Crafts from disposable cups. Unusual crafts from plastic cups, spoons and forks

Very often, after gatherings in nature, children's holidays or work events, a lot of used disposable tableware remains. Naturally, she finds her place in the trash can, but do not rush to part with this, as it may seem at first glance, garbage. Forks, plates, plastic bottles are an indispensable and affordable material for making various crafts with your own hands. Many beautiful things can be made from disposable cups, and now you will see for yourself.

New Year's snowman

Winter holidays are one of the most beloved in every family, and preparation for them is pleasant for both adults and children. To surprise your guests, we suggest you make this wonderful New Year's craft - a snowman from disposable cups. The cash costs for its manufacture are minimal, and the process itself will bring a lot of joy and good mood. For the snowman we need:

  • White plastic cups.
  • Black and orange plasticine.
  • Glue gun or stapler.


To give stability to the snowman, it is necessary to make the first row a hemisphere, and not an even circle. So, lay out our plastic dishes and fasten them together with a stapler or glue. For the first row of this craft from disposable cups, their number was approximately 25 pieces. For the second row of the snowman, the same number of glasses is taken, they are similarly fixed along the top of the bottom row. The next rows will consist of fewer cups, due to its conical shape. Do not be afraid that you will not succeed, the most important thing here is to start work, in the manufacturing process everything will become clear.

The top ball of the snowman is made more round and smaller in size than the already made body. For the head, you will need 18 plastic cups, which we also spread around and repeat the process already familiar to us. Then we turn the ball over, upside down and make more rows, you don’t need to do it to the end. The head should also be left unfinished.

It is not necessary to make three lumps, like a snowman from snow. With them, he will not be stable. Now we install a small ball on a large lower one, if everything is in order, we begin to decorate the New Year's surprise. The nose can be made from a real carrot or fashioned from orange plasticine. We put a bucket or hat on our heads, make eyes. Everything, our snowman from disposable cups is ready! By the way, it will make an original night light if you put a multi-colored garland in the body.

Unusual bouquet

After the holiday for kids, multi-colored plastic cups in huge quantities become garbage, and the hand of a thrifty hostess will not rise to throw them away. After all, you can give them a second life and make various crafts from disposable cups. For example, flowers that will delight with their colors at any time of the year. To do this, we need: plastic cups of different colors, scissors and chopsticks (you can take wooden chopsticks for Japanese food).

Work process

The first stage in the manufacture of the "Flower" - crafts from disposable cups - is the preparation of all the necessary materials. Glasses for our bouquet must be necessarily colored, the stick will serve as a stem, if there are no sticks, then it will be possible to use an ordinary twig or wire instead.

The second stage - we take three disposable cups and in each of them we make a hole in the middle of the bottom, the size of the hole depends on the thickness of our stem. It must be held tight so that our flowers from disposable cups do not slide down their base.

The final step is to cut the glass in the middle of our flower with scissors so that it takes the form of short petals in the middle of the flower. The second plastic cup is smaller, to get more petals, and the third is not cut off at all. Now we bend the made petals and give shape to our craft. A beautiful flower is ready, after making a few of these delightful creations, you will get a beautiful bouquet from waste material.

How did disposable cups come about?

As you can see from the article, plastic cups are not only convenient dishes that do not require washing after use, but also an excellent material for creativity. And what is their history? Who came up with the idea of ​​disposable tableware? So, at the beginning of the last century, a student at the American University, Hugh Everett Moore, drew attention to the fact that drinking water tanks that were then at train stations, schools, etc., were accompanied by a mug for general use. They did not wash it often and, accordingly, there was no question of hygiene. He wrote an article about it in the local newspaper and suggested an alternative - a safe mug made of thick paper. The proposal caught the interest of Chicago businessman Lawrence Luellen, who at the time owned water vending machines and whose business was not going well because of public tanks of free water. Over time, Lawrence and Hugh became the founders of the company "Individual drinking cups". As you can see, in the modern world their business is flourishing: plastic, paper, transparent, colored, with and without a lid. And all this diversity thanks to one not indifferent student.

Parents feel the approach of the New Year by the need to carry New Year's crafts to school or kindergarten. Crafts can be created from completely different materials: shoe boxes, cotton pads, paper and plastic plates ... Crafts from plastic glasses will be the most original.

DIY snowman from plastic cups

Materials: plastic cups, stapler, felt, hat and scarf.

1. Let's build the first level of a snowman from plastic cups - this is the middle layer of the ball. The number of cups depends on the desired size of the snowman. We fasten the cups together with a stapler.

2. We build the next layer in a checkerboard pattern, distributing the cups, fastening them with a stapler and to each other in the second level and with the first level of cups.

3. We continue to build levels until a closed ball is formed. Half is ready.

4. Turn over the hemisphere (as in the photo) and continue to build levels until you get a ball.

5. We make the second ball from plastic cups of other sizes. We take into account that the large ball is the body and the smaller one is the head of the snowman. From here we calculate the number of cups for the average main level (either more or less than for the previous ball). We create the second ball entirely.

6. Decoration to your taste. Cut out eyes, nose, buttons from felt. We attach them to the snowman with a stapler or glue. The top hat or hat, scarf and snowman are ready.

Christmas trees from plastic cups

Creating a Christmas tree from plastic cups or coffee paper cups follows the same principle as creating a snowman. See detailed photo and video above.
However, the layers of cups are not stapled to the bottom or top row of paper cups. One tier is stapled together only with a stapler. Creating this Christmas tree is a long and painstaking and costly process. Since one tier consists of many cups, it is not empty inside, but consists of cups fastened together and, ultimately, is attached to the frame. And so every row.

Such a Christmas tree was created by a thirst for creativity and a storm of creativity.

Creativity is unstoppable. Paintings on the walls from cups.

Crafts from cups, as well as crafts from plastic bottles or napkins, are a great way not only to have fun in your free time, but also to decorate a room in an original and inexpensive way for a particular celebration. In addition, many child psychologists and educators believe that DIY crafts made from plastic cups with your children are a great way to develop fine motor skills and develop perseverance.

Such creativity as crafts from plastic cups has a lot of advantages. Children (and some adults, too), while making them, can develop the following qualities in themselves:

  • attentiveness;
  • perseverance;
  • accuracy;
  • patience.

Important! Collecting crafts from disposable cups with their own hands, the child learns to independently solve a wide variety of tasks.

For example, he learns to work with scissors and glue. As a result, in the future, he will be able to easily cope with individual tasks in kindergarten or school. The items made in the process of such activities will remain in his memory and will bring pleasant memories of childhood for a long time.

Children engaged in needlework are more developed mentally

In addition, parents also need to remember that statistics say that children who are engaged in needlework are more mentally developed than their peers who are not keen on such work. Therefore, if your child has problems with socialization in a children's team, if he has weak logical thinking and imagination, it makes sense to make various crafts with him at home. Such work will help overcome these problems and allow your child to gain useful life skills.

Separately, it is worth noting the fact that crafts from cups do not imply any significant costs. The price of plastic or paper cups is cheap, and many toys and decorations can be made from them. In addition, handmade gifts and souvenirs, even those made from improvised materials, will be much more appreciated by your relatives than similar ones made in a factory way. After all, the same flower made from a glass will give pleasant memories for a long time to come.

There is another side: crafts from disposable cups allow you to quickly, cheaply and tastefully decorate, if necessary, almost any room for a birthday, New Year or other festive event. With their help, you can get garlands, ribbons, stars, balls, various figures. In this case, you only need scissors, and for complex products - adhesive tape, glue and wire for the frame.

Crafts from disposable cups allow you to quickly, cheaply and tastefully decorate, if necessary, almost any room

Options for the practical use of crafts from cups

Cup crafts can be created for a variety of purposes. For example, they can perfectly decorate the festive table. This applies both directly to the tableware itself and to the dishes that will be served during the celebration. Crafts from paper cups can be a variety of flowers, garlands and balls. In addition, if you use your imagination, you can make almost any figure out of cups.

Separately, it is worth mentioning such a feature of the material for accessories as the possibility of manufacturing various luminous elements. It can be flashlights, a mini lamp or figurines. You can not only decorate the same festive table in an original way, but also create a romantic atmosphere. Such a move will be especially successful if your festive events take place in the evening.

In addition, skillful hands are able to make crafts from yogurt cups. They can serve as exclusive gifts for guests invited to a child's birthday. You can also make figurines of animals, birds or fairy-tale creatures with him. Usually an unforgettable effect in this case is guaranteed for you, and such a gift will be remembered for a long time.

One of the areas of use of plastic handicrafts is interior design.

Another direction for the use of plastic handicrafts is interior design. So, for example, crafts from yogurt cups can be made in the form of an original lamp. Such a device can perfectly decorate a rest room in your office or a children's room in your home. At the same time, the craft will have a functional purpose.

You can decorate the entire children's room for some time with the products that you made with your child together. Crafts from plastic cups for children allow you to create themed interiors, for example, a pirate island or a gnome's house. Factory-made interiors cannot create such an impressive effect, as they are too standardized. Therefore, you can not be limited to only one nursery. Try to apply this approach to the interior of the same kitchen.

Well, the most important direction of using such crafts is considered cultural and leisure. Creating the same flower from a paper or plastic cup allows you to take your mind off problems for at least 10 minutes and relax after work. In addition, working together will strengthen your family ties, make your family strong and united.

Types of crafts from disposable cups

Important! Crafts from cups have several varieties, depending on the method of manufacture.

The most common are a variety of products cut with scissors. In a similar way, artificial flowers, garlands, balls and other objects are created. In addition, the method is suitable for the manufacture of various coasters for cutlery and napkins.

The second type of homemade cups are a variety of figures. Usually they are glued or made using a wire frame. You can create figures of fairy-tale characters, plants, toy houses.

The third common and easy-to-make type of crafts from cups is appliqué. In this case, various elements are simply glued onto the glass. Even a child of 5-6 years old can make an application, so this type of creativity is very common in kindergartens and children's circles.

Flowers from plastic cups

In addition, it is worth talking separately about the various combined products from plastic cups. So, for example, if you combine cups and plastic bottles, you can get quite complex designs - a Christmas tree or a money tree. However, some of these crafts may have moving parts. As a result, a child can get a full-fledged toy, and adults can get an original decoration on the table.

Separately, it is worth mentioning that crafts made from plastic cups can also be used for purely utilitarian purposes, for example, as original lamps.

Advice! By the way, if on New Year's Eve you glue a snowman or a Christmas tree out of glasses and bring LEDs to them, you will get a toy lamp no worse than an industrial one.

It will not only entertain you during the holiday, but also quite decently illuminate the room, creating a festive atmosphere.

Making origami and applications

As we wrote above, the most common homemade cups are applications and origami. If the essence of the application is to apply images in various ways, then origami is to cut the glass and connect or fold the resulting ribbons in a certain way.

Making a flower out of plastic cups

So, for example, if you want to create crafts from plastic cups in the form of flowers, you will need 3 copies of this dish. Also, have a stapler and scissors ready. It is best to use cups of different colors - the flower will look as festive as possible.

When the material is selected, it is necessary to leave one cup of its original length, the second one will have to be shortened a little, the third one should be cut even shorter. After the cups are prepared, it is necessary to cut each of them to the bottom and twist it by running a scissors blade along these strips. In this way, as many “flowers” ​​are made as necessary to create an artificial bouquet.

Advice! As a stem, you can use a manicure stick made of wood.

The finished composition is placed in a specially selected vase or pot with soil. You can also fix it at the bottom of an inverted large glass (suitable for coffee).

Crafts from cups, performed by the application method, are even easier to make. To do this, it is necessary to cut out various images and shapes from one cup in advance. For example, a triangle can represent a nose, and circles can represent eyes. Then they are glued to a plastic product using a suitable adhesive. As a result, you can get some figurine, toy, or just a fun glass that can be used for its intended purpose.

Making crafts with LEDs

In addition to fairly simple products, there are crafts made from plastic cups that need to be assembled step by step. These include products using LEDs. For such homemade products, it is characteristic that LEDs are placed inside, which illuminate the entire structure from the inside. As a result, it gets an unusual appearance, which can be made even more original if you use multi-colored LEDs and cups made from different types of plastic.

One of the most common products of this kind is a luminous tree. To create it, you need monochromatic coffee cups, wire, and a garland of LEDs. To begin with, a hole is made in the bottom of the cups through which the LED will be fed. A wire is passed through another hole, on which all the elements of such a “tree” are strung.

But at the same time, fire safety rules must be observed. So, for example, it is strictly forbidden to place an incandescent lamp in plastic products, as it can melt the plastic and cause a fire. Only LEDs can be used, they do not heat up and cannot cause a fire.

After trips to nature, festive events, especially for children, not only pleasant memories remain, but also a huge amount of plastic spoons, forks, plates, cups and straws for a cocktail. As a result, usually all this is thrown away, because the price of a new package is extremely low. Crafts from plastic utensils with your own hands are not only fast, but also probably the cheapest type of needlework.

The following master class with step-by-step instructions will help you create original crafts.

plastic flower

For the manufacture of flowers from plastic cups you will need:

  • a plastic cup;
  • straw for drinks;
  • scissors.

Manufacturing instructions:

  1. Tear the edge of the glass and tear the edge almost to the end, leaving a centimeter to the bottom.
  2. In the same way, process the entire edge in a circle, each tear should be about half a centimeter from the previous one.
  3. Make an incision in the bottom.
  4. Now you need to fold the resulting lines into petals. Fold them back, in half, hide the edge of each petal under the previous one so that they go obliquely.
  5. Insert a straw into the notch.

The flower is ready. Petals can be decorated with beads.

Christmas decorations

To create a very cute Christmas tree decoration, you will need the following items:

How to make a Christmas tree decoration from plastic cups:

  1. Place the upside down glass on the felt and trace around it. Cut the circle a little larger so that the glass fits on top of it.
  2. Make a hole in the bottom of the glass.
  3. Fold the twine in half and thread through the hole. Make a knot and loop.
  4. Cut the straw to fit inside the glass.
  5. Cut out a small triangle from felt and write "North Pole" on it. Glue the felt to the straw.
  6. Cut off a piece of green tulle and wrap it around a lollipop stick. Then cut the tulle so that you get the shape of a spruce.
  7. Glue the tree and straw into the middle of the felt circle.
  8. Spray the Christmas tree with glue and sprinkle with glitter.
  9. Glue the glass to the felt.

The decoration is ready, you can hang it on the Christmas tree!

Halloween monsters

Your child will be happy to help you make these funny monsters. To create them you will need:

  • plastic cups;
  • permanent marker;
  • orange, green and black plastic paints;
  • plastic moving eyes.

Making monsters is not difficult:

  1. Paint the glasses in different colors, let dry.
  2. Turn the glasses upside down. Use a marker to draw a variety of mouths: toothy, open, etc.
  3. Glue on the eyes.

The monsters are ready. "Heads" can be decorated with hats, sequins and beads.

Crafts from disposable spoons and forks

Crafts from spoons and forks are one of the varieties of jewelry made from disposable tableware. They came into fashion relatively recently in connection with the boom of handmade that broke out in the world.


Such ladybugs You can decorate the children's room or plants. For this you will need:

How to make cute insects:

  1. Cut off the handles of the spoons.
  2. Color the spoons with permanent markers or paints: two spoons red, one black, let dry completely.
  3. Turn the spoons upside down. Apply glue to the sides of the black spoon and attach two red spoons to form the open ladybug wings. Important: the “head” of the cow is where the handle was cut off.
  4. Glue elongated antenna beads onto the head.
  5. Use black paint or a marker to draw dots on the cow's wings.

Ladybug is ready.

Christmas tree made of plastic spoons

For this Christmas craft, you will need a whole mountain of plastic disposable spoons (about 100 pieces)! In addition, you will need:

  • papier-mache cone (blank can be purchased at needlework stores);
  • scissors;
  • can of green paint;
  • hot glue gun.

Instructions for creating Christmas tree:

  1. Cut off the handles of the spoons.
  2. Start gluing the spoons to the cone starting at the base. Each new row should slightly overlap the bottom one.
  3. Cover the resulting Christmas tree with several layers of paint, then turn over and paint over the undersides of the spoons.

Ready! You can decorate the "paws" of the Christmas tree with beads or pearls.

unusual flowers

This is the simplest method for creating unusual colors. For this you will need:

  • 4 plastic spoons of bright color;
  • green ribbon.

Making such a flower is as easy as shelling pears: turn all four spoons with the curved sides to the center and tie with a ribbon. You can make several of these flowers and decorate flower pots or a garden with them.

Using other plastic utensils

Creative people with rich imagination and imagination can make wonderful things from almost any material. An example of this is crafts from plastic bottles and plates.

Can be crafted mermaid costume made of plastic bottles. A skirt with sparkling scales on your daughter at a matinee or other celebration will look interesting and original. For this you will need:

  • long green skirt;
  • 2-3 two-liter green or colorless plastic bottles;
  • oval hole punch (5 cm);
  • utility knife;
  • fabric glue;
  • ribbon;
  • stapler;
  • rubber;
  • scissors;
  • tulle (1 meter).

Step by step instructions for creating mermaid tail from plastic bottles:

  1. Cut off the top and bottom of each bottle. Lay them on the table and press down with your hands, smoothing out the plastic.
  2. Use a hole punch to create scales.
  3. Using a stapler, attach the scales to the skirt. Each bottom row should be covered by a few millimeters of scales from the top row.
  4. Flip your skirt. Attach the tulle with a stapler a third below the top of the skirt, tie with a ribbon and secure with an elastic band. The tulle should hang from the skirt - this is the tail of a mermaid.

The costume skirt is ready. To complete the look, add a green top, fan, and jewelry.

In addition to clothes, you can make crafts for the New Year tree or just to decorate the room. For example, a Christmas ball with a snowman from a plastic or paper plate. During the manufacture of this craft, you need to be careful, then the result will please both you and your children. For creating Christmas ball you will need:

How to make beautiful plate decoration:

  1. Cut out a paper snowman.
  2. Use glue to attach the figurine to the bottom of the blue plate. Color the snowman with felt-tip pens, creating a face, hat and hands to your liking.
  3. Sprinkle artificial snow in the middle of the plate.
  4. Turn the clear plate or lid upside down and glue it to the main plate.

Ready. When the glue dries, you can shake the craft and watch the snowman come to life.

Attention, only TODAY!

Why don't we litter nature! but the craftsmen manage to put everything into action. I already wrote about how disposable plates are used, and now the turn has come to disposable cups - plastic, paper, from yoghurts loved by kids, etc.

for example, such

The easiest way to make crafts from plastic cups is to make flowers, a very easy task and even a child can do it, you will still need scissors and a stick for the process. It can be a Chinese stick, a straight twig, wire, in general, any material that can be used as a stem for a flower. Of course, it is best to take colored cups, then you will get beautiful flowers, although you can take white or transparent ones and paint them yourself with nail polish. In general, there is more than enough room for a flight of fancy in this matter.

For crafts, take as many cups as you want, but keep in mind that for one flower you need to take at least three cups to make it lush. In each cup, it is necessary to make such a hole so that the stick can pass through it, but at the same time hold firmly. We also cut the sides of disposable cups into strips. When you put prepared cups on a stick, try to combine the base of the flower together so that it is one. The length of the petals for all three cups should be different, so when they have already taken their place on the stem, cut the petals of the first cup so that they are the shortest, the petals of the second - a little longer, and leave the third one unchanged. The resulting petals must be bent to give the petals and the flower a shape.

And now the option is a little more complicated - chrysanthemums


Disposable plastic cups of different colors, scissors, stapler.

In order to make one flower, you will need 3 plastic disposable cups.

Take the first glass and use scissors to cut its walls from edge to bottom into strips 5-8 mm wide. Leave the bottom untouched.

Now each strip must be twisted. For this you will again need scissors. To twist the strip, you need to forcefully run the back of the scissors blade along it 3-4 times. The same effect can be achieved with the nails of the thumb and forefinger.

The end result will be something like this:

Make 2 more of these blanks, only smaller. To do this, before cutting the walls of the cup with noodles, shorten it by a couple of centimeters:

So, you have three blanks.

Insert the smaller one into the largest workpiece.

The next blank, as you might guess, needs to be inserted inside the second one. But before that, turn it over to the other side - so that its petals do not twist outwards, but inside the flower. This is necessary, firstly, in order to mask the bottom of the cup, and secondly, this way the flower looks more natural!

Fasten the blanks together in the center with a stapler.

Here is the finished chrysanthemum.

It is not necessary to make a flower corolla from cups of the same color. You can, for example, make such a flower:

(made from two red cups and one yellow)

If you are going to make a composition from chrysanthemums, you need to make several of these flowers and arrange (on a sheet of cardboard, plate, etc.)

And if you plan to make a bouquet out of these flowers, then you need to drill a hole in the center of the flower with an awl (Caution! Put a board under the flower and do not hurt your fingers!) You can insert a stem from any suitable material into this hole. For example, wooden sticks for manicure are suitable:

Insert the finished flowers with stems into a vase of a suitable size.

and a few more ideas for your creativity