How to determine the frivolous intentions of a man. How to understand how serious a man's intentions are

In the event that a man is serious about a woman, then some moments of his behavior will give him away. Consider 10 signs that your man's intentions are serious.

Looks into the eyes

The first sign you'll probably notice is that he regularly makes eye contact with you. If a man doesn't see you as a serious relationship but treats you like a lover, then he will avoid direct eye contact. If a man does not look a woman in the eye, it means that he is trying to hide something or is cunning. When a man is interested in a woman, he constantly looks into her eyes.

Scouts about your personal life

The second sign, thanks to which it is highly likely that the representative of the stronger sex takes you quite seriously, is that the guy is trying to find out as much information about your life as possible. Usually, on first dates, partners exchange a few routine questions. If the meeting is not the first, then the man will try to find out as much as possible about his chosen one. At the same time, his questions will not be repeated! He will definitely remember that you answered him the previously asked questions. It will remember all your preferences and so on. The more he wants to know about you, the stronger his feelings.

Wants tactile contact

The third sign of a man's serious intentions is the desire to touch a woman. If a man is seriously interested in a girl, he will try to close the distance between you and inadvertently touch you. Touch can be the most commonplace! He can lend a hand, support, embrace. Any touch of a man to a woman indicates that she attracts him physically.

You were introduced to friends and colleagues

Do not expect that in the first month of your relationship you will be introduced to all your friends. A man begins to introduce his beloved woman to friends gradually. For some, this step takes several months. But if you were introduced to friends or colleagues, then this probably indicates that the guy is serious about you. By introducing you to his friends, he shows them what a good girlfriend he has. In other words, he boasts. This is due to the fact that a man has a desire to cause envy from friends. In addition, the man hopes that you will accept him and understand better by seeing what kind of friends he has. The main mistake of many women is the constant ban on meeting a loved one with friends. remember that, and learn to benefit from these meetings.

Introduces you to parents and loved ones

Getting to know your parents and loved ones is another sign that this relationship is serious. The desire to introduce you to your parents and loved ones is not spontaneous. This is a serious and deliberate step. A man who dared to take such a step is sure that in the near future you will become part of his family.

Communication with and without reason

A man in love does not need a reason to call a woman. If a man values ​​you, he will be in touch with you every day! He will be interested in how you spend your time. He will be interested in your well-being. No need to indulge yourself with illusions like the fact that if he doesn’t call, it means that he is very busy. If a man is really interested in you, then there will certainly be time for a call.

A man in love is very jealous

You can easily notice how your partner's behavior changes when colleagues at work call you or a passing man smiles at you. The man will begin to arrange scenes of jealousy. And sometimes they can be unreasonable. If a man asks you about male friends and how you feel about them, then this is also a sign of falling in love. The guy just wants to make sure he's the only one for you.

He makes compromises and concessions

If a relationship with a woman is dear to a man, then he will always look for a way out of any conflict situation. If you get sick, he will gladly bring you medicines and fruits, stay with you, and also take care of you. If you ask him to repair something, he will never refuse you and will fulfill this request. For the sake of the woman he loves, a man can refuse his friends and not go to a football match with them. Although this is probably a rather banal sacrifice.

A man in love won't get angry

If the representative of the stronger sex is quite serious about the woman, then he will be able to forgive her a lot. Sometimes women blame themselves for something, and men themselves come up with excuses for them and forgive them. A man in love will never be offended by you because of the little things.

But every woman usually has her own cockroaches in her head, so we advise you when you once again want to beat the plates or throw a tantrum from ungifted roses,.

Declaration of love

If a man is serious, then he will decide to tell you the cherished phrase of three words. Men do not tend to scatter empty and non-binding phrases. If you heard these words, then this is a 100% sign that you are loved. A man perfectly understands and feels the moment when a woman is ready to hear and accept his confession. If a guy voiced a cherished phrase to you, then he hopes for reciprocity.

Every woman sooner or later begins to dream of a wedding with a loved one, chooses the names of future children, think about a happy life together. But without receiving a reciprocal interest from the partner, she begins to think<<А серьёзны ли его намерения по отношению ко мне?>>.

After all, you don’t want to be deceived or waste time on meaningless expectations ... And in this case, the good old principle “forewarned is forearmed!”)

So, I will describe the signs of a frivolous attitude. And if you notice that any of them is inherent in your man, I ask you not to jump to conclusions. But if there are more than 3 signs, this is a reason to think: are his intentions really serious?

Sign 1.
If he is not in a hurry to introduce his friends. A man who has tender, quivering feelings will not hide his chosen one from close friends.

Sign 2.
Does not introduce to parents - this is not always a manifestation of the frivolity of a man. It all depends on the situation in his family. If there is a trusting and warm relationship, you can learn about this from the stories of your lover, then most likely your man’s intentions are not serious. If the relationship in the family is tense (unhealthy psychological environment, jealousy of the mother, pickiness of the father, etc.), then most likely the man values ​​​​your relationship, protecting him from gossip and discussion from his loved ones.

Sign 3.
A man has frivolous intentions, if during joint outings he moves away, rarely looks at you, his eyes constantly run around, as if looking for something to catch on and ... he pays a lot of attention to other women. Most likely, he is bored with you and your presence next to him is a burden.

Sign 4.
Drinks alcohol at every meeting. Often people try to compensate for their insecurity with the help of alcohol, and if, after drinking alcohol, he begins to show frank sympathy and insist on continuing the evening at his house, do not be naive, do not believe his words. If your young man is self-confident, but nevertheless drinks on every date, there is a high degree of probability that a holiday man is next to you - he wants to have fun and is only ready for a non-binding relationship.

Sign 5.
Rare meetings and calls. A loving man always "keeps his finger on the pulse" of your relationship and is ready to call every day and spend at least 2 times a week with his beloved woman. If a man suddenly disappears, practically does not call due to an allegedly constant lack of time, and meetings with him are rare, sudden and fleeting, most likely he is married, or he has a lot of female names in his notebook, and he plays "harem" with you.

Sign 6.
If a man scolds his ex and treats other women rudely in your presence, whether it be staff in a cafe, a supermarket, or just his colleagues and acquaintances, do not think that he will change with your appearance in his life. Even if now he is very courteous and communicates nicely with you, soon his disrespect for the female sex will surface in a petty quarrel.

Sign 7.
If a man says that you need to change something in your appearance, criticizes your figure, then there is no question of sincere love. When we love, we fully accept the person without trying to change him. After all, love is a union of souls, and if your relationship is based only on sexual interest, then they will not last long.

Sign 8.
You should be alerted by the fact if a man asks you to borrow a certain amount of money. Men by their nature do not like to ask for advice and help, especially from a woman. Don't believe in the heartbreaking stories we fall for so often, because you don't need gigolos, right?

Sign 9.
If a man is in no hurry to share his future with you, then do not rush to make plans with him for a happy life together. Although, keep in mind that your chosen one has negative beliefs about family life (health problems, a previous marriage was unsuccessful, bad memories from childhood, etc.)

Sign 10.
If a man is not in a hurry to help you, only you call him on dates, then he is clearly not serious. The maturity of a man and his desire to build harmonious relationships are manifested in his active position in relation to his woman. This can be seen in his willingness to woo you: call on dates, organize leisure activities, offer help if there is a problem and, in the end, take responsibility for you and your life together.

Describing the signs of a frivolous attitude, I first of all pointed out those that a priori would be a waste of time for our readers. After all, a partner’s serious intentions can arise only after he realizes how much his relationship with you is dear to him.

Love to you, my good ones, your Alisa Metelina.

Many women at a certain point in their relationship with a man have a question about his true intentions, especially when there is understatement, misunderstanding and uncertainty in the relationship.

Many women at a certain point in their relationship with a man have a question about his true intentions, especially when there is understatement, misunderstanding and uncertainty in the relationship.

This is natural and understandable, because not in all cases a man immediately directly declares his desire to marry and live in sorrow and joy until his death with you. And even in cases where a man directly declares this on a second date, the truth may not be so flattering and attractive.

What does he really want? How to understand what meaning a man puts in your relationship

In any case, whether you are madly in love or rationally pursuing your goals, understanding what a man puts into your relationship is important and even necessary. In this context, we can only talk about relationships that have already somehow been identified ... and not only in your imagination.

Judging the true intentions of a man by the first impression of communicating with him is just as reckless as judging the quality of a lecture by the appearance of the hall.

First of all, it is worth understanding that a man, even very interested in a serious relationship, at first may not know and clearly understand how he relates to you and what kind of perspective he wants. Only after the flower-bouquet period, when passions subside and the hormonal background returns to normal, you can try to understand what you really mean to him.

There are certain indicators that can shed light on the real situation.

For example, what do we usually do when we really want something to become a part of our life? We invest in this attention and resources.

The world is so arranged that our forces go where our attention is directed. We value and cherish exactly what costs us effort and resources.

Every man (yes, like any person) has the resources of time, health, finances and opportunities.. And also has its own scale of criteria in life. Less and more significant. To determine if your relationship is a priority in his value system, enough to understand what exactly he invests in them. How valuable and important in his life is what he invests. The more valuable his investment is to him, the more meaningful this relationship is to him.

Time regularly spent with you, common plans for the near and more distant future, the desire to help, and not bring your problems to you, the desire to share resources - I clear signs of a serious attitude on the part of a man and the prospects for a joint future.

For example, for a very wealthy man, the small amounts of money that he invests may not be a very significant and valuable investment, in contrast to his time, which he values ​​\u200b\u200bmore highly, and perhaps provides in meager doses.

If, having very little free time, a man seeks to spend every free minute with you, this clearly shows the value of his investment.

Or, if a man, in order to spend an evening with you, cancels important and significant meetings for him, but does not bring you flowers and does not pay for your taxi, he invests a much more significant resource for him than observing the standard date ritual. To understand this, it is enough to determine that time is for him in the reality of his life.

Conversely, an international student who has a lot of free time and modest finances can ask you for hours about how you are doing without giving you anything of special value to him (there is a lot of time), just practicing a foreign language and making contacts.

Most men intuitively understand that in order to have access to a woman, regardless of the seriousness of their intentions, you need to keep her attention. Sometimes men resort to creating the illusion of presence. Primitive options for imitating the presence of a woman in life are texts instead of personal communication, confidential confessions about the difficulties and problems in life, with a sincere hope for a brighter future after they are resolved ... without specifying whether they are joint.

Despite the primitiveness, the technique works! A woman interested in a relationship with a man will definitely feel something - resentment, a desire to help "save", empathy, or simply warm up her feelings with obstacles. It is these ambiguous and non-resourceful feelings that will hold her attention and leave the door open for the “relationship imitator”.

What should be done to reconsider the feasibility of their "investments" in such not always "profitable projects"?

    You just need to think about your significant criteria and resources.

    Your true relationship needs can be anything.

    What is important to you? Without what you will not be happy and harmonious?

    It is worth admitting to yourself how things really are.

    Is attention and reliability important to you? Is that what they don't offer you?

    Do you need financial support and regular meetings? - They talk heart to heart with you for a long time and share secrets and problems ...., but are they in no hurry to meet and financially support?

    They take away your attention and do not give back what is important to you.

It happens that a man simply does not understand the true needs of a woman and does not want to guess and rack his brains, thinking about it.

In such cases, it is worth reporting them openly. It has nothing to do with consumer position.

Satisfying the needs in a relationship should be plans and perspectives, and not a bonus for patience and adjusting to other people's interests.

A woman who broadcasts that she doesn’t need anything and who is “all by herself, if anything” is taken literally by a man. Do you need to give anything?, ok. So what to do? It remains to take. Attention, time, effort, many do not disdain financial support from women.

Each person, both a woman and a man, has a unique set of characteristics and individual significant criteria. It is very important for everyone to really get to know themselves before starting a relationship.

Determine your needs, priorities, mandatory items, without which you cannot feel happy - this is the first and important step towards building a successful relationship. What is clear and obvious to oneself is easy to convey to another person.

When a woman in her dreams of a relationship is limited only by the appearance and financial situation of a man, the chances of a happy materialization of a dream are extremely small, because the basis of harmonious relationships is usually made up of other and sometimes more significant qualities.

To build a long-term relationship with a man, it is very important to understand what is significant for him and what is not important. What are his relationship needs? It is the understanding of his significant criteria and priorities that will be the key to the possibility of a harmonious happy relationship with him.

A common female misconception that a man will change as soon as you marry him can lead to disappointment. Do not overestimate your ability to influence the character and habits of another person.

Turning to a psychoanalyst can help you know and understand yourself, realize your needs and typical patterns of behavior. Deal with painful memories and deprive them of power, learn to see other people without the burden of prejudices and fantasies. Work through limiting beliefs and learn to see new ways.published .

Victoria Austin-Anisimova

Have questions - ask them

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness - together we change the world! © econet

Every woman wants to love and be loved. Anyone dreams of meeting someone with whom it is reliable and not boring. But it often happens that at first he is both amiable and attentive, but then it turns out to be completely different from what he tried to be. How to figure out who he is and what?

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To do this, as a rule, you need to take your time and carefully look at the fan. Having understood the characteristics of male types that differ in temperament, appearance, behavior, you can either begin to better understand your chosen one, or immediately decide not to associate relations with him.

  1. He always decides for himself how to get out of a certain situation correctly, without outweighing this burden on others.
  2. Calmly relates to the problems of the human body, to the care of weak people.
  3. Does not make claims to a woman, realizing that she is not like a man.
  4. He does not throw words into the wind, he will always fulfill this promise.
  5. Knows how to count money, not wasting, but not greedy.
  6. Sincere and honest person.
  7. Calmly resolves conflicts and quarrels that have arisen.
  8. Loving, surrounds with attention and care all his life.
  9. He sees and admits his mistakes, apologizing for them.
  10. In any case, he never ceases to love his children and take care of them.

Also, normal men are distinguished by reason - the ability and gift to learn. Life according to the call of the heart - he knows what he wants, achieves it and is confident in his choice. His motto is "More action, less words." Never wastes time.

Having met a man who shows signs of attention, a woman always wants to understand how serious it is and whether he can be trusted. Usually, the representatives of the stronger sex do not beat around the bush, so intentions are not difficult to guess from the signals at their subconscious level.

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Such signals include gaze, facial expressions, smile, voice timbre, content of the conversation. There are timid, insecure men and, on the contrary, boldly walking towards the object they like.

It is possible to determine the degree of sympathy by gestures, movements and body posture. If a man:

  • often deliberately passes by; violates the generally accepted distance;
  • stands or sits with open arms, leaning them against something;
  • unconsciously copies the gestures of the interlocutor, leans towards her, gesticulates with open palms, stands or sits with his leg forward;
  • tries to touch her hand, figure, smiles openly;
  • draws himself up, straightens his clothes and hairstyle at the sight of a certain woman; his voice timbre changes;
  • in a conversation asks questions, is interested, talks about himself; easily remembers all the little things about the woman she likes;
  • always turns out to be there if help is needed, shows attention, cares, without demanding anything in return;
  • clearly visible changes in appearance or behavior;
  • there is a "bristling" in the presence of imaginary rivals.

If at least half of the described signs are observed, without a doubt, the man wants to date. It remains only to decide whether it is necessary for a woman.

His behavior and her choice

When evaluating a man, you need to be guided by several facts, different situations and his behavior. In some cases, with a correct assessment and timidity of the chosen one, you may need to take the first step towards yourself. To start a relationship or not is the choice of a woman, but also to endure the consequences for her. There are types of shameless and dishonest, but charming and gallant gentlemen.

He gets himself a companion for trips to society, not feeling a great desire to communicate in private. There are gigolos - individuals who are looking for a woman to live at her expense. Recently, a lot of pick-up artists have appeared - individuals for whom it is important to quickly persuade a girl to have sex without further obligations on his part.

Sexual interest is manifested by flirting, obscene jokes, intimate details and hints. Those who restrain themselves in this regard can express their desire in certain postures:

Hands in pockets and thumbs out; or these fingers are hidden under a belt or belt, palms on the hips; the front of the shoe is directed towards the selected object.

Licking or touching your lips; attempts to touch the lady's lips to erase or remove the crumbs. Non-random, gentle touches with the fingers of the girl's cheek, her chin.

In companies, she stands up in such a way as to isolate her from the rest.

They know how to win over, they are beautiful and attractive. Such men are given out by conspicuous clothes, expensive accessories, well-groomed appearance, artsy speech, boasting. They often rush things.

The password for identifying the “males” of this type is the phrase that has become commonplace: “I have never met such a girl.” But among this category there may be attentive, good family men, but not able to live without polygamy. It makes no sense to keep them.


These are confused, hiding their eyes, who have become awkward men. The main sign is the provision of care on his part and the desire to become better.

Potential life partners with such a psychotype consider only themselves to be right in everything. The first time after they met, they are cute and charming, controlling themselves in the presence of unfamiliar people, over time they turn into monsters who consider themselves masters of the situation.

The fear of losing a woman, the fear of ridicule of acquaintances, pushes him to humiliate her, insulting or using physical violence, he tries in every possible way to subjugate the woman to himself. Throwing this does not give fear for your life and possible children.

Traitors are betrayed by a decline in relationships and intimacy, if this does not apply to an emerging illness, or vice versa, exaggerated attention with tenderness. If he stopped talking about his work, problems, plans, allegedly delayed at work or with friends - this is already a cause for concern.

Phone conversations can also give him away if he does not speak openly or goes to another room. New clothes, a provocation of a quarrel at home are also alarming. Of course, not all facts are mandatory treason, you need to trust your loved ones. But if one is established, then the first is the right decision regarding further actions.


Dreamers - utopians - romantics, pouring out aphorisms, quotations, shining with their ostentatious erudition. They can’t do anything but impress, and they only dream all their lives, and there is no time left for specific actions.

These types of men never keep their promises, waiting for everything ready to come by itself. They are ready to give everything that they do not have and never will have. They fear the responsibility of achieving an achievable goal. They spend their time on their own pleasures.

They are characterized by the charm and possession of all fashionable novelties, both in technology and in clothing and cosmetics. The main thing for them is material values. In a woman, as an addition to her presentability, they value her well-groomed appearance and ability to understand expensive goods and services.

Will not tolerate deterioration of the external state of the companion associated with anything. They do not strive for the manifestation of sensuality, they believe that each of the partners should not interfere with spending time, at their discretion, to the other.


The compassionate boy constantly seeks sympathy, complaining about the injustice of life. With his stories of failures, he makes him want to caress and help him. A woman with such a complainer will have to do everything herself. It’s also a pity to leave him, because the main idea is “it will disappear.”


Relationships should never be rushed so as not to repent later. Now there is so much information about how to get to know a person, what he really is, what he can become after. Reading advice, looking closely at the actions and deeds of a potential chosen one, one can hope for a long and happy joint union with a loving husband. The right choice is a reasonable, cordial, strong in spirit and body life partner.