Hollywood star Meg Ryan's charmingly messy tousled haircut is adored by many. Makeup Twiggy, create the image of the legendary Leslie Hornby

Do you want to have a Twiggy-style photo session in a professional photo studio? Here you will find the best professional photographers in Moscow, taking pictures of Twiggy for men and women!

What is Twiggy style?

Twiggy is the pseudonym of one of the first models in the world, her real name is Leslie Hornby. In the 60s of the last century, curvy Marilyn Monroe and Sophia Loren were in fashion, however, thanks to her thinness and original style, Leslie became the style icon of the decade and the face of fashion in London. Young girls fell in love with Twiggy so much for her appearance that they began to lose weight in order to become like her. This syndrome was called "Twiggy Syndrome". Short hair, big eyes and makeup that emphasizes them helped her maintain her image for many years and remain one of the most recognizable and famous people on our planet. Leslie Hornby became the founder of Twiggy's style: false eyelashes, pink lipstick, childish features and miniskirts. Her dissimilarity to others, not femininity, thinness became a new breath in the fashion industry of that time. Nowadays, Twiggy releases clothes and perfumes for women over 50, demonstrating that you can look young and sexy at any age. Leslie loved to say "Fashion should serve us, not we should serve it!"


An overgrown child, the so-called first model with childish features. Mini - dresses and mini - bell cut skirts are one of the most striking images of Twiggy. All things in the style of baby dollars. Golfs, jackets without trimmings are quite simple cut. Things should be more childish than sexy, without decorations and not layered. The main thing is color. Twiggy was not afraid to stand out and wore bright things. Choose salad, green, gold, red, orange and yellow colors for the look. Low-heeled shoes, ballet shoes or ankle boots.


Twiggy practically did not wear accessories. One large element could be present in the image: earrings, a watch or a necklace. Bright tights or stockings.

Makeup and hair

Twiggy wore a short boyish haircut, so to get closer to her image, you can comb your hair back or wear a light blond wig.

Twiggy brought popularity, as did her makeup. She got up an hour and a half before going out to do it. Makeup consisted of two colors: white and black. Bring the upper eyelid with a black pencil, then apply white shadows and apply another line with a pencil on top of the moving eyelid. Such makeup will visually enlarge the eye. Twiggy glued two pairs of false eyelashes on top, and one on the bottom row. You can choose lush lashes and get by with one pair on top and one on bottom. Apply light pink lipstick to your lips.

Poses for a photo shoot

The photographer who brought Twiggy into the world of fashion was delighted with her photogenicity. He was inspired by her penetrating gaze. Try to look at the camera without squinting your eyes. Open and relaxed. Model studio poses are perfect for such a photo shoot.

Images, examples of photos in Twiggy style

The cost of Twiggy's photo shoot



Photo studio rental without our photographer

  • You can bring your own photographer or take pictures on your own.
  • Minimum order 30 minutes / 300 rubles


Photo session with our photographer in the studio

  • The price includes studio rental (background to the floor, interior, props, etc.)
  • Minimum order 30 minutes / 1500r
  • General color correction of the most successful photos. (this is NOT detailed retouching)
  • Designed for shooting no more than 2 people

2 900 rub/hour

Photoshoot with our photographer

  • Minimum order of 2 hours (prepaid only!)
  • Shooting with professional Canon photography equipment
  • Burning all the footage to a disc or your flash drive
  • Designed for any number of people
  • General color correction of the most successful photos. (this is NOT detailed retouching)

2 500 rub/hour

Subject photography

  • The cost is indicated for one item (the cost may increase up to 300 rubles for especially complex tasks)
  • Minimum order from 20 items


Services of a stylist/make-up artist

  • The cost is indicated for one image (the cost may increase for especially complex tasks). Hairstyle + 1000r

2 900 rub

Professional photo retouching

  • Teeth whitening
  • Skin rejuvenation/smoothing
  • Elimination of skin defects (wrinkles, moles,
  • Eye color change
  • A tan
  • Eliminate glare from the skin
  • Body shaping (weight loss/gain)


photo slideshow

  • Any photo/video/music can be used
  • The duration of the video is no more than 12 minutes

Leslie Hornby - the legendary Twiggy - was born on September 19, 1949 in a suburb of London. Even at school, she was called "stick" - a stick. With a height of 169 cm, parameters 80-55-80, the weight of the model for many years was 40 kilograms. But it was she who became the first supermodel in the world, breaking the stereotypical idea of ​​female beauty solely as curvaceous.

In the world, tired of the war and worries of the post-war period, Twiggy became a symbol of a new era of youth and infantilism, the embodiment of the dream of a woman-child unadapted to life, created for pleasure and entertainment. And even the model's fees did not fit into the usual standards: simply because they exceeded the earnings of the Prime Minister of Great Britain himself. On Leslie Hornby's birthday, the site decided to recall the model's most striking experiments with her own style, which turned her into the same Twiggy.

False eyelashes

It all started with the talented producer Justin de Villeneuve, who convinced the girl to pursue a modeling career. And it was Justin who said that she was not a stick (“stick”), but rather a fragile twig (“twig”). The famous first photo shoot took place with Barry Lategan. Recalling those photo tests, Twiggy says that the applied lashes were so heavy that it was difficult for her to keep her eyes open. “I glued 2 pairs of eyelashes on the upper eyelid and one on the lower eyelid, and then I also painted strokes on the bottom with eyeliner,” Twiggy says in numerous interviews. But those first photos turned out so good that one of them was even placed on the cover of the Daily Express with the words "Person of the Year - 1966."

Short haircut

In the mid-60s, girls all over Europe and America urgently went on a diet and cut their hair short, trying to copy Twiggy's appearance. A boyish haircut with smoothly laid bangs has become a trademark of the model for many years. The author of this image was a young London hairdresser Leonardo. He was looking for a model for a long time in order to try out his new short haircut in the style of the legendary hairdresser Vidal Sassoon. Leslie agreed. After a few hours of work as a hairdresser, she turned into the same Twiggy - a short-haired teenage boy with huge eyes. And only after leaving the catwalk, the model allowed her hair to grow back below her shoulders.

pink lipstick

A little pale as a lollipop. At a time when the whole world preferred red lipstick, Twiggy was again one step ahead and began to paint her lips pink. “When I started modeling, I had to get up an hour and a half earlier to put on my makeup. It was even funny,” recalls Twiggy. Now such makeup for every day seems too extravagant, but celebrities and stylists often copy it for photo shoots and red carpets. For example, actress Emma Watson tried on this image for filming in magazines, and her colleague Jennifer Goodwin appeared with Twiggy-style makeup at the American Music Awards a few years ago.

Mini skirt

It was Twiggy who was destined to become the main marketing ploy of the “mother” of Mary Quant’s miniskirt. The length of the bell-cut skirt made it possible to see slender long legs. She sat perfectly on the asthenic Twiggy. As well as trapezoidal dresses with geometric patterns. But also necessarily opening knees. And, of course, high heels!

Twiggy (Leslie Hornby) is now 67 years old. In the past, she was a fashion symbol of the 60s, a short thin girl with huge eyes and a childish face. She was not at all going to become a model and did not stay long, only 4 years, but during this time she became a legend, and her pseudonym (from the English Twig - "Reed") became a household name.
Once a former model said that she would never go to a plastic surgeon. But age is ruthless, so in her seventies she no longer excludes such a possibility.
"I haven't had plastic surgery. Haven't had it yet. And I'm not saying I never will, but at the moment I don't feel the need."
Unexpressed cheekbones and a small chin have done a disservice over the years - Twiggy does not have enough bone structures to support it to support sliding soft tissues.
"But I'm totally against Botox. First, it's a poison - and I don't want to inject poison into my body, thank you very much. Secondly, we don't know the long-term effects. Doctors say it's excreted from the body, but how? And I don't like the look on people's faces when they inject."

“I won’t say that I’m in love with my wrinkles, but I definitely learned to live with them. They are an integral part of human life, so it makes no sense to want to get rid of them.
It would be naive to ignore the fact that our society is youth-oriented and young-looking, or to deny that we enjoy compliments like, "You look so young." But women should not feel pressure, should not feel that they need expensive cosmetic procedures, and even more so serious plastic surgery."
"Every wrinkle has a story. Laugh lines are beautiful, they add character and depth to a woman's face. There's nothing worse than an expressionless face after Botox. How you perceive yourself is the key to healthy self-esteem."
Strictly speaking, Botox is unimportant for Twiggy's face: she has a deformation type of aging and ptosis is of greater importance, which only a surgeon can handle.
But Twiggy still adheres to some rules:
"In my youth I was petite, but I ate like a horse! I was ready to eat anything and in any quantity. Now the situation has changed a bit and I try to eat as healthy food as possible for me. But I don't go too far."
"Also, I've never gone to bed wearing makeup, it's disgusting. You can't do that even if you're drunk.
And my main beauty secret is sleep. When possible, I sleep 9 hours or more.
I have very dry skin so moisturizing is my mantra. I have used many resources. I keep coming back to some, but I never give out their names. Even dry skin is very helped by small capsules with an oily solution of vitamin E, they are great for evening care.
But I don't use sunscreen as well as I should. I do not tan, but I know that the cream must be applied even if you just leave the house.
My good habits are moisturizing twice a day, getting plenty of sleep and drinking plenty of water. And some wine. The secret is in moderation."
The former supermodel's attitude towards aging is remarkable:
"You can't do anything about aging. You just have to accept it. It's wrong to shut yourself up in a closet and cry on your birthday. There are two things that will always happen: you are born and you die. Worrying and moaning about aging is pointless."
About today's modeling business:
"Now there are a lot of gorgeous girls. Cara Delevingne is so funny and sweet that you want to hug her - she is such a bright personality. Kate moss too. I love Kate. She makes me laugh. To conquer the world, you need to be a person. It comes from within. Other models were so stunning and I wasn't. I was funny and crazy."
Twiggy believes that older people can dress glamorous and trendy: tight leather pants, bold hair, whatever.
"I don't like it when people say 'you're 45, you should wear X and never wear Y.' It drives me crazy: when you're a teenager, wear this, when you're 30, wear this, and at 40, something else "The trick is to find your style. When it comes to trying on new clothes, my advice is don't take it too seriously, it's fun. Be bold, experiment, don't be afraid to try new things. But if that scares you, start with one fashion item." and build an image around it."
Twiggy is a bright Gamine. Therefore, a short haircut suited her the most. It was the hairstyle that made her a star when the hairdresser persuaded her to change her style and act in an advertisement for his salon. See how right kibby is?
"I was 16. I was very shy and hated my appearance - those funny skinny legs and no curves at all. A friend wanted to take some pictures of me, because even then I drew these huge eyelashes when I was not at school. I was sent to a chic Leonard's salon and when he saw me, he said: "I really like your face. Can I change your hairstyle for you? "I had shoulder-length mousy hair and didn't dare say no.
I spent seven hours at the salon getting my hair cut and dyed blonde. And finally, this famous hairstyle for a boy was created. I was photographed, Leonard hung the photo in the salon, I returned to school and that was the end of the story.
But Leonard's client was the beauty editor of the Dailyexpress. After seeing my picture, she called and asked for an interview. Three weeks later, I had a whole page dedicated to me in the publication, an article called "Twiggy, the Face of 66". From that day on, my life changed forever."
Long hair appearance Twiggy zest deprived. But she herself does not think so:
"Don't listen to the nonsense when they say that after 50 you can't wear certain clothes or have long hair. You can do what you want. I like it when my hair grows out. Even at this age I don't have gray hair."
"I don't follow the rules. I never have and never will. So if I happen to be the person who opens the door for women to believe, understand and accept the idea that they can be sexy and look good after 50 and 60, so be it." be".
“Aging is a fact. I refuse to consider it a problem, otherwise I would go crazy. I don’t spend most of the time looking at myself in the mirror and thinking: “oh my god, I have new wrinkles! "This will end badly." "Now, after 60, a whole new world has opened up for me when I created a collection of clothes for Marks.

Thick eyelashes and an emphasis on the crease of the eyelid: we repeat the makeup of one of the most recognizable fashion models of the 60s

Makeup in the Twiggy style, with thick eyelashes and an emphasis on the crease, visually enlarges the eyes and makes the look more expressive. To make it not too bright, use a more “calm” one - gray or brown instead of a black shade of a pencil.

Apply eye primer and nude eye shadow.

To make the line the desired shape, just above the crease of the eyelid, draw auxiliary points with a resistant pencil - in the sequence, as in the photo. The line will not "distort" if at this moment you look straight ahead.

Sharpen the pencil well, then connect the drawn dots.

With the same pencil, line your eyes along the lash line, and then blend its borders to make the arrow soft.

Curl your lashes with a curler and, for more length and volume, paint over with microfiber mascara - for example, Double Stacked from NYX Professional Makeup (we already talked about how to apply it correctly). Thanks to this trick, you can not use false eyelashes.

To create the spider legs effect characteristic of Twiggy's makeup on the lower lashes, when applying the second layer of mascara, combine the eyelashes into bunches, painting over them with the end of the brush.

With a pencil, draw dots under the lower eyelashes - this way they will look thicker. The effect should be as if the eyelashes cast a shadow.

Makeup is ready!

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Leslie Hornbri, who later became famous as Twiggy, was born in 1949 in London in the family of a simple worker and a waitress. The girl's childhood was calm and happy. 2 older sisters, loving parents, school and the usual teenage joys. Leslie's life was very ordinary until her sixteenth birthday.

Leslie met a fashionable London hairdresser who was looking for models to give them Vidal Sassoon-style short haircuts that were in vogue. The girl boldly agreed to cut her long hair and dye her hair blonde. She liked the result, but the people around were simply amazed. The new image approached the girl incredibly, made her already huge eyes bigger and turned either into a little girl, or into a living doll. And then it was a matter of luck.

The editor of the Daily Express passed by the mentioned hairdresser and drew attention to the photographs of the girl that hung like an advertisement. Very soon, Twiggy's face flaunted on the pages of the newspaper with a loud signature "Face of the Year 1966". This was the beginning of the “Twiggy phenomenon” (as friends already called her for thinness, from the English “twig”, “twig”).

The phone began to ring incessantly, everyone wanted to work with the new "star". Neither Twiggy nor her parents could have imagined how far things would go with their daughter's new hobby. The more Twiggy starred and appeared in various magazines, the more phenomenally her fame grew. All the girls wanted to be like Twiggy, cut off their hair, sat on strict diets and wore child-like dresses, and the guys dreamed of meeting such girls. Twiggy imperceptibly became the "face" of the "swinging London" generation, creative, bohemian, youthful and open to the new. You should pay tribute to the sixteen-year-old girl. She worked tirelessly, showing adult endurance and endurance, which made it even more pleasant for fashion professionals to work with her.

In 1970, at the age of only 21, the cult model unexpectedly announced that she was ending her career as a model. But she did not intend to disappear from the radar of public attention at all. She just got tired of being a model and she changed her field of activity. The girl "switched" to the theater and music, and very successfully! She turned out to be not only a talented model, but also an actress and singer. In 1971, Twiggy received 2 Golden Globe Awards for her role in the film adaptation of the musical Boyfriend, and also performed in the theater as Eliza Doolittle in Pygmalion.

Twiggy also began a successful singing career, recording her first album in 1971.

As for her personal life, in 1977 she married actor Lee Lawson, whom she met while filming the thriller W. And quite a bit later, she gave birth to a daughter, Carly Whitney.

In 1983, the unexpected happened. Twiggy's husband died of a heart attack. She drowned out the grief with the next filming in the movie, trying to work as much as possible. And a few years later she met her second husband, Lee Lawson, with whom she still lives.

Today, the legendary model of the 60s leads an active social life: she appears in various shows as an invited guest, writes, releases clothes, music, and sometimes returns to the modeling career, which brought her worldwide fame.

Twiggy haircut. The history of pixie haircuts - from the beginning to the present day

Back in 1953, the film "Roman Holiday" was released with the participation of the unsurpassed Audrey Hepburn. The actress won the hearts of the audience not only with her performance, but also with an unusual transformation right before our eyes. The storyline of the film was built in such a way that, looking for independence and freedom in life, the main character shortens her curls. The very next day after the premiere, there were crowds in hairdressing salons who wanted to say goodbye to their curls. Especially many among them were young girls who wanted to protest society in this way. Since that time, the fashion for cutting hair in this format has periodically returned. In the 60s, Twiggy returned to the popularity of the haircut, or rather, this unusual haircut helped her conquer the fashion world and become one of the most popular and sought-after models. In 2015, she reached her apogee largely thanks to Hollywood stars. Anne Hathaway, Natalie Portman, Victoria Beckham, Emma Watson, Halle Berry, Jennifer Lawrence and other equally famous actresses were seen in the ranks of the "hooligans". In 2016, the haircut remains fashionable and popular as before, it only acquires new outlines and features that allow the haircut to play with different facets. You can safely sign up for a beauty salon for girls with a thin face and bright features - with pronounced cheekbones, a narrow eye section, neat nose, plump lips. Making hair with a pixie haircut will emphasize natural beauty no worse than plastic surgery. So, all the attention of the opposite sex and competitors will deservedly go to the area above the neckline, as facial features will be attractive and bright. Owners of a triangular or oval face with different hair thicknesses can also have their hair cut in this style. The effect achieved as a result of this visually enlarges the eyes and focuses on large lips. Thanks to him, the image turns out to be harmonious and the hair does not exist “separately” from it. But this option is not suitable for opponents of makeup, which in this case should be flawless. An excellent basis for a pixie haircut is obedient thin hair, as it makes it much more voluminous and gives it a neat shape. If, along with the processing of the tips, it is planned to make a more torn bang to the side or oblique, then girls with slightly chubby cheeks can also pay attention to it. Short hair at the back of the head and on the temporal part, combined with elongated strands at the crown, is the main feature and feature pixie haircuts. The ends of the hair are made a little torn, they do not have even and strict lines. But, just like with different hairstyles, there is no single end example. There are several options for how to get a haircut within this format. Among them, those in which the hair is shaped as follows are considered especially popular:

The characteristic features of the legendary supermodel Twiggy include anorexic thinness and a special make-up. The image of the popular model of the sixties is based on huge eyes, voluminous lips and snow-white skin. It was Twiggy who made miniature and childish facial features popular. And unusually short haircuts are still a success today. How to do Twiggy's makeup?

flawless skin

To get an image in the style of the legendary supermodel, in the process of making a make-up, you need to achieve flawless skin. For this you need:

Voluminous lips

Makeup done in this style requires voluminous lips. The model herself in the process of filming them slightly inflated to get a childish look. However, at the same time, she never used lipstick in bright colors. To replicate Twiggy's style, choose a neutral lip gloss. An excellent option would be beige and nude solutions. A pencil will help girls with thin lips. With it, first emphasize the natural contour, and then apply shine. Thanks to this, the lips will look voluminous, and the makeup will become more stable.

Gloss, which contains menthol, will also help to give the lips the desired volume. Such funds provide a good blood flow, which allows you to get the effect of swelling. If there is a slight burning sensation, do not be afraid - such sensations are a normal reaction to the active substance.

doll eyes

The main focus when doing makeup should be on the eyes, with Twiggy they are simply huge and depict surprise. To achieve this effect, you must perform the following sequence of actions:

Modern people are the fattest people in the history of mankind. We are surrounded by many temptations of delicious food. We consume food even when we are not hungry, we spend a large part of our budget on food. This is an extreme, which appeared in connection with the general availability of various foods. In response to obesity, another extreme appeared - anorexia. This is an eating disorder. This disease was known back in the 19th century, but over the past ten years it has received public outcry.

Both girls and boys suffer from anorexia, but there are several times more girls. Also, anorexia is called Twiggy syndrome or excellent student syndrome. Twiggy is a famous model who was one of the founders of thinness on the catwalks. However, this model has never suffered from anorexia. Her fans suffered from anorexia, who, in pursuit of a figure as fragile as that of their idol, tormented themselves with hunger. People with this eating disorder still experience physical hunger, but psychologically they are no longer able to eat. In the extreme stages of this disease, intravenous feeding or through a tube is performed. However, such methods are used only in hospitals. It is known that in Russia there are still no special institutions designed for such patients, so treatment is carried out in ordinary psychological clinics. It is noteworthy that hospitalization can be carried out only with the consent of the patient. In the West, there are special rehabilitation clinics - Rehab. There, psychologists and nutritionists work with patients in a complex manner, which ensures a more successful outcome of the disease.

Hollywood celebrities love beauty experiments, because sooner or later this "game" allows you to find a make-up and hairstyle style that best reflects their personality.

The most recognizable part of the image of the stars are, of course, their trendy haircuts and hairstyles. We often associate the short pixie haircut with such stars as Emma Watson or Audrey Hepburn, the popular and beloved by many “cascade” with actress Jennifer Aniston, and the fashionable “A-bob” with beauty Victoria Beckham ... This list you can go on ad infinitum!

What fashionable hairstyles have become the “calling card” of such stars as Audrey Hepburn, Twiggy, Demi Moore, Rihanna, etc., says WomanJournal.ru!

Fashionable pixie haircut like the star of the movie "Roman Holiday" Audrey Hepburn

Movie star Audrey Hepburn looked gorgeous in a variety of haircuts and hairstyles, from long curls and elegant "shells" to cheeky, boyish short hair. But it is to her that we owe the appearance of a fashionable pixie haircut with even short edges, hair graduated at an angle at the back of the head and thick, careless bangs that almost do not cover the forehead or reach its middle.

The legendary star opted for pixies for the red carpet when she received the Oscar for Best Actress in the 1953 film Roman Holiday. Such a haircut made Audrey Hepburn's look even more open, and her facial features - expressive and emphasized the fragility of the actress.

Nowadays, star beauties also do not forget about the fashionable pixie haircut: Victoria Beckham, Katie Holmes, Natalie Portman, Halle Berry and other Hollywood beauties tried it on. Natalie Portman's stylist John D says the pixie haircut looks very sexy and suits women of all ages and with any face shape, especially oval, square, triangular or heart shape.

Fashionable unisex haircut like catwalk star Twiggy

Englishwoman Leslie Hornby, better known to the world as supermodel Twiggy, a symbol of the rebellious 1960s, became the first girl to walk the catwalk with a unisex short haircut.

Smoothly combed, cut "under the boy" hair with an even side parting gave Twiggy an androgynous look. The catwalk star's haircut emphasized the model's delicate features and drew even more attention to her huge eyes with long false eyelashes.

Twiggy was and remains a style icon to this day. Designers and fashionistas copy her boyish haircut to create images a la the 1960s. The famous hairdresser Vidal Sasson came up with this hairstyle: “The image of a woman-boy chosen for Twiggy did not involve long hair and complex styling, so I opted for a short haircut, simple and at the same time bold and sophisticated.” However, girls with a square or round face should be careful with this trendy haircut.

Fashionable messy haircut like the star of the movie "City of Angels" Meg Ryan

Hollywood star Meg Ryan's charmingly messy tousled haircut is adored by many.

Star stylist Sally Hershberger, author of the famous haircut of the star, says: “Meg has thin hair, the main problem of which is the lack of volume, and that is why I do not advise their owners to grow curls. I think that in this case the most suitable haircut is a bob, which is why I offered Meg a haircut with steps, which she liked so much.

Fashionable short haircut like a star is great for straight and wavy hair. To add volume to your hair, use not only a hair dryer, but also a special volumizing agent, applying it at the roots.

Fashionable haircut "cascade" like the star of the TV series "Friends" Jennifer Aniston

The “calling card” of the actress of the TV series “Friends” Jennifer Aniston was her haircut “cascade”. This version of the hairstyle - long smooth hair with streaked strands, cut in a cascade - was invented by Chris McMillan, who was the star's stylist for 15 years. “I just cut off Jen's curly locks. Her hair type is one of my favorites, so it was easy for me to emphasize their beauty, ”McMillan says modestly about the hairstyle he created, which he most copied in the late 1990s.

It is curious that the star herself never liked her haircut: “I think it was the most disgusting hairstyle that I have ever seen. But what I really would like to know is how she could become so popular.”

Fashionable in the 90s, the “cascade” haircut, like a star, is suitable for any face shape, especially oval or slightly elongated, and it also fits very easily.

Fashionable "bald" haircut like the star of the film "GI Jane" Demi Moore

Haircut bald - the most famous "hairstyle" of Hollywood star Demi Moore. The owner of a luxurious mane of black hair, as you know, parted with them in 1996 for the role of soldier Jane in the film of the same name.

Star stylist Sally Hershberger says: "Demi Moore goes to extremes - either very long hair, or very short." “The main thing is that in both cases, the emphasis falls on the big brown eyes and beautiful high cheekbones of the actress,” adds her makeup artist Jo Strettell (Jo Strettell).

The fate of "Soldier Jane" was shared by such actresses as Vanessa Redgrave, Natalie Portman, Mena Suvari, Sigourney Weaver, but again for the sake of their roles. But parting with the curls of pop singer Britney Spears, as we know, was clearly not caused by fashion. Still, cutting bald is a rather bold step. This hairstyle suits the owners of a beautiful head and skull shape and thin facial features that allow a woman to look fragile and charming even without her main natural decoration - hair.

Fashionable haircut "A-bob" like the star of the stage Victoria Beckham

Successful designer, socialite, happy wife and mother of four children, Victoria Beckham has been faithful to the A-bob haircut for several years, a trendy variation of the asymmetrical bob with long hair in front and emphasized by a straight strand on one side of the face. Christina Ricci, Rihanna, Heidi Klum, Paris Hilton and other Hollywood stars also tried this trend on themselves.

British stylist Ben Cooke, whose clients include Minnie Driver, Gwyneth Paltrow and Victoria Beckham, says this about the ex-pepper haircut: “Who said that short hair is unfeminine and unsexy? Look at the stars with short hair - and think twice to say so! The A-bob is an eclectic and daring version of the asymmetrical bob: with a long bob thrown over the face, the haircut looks seductive, elegant and by no means boring.” And Mrs. Beckham herself in an interview admitted that she was “just shocked” by what the stylist offered her.

A fashionable haircut like a star will suit owners of straight hair and a “thin” face, but for chubby young ladies it can visually add fullness.

Fashionable haircut "asymmetrical bob" like the star of the stage Rihanna

In 2007, thanks to the hit Umbrella, the Barbadian beauty Rihanna became truly famous. And with the advent of the first glory, the singer decided to radically change her image, opening a series of her endless beauty transformations. Rihanna ditched romantic curls and tried on a trendy and sexy asymmetrical bob.

The star's stylist, Ursula Stephen, shares the secrets of the star's fashionable haircut: “The oval shape and graceful features of Rihanna allow Rihanna to be a chameleon girl, experimenting with many styles. Bob can be outrageous and classic at the same time, so this is one of my favorite haircuts. When I proposed it to Rihanna, I already knew that a couple of fashionable touches - rich hair color, unusual volume, emphasized haircut layers - would help the bright girl stand out from other celebrities.

The asymmetrical "bob" involves an uneven parting, longer strands on the sides and a short-cropped nape. You can style it both smoothly and casually, modeling with wax the ends of the hair falling on the face. This fashionable star-like haircut is suitable for almost everyone: for a round face, it is better to choose an asymmetrical "bob" with straight thick bangs, and for an oval, rectangular and square - with a scythe.

Fashionable pixie haircut like the star of "Harry Potter" Emma Watson

In 2010, having completed filming in the "Potterian", the young Hollywood star Emma Watson decided to get rid of the image that everyone associated with Harry Potter's faithful girlfriend Hermione. And the actress made a mischievous ultra-short boyish pixie haircut. “I feel incredible! I really like my new hairstyle, I wanted to do it for a long time!” Emma shared her emotions on Twitter.

Star stylist Rodney Cutler comments: “I wanted to give Emma an elegant yet fashionable look that makes her a modern style icon. She really suits, in my opinion, short haircuts based on the classic “pixie” and “bob”, which can be styled smoothly or, on the contrary, casually. Emma's elf haircut is essentially the same pixie, I just changed her shape a little."

A fashionable haircut like that of the star Emma Watson will suit both very young ladies and self-confident mature ladies a la Victoria Beckham. This hairstyle is charmingly young, “opens” the look and face, emphasizes the line of the neck. However, the owners of curly hair and a heart-shaped face should avoid it.

Twiggy, a model whose unusual appearance and almost transparent fragility changed the idea of ​​beauty for a long time, became famous for her extraordinary style. Twiggy is by no means an ordinary model, this teenage woman dictated the style of youth for a long time. The mere fact that Twiggy's portrait was sent into space in a capsule already says a lot! How did this model manage to win so many hearts and what is special about her style? Today we will talk about it.

Twiggy's real name, or how this nickname can be translated, is "fragile", Leslie Hornby, and she was born on the outskirts of London in September 1949. Thin Twiggy, who weighed only 41 kilograms, began her modeling career at the age of 16. And already at 18, having moved to New York, she became the most famous model and made a real fashion revolution. It should be said that before Twiggy, Marilyn Monroe was on the pedestal of adoration for all men.

Twiggy's style that changed fashion

Twiggy's style is unisex, with elements of hippie and rock 'n' roll. The haircut and make-up of the model are especially interesting. It cannot be said that the model thought out this image on her own, no - she was helped by the talented producer Justin de Villeneuve, who insists that it is time for Twiggy to try herself as a fashion model.

The first shooting, which made her famous, took place with the photographer Barry Lategan, and it was during this photo shoot that the inimitable image of the model was created, which became her hallmark.

Do you know what is the secret of huge, open, naive and looking as if into the very soul of the eyes? In the right and outstanding make-up.

To create such an image, Twiggy's face was covered with a light foundation, the eyebrows were emphasized with shadows close in tone to the native color of the eyebrows, and the upper eyelid was highlighted. Further along the crease of the upper eyelids, a line was drawn with dark shadows, which was carefully shaded, and then arrows were drawn, ending in a thin line at the outer corners of the eyes. And now the main secret! The puppet look was created by long false eyelashes glued on both the upper and lower eyelids; and on the top they were glued in 2-3 layers.

As for the haircut, Twiggy preferred a short haircut with a side parting. In the 60s, a huge number of women cut their locks to get closer to their idol.

As for her style, it clearly reflects the era of the 60s. Twiggy loves miniskirts, short dresses, babydoll dresses, and colored tights become a huge passion for the model.

Twiggy's style is very simple and somewhat childish, it is an abundance of bright colors: green, blue, yellow and, of course, the favorite pink!

The most simple cut of outfits, the absence of complex details, no layering, everything is very simple, understandable and ... bewitching.

As for shoes, here Twiggy becomes original, choosing round-toed low-heeled shoes, as if taken from a doll, instead of feminine stiletto pumps.

During the peak of her popularity, unlike so many models, Twiggy did not particularly share the stage image and the image in everyday life. She was a zealous follower of the hippie movement, and elements of clothing of this style found their place in both her everyday and stage wardrobe.

An abundance of ethnic embroidery, fringes, bright floral or futuristic prints, headbands and large jewelry find a place in Twiggy's wardrobe. She is the first who once dared to try on a voluminous pink cape, shapeless coats.

Her style differs from others in that she does not even try to hide her shortcomings, namely excessive thinness, but, on the contrary, in every possible way emphasizes the absence of feminine forms. She is an eternal teenage girl with a doll face and wide eyes.

However, at the peak of his career, Twiggy decides to leave show business and fulfill his dream of becoming a mother. Returning a few years later, she became completely different, forever forgetting about the boyish haircut - this is an elegant woman who continues to build a career and changed the podium to the cinema and stage.

Today's Twiggy prefers more formal clothes, but she does not forget about bright colors, once again proving to the whole world that a woman after 60 has the right to be bright. At the moment, her wardrobe contains skinny, often bright colors, plain shirts in neutral colors, fitted dark feminine jackets, elegant dresses, pencil skirts ... But still, the game with pastel colors has become a favorite activity of the matured Twiggy and - surprisingly! - with ... layering.
