Quotes about men's suit. Fashion Quotes

Designers don't just create clothes, fashion or style. They create their own philosophy, which, having overcome the test of time, becomes eternal. That is why we decided to remind you of the quotes of great designers, the relevance of which cannot be erased by time.

"Perfume says more about a woman than her handwriting."

Christian Dior

“Time flies fast, we are only sparks that want to shine as brightly as possible before fading in the wind, clothes are glitter.”

Gianni Versace

“Suppose there are two similar women - and appearance, and wealth, and age, they differ only in one thing - one has a dress from Versace, and the other does not. Guess which of these women makes love more often?”

Gianni Versace

“Fashion does not stand still, but clothes remain the same!”

Gianni Versace

“My law is not to argue with the wind, it knows which way it is blowing, but we, stylists, must only accurately determine its direction.”

Gianni Versace

“To be elegant does not mean to be striking, it means to be remembered.”

Giorgio Armani

“The difference between style and fashion is in quality.”

Giorgio Armani

“When on you good jacket everything else will follow.”

Giorgio Armani

“A cheap pair of shoes is bad economy. Do not save on the main thing: shoes are the basis of your wardrobe.”

Giorgio Armani

“I'm glad that the desire to be elegant has reappeared these days. Elegance is the key to a timeless look, something that will never go out of style, something you will never go out of style with. I attribute my success to this philosophy. For me, style is more important than short-lived fashion trends.”

Giorgio Armani

“Don't be too zealous when choosing clothes: the most stylish people look like they don't put any effort into their own appearance. Ultimately, style comes down to self-expression, and I don’t think anything can look really terrible on a person who is sincere with himself. ”

Giorgio Armani

“Naked fashion is not for fashion designers.”

Giorgio Armani

“A carefully selected fragrance can be your hallmark. It is the first thing people feel when you enter a room and the last thing that disappears when you leave.”

Giorgio Armani

“The most best clothes for a woman, it is the embrace of a man who loves her. But for those who are deprived of such happiness, there is me.

Yves Saint Laurent

"A wardrobe is a way of life."

Yves Saint Laurent

“Elegant can only be called a dress so dazzling that it cannot be worn twice.”

Yves Saint Laurent

“In order to be beautiful, it is enough for a woman to have a black sweater, a black skirt and go arm in arm with the man she loves.”

Yves Saint Laurent

“Clothing should be subordinated to the personality of a woman, and not vice versa.”

Yves Saint Laurent

“The most important thing in women's clothing the woman who wears it.

Yves Saint Laurent

“My dresses are designed for women who can afford to travel with forty suitcases.”

Yves Saint Laurent

“The only regret I have in this life is that I didn’t invent the jeans.”

Yves Saint Laurent

“Fashion cannot be called fashion if it is not worn on the street.”

"I do not like long jackets: when talking with a man, I don’t see how he treats me.”

“When choosing accessories, take off the last thing you put on.”

“Look for a woman in a dress. If there is no woman, then there is no dress.”

"Best fashion accessory women are a handsome man!”

“Bad taste has limits, only good taste endless."

"You won't get a second chance to make a first impression."

“A woman should dress in such a way that it is pleasant to undress her.”

“If you were struck by the beauty of some woman, but you can’t remember what she was wearing, then she was dressed perfectly.”

“Fashion is what goes out of fashion.”

“Fashion that has not found recognition among the masses is no longer fashion.”

“Always walk as if three men are following you.”

Oscar de la Renta

“Don't get caught up in trends. Don't let fashion take over you, decide for yourself who you are, what you want to express with your clothes and lifestyle."

Gianni Versace

“Luxury is when the inside is as beautiful as the front side.”

“Fashion should be a form of escapism, not a form of imprisonment.”

Alexander McQueen

"You can't fake chic, but you can be chic in fake furs."

Karl Lagerfeld

“I don't model clothes. I model dreams.”

Ralph Lauren

“Over the years, I realized that the most important thing in a dress is the woman who wears it.”

Yves Saint Laurent

“In difficult times, fashion is always frantic.”

Elsa Schiaparelli

“Buy less, choose better and do it yourself!”

Vivienne Westwood

“What you wear means how you present yourself to the world, especially now, when contacts between people are so fast. Fashion is a direct language, understandable without translation.”

Miuccia Prada

Whether it's a fictional character like Carrie Bradshaw, accustomed to telling only the truth, the very real Coco Chanel with her infinite wisdom, or the pompous Simon Doonan, each of them has ever said phrases that have become quotes.

We present you 35 best quotes about fashion and style of all time:

1 . “Fashion is what designers offer you 4 times a year. And style is what you choose!” - Lauren Hutton

2 . "You either know fashion or you don't." - Anna Wintour

3 . “You can never think too much about shoes. Too many women believe that shoes are not so important. But the real proof of a woman's elegance is what's on her feet." - Christian Dior

4 . “The client is the final filter. People wear something that endures the whole process. I'm not interested in making clothes that end up gathering dust in some museum." - Mark Jacobs

5 . “I think there is beauty in everything. What “normal” people perceive as ugly, I usually see as something beautiful.” - Alexander McQueen

6 . "I hate narcissism, but I approve of vanity." - Diana Vreeland

7 . "I love my money where I can see it: and it's all hanging in my closet." - Carrie Bradshaw

8 . “Fashion is not something that exists only in dresses. Fashion in the sky, on the street. Fashion deals with ideas: how we live and what is happening around us.” - Coco Chanel

9 . “If you are uncomfortable or dissatisfied with something, then it doesn’t matter how smartly you are dressed. I would advise you to be happy, not well-dressed. It's always better to be happy." - Iris Apfel

10 . “Shoes transform your body language and attitudes. They lift you both physically and emotionally." - Christian Louboutin

11 . “Style is a way of saying who you are without using words.” - Rachel Zoe

12 . “The most courageous act is to think about everything yourself. And out loud." - Coco Chanel

13 . “Always dress as if you are preparing to meet your worst enemy». - Kimora Lee

14 . “Fashion is not necessarily about labels. These are not brands. It's something that comes from within." - Ralph Lauren

15 . "Fashion is final stage in front of tasteless. - Karl Lagerfeld

16 . "Clothes mean nothing until someone lives in them." - Mark Jacobs

17 . "We must never confuse elegance with snobbery." - Yves Saint Laurent

18 . “Fashion is just an attempt to embody art in living forms and social communication». - Sir Francis Bacon

19 . “Fashion is very important. This is life, and like everything that gives us pleasure, it must be done well. - Vivienne Westwood

20 . “Girls don't dress for boys. They dress for themselves, and of course, for each other. If girls dressed for boys, they would be naked all the time.” - Betsey Johnson

21 . “When I first came to New York, I had almost no money. And sometimes I would buy Vogue instead of dinner. I felt that he was feeding me more.” - Carrie Bradshaw

22 . “Don't be trendy. Don't let fashion control you. Only you decide who you are and what you want to express. Dress the way you live." - Gianni Versace

23 . “Clothes are like good food, good film or a great piece of music. - Michael Kors

24 . "The joy of dressing is an art." - John Galliano

25 . “Over the years, I realized that the main thing in a dress is the woman who wears it.” - Yves Saint Laurent

26 . “I think it's because I'm fat that my fantasy has such ease. I project my fantasy onto clothes and now all I do is light light clothes. It's the only thing I don't have. And that's why I'm afraid to lose weight, because then I could only make heavy clothes." - Alber Elbaz

27 . “When you go to a good restaurant, you want to relax and have a drink. You want to look at people who look good. And, of course, you don't want to look at some slob with an unbuttoned shirt and a hairy chest. At least I don't want to." - Iris Apfel

28 . “You must have style. This will help you climb the stairs. This will help you get up in the morning. It's a way of life. Without it, you are nothing." - Diana Vreeland

29 . “Fashion should reflect who you are, how you feel about this moment and where are you going." - Pharrell Williams

31 . “What you wear is an expression of who you are. How can anyone choose for me who I will be?” - Diane Kruger

32 . “I don't make fashion. I am fashion." - Coco Chanel

33 . "I love to wear gems but not because they are mine. You cannot possess radiance, you can only admire.” - Elizabeth Taylor

34 . “I know what women look good in. And I don't think those rules are changing." - Michael Kors

35 . “I have always believed that fashion not only makes women more beautiful, but also soothes them, instills confidence in them.” - Yves Saint Laurent

Fashion and Style Quotes- like any other quotes and aphorisms - another reason to think, smile and try on the views of legendary and smart people.

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Today my article is devoted to quotes and aphorisms about fashion and style.

Here you will find Coco Chanel quotes, and aphorisms, and statements by Karl Lagerfeld and Miuccia Prada. In general, great professionals who were not just fond of fashion, but lived it.

Fashion changes, style is eternal. Yves Saint Laurent

The most important detail in a dress is the woman who wears it. Yves Saint Laurent

Give a woman the right pair of shoes and she can take over the world. Marilyn Monroe

Whoever said money can't buy happiness just didn't know where to go shopping. Bo Derek

Elegance is the only beauty that never fades. Audrey Hepburn

Having become common, fashion outlives itself. Marie Von Ebner-Eschenbach

I like being a woman, even in a man's world. After all, men can't wear dresses, but we can wear trousers. Whitney Houston

Money should be where you can see it, namely in wardrobe! Carrie Bradshaw

The hardest thing about fashion is being known not for your logo, but for your style. Giambatista Valley

If you can't be better than your competitors, at least dress better. Anna Wintour

Fashionable women wear clothes, not the other way around. Marie Quant

Women don't dress for men. They dress for themselves and for each other. If women dressed for men, they would just walk around naked all the time. Betsey Johnson

Fashion is what designers offer you 4 times a year. And style is what you choose. Lauren Hutton.

The difference between style and fashion is quality. Giorgio Armani

Coco Chanel quotes about fashion

A girl should be able to do two things: be fabulous and stylish Coco Chanel

I don't do fashion, I am fashion. Coco Chanel

To be irreplaceable, you need to be different all the time. Coco Chanel

When you are well dressed, others notice you, when you are badly dressed, your clothes. Coco Chanel

A dress doesn't make any sense if it doesn't make men want to take it off you - Francoise Sagan

Walk as if three men are following you. Oscar De La Renta

Fashion is a language understandable without translation. Miuccia Prada

Beauty without intelligence is, firstly, insipid, and secondly, short-lived. Miuccia Prada

IN difficult times fashion becomes outrageous. Elsa Schiaparelli
Fashion is not labels or brands. Fashion is something that is hidden deep in your soul. Ralph Lauren

Style is a way to say who you are without opening your mouth. Rachel Zoe

Christian Dior quotes

Each piece eaten remains in the mouth for two minutes, two hours in the stomach, and two months on the hips. Christian Dior

You can't pay too much attention to your shoes. Many women think that shoes are not that important, but the real proof of a lady's elegance is what she wears on her feet. Christian Dior

Quotes by Karl Lagerfeld

You can't have artificial chic, but you can be chic in faux fur. Karl Lagerfeld

You can't look too chic or too modest in a little black dress. Karl Lagerfeld

Fashion is a game to be played seriously. Karl Lagerfeld

Things won't change the world, but the women who wear them will. Anna Klein

Beauty is strength, and a smile is her sword. Charles Reed

Remove the negative. Emphasize the positive. Donna Karan

You can buy fashion. Style is a must. Edna Woolman Chase

When in doubt, wear red! Bill Blass

I don't design clothes. I create a dream. Ralph Lauren

Simplicity is the limit of perfection. Leonardo Da Vinci

In shoes on flat sole I can't concentrate. Victoria Beckham.

True elegance in the head. If you have it, the rest comes by itself. Diana Vreeland

You don't have to be born beautiful to be devilishly attractive. Diana Vreeland

Fashion should be a way of escaping reality, not a form of confinement. Alexander McQueen.
For me, clothes are a form of self-expression: there are hints of who you are in what you wear. Marc Jacobs

If fashion was that easy, wouldn't everyone look great? Tim Gunn

Fashion is how you look, which in translation means: who you would like to be. Jean Paul Gaultier

For me, fashion is a mirror, a reflection of time. If it doesn't reflect the times, then it's not fashion because people won't wear it. Anna Sui

The biggest lesson I've learned being in fashion is that fashion is tightrope walking where you have to be consistent but contradictory. You need a connecting thread, but at the same time you need to surprise. Michael Kors

I don't draw my style from the shows and from the people on the catwalks. Fashion is what happens when you wake up. Shalom Harlow

Hairstyle affects how the day develops, and ultimately life. Sophia Loren

A woman's dress should be like a barbed wire fence: serve its purpose without blocking the view. Sophia Loren

Fashion takes its inspiration from society and from Everyday life, which are the same for everyone, and that is why certain elements are repeated over and over again. Stefano Gabbana

Am I making fashion mistakes? Yes, but I won't tell you where. Domenico Dolce

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There is no point in trying to look like fashion models from Vogue magazine all the time. Own style means trying to find own image, something that people would associate only with you.
Calvin Kline, fashion designer

On reception I put on either large earrings and refuse a necklace, or I stop at a beautiful necklace, but then I don’t wear earrings or choose the smallest ones.
Salma Hayek, actress

Shoes are much more important than a suit or dress. It is better to buy one pair of good shoes than three pairs of bad ones.
Marlene Dietrich, actress

The stilettos are very comfortable and the Gucci shoes look great, but I still wear my sneakers much more often. I value my convenience above all else.
Sharon Stone, actress

When it comes to length - I leave the freedom of choice for a woman.
Karl Lagerfeld, fashion designer

Black is luxurious color. Black is sophisticated, austere, and your jewelry looks great on it.
Nancy Collins, journalist

The basic principle of the perfect silhouette is simple cut, great tailoring and fine fabric.
Ralph Lauren, fashion designer

Style is not an addition. It's a way of life. It is the nature of everything, whether it is a verse, a demeanor, or a god, the creator of mankind. It's not just a dress
Wallace Stevens, poet

Convenience is everything! Why go to a party and suffer... I'm not going to pin, pull and lace up. This is not for me!
Phylicia Rashad, actress

I can't lie, sometimes even I feel fat.
Naomi Campbell, supermodel

I am so small that if there are too many buttons or pockets on the clothes, or the pattern is too large on the fabric, I just get lost in it.
Priscilla Presley, actress

Color should please the eye, not tire it. In addition, the color should decorate the person who wears it.
Vivienne Tam, fashion designer

I never wear clothes that are tight around my hips. I like to wear dresses that either show off the legs or flare loose from the waist.
Leila Rochon, actress

Large women, I've found, have an old tactic: if the clothes are loose enough, they assume that no one will know what's underneath. But they forget that it is clear to anyone what loose clothing hides.
Rob Kinch, fashion designer

I began to understand very early that if I look good, then I feel much better.
Jill Sanders, fashion designer

Black is ideal. You can wear it both during the day and in the evening. He's always flattering... He's always sexy... Personally, I feel slender and attractive only in black.
Donna Karan, fashion designer

You don't need a lot of clothes. Just buy well-cut, good fabrics. Clothing should be simple and of high quality.
Fernando Sanchez, fashion designer

Quality clothing always looks better than perfect, but mediocre.
David O'Grady, artist

Clothing says a lot about you. The way you pick various items clothing, characterizes you no less than your speech. Everything in your costume is symbolic. Wearing a Chanel T-shirt says a lot about you. But if you wear it with camouflage pants, such a suit says something completely different about you.
Desiree Meyer, fashion designer

I wear what I feel good in, and not at all what modern fashion designers consider fashionable.
Halle Berry, actress

I think that people pay too much attention to what others are wearing. The feeling of constant competition is depressing. You should only think about yourself and not about what other people are wearing.
Diana Ryland, former editor of Xapnepc Bazaar and Vogue

To make a long skirt look fashionable and not bulky, you will need heavy boots or flat shoes. With heels, it is better to wear an elegant formal evening dress.
Marc Jacobs, fashion designer

I find it very important to follow fashion in a way that serves your interests. You should not become a slave to fashion. I consider it very important that modern fashion very flexible. She does not dictate her own rules, she only advises and recommends the main trends.
Paloma Picasso, fashion designer

Consider perfection as the standard, and imperfection as the unique, one and only quality. Consider it your hallmark - peculiar to you, only you and no one but you.
Isabella Rossellini, actress

To understand what suits you, understand what you are most comfortable in. This is the main criterion.
Minnie Driver, actress

Fashion is not just stupidity. Even if you say you don't follow it, it's not true. One way or another, you make your choice.
Miuccia Prada, fashion designer

Shopping for me is torment, real torture! Looks like I'm missing the female genes.
Gloria Estefan, singer

Move from long hair short ones should be gradual. If you like it, you can always take the next step.
John Sahaj, hairdresser

I do not think that it is worth advising to decorate yourself with jewelry.
Isaac Mizrahi, fashion designer

Whatever you put on yourself, whatever hairstyle you do, whatever makeup you put on, there must be something unique in you, peculiar only to you. And the simpler the better.
Meg Ryan, actress

You can buy black clothes that look pretty ordinary on their own, but when you wear them with beautiful scarf and an expensive handbag, your look will change radically.
Ida Baruch, producer

I don't believe that everyone should wear a size 8 or 12. You have to feel good - that's what matters.
Oprah Winfrey, TV presenter

High fashion is meant to be funny, silly, and completely unwearable.
Christian Lacroix, fashion designer

With her black pullover and ten hats of pearls, she made a real revolution in fashion.
Christian Dior, fashion designer, about Coco Chanel

Proportions are as important as the plasticity of the fabric. When the fabric and proportions of clothing serve the body, your clothing will give you power over the world. And this power is sexuality!
Alber Elbaz, fashion designer

I like to wear skirts that are one or two inches (2-5 cm) below the fingertips of the lowered hand.
Marcia Gayharden, actress

Boots and shoes - that's the most a big problem in my life. Everything else can be worn and worn and easily made so that even the oldest will seem new, but no old shoe or worn shoe will seem better than they are.
George Elliot, writer

Fashion is transient, style is eternal.
Yves Saint Laurent fashion designer

Belt adds overweight stronger than any other accessory.
Lisa Gibbons, talk show host

Hair should not look like you spent half a day on your hairstyle. It's tasteless.
Frederic Fekkai, hairdresser

Scarves are like jewelry - they reflect the personality, it's a whim, a vice.
Giorgio Armani fashion designer

Saying no to synthetics these days is like saying, "I don't want to work with a computer."
Donna Karan, fashion designer

Fashion is architecture: main question it is a question of proportions.
Coco Chanel, fashion designer

Scarves can look old fashioned when tied around the head. But if they are tied over trousers, like a pareo or long skirt, it always looks spectacular.
Giorgio Armani fashion designer

An evening dress looks most modern when it combines a simple cut with a delightful fabric.
Mark Badgley and James Mishka, fashion designers

If you choose the right earrings, bracelet and scarf, you will always look your best!
Wendy Wasserstein, playwright

I like to wear things that don't go together, like an ascot tie with boots that don't match at all. I think my shoes and jewelry look like I'm in Miami all the time.
Tea Leoni, actress

If the legs are tired, then the mind is restless.
Donald J. Pliner, shoe designer

I never go back to what I didn't like at first sight...
Gwyneth Paltrow, actress

My clothes cannot be too short, or too tight, or in any other way cause me anxiety. I just don't have time for it.
Geraldine Ferraro, politician

I was delighted to hear of a lady who claimed that the knowledge that she was perfectly dressed gave her a sense of inner peace that religion could not achieve.
Ralph Waldo Emerson, writer, poet, philosopher

Lines just fascinate me. Clothing lines should be like on Rodin's sculptures - they should smoothly emphasize all your dignity. I don't like clothes where these lines are interrupted. Giorgio Armani knows very well I'm talking about him.
Jonathan Sheh, actor

Color is a real food for the spirit, besides, dependence is not developed on it and it does not make you fat.
Isaac Mizrahi, fashion designer

I don't think about being beautiful. I devote most of my time to being healthy.
Ann Bancroft, actress

You must develop your own style that reflects your personality.
Malcolm Levin, British fashion designer, tailor, image maker

Not very expensive model clothes are always better than dead mediocre clothes from inexpensive stores. I always understand it.
Jill Sanders, fashion designer

I like what I wear and I don't care what others think about it.
Debbie Mazar, actress

I like clothes that don't contradict my personality and that I don't feel.
Nicole Kidman, actress

I usually wear one color. I'm only 5ft 4in (163cm) tall, wearing solid colors makes me look taller and slimmer, which the camera always loves and boosts my self-esteem.
Ming-Na Wen, actress

Blindly following fashion is unrefined, inelegant and tasteless.
Stefano Gabbana, fashion designer
Just because something is trendy doesn't mean it's good for you.
Polly Allen Mellen, editor fashion magazine Allure

You must know the features of your body and emphasize what the Lord has endowed you with.
Leila Rochon, actress

What I like about fashion is the possibility of self-expression. What I hate about fashion is its imposition.
Kelly Klein, photographer

No matter what size you wear, you don't have to look bulky.
Emmy, plus size fashion model

For my taste, simplicity is a sign of true elegance.
Coco Chanel fashion designer

It physically hurts me to see a woman who, with her own hands, has turned herself into a victim of fashion, deprived herself of her individuality and looks ridiculous and strange.
Yves Saint Laurent, fashion designer

If my clothes make me think about how I look when I sit down, it pisses me off. Therefore, I exclude short skirts for myself.
Gloria Estefan, singer

A real woman can be immediately recognized by her disobedience to the fashionable standard, she wears only what suits her. (I. A. Efremov)

A well-dressed person is one who considers himself and others. (Pierre Cardin)

The most important thing in women's clothing is the woman who wears it. (Yves Saint Laurent)

If you were struck by the beauty of some woman, but you can not remember what she was wearing, then she was dressed perfectly. (Ungaro)

Youth fashion pleonasm; There is no old fashion. (Coco Chanel)

I love it when fashion goes outside, but I don't allow it to come from there. (Coco Chanel)

Nothing ages a woman like an overly rich suit. (Coco Chanel)

Fashion, like architecture, is a matter of proportion. (Coco Chanel)

People are not interested in fashion, but in the few who create it. (Coco Chanel)

Fashion is what goes out of fashion. (Coco Chanel)

Fashion passes, style remains. (Coco Chanel)

In our evening dresses you feel as if it's not evening yet! (From mailing list)

Each person has his own style, like his own nose, and to reproach a person with his nose, no matter how amazing he may be, is both unreasonable and not Christian. (Lessing)

There are no women who, going to the theater, would not hope that they themselves will also be a little subject of the spectacle. (A.Carr)

Yesterday this woman was so simple and kind, today she is proud and impudent!.. And only because a feather plucked from an ostrich's tail appeared on her head. How proud this bird must be, which has many of them and, moreover, its own! (A. Carr)

A dress both clothes and exposes a person. (Servantes)

Fashion despot whom smart people ridiculed, but obeyed. (Ambrose Bierce)

Women's fashion has always been the most expensive way packaging. (Ambrose Bierce)

Fashion squared traditionalism: to be like everyone else and, moreover, to compete. (A. Kruglov)

Fashion periodic re-examination for herding desire and ability not to differ. (A. Kruglov)

Under the clothes, all people are naked. (Heine)

Fashion is one of the ways to bring joy to little people for big money. (Georgy Kovalchuk)

Wear rich clothes they will open all doors for you. (Fuller)

A well-dressed person is one whose clothes you don't pay attention to. (S. Maugham)

People by nature are so inclined to obey that there are few laws that govern them in their weakness, they are not enough masters given by fate, give them also a fashion that prescribes even the style of shoes for a person. (Vauvenargue)

In clothes, try to be elegant, but not dandy; the sign of grace is propriety, and the sign of panache is excess. (Socrates)

There is no bad weather bad clothes. (English proverb)

Every overdressed woman is a danger to society. Therefore, when I see a dressed-up woman, I want to shout: “Policeman!”. (L.N. Tolstoy)

If the morning did not awaken us to new joys, and if the evening did not leave us any hope, would it be worth the trouble to dress and undress? (Goethe)

For a woman to be completely sincere is the same as showing herself in public without a dress. (Stendhal)

Women are attached to fashion because newness is always a reflection of youth. (Madeleine de Scudery)

Dress the effigy in a dress of the latest style, and stand by yourself in simple clothes, and see who will be worshiped first - the effigy or you. (G. Toro)

The less clothes a woman wears, the more willing undress her. (A. Davidovich)

How better woman dressed, the more expensive it is to undress her. (A. Davidovich)

The better dressed, the easier it is for you to undress a woman. (A. Davidovich)

Cosmetics is a means to look younger in old age and older in youth. (K. Melikhan)

A fashion show is a type of spectacle where women look at models and men look at fashion models. (K. Melikhan)

Preparing for a masquerade, a woman sometimes just needs to wash her face. (K. Melikhan)

A woman should dress in such a way that a man wants to undress her. (K. Melikhan)

The higher the slit on a woman's dress, the easier it is for her to run away from a man, but the more he wants to run after her. With what deeper cutout on a woman's dress, the easier she breathes, but the harder a man breathes. (K. Melikhan)

If your husband has started following fashion, it's time for you to take care of yourself. (K. Melikhan)

If your husband has started following fashion, it's time for you to follow your husband. (K. Melikhan)

Compliment: “You haven’t changed at all in twenty years. The dress is the same. (K. Melikhan)

In childhood, the younger ones wear the things of the elders, and in old age the older ones wear the things of the younger ones. (K. Melikhan)

Whoever despises fashion is a formal fool, and whoever worships it is a corporate fool. (K. Melikhan)

Fashion is when everyone wears something that is nowhere to be found. (K. Melikhan)

Women dress well to attract men and attract men to dress well. (K. Melikhan)

All the rage? Let us honor her memory, gentlemen! (M. Genin)

Beware sheep! Wolves are back in fashion with sheepskins... (M. Genin)

Dressed with taste, undressed with appetite. (V. Georgiev)

"Style is the person." How few people would be on earth! (Stanislav Jerzy Lec)

He wears a hair shirt, but is always dissatisfied with its cut. (Stanislav Jerzy Lec)

Fashion the desire to stand out with its similarity to the rest. (G. Malkin)

Fashion designer the designer of the dress of the king, in which they want to see the queen. (G. Malkin)

For women with ugly legs, the only salvation is a large neckline. ("Pshekrui")

So that you every day new shoes walk! (People's curse)

The father promised his daughter that when she turned eighteen he would let her wear stilettos and paint her lips. Fulfilled. Both have gone out of fashion. ("Pshekrui")

Do you know what life is? This is when you have not yet had time to rejoice in red stockings, but black ones are already fashionable. ("Pshekrui")

If a young man is shorter than you when you are in high heels, replace him with another. Don't refuse hairpins! ("Pshekrui")

Children grow up quickly: recently it was a girl in a short pleated skirt, and now it’s already adult woman in even more short skirt. (Lord Gallux)

If I urge you, dear brothers and sisters, to limit your requirements to the bare minimum, I am not referring to miniskirts. (From one sermon)

When a woman feels that her husband is indifferent to her, she begins to dress too flashy and tasteless, or she gets very smart hats that someone else's husband pays for. (Oscar Wilde)

In fact, women love it when men are badly dressed. They are always a little afraid of the dandy and want the appearance of a man to speak against him. (Oscar Wilde)

Last night she wore too much rouge and too few clothes, and for women this is the first sign of desperation. (Oscar Wilde)

A person must either be a work of art himself, or be dressed in a work of art. (Oscar Wilde)

Fashion is a form of ugliness so unbearable that we have to change it every six months. (Oscar Wilde)

Fashion is what we ourselves wear. What others wear is not fashionable. (Oscar Wilde)

All American women dress well. They order their toilets in Paris. (Oscar Wilde)

To live in the Middle Ages meant not to have a body; to live today is to have no soul; to live in Ancient Greece meant not to wear clothes. (Oscar Wilde)

There are people who even expose their thoughts according to the requirements of fashion. (B. Averbakh)

A woman would be in despair if nature made her the way fashion makes her. (P. Buast)

Many women have died as martyrs of a fashion that forced them to sacrifice modesty for nakedness. (P. Buast)

Fashion is a hard-hearted deity to whom mothers sacrifice even their children. (P. Buast)

The greatest proof of female affection is the sacrifice of fashion. (P. Buast)

Wear the shoes of our company, and you will be carried on your hands! (From mailing list)

Let's not stop a woman from following fashion: this is perhaps the only discipline that she still obeys. (A. Guinon)

Custom and fashion that's what governs fools. (K. Colton)

To despise fashion is as foolish as to follow it too zealously. (J. La Bruyère)

Submission to fashion reveals our insignificance when it is extended to matters of taste, health and conscience. (J. La Bruyère)

Most people live by fashion, not by reason. (G. Lichtenberg)

We laugh at the Chinese who mutilate their legs out of habit, at the Indians who flatten their heads; we despise the Australian savages who tattoo their faces, and don't we ourselves slavishly obey the fashion for clothes and wear dresses that completely disfigure us? (V. Matyu)

Fashion distorted everything National costumes and did not create anything beautiful. (P. Proudhon)

We do not pray to parks and graces, but to fashion: we have it spinning and weaving and cutting with full power. The main monkey in Paris puts on a new hat, and monkeys all over the world do the same. (G. Toro)

One should submit to fashion as a lamentable duty and give it only what cannot be denied to it. (B. Fontenelle)

Changes in fashion are a tax that the trades of the poor levy on the vanity of the rich. (N. Chamfort)

Clothing is a weapon of beauty, which lays it down after a battle, like a warrior before his conqueror. (J.-P. Richter)

Taste no more than how thin common sense, genius is the sublime mind. (M. Chenier)

Good style lies in the heart. (D. Diderot)

Women carry their faces in purses. The men go empty-handed. (L. de Vilmorin)

They crawl into slippers, jump into sneakers, pull on moccasins ... They only put on high-heeled shoes! (Linda O'Keeffe)

Chic is fashion before it came into fashion. (Anita Daniel)

Fashion is the most perfect weapon of the textile industry against the increasing strength of matter. (Marlene Dietrich)

Red dresses need to be bought with great care, and they can be worn not so often. However, I understand women who take the risk of making such a purchase. After all, men are always interested in: “Who is this girl in a red dress?” (Marlene Dietrich)

If a woman, dressing, wants to please own husband She chooses last year's dress. (Marlene Dietrich)

A man who classifies handbags as luxury items will be punished. If there is justice in the world, in his next birth he should be born in the form of a crocodile and end his life as the most expensive luxury item. Or he should transform into a woman who enters a supermarket holding a child, a purse, keys, a parent's license, gloves, and must do a lot of shopping at the same time. Then he will understand everything correctly. (Marlene Dietrich)

Fashion is never beautiful, but it makes everything that came before it ugly. (Francoise Giraud)

One of the charms of fashion is that it serves nothing. (Francoise Giraud)

True elegance consists in dressing like everyone else, but in a unique manner. (Francoise Giraud)

I'm not afraid transparent dresses. When I'm inside, they are no longer so transparent. (Yanina Ipohorskaya)

The coquette with her neckline explains what others simply and without fuss say with their feet. (Yanina Ipohorskaya)

Everything new at first seems impossible. But then we put it on ourselves. (Yanina Ipohorskaya)

Fur for women's coats in the vast majority of cases is removed from the males. (Yanina Ipohorskaya)

Others wear a hat only to have something to bow to. It is unclear, however, why they wear trousers. (Yanina Ipohorskaya)

Wearing one dress for too long is bad for the body. (Yanina Ipohorskaya)

Summer collection of clothes "from bills". (Humor)

It's hard to live tomorrow with today's wardrobe! (Tamara Kleiman)

Neckline is another form of conservation of matter. (Tamara Kleiman)

Even in the ability to wear trousers, a woman far surpassed a man. (Tamara Kleiman)

Having found shoes in the store just right for the leg, take them immediately; having found a jumper just for the figure, immediately take the jumper for the number less. (Gina Lollobrigida)

Clothing is the simplest means of revealing one's identity. (Sophia Loren)

Hairstyle affects how the day develops, and ultimately life. (Sophia Loren)

Many women's problems, before which the best psychiatrists give in, the hairdresser of the second category often decides. (Mary McCarthy)

Fashion is for women who lack taste, etiquette is for women who lack education. (Mary, Queen of Romania)

I have no right to have a wrinkle on a dress. It's as if an obscene word escaped me in public. (Lyubov Orlova)

Brevity the soul of lingerie. (Dorothy Parker)

Fashion dictators sometimes make mistakes too, but there will always be millions of women willing to pay for those mistakes. (Barbara Streisand)

Dresses, if properly used, are the armor of a woman. To undress means to disarm. (Raquel Welch)

think what you want but long dress covers many sins of the lower leg. (Mae West)

You have the right to think differently than your era, but you have no right to dress differently. (Maria Ebner-Eschenbach)

The number two man in a woman's life is her hairdresser. (Letitia Bodridge)

If women dress up so carefully, it is only because the eye of a man is better developed than his mind. (Doris Day)

The suit should be tight enough to show that you are a woman and loose enough to show that you are a lady. (Edith Head)

How does human vanity affect the toilet! What a mass of people live for it and what a turnover of money it creates! The madness of swagger and show-off, stopping at nothing, gives work to the poor and allows them to cover their nakedness. (R. Style)

Lack of attire sometimes serves best outfit. (Petronius)

Fashion is when everyone likes what is known that everyone likes it.

Fools invent fashion, and smart ones involuntarily follow it. (Samuel Butler)

Women's fashion is the eternal struggle of a woman between a clear desire to dress and a secret desire to undress. (Yutan Ling)

Mannequins always keep up with fashion. (Leszek Kumor)

A woman wants to dress like others, and suffers if she is really dressed like others. (Leszek Kumor)

Her costume was still not quite fashionable, but already quite uncomfortable. (Emil Krotky)

He went very well with his tie. (Emil Krotky)

Fashion is a controlled epidemic. (George Bernard Shaw)

Beautiful does not need additional decorations most of all, it is beautiful without decorations. (I. Herder)

If men in our time are more serious than women, it is only because their clothes are darker. (André Gide)

Women's clothing painting, men's clothing sculpture. (Barnett Newman)

Women's dresses don't have to be tight, but if a woman is wearing, I want to see exactly where she is in that dress. (Bob Hope)

Women dress best in areas where they often undress. (Fortunat Strovsky)

The best material for evening dress transparent hints. (Igor Sivolob)

Moth loves to change the wardrobe. (Antony Regulsky)

A man who has to take some decisive step thinks: “What will I say,” and a woman: “How will I dress?” (Madeleine de Puisier)

We eat for our own pleasure, we dress for the pleasure of others. (Benjamin Franklin)

No matter what size jeans you buy, they all fit the same way. (Ludwik Jerzy Kern)

Clothing on a woman should be moderately modest, so that it does not catch the eye, and at the same time it is noticeable that she is wearing it. (Stas Yankovsky)

Modesty died when clothing was born. ((Mark Twain)

A man is adorned by clothes. Naked people have very little influence in society, if not none at all. (Mark Twain)

Modern dresses are like barbed wire: they protect the territory, but allow it to be explored. (Danny Kay)

What do men like about women's dress most? Their ideas of what a woman would look like without any dress. (Brendan Francis)

The skirts are so high that you involuntarily lower your eyes to lift them up. (Arkady Davidovich)

The worse things are going for you, the better you should dress. (English proverb)