Romantic dinner for your loved one. Romantic candlelit dinner at home! What to cook, how to decorate, how to spend

Our global network is filled with funny (and often not so) stories about how girls arranged a romantic dinner for their significant other. True, it did not always end the way they wanted and dreamed of. Either a guy, having tasted a salad with shrimp, became covered with spots due to allergies, then a candle, accidentally falling, then a hungry husband, having swallowed a cut and chewed on a light salad, demanded to fry chicken with potatoes. In a word, a romantic dinner is an extremely responsible matter, it can even be compared with walking through a minefield. Step - to the left, step - to the right - and you can not only be embarrassed, but seriously quarrel with your loved one. We hope that our guide will help you avoid the most common mistakes and have a perfect evening by candlelight.

1. Time and place

Weekday evening is not the best time for tete-a-tete. Well, firstly, a long, eventful working day often exhausts all the nerves and squeezes out all the juices. So, when you finally crawl home, you have only one desire - to eat and go to bed as soon as possible. A familiar picture? Secondly, your soulmate may be late at work: all the food will cool down, and you, exhausted with preparations, will fall asleep sweetly on the couch. Therefore, if it is not possible to postpone romantic plans for the weekend, then you can consider the option of a candlelit dinner in a restaurant. So it will be more, and not for an ordinary dinner at home with an unpredictable ending. Then you can walk around the city for a bit, and drink at home, say, a glass of champagne as an interlude. But, if you still settled on the option of a romantic dinner at home, you should pay attention to the details. For example, do not vaguely hint to your loved one about the surprise that awaits him at home, but clearly say that you are preparing a romantic dinner, and a delay at work will cause your righteous anger. But the main thing is to think over the dinner menu well.

Psychologists have figured out what to avoid on a date. If you want to impress your partner, don't make the most common mistakes.

2. Menu

Remember earlier we talked about the girl whose husband didn't eat enough salad and asked for something substantial? This option is very possible. Therefore, a candlelit dinner should not be too light (especially after a working day). Otherwise, your man will not devour you with his eyes, but a refrigerator, in which there may still be “what to eat”. But at the same time, the food should not be too dense. A full stomach does not at all contribute to tender feelings, rather, it pulls on the side.

Trying to win over a partner with an abundance of dishes is a bad idea, however, as well as choosing complex recipes. Standing at the stove for many hours will not add to your good mood. In addition, the goal of dinner is still not in food, but in what follows it.

3. Main courses

Poultry meat is suitable as the main meat. It is easily digested and the feeling of fullness lasts for a long time. Pork or beef takes a long time to digest, fish requires some effort to cope with the bones. Beans and soy will also be an extremely poor choice (I must say why?). A light salad of vegetables or seafood can be served with the main course. For dessert - ice cream, well, or a classic of the genre - strawberries with cream. By the way, the latter can serve as a good start for an exciting intimate game.

Suppose, about your husband, you yourself already know a lot of things, but if you have just started dating a man, then it would be good to clarify with him that he does not eat. For example, some people don't like liver, others don't like onions. Perhaps there are foods that your partner has - nuts, honey, etc. Keep in mind that many (oils, spices, foods) are also very allergenic foods. Even a small portion can cause anaphylactic shock in a person.

4. Drinks

Avoid strong alcoholic drinks immediately. Still, both of you should be dizzy from love, and not from "taken on the chest." Champagne or wine is a great option. But it’s still not worth mixing them, it’s better to focus on one thing. It is generally accepted that red or rose wine should be served with poultry and meat. But this is not a hard and fast rule. In fact, only taste matters. Delicate meat can also set off white wine well. It is much more important to observe another rule: red wine should be at room temperature, but white wine is served slightly chilled.

This is real art! The sommelier shares his secrets on how to choose the right wine in the supermarket, what dishes to pair it with and how to serve it.

Under the wine, a slice of several varieties of cheese will go, you can add a plate of fruit. Be sure to put on the table and a bottle of ordinary mineral water, but better without gas.

5. Serving

Plastic cups and disposable tableware (well, so as not to wash) you definitely can’t create a romantic atmosphere. Therefore, you will have to get beautiful dishes, tablecloths, glasses from the bins. Try not to fill the entire surface of the table with dishes: otherwise you will get a grand anniversary banquet, and not a chamber dinner for two

You can put a small bouquet of flowers in the center of the table, but not a lush composition, because of which you can’t even shoot with your eyes. A small vase looks very gentle, in which one flower or a floating candle is floated on the water.

And, of course, candles. But the latter should be in safe candlesticks and away from the edge of the table. It is desirable that there are enough candles, not all men like to eat by touch.

Dishes should be portioned so that nothing has to be cut or broken by hand. Fat hands look unaesthetic and not romantic. But in any case, napkins must be on the table. Salad can be put in special waffle baskets, and plates with all dishes can be decorated with lettuce leaves, or, say, olives.

6. Music

We have already talked about candles above. Music is better to choose light and relaxed. We doubt very much that your companion will be pleased to spend the evening listening to the songs of Stas Mikhailov. The network has a lot of collections of romantic instrumental tunes (for example, by composer James Last), retro hits and pleasant jazz compositions. “Serious” music and arias from operas should not burden your evening either.

For each man, you can choose a melody according to the sign of the Zodiac, it will have an amazing effect on your beloved. Check it out!

7. Home decoration

In terms of rose petals, everything is debatable. It's up to you to decide. It all looks, of course, romantic and cinematic. But in the film it remains behind the scenes, who then cleans up all this beauty scattered around the room? So if you don’t feel like immersing yourself in weekday mornings with apartment cleaning right after a romantic evening, you can choose the light version. Scatter some petals on the festive table. This will add entourage, and will not create additional problems.

8. Fragrances

These are even a little more difficult than with rose petals. We have already said that many oils and incense can cause allergies or asthma attacks. And not all people can be pleasant rich aromas. Now popular stores with natural handmade cosmetics come to mind. You walk by and wonder how you can work there all day and not suffer from a headache? Therefore, the choice of flavors must be approached delicately. The ideal option is a fresh, but unobtrusive smell of flowers standing on the table: tulips, roses, spruce branches in compositions. Only lilies with a strong smell are best excluded. A good helper is an aroma lamp, in which you can drop a few drops of oil and enjoy the delicate aroma of, for example, sandalwood. We strongly recommend not to use an air freshener! The heavy artificial smell is more likely to be associated with toilet rooms.

9. Clothes

Of course, you can’t sit down at the table, in which you usually walk around the apartment. Home clothes, funny slippers with a dog, sweatpants with stretched knees, a bathrobe or family underpants can kill romance completely. For a girl, a suitable option is a cocktail dress, light makeup, a simple hairstyle. For a man - a shirt, trousers, in general - a neat appearance. Many ladies choose the look of a vamp for dinner. They immediately appear in front of a partner in a bold dress or erotic lingerie. Well, what about dinner then? But how “should there be some kind of mystery in a woman”? Therefore, we advise you to leave the linen "for sweet". To get to him, a man will still have to try hard: look after a lady, make compliments, give a kiss and, what the hell is not joking, give a coveted ring.

10. Gifts

Not such a mandatory part of the program. But anyway. Men in this matter, of course, it is easier. Flowers, chocolates and the best friends of girls - diamonds - we will always be happy. But what to give to our chosen ones? Mimic soft toys, postcards and other attributes on February 14 are candidates for being sent to the trash can. Well, our gentlemen are not so romantic! Get over it, ladies. It is better to spend money: A) on yourself beautiful and well-groomed. fits this concept well. b) good food. Choose good meat and expensive wine. In the end, it is important that a romantic dinner does not happen every day and should bring a lot of positive emotions to the two of you.

How to marry a rich Volgin Ksenia

Chapter 16

Chapter 16

How often do lovers arrange romantic dates for themselves! And how rarely does this happen later, when their experience of living together becomes quite extensive. What happens and where does it go that used to prompt a man to buy armfuls of roses to present them to his beloved, and she always tried to look like a wonderful princess from a fairy tale. Where did all this disappear if, after two or three years of communication, he gives her flowers only on the Eighth of March, and she considers it absolutely normal to walk in front of him in a tattered dressing gown and shabby slippers? But it all started so well!

It is interesting that even people who are not married, but just have been dating for quite a long time, fall under the influence of time. Not only in married couples there is a temporary crisis, but also in those unions where a man and a woman are not burdened by the bonds of Hymen. But it can be said quite definitely that such crises are of a very destructive nature, since they definitely lead to addiction. But addiction does not occur in a positive sense, when people learn to accept each other for who they are, but in the opposite sense, when stupid humility occurs and they stop trying to eliminate their own shortcomings.

From this, the conclusion suggests itself that even in long-term marital relations there should be a place for a holiday. It is clear that the right to arrange a holiday should belong not to one person, but to two. But if your lover is so immersed in the unattractive world of big business that he forgets when his birthday is, then expecting something grandiose from him means wasting time. And this, in turn, means that it is time to take the reins of control of your life into your own hands.

A wonderful universal tool that allows you to paint dull everyday life in bright colors is a romantic dinner. There is no doubt about the reaction of your lover when, having come from work, he enters the room and sees ... a luxuriously laid table, illuminated in the twilight by an obscure flame of candles. The menu of a romantic dinner can be the most varied, but you should not make it extremely plentiful, because after that your beloved, exhausted by a full dinner, will fall asleep on the couch, as in childhood, with his fist under his head. And maybe even forget to thank you. And this will surely be imprinted in the depths of your subconscious and may interfere with the further development of relations.

So, try to cook dishes that would cheer up your favorite billionaire after a long day at work. It can be meat with vegetables, baked poultry with spicy sauce or all kinds of salads. Do not cook anything too fatty, it is harmful and does not at all fit the atmosphere of a romantic dinner. If your loved one prefers something exotic and you have the opportunity to cook it, all the better. Present this dish to him, originally designed and amazingly delicious, and you will once again feel the validity of the well-known statement about the way to a man's heart.

However, a romantic dinner involves not only artfully prepared dishes. This is a beautiful design, and the appropriate environment, and beautiful outfits, and, most importantly, a welcoming atmosphere of the holiday. After all, a romantic dinner is nothing but a holiday. And as you know, in order for the holiday to succeed, it needs to be thought over and prepared. This is what we will do. We propose to consider in order everything that you need to pay attention to in order for a romantic dinner to be a success.

First of all, you need to choose a place where your dinner will take place. It is clear that romantic dishes placed on the kitchen table and lit candles will look out of place. Therefore, you need to decide in advance and prepare the place where you intend to sit together with your lover.

Let's say you decide to do it in the living room. By the way, since the dinner is romantic, it can be quite arranged in the bedroom. But more on that later. For now, let's try to describe the traditional presentation of a romantic dinner.

The table on which you want to arrange the prepared dishes should in no case be too large. Firstly, it violates harmony, and secondly, it is simply unjustified, because there will be two people sitting at this table. A small table, preferably round, is what you need. It must be covered with a beautiful tablecloth, so that its edges go down to the floor. Dishes for a romantic dinner should also be special, the one that you use in everyday life is not good. Forks, spoons and knives should be polished to a shine, so try to do it. In general, the main thing in a romantic dinner is to move away from the ordinary, include those things that you and your lover rarely see.

An invariable attribute of a romantic dinner is candles. Their number can be equal to two, this is the traditional option, but this can be argued, as some argue that the number of candles must necessarily be odd. Therefore, we advise with regard to candles to be guided by simple aesthetic considerations. You yourself determine how many candles will look best on the table. And, of course, you should not turn the room into a church cloister by lighting many candles at the same time. Let a pleasant romantic twilight reign in the room.

It will be better if you turn off the phone for the entire evening, for which a romantic dinner is planned. A phone call can break the charm and bring down the atmosphere of the holiday. To prevent this from happening, ask your loved one to turn off your cell phone as well. Let him make this sacrifice for you, if only for one evening.

Successfully contributes to the romantic atmosphere and music. In this regard, it is difficult to give any advice, since everyone has their own preferences, but some general points can be identified. First, the music shouldn't be too fast. Imagine your loved one, with incredible speed absorbing dinner to the rhythms of rock and roll, and you will see the justice of this.

A beautiful classical melody is most suitable for a romantic dinner. If you want to take into account the individual tastes of your lover, then this is your right. The main thing is that no attribute of the holiday annoys him or you, and it doesn’t matter exactly how you will decorate dinner.

We have already talked about the menu and the only thing that should be said again is that the dishes should suit your taste and not be too satisfying. Remember that a full stomach is a hindrance to love.

The most important thing is, of course, the festive atmosphere. If your loved one rushed home from work hoping to have a hearty dinner, and therefore lie down in front of the TV with a bottle of beer, then he is unlikely to be happy with your efforts, because he is not at all disposed to the holiday. But a romantic dinner involves some kind of continuation, which may not take place due to a hearty dinner and a hard day's work. Therefore, try to choose the right moment, the success of your rendezvous depends on it.

It's no secret that everyone's concept of romance is different. It’s not even worth arguing about this, because it’s enough to listen to the opinion of two people about such a concept as romance, and the validity of the assumption made will no longer be in doubt. The traditional way of holding a romantic dinner will appeal to some, but it may make a painful impression on another, inspiring melancholy. It is important to take into account the individual preferences of a person in order to give him a pleasant surprise.

So, for some people, romance is not about what music will be poured from the speaker system or what dishes will be served, but what kind of atmosphere will reign at this time. The atmosphere is created by people, which means that the outcome of what you plan to cook will depend only on you. In other words, how you behave will have an impact on the success of the gala dinner. If, for example, you arrange a showdown with your beloved about his lateness from the doorway, and then, having generously forgiven him, seat him at a luxuriously set table, be sure that his mood will already be hopelessly spoiled. Therefore, it is worth thinking several times before arranging a romantic dinner.

If your relationship has long left much to be desired, then the planned celebration risks turning into a banal scandal. And in a romantic setting, it will be even more painful. And even more so, it is unlikely that you will have to count on the fact that one day this person will offer you a hand and a heart.

If you are sure that the celebration will be arranged by you to glory, then think about such an important thing as your appearance. It must match the atmosphere of the holiday. You should not appear in a home dress in front of your loved one, better try to make your outfit not only unusual, but also sexy. Let not a single detail stand out from the general background.

Decide in advance about the drinks you want to put on the table. If your dinner is held in the traditional framework, that is, in the sense in which most people imagine it, then the best, of course, will be wine. But what exactly it will be depends on individual preferences, however, increased alcohol strength is useless. Light wine is the best drink for a festive dinner. And do not abuse it, otherwise your festive dinner may be complicated by unnecessary difficulties.

Remember that a candlelit dinner is a kind of fairy tale, and try to spend it in that spirit. You should not do it in order to finally get the opportunity to find out the relationship with your loved one or to get some definite answer from him. Annoyance and romance are incompatible things. Let your meeting be like a scene from a good movie about love.

In general, by how people feel when they are together, one can draw a conclusion about their relationship. If a man and a woman love each other, then it is only natural that both of them will strive to be together. But if the prospect of spending the evening in each other's company evokes a feeling of longing or fear that they will be bored, then the conclusion suggests itself.

For people who love each other, candlelight dinner is not just a way to diversify their lives, although this is also important. By spending time together in a romantic setting, a man and a woman contribute to the development of their relationship. This is a great occasion to take a relationship in a new direction or talk about something abstract. This is a way to just relax and feel the beauty of life. Unlike other ways to spend time together, a romantic dinner takes place without fuss and stress. But, of course, only if it's a really romantic dinner.

It has already been said that the concept of romance is different for everyone. Consequently, the ways of holding a romantic dinner can be fundamentally different. Everything depends on the people themselves, on their passions, on mutual interests and, of course, on tastes. And the last word is used in the literal sense. Tastes determine the essence of the dinner itself, that is, what dishes will be included in the menu. It depends on individual tastes how the dishes will be served, how the table will be served and other similar things. And since everyone has different tastes and concepts, the style of holding a romantic dinner can be very original.

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Romance should always be present in the daily life of two lovers. You can come up with anything you want, but candlelight dinner remains a "classic of the genre", which can become a new page in a touching and reverent relationship.

A candlelit dinner for a loved one should definitely be remembered, so it’s not enough just to have a bite to eat together, sit in front of the TV or talk about nothing, you need to come up with something original and unforgettable. A flight of fancy and the help of the Internet is only welcome, especially since there are a great many ideas and options on the World Wide Web. But what creative ideas are the most appropriate for the second half?

Option one. A candlelit dinner can be organized in the style of a themed party for two, for example, arrange a costumed meeting on neutral territory. It does not hurt the girl to reincarnate in the image of an exalted princess, and to warn her lover that there is a great desire to have dinner with a fairy-tale prince. This is how his fantasy and desire to please his beloved are tested, as well as the desire to diversify somewhat boring romantic relationships, to get into a fairy tale at least for the evening. Snacks should be light so as not to overeat, but will cheer you up and allow you to loosen up a glass of good champagne. In order not to sit silently buried in salads and thinking about the next question, you can come up with a fabulous scenario in which to behave and communicate like crowned heads.

Option two. If the dinner is romantic with a logical intimate continuation, then you can pleasantly surprise your lover. For example, to meet him in an inconspicuous home dressing gown with a "bun" on his head, making it clear that the strength after cooking is running out, and there will be no continuation. As soon as he relaxes and even gets a little upset, undress and appear at the table in the effect of underwear with erotic overtones. He definitely does not expect such a turn, moreover, he will immediately become interested in his beloved, he will definitely support the game mood at the table. Role-playing games in communication are also not superfluous, so everything is in the hands of both interlocutors.

Option three. A romantic candlelit dinner can also be arranged in the park on the most ordinary bench. To do this, it is not at all necessary to arrange a "feast for the whole world", a bottle of champagne with two glasses and light snacks in the form of exotic fruits are quite enough. Fresh air, romance, complete privacy and love will make this evening magical and unforgettable. This is the best place for touching confessions and passionate revelations, and a romantic mood will allow you to make a new round in a relationship. At the end of a wonderful evening, you can meet the dawn, enjoy the nightingale trill. Such quivering and sensual dates are best arranged in warm weather, since frost and rain are not the best companions of romance.

Option four. Candlelight dinner can be organized on the roof of the house, the main thing is to get the keys to the attic and clean up the not always aesthetic territory. Of course, on such a dangerous site, it is best to avoid alcoholic drinks, limit yourself to juice or other fruity drink. Everything else is according to the preferences of the beloved, because the most important thing is to surprise him and please him pleasantly. The highlight of the evening can be a romantic verse - a declaration of love or a gift. A man will be touched by such a revelation and next time he will definitely come up with something original in response.

Option five. Today, the service sector is developed to the limit, so why not take advantage of such benefits of modern society? For example, you can rent a cozy hotel room for a pleasant pastime, or rent a forester's hut in a secluded place. The place for dinner by candlelight has been chosen, it remains only to choose a romantic menu. If he loves meat, then he will definitely get a fatty steak with blood; and for lovers of seafood, it's time to cook the so-called "sea dish". Here it is worth hoping for knowledge of the tastes of the second half, but also do not forget about the surprise, as the logical outcome of the evening. Candlelight dinner will be complemented by a lit fireplace, crackling logs, a warm blanket, a glass of good wine, woolen socks, pleasant music for the soul. Such a romantic date will definitely not be forgotten, especially since, if desired, it can always be repeated.

Option six. A romantic date can be arranged in a cafe, but such a pleasure is not cheap. It is very important that the rest of the visitors are absent, and decorate the path, the table, the stormy rack with candles, and even place candlesticks on the floor. Invite your loved one as if to an important conversation, but actually surprise him with privacy, sparkling candles and delicious food. If you don’t have the time and ability to cook gourmet dishes, you can use the delivery of sushi or pizza, which brings the order to your home. Under sushi, white semi-sweet is best, but champagne is clearly not appropriate. It would seem that nothing special, but it is not, because solitude by candlelight still brings together. You will have to pay for the rent of the cafe, so not all girls can afford such a romantic adventure.

Option seven. If you don’t feel like going anywhere, the home environment beckons, then it’s quite possible to organize a small romantic at home, a candlelit dinner for two. You should not choose a dull and boring kitchen for gatherings, because you can sit down with your loved one in the bedroom. The presence of a TV is not necessary at all, but romantic music for intimacy will definitely not hurt, it will set you up for positive thoughts and mutual awe. You can surprise your beloved man with delicious food, passionate confessions of sincerity of feelings, an original gift that you can make with your own hands, an unexpected surprise, a love song, an unusual appearance and a dialogue that is not quite familiar to a couple. If he is imbued, then we can assume that the evening was a success, otherwise you can remain incomprehensible.

So there are many options on how to organize a candlelit dinner for your beloved, and with each new generation it becomes more and more. Young people find their own options, how to surprise and please their soulmate, and moving with the times. Modern options are dinner in a hot air balloon, in a castle, at high altitude in an airplane, on a romantic trip, even under water or in another country. It all depends on the financial capabilities of a girl in love, a flight of fancy and a desire to surprise! As practice shows, modern young ladies do not spare the last financial means, if only to prove themselves and strengthen romantic relationships with a great prospect for the future.

If the beloved guy did not understand such a touching act, or is not a great romantic, do not despair, perhaps he is interested in something else. Although, ideally, it is not the act itself that is important, but the attitude of the beloved girl; therefore, it's time to think about his real feelings, to doubt his sincerity. But do not think about the bad, because in most cases such surprises become pleasant, and a romantic evening is memorable in the soul and unforgettable in the heart.

It remains only to add that everything is possible in love, and even the most unrealizable dreams come true. If you listen and hear your lover, and then organize a romantic dinner for two at his request, then the feelings will only strengthen, become strong, and a bright future will appear for two. Oddly enough, but it all starts with just such pleasant little things, from which a strong marriage, strong family ties and complete mutual understanding of spouses are built in the future.

On the eve of Women's Day on March 8, men will certainly have a question about how to spend the evening with their beloved. And often the idea comes to arrange a romantic dinner for your beloved at home, and so that no one interferes.

And there are several options here:

Well, if they live alone, then the only question will be, what to cook for a romantic dinner?

And if there are kids, what about? There is a way out - send them to grandparents for the evening. Both children and grandparents are happy. After all, it is not always possible to communicate with grandchildren.

But what if they live with their parents and don't have children yet? It doesn’t matter either, you can arrange it so that your parents are sent somewhere, for example, to the theater. I think they will like it.

It is more difficult, of course, if there are children and parents live together. How to arrange a romantic dinner? You can also find a way out: either invite your beloved to a restaurant, cafe; or rent an apartment for a day, and arrange a romantic dinner there; or a hotel room, camping. It all depends on the means that you, dear men, have at your disposal.
And if someone has a dacha or you can borrow from friends, then it’s generally gorgeous! In general, men, think!

Well, we have decided on the venue for a romantic dinner, now it remains to decide on the menu. And in this I am ready to help you so that the dishes are tasty, easy to prepare and not too expensive.

And since dinner takes place late, it should be light and satisfying at the same time, so the menu of a romantic dinner includes: salad, appetizer, dessert and drinks. Instead of a salad and an appetizer, you can serve a hot appetizer with vegetables, it will also be great.

Here are my recipes for today:

Hot appetizers



For little princesses

  1. Strawberry cocktail
  2. Cocktail fresh mix»
  3. peach cocktail

For a romantic dinner

  1. Cocktail "April Flirt"
  2. Cocktail "Innamorati"
  3. "Spring mood"
  4. Cocktail "Big Ecstasy"
  5. Key Largo is a classic Hollywood cocktail.
  6. Cocktail "Long sleep"


  1. Surprise for your beloved

Deep-fried beef balls for a romantic dinner

We need:

  • 400 g beef (shoulder)
  • 1 carrot (medium)
  • 150 g flour
  • 1 egg
  • 40 ml sour cream 20%
  • 5 g salt
  • 1 g (1/4 tsp) ground black pepper
  • 250 g vegetable oil


  1. My beef, we clean it from films, veins and pass it through a meat grinder. We put the minced meat in a zip bag and beat it off on the work surface.

If you forgot to take the meat out of the refrigerator, don't worry, minced meat can be obtained by grating frozen meat on a coarse grater.

2. Peeled carrots, rub on a grater. Mix with minced meat., Here we drive in an egg, salt and pepper.

3. Mix this mixture with flour and sour cream.

5. Let's start forming balls. To do this, we take two dishes: pour water into one to wet the spoon and hands, and into the second - 3 tablespoons of flour. We take a spoon, dip it in water, collect the minced meat and roll the ball with our hands,

put on the board. We roll a few balls, run in flour and proceed to frying.

6. We heat a stewpan or a deep frying pan with oil, when the oil boils, lay the balls. The oil should cover them. Fry for 3-4 minutes.

Put the finished balls on a paper towel and let cool.

7. Serve with herbs, vegetables and any meat sauce (see below for how to make soy sauce).

Meat rolls with bell pepper - a simple recipe

We need:

  • 350 g beef (shoulder)
  • 2 pcs red bell pepper
  • 2 cm ginger root
  • 1 lemon
  • 3 green onion stalks
  • 55 ml vegetable oil
  • 5 g salt
  • 1 tbsp Sahara
  • 1/2 tsp ground black pepper

For sauce:

  • 1 garlic clove
  • 1 cup (250 g) soy sauce
  • 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar
  • grated ginger

For decoration:

  • 2 medium tomatoes
  • 2 fresh cucumbers
  • a couple of lettuce leaves


  1. We cut the meat into slices 1 cm thick. We take a piece, cover it with cling film, and beat it with a hammer from the middle to the edges. And so is all the meat.

To thinly slice the meat, you need to slightly freeze it.

2. Squeeze the juice from half a lemon.

3. Ginger is peeled and rubbed on a fine grater.

4. Cooking marinade: you need to mix lemon juice, 1/2 part of grated ginger, 2 tsp. salt, 1/4 tsp ground black pepper, vegetable oil.

5. Put the meat into the finished marinade, massage it and leave it for 10-15 minutes to marinate. Take out and dry with a paper towel.

6. Peel the bell pepper from the stalk and white membranes, cut into strips 0.5 cm thick. Put in a pan with oil, fry. Fry the peppers for 3-4 minutes, until half cooked. Then put on a paper towel and cool.

7.Cooking sauce: Pour soy sauce into a saucepan. To it we add a clove of garlic, squeezed through the garlic, apple cider vinegar and the remaining ginger, mix everything and put on fire. From the moment the mixture boils, cook for 2 minutes. Remove from fire and cool.

Be sure to strain the sauce so that pieces of ginger and garlic do not come across.

8. We put a frying pan on the stove and grease it with oil.

9. Cut off the white part of green onions, pour boiling water over the feathers, then transfer to cold water. This is done in order to make the feathers soft and not lose color.

10. We form rolls. We take beaten and marinated meat. We put four strips of bell pepper on the side of a piece of meat so that the ends look out from both sides, and wrap it in a roll. Tie with an onion feather, cut off the excess. And so is all the meat.

Fry in a pan until golden.

11. Put the finished rolls on a paper towel, cool.

12. Before serving, pour the sauce over the rolls. On lettuce leaves, lay out sliced ​​\u200b\u200btomatoes and cucumbers.

Meat original in cheese batter

We need:

  • 500 g pork
  • 4 garlic cloves or finely grated onion
  • 100 g hard cheese
  • 2 eggs
  • 50 g butter
  • flour for breading
  • salt, pepper to taste
  • vegetable oil for frying
  • 1 lemon


1. Pork cut across the fibers, like cue balls, is beaten off through a cling film. Salt, pepper and roll in flour.

2. Squeezed garlic, coat the meat.

3. Cheese grated on a fine grater, beat with eggs. We got a cheese batter.

4. Heat the oil in a pan.

5. Dip the beaten pork in cheese batter, bread again in flour and put in the pan. Fry until golden.

For the second breading of meat, you can use breadcrumbs instead of flour.

6. On a greased baking sheet, meat is laid out and sprinkled with lemon juice. It is put, on each piece, a little butter, and in a preheated oven at a temperature of 180 degrees, it is brought to readiness. Keep in the oven for 8-10 minutes.

7. Serve with vegetables.

Smoked brisket with nuts and prunes

We need:

  • 300 g smoked brisket, take wider
  • 100 g hard cheese
  • 50 g pitted prunes
  • 200 g walnuts, coarsely chopped
  • wooden skewers


  1. Cheese cut into rectangles, according to the width of the brisket.

2. Cut prunes into strips.

3. Cut off a slice of brisket. We put cheese, prunes.

The filling can be any, for example: strips of pickled cucumber and boiled carrots; hard cheese and dried apricots.

If the brisket is not very wide, wrap it diagonally, placing the filling closer to the inner edge.

4. Wrap with a roll and fasten with a skewer.

5. Bake in the oven at 180 degrees, 5-10 minutes, or in the microwave - 2-3 minutes.

Romantic Dinner - Veal with Cherries

We need:

  • 700 g veal
  • 1/3 cup pitted cherries (can be fresh or frozen)
  • 1/3 cup cherry juice
  • 2 tbsp butter
  • cinnamon, salt and pepper to taste
  • 1 tbsp starch


  1. In washed and dried meat, we make punctures along the fibers.
  2. Salt the meat and stuff (in punctures) cherries.

3. Put the meat in a container, pour over with butter, sprinkle with cinnamon, pour 1/2 cup of water or broth. We determine in the oven for 25 minutes. Temperature 180 degrees.

4. Then we take it out, pour the meat with cherry juice, lightly sprinkle with flour and simmer for another 30 minutes until tender.

5. Ready-made meat is served, cut into portions, with a sauce in which it was stewed. To do this, drain the sauce and mix with 1 tbsp. starch, for thickening.

Minced meat meatballs tasty and fast

The meatballs are very tasty, and if you don’t know what they are made of, then you can’t distinguish them from meat meatballs. It turns out tasty and fast.

We need:

  • 500 g of any minced meat
  • 2 eggs
  • 5 tbsp flour for breading
  • vegetable oil for frying
  • salt, pepper to taste
  • a pinch of dried Provence herbs (optional)


  1. Salt and pepper mince to taste. We beat off (we take it in our hand and throw it into a bowl). The stuffing should be elastic, not liquid. If we see that the minced meat is “floating”, we need to drain the water and add 1/2 tbsp of breadcrumbs.

Eggs are not added to minced meat!

2. Break the eggs into a bowl and beat lightly

3. Pour flour into a plate.

4. Prepare water for wetting your hands.

5. We put the pan with oil to warm up.

6. We take minced meat with a moistened spoon and form balls with wet hands. We also wet the board with water. From the balls we form meatballs with a thickness of not more than 1 cm.

7. Transfer with a spatula to the flour, roll on both sides. We transfer the meatballs to the eggs, and dip on both sides. I put it on the pan. Fry for 2-3 minutes on each side, until golden.

We remove excess fat on a paper towel.

8. Serve with any side dish or vegetables.

Of course, a glass of good wine will be a great addition to snacks.


Fruits in chocolate

We will need:

  • 500 g strawberries (bananas, tangerines, etc.)
  • 1 dark chocolate bar
  • 1 white chocolate bar
  • 200 g any nuts (coconut)
  • toothpicks


  1. Grind nuts in a blender.
  2. Strawberries should be washed well and dried with paper towels.
  3. Chop the chocolate individually and melt in a steam-water bath. We put on fire a pan of a larger diameter than the one in which we will melt the chocolate, with water, when the water boils, put the pan with chocolate into it. And while stirring, melt the chocolate.

It is very important that the pan with chocolate does not come into contact with water.

4. Then, we dress strawberries, from the side of the tail, on a toothpick and gently dip into chocolate.

Let excess chocolate drain. Then - in nuts and on a dish covered with parchment paper. You can sprinkle with coconut.

5. So we do with all the strawberries, alternately changing the chocolate. You can also make a drawing on dark chocolate - white, or vice versa. As your fantasy tells you. To harden the chocolate, place in the refrigerator for 10-15 minutes.

6. Also, we can do with other fruits: bananas (cut them into pieces of 5 cm, or half), slices of tangerine, orange, apples.

Fruits in chocolate, if desired, we pack in a beautiful box, and present to a loved one.


Non-alcoholic cocktails for little princesses

Strawberry cocktail

  • You will need: 0.5 kg of strawberries; 1 cup of sugar; 2 yolks; 200 ml of milk.


1. Grind the washed and peeled strawberries with sugar.

2. Add yolks, milk to this mixture and beat with a mixer so that there is a homogeneous mass.

3. Serve in glasses.

Cocktail "Fresh Mix"

  • You will need: 6 tbsp. fruit syrup, any; juice of 1 lemon; 0.5 l of kefir; 50 g of chocolate; 2 bananas.


1. Bananas are peeled, and the chocolate is three on a fine grater.

2. We combine bananas, syrup, lemon juice, kefir - we interrupt in a blender.

3. Before serving, pour the cocktail into glasses, sprinkle with chocolate. Decorate to your liking. Drink through a straw.

peach cocktail

  • You will need: 2 oranges; 2 peaches; 2 tbsp Sahara; 200 ml natural yoghurt.


1. Peel oranges, films. Wash the peaches, pat dry and cut into small pieces.

2. In a blender, beat the fruit with yogurt into a homogeneous mass. Serve in glasses.

Alcoholic drinks for a romantic dinner

Cocktail "April Flirt"

  • Products for 2 servings: 60 ml of vodka; 60 ml of dry vermouth (martini extra, dry); 150 ml tonic, juice of 1 lime; ice.
  • Preparation: mix all the ingredients, shake twice (preferably in a shaker). Serve in large glasses with a slice of lime, with a straw.

Cocktail "Innamorati"

  • For 2 servings: 120 ml of vodka; juice of 1 lemon; 1 tsp Sahara; ice; 2 cherries.
  • Preparation: mix lemon juice with vodka and sugar. Then add ice and beat in a blender. Serve in narrow, thin wine glasses, garnishing the edge with a circle of lemon and a cherry in each glass. Drink through a straw.

"Organika" - cocktail with fruit and berry flavor

  • For 2 servings: 60 ml of vodka; 100 ml cranberry juice or fruit drink; 100 ml fresh orange juice; ice.
  • Preparation: mix everything, beat in a mixer. Pour into tall glasses, strain first. Decorate the rim of the glass with an orange slice. Serve with a straw.

"Spring mood"

  • For 1 serving: 50 ml martini bianco; 50 ml of vodka; ice and 1 green pitted olive.
  • Preparation: shake the ingredients, pour into a glass and add the olive. Drink in small sips, without a straw.

"Dolce Vita" - for lovers of sweets

  • For 2 servings: 120 g of vodka; 40 g amaretto liqueur; juice of 1 lemon or lime; ice.
  • Preparation: mix everything, pour into tall wine glasses on legs, decorate with a circle of lime. Serve with straw.

Cocktail "Big Ecstasy"

  • Products: 30 ml of amaretto; 100 g of vodka; 100 g creamy ice cream.
  • Preparation: mix all the ingredients and beat. Serve in a tall glass, straws optional.

Key Largo is a classic Hollywood cocktail.

  • For 2 servings: 30 ml of vodka; 60 ml peach liqueur, 200 ml orange juice; ice.
  • Preparation: mix all the ingredients, beat. Serve in a tall glass, garnish with an orange. Drink through a straw.

Cocktail "Long sleep"

  • For 1 serving: 35 ml of vodka; 25 ml dark rum; 100 ml Coca-Cola; ice.
  • Preparation: mix all products, pour into a tall glass (highball). Straw optional.


How to decorate an apartment for a romantic evening

Video: Surprise for your beloved

I hope you enjoyed my selection of recipes and you can have a romantic dinner at the height.

Have a nice romantic dinner!

It is very important to pay attention to the dearest and closest people to us. Sometimes we are so busy and running somewhere that we remember the manifestation of care only during the holidays. But after all, for a woman, you can arrange a romantic dinner not only on March 8, but also on any other day!

The main thing to remember is that women prefer food that is “not heavy” for the stomach and many can follow a diet to maintain their beauty and harmony. Therefore, we recommend that you, dear men, focus more on diet foods, as well as vegetables and fruits rich in vitamins and minerals.

And in order to make it easier to choose the necessary recipes, you can use the proposed version of the holiday menu or see the previous article about.


1. Snack on chips

Quite an interesting option for serving snacks ... on chips! It is only necessary to lay out and serve such an original delicacy almost right before serving, so that the chips do not have time to become sour and retain their crispy essence.

You can make any filling you want. It can be salads, and a mixture of fruits, and even pate or caviar.

As an option, you can make the following snack on chips:


  • Round potato chips - 1 large pack (about 100 gr.)
  • Boiled chicken fillet - 100 gr.
  • Boiled chicken egg - 3 pcs.
  • Pickled cucumber - 1 pc.
  • Processed cheese - 100 gr.
  • Greens - 50 gr.
  • Garlic clove - 2 pcs. (optional).
  • Sour cream or mayonnaise - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Salt, pepper - to taste.


1. Cut the melted cheese into small identical cubes. So that the knife does not stick to the cheese during cutting, you can moisten it in cold water.

2. In the same way, grind the pickled cucumber into pieces of the same size.

Instead of cucumber, you can use a fresh tomato - this will give the salad a flavor of spring freshness.

3. We can grind boiled chicken meat either with similar cubes, or tear it into thin longitudinal strips.

4. Grind boiled eggs with an egg cutter or rub them on a coarse grater.

5. Favorite greens (usually green feather onions and dill may be enough) finely chop with a knife.

If the chopped onion feathers are slightly harsh, they can be slightly salted separately in a cup and crushed a little with a crush - this will make them more tender.

6. Combine the eggs with herbs and lightly pepper and add.

7. If you are sure that your chosen one has a positive attitude towards dishes with garlic, then we pass the garlic cloves through a press and mix it with sour cream or mayonnaise. If the use of garlic is undesirable, then you can skip this step and then season the salad with ordinary sour cream - it will turn out no less tasty.

9. We send the finished filling to cool in the refrigerator, and before serving, just carefully spread it on the chips with a spoon and put it beautifully on a plate.

This filling can also be used as a ready-made salad, simply beautifully decorated in a bowl or in a salad bowl.

Bon appetit!

2. Warm salad"Temptation"

In recent years, not only residents of the sea coast, but even Siberians can treat themselves to shrimp. The meat of this sea delicacy is quite tasty, low-calorie and rich in easily digestible proteins, amino acids and vitamins D, A, K and a whole complex of B vitamins.

Try making a very simple warm shrimp salad and it will become your signature dish for many holidays for a long time.


  • Peeled shrimp - 300 gr.
  • Tomato - 2 pcs. medium size.
  • Bulgarian pepper - 1-2 pcs. (depending on size)
  • Garlic oil - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Greens (dill, cilantro, parsley can be) - 1/3 bunch each.
  • Salt, pepper - to taste.


1. We remove the seed partitions from the bell pepper along with the stalk and seeds and rinse well in running water. Lightly dry and cut into strips. The salad will look very impressive if one pepper is green and the second is red or yellow. But if the pepper is very large, then you can take only one color.

2. First cut the tomatoes into two halves, and then cut them into equal slices.

3. Defrost shrimp to room temperature. If there was no time to look for peeled ones in the store, then you can take them in shells and peel them to get only meat.

4. Grind your favorite greens as finely as possible with a knife or cut with special scissors for greens. A few sprigs or leaves of greens can be left whole to decorate the finished dish later.

5. In a pan, heat the garlic oil and lower the tomatoes and peppers into it to fry for 3 minutes.

If you do not have garlic oil, then you can use ordinary butter or sunflower oil, and squeeze at least a clove of garlic into it with a garlic press about half a minute before you start frying vegetables.

6. We send shrimp to the steamed vegetables. We add and pepper the resulting mass and, stirring occasionally, fry for another 4 minutes, so that even raw shrimp have time to cook, and if they were already boiled, then they had better time to soak up the juice of vegetables and the garlic aroma of butter.

7. Put our hot salad on festive portioned plates and sprinkle with chopped herbs, and also decorate with whole leaves. This salad is usually served warm, but cooled down, it will be worthy of praise.

Bon appetit!

3. Roast "Diet pot"

If you really want meat, then it is better to choose its dietary types. The combination of rabbit and turkey is just right. And if you add vegetables to them, and bake it all in a pot, you get a memorable fragrant roast.


  • Pulp of rabbit and turkey - 400 gr.
  • Tomato - 2 pcs. medium size.
  • Red dry wine - 1 glass.
  • Water - 1 glass.
  • Celery root - 160 gr.
  • Onion - 2 pcs.
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Garlic clove - 4 pcs.
  • Sunflower oil - 2 tbsp. l. + 2 tbsp. l. + 2 tbsp. l.
  • Greens (onions, dill, parsley) - 1/4 bunch each.
  • Pepper, salt, spices - to taste.


1. Cut the rabbit pulp into small cubes and, after adding salt and pepper, fry in sunflower oil (2 tablespoons) for 10 minutes.

2. We do the same with turkey pulp. The breast is best suited, which we conveniently cut into cubes and fry for 10 minutes in heated sunflower oil (2 tablespoons). Do not forget to add a little salt and season with pepper during frying.

3. Grind greens and garlic cloves.

4. Cut the onion into small cubes and fry in sunflower oil (2 tablespoons) until translucent (about 2-3 minutes).

5. Cut the celery root and carrot into thin strips.

6. Cut the tomatoes into cubes.

If desired, you can add sliced ​​\u200b\u200bpotato cubes.

7. Put all the ingredients in layers in heat-resistant pots: fried rabbit meat, then sauteed onions, tomatoes, celery, a little garlic and herbs. In the second stage, lay out the fried turkey and repeat the sequence of layers of vegetables and herbs.

8. Mix red wine with water and pour the resulting puff pastry for roast. In order for the water-wine sauce to completely cover the contents of the pot, the layers can be lightly pressed with a tablespoon.

9. We close our pots with lids and send them to the oven preheated to 180 degrees for an hour and a half.

10. Before serving, directly in the pots, you can lightly sprinkle with fresh chopped herbs or grated cheese (optional).

Bon appetit!

4. Cocktail "Chocolate Madness"

You can offer another no less tasty, but stronger alcoholic drink with a charming chocolate taste.


  • Chocolate liqueur - 250 ml.
  • Vodka - 150 ml.
  • Bitter chocolate - 50 gr.
  • Ice - 100 gr.


1. We rub bitter chocolate on a fine grater to get small fluffy chips.

2. Grind the ice in a blender to the state of large crumbs.

3. Pour crushed ice into a shaker and fill it with vodka and liquor. Shake the shaker well for a minute.

4. Pour the finished contents into martini glasses and sprinkle with grated chocolate chips. Serve preferably cold so that the chocolate chips do not spread over the glass, but are held on the surface by crushed ice.

Bon appetit!

5. Dessert "Fruit bliss"

Of course, you can make an original cut and serve it beautifully decorated on a dessert plate with a scoop of ice cream or whipped cream. But it will be much more interesting to taste a dessert of crushed berries with yogurt. You get something similar to a berry-fruit cocktail or smoothie, but if you decorate the delicacy, cool it and serve it in a bowl, you get an amazing dessert, much healthier than regular ice cream.


  • Fresh strawberries - 8 pcs.
  • Yoghurt 8% - 350 ml.
  • Banana - 1 pc.
  • Berry syrup - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Whipped cream - for decoration.
  • Cinnamon - 0.5 tsp


1. Peel the banana and cut into small pieces.

2. We clean the well-washed and dried strawberries from the tails and cut them in half.

3. Pour the chopped berries and banana into the blender bowl. Add syrup with yogurt and cinnamon. Finely grind everything with a blender attachment until smooth.

The syrup can be with the taste of any berry - even raspberries, even kiwi, but cherry is best suited, because it brings original sourness to the dessert.

4. Pour the resulting mixture into glasses and set to cool in the refrigerator for 30-40 minutes. You can cool it in the freezer, but then 10 minutes will be enough so that the dessert does not freeze to such an extent that it needs to be “peeled with a spoon”.

5. When serving, decorate the dessert with whipped cream and any berries (you can cut into quarters or halves for a couple of strawberries).

Bon appetit!

Now you can easily prepare an amazing dinner for your weaker half. And at the same time, she will be pleased that you took care of her health and the absence of heaviness after eating. A woman will not need to spend extra hours in the gym after such a romantic dinner.