Halloween costume ideas or the best Halloween costumes. Witch outfit: scary or glamorous? Halloween zombie costume - a creepy look or an original idea

1. Dead schoolgirl

For those who miss school.

How to do? This is a pretty simple Halloween costume: two ponytails, Short skirt, a white blouse and stockings spattered with blood - the image of a dead schoolgirl is ready! Use old, unnecessary things (not necessarily a uniform, the main thing is that the image is businesslike), instead of golfs, take old tights and add holes to them for surroundings.

Let's make a blood splatter with acrylic paint:

  • Mix in containers a large number of water, red acrylic and a drop of green (if you need stains of gore, then you need to add a little more green).
  • Blood splatters are created using a brush and the edge of a glass (we brush from the bottom of the container to the edge, and the brush splatters the paint).

2. Spooky Witch

No sexy costumes! The witch in our performance is one of those who curse with one glance.

How to do? It's easy to make a scary Halloween witch look! You will need the blackest, longest and most shabby pieces in your wardrobe. Preferably a cloak or mantle and long black skirt(and several are better). And remember: the more things you have, the better! You can buy a witch hat at the store or make your own from cardboard. And don't forget about bright lips and scary eyes (it's time to get your creative contact lenses out and try them out). Just comb your hair and fix with varnish.

A few makeup ideas for inspiration:

For those who really don't have time...

How to do? Everything is very simple with this suit - we put on old, unnecessary, preferably torn jeans and old t-shirt. We splatter with blood from the first paragraph of this article and make a spectacular make-up. You can use not jeans, but take any old and unnecessary things.

Ideas for make-up in this video tutorial from the make-up artists of The Walking Dead series:

For those who don't know where to wear that very cute little dress!

How to do? For the image of a beautiful and neat doll, the most suitable pretty dress from your wardrobe. For more entourage, take the old chiffon dress and give it a shabby look (tear, make holes, crush, etc.). It is enough to straighten and comb the hair, we pay the main attention to make-up: it is done as usual, but with some additions:

  • We pay great attention to the skin. Use a primer or thick cream as a base - powder or makeup should lie perfectly.
  • It is necessary to properly whiten the face and give it porcelain fragility. A large amount of very light blush or makeup will do.
  • Use false eyelashes, a lot of mascara, curling irons - everything that is in the arsenal or can be bought at the nearest store. eyelashes in puppet form- the most important. With eyeliner, draw additional eyelashes on the lower eyelid.

To complete the image, practice a detached look, and to add mysticism, use unusual contact lenses. Also, you can do " broken doll" or "terrible" - with the help of cosmetics and fantasy.

Our compatriots stole this holiday from the Americans in the dashing nineties. And since then, those who like to tickle their nerves choose the most terrible images, make Halloween costumes, and then dress up in them, embellishing themselves with wrinkles, bruises and scars to complete the picture.

Elvira's girlfriends - mistress of darkness

Skillful body art will turn you into a frightening doll

Halloween costumes

Although, if you look closely, scary witches yes, there are plenty of vampires, even if they are dressed up in quite decent outfits. What about external signs, it is enough to look at your beloved in the morning after a good party and with make-up not washed off before going to bed. Add miserable rags - and Baba Yaga is resting ... I beg your pardon, but this is the bitter truth of life ...

But seriously, preparing for this kind of "matinee after sunset" requires a lot of time, money and imagination. Although, of course, you can simply go to a boutique specializing in such products, buy the entire arsenal - from clothes, shoes, accessories and to cosmetics- and forward to the other world! You can, as an option, rent things. But the thing is that this holiday is initially comic, so its playful tone can better be set by things made by with my own hands. From this, the image will acquire its own unique zest, and it will only benefit from some production flaws and will look more natural.

vampire costume

To make cool ones, you can borrow on the Internet - in master classes, step by step instructions and photo lessons. And you can perfectly go on your own imagination: the main thing is not to be lazy. So, on this holiday ... let's say, the other side of life, the main characters are devils and witches. And also - Caesar, vampires, mummies, ghosts, hippie punks, Japanese women, scarecrows and even scrambled eggs.

Deer is a popular image for young girls

The classic of the genre is the image of a vampire. And even if there are several people at the party in this role, you will definitely be original. To make the perfect vampire outfit, you will need a long cloak, without which it is difficult to imagine the image of a bloodsucker. The recommended color is black or red. The black cloak with scarlet lined fabric looks the most impressive. Sewing it is not at all difficult: a rectangle is taken from a black or red fabric, sewn along the edges or simply sheathed by hand, gathered around the neck and complemented by matching ties. To make a stand-up collar, the fabric is gathered 7 cm lower than usual and sealed with interlining, which is sold in all sewing departments. If the fabric is already too thick, then there is no need to additionally seal the collar. You definitely need a snow-white shirt, and also a cane: vampires are real dandies! Fangs for the bloodsucker skin can be bought or made from plastic fork, for which its middle teeth are separated, and the resulting design is attached to the gums. All that's left is some stylish make-up. pale skin, red and black lips, eyeliner and gray shadows under the eyes - and beware, unfortunate victims!

Halloween costumes for girls

Most Popular halloween girls costumes- witches. To create an outfit for a scary old woman, you will need a collection of all the long dark things in your wardrobe. And it would be better if the rags look more worn.

witch costume

Legs can be dressed up in torn tights, socks or stockings. Old dark slippers or ballet flats will do. Everything is pulled on, and the more of them, the better. The most important thing is to create the impression of such a hoodie. Well, if you are not into hoarding and cannot find such rare things in your bins, then you will need a simple dark fabric. One flap is wrapped around the waist - a kind of skirt, and with the help of the second a woman's jacket is built. For the skirt, you need to choose a long piece of fabric with a width of about 1 meter. As for the length, the longer it is, the more magnificent the skirt will look. Top edge the fabric is wrapped to a width of about 2 centimeters and stitched: this will turn out to be an opening under the elastic band of the skirt. Then the skirt is sewn along the edges. To enhance the effect, you can tear the bottom of the skirt or fringe it. And to make a sweater, you need to cut holes in the flap (imitate sleeves) and tie the rest of the fabric around like a blouse with a smell.

How to make a witch hat

And here is another funny pumpkin on the head

By the same principle, you can make Halloween costumes for boys - for example, monsters or sorcerers. And the image of a witch is completed with sloppy hair or a wig. If the length of the hair allows, then you can make small shaggy curls, then comb them to get braids sticking out in all directions. At short haircut on wet hair styling foam or mousse is applied, after which the hair is dried with a hairdryer on the head down so that all the strands stick out as if electrified.

For makeup, you need to outline the eyes with black and shade these lines. Shadows can be made swamp green by applying them entirely on both eyelids. Eyebrows are brought fatter, and lips are painted on dark color. But it’s better not to paint on warts, but to buy or just stick some kind of lump like a foam ball. In the image of a witch, a large cap is mandatory - a pointed hat with wide brim which is easy to make at home. A simple piece of black paper or fabric is taken, a cardboard cone is cut out, glued along the side lines. While the cone dries, the fields for the hat are cut out. The diameter of its inner circle will be the diameter of the head with a small plus so that the hat fits well. After that, the cone and fields of the cap are pasted over with black cloth or paper. After drying, a cone with fields is glued together, the hat is decorated with fringe, shreds of black organza, dark feathers or black flowers. You can also attach a frog (of course - a toy) or a spider in the fields, which will make the image more intimidating.

bloody and scary

But the outfit for a seductive witch will consist of a short skirt and a sweater with a neckline. A dress is also suitable - a cocktail or a long saturated solid color - black, red, blue. Waist can be accentuated wide belt or corset. Shoes are selected with heels, and seductive tights or stockings are most suitable for striped ones, according to the type from American films. In the makeup and hairstyle of this image, everything is designed to beckon and seduce. A glamorous broom made of tinsel, a cap with sparkles and a catchy manicure will complement the image.

Halloween costumes for kids

For children, Halloween costumes are made without such obvious aggressiveness in the image and, of course, without seductive features. In such an outfit, brightness and mischief are important. The simplest and most beloved by children is the image of a ghost.

ghost costume

To create it, you will need an ordinary white sheet without any patterns and scissors. First, a sheet is taken, holes are cut in it for the mouth and eyes. Moreover, the hole intended for the mouth, it is better to make it uneven. You can leave everything in this form, or you can decorate and complicate this outfit. In order for the cast to be harmonious and holistic as an image, the clothes that are visible under the sheet should be white, and inaudible walking should be ensured by replacing shoes with white fluffy socks.

Czechs trimmed with fur or decorated with bells and bells also look very cute. For children, it is better to replace with funny cute outfits of negative fairytale heroes. For the same ghost roll for the active happy holiday the sheet can not only be thrown over, but its edges can also be sewn in the form of a bag with cutouts for hands. The kids will look adorable in fluffy boots made of white fur. Holes for the mouth and eyes are best outlined with a felt-tip pen or black gouache, which will make the look much brighter. For the same purpose in halloween costumes for kids you can add colors in other ways. For example, to quickly get used to the mood of the holiday, you can come with a pumpkin at hand. The sheet can be embroidered with colorful patches. Can also be worn bright boots matching the color of the patches. You can also paint the sheet unpretentious patterns with a trickle of hairspray. Glitter can be sprinkled along its sticky trail, which will stick to the varnish and play brightly under the rays of light. In general, fantasy and golden hands will help to make unique children's outfits for this holiday can be found on many sites. There you can also get ideas for improving outfits. So, lovers of the good old Soviet cartoons can attach a propeller to the sheet, and loudly announce to the guests that they have witnessed the appearance of the kindest ghost in the world. For such a case, it is appropriate to transform the image a little: decorate a sheet with flowers and stars, put a sign “I am looking for jam” on the chest, wrap an old film around the waist. The only disadvantage of this design is that it is not very convenient to run and dance in it. But it is so cool to scare other little guests in it!

I am an evil and scary gray wolf! Rrr!

An interesting solution for the image there will be rabbit ears. They are so easy to make yourself, we will teach!

DIY Halloween Costumes

Eve of All Saints' Day DIY Halloween Costumes do a lot of fans of the holiday. Among the usual horror films, the outfit of scrambled eggs looks very funny.

Fried egg costume

It is not very difficult to make it with your own hands: you will need the same white sheet, paint yellow color, thread with a needle and scissors. First, a baggy cover is made as in the previous outfit, the correct circle is drawn in front with yellow paint. You can also make a yolk from yellow fabric, and then sew it onto a sheet on your chest. It is decorated with a pattern or applique in the form of bacon, bacon or greens. original accessory can be obtained if you add a hat in the form of a knife and fork to the outfit, or you can decorate your head with fake vegetables. Here you do not know what to wish - have a nice holiday or appetite.

All in all, creative costumes on Halloween with your own hands for girls and guys, for children and the elderly, for romantics and cynics, you can build from any materials. The main thing is to put all your effort and soul into them, and also try to get maximum joy from this process. Then a holiday, and entertainment, and your own appearance will bring complete pleasure. Isn't that the most important thing in our life?

Halloween costumes photo

Creepy Cheshire Cat

October 31 is Saints' Eve. This holiday is known as Halloween. main tradition is dressing up in scary costumes to scare away evil spirits that night. More recently, people in our country began to celebrate this date. But they are responsible for the choice of outfit. You can buy a costume in a store, but it is not cheap. More often, Russians buy an outfit for this holiday, but they do it. Let's learn how to make a DIY Halloween costume.


For a similar image, you need clothes of one colors. This dark colors. Tousled hair and defiant makeup are the main attributes of a self-respecting witch. If you haven't found a dress, then a piece of fabric that you tie around your body will do. It all depends on your imagination. Be sure to accentuate your waist with a belt or ribbon. The image will be complemented by jewelry with symbols, long black nails, high heels, as well as a cone hat and, of course, a broom.

Here are witch costume options that you can recreate yourself:

A vampire

First you need to decide whether you want to look like a cute vampire from "Twilight" or are determined to cause horror, like the critters from "Buffy". For the first option, any clothes are suitable. All attention will be riveted to the makeup. The skin must be pale. Teeth with fangs can be bought at the store. Or do it yourself.

If you manage to get red lenses, then the image will be even more spectacular. Well, for plausibility, so that no one doubts that you are a vampire - a small trickle of blood from your mouth, painted with paint.

A more terrifying option would require disheveled clothes, disheveled hair, and more blood. The main makeup that you do. More wrinkles in dark-pale tones. Such an image will be decorated with various little things, for example, a heart and bags with artificial blood.

Don't forget to also draw two bite wounds on your neck, otherwise people will understand why you became a vampire.

The older the vampire, the stronger he is, which means the older the costume should be.


This is no ordinary vampire. Therefore, the costume should not be the same as the rest. As you know, Count Dracula was from an aristocratic family, which means that his clothes should be similar to those worn in those days. Don't forget the styled hair and expensive jewelry and, of course, a piercing look.

Here's how other people embodied this image:


Probably the most a budget option. We wrap ourselves with a bandage or toilet paper and that's it. The main thing is not to tighten the bandage too much, as you can disrupt blood circulation in the body. Toilet paper won't last long. So it's better to go to the pharmacy for your suit. By soaking the bandages in tea for a few minutes, you can achieve the effect of wear and antiquity. But don't do this if you have allergies, as the tea will quickly absorb into your skin and can cause irritation. Egyptian jewelry will help to complement the image.

Here are some ideas:


Everyone remembers the wonderful Jack Sparrow, that is, Captain Jack Sparrow. Johnny Depp got into the role. The film's costume designers did a great job on the image of the pirate.

But to collect the same image you need to try hard and spend a lot of money. If you decide to be a pirate, embody your image in a different way, less expensive. After all, the main attributes are bandanas, a Jolly Roger, a vest, boots, a spyglass, a compass and weapons.

A wonderful addition would be a parrot or a monkey on the shoulder, as well as an eye patch.

Here are the ideas already implemented:


There are many ways to create this costume. Only the black and white scale remains unchanged.

You will need black clothes that you don’t mind ruining and white paint. On the clothes we draw a skeleton, let it dry and you're done.

For durability instead of paint to black clothes sew on white stripes.

Achieve the skeleton effect with overlay. To do this, we dress under them white t-shirt, and black on top, with cut out holes. It turns out this costume:

Body art has become fashionable when it is painted on the body. Looks believable. But this way of recreating the skeleton will not work if you do not have a drawing friend who will paint over the back.

Don't forget to paint over the face in the form of a skull. This is the main feature of the image.


Remember your favorite doll and embody this image. puffy skirt, pink color, stockings, shoes, bows and pigtails.

But do not forget that according to the legend on Halloween, dark forces, demons and devils come to earth and people change clothes so that they are not recognized. Therefore, a spectacular make-up is suitable for a cute doll costume.

For children

On this day, children dress no less intimidating than adults. But do not forget to take care of the psyche of the child. But, as experience shows, the current generation is no longer so interested in the costumes of princesses and cute lobes.

After watching TV and playing video games, teenagers choose images of zombies, vampires, maniacs. And parents rarely refuse them.

A selection of interesting Halloween costumes

Remember! Even if you're wearing the best suit, stick to the look. Do not forget about the behavior and character of the character.

Halloween is an opportunity to appear in front of friends and acquaintances in an unusual way, to surprise, and perhaps even pleasantly shock others. The ancient Celts were the first to celebrate the holiday. Dressing up in frightening costumes on the eve of All Saints' Day, they scared away evil spirits, which were active at that time. Today, the tradition has become a favorite pastime for many, and also an occasion to have a great time.

How to choose an outfit for Halloween

For many, the problem is the choice of image. Halloween is one of the most mysterious mystical holidays, therefore, the costumes for him should be selected appropriate. For example, you can transform into any fairy tale character, both good and bad. From positive characters classic look Halloween for a girl is a red riding hood, a princess: Snow White, Rapunzel, Cinderella, Alice, fairy, Barbie doll.

You can play the image of a pirate. The main thing is to find a cocked hat. As for other details of the costume, they may be different. Many things will do - a white blouse and leather trousers, a fluffy skirt and shirt, corsets, over the knee boots and vests.

Popular images of evil spirits - corpses, she-devils, ghosts, witches and vampires.

Other popular images include images of animals. The most suitable Halloween costumes for girls are a catwoman, a cat or a tigress. The first image is not so difficult to create. You will need a headband with ears, a black mask, high heels and black leather clothes. The mask can be drawn on the face, and the rim can be made by yourself. Other elements of the image will surely be found in your wardrobe or the wardrobe of your girlfriends.

In a cat costume, the main thing is the ears. The rest of the outfit can be chosen at your discretion.

It will not be difficult to transform into a tigress or a leopard - cat ears, dress or jumpsuit with a matching print, and the suit is ready. If you don't have suitable clothes, tiger stripes can be drawn on the skin.

Can be transformed into famous person, movie or pop star, comic book or movie characters, put on an outfit from another era.

Guys can opt for the most simple suits ghosts, a mad doctor, a beggar or a dracula, as well as intricate ones, such as a pirate, viking, superman.

DIY Halloween Costume

In retail chains, you can find many costumes suitable for Halloween, however, in order to be original on this day, it is better to make an outfit with your own hands. In this case, you will not only be able to boast exclusive item but also save.

Making a costume is not so difficult - you need a little imagination, effort and time. We suggest considering several options.

Outfit with a skeleton

Making an outfit is really easy. You will need:

  • a dark thing - you can take a long T-shirt, a black mini dress or a combidress;
  • acrylic paint for fabric;
  • scissors;
  • sponge;
  • cardboard.

First you need to make a stencil. Draw it on cardboard, as in the picture below.

Now cut out the black parts. Take the thing on which you plan to apply the drawing, between the front and back, place a thick oilcloth, paper folded several times, and preferably a piece of plywood (this is necessary so that the paint does not print on the back of the thing). Attach the stencil to the face of the front of the product and, pressing firmly, cover the holes in the cardboard with paint.

vampire costume

This is the most popular image. It suits both boys and girls. young lady in order to transform into a vampire, you need to audit your wardrobe and make suitable hairstyle and makeup. You can focus on seductive or gothic-romantic style. It is desirable that black and red tones prevail in the outfit, purple is also allowed. The basis of the costume can be any black dress or skirt and top. A corset will help to make the image spectacular. It will be complemented by gothic jewelry, black gloves, fishnet tights and high heels.

To complete the image, you can make cloak. You will need:

  • two pieces of fabric 1.5 by 3 - one red, the second black;
  • a black and red cut 90 cm long and a width equal to two lengths of the distance from the shoulder to the crown plus 4-6 centimeters and a couple of centimeters for allowances. It is better to take satin or velvet.

original halloween costumes

There are many ways to make a Halloween costume. Making them yourself gives you the opportunity to create a unique outfit.

doll costume

You will need:

  • yarn - choose the color of your choice;
  • embroidery threads;
  • 2 felt strips 5 by 25 cm;
  • scissors;
  • scallop.

Cut the yarn into pieces of the required length. Put them together and find the middle. Insert an embroidery needle and thread into the edge of the felt strip.

Sew a bunch of yarn in the middle with a few stitches, then another next to it, etc. Thus, you need to sew, forming a wig, all the yarn.

When all the yarn is fastened, sew a comb to the middle of the strip of felt by the teeth - this will allow the wig to hold on. Cut off excess thread if necessary.

Cut the yarn into pieces equal to twice the length of the bangs or a little more. To the center of the front of the wig, sew the segments in the middle. If necessary, cut off the excess from the resulting bangs and straighten the threads.

Now you need to pick fluffy skirt, a colored blouse, a colorful ribbon or scarf and a bright apron. If you know how, you can decorate it with embroidery. The final touch will be the appropriate makeup.

If you - extraordinary girl, at a Halloween party, you can appear as a minion. You need to find a bright yellow sweater, shirt or turtleneck, black gloves and denim overalls. But the main thing in the image of a minion is branded glasses. We will make them together with a hat, because you can hardly boast of the same hairstyle as these famous cartoon characters.

You will need:

Cut the springs, sew or attach them with glue to the hat. This structure will play the role of vegetation on the minion's head.

From cardboard cylinder cut out 2 circles and paint them with silver paint. Fasten the circles with a stapler. Cut off the elastic desired length- it will serve as a glasses holder, and again, using the stapler, attach it to the circles. To make the glasses look aesthetically pleasing, cover the “frames” with silver paint from the inside.

The cap should now look like the photo below:

The following things will help to transform into a minion:

Creating a minion costume with your own hands, as you already understood from the previous description, is not so difficult. The proposed video will greatly simplify the already simple steps to create a Halloween costume.

You can make other even more original costumes for Halloween with your own hands, you can see a photo of some of them below:

Classic halloween costumes

The classics include images of wickedness - corpses, ghosts, skeletons, witches, zombies and mummies.

bride costume

IN Lately popular with girls dead bride. It's not that hard to create one. A Halloween bride should not look quite like a normal bride. Her distinctive features- white, dirty, torn dress, pale skin and expressive eyes.

You will need any light dress Short or long, take your pick. Suitable wedding attire, but such things, even used ones, are not so cheap.

The selected dress must be torn and then toned watercolor paints or spray paint. Spread an oilcloth on the floor and in some places apply the chosen paint, it is better to use black, gray and blue colors.

Additionally, you can decorate the dress with lace or the remnants of old tulle. You can also make a veil from the same tulle or lace. Artificial flowers made from fabric or paper are suitable for creating a bouquet and wreath.

Makeup will be the finishing touch. You can perform it, for example, in the following technique:

Another one of the traditional images for this holiday. A witch can be both sexy and scary or even nasty. Most girls prefer the first option. As a basis, you can take any dress, black or dark. Well, if you manage to pick up a corset or a wide belt for it.

You can complement the image with torn tights, a cape or a cloak - how to do it was described above. A cap should be an obligatory element. You can make it yourself.

The best material for a hat is felt. If you do not have one, you can make a headdress from thick fabric or even paper or cardboard.

First you need to make a pattern.

  1. Measure the circumference of your head, add 1.5 cm to the resulting figure, if you want the cap to move more towards the forehead, add a little more. Now calculate the radius of the inner circle - divide the head circumference by 6.28. The resulting figure will be the value by which it is necessary to expand the legs of the compass.
  2. Draw with a compass right size circle, now add 25 centimeters to the resulting radius - this figure determines the width of the fields, so you can change it, and draw a large circle from the same point. Cut out the detail.
  3. Decide how high your hat will be. Calculate the height of its side face.
  4. Following the diagram, prepare a stencil for the headgear cone. Draw a line equal to the height of the side face from one of its edges, using a protractor, set aside an angle of about 120 degrees and draw a second line the same length as the first. Connecting the segments, draw a circle: its length should be equal to the length of the circumference of the head. Cut out the shape.
  5. Attach paper templates to the felt and, retreating from them 1.5 cm at the seams, cut out the details of the cap.

  6. Additionally, you can decorate the cap with a ribbon and a suitable decor.

In ancient times, it was believed that on the last day of October, the boundaries between the two worlds are erased: the dead and the living can meet. This means bringing chaos, problems and even diseases into our lives. To protect yourself from trouble, you need to scare away evil spirits, and the easiest way to do it yourself is to dress up in a frightening costume. Of course, traditions have already sunk into oblivion. But we continue to noisily celebrate this holiday to this day. So that you don’t rack your brains on how to spend Halloween, we have selected for you 10 options that you can do without leaving your home.

Image of the Beggar

What will be needed?
  • Makeup in dark colors. In this case, shadows of black, gray, brown and blue shades are ideal.
  • More torn old clothes. It is better that you put it on in several layers.
  • More big pins.
  • The stones are small.
  • Tin mug.
  • Ideal if you have a wig. But even without it, you can make a “mess” on your head with the help of special gels and varnish.
How to make a suit?
The emphasis in this image is easiest to do on old and torn clothes. This is hardly kept at home, so just take unnecessary things, get them dirty and tear them. Breaks can be sealed with pins. If possible, complement the image with a beggarly “bag” over the shoulder.

Barbie image

What will be needed?
  • More clothes in pink colors. Don't be afraid to overdo it, that's exactly what we need.
  • Bright visage in "marshmallow" tones.
  • White wig.
  • Shoes or sandals with high heels.
How to make a suit?
This is one of the easiest but spectacular images. Among all the variety pink clothes if possible, choose a mini dress. As for makeup, it is best to focus on doll false eyelashes.

Image of the Bride

What will be needed?
  • Unnecessary Wedding Dress. Or simply White dress, which remotely resembles a wedding. The thing should be unnecessary, because it will no longer be subject to restoration.
  • Makeup in dark colors.
  • Intimidating lenses.
  • If you are the owner blonde hair, then a wig of dark long hair will not be superfluous.
  • Shoes with high heels.
How to make a suit?
This image also does not require special efforts. And although it is not too original, girls can look sexy in it. In addition to all of the above, you can find or make a bouquet of black flowers with your own hands - it will look creepy.

The image of Dracula
What will be needed?

  • Black or bright red raincoat fabric.
  • Strict black trousers.
  • Shoes are black, stylish patent leather shoes are perfect.
  • White shirt.
  • Red paint imitating blood.
  • Black or red satin stripe.
  • White paint for makeup, which can be applied to the face.
How to make a suit?
One of the most popular, but always actual images. You must have seen the Dracula costume in the Halloween photo. Agree, it looks spectacular. Most difficult moment- creating a cloak. It needs to be sewn by yourself. First, cut the cloak itself, and then the hood, after which you carefully sew the parts together.

image of the murder victim

What will be needed?
  • Stylish clothes that do not mind. You should look like you were walking home from work or a party and you were suddenly attacked with a knife.
  • Red paint imitating blood.
  • Imitation knife.
How to make a suit?
This is probably the easiest image to perform in our review. You simply dress stylishly, after which you smear yourself with “blood” in certain places and “insert”, for example, an imitation knife into your stomach or heart. The latter is best done from thick cardboard. You are the victim of an unexpected murder. For reliability, you can use makeup to make your face painfully pale.

Maid Image

What will be needed?
  • Little black dress.
  • Black stockings.
  • Shoes with high heels.
  • White apron. If there is no such thing, then white cloth from which it can be sewn.
  • Black or white hair band.
  • High black or lace gloves.
  • Red paint imitating blood.
How to make a suit?
The basis of the image is a black dress. It can be tight, but a puffy black skirt will look just as stylish, which can be quickly made from some types of fabrics. Making an apron will also not be a problem: cut and sew the details. In addition to the image, pick up beautiful stockings and gloves. To make the image not erotic, but frightening, be sure to smear yourself with “blood”. Such DIY Halloween ideas will be appreciated!

Pippi Longstocking look (Halloween costume for kids)

What will be needed?
  • Colored socks.
  • colored dress(preferably old style).
  • Wool scarf.
  • Several scraps of fabric.
  • Wire hanger.
  • Threads with a needle.
  • Shabo.
How to make a suit?
Peppy's dress should be somewhat reminiscent of a patchwork quilt, so we take colored pieces of fabric and randomly sew them to the dress. You can use large stitches so that they are clearly visible. Knee socks - required element(one golf can be lowered, adding to the image of negligence). As for the hair, it is, of course, pigtails. You can fervently lift them with a wire.

Have you made your own Halloween costumes? Share your ideas in the comments!

Photo: at the request of Google and Yandex