Sewing leather products with your own hands. DIY leather goods: we make stylish and expensive jewelry. Skin properties and features of working with it

Look into the far corners of your wardrobe, where "no man has gone before" - a joke where you have not looked in a long time, it is possible that there are many things there that you are no longer going to wear. Surely, among all this rubbish there are several items of clothing, accessories or shoes made of leather or a substitute - it can be gloves, a bag, boots or even a whole jacket.

If you are definitely not going to wear them, then you can make a new unique thing out of them, which will take on a new life and you will enjoy using it.

Making a leather craft is very easy, especially if you have imagination and creativity. Look at the photo of leather crafts and you will definitely choose what you need most of all now.

As ideas, we advise you to consider options such as wall panels, souvenirs and gifts, flowers, various wardrobe additions and even decorations. In order to make crafts, you only need free time, attentiveness and a great desire to do something with your own hands.

If you are new to creating leather products, then we recommend that you choose a simpler final option, so you can learn how to make a product and ruin your first hand-made. For example, you can make flowers for the wall or a small decoration.

It is not necessary to invent something new, it is enough to find step-by-step instructions for creating a certain thing and follow it from and to. When you learn this craft, you will be able to create masterpieces yourself and share them with the whole world.

Leather bracelet

What could be easier than a handmade leather bracelet? Today, such an accessory is considered very fashionable, and it is done in just a few hours with the right attitude to the scheme.

Materials and tools

  • Leather cord 0.8m long
  • Chain 3x0.25m
  • Scissors
  • Thread with a needle
  • Button the same color as the chain

Such a simple leather craft as a bracelet for beginners is easy to make. Mentally divide the leather cord into three equal parts, and then cut off one of them. Prepare your chains. The whole process will consist in weaving a braid from a lace and a chain.

When the weaving is over, it is necessary to tie the ends with a thread of the same color so that it is not visible. Try to do everything carefully so that the product looks decent.

At one end, you need to sew on a button, and on the other end, make a loop that will be worn on the button so that the bracelet can be closed. Keep in mind that the best option would be the unity of the colors of the chain and button.

Now your bracelet is ready and you can safely show it to your friends.

Leather brooch

Let's take a look at the step-by-step instructions on how to make such a leather craft. You can create a pattern of a brooch in the form of a flower.

Materials and tools

  • Colored leather elements
  • Cardboard
  • Scissors
  • Pin
  • Tweezers
  • PVA glue and Moment
  • Candle

First of all, you need to make sheet templates for a flower from cardboard. Then, according to the prepared template, it is necessary to cut out about ten such leaves from the skin. Next, on the reverse side of each sheet, you need to walk with Moment glue along its entire length and make a hall along the glue line.

Next, dilute the PVA glue with water, but not too much, and process the wrong side of each sheet. When the glue dries, it is important to carefully take the leaf with tweezers and hold it on a burning candle, try it, you will understand what it is for, but seriously, the leaf will acquire a natural volume and you will be surprised how beautiful it will look.

Attention, the sheet over the fire should only be processed with the wrong side, so as not to damage the skin itself.

Further making leather crafts with your own hands is to create the basis for the leaves. To do this, cut a circle of leather with a diameter of about 4-5 cm.

Then we proceed to gluing the petals to it. If you made leaves of different sizes, then put the large ones in the first row, then the medium ones, and finally the smallest ones.

After that, it is necessary to make several blanks for the center of the flower and glue them to the center of the base. The last step is to glue the pin to the back of the base. When the glue dries, you can immediately wear this jewelry.

What else can be made from pieces of leather?

For example, it could be a Japanese-style leather bag. To do this, you need to make a bag of leather so that it resembles a cylinder with a bottom.

The upper edge of such a bag is folded over and properly stitched with a beautiful line. A lace with a clip is inserted into the hole that has been bent and stitched, then the bag can simply be tightened and the contents will not fall out of it.

You can sew handles or straps to this bag, then it will be convenient to carry it on your back or shoulder.

lunch bag

Try taking a rectangular sheet of leather and sewing on the sides of the long side, right in the middle, additional walls. At the edges, which is smaller, it is important to equip the clasp.

If you did everything right, then when you connect the long edges, you should end up with a small carry-on bag, where it is convenient to store your portable lunch.

Yes, the bag is not easy to make, but you will catch enough glances at yourself and the bag that you will be completely proud of yourself.

leather package

Have you seen the paper bags that food is placed in at fast food restaurants? Try sewing two equal pieces of leather together to make the same bag. Such a product is convenient to store, carry with you and can be used for a variety of purposes from carrying food to storing money in it.


Do not want to spoil the new table with hot dishes? Cut out a bizarre shape from leather or vice versa, a recognizable figure and you can safely put hot glasses and plates on it. Nothing will happen to the code, so don't worry.


Wrap your notebook in real leather from an old jacket you no longer wear. Take a close look at the measurements and start sewing the edges of your new notebook cover.

In addition to all of the above, there are thousands of workshops on leather crafts. You just have to choose what you like the most and make such a product. Leather has always been and will remain in fashion, so feel free to start creating a unique little thing.

Photo of leather crafts

DIY leather and fur jewelry

One of the very first materials that man learned to process were natural fur and leather. Initially, they were used only for practical purposes, but the desire to decorate your image in every possible way, as well as a creative approach to needlework, won. From ancient times to this day, bold, original and original accessories delight stylish fashionistas. We suggest not to spend money on the purchase of such products, but to learn how to make leather jewelry with your own hands.

Master classes

Leather and fur are excellent materials for luxurious handmade jewelry. Stylish accessories can be decorated with ornamental stones, beads, complemented with elements of embroidery, knitting, beads, glass beads, embody any needlework skills in the author's collections of fashionable crafts.

luxury decoration
Leather and fur earrings
Brooch butterfly with beads
Bracelet with fur

With the light hand of the craftswoman and thanks to her excellent taste, leather jewelry will harmoniously complement not only the everyday look, but will also become an original accent of the evening dress. Do you want to surprise everyone with talents and craftsmanship embodied in the author's collection of jewelry? Beginners will be able to get acquainted with art, learn how to make leather jewelry with their own hands at the master class.

leather flowers

Crafts-flowers made of natural or artificial leather are the basic blank for any accessory. They can be used to make charming brooches, make a hair band, decorate a bag and even update old sandals. Many craftswomen prefer to work with natural material, from which the flower will turn out to be more delicate and realistic. To work, you will need several pieces of thin genuine leather, scissors, glue and a pattern. To make leather jewelry, you need a pattern. You can take ready-made sketches of product details or draw them yourself.

Stylish accessory
colorful flower
leather peony

Flower making algorithm:

  • We circle the pattern on the wrong side of the material, carefully cut it out with scissors along the contour.
  • We give the details a shape so that the flower gets a beautiful volume. To do this, prepare a solution of two parts of water and one part of PVA glue, and then generously coat each element.
  • We strongly squeeze the petals and let the blanks dry so that the glue becomes transparent and invisible.
  • From a flap of thicker skin, cut out the pistil and stamens. Many craftswomen use fishing line or thin wire wrapped in tissue paper.
  • We twist the petals with dried glue with a pencil, giving them the desired shape.


There are a few simple secrets on how to give leather blanks the desired shape. Use the principle of high temperatures, use a heated frying pan, a hair dryer, a preheated oven.

  • We collect all the individual parts into a beautiful flower, fixing each part with superglue.

Step-by-step master class on creating a flower from leather
Ready flower

To make such a flower more elegant, original and festive, you can use additional decor. Sparkling stones or rhinestones, drawing with sparkles, pearl beads, sequins, lace and fluffy natural fur - all this gives the decoration notes of luxury and grace.

Poppy leather. Part 1

Poppy leather. Part 2

Filigree scrollwork in leather

It takes a little skill to make filigree leather jewelry. Intricately curled spirals made of thin leather cord are the basic element of many trendy jewelry. Curls are obtained in any shape, color and size, with an interesting texture. It all depends on the material that is used for the cord.

Jewelry with filigree curls

We offer to make an original leather decoration with a twist with your own hands. To work, you need genuine leather, glue and a flat, smooth surface. Novice craftswomen are wondering how to make jewelry on a budget, but without losing quality and aesthetics. There is a secret: it is not necessary to buy leather in canvases, it is expensive, and besides, it is a pity to cut it into pieces. In the closet there are always a few gizmos made of genuine leather, and in creative shops you can buy scraps of genuine leather.

Let's start the creative process:

  • From long scraps we form lace-flags. Apply spot glue along the even edge of the material, bend the width of about 5 millimeters, press it with a soft cloth to remove excess glue. After the glue dries, we cut off along the edge, we get a thin lace.


The more various cords of different shades and textures, the brighter and more original the decoration will turn out.

  • Let's start making blanks-curls. We twist each lace with a “snail”, put a little glue in the middle. Between the turns we insert the end of the flagellum of a different color and texture, twisting again into a spiral. When adding new ribbons, we fasten them with glue and press hard to mask the place of extension.
  • We continue to build up the cords until we get a curl of the desired diameter and shape. To give the product an unusual look, you can twist the "snails" in different directions. The workpiece must be left for a day until the final drying of the glue.

Filigree Art Lesson
The product can be made in any color

From such curls you can make beautiful pendants, earrings, brooches, decorate headbands and even clothes. By arbitrarily sticking curls on a flat cord with a clasp, we get a very stylish bracelet.

How to make jewelry from strips of leather

We create beauty from fur and leather

Truly royal jewelry is created from leather and fur. We offer you to make a magnificent necklace for special occasions with your own hands.

Vine necklace
chic necklace

To work, you will need fabric, fishing line, beads, as well as white leather and fur. On the cardboard we draw a pattern in the form of a small heart. We transfer the sketch to the fabric, cut out 16 blanks. Then we transfer the pattern alternately to the skin, and then to the fur. You should get eight leather parts and eight fur parts. We process the edges of the leather blanks with fire, giving a little volume. We lay out all the details, alternating them, glue the fabric base to each back. On two cuts of fishing line of the same length, we string the parts. We decorate the necklace with beads, stones or other beautiful decor. Using such a simple technique, you can make do-it-yourself fur jewelry, for example, bracelets, earrings, necklaces, complementing the elements with lace or satin ribbons, unusual accessories and other details.

The main advantage of this type of needlework lies in its versatility, the absence of special skills and equipment. When creating stylish jewelry made of genuine leather, do not hold back your imagination, experiment by combining various handicraft techniques, complementing products with the most unexpected decor. This is how exclusive collections of designer products are born, which are in incredible demand among fashionistas.

Master Class

Master Class (MK) - this is the transfer of his professional experience by the master (teacher), his consistent, verified actions leading to a predetermined result.

To publish a master class, the work must be the author's (invented and made by you). If someone else's idea was used, then the author must be indicated. (A link to the source should not lead to a site containing the sale of goods or services, since links to commercial sites are prohibited under clause 2.4 of the PS).

Your master class should not completely duplicate the one already available in the Land of Masters. Before publishing, check through the search that there are no similar MKs on the site.

The process must be photographed step by step (see Tips for Photographing Crafts) or filmed (see How to Upload a Video).

Registration procedure: the first photo is the finished work that is proposed to be done, the second photo is the materials and tools necessary for the work (or their detailed description), then the stages of the MC from the first to the last. The final photo (the result of the work) can repeat the very first one. Photos must be accompanied by clear and competent comments on the process.

If you have already published your MK on another site and you also want to publish it with us, then you need to follow all the rules for issuing an MK described above. In other words: in a post with the MK type, you can’t just put a photo of the finished product and a link to a master class on another site.

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From skin skirt And Coat,

And a bunch of worn boots.

It's been a long time since it's not the same

Unfortunately things are coming to an end.

There are potatoes in my mother's bag,

The cat is playing with a mitten

Hanging an old jacket

Leather - timeless material that people began to process and use one of the first. The simplest clothes made of skins in the Neolithic era are replaced by clothes made of leather. This is how the first decorative techniques for artistic processing of leather appeared - engraving And . Belts, bags, shoes, armor - it seems that all nations have always had them.

Natural leather has plasticity, durability, it is charming and obedient, it breathes and allows you to feel comfortable at any time of the year. If you have old leather items, give them a second life. By investing a piece of yourself, these things will add individuality, originality and comfort to your home. Such crafts will bring joy and warmth of your hands to the house.

These can be: decoratively designed jars, bottles, chests, caskets, fantasy panels, curtain holders, photo frames (decorated with drapery or burning out a pattern), belts (in combination with metal, wood, bone, glass), hairpins, bracelets, beads, purse pendants, ties (!), dream trap, embossed book binding, furniture decoration and much, much more.....

Leather is an affordable and pliable material to work with. Even a child can create handmade leather products. Old bags, scraps from boots, gloves or belts will fit into the job. To create a large product, it is recommended to buy a single piece of leather in a specialized store.

Action algorithm

To make any souvenir products at home, you need to prepare material for a future leather product. An old bag or other item is torn at the seams, and each piece is wiped clean with a soft brush and soap. Then the pieces should be rinsed in a solution of water with vinegar and salt. The cleaned material must be well dried.

Clean and dry skin is to be dyed. Most often, oil-based paints, markers or nail polish are used for this. Genuine leather products of light colors can take on almost any shade.

Stencil preparation procedure: in order to start working on crafts from this material, it is advisable to cut the stencil out of cardboard in advance. The prepared template is applied to the skin from the wrong side. After that, the outlined part is cut out. By constantly using a stencil in your work, you can learn how to make leather products with complex and numerous elements.

After all the structural elements are cut out, you should start processing the edges. For this action, a paraffin or wax candle is perfect. It is worth holding the craft for a few seconds over its fire.

In order to glue all the available parts, it is recommended to use Moment glue. If there are additional materials in the form of cardboard, paper or pieces of fabric, it is advisable to purchase PVA glue. A good tip before gluing is to treat the future leather product with acetone with your own hands.

How to decorate a craft? At this final stage, the craftswoman resorts to the help of her imagination and can use any decorative elements: sequins, beads or sparkles.

What to do with spots on the skin

If spots have formed on the necessary piece of skin, you can try to remove them with improvised means. Leather products are often subject to household grease, which can be easily washed off with gasoline or thinner.

If you find stains from a ballpoint pen, you should resort to a mixture of alcohol and acetic acid. If these ingredients are not at hand, wet salt is poured onto the craft and wiped with a sponge for washing dishes.

Cleaned leather products are ironed with an iron, which should be warm, after laying a layer of fabric.

How to make a bracelet yourself

The first step is to think over a sketch of your masterpiece. To do this, you need to draw it on thick paper. Fashion trends can be a hint.

Do not forget about the comfortable clasp. Basically, female representatives prefer to resort to buttons for the convenience of removing jewelry. After drawing a sketch on cardboard, you need to accurately measure all the dimensional components, be sure to leave an allowance for the fastener.

The next step is to transfer the image to the skin. To do this, the layout is cut out, applied to a flap of skin and circled with soap. Almost finished crafts are cut with scissors. The most difficult thing for a leather product with your own hands is the installation of a button. To do this, you need a special device that, by pressing, cuts the clasp into the skin. A simple solution would be to sew in a regular fastener yourself, but with tracking the accuracy of the running seam.

At the final stage, the craft is decorated to the taste of each hostess. It can be rhinestones or beads.

Making a rose out of leather

Future petals are drawn on the prepared skin flap, there should be at least ten of them, small and large, and carefully cut out. Then all the details are fired over a candle flame in such a way that they are slightly wrapped.

The first small petal is filled with glue and folded into a tube - it will become the middle of the flower. Each subsequent one is glued to the middle. An important note will be the exposure of one line to get exactly the rose. At the end, the product can be sprinkled with glitter hairspray.

To create jewelry and other things, it is best to use natural materials. Leather products will be an excellent option for creating beautiful jewelry, accessories and other decorative elements. It can be various brooches, earrings, pendants and necklaces. You can also recreate beautiful hoops that are decorated with small leather flowers. But to make a really beautiful and masterpiece thing, you need to learn how to work with this beautiful material.

DIY leather goods: business card holder

This method is quite simple, so it is suitable for beginners. 10x12 cm - these are the dimensions that will be used when working. Any skin is suitable for this work.

Cut the workpiece to the specified size and take a ruler with circles. If there is none, you can use coins or compasses. Round corners, work with a clerical knife. 5 cm recede from one edge and make a hole with an awl. Also, retreating from the edges by 1.5 cm, they make the same serifs.

Using a ruler and a clerical knife, cut out a patterned pocket. A notch is made with an awl at a distance of 6 cm along both sides so as not to go beyond this border. To the indicated serifs, small holes are made with an awl at the same distance along both sides.

Retreating a little space after the serifs, make the same holes on the other side. On the formed holes, the product is sewn at the edges. The thread is taken with a margin, so that it is convenient to sew. Threads must be selected in color to the product. The edges of the business card holder are sanded with sandpaper and a beautiful accessory for plastic cards is ready.

DIY leather goods: brooch

In order not to throw away an old leather jacket or bag, you need to find a worthy use for them. This master class will show you how to make leather jewelry with your own hands from old leather things.

For work you will need:

  • A piece of genuine leather;
  • Water;
  • Liquid soap;
  • Ammonia;
  • Cotton swab;
  • Paper;
  • Pencil;
  • Scissors;
  • hot frying pan;
  • Beads and beads;
  • Tweezers;
  • Threads with a needle;
  • Satin ribbon;
  • Hot glue gun.

Manufacturing process:

  • Before you start working with the skin, it must be processed. To do this, mix in equal proportions water, liquid soap and ammonia. Stir the resulting solution well and begin to treat the surface of the skin. Take a cotton pad, soak it in the solution and wipe the skin.
  • Three patterns of flowers are drawn on a piece of paper. Their size should be different, from small to large flower. Cut out three pieces.
  • Three patterns are applied to the skin, circled and carefully cut out.
  • Three blanks are laid out on a hot frying pan with the wrong side for several minutes, until the flowers begin to change their shape.
  • Using tweezers, remove all three parts from a hot pan and spread on a work surface.
  • After complete cooling, one three-dimensional flower is folded from three flowers and they begin to stitch it with a needle and thread. From above, the middle of the flower is decorated with beads with beads.
  • Three long leather cords of the same size are cut from a piece of leather. From them weave a neat pigtail.
  • A beautiful bow is made from a satin ribbon. Using a glue gun, a beautifully designed pigtail made of leather cords and a satin bow are attached to the back wall of the flower.
  • Using special fittings, they make a beautiful and neat mount on the back wall of the flower. It turned out beautiful, stylish and original brooch.

How to make a hair tie out of leather and fur

A worthy hair ornament can be made from leather and fur. It will look like a rose flower. To do this, take a piece of paper and draw on it a pattern of a rose petal. After the petal is cut out, it is applied to the skin and outlined. In total, 30-40 such petals will be required. Cut each petal out of the leather with scissors.

Using a hot frying pan, shape each petal. You can use a candle. Singe each petal over a candle and get the desired effect. Using a glue gun, collect a flower and glue each petal together.

On the back of the flower, natural fur is placed and glued. To close all the tails beautifully, a circle is cut out of the skin and the entire surface of the back wall of the rose is sealed with it. Using a small piece of leather and hot glue, glue the elastic to the flower. To do this, the gum is smeared with glue, applied to the flower and glued. To hide the place of gluing the gum and the flower, take a piece of skin, both edges of which are smeared with glue and glued to the rose, covering all the irregularities.

Since leather is a natural material, all products look very expensive and noble. Using a lot of photos and videos, you can make any crafts and decorations from this material, and each work will have a stunning appearance.

Video on the topic of the article