Eye makeup for the impending century: features for different shapes and colors of the eyes. Makeup to enlarge eyes with an impending eyelid: make the look open and bright

Beautiful are not born, but become. This means that it does not matter whether you are naturally beautiful, in our time everything can be corrected with the help of high-quality cosmetics and well-applied makeup.

Look at famous women who are considered beautiful by half the world. Looking closely at their faces, you will be able to notice that they also have flaws, but they know how to either carefully hide them or correctly present them.

One of these shortcomings are hanging eyelids. How to do makeup for brown, blue, gray, green eyes with such eyelids?

Every woman can learn how to use cosmetics so that her eyes become beautiful, and sagging eyelids are not noticeable.

The art of eye make-up with impending eyelids

Swollen eyelids give the eyes a tired look, and look - doom. There are several reasons why this feature occurs.

  • Violation of the exchange of fluid in the body. If you used to have normal eyelids, and lately they hang over your eyes, go for a consultation with a doctor.
    Sagging eyelids can indicate kidney problems. Timely treatment will definitely help you.
  • Skin aging. Every day the elasticity of the skin decreases more and more. This is facilitated by poor ecology, malnutrition, as well as a lack of vitamins.
    Use quality eye creams that are appropriate for your age and eat more foods containing vitamin E.
  • Heredity. In this case, hanging eyelids is a problem that has haunted you since birth.
    If possible, you can do plastic surgery and get rid of this problem forever. If this option is not for you, correctly applied makeup will help.

First steps

Getting Started

  • Carefully work on the eyebrows: you need to visually raise them, and slightly increase the length with a pencil.
  • The base under the shadow should be your main comrade in the fight against swollen eyelids.
  • Matte light shadows must be applied under the eyebrows and tint the inner corners of the eyes. Shining mother-of-pearl shadows are not recommended.
  • Highlight the outer side of the eyes with dark shadows.
  • Eyeliner with sagging eyelids should start strictly from the middle of the eyelids and go to the outer corners of the eyes, gradually expanding.
  • Use a curling iron to curl the lashes at the outer corners of your eyes, then apply mega-volumizing mascara. Instead, you can use false eyelashes.
  • Carefully draw dark shadows on the lower eyelid.


  • To hide a pimple, apply a drop of concealer on it and blend the area around the pimple without touching the sore spot itself.
  • Outlining the eyes with a liner, step back a little from the eyelashes. This will create the effect of "wide eyes".

How to enlarge small eyes

Lack of makeup with small eyes and drooping eyelids gives the face a sickly look. Often, this phenomenon also has medical roots, if your face is swollen.

Limit salt and water at night!

Limit your salt intake, drink more water during the day and less at night, maintain a healthy lifestyle and avoid sleeping on your stomach.

Perhaps the problem will disappear by itself. If not, correct it with makeup.

The specifics of applying make-up

Selection of cosmetics

  1. Set aside black shadows and pencils. Your choice: pastel shades.
  2. Liquid liner and mother-of-pearl are not for you either.
  3. Your choice: shades of lilac, brown and green shades.

Little tricks:

  • First, apply the shadows without closing your eyes, blend them thoroughly, and only then close your eyes and tint the moving eyelid.
  • The use of mother-of-pearl shadows on a sagging area is prohibited! Glitter will create additional volume and emphasize the flaw.

Features of makeup for eyes with swollen eyelids

Depending on some individual features of appearance, recommendations for doing makeup also change.

Remember: shadows must be matte!

Usually only the make-up color palette differs. Consider the most common options.

  • Brown eyes with drooping eyelids. For dark, chocolate and honey eyes with puffy eyelids, gray shades are recommended. The outer part is charcoal gray, the inner part is silver.
  • Blue eyes and drooping eyelids. Drooping eyelids over blue eyes will help hide shades of pink, green and lilac.
  • Green eyes with puffy eyelids. Unusual eye color is emphasized by shades of purple, as well as plum, purple, apricot and khaki.
  • Gray eyes with drooping eyelids. Brown tones are suitable for gray-eyed girls. Avoid using pink and lilac shades.

Narrow eyes

To make "Asian" eyes with an impending eyelid wider, increase their size and hide sagging eyelids, a few tricks will help.

  1. After applying the base under the shadow, draw a thin line over the crease of the upper eyelid with a well-sharpened dark gray pencil.
  2. Then you should carefully draw an arrow from the outer corner of the eye and connect the lines with a “bird” similar to the Roman numeral V.
  3. Carefully shade all lines with a brush.
  4. Apply light shadows on the upper eyelid, and the lower one needs to be emphasized with dark shadows or a liner.
  5. You can tint the inner eyelids, it greatly enlarges the eyes.

bulging eyes

Bulging eyes with an impending eyelid are the opposite situation. In this case, it is necessary to reduce the size of the eyes and hide the swelling of the upper eyelids:

  • Use a minimum of cosmetics - it emphasizes both the size and shape of the eyes too much.
  • Don't use shadows. Your main allies: liner and pencil. The lines should be thin and even.
  • The arrow should be small and neat.
  • Carefully highlight the area under the eyebrows.
  • Mascara is applied only to the upper eyelashes and exclusively to the outer corner of the eye.

With the help of these techniques, you can turn round eyes with overhanging eyelids into almond-shaped ones with makeup and reduce their size.

Video "Day and evening eye makeup with an impending eyelid"

The video shows makeup lessons for eyes with impending eyelids:

Sad eyes

If even on the most fun day you look sad, most likely you have lowered the corners of your eyes. Eye makeup with an impending eyelid will correct the situation, you just need to know some subtleties:

  1. You can not paint the corners of the eyes and the moving eyelid with dark shadows. This will exacerbate the "sad" effect.
  2. On the moving eyelid, you need to apply the main color of the shadows, and also color its inner part with it. The outer corner of the eye must remain clean, such a technique will lift it, and the eyes will become “more fun”.
  3. Dark shadows should be applied with a wide line on the crease of the upper eyelid and blend upwards.
  4. With a liner, you need to draw your eyes from the middle of the upper eyelid, lifting the arrow and taking it up. Having slightly shaded the paint, you will see that the look has become mysterious and languid.
  5. The lower eyelids should be circled with a thick pencil.
  6. Eyelashes are painted only in the middle area of ​​​​the eyes.
  7. If the eyebrows are also “sadly” curved, correct the shape with tweezers and eyebrow shadows.

The main purpose of makeup is to slightly correct the natural features of the face. And if it is applied correctly, then even serious flaws can be decorated so that they turn more likely into advantages.

For example, many women do not like the so-called hanging eyelid. Skillful make-up for impending eyelids will help to correct the situation and “open” the look.

Makeup for impending eyelids - eliminates the problem or hides the highlight of the image?

Someone came up with the canons of female beauty, making them generally accepted. Although, by the way, they are constantly changing, following the fleeting fashion. But all the same, all women strive to meet this single standard. So, trying to get closer to the ideal, they are constantly mastering new ways of fashionable makeup. And if once a slightly loose eyelid was considered an element of a languid female image, today it is already a disadvantage.

But in fact, this type of century is not a drawback at all, but such a feature of the female image, its highlight. And it would not be worth attaching importance to the fact that, according to someone, the impending eyelid gives the look of dullness, fatigue and even gloom. After all, eyes shining with happiness will not allow any fatigue or gloom to come close. The best confirmation of this is the eyes of Emma Stone, Blake Lively, Jennifer Lawrence, who managed to conquer the world with the same “hanging” eyelid, from under which, in spite of everything, their views seem simply magnetic. And they do not care that someone notices a flaw in their appearance. In fact, they feel like queens, which they are. At least on the screen.

The best makeup option for the impending century

But, as they say, there are no comrades for the taste and color, so most women try to highlight their eyes with the help of make-up. So, if the problem is in appearance in something hanging, then, naturally, it should be raised. Therefore, the correct makeup for the impending century must begin with the eyebrows. The eyes are called the mirror of the soul, so the eyebrows can be considered their frame, which must necessarily elegantly frame the eyes-soul. And in makeup for this type of eyelid, you need to highlight the eyebrows. They do not need to be made brighter, but noticeable ones will have to. The expressiveness of the eyebrows will perfectly divert attention from the special century and other moments such as a large nose or cheeks-apples. A clear line of eyebrows will help to make the features softer and more graceful. With the help of a pencil, you can make the eyebrow line more correct or create it initially, if it is absent at all. With a thin wax lead, you can easily fill in the missing sections of the eyebrows. And due to the wax, the line will last all day.

Eyebrow shadows should be used in cases where the shape is good enough, but there are gaps. With their help, you can gently fill the shape and give facial features maximum naturalness. The gel is needed to fix the direction of the hairs. The shape of the eyebrows needs to be corrected so that their tips are in a slightly raised form, so the naturally lowered lines should be visually directed upwards. This technique will give facial features more youth and freshness. And before that, a sad look will not seem tired.

To make the right makeup for the eyes, the impending eyelid of which gives the look a certain severity, you need to consider using special basic eye shadow products. After all, another problem of such a century is that shadows are very poorly kept on it, quickly rolling under the crease. To solve this problem, many cosmetic brands are introducing the release of special shadow bases that can facilitate the application and distribution of colored pigment products. Due to this, the shadows do not roll. Such a base is applied with a special brush, although some makeup artists prefer to do this with a finger. It is important to be able to apply as thin a layer as possible, all over the eyelid, starting from the roots of the eyelashes and ending with the eyebrow line.

For proper eye makeup with an impending eyelid, it is important to be able to hide, darken the protruding areas, but not overdo it. First, a crease is drawn, for which it is better to use cool shades, including ash brown and gray-beige. The matte texture of the products is also important, because the volume will only increase from the shine, but here it is necessary on the contrary - to reduce, to hide everything overhanging. Further from the outer corners, closer to the ciliary contour, along the fold formed between the fixed and moving eyelids, the shadows are shaded. So the shape of the eye gets additional depth, which allows you to hide the overhanging eyelid when it is darkened and immersed inward. To visually increase the cut of the eyes, you need to make a light shadow in the form of a haze on the lower ciliary contour.

Day option

In this situation, it is useful to make the ciliary contour more pronounced. This will allow you to focus on the eyes, while hiding any flaws. For such makeup, it is important to use stable cosmetic textures. The applied eyeliners, pencils, shadows must be persistent, so that, for example, a line drawn with a dark pencil is not imprinted under the eyebrow or blurred throughout the eyelid. You need to bring your eyes along the lash line closer to their roots, and blend a little from the outer corner.

To achieve the effect of a fresh look, you need to use light shadows with a matte texture or with minimal satin sheen. They are applied to the moving eyelid, slightly brightening the inside, which will give the look more clarity.

Use light matte shadows - they will visually enlarge the eyelid

It is also important in this make-up to make eyelashes more expressive and voluminous. This will perfectly complete the correct make-up of the eyes. But at the same time, it is important not to overdo it with the coloring of the lower eyelashes, especially if they are longer than the upper ones. In this case, it is enough just to slightly tint the corners. Then it will be more likely that the makeup will not spread, leaving unsightly bruises under the eyes. And with the help of false eyelashes, you can also visually lift the hanging eyelids. It is enough to use natural cilia in bunches or corners. It is also important for greater naturalness and wearing comfort for a long time to use high-quality, well-proven eyelashes.

A popular technique for lifting the eyelid is the use of smoky eye makeup. With the help of a light haze, you can make the look more expressive and correct the shape of the eyes. In this case, it is also important to choose a matte texture, because the shine will only add volume, which such eyelids do not need. To perform such a make-up, it is advisable to use a good shading brush, which gives a soft color transition.

A popular technique for correcting a “swollen” eyelid is arrows. But here it is better to avoid the so-called "horned eye" effect. After all, the arrows are a clear geometry that, if used incorrectly, is unprofitable to highlight the eyelid. Therefore, chickpeas are important for extreme accuracy. The line itself should be large and expressive, but within reasonable limits. The ideal option is an arrow that gently turns into haze on a fixed eyelid. Such a line is able to draw attention to the eyes, hiding overhanging eyelids.

The correct arrows will help to correct the shape of the eyes

If such makeup is done correctly, then it will correct some of the flaws, make the face more attractive, and emphasize the advantages of appearance. In addition to the innate features of such a century, it often forms with age, but in this case, you just need to know how to correct this flaw with the help of cosmetics. An extreme measure - surgical intervention - blepharoplasty, but it is not financially accessible to everyone, and not everyone is ready to go for it.

By applying dark shadows in the crease, you can make the eyes very expressive.

Basic rules for doing makeup on impending eyelids

Makeup artists have developed a set of rules on how to do eye makeup with an impending eyelid. So:

  • A great way to correct the appearance is to form or “finish” thick beautiful eyebrows that perfectly distract the attention of others from the eyelids and eyes. The shape of the eyebrows is chosen according to the type of face. You can pluck out excess hairs, removing excessive saturation. The pencil is selected to match the tone, the eyebrows are drawn, and after that the strokes are gently shaded to make them not so noticeable.

Expressive eyebrows distract attention from the shape of the eyelid

  • To correct such an eyelid, you need to choose several similar shades: dark ones to emphasize the outer corner of the eyelid, and light ones for the inner corner of the eyelid. The middle shade is applied to the middle of the eyelid, and, if desired, to the eyelid under the eye. In such a make-up, contrasting tones are not appropriate. It is also better to avoid using a black contour pencil, as well as white. Indeed, from a stronger contrast between colors, flaws are more pronounced. S / li>
  • On the lower eyelid, a brown or gray outline is required. To do this, you can use both a pencil and shadows, gently shading them. This is important, because the presence of clear, correct lines only exacerbates the problem. And the most ideal make-up for a “swollen” eyelid is smokey ice, made using the most delicate shadows.
  • In this make-up, it is better to refuse eyeliners with drawing arrows and clear contours.
  • It is better to use compact shadows, because fatty ones will only make them heavier and roll in folds.
  • Pearlescent shadows are also unacceptable in this type of makeup, so it is better to give preference to exclusively matte ones.

Competent make-up and the correct shape of the eyebrows will make the image unforgettable

How to apply cosmetics on eyes with a lowered eyelid: step by step instructions

This feature in appearance gives the look of a tired look, levels its expressiveness. To correct this shortcoming, you should master the correct technique of applying shadows. Before considering how to apply makeup on the impending eyelid step by step, you need to choose the most suitable shadows. Best suited, of course, are dark brown, light brown and nude shadows. Also, olive, lilac-lilac and other unobtrusive matte shades will not hurt. To perform makeup, it is also useful to watch a video in which the details and subtleties of applying cosmetics are clearly visible.

So, the procedure for applying makeup is as follows:

  1. The skin must be carefully cleansed of the remnants of makeup. With the help of a corrective base, even out its relief, prepare it for applying cosmetics.
  2. If necessary, correct the eyebrow line by removing excess hairs. You should get lines raised up in the middle and directed upward along the edges. Carefully draw eyebrows, shade the strokes made with a pencil.
  3. Pick up the average shade of the shadows and apply it over the entire surface of the moving eyelids and a little above the natural crease. Blend gently with a soft brush.
  4. Pick up the darkest tone of the shadows on the brush, clearly draw the border of the applied shadows, especially in the outer corner. It should remain sharp and rush up to the eyebrows. Again - neat shading of the shadows.
  5. From the bottom of the eyebrow line, apply the lightest shadows.
  6. Apply medium eye shadow on the lower eyelid and blend thoroughly.
  7. Apply a dark tone of shadows along the growth line of the ciliary row on the upper eyelid.
  8. Tint the eyelashes with mascara, moving obliquely, directing the brush from the inside of the eye towards the outer corner.

Makeup for "swollen" eyes, depending on their color and shape

With the help of this type of makeup, you can not only visually correct the eyelids, but also highlight the eyes, make the look brighter, clearer, sincere. The most popular makeup for brown eyes on the impending eyelid. For this eye color, the most colorful shadows are suitable, which can be selected for each specific case. In daytime makeup, brown, taupe, peach or champagne are most appropriate. But for an evening out, you need saturated colors, such as gray-blue, blue, golden, vanilla, lilac, brown, plum shades. In this makeup, pink and yellow colors are inappropriate, as they either make the eyes teary, or emphasize the natural yellowness of the whites of the eyes and facial skin, which, of course, is completely undesirable.

If the incision of the eyes with the impending eyelid is also narrow, then its own technique will do. You need to take a gray or brown pencil and draw a line above the natural crease on the upper eyelid. After that, it is necessary to draw an arrow with a pencil not only along the ciliary contour, but also from the outer corner of the eyes to the previously drawn line, as if connecting both edges with the number V. Using a brush for shadows, you need to gently shade the strokes. A little light shadow should be applied to the inner corner of the eye. The surface of the moving eyelid, up to the crease itself, must be covered with light shadows. On the lower eyelid, emphasis is placed with the help of darker shadows and followed by shading. A gray pencil will help emphasize the line above the roots of the eyelashes on the upper eyelid. It remains only to tint the eyelashes, curling them at will with special tweezers. In this case, black mascara, which lengthens the eyelashes, is best suited. Excess paint should be removed with a cotton swab.

And most importantly - smile at your reflection in the mirror, remember something pleasant and go ahead with shining eyes, about the "swelling" of which no one will suspect!

Hanging eyelid, ptosis of the upper eyelid - this is the name of a defect in which the fixed part of the skin fold, which protects the eye from mechanical, chemical, photo- and other irritants, falls on its moving part.

Many owners of this anatomical feature are accustomed to consider it their disadvantage, since overhanging eyelids make the eyes visually smaller and lower the outer corner of the eyes, make the eyes closed and heavy, due to which their owner may look older than they really are. However, makeup artists have their own secrets that allow you to hide the impending eyelid with makeup, open your eyes and turn it into one of the brightest individual features.


Makeup for eyes with an impending eyelid involves the careful use of shadows. If you apply them too tightly, choose the wrong texture, finish or shades - this will only exacerbate the problem and emphasize the overhang effect. Our task is to make the look open, light, radiant.

When applying daytime makeup for drooping eyelids, you should avoid:

  1. Mother-of-pearl, shiny shadows, sparkling shimmer and pigment, various sparkles - all this attracts attention to the eyelids, visually making them more voluminous and heavier. The exception is evening makeup, in which you can use a little sparkle on the moving part.
  2. Pronounced underlining of the lower eyelid.
  3. Dark, bright, "flashy" colors.
  4. Monochrome.

To remove the overhanging eyelid with makeup, you should visually reduce its volume. To do this, use matte shadows or shadows with a light satin finish. Everyday makeup allows the use of a combination of two or three similar shades.

Eye color type

Incorrectly selected shades in makeup can spoil the whole impression even if the technique is perfectly executed. Colors should be selected with an eye to skin tone and hair, but the main parameter when choosing shadows is, of course, eye color.

  • Blue eyes

Owners of sky-colored eyes will suit all shades of turquoise and aqua, pink, beige and brown tones. Pink color should be chosen carefully - it should not be bright, defiant, acidic, salmon. Preference should be given to all shades of peach, pale, pastel, pearl and smoky pink.

When buying shadows, it is better to test them so as not to be mistaken - an incorrectly chosen, pink shade can create the effect of tired, swollen, tearful eyes. If the color is chosen correctly, it will give those around you the impression of a fresh, open look. For red-haired owners of blue eyes, pink shades can be used as accents for evening makeup.

When choosing brown, blue-eyed women also need to build on the color of their skin and hair. With olive skin tone, dark blond, chestnut, black hair, darker brown tones are also suitable. If the skin and hair are light, you should not abuse dark colors, in this case they will create a dramatic effect inappropriate in a daytime make-up. With any color type, blue eyes will perfectly emphasize the classic gray-brown taupe.

  • Brown eyes

Brown-eyed women have the widest choice of shades for the eyelids, since the color of their eyes is in a good way the most versatile. Unlike blue and green, almost all shades are suitable for brown eyes with an impending eyelid, and you can select them without regard to skin tone and hair. Even bright colors can be easily used, boldly combining them with color accents in the wardrobe.

Brown eyes appear most vividly if they are emphasized with lilac and blue colors, cold brown. For eyes with a hazel tint, purple and swamp shades are suitable, as well as marsala, burgundy, hazel, tan. The amber shade of the eyes goes well with apricot, restrained orange, peach, dark blue, blue. In a daytime unobtrusive make-up, you can use light shades of beige and brown.

  • Green eyes

Makeup for green eyes should be discreet and elegant, since this color in itself is quite bright and eye-catching.

At the same time, you can experiment with colors such as marsala, lilac, lilac, bright pink tones are suitable as accents. Hazel shades of brown, beige, ocher, blue, brown are well suited to green eyes. You should be careful with peach and blue shades, which can create the effect of a tired look.

  • Blue eyes

Blue eyes also do not require bright edging. The optimal color scheme for them is denim, as well as blue with a slight purple undertone. Ocher, cold beige, light gold are perfect as a contrast.

Note. When choosing a color scheme in makeup, not only color, but also saturation matters. Too dark shadows will make the look heavy, bright ones will draw too much attention to the eyelids. The most correct option is shadows with medium intensity, which will help correct the shape without focusing on flaws.


Makeup for the impending century also requires careful selection of mascara. An extension brush with a well-separating eyelashes is best suited. This is necessary to avoid the puppet effect, in which the eyelashes look stuck together. For the same reason, you should not use mascara that gives a lot of volume, since our goal is to open the eyes, and not make them gloomy.

To keep the mascara for a long time and not crumble, it must be applied to clean eyelashes, on which there are no residues of cream or makeup remover.

The application sequence consists of several steps:

  1. To enhance the effect of openness and radiance of the look, eyelashes can be curled with special tweezers before staining.
  2. Degrease the eye area with a mild alcohol-free toner.
  3. Eyelashes can be lightly powdered to give a slight natural volume.
  4. Remove the brush from the tube, make sure that there is not an excessive amount of mascara on it.
  5. Apply the first layer on the eyelashes, let it dry for 2-3 minutes.
  6. The second layer should be applied only when absolutely necessary (evening make-up, too thin eyelashes).

Color should be chosen taking into account factors such as eye color, makeup purpose, age, and even season. Black mascara is best suited for evening make-up, brown mascara can be used in summer, and for a holiday, make up with fantasy colors - blue, blue, purple, green.

Advice. To visually lift the outer corners, for round eyes with overhanging eyelids, you can use bunches of artificial eyelashes. They should not be glued along the entire growth line, but only on the outside of the eyelid - this will visually lengthen the incision, make it almond-shaped.


Arrows are the most controversial and dubious moment. There are several objective reasons for doubt. Firstly, the arrow is hidden under a fold of skin and is almost invisible. Secondly, it hides the already small visible part of the moving eyelid. Thirdly, any arrow makes the look more dramatic, and for eyes with overhanging eyelids, this is highly undesirable.

But this does not mean at all that emphasizing the upper eyelids will have to be completely abandoned. The main thing is to do it competently and taking into account individual characteristics.

It is also important to follow the general rules:

  • Do not use liquid eyeliner (an exception can be made for narrow almond-shaped eyes).
  • Avoid sharply defined lines.
  • Do not draw a thick line over the lash growth.

You can make your eyes more expressive with a sharpened pencil, which you need to draw a thin line between the eyelashes, slightly extending from above the line of their growth. It’s not easy, but if you get the hang of it, you can achieve the most natural result. Then the pencil should be slightly shaded. As an eyeliner, you can also use matte dark shadows applied with a flat brush.

Advice. Wielding a pencil, you should not go deep into the inner corner of the eyes - this will visually reduce the distance between them, make it smaller, the look will become more gloomy. An exception can only be made for Asian eyes with overhanging eyelids - in this case, a clearly traced inner corner will beautifully emphasize racial affiliation.

In order for the arrows to help hide the flaw, and not emphasize it, the pencil line should not reach the very edge of the eye. Closely touching the eyelashes for two thirds of their growth, then it should go up a little, thus lifting the outer corners. Otherwise, the look will become gloomy, tired, age-related.

For a strongly impending century, it is better not to use it at all - when the eyes are slightly covered, the audience will see a broken, not aesthetic arrow. In this case, it is better to limit yourself to a thin inter-ciliary line.


Listing the makeup features of the impending eyelids, one cannot ignore the eyebrows, because this is a very important part of the face, with the help of which makeup artists correct many nuances. By slightly changing their shape, you can make the oval of the face narrower or wider, more elongated or, conversely, rounded. At the same time, the facial expression also changes.

Sloppy, poorly defined, inappropriate in shape or color, eyebrows give the face an untidy look, visually add a few extra years to a woman. Therefore, the design and painting should be entrusted to a specialist, and at home to maintain shape until the next correction with tweezers.

Tinting eyebrows, you must adhere to the general rule - the absence of gloom and drama. It is also important to observe the golden mean between well-groomed and natural look. To do this, it is recommended to abandon special eyeliners, preferring them to shadows and eyebrow pencils.

You can beautifully make up your eyebrows at home. To do this, with a well-sharpened pencil, you need to draw lines along their upper and lower edges, fill the middle with shadows that match in color or with the same pencil. Blend well. When making up the eyebrows, make sure that their outer edge is slightly darker than the inner one - this will save the face from gloom.

Application algorithm

Makeup option for eyes with an impending eyelid - "Bird"

The correct and consistent technique of applying make-up will allow it to look natural and last all day on the skin. We recommend following the following algorithm:

  1. Thoroughly cleanse the face and eye area with a gel or foam cleanser, then wipe with an alcohol-free tonic.
  2. For sagging eyelids, it is important to use a make-up base, which will prevent the shadows from rolling into a crease, increase their durability, and make the color more saturated.
  3. Shape eyebrows.
  4. Underline the lower line of eyebrow growth with a pencil or shadows of white (light flesh) color, blend well.
  5. Apply shadows.
  6. Draw the line of growth of the upper eyelashes with a pencil, blend.
  7. Paint eyelashes.

The classic makeup technique for the impending century involves the use of three shades of shadows. The lightest ones are applied to the inner corner, then the middle ones are applied to the entire moving eyelid, and the most saturated, dark ones are applied to the outer corner. This arrangement of accents makes the look more open, allows you to advantageously present the color of the eyes.

Is it worth it to apply shadow directly on the impending eyelid? It depends on the purpose of the make-up. The daytime version looks better if the fixed part remains natural, and during the evening or festive one, you can apply shadows on it, making a darkening to the outer edge.

Note! Even in festive makeup, you should not apply too dark shadows under the eyebrow - they will only enhance the effect of overhanging.

Emphasizing the fold looks very impressive - darker shadows or a pencil can be applied to it with a thin line, followed by shading. This will give the look depth, visually lift the drooping eyelid.

Makeup subtleties 40+

The skin around the eyes is the thinnest, there are practically no sebaceous glands in it, so it ages earlier than in other parts of the face. The main task is to divert attention from age-related changes and transfer it to the dignity of the face.

Age makeup for the impending century obeys all the usual rules with a few caveats:

  • preferably the use of soft, pastel shades (brown, beige, taupe, marsh);
  • refuse pink, blue, purple flowers;
  • emphasize the eyelash growth line with a brown, gray, dark green pencil, do not use black at all;
  • carefully shade the pencil or shadow on the lower eyelid;
  • be sure to use refreshing concealers;
  • raise eyebrows higher by plucking the bottom line by 1-2 mm, do not paint them with a black pencil or shadows;
  • it is better not to paint the lower eyelashes at all or paint over only the outer ones;
  • abandon matte shadows (they emphasize wrinkles and folds), replace them with cosmetics with a light satin finish.

Not sure how to choose the right anti-aging cosmetics for your face? Read.

It is necessary to ensure that all lines (eyebrow, eyeliner, shadows) are ascending. The outer edge of the eyebrows should not be lowered below the corners of the eyes - this is especially important for small eyes with an impending eyelid.

A step-by-step photo or video will help you perform beautiful makeup at home and see that the overhanging eyelid is not a defect in appearance, but its feature, which did not prevent such famous beauties from gaining worldwide recognition as Catherine Zeta-Jones, Monica Bellucci, Camilla Biel, Keira Knightley and many others.

Professional makeup artists do not see a problem in the impending century. Their numerous makeup options will be able to beautifully decorate any eyes. Learning how to do makeup for the impending century is quite possible at home. The classic shape of the eyes does not save you from failures in applying cosmetics. How to hide a hanging eyelid with makeup? There is nothing complicated about this if you know certain rules and secrets.

This feature of the structure cannot be called a disadvantage, rather, even a highlight. With the right approach, the impending eyelid can be properly designed and turn an imaginary flaw into a real advantage.

Makeup for the impending eyelid and eye enlargement should perform several functions: open the look and make it as clear as possible.

Girls know that this feature often adds non-existent fatigue and even age. The make-up technique takes on the responsibility of visually lifting the eyelid.

By the way, even many stars are familiar with the problem of the impending century, the photo clearly shows this:

What should be avoided when doing eyelid makeup?

  • Makeup for eyes with an impending eyelid should not be done with pearlescent shadows. They can be used as a thin line.

If you apply sparkling shadows on the entire eyelid, you get the effect of disproportion. The situation will only get worse.

  • Liquid eyeliner is also cancelled. There is a worthy alternative in the form of shadows and pencils.
  • Graphic lines are another enemy of the impending age. All contours and sharp transitions must be carefully shaded.

Visual masking of the impending eyelid with the help of shadows

By changing the shape of the eyebrows, you can divert attention from the impending century. A slightly raised eyebrow will correct the problem. Hair can be finely shaped. Bulky and thick eyebrows are not the best option for a hooded eyelid. It is the tip that requires special attention. He should playfully rise up. Of course, within reason.

How to make up eyes with hanging eyelids? Here the main secret lies in the shadows. They should be selected by combining colors. Using one shade can ruin your makeup.

How to paint eyes with hanging eyelids? step by step photos

Applying shadows can be divided into several main stages:

  1. First you need to distribute the base throughout the movable eyelid;
  2. Next, you should work out the areas where you need a light shade;
  3. Dark shades of matte shadows are distributed along the lower edge of the impending eyelid;
  4. The borders between colors are shaded;
  5. A shade lighter than the darkest is applied to the middle of the eyelid and also shaded to the outer edge;
  6. The area under the eyebrow should be decorated with reflective shadows or a highlighter. This is the only gloss allowed;
  7. The pencil is used only on the upper eyelid. For an overhanging structure, it is not permissible to draw a water line of the lower edge;

Makeup for the impending eyelid and eye enlargement step by step photo The following is a visual demonstration of how you can change the shape of the eye.

One of the options for how to do makeup with impending eyelids step by step Makeup for lowered eyelids step by step photo

A little theory in a thematic video about makeup for the impending century:

Video step-by-step makeup "Cat's eye" (Katice) for the impending century:

Step-by-step video smoky eays (smoky ice) for the impending century:

Arrows in makeup for the impending century

Arrows can be used in makeup, but following certain rules. The images show how to draw arrows for the impending century, a step-by-step photo will help beginners master the technique.

The arrow should be thick and expressive so that the hood of the eyelid does not cover it. A pencil should be used as a tool.

Underwater should be abandoned. It creates thin and crisp lines that can look like just another crease. In the case of the impending century, this is an erroneous option. It is better to give preference to shadows and a pencil.

The arrow begins to draw from the middle of the century gradually bringing the tail to the outer corner of the eye.

How to make up eyes with hanging eyelids photo with arrows

Video on how to draw arrows for eyes with an impending eyelid:

Mascara for overhanging eyelid makeup

There are no specific recommendations regarding the design of eyelashes. It may be recommended to use mascara with curling effect. The eyes will look open and expressive.

You should also abandon false eyelashes, even for a festive look. They "heap" makeup and make the eyes gloomy.

Heavy eyelids require special attention and skill. After looking at different makeup options for lowered eyelids, you can choose a few suitable options and start mastering them.

Makeup for small eyes with an impending eyelid an even more difficult task, but also quite solvable. The main secret lies in darkening the outer corner and shading. An arrow is created that is wide enough and blurry. Emphasis is created on the lower ciliary edge. This technique distracts attention from the impending century and visually enlarges the eyes and opens the eyes.

As for the color scheme, you can choose any dark shades. They should be selected and combined based on eye color.

Another secret for girls with small eyes. A white pencil applied to the introductory line of the lower eyelid works wonders. This is the most effective eye enlarger. In addition, makeup looks fresher when using this technique. No need to whiten the introductory line much, a few strokes are enough. If you overdo it, a white pencil will be visible, and this is wrong. I need a highlight effect.

When doing makeup for the impending century, it is also worth focusing on hair color.

  • Blondes for everyday makeup can safely use shades of beige, gray, gold.
  • Brunettes can choose any shades of purple, brown and dark beige. Of course, these recommendations are very superficial and you need to select colors based on skin tone and other factors.

In order to work out your ideal makeup technique for such eyes, it will take time. Photos of makeup with impending eyelids can come to the rescue, step-by-step instructions explain everything in detail and in an accessible way.

Tips from professional makeup artists for droopy eye makeup:

You can ask makeup artists for advice, for example, by signing up for open classes and webinars.

The main thing is to experiment and choose the most suitable option, color and style of makeup.

Today, there are a huge number of cosmetics and clever tricks with which you can turn any eye into a real work of art. Daily training will help not to spend a lot of time on everyday and light makeup. And the evening is less frequent and making it you can spend time in pleasure.

Photo-lessons of beautiful makeup for the impending eyelid and eye enlargement