How to get rid of the smell of sweat in shoes. How to get rid of wet armpit sweat stains: a summer life hack Life hacks from sweat and smell

Each of us has had to sweat, and everyone knows this unpleasant smell of sweat, which, it would seem, follows you everywhere. How to get rid of it, because sweat is uncontrolled? To answer this question, it is necessary to understand the reasons for the release of sweat, and also because of what it has such a specific smell. This is what this article will be devoted to.

Bad smell from sweat

The human body regulates its temperature by sweating. To do this, there are more than three million sweat glands on the skin, each of which releases small droplets of sweat when the body overheats and, due to their evaporation, heat is removed to the environment.

In addition, along with sweat, toxic products that accumulate in the body during illness are also excreted. That is why among folk remedies it is often recommended to sweat well.

Only people have the ability to sweat, but our pets have to wet their hair to cool their bodies, licking themselves or getting their tongue out in the hot season.

Therefore, if you want to remove the smell of sweat under your arms, you should understand that this is a natural, and most importantly, useful process that regulates your body temperature and water balance. That is why more attention should be paid to the issue of neutralizing the pungent odor, and not the sweat itself.

However, despite the fact that it is natural for a person to sweat, sometimes this process becomes too strong or unstable. Often, profuse sweating with an unpleasant odor can signal the presence of health problems.

Reasons for excessive sweating

As already mentioned, frequent and seemingly unreasonable sweating may indicate that a person has:

It is worth noting that if a person does not have diseases, as well as stress at work and at home, then the smell of sweat will not be very strong. Therefore, if you notice that your sweat has a strong odor, then this suggests that you may need to see a doctor.

The smell of sweat can tell you what disease you have

  • If you smell sweet when you sweat, you may be developing diabetes or diphtheria.
  • If the smell of sweat gives off chlorine, then this is a clear sign that you have liver problems.
  • In the presence of fungal diseases in the body, the smell of sweat will resemble mouse ambergris.
  • But if it seems to you that you smell like vinegar when sweating, then you should check the work of the kidneys. Another signal will be a change in the color of the skin of the armpits to a yellowish tint.

If any of the above signs is permanent, then it is better for you to be examined by an endocrinologist, an infectious disease specialist, an oncologist, or at least see your local therapist.

Therefore, before you wonder how to get rid of the smell of sweat, you should understand the causes of heavy sweating and undergo a physical examination.

How to get rid of the smell of sweat?

Deodorants or antiperspirants?

What is better to apply in order to remove this smell that haunts everywhere? At the moment, deodorants and antiperspirants are widely used. To an uninitiated person, these words may seem synonymous, but this is far from the case.

Deodorants contain a special substance - triclosan, which has antibacterial properties, as well as additives of glycerin and oils. These substances are designed to soothe the skin and relieve irritation.

It is best to choose a deodorant that does not contain alcohol, various fragrances and parabens. They can be solid, in the form of a spray, talc or powder.

What is better to choose a deodorant or antiperspirant?

Antiperspirants, on the other hand, look like a container with liquid contents that are applied to the armpit area with a special ball. The principle of operation of this tool is that the liquid clogs the sweat glands and prevents sweat from being released. Because of this, many experts have different opinions about the advisability of using such cosmetics.

Today, antiperspirants are made from salts based on aluminum or zinc. Their use leads to a narrowing of the pores of the skin and a decrease in the amount of sweat released. Such perfumes are best applied in the morning on clean, dry skin.

There are various means of dealing with sweat:

  • Sticks in a special package.
  • Various sprays that do not contain alcohol.
  • Cream. In addition to fighting the smell of sweat, they also have medicinal properties.

Folk methods how to remove the smell of sweat

It is possible to normalize the work of the sweat glands with the help of folk recipes.

  • Oak bark. You will need to purchase oak bark in a pharmacy, after which pour five tablespoons of crushed bark with half a liter of boiling water and boil a little. After the decoction has cooled down, it will be possible to lubricate the axillary region with it three times a day. Oak bark has disinfectant properties, and also dries the skin, reducing the amount of secretions.
  • Chamomile. You will need two tablespoons of flowers to brew three glasses of hot water. After the broth is infused, add one teaspoon of soda to it. You can use the resulting solution twice a day.
  • Soda and essential oil. In one glass of boiling water, add a couple of drops of essential oil and a teaspoon of soda. Apply the resulting solution with a cotton swab twice a day. Soda has bactericidal properties, and oils will give a pleasant aroma.

How to remove the smell of sweat under the arms

If you followed our advice and passed the examination, which did not reveal serious diseases, then you can use cosmetic products to remove the unpleasant odor.

Proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle

Proper nutrition and exercise is the key to good health!

If the smell of sweat starts to come from you, the reasons may also lie in the wrong lifestyle. In your menu, you should limit the use of foods containing sugar, flour, reduce the consumption of oils, fried foods, stop drinking tap water.

It is better to replace all of the above products with fruits, olive or linseed oil, natural dairy products, vegetables, legumes, olives, drink only filtered water.

In addition, you must refrain from:

  • smoking
  • sweet food
  • smoked products
  • fast food
  • Overload
  • Nightlife

If you follow all this, then after a couple of weeks you will notice a positive trend in your fight against sweating.

How to remove sweat odor from feet

A lot of people are concerned about this issue. From the fact that your feet sweat in shoes, a certain discomfort is felt not only by you, but also by those around you. What to do in this case? Why is there sweat on the feet?

There are two most common reasons. These are stresses at work and at home, as well as poor-quality shoes. Stress is hard to deal with. If you cannot calmly respond to external stimuli, then sedatives can come to the rescue.

But in the case of low-quality shoes, it is much easier. Try to buy more expensive shoes made from natural ingredients. In leather boots, your feet will be dry and comfortable, and you will have less to worry about.

What to do if the smell of sweat remains on clothes

To prevent the smell of sweat from permeating all your clothes, you must adhere to the following rules:

If you want to get rid of the smell of sweat on a down jacket without washing, then try the following methods:

  • Dissolve one teaspoon of salt in a glass of water and apply to the stains. After that, you need to rinse the thing.
  • A teaspoon of vinegar or citric acid, diluted in a glass of water, will help get rid of the unpleasant odor from fresh stains.
  • Old stains can be sprinkled with soda and left for thirty minutes. Rinse afterwards. You will not only get rid of the smell, but also bleach the material.
  • You can use laundry soap. It is enough to rub it on the problem area and rinse the clothes after ten minutes.

If these funds do not help, then it's time to switch to commercially available chemicals.

So, now you have learned what sweat production depends on and how to deal with excessive sweating. We also looked at what means will help you get rid of the smell of sweat not only in the armpits, but also on the legs and even clothes. We hope this article will help you with your problem.

Child sweats a lot

Excessive sweating can be observed not only in adults, but also in children. Already from the third week of life, the sweat glands begin to work in the crumbs, the discharge from which is odorless. Usually children sweat because of overheating, but there may be other reasons.

For example, the sour smell of baby sweat indicates what is possible in a child:

Therefore, if you still feel that the smell of sweat has changed in the child, then it is worth taking him to specialists. Perhaps this will help you identify the disease at an early stage.

Far from the last place in controlling sweating in a child is proper nutrition. Do not forget that a growing body needs much more vitamins and minerals to function properly.

Therefore, the child's diet should include:

  • Fish, in particular salmon, trout or herring.
  • Butter and eggs.
  • Dairy products such as cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, sour cream.
  • Lean meats (beef, chicken).
  • Liver.
  • Fruits vegetables.

But spices, garlic and spicy dishes must be excluded from your child's menu.

Let the summer only gain momentum, soon the heat will show itself to the fullest. So the season for wet shirts, T-shirts and other wardrobe details can be considered officially open. Are you embarrassed to raise your hand and grab a handrail in a transport because of unpleasant sweat stains under your armpits? Enough tolerating this! A simple and accessible remedy will help to avoid trouble.

Every summer begins with the search for the perfect deodorant. But, alas and ah, not even every hyped antiperspirant really saves you from sweat. Maximum - masks an unpleasant odor. But the treacherous armpit circles are still visible. But what if you need to wear a shirt or a strict office blouse even in the heat? Craftsmen on the Web offer such a simple solution to the problem.

To the aid of all those suffering from sweat will come baby powder. And also iron. After the next wash of shirts and T-shirts, turn them inside out and treat the most “dangerous” (in terms of sweating) places, such as the armpits and collar, with a moderate amount of powder. Then iron carefully. The heat will literally press the powder into the fabric. And thus create an additional barrier against moisture and bacteria. Such a deodorant for clothes. And, by the way, it does not leave unpleasant yellowish marks.

Sweat is a natural process provided by wise nature for thermoregulation of the human body. But in modern society, the smell of sweat causes a negative attitude of others and delivers considerable aesthetic discomfort to the owner of clothes with a "smell".

Even cleanliness and regular hygiene procedures sometimes cannot get rid of a strong smell and wet spots on clothes. It is even worse when yellow “traces” appear on things, forcing you to give up your favorite sweater or dress.

How to get rid of the smell of sweat on clothes, because not everyone has the opportunity to go to dry cleaning? There are several ways to return the old cleanliness and freshness to your wardrobe, but which one to choose depends on the degree of contamination of the clothes.

Washing machine

Washing in an automatic machine will help remove the unstable smell of sweat from things. But for this it is not enough just to load the clothes into the drum.

How to remove the smell of sweat from clothes so that you do not have to rewash them later?

It is worth listening to the advice of experts:

  • 30-40 minutes before the start of the planned wash, moisten the problem areas with water and rub with laundry soap, then soak the clothes in a bowl of warm water. After the specified time, throw the clothes into the machine.
  • To make it easier to remove the smell of sweat, pour 1 cup of table vinegar (9%) into the drum before loading the laundry. Instead of vinegar, you can use 0.5 cups of baking soda or 2-3 tablespoons with a slide of table salt - pour any substance into the detergent compartment.
  • Each modern machine has a “pre-wash” or “soak” program - in different models it is called differently. Install such a program, and things will be better washed not only from dirt, but also from an unpleasant smell.
  • Well removes the unstable "aroma" of sweat fabric softener. Use it and the bad smell will disappear.
  • The use of bleaches and stain removers is also effective, which penetrate deeply into the fibers of the fabric and facilitate the removal of not only stubborn dirt, but also the smell of sweat. When using, check whether the selected product is suitable for this type of laundry: white items can be washed with chlorine bleach, and colored fabrics with oxygen.
  • Use antibacterial powders as a detergent - they kill bacteria, during the life of which a sharp unpleasant odor is produced.
  • Dry the washed clothes outside or on the balcony. Fresh air will saturate the laundry with a pleasant aroma. However, remember that there are fabrics, such as silk, that do not like direct sunlight. Therefore, dry clothes made of delicate fabrics in the shade.

Tip: Some sources recommend increasing the amount of washing powder when washing to eliminate the smell of sweat. You should not resort to this advice - excess powder is poorly washed out of the internal parts of the machine and can provoke the development of mold in the future. Choose any of the options above.

Removing odor without washing

How to remove the smell of sweat from clothes without loading them into the washing machine? This will help affordable and cheap tools that can be found in every home - in the kitchen or in the first aid kit.

The principle of processing "sweaty" clothes in this case is as follows:

  • clothes are treated with different compounds or solutions;
  • leave things for a certain time so that the funds can actively influence problem areas;
  • things are rinsed in warm water.

What is the best way to remove the persistent smell of sweat?

Here are some proven recipes:

1. Laundry soap (72%).

Moisten sweat-smelling areas with water and rub liberally with laundry soap. Leave the laundry for 10-15 minutes, then rinse the product in warm water to remove soap residue from the fabric.

2. Shampoo or liquid dishwashing detergent.

Moisten the product, pour any of these products on the sweat stain, rub into the fabric and lather a little with your hands. Leave to act for 10-15 minutes.

3. Baking soda.

Wet the product and wring it out slightly, pour soda on the problem areas and lightly rub the grains into the fabric. Leave for 20 minutes.

4. Table salt.

The “aroma” of sweat from natural fabrics (silk, wool or linen) is well removed by table salt (not to be confused with “Extra”). It must be used in the form of a solution, for which 1-2 tbsp. l. Dilute salt in a glass of warm water. Moisten the stains on clothes with the resulting solution and leave for 1-2 hours.

5. Lemon juice.

Lemon juice will help out when the smell of sweat has not had much time to eat into the fabric. It is enough to squeeze out the juice, moisten the sweat stains with it and rinse the clothes in warm water. Instead of lemon, dilute 1 tbsp. l. citric acid in a glass of water. For "difficult" cases, use a mixture of 1 tsp. citric acid and 1 cup of vinegar.

6. Vinegar.

Undiluted food vinegar (9%) will help out if other remedies have not given the desired effect. Moisten the product with vinegar, rub the liquid into the cloth and leave for a few minutes.

7. Ammonia and salt.

For things made of white and light fabrics, use ammonia with salt, dissolving 1 tbsp in a glass of water. l. salt and ammonia.

8. "Explosive" mixture.

A concentrated solution of ammonia, salt and water will certainly get rid of the persistent smell of sweat. Mix in a glass 4 tbsp. l. water, 1 tbsp. l. salt and 3 tbsp. l. ammonia. Stir the solution until the grains of salt are completely dissolved. Moisten problem areas on clothing with a cloth soaked in the solution. After that, rinse the product in warm water.

9. Vodka.

It would seem, how to remove the smell of sweat from clothes with vodka? Nothing complicated. Pour vodka over sweat stains and leave for 2 hours. After that, treat the fabric with a steam iron or steam cleaner and dry.

10. Freezing.

Most bacteria are not able to exist at low temperatures, and with their death, the unpleasant odor disappears. In winter, when the air temperature is below zero, hang the sweat-smelling thing outside (balcony, loggia) for 2-3 hours. In the warm season, use the freezer, after putting the clothes in a tight plastic bag.

Tip: Having chosen any of the proposed methods, conduct a small test. Before testing the product on the entire product, test it on an inconspicuous area, as some fabrics may be affected by exposure to lemon juice or acid, vinegar or ammonia.

There are also chemicals produced by some companies to combat any odors, including the smell of sweat. They are effective and can be used both for washing and for local processing.

Such products kill all types of microbes, bacteria, fungi and are safe for asthmatics and allergy sufferers. But with all the advantages they have one drawback - the high price.


To less often face the problem of unpleasant amber and not think about how to remove the smell of sweat from clothes, follow the simple rules of prevention:

Simple rules for caring for clothes will keep them fresh and prolong their service life, while effective and affordable products will get rid of not only the smell of sweat, but also unsightly yellow spots.

Feet smell. Ugh? A shame? Ashamed?

No, I don't think so.

This is a common occurrence. The person is sweating. Bacteria multiply. What is shameful here?

For example, my feet smell if nothing is done. Especially after football...

How to get rid of the smell of shoes? In this article I will consider all life hacks, folk remedies and devices (yes, yes!).

Approach #1. We treat legs

Sometimes the smell is caused by some kind of foot disease (fungus or something). I will not give any advice here. Go to the doctor.

Approach #2. We remove moisture

In itself, a humid environment promotes the growth of bacteria. How to remove moisture?

The obvious option is talc powder for feet:

As a rule, it is not only talc, but also a strong deodorant (for example, with menthol). The powder works flawlessly for long hours. Of the minuses - it is difficult to accurately apply. She constantly wakes up, soils her clothes and socks.

However, in the 21st century there are ways and more abruptly. Here, for example, such a device is sold in Decathlon:

This is a Russian-made Timson device. It costs 699 rubles.

The principle of operation ... I will give a better quote:

Decided to test it out...

First experience. Just came from work. Sneakers inside are wet and smelly. I put these "nozzles" inside for about 10 hours. The result is that the shoes themselves are dry from the inside. There is a bad smell, but not much.

Second experience. Everything is the same, but in the evening I put the nozzle in only one sneaker. I compared in the morning. The difference is noticeable! And the smell, and the humidity inside.

Third experience. Hardcore. Sneakers after football. A strong smell is a chemical attack. Will Timson make it? Well… rather not. During the night, the sneakers dried out from the inside, but the smell of the feet remained. It's probably time to powerfully wash sneakers in the washer ...

General impressions. Dry. About some separate antibacterial effect (besides drying) I can’t say for sure.

Also, they look cool in the dark:

Approach #3. Indoor shoes

An easy option is to change shoes. For example, in the office, have a separate pair of shoes, lightweight (in the office, as a rule, the temperature is comfortable). And leave street shoes in the locker room.

I do this all the time in the winter. By the way, a good option for the summer.

Approach number 4. Lightweight ("breathable") shoes

I already wrote about the cool Tribord Areeta slate shoes. At their core, they are slates - ultra-light and breathable, but at the same time, purely outwardly, they are stylish shoes.

I wore them with great pleasure, but ... only six months ... then they tore.

Approach number 5. Washable shoes

Washable shoes are incredibly comfortable!

In general, now there are more and more shoes that are not afraid of washing. The same Tribord Areeta, for example, can be washed.

Approach number 6. insoles

Replaceable and washable.

Usually insoles are made of cardboard, but there are also plastic ones. I already wrote about these.

The insoles are very practical. I've washed them many times and wear them often and they look great.

The price in Decathlon (as of September 29, 2016) is 399 rubles.

Approach number 7. Aromatization from within

Even my book has this advice - put tea bags in your shoes. And the unpleasant smell is well absorbed and endowed with an aroma, for example, of bergamot.

You can also find tips to put orange peels in shoes, for example.

All this is nice, but IMHO extremely troublesome and not very efficient. With the same success, you can just sprinkle something in your shoes.

Approach number 8. Storage in the freezer or on the balcony in winter

First of all, this common “stick your shoes” hack in the freezer looks just weird. Oil painting: frozen berries, dumplings, butter and suddenly… sneakers.

An alternative and more decent option is to store shoes on the balcony in the winter in the cold.

But this option also has a catch - I ruined 2-3 pairs of sneakers just like that. The thing is that after passing through a strong cons, the rubber sole becomes dub and the sneakers become very slippery. I was never able to revive them - they became simply unsuitable for playing football in the hall.

Write in the comments!

How do you deal with bad breath? Charcoal insoles? Aerosols?

Just get rid of comments like “wash more often”, “change socks”, etc. It goes without saying. But this does not completely solve the problem for everyone.

  • Soda bath for feet
  • Pot with strong brewed tea
  • Tray with a weak solution of alcohol

Unconvincing IMHO.

And here is the verbatim transcript of the transmission:

Malysheva: Our home topic: "How to get rid of bad smell from the feet?". Let's start with the first tip.
Have you tried washing your feet? We often ask patients. This helps the best, but for those who do have this problem, it can be too. Still, 3 tips are simple and homemade. First viewer and first advice.
Malysheva: What is your name?
Spectator: Elena
Malysheva: What is your suggestion on how to get rid of an unpleasant smell?
Spectator: You need to take off your shoes and ventilate your feet.
Malysheva: Well done! Ventilated feet and does not smell! Sit down please. We have slightly different advice. Who will speak up?
Expert 1: Yes, I will probably speak out. What if we take home conditions, everyone has baking soda at home. We can make a weak alkaline solution with baking soda.
Malysheva: Pour into a basin. Run, run, don't be afraid. We pour water.
Expert 1: Pour water. Accordingly, what is this unpleasant smell? Most often these are the waste products of bacteria and microorganisms, respectively ...
Malysheva: Most often, an acidic reaction.
Expert 1: Accordingly, what does soda give us? This is an alkali, it neutralizes the very acidic reaction and actually deodorizes, and also has a partially bactericidal effect. We kill bacteria and neutralize odor.
Malysheva: So the first thing is a bath of soda. We will not ask you to poke your legs, but we will give you a basin, so that along with airing there is also a water procedure “Soda Bath”. Please take it. And we have the next guest and the next advice. What is your version of how to get rid of this unpleasant smell?
Spectator: Well, what I do is I use such fragrant soap and I also make baths - flavored sea salt, well, we don’t know anything else yet.
Malysheva: No, actually, everything is fine. It's all right.
Expert 2: We recommend you the means at hand, we offer strong brewed tea, which has a rich effect, black, and thus it also reduces foot odor.
Spectator: Thank you.
Malysheva: Black, strong tea. There is nothing so great here. Tannins have the ability to envelop everything - this is the so-called "astringent action".
Expert 2: And less perspiration.
Malysheva: And less sweating.
Expert 2: And less sebum production. And thus less smell.
Malysheva: Take our bowl of strong tea. Now we give out tea in basins. Thank you very much. Sit down please.
Malysheva: And one more piece of advice, and one more guest. What is your name?
Spectator: Svetlana.
Malysheva: Svetochka, what is your advice on how to get rid of unpleasant foot odor?
Spectator: You know, I have some advice. Well, firstly, I immediately associate the smell that this is a masculine smell.
Malysheva: Exactly.
Spectator: Therefore, the first.
Malysheva: Me too.
Spectator: The first one, which I think.
Expert 2: Don't keep men at home.
Spectator: How not to keep it, every girl changes her socks once or even twice a day. Wash your feet, obviously. But change socks, I think ...
Malysheva: Wash his feet. Here, wash his feet every day.
Spectator: And change socks. This is the first.
Malysheva: That's right.
Spectator: And I also know that you can, for example, use talcum powder, make baby powder or talcum powder. Well, some, I know, use deodorant or, by the way, very well, you know, in men's shoes, well, even in women's shoes, they put such special things into shoes, they are sold, though I don’t know what is there, but they beat off this smell very well .
Malysheva: But they beat off the smell from the shoes.
Spectator: From shoes, yes.
Malysheva: But this will not affect the legs. Feet still need to be washed, no matter how cool. It is most important.
Expert 1: Still, if you don’t change your socks, if this smell is really from your feet. Legs are just...
Malysheva: Anyway, changing socks and washing socks is the right advice. But we have advice from improvised means.
Expert 2: Here we are now adding this liquid.
Expert 3: It's water. Pour. That is, in the evening, when you wash your man's feet.
Spectator: By no means, all my men are independent.
Expert 3: Look further.
Spectator: Listen, what a nightmare (they pour a bottle of vodka into a basin).
Expert 3: You are doing this procedure in front of him.
Spectator: This is from the words of men, I can say, a whole bottle.
Expert 3: And soak his feet in this bath. Alcohol, diluted alcohol, which is called vodka ...
Spectator: Repulses.
Expert: Yes. He doesn't rebuff. This bactericidal agent is widely used in medicine, known even to you. But the future effect, which will also limit sweating and sebum secretion.
Malysheva: A bowl of vodka for you.
Spectator: The most valuable.
Malysheva: Thank you very much. Sit down please. Well, that's all we wanted to tell you today...