All families are happy in the same way, but unhappy in their own way .... Happy and unhappy families

“All happy families are happy in the same way, each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way” (L.T)

Let's start….

I, an age aunt who thinks before answering the question: "How old are you." Because it seems to me, full - on the strength of twenty-five. Well, okay, twenty-seven, because twenty-nine is too much.

However, I have a few, no, much more, and I have to admit it. Not stroking the soul, but looking in the mirror. Every photo of me at the age of thirty seemed terrible to me, because I am: fat, old, terrible, straight up.

Every photo at thirty-three is completely erased, because - well, everything is already running.

Each photo at thirty-five evoked melancholy, especially looking at what was at thirty. Looking at those pictures, I already thought differently, however, I think even now: “My God, what a slim, what a beauty!”

Now I don't think at all. Because the photo in my assessment is not the main thing. The mirror is already screaming in full that it’s not me, not me, the eshkin cat, all the nicer, blusher and so on. Perhaps, by the way, all whiter, a little blue under the eyes and a baked apple as a frame. This is what I do not rule out.

I have a husband. He is. I do not want to discuss him, but with his character he could be more beautiful. And smarter, and smarter, and in general. It remains a mystery to me why, having eaten no matter where, in the kitchen or in the rooms, he will surely hiccup like a true Chinese, in front of my eyes, as a thank you for a hearty dinner. And he takes off his socks and puts them in shoes in the hallway, into which later .... well, this is below. And it’s also not clear why, no matter how you twist it, like a barbecue on a skewer, he snores in any position, even standing, but in such a way as ... well, more on that below.

One, God forgive me…… Justin Bieber fuck, changed his name. Instead of what I called him, he is now MICHAEL. The kill is simple. Although .... His mother was also originally called Irina ..))

The second one there, at the age of three, learned to squeak: “Stop, I told someone!” , "To me!! I say - to me! and “Poor-me-me, my poor mother….”

I also have an old pug dog. She is so old that she snores so that the perforator behind the wall of the fat neighbor is nothing, just a flute for the ears. And she also smells bad and scatters her wool all year round around the apartment, like the last bitch. If you do not sweep for 12 hours, then it is quite possible, having walked around the apartment in socks, to leave it in felt boots “natyurel”.

And then there are two cats, even older than the dog. Two pissing assholes who, out of principle, are already pissing in their boots, shitting at the doorstep and constantly want to eat. So much so that in front of my eyes they fly up with their fat bodies onto the table and try to gobble up everything that is there, even an apple core left by the second son on the table. I have a shock, my voice breaks into a scream, a grimace spoils a baked apple, and thoughts about the euthanasia of these pensioners do not leave me for the remaining 25 hours a day.

See how unhappy I am in my own way?

However ... Here I am sitting, I am writing this, in the oven - charlotte, the aroma - mmmm ... ..
The younger one snores in the nursery. Somewhere out there, an older one is walking, and so that he doesn’t walk, a big one. The husband lies in the bedroom, silently! - watching a series about love, at my feet an elderly pug “runs” somewhere in a dream, and behind, on the back of the kitchen corner, pensioners-cats are sleeping and, which is typical, after all, they probably already pissed in a standing sock, the one in the boot ... But they sleep so nicely that I had a thought:

I'm happy in my own way too. But - happy))))

All happy families are alike, each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.
The first phrase (part 1, ch. 1) of the novel "Anna Karenina" (1875) by L. N. Tolstoy (1828-1910).
Quoted: As a suggestion, consider the specific cause of family troubles. Sometimes it serves as a form of comfort in difficult circumstances: “everyone has their own problems”, “to each his own”, “it’s not easy for everyone”, etc.

Encyclopedic Dictionary of winged words and expressions. - M.: "Lokid-Press". Vadim Serov. 2003 .

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    Tolstoy L.N. Tolstoy Lev Nikolayevich (1828 1910) Russian writer Aphorisms, quotes Tolstoy L.N. biography All thoughts that have great consequences are always simple. Our good qualities harm us more in life than bad ones. Human… … Consolidated encyclopedia of aphorisms

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    - (1828 1910) writer ... the laws of the birth of a language live and always operate in folk speech. … there is no greatness where there is no simplicity, goodness and truth. ... the most powerful suggestion of goodness is an example of a good life. Most men demand from their wives... Consolidated encyclopedia of aphorisms

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  • Anna Karenina. In 8 parts. Part 5-8 (MP3 audiobook on 2 CDs), L. N. Tolstoy. "Everything is mixed up in the Oblonskys' house". L. N. Tolstoy "Anna Karenina" (1877) - the immortal work of Leo Tolstoy about human passions, one of the greatest love stories in world literature. ...

Social Studies Essay

Essay on the topic of:
All happy families are alike; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way. L. Tolstoy

Essay on the topic of:
All happy families are alike; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way. L. Tolstoy.

The most important social the institution and basic cell of society is the family - a community of people based on a single family activity, marital ties and blood relationship. Of course, each of us has our own ideas about ideal families. L. Tolstoy also has his own position. his statement all happy families are similar to each other, each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way means: we can easily name the signs of a happy family, because they are universal (in a good family there is harmony, mutual understanding, children are brought up and respect elders, etc.), but at the same time it is impossible to identify the causes of unhappiness of all unhappy families, since the causes of unhappiness are always different. But I cannot but agree with the opinion of L. Tolstoy. To argue my point of view, I want to name the main functions of the family:
1) social status,
2) leisure
3) reproductive
4) upbringing and socialization of children
5) household-economic
6) emotional.
In a happy family, all these functions are performed: children are born (reproductive), who receive a good upbringing from their parents (social and child-rearing), and they all spend the weekend together, celebrate holidays (leisure), rejoice in the successes and empathize with the failures of loved ones (emotional), while spouses and children do not forget to help each other with the housework (household-economic). In such a family, both children and parents are undoubtedly happy. But imagine unhappy families. In one, for example, the wife does all the housework, and the husband does not help her. Household-economy. the function of the family is not performed by one of the spouses, and consequently, discontent grows, conflicts arise. The family may fall apart. In the other, emotional-psychological is not implemented. family function. How often can you hear that there is no mutual understanding in the family (a common situation: a father comes home late from work and hardly sees his children, does not know how they are doing, etc. Or the wife does not support her husband in a difficult situation) And how many films and programs are dedicated to difficult teenagers that even their parents cannot cope with! These are families where the function of raising and socializing children is not performed. And finally, there are families where not only one, but also two, three or more functions are not performed! For example, these are families of alcoholics, which any district police officer can tell about and, unfortunately, there are quite a lot of them now. So, discussing this topical problem, I come to the conclusion: in happy families, all the functions of the family are realized, which is why they are similar, and in unhappy families, different functions are not performed, so each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.

I want to bring to your attention an essay, I chose this particular topic, because this problem is relevant to this day. The writer reflects on the essence of the family, namely the functioning of the family institution in modern society. The urgency of the problem lies in the fact that the family is one of the most important social institutions, the basic cell of society. The state of society as a whole directly depends on its well-being.

Tolstoy defines families as happy and unhappy and characterizes them.

Happiness lies in the comfort of home, in the love and kindness that reigns in relationships between family members. Misfortune is different. Any difficulty on the path of life can either unite a family or destroy it, so you need willpower to overcome all difficulties. A happy life is the life of hard workers who build their own future.

In dysfunctional families, children most often suffer, and it is they who will become the future generation, which will set the pace of the country's development. If children are not developed morally and spiritually, psychologically, then the country will collapse. Such a trend, unfortunately, exists today in modern Russia. Every year, the leading position of the family in the socialization of the individual, the predominance of small, nuclear families, is reduced, due to the inability to create favorable economic conditions.

What kind of happiness and well-being can one talk about when there is no finance for basic needs, one of the parents is dependent on alcohol, parents do not have time to raise a child because of work. In families where there is no love and respect for each other, children feel discomfort, they often run away from home, fall into various dubious companies. About 60% of children who grew up in dysfunctional families did not arrange their lives in the future and followed the path of their parents, connected their lives with drunkenness or drug addiction.

Thus, happy families fully realize their most important functions, which is why they are similar to each other, and in unhappy marriages, failure to perform functions occurs for various reasons. It is important to create coziness and warmth in the family in order for it to fully function.

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Happy couples who decide to live with each other for the rest of their lives know how to make their relationship strong and lasting. Of course, there is simply no magic recipe that can make any relationship inseparable, but there are a few secrets that any couple should know about. Any married couple whose relationship has gone through the first, initial phase, and has become really long-term, willy-nilly thinks of these secrets, and over time they become a habit with them. But why reach them yourself, stuffing bumps and abrasions in the process? In this article, we've rounded up the 12 most important secret couple habits that world-renowned experts confirm will keep your relationship strong and healthy for years to come. And here they are:

1. They spend their time together

Of course, if you love your "soulmate", you always want to spend at least a little time with her every day ... however, most likely, you do not always succeed, and you justify it with workload, other things, and many other reasons ... But couples who stay together for years know that the secret to a strong relationship is finding that time. Cut him out at any cost. Even on your busiest work schedule, find fifteen minutes for a phone call. Instead of driving straight home at the end of the day, meet your loved one and have dinner together, no matter how tired you are. Truly happy couples make an effort to not only listen, but hear each other and share feelings between them.

2. They don't talk about everything on social media.

Of course, at first you may find it interesting and even funny to talk about every little detail of your personal life all over the Internet. But no matter how interesting it is, there is a limit to everything, and over time it starts to annoy your partner pretty much. Remember, if you want your relationship to be happy and emotionally healthy, let at least part of it remain a secret known only to the two of you.

3. They improvise and change

You know perfectly well that any personal relationship, like life in general, has its ups and downs. In relationships between different people, there are no identical situations, and in each case completely different problems await you. Happy couples understand that everything flows around, everything changes, and you are with it. You must accept this ever-flowing stream of change and move forward with it. You can't move forward if you stand still...

4. They teach each other everything they can

The people around us have a lot to teach us. All without exception. So is it worth it to treat your loved one differently? Happy couples can both learn from each other and teach. Don't be afraid to admit what you don't know or can't do - and don't be afraid to ask your partner for help! Any personal relationship is a constant growth above oneself, and it is easier and more pleasant to grow together.

5. They talk about everything

You simply cannot find happiness by putting all your problems in a dark closet and forgetting about them in the hope that they will disappear somewhere by themselves. Happy couples are also happy because they are not afraid to discuss any problems among themselves. They do not allow them to sour in the dark corners of the mind until they turn into a poison, little by little corroding what holds lovers together. If they are unhappy with something, they talk about it and come to an agreement or compromise.

6. They don't forget the little things.

Sex is, of course, pleasant and useful, but sometimes small manifestations of affection can be just as pleasant (and they are an important part of any personal relationship). Take your loved one by the hand on the street, suddenly hug or kiss him, watch a movie together in an embrace, hiding behind a blanket ... this is important, pleasant, and reminds your partner every time how much you love him. Remind your loved ones of your love every day - with words, deeds and thoughts, even in small things. Especially in small things.

7. They know the importance of intimacy in a relationship.

Of course, intimacy (both physically and emotionally) is one of the key components of successful and long-term personal relationships. Couples who have made intimacy a permanent and regular part of their relationship are much more likely to stay together and endure the test of time. Experts in interpersonal relationships rightly believe that this component of the relationship strengthens the bond between partners, and increases their attraction to each other.

8. They appreciate each other

When a relationship gets out of its infancy, many people make the same mistake of taking their partner and the relationship with them for granted, even if they don't really. Try to remember the last time you thanked your partner for cleaning your apartment, preparing a delicious dinner, or even washing your dishes for you? And for the fact that he took out the garbage, or, say, filled up your car? It is very important to appreciate a person who has decided to link his fate with yours, and happy couples stay happy because they remember to thank each other. For all.

9. They know how to forgive

According to Mark Galston, MD, happy couples know that you can't stay together for any length of time without learning to trust and forgive each other. When a quarrel breaks out between you, or when your partner unwittingly hurts you with words or deeds, it is very important to find the strength in yourself to trust him and forgive him. Well, after, having calmed down, you can already calmly discuss the situation and decide what to do with it, instead of silently pouting somewhere in the corner.

10. They check each other's business.

In addition, Golston also believes that it is very important to inquire about each other's business throughout the day. Sometimes during the day something can happen to us that lowers our mood into a pool of negativity, and it is very important to know if something like this has happened to your partner. Couples who remember each other, and remember to call or text from time to time to ask each other how the day is going, are much more likely to create a long-term and happy relationship. Show your "soulmate" that you always think about her and that you care - she will appreciate it.

11. They know how to argue with each other

You can also argue and quarrel in different ways, especially with your partner. Quarrels break out in any couple from time to time, but even during them, you need to remember that your partner is not your enemy. Happy couples sooner or later learn to argue with their partner, not seeing him as an opponent who must be defeated. Their only goal in such a dispute is a solution or compromise that will allow them to end their differences.

12. They say "I love you" every day.

Happy couples constantly remind each other that they care about each other and love each other. Simply saying "I love you" to each other every day strengthens the bond between you and your partner. That is why happy couples say “I love you” to each other every morning - and even in the afternoon, when they have a free minute.

A few final thoughts

“I believe that in order for personal relationships to be successful, they must have communication, admiration and understanding” - Miranda Kerr

Happy and lasting personal relationships are available to everyone. To do this, you just need to know how to solve the problems that inevitably accompany them. Let the knowledge and skills that help you cope with them become a habit for you - because this can be an excellent starting point for finding real, genuine happiness.