How beautiful it is to send a person: without a mat, phrases. How to send a pen pal away: win-win ways

Sometimes even the cutest and smart guy it is necessary to explain that your relationship has no future. You do not have feelings for him, he is not your type or something else. Everyone can be rude, quarrel and subsequently not say hello for several years. But not every girl knows how beautiful it is to send a guy. You have to understand that men don't deal with breakups and rejection the way women do. Their pride sometimes reaches unearthly heights, and refusal is a blow to self-esteem.

Such words immediately cause a negative reaction in him: she failed to appreciate me, but she is generally walking, she needs a bag of money. That is, men inside experience depression from a shattered crown, and among people they talk about all the shortcomings ex-lover. But you can disperse peacefully: it all depends on you, ladies. Do you know how beautiful it is to send a guy and remain for him not an object of hatred, but a pleasant person? If you do not want to communicate with a person, then you do not need to torment him with phone refusals from dates and listen to his chatter. By doing this, you give a person hope and only delay the time of a serious conversation. The best way to properly send a guy is to not reply to his phone calls, minimizing communication at a meeting. Say that you are in a hurry, constantly running away somewhere.

How to send a guy if you see him often?

In this situation, it will not be possible to reduce meetings and communication to a minimum. If this is your good friend, colleague, you often celebrate holidays in the same company. Whatever one may say, you will have to see each other. If he is very well brought up, play before him the role of a lustful, vulgar and depraved woman.

The effect will be visible immediately: you will not like him. If your friends communicate well with this guy, you can’t do this. Otherwise, he will have a bad opinion about your company in general. Don't know how to culturally send a guy, especially one who has become attached to you "casanova"? It's very simple: make yourself a woman obsessed with the family, the birth of a child. Say what you serious girl and don't sleep with a man before marriage. Or appear boring in front of him: constantly whine about your problems, cry, seem to him a typical melancholic who will cry even during sex. That's how beautiful to send a guy!

Sometimes there are guys who are too persistent, even obsessive. These are the hardest to get rid of: they do not understand the word "no" when you refuse to go on a date. Such guys are literally bombarded with SMS messages that do not always carry a semantic load. They, in the truest sense of the word, get to such an extent that you willy-nilly pick up the phone. These guys do not understand hints, excuses. He won't even ask you why you didn't pick up the phone. How beautiful is it to send a guy who is trying to woo you with such perseverance? The surest option would not be to lie, but to honestly say that you do not like him, and increased attention to your person from his side you are a burden. Remember that being rude and impolite to communicate with a person who has feelings for you is ugly. Show patience and tolerance.

The problem of annoying interlocutors is extremely common. It can be an annoying admirer, just a familiar person, an unloved colleague or a “sworn” friend. Many people try to engage in a verbal duel, responding to unpleasant words with swearing or even foul language. Perhaps that was precisely the reaction the instigator was seeking.

It would be much wiser and more promising to stop picking words and try to emerge victorious from such a situation. How beautiful is it to “send” a person without using swearing, “obscene” constructions? First of all, calm down and follow our recommendations.

Psychological science is skeptical of man's desire to rise at the expense of insulting other people, even if they bother him. A self-sufficient person is extremely difficult to offend, offend or humiliate.

The situation is such that a wise man will not be offended by truthful words, and simply will not pay attention to obvious lies.

The word "send" is not in quotation marks for nothing, since we will not use any insults, let alone a three-story mat (even as an example). Humiliation, resentment and anger are the lot of a failed person, in emotional background which is dominated negative feelings and disharmony reigns in the soul.

Our task is to respond culturally, using psychological techniques.

Every day we encounter dozens or even hundreds of bright individuals, so conflict situations happen quite often. How to politely and reasonably "send" a person? Experts suggest using psychological sambo - a kind of counterattack that uses force ( psychic energy) of the opponent.

And once again - not a single person is able to offend, humiliate or insult the interlocutor if he treats himself with due respect.

They are offended by the truth (or half-truth), subconsciously trying on unpleasant words or insults. That is, we ourselves diminish our own dignity, emotionally reacting to unpleasant words.

Sometimes, listening to an unpleasant or simply uninteresting speech of an interlocutor located opposite, the only question that worries you is how to culturally “send” a person?

I would like to resolve such a not very pleasant situation carefully, without humiliation, insults and obscenities. We offer a few simple tricks.

  1. Try changing the subject by asking probing questions about a completely different object or person. If the interlocutor tries to return to the stated topic of conversation, ask questions in a sharper tone. However, it is better to refuse aggression.
  2. Laughter is an amazing “weapon” that can turn the situation in your favor. Use the full range of humor (sarcasm, banter) to reduce an unpleasant topic to a normal joke. In this way, you can end a boring conversation and slip off the “favorite horse” of the interlocutor.
  3. Try to constantly give out the same unemotional reaction - “yeah”, “really”, etc. You can just be silent. Not finding an interesting and grateful listener in your face, an annoying interlocutor will most likely go looking for a new “victim”.

In addition, before thinking about how to send a bored person, you need to understand that not all aggressors should be treated in the same way. So, if rudeness comes from the boss or work colleague, it is better not to provoke a conflict at all, but to try to stop it as soon as possible. Arguing with your boss is not a good idea at all.

How beautiful to get nasty? Psychological Sambo Technique

Yes, The best way"send" a person - ignore him. And what to do if the unpleasant interlocutor does not lag behind, but only inflames? In this case, the so-called psychological self-defense, or sambo, will help, which will not only protect a person from the consequences of an emotional attack (confusion, stunnedness, confusion), but also allow you to be nicely rude (in our understanding, to rebuff the offender).

If you don’t know how to competently send an unpleasant person without a mat, then a psychological counterattack will buy you time to gain self-control, “restore” causticity and the ability to caustic responses.

So, psychological self-defense requires:

  • the use of clear speech structures;
  • communication with the help of the correct intonation - for example, you need to communicate calmly, even coldly, thoughtfully or with a touch of slight sadness;
  • solidity in the conversation, achieved through:
    • maintaining pauses before the response;
    • slowness in responses;
    • turning not to the offender, but in the other direction.

Thinking about how to politely send a guy or just a familiar person, without using insults, mate, the easiest way is to turn to psychological self-defense. Let's take a closer look at its most popular techniques.

Infinite Refinement

The use of such a technique involves posing a question, which means that the opponent will have to think, transfer the emotional charge into a rational, rational one. In addition, you will gain some time that the interlocutor will spend thinking about the answer.

This dress doesn't suit you at all?

What exactly do you not like about this dress? What would you recommend?

Remember that before responding, you need to pause and speak calmly, even a little detachedly. It is likely that you do not even have to be rude.

External Consent

This method of psychological counterattack involves agreeing with the opponent's statement. You show that you paid attention to his words, agreed with the criticism, but in fact you simply disarmed the interlocutor. After all, he expected that you would start to be rude or flare up.


You look terrible in those pants!

“Most likely, you are absolutely right.

- You're overconfident!

Yes, you're right, I'm self-confident.

“You might as well not be late!”

Yes, I'll work on it.

External agreement does not at all imply that you have changed your own position. However, after such an “agreement”, the aggressor usually retreats and even changes his attitude towards you. And you no longer need to figure out how to send an unpleasant person without swearing and swearing.

broken record

This technique is based on a curious trick - you repeat the same verbal construction in response to rudeness or just an annoying request. It is extremely important to come up with a phrase correctly so that it can be repeated over and over again without disturbing the flow of the conversation.

“Only you can help me complete this report!”

But no one wants to help me!

Sorry, I'm extremely busy today.

- And what should I do now? I was counting on you!

Sorry, I'm extremely busy today.

When using this technique of psychological sambo, one should not be distracted by other topics. In addition, you need to communicate with a person in the same calm, sad tone. Irritability or sarcasm is not acceptable.

English professor

This technique is based on your unpreparedness for the act or actions that the manipulator requires of you, because it contradicts (supposedly) your beliefs.

Thus, you knock out the ground from under the feet of the offender, because you react in a completely different way from what he expected from you.

Why do you always go to black clothes?

“You see, this is my feature, a highlight.

You are so weird...

“It’s just that I’ve already come to terms with my oddities, besides, they allow me to stand out from the crowd.

Always remember that rudeness and insults are almost inevitable. Acquaintances or even strangers often prefer to splash out their negativity on others, so you should be prepared for any development of events.

Do not forget that almost every unpleasant situation you can go out with your head held high, and you can fight back the aggressor through humor, calmness or psychological self-defense.

Hello, I'm Nadezhda Plotnikova. Having successfully studied at SUSU as a special psychologist, she devoted several years to working with children with developmental problems and advising parents on raising children. I apply the experience gained, among other things, in the creation of psychological articles. Of course, by no means do I pretend to be the ultimate truth, but I hope that my articles will help dear readers deal with any difficulties.

Among the guys, there are often those who do not accept a woman's refusal. Moreover, some of the representatives of the stronger sex consider it a signal for more decisive action to win the heart of the girl they like.

How to tell a guy "no" so that he understands? How to send it off once and for all? There are several ways to help get rid of an annoying boyfriend.

How to send a guy off

The most common opinion is that it is easiest to say “no” honestly and openly.

But, unfortunately, this method does not always justify itself. There are young people who consider women's refusal to be coquetry. So, there are several options for sending a guy off politely and not very.

honest conversation

Tell the person honestly that he does not seduce you, that you should not even try to start a relationship or continue to get to know each other. For example, because your heart is already taken or has recently been broken.

Don't come up with anything on the go - just say openly what exactly you think in this moment why you and a person are not on the way.

First, it won't hurt him. Secondly, your conscience will be at peace.


The most popular way to get rid of annoying guy- ignoring its existence. Total ignoring of everything: calls, conversations, gifts, attempts to get close.

You do not see the guy, do not hear and do not notice under any circumstances. In most cases, a person simply gets tired of bumping into such a wall of indifference, and he finds himself another object of sighing.

Eternal excuses

Girls have a million or more of them. A lot of ways to make it clear to a guy delicately that he is superfluous in a girl's life.

No time to meet, no time to talk, very tired, no time and energy, a cat, a dog, a parrot got sick, and in general the stars converged today.

Even if he watches after school or work, you can always make a worried face and report a “terrible” illness of your beloved turtle, and then quickly leave.


Yes, yes, you can pretend to be a nerd. Boring, abstruse and terribly busy, forever in the world of knowledge.

With the first conversation, you can immediately interrupt all further contacts with a person, for example, by starting to quote him some poem or theorem (and even starting to prove it).

The only one who will not be affected by such a tirade is the same science-obsessed guys. But they are rarely clingy enough.


This is perhaps the easiest way to instantly get rid of a gentleman. For example, if he asks you very persistently for a phone number, then you can scream that they are trying to rob or rape you. This, of course, looks scary from the outside, but you will definitely be accepted as a mentally unstable girl and will not get involved.

You can also begin to convince the annoying gentleman that you sincerely believe in an alien mind and are waiting for your cute alien from outer space. The main thing is to do it with a convincing look.

I don't deserve you

Not the worst way to send a guy off competently is to present him in an ideal light, and expose yourself in the worst. For clarity, you can do something completely sloppy. For example, burp or pick your nose. This will immediately discourage the guy from continuing to get to know each other.

Convincing a person that he is better than you with words does not always help, but you can try before resorting to illustrative examples.

I am not free

To be sure, at the first sign of molestation, let them know that you're already in a relationship. Only without false coquetry and smirks. This should be said in a dry and formal tone. If after that the guy does not lag behind, then just start ignoring him.

We say "No" according to the classification

Guy guy - strife. And everyone needs to find their own approaches. So, you can play with a stranger married lady, which is not stupid, but with a friend who has just kindled feelings for you, it will no longer work.
You can culturally send a guy off, based on who you have to do with him.


A stranger can be safely played by saying that a husband and children are waiting at home.

Or, for example, just ignore impudent harassment. IN last resort, to play the role of the same check. No less effective is the desire to immediately introduce the newly-made boyfriend to dad and mom. Usually, having heard such an enthusiastic offer, the guy himself retires.

A friend in love

An acquaintance in love must be rejected so that he is not offended. If you have long known about his sympathy for you, and even supported the guy’s interest, then this is very difficult to do.

Only an honest conversation can help here that it’s not time for you to be together yet, that perhaps if you had met him a little earlier, then everything could have worked out.

After all, it's okay to say "no" to a guy culturally by pointing out your flaws and your reluctance to start a relationship with anyone.

Close friend

A close friend who unexpectedly confessed his love is generally unrealistic without offending. Here you just need to have a heart-to-heart talk about the fact that there can be nothing but friendship. Just before such a conversation, carefully consider whether you really do not want more.

This is not difficult to do - limit contacts with a guy friend. If in a few days you will never be visited by the thought of him, then you can safely refuse reciprocity. But if no, no, and you remember him, fantasize about something, then perhaps you should ask for a delay in feelings.

A close friend must be refused in such a way as to maintain this status of friendship, otherwise you will lose the person forever.


The former is especially difficult to refuse. First, because ex-boyfriend- this is the one who knows you quite well, and is ready for your any antics. You can't hide behind a hack or a crazy one. Secondly, because girls tend to give hope for what they themselves are mentally and not ready for. It flatters the female ego.

But, if the refusal is ripe, then you need to act in such a way that he understands everything the first time. One of effective ways here is a fake guy or a new hobby.

Men are possessive by nature and do not like too much when their beloved communicates with others. Some just go to the side, while others can do it very loudly, with insults addressed to you.

However, the guy will leave you behind. Not the most worst case and describe to your ex gently about the moments that did not suit you in the relationship. If he accepts all the comments, and you still have the strength for a relationship, then you can try to start all over again. If not, then just tell about the intransigence of characters.

How to say no nicely


There are many phrases that you can say to a guy, not wanting to enter into any contact with him. You can even use quotes with anticomplements.

It can be:

  • Now it's fashionable wet armpits on a shirt?
  • Oh, you have something tasty left in your teeth.
  • Are your teeth so yellow from smoking?
  • And you probably don't cut your nails to make it easier to climb trees, right?

There can be as many such quotes as you like, but usually one is enough to ward off an objectionable suitor, whoever he may be.

It is more difficult with those instances that perceive everything with humor. Although such people make very good friends. Take a closer look.

Sample phrases

Sample phrases that will help send a guy off culturally:

  • I have a lot to do, I don't have time to talk to you.
  • My mother taught me not to talk to strangers.
  • I have a military dad at home, would you like me to introduce you?
  • I need to pick up my tests from the hospital.
  • I'm sorry, but there's no room for dating in my schedule.
  • Tell me your number, I'll call you when I'm free.
  • Add me the n-th amount, otherwise it's not enough to pay the loan.

Any of these phrases can work if you say it dryly, without flirting and flirting. Few people want to get acquainted with a girl who is so confused in her affairs. Even if this is your friend with whom you sometimes communicate.


By SMS, you can also get rid of unnecessary attention, no matter who the guy is to you. Common phrases to help distract an annoying boyfriend:

  • I can't talk, I'll call you back.
  • I'm sorry, but I don't have money to call.
  • My phone is broken, I can't make calls.
  • Please pay off my cell phone credit.
  • Of course, you are very good, but I don't like them.
  • Mom doesn't want me to talk to you.

Having sent a guy off with such SMS several times, you can discourage him from all the desire to communicate with you. The main thing is not to write emoticons so popular now at the end, be stern and unshakable.

By correspondence

By correspondence in the network, the situation is simple. Here you can use all your most stupid fantasies. For example, constantly send him messages, talk about your every step and action. Approximately it looks like this:

  • Came. Changed clothes. Tired. I drank tea. Stroked the cat. Do you want me to send you his photo? (and immediately send about 10 pictures).
  • Can you imagine, a car sprayed me today. And I was wearing such a dress ... (and further in the same spirit).

The main thing is not to let the guy relax - to write and write everything that comes to mind, not allowing him to answer and wedged into your printed monologue. 9 out of 10 guys will just stop texting you and unfriend you in in social networks. Few people like such annoying girls.

Video: What to do with an annoying fan

With humor

And you can refuse a guy with humor. For example, talking about how you see your future children. And it doesn't matter how much you know the young man. In the end, you can just send a funny picture with the caption "I like to be your friend." Everything, after this phrase, you will beat off all the desire to conquer you.

You can quickly send off an annoying boyfriend if you immediately express a desire to visit the registry office with him and introduce him to his parents. And all this in all seriousness, without a shadow of a smile.

You can even call your mother during a conversation with a guy and say that you have found a groom and want to marry him.

9 out of 10 guys run away from such pressure at the first opportunity, promising to call, by the way.

Rough rebuff

But a rude rebuff may be required for especially impenetrable young people.

Here it is better to seek help from third parties: mom, dad, friend, brother. Let them act as protectors.

Whatever way you decide to refuse a guy, always think about whether he really has no chance. Perhaps you should still write down the stranger's phone number, and then chat with him. Suddenly, this will be the beginning of a strong friendship?

Video: How to get rid of an annoying gentleman

01.02.2012 15:43

The ability to defend yourself with beautiful excuses.
Have you ever had cases when you were cruelly teased and at that moment you become very uncomfortable in your soul, you begin to be embarrassed, blush and want to hide away from everyone. Still plays a role always and the fact who exactly teases you, boyfriend, girlfriend, friend, enemy, child or mother-in-law (mother-in-law). And of course, I wanted to know a worthy answer to all the jokes !!! If this is your lover, then maybe it will be nice to be in the role of a defenseless girl and give him pleasure being embarrassed by his jokes, and if suddenly this is your rival or neighbor with whom you are at war ... ??? Then of course you need to adequately answer and be able to stand up for yourself!
Here for example you were interrupted: Excuse me for what I say then when you interrupt.
If they are joking out of place, say: such a sharp joke! That I almost cut myself!
If interlocutor is not interesting and repeatedly teased you: do not pay attention, I usually always yawn when I'm not interested!
Well standard: Don't talk and I won't tell you where to go.
And this, for example, when an evil aunt screams in the market where is the youth going:
Yes, we are the same age, we just take care of ourselves in different ways.
For the annoying suitor: Leave in English, because I will send in Russian.
Sitting and waiting for a girlfriend, this is how you can send off an undesirable person:
- Girl, can I sit with you for a while?
- It won’t work out a little, next to me they turn gray all over their heads and immediately!
Banal excuse with a threat: For some jokes, there are gaps in the teeth.
Like this: Are you asking me if I like sex?? Of course I owe him my life!
About appearance: Listen, I look at you and all my complexes disappear!
If you suddenly say:
No need to be nervous, nerve cells are not restored! Then you can answer like this: - would be silent! teeth too!
Astrology)): I guess what your stone is according to the horoscope ... judging by the face it is a brick ....
If they ask themselves, but physical strength don't want to apply: I could offend you, but unfortunately it won’t work out better than nature anyway.
From a wicked smile: Just don't smile, I've been afraid of horses since childhood.
You can warn like this: dear lady, are you just so brave or still insured ??
Excuses for Mom or Grandma: and what's wrong with the wind in my head, for that my thoughts are always fresh.
If they tell you that you are evil and bitchy: it is better for him to be a tigress for a year than to be a sheep all his life!
If a girl refuses to drink: . What are you going to drink, girl?
- I do not drink!
- Come on, you DRY after all !!!)))
Data: Nothing is more annoying than if the person you interrupted continues to talk!
For uncultured boys: Call me a CHICKEN one more time!! I'll lay your balls for you.
If you ask a lot stranger : dear, you should not be too persistently interested in my life. It will seem so interesting to you that you will be disappointed in yours.
Data))): It's easier for men, they immediately see what kind of chest we have. But we poor women are in for a surprise!
Data: .Women's logic of course there is! It's just that men are so stupid that for some reason they can't understand her)))
For talkative gossips: If a person can't keep his mouth shut, then he doesn't really need his teeth!!!
For a picky husband: Cute! There have never been people like you, there is no now and there is no need at all ..
In an unpleasant society: I feel so smart next to you.
: .
- You're so cool when you drink!
- And you are very cool when I drink!
About jokes: Usually the last person to laugh is the one who didn't immediately understand the topic!
Rude but helpful:
- Such a girl is beautiful and smokes?
- Such a man is scary and talks?

They say a woman should have 5 men: the first husband to whom you can show everything and not tell anything, the second friend to whom you can tell everything but not show anything, the third lover to whom you can show a little and tell a little, the fourth gynecologist to whom you can show everything and tell everything and the boss who, as he says, will be !)))

Actually, what they say is true. But it is also true that if you wish evil, it will return to you! So why not wish everyone well, even in those moments when it is especially difficult to do it!!! You try it, and I'm sure you will definitely return the good! Be kinder, more pleasant and then you will never have to look for tricky excuses for people!!! Love the people, the world that surrounds you, and radiate more good! Good luck to you!

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Remember the immortal quote: "The less you love a man, the more he likes you".

This is Pushkin Alexander Sergeevich :))

In principle, I am not a particular fan of the wisdom set forth in verse, but here the classic hit the mark. Well, you don't have to love a man to like him.. How much has been written about this, but important things need to be repeated several times.

So, to make it clearer what I'm talking about, I quote a fairly standard letter without personal details and with a modified text.

First part of the letter.

I love a man with all my heart. (I feel like saying don't do it) I do a lot for him and endure a lot. (No need!!)

If a man wants me to change, then I will definitely change. I try to get up early to cook for him. I work two jobs and do all the housework. At the same time, I do not forget about my appearance. I keep my weight, go in for sports. I try to be interesting and for this I read something.

Relations between us are getting worse and worse all the time. He finds new flaws in me that I need to correct. I try and improve. In principle, I don’t pretend to be anything at all, although we have been living for several years and I want to get married and have children.

He treats me worse and worse. In addition, he does not look after his appearance, has grown a belly, etc.

The second part of the letter, the content of which varies from letter to letter.

But my girlfriend, who is happy to cut with men, does not have half of my beauty, intelligence, etc., enjoys great success among men. Why??

Or alternatively. In the end, he left for another woman.(Here's a bastard) I saw this woman. She is significantly inferior to me in appearance, much less educated and does not at all try to bend under him. We can say that she treats him many times worse than I do. What he saw in her, I do not understand.

And at the end is usually a question. What to do?

So what to do?

It seems to be obvious, I even wrote it in the title of the article and quoted it. Yes, stop loving these guys and everything will be fine.

Here I feel that a hail of righteous anger begins to pour on me. Yes, how can you say that? You will soon say that men need not love women either. (I will not say:)))

Before arguing, answer yourself (not me), “Why love them (men)?”. But before answering, let's look at the facts.

Firstly, men love those women who simply really like them much more than those who are deeply in love with them, do not give them a pass, constantly call, write letters, and even more so psychologically dependent on them.

A person who knows life too poorly can argue with this statement. men fall in love in those women who are not in love with them. (or at least know how to control the external expressions of love) I wrote about this in detail in the book "Psychology of men in love" I recommend reading.

Men mostly marry those girls who like them, but who are not in love with them or are psychologically dependent on them.

And the last. A happy long-term marriage is possible only not with a girl who is madly in love with a man.

Are there exceptions to this rule? Eat. However, they are not caused by the fact that the rule does not work, but solely by the fact that, fortunately, there are not so many men who know how to notice women's love. (Dependency is true, men always feel)

Secondly, the meaning of love is not clear at all..

Often I hear phrases: "I can't live without him."(What a horror, I would have run away long ago)

So what? A girl definitely cannot live without water, air and a couple of dozen other things. None of the girls run around and fall in love with the air, for example, or with the water.

Imagine that one of your friends says: “I fell in love with air and water. I can't live without them." ( Ugh, how stupid).

No less stupid to fall in love with a man!

Well, what if I can't live without a man, you ask? So in the language of psychologists, this is called addiction. Well there is alcohol addiction, and if one of the girls cannot live without a specific man, then this is a psychological addiction.

This, of course, is nothing terrible, but there is nothing particularly to be proud of. Well, some girl cannot live without a specific man, then it is better to keep silent about it.

A situation is 100 times better when you can live without a specific man, but he cannot live without you. Yes, even that is questionable. Well, some guy will stick to you so that it’s impossible to drive away, what’s good about that?

So, it seems to me that you have almost agreed with me that falling in love with a man is an absolutely unnecessary thing and in best case something like a harmless addiction (like a coffee addiction, for example).

We don't need that dependency. It is better that a man loves you, that he always likes you, etc.
How to make a man always in love with you, I wrote many times. I recommend reading the articles in the Men's Psychology section. About how addiction adversely affects respect and love for you from a man, and what to do to avoid this addiction, I described in detail in my book. “19 mistakes with men. How to make him respect and love you?
In this article I will briefly tell you what you need to do so that a man kisses your feet, gives you diamonds, flowers every day, etc.? Well, at least not every day, but every other day 🙂.

The answer is obvious.

Men need to be sent somewhere else. They love it so much. (Well, they certainly do not like, when they are sent, but they need it. Vital. Without this, their vitality drops. The man becomes impudent, greyhounds and begins to bite).

Do not believe, but in vain. As I wrote above, men like women who do not depend on them (psychologically).

How can a girl show this independence? How can a man with his uniprocessor brain understand that a girl really does not need him? How can he tell when a girl just breaks down, and when she is really proud and appreciates herself?

I remind you for those who still do not know the psychology of men. Men will not understand your hints. Men will not understand your even seemingly obvious (for you and other girls) words and actions.

Men need something that has the effect of dropping a heavy pot of water on his leg. What could it be? (There is no need to throw a pan on your foot)

This action will send the man to hell.

Which wonderful method! How great it works! They sent a man somewhere, and he noticed you. They sent a couple more times, and he is already almost in love with you. Once again, he is in love with you.

I immediately warn you that sending a man somewhere does not at all mean mats and other rudeness on the part of the girl. It's not feminine *pardon* . Send firmly - yes. Send and forget about the suffering of a man - yes. Send and not take a step towards an apology - yes. Rudeness - no.

To send somewhere is usually to refuse something that a man is already counting on, because he is the most charming, the most intelligent, the most witty (yes, men consider themselves witty).

For example, a man expects a date, but he is refused. Or perhaps he is in the mood for sex, and he is denied (do not abuse). Maybe he thinks that he will be served slippers, cook five times a day, and massage him three times a day. And again, turn from the gate. No, don't count! Dosvidos, as one of my moderately educated, young relatives says. And of course, no returns back, like "Come back, I'll forgive everything." Real girls don't act like that. (No, of course you can forgive if he comes and asks for forgiveness).

You should always write a warning. I'm not saying at all that it is necessary to send a man in something specific. To say that you are breaking up with him and similar nonsense. You don’t have to refuse everyone a date, sex, or cooking. You have to act according to the circumstances.

Well, for a man and a girl to develop a good relationship, and the girl would not send him periodically, I don’t remember this.

A man achieves, and a woman sometimes allows herself to be achieved by someone. Such roles for men and women.

And if closer to the topic.

I've been pretty close since about 6-8 couples who have been married for over 5 years and are quite happy.

ALL of these couples had periods when a girl sent a man more or less, and from time to time this happens in marriage, of course, in much more mild form than before marriage.

None of these girls are afraid of what the man will leave from a family, is not afraid that he will leave with three children when his wife does not work.

After all, it would seem more logical if a girl depends on a man financially and psychologically, she should try not to offend him, please and forgive even frankly bad deeds in every possible way (not to forgive at all, of course, but not to notice in principle)

Only men are not women.

On the contrary, if a man is periodically sent, then he will not go anywhere and will hold on to you with such force that even less can be. Women who live happily with men know this truth intuitively (or copied from their parents) and are not at all afraid of losing a man because of their behavior. (Not only this, of course, you need to do)

On the contrary, an attempt to keep a man through almost humiliation usually does not lead to anything good. At best, the girl feels that she is not respected, although they live together. At worst, they don't respect you, and then they leave.

Question. But what if a man behaves in such a way that there is not even a reason to send him?

This doesn't happen.

And another little warning.. Everything I write above refers to the roles of the man and woman that this man is courting. In the role of a manager - a subordinate, a client-executor or a colleague-colleague, this also sometimes works, but with a lot of reservations.

So, almost every man DEMANDS with all his behavior that the girl sends him periodically. This is what a man really needs, and not all sorts of pink ruffles on
semi c romantic candles. (I have nothing against ruffles if it is a plus, and not instead of satisfying real needs)

By sending a man, you demonstrate to him that you have female pride. By sending it, you demonstrate that you are not afraid to lose it. (At least don't shake with fear.) By sending a man, you prove to him by deed, not by words (many men do not perceive words well, without reinforcement by deed), that you are worthy of respect, that you are a self-confident woman. (Naturally, we are talking not just about the fact that you sent anyone, but about the man that you really like).

Sincerely, Rashid Kirranov.