up. Suddenly the wind blew, tore off the girl's hat and carried it to the sea. She gasped, but didn't catch up. Apparently, she was afraid of strong waves or did not know how to swim at all. I rushed into the water, quickly took out a hat and handed it to the owner. The girl smiled, thanked me, and our conversation from a few phrases turned into a long conversation about everything in the world.

We came to our senses only when the sun began to mercilessly give us its hot rays. It was time to hide in the shadows. We exchanged phone numbers and decided to take a walk in the evening, meet the sunset together. We spent the rest of my vacation walking by the sea, riding a boat, eating ice cream, hugging and kissing. I haven't had a romance like this in a long time.

Fortunately, she also lived in Moscow. Although, rather, unfortunately. After all, if we went to different cities, then our relationship in the stream of an endless routine would most likely be forgotten or would be perceived as just a summer memory filled with happiness. However, when we returned to Moscow, our meetings continued. Lena was not like all the other girls. Kind, soft, open, sincere, she was like a breath of fresh air for me. But even at 35, I was not ready for a long and serious relationship. Overdressed beauties spoiled me and blackened my soul with lust and depravity. If I ever had one. Hardly.

And when one cold dank autumn day Lenochka came to me, excited, confused and with trembling lips told me that she was pregnant from me, I was seriously scared and offered to give her money for an abortion. I assured that we will always be together, but I'm not ready for a child. When she heard this, her sky-blue eyes turned cloudy gray with tears, and she flew through the barely closed door like a bird with clipped wings. For the first time, I got mad at her and didn't catch up. "Here's a fool" - I thought, "Well, well, he'll come back, where will he go."

And she didn't come back. Not that day, not the next. I tried to call her, but the phone was switched off. The doors of her small apartment on the outskirts of the capital greeted me with a closed lock and cold aloofness.

After grieving a little, I began to forget my blue-eyed miracle. Work, friends, random young ladies filled my life again. Everything returned to normal. And I remembered Lena only occasionally and immediately drove thoughts of her away from me.

Days, months, years passed. Once I went to the cemetery to put flowers on the grave of a friend who died in a car accident. Passing by the monuments, I saw a face with painfully familiar features, painted on a granite slab. It was her, Lena. I froze in place. Sometimes when I thought about her, I thought that she must be married and happy with someone. Having recovered a little, I began to look at the date of death and realized with horror that about 8 months had passed since our last meeting, when she ran away from me with tears ...

I started making inquiries about her. Fortunately, connections and acquaintances allowed. Turns out she died in childbirth. The child did not survive either.

Elena, Lena, Lenochka... you could become the meaning of my life, my happiness. But I lost everything. Fool, what a fool I am!

This fleeting meeting with a girl in the park awakened in me all the emotions and feelings that were so hard to muffle. I realized that I had lived my life in vain, wasting precious days on dubious pleasure and entertainment.

After sitting a little more on the bench, looking after the friendly and happy family, I wandered home. In an empty apartment in the center of the capital, where no one is waiting for me, and never will be.

If you have your own interesting story about love from the life of your friends, write to me, I will definitely publish it.

Couple who died holding hands after living together for 72 years In the Iowa couple, Norma and Gordon Yeager were each in their 90s (they married 72 years ago) when they were hospitalized together after a car accident. The nurse and doctor placed them together in the intensive care unit. They could barely answer questions, but despite this, they held hands. Exactly one hour after Gordon died, Norma followed him, still holding his hand. Norma, 90, and Gordon Yeager, 94, met while Norma was in high school and Gordon was working at a Chevrolet service station at the Iowa State Center. They married on May 26, 1939, the same day Norma graduated. They have four children together, one daughter and three sons.

A couple that got stronger after one of them had a quadruple amputation Only some high school couples go as far as tossing their hats together at prom. However, Taylor Morris and Daniel Kelly went through a lot more. The Iowa natives stayed together after high school, and in 2007 Morris enlisted in the Navy as an explosive ordnance disposal technician. After several years of training, Morris was assigned to the 12th Explosive Ordnance Disposal Division, and the couple moved to Virginia Beach (Virginia, USA). While Morris, already a petty officer 2nd class, was assigned to Afghanistan, the couple decided to discuss their plans for a joint future. But that's when Morris stepped on an improvised explosive device, losing both legs above the knee, left and right arms. However, this tragic incident did not affect the couple's relationship in any way. Their love story has already crossed the globe. Twenty-two photos of Morris and Kelly were featured on BuzzFeed, a site that collects only the most popular content on the Internet, under the heading "A Love Story in 22 Photos." As of September 20, the story had over 2.6 million views. Tim Dodd, the professional photographer (and longtime friend of Morris) who took most of the photographs for the publication, said the sailor was happy that so many people now knew his story.

96-year-old man wrote a love song in honor of his wife, who lived with him for 72 years Fred and Lorraine Stobaugh lived together for 72 years. So when she passed away, the 96-year old man was heartbroken. He lost the love of his life. Shortly after Lorraine's death, the Illinois resident wrote a song in memory of his wife. Then, he suddenly decided to send her to a singing competition held by the Green Shoe Studio, which he read about in the local newspaper. This contest required contestants to upload the song to the Internet, but Fred sent the song in handwritten form via regular mail. He also knew that he could not sing in such a way that he would hit the right notes correctly. At Green Shoe Studio, the song caught the attention of Jacob Colgan, who was so moved by Fred's writing that he decided to produce it.

Modern Romeo and Juliet who killed themselves because they were not allowed to be together This story was hidden in the middle of the Indian newspapers. In 2009, two unhappy lovers committed suicide after the local village council, or panchayat (as it is commonly called in India), ordered them to annul their marriage or face death. Amrin was a Muslim and her husband, Lokesh, was a Hindu. Such relationships were simply unacceptable among their communities, so the couple poisoned themselves. The police accused the entire panchayat of encouraging suicide.

The couple who died within hours of each other in the "final act of love" after 66 years of marriage The couple died on the same day, a few hours apart, after 66 years of marriage. Their children called the death of their parents "the final act of love." Ruth contracted a rare infection shortly before her death, and it became clear that she would never recover. Margaret recalls that when she, along with her brothers and sisters, told her father about this terrible news, he took it calmly, but they saw that there was some kind of “shift” in him. Just a few days after that, their daughters noticed that their father began to seem very ill. Three days later, Harold died at 7:30 am. After the death of their father, the Knapke children stood around their mother - who never cleared her mind - and told her: “Daddy is waiting for you“ upstairs ”. They're going to play a card game there, and it's time for you to go there too. Don't stay for us," said Ted Knapke. Ruth Knapke died that same night at 6:30 p.m. Harold was 91 and Ruth was 89.

Couple reunited after long-lost love letter found in fireplace A couple remarried after they got back together when a long-lost love letter sent ten years ago was found completely sealed in the fireplace. In 2009, Steve Smith and Carmen Ruiz-Perez, both 42-year-olds, walked down the aisle after a 16-year separation. The couple fell in love and got engaged at the age of 20, after which Carmen left for England on a student exchange program. However, after one year of relationship, when she had to return to France, they parted ways. A few years later, Steve wrote to her in an attempt to rekindle their romance, but Carmen's mother put his letter on the mantelpiece and it slid down the back of the fireplace. The letter remained closed there for the next decade, until the fireplace was removed and sent for restoration. Carmen, who remained unmarried, never forgot the love of her life, finally received a letter in which Steve wrote: “I hope you are doing well. I'm just writing to ask if you ever got married or did you ever think about me again? It would be great to hear from you, please write if you can. Steve XXX. Carmen says that initially she was too nervous before calling, as it had already been a long time, but she plucked up the courage and they agreed to meet. They met in Paris a few days later and are now married, 17 years after their first crush.

A couple who have been wearing the same outfit for 35 years in a row Donald Featherstone, an artist who is famous for his invention of a plastic figure of a pink flamingo, designed to decorate lawns. However, people who know him and his wife Nancy think of them as an incredibly close and romantic couple. For the past 35 years, they have been wearing the same outfits everywhere they go.

The teenager who carried his friend on his back for 8 years Because love is not only about relationships between a man and a woman, but also about friendship, we have included this latest story here. In Hebei Province, China, a 16-year-old teenager named Louis Shi Jing has been carrying his friend to school every day for the past eight years. His friend, Lu Shao, has a congenital disease that prevents him from walking on his own. Eight years ago, on a rainy day, Lu Shao was stuck at school when his mother didn't come to pick him up. Lui Shi Jing, who was smaller than Lu Shao, decided to help and carried him home. Since then, he began to wear Lu Shao to and from school, and even to the toilet. Lui Shi Jing doesn't brag about his good deeds very much, his parents didn't even know about it even when it was four years after he started helping his first friend. Lu Shao wrote in his diary that Lui Shi Qing's help dispelled the dark clouds in his life and let the sun into it.

Student. Accordingly, I live in a student hostel. Recently, on the eve of the holidays, passing by the urn near the entrance, I saw with a friend a bouquet of beautiful white roses. We also laughed, they say, let's take it, it's a pity to leave it.) After a while, we went out to smoke at the checkpoint and saw a guy with this bouquet, meeting his chosen one. We laughed out loud, very loudly.) The guy seemed to understand, and the girl looked in our direction in bewilderment. These are practical students in the capital))

Decided to tip snobbishly. It was this morning. I decided to please my beloved and buy her a beautiful bouquet. Stood for a long time, chose. I liked one, I decided - I take it. While the girl got it to me, packed it, I think I'll give it to her for tea. I give 1500 rubles, I say: “Keep the change for yourself.” She stood for a while, was silent, looked at me and said: “there is still 200r missing”. He smiles and points to the price tag. I had to scrape))

A colleague at work told how her friend found a husband for herself: she was leaving the subway, she sees a guy with a bouquet standing, judging by the tired look and hypnotization of the clock, he has been standing for a long time. When she passed by him, she said: “What are you waiting for, let’s go.” I went, met, and now we have been together for more than 20 years.

We didn’t sleep with my friends for two days, work during the day, gatherings at night. From fatigue, she fell asleep in the minibus, yelled through her sleep: “Close the balcony, the cat will run out!” I woke up still on the bus. Turns out the door was open! And everyone is watching...

Picked up a kitten on the street. Small at all, no more than a month. I washed it at home and wrapped it in a towel. The older cat immediately lay down next to him and began to purr. Only after a couple of hours I noticed that the baby had a problem with the hind legs. I took it to the doctor, and they told me - “put to sleep, this is a birth injury, the hind legs will never be active.” And I stand, look into these button eyes and roar. I couldn't do that. Now the kid is happy with his older friend, and I make him wheels on his hind legs from toys)

Our cat, after an injury to his left front paw, used his disadvantaged position for a very long time: as he needed, he pressed his supposedly sore paw and asked, it was a shame to refuse, because through our fault he was injured (pressed by the door). So one day he mixed up and, asking for the street, he pressed not that, but a healthy paw! We laughed at him for a long time, he looked at us with an uncomprehending look))) But then, of course, they let him go, for quick wits))

My three-year-old daughter always sees me out of the house with cool pep talks like “Bye bye, don’t get cold” or “Bye bye, do a good job” or “Bye bye, so be it, go away.”

When I was little, I always told my grandmother: “Grandma, you are not a mother-in-law, because all mothers-in-law are evil, but you are kind.” 20 years have passed since that moment. So, the other day they came to visit her with their parents, and dad refused to eat, because his boots were dirty, and there was little time to take them off for 10 minutes. So she laid a path of newspapers for him from the hallway to the kitchen table! The main thing is that the son-in-law does not remain hungry))) In my opinion, she is the most loving mother-in-law in the world))))

Dad I have that still frame. Were in Auchan and he stood near the dried apricots and ate it impudently, stood like that for about 10 minutes and threw it with the air of a real taster, when a store worker approached him and said “Man, what are you doing ?!”, he said with a straight face, “I eat dried apricots, they say useful. Where's your draft beer?? And went off into the sunset. I love my dad.

We were walking with a guy in the park, another couple was walking in front of us, in which the girl was a wheelchair user. A cyclist drove past them very quickly and sprayed them from a puddle. The guy immediately rushed to look for wet wipes in the girl's bag and scrub her jacket. My boyfriend says that the guy caved in, they say, “So what, that a disabled person is not a reason to become a heel.” In general, I no longer have a boyfriend ...

My husband and I have fun, pretending to yawn in front of the cat) We always manage to make her yawn a couple of times) We are a family!

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