Unusual compliments to a girl for her beauty. Girl. Extraordinary compliments to a girl. Cool compliments for a girl

A compliment to a girl can be short, original and funny or sweet and romantic, but nice words should sound natural and come from the heart so that the fair sex will appreciate them. You should not flatter and clearly exaggerate women's virtues, creating the impression of a frivolous and frivolous young man. You can tell your beloved girl how wonderful she looks, admire her new dress, shoes, hairstyle and manicure. Do not forget about the internal qualities, noting that she is very smart, quick-witted and kind. An outsider can be told that she has beautiful hair and eyes, but you should not choose words for too long or pronounce banal phrases.

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How to give compliments to girls

When describing the external virtues of a woman, one can focus on comparing her with natural phenomena or other people. You need to learn how to say compliments correctly - with admiring intonation, looking into the girl's eyes - and be prepared for any reaction, because the compliment that the girl liked will seem banal and too primitive for an adult woman.

Adjectives that you can use when talking to your girlfriend will be inappropriate when talking to a girlfriend or colleague.

It is important to take into account the social status, upbringing, social circle of the girl and her intellectual abilities. To tell a businesswoman that she looks superb would be wrong. It is necessary to choose more refined words and expressions so that such a woman appreciates them.

Beautiful and original compliments to your girlfriend

A list of compliments that you can say to your beloved girl or lover in any situation or write via SMS:

What compliments and what are they aboutList
  1. 1. As soon as I saw your incredible eyes, I immediately drowned in them, and no one can save me.
  2. 2. In your eyes, I see not only a reflection of myself, but also hope for a brighter future and mischievous sparks.
  3. 3. I fell in love, like a boy, with your brown eyes, because once I looked into them, I saw what I was longing for ...
  1. 1. When you speak, your voice flows like the singing of nightingales. It's just as sweet and melodic.
  2. 2. I can listen to your voice for hours, it is so mesmerizing and charming that I will never get tired of hearing you
Appearance and figure
  1. 1. With your appearance, only world catwalks can be conquered ...
  2. 2. What a figure! Much can be forgiven for such appetizing forms!
  3. 3. You are my slim girl! This dress looks great on you
  1. 1. Your curls are gorgeous, even Jolie and Brezhnev will envy them.
  2. 2. I want to bury myself in your hair and inhale the alluring aroma that makes you so dear and desirable.
  3. 3. Looking at you, you understand why hair is considered the main wealth of girls.
  4. 4. Smooth and deliciously scented, soft, silky, flowing and shiny... Guess what I mean? About your hair, of course.
  5. 5. I like it when you let your hair down, my fabulous Rapunzel
  1. 1. I will never forget the unforgettable and unique taste of these plump lips.
  2. 2. Your lips are divinely tender and sweet
Cool and modern compliments with meaning
  1. 1. With this stylish new bag, you look like a real business lady, and the suit complements this look well.
  2. 2. If we compare you with a car, then you are even cooler than the most sophisticated foreign car!
  3. 3. I have an iPhone of the latest model, but I'm not afraid of losing it, but losing you. My sun, you are the most expensive and desired
  1. 1. I am ready to go to any feat and fight the most formidable and invincible monster in order to be honored with your admiring glance, my beautiful princess.
  2. 2. For me, you are perfect in every way. I love you and do not want anything to change in you, because you are my perfection.
  3. 3. You are the mistress of my dreams. You are a heavenly angel. You are the most amazing creation on this earth. I'm ready to repeat it tirelessly, because you are so adored and desired
Original and unusual
  1. 1. Today you are simply incredible and especially beautiful! When you ride public transport or go home, look under your feet and don't step on the men who fainted from such beauty.
  2. 2. You look like a young and sexy teacher in those glasses, and I didn't do my homework today, will you punish me?
  3. 3. My love, oh God! Nobody can surpass you.
  4. 4. I love you, as in a famous song, to tears, to trembling, to pain, and I am ready to throw millions of roses at your feet if you ask for it

Pleasant words to an unfamiliar woman and colleague

A stranger is not allowed to talk about vulgar and vulgar things. It is inappropriate to evaluate her intimate parts of the body (buttocks, breasts), but it can be said about her hair, figure, gait, eyes, outfit, jewelry.

Examples of classy, ​​affectionate and cute compliments that any woman would love:

  1. 1. Your beauty blinded me and struck me on the spot. I can't sleep now...
  2. 2. What a figure! And the face is so cute and childishly naive. Did you just turn 18 yesterday? (This compliment should be said by adult women.)
  3. 3. Such an imposing and bright woman surely has a boyfriend?
  4. 4. Young lady, you are so sweet and charming that all decent thoughts flew out of my head and only indecent thoughts remained ...
  5. 5. Girl, please me, turn around again!
  6. 6. Cool skirt! Looks great with these blue earrings.

A fat girl should not talk about the grace of her figure and slender legs, but you can make a compliment about beauty:

  1. 1. You are a Rubens beauty!
  2. 2. I would compose a poem praising your beauty, but I am not a poet and I cannot find rhymes, so I will say in prose briefly and clearly: "You are beautiful."
  3. 3. You are amazing and stunning, and your smile makes you smile back.
  4. 4. Dear lady, I was drunk on such beauty and lost the power of speech!

List of nice and short compliments for a colleague or girlfriend:

  1. 1. You are amazing today.
  2. 2. Cool suit, it really suits you.
  3. 3. Smile, because your smile cheers up all the men in the office.
  4. 4. Have you changed your hairstyle? Very nice.
  5. 5. What a stylish and sophisticated manicure! Did you do it yourself?

There is no need to use formulaic phrases ("you are so beautiful" or "you look good"). It is better to say a compliment in your own words. Praise for the ability to dress beautifully or describe the dignity of the dress, appearance.

The story of one of our readers Alina R.:

Money has always been my main concern. Because of this, I had a lot of complexes. I considered myself a failure, problems at work and in my personal life haunted me. However, I decided that I still needed personal help. Sometimes it seems that the matter is in yourself, all failures are only a consequence of bad energy, the evil eye, or some other evil force.

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They say that girls love with their ears, and, as practice shows, in real life this theory works one hundred percent. That is why complimenting a girl in your own words is the best way to express your sincere attitude towards her person. You can dedicate a poem to her, appreciate her appearance or cheerful look, or simply surprise her by noticing changes in her figure, hair color or image.

We have prepared for you a list of the most original compliments. and advice, which will help cheer up the girl and learn the art of pickup.

Basic rules of communication - success is guaranteed

As the famous American psychologist David O'Gilvey wrote in his writings, the most beloved and desired word in the life of any person is the name. This is the shortest way to the location of the interlocutor, so do not neglect it.

Try to call your girl by name, avoiding diminutives that denote species or classes of animals. “Fish, pussy, mouse” - all these words can cause negative associations in a girl, which can negatively affect relationships.

It is better to use variations of the name and various petting diminutives of her name.

As practice shows, an appropriate, creative and unobtrusive compliment is an effective tool for dating. It should be remembered that at an early stage, when you just started a dialogue, you need to refrain from "songs of praise" to your interlocutor. Remember:
  • Any compliments must be laid-back. It is best to pronounce them when your emotional background is at the same level as your partner. At this moment, you can focus on what a beautiful image your partner has, a gentle voice, an unusual manicure or out-of-the-box thinking.
  • Feel free to say nice words out loud, because any girl is counting on a compliment. remember, that just for you she chose an outfit, put on make-up, did a manicure, and did many more "feminine" prep jobs to make a nice first impression in a casual setting.
  • A very important rule when pronouncing compliments is its emotional coloring, as well as your motivation. Try to highlight for yourself exactly those features that you liked in the girl, and this may not necessarily be the appearance.

    You can give 100 compliments to a girl by appreciating her humor, sincere sparkle in her eyes, an interesting inner world, or an unusual way to maintain a dialogue.

  • If you express admiration for her behavioral or psychosomatic traits, then after pronouncing "pleasant" words, it is worth indicating the criteria by which you made such a conclusion. For example:

    "It's very easy to communicate with you - you can support any topic!"

    Don't go overboard with listing items because she might think you're a bore. It's better to have a little understatement. This position will allow your companion to independently think out your words, and believe me - she will do it better than you.
  • A special role should be given your voice And intonation. Remember that you should speak calmly and confidently, because your voice can give you away, and girls, due to the peculiarities of the work of the hemispheres of the brain, notice even a slight insincerity. Alas, but it happened at the genetic level.

    Based on the research of scientists, it can be assumed that people of both sexes like a calm, even and low timbre of voice. If the speed of speech and diction can be “set”, then it will not be possible to quickly change the sound of your vocal cords.

    So use special welcome, which consists in a slight lowering of the chin to the chest during the pronunciation of words. In this case, the air from the larynx will travel a greater distance and its speed will decrease, which will lower your tone.

  • Don't try to give a cool compliment right away. A girl can appreciate him, but a young lady is unlikely to understand. The best choice would be an affectionate, pleasant and non-banal compliment that will not sound like a statement of fact. Compare the color of her eyes with the vast expanse of the river, read the memorized verse/line from a song or make your chosen one cry with laughter.
Very sincere are the beautiful compliments to the charming girl that you pronounce spontaneously. However, one should not say what first came to mind. If a compliment was born in your head during a walk in the fresh air, a romantic dinner or during an active holiday, then it is best to interrupt the conversation at this moment, look at the girl, slightly analyze your thoughts and express your delight to her in words.

For example: “No, I can’t keep silent, and not say that you look charming.”

And then continue the main conversation. Just do not get hung up on a compliment and expect any words or actions in response. It is enough to take a break from the main conversation for a second to give your partner beautiful words. This will give your words a more valuable look. Believe that after a compliment, your meeting will be even more pleasant, and friendly flirting can develop into a romantic relationship.

Secret tricks, or how to conquer a girl on a first date

Now many guys prefer to compliment girls through social networks. As a rule, they find the profile of the VKontakte beauty they like, make a virtual acquaintance and begin to write words of admiration in a coherent way. Correspondence in VK is not the most original way to find new friends.

Agree that not every girl will be able to "melt" from the words of a guy she has never seen in real life. This method looks like ordinary flattery. Of course, compliments will be pleasant to a stranger, but the best option would be to invite her on a romantic date, during which the man gets the opportunity to personally express his admiration. You can:

  • tell your companion that she has great taste, a graceful silhouette and a cute image;
  • turn on a cool music track and dedicate it to your new friend;
  • focus on the fact that her romantic image captivated you from the first moments;
  • evaluate her chic image, dress or original accessory (in this case, you need to speak in such a way that the woman understands that you admire her taste and skills in choosing things).
If you do not know how to joke or have a specific sense of humor, then in the presence of a lady you should avoid “subtle jokes”. You can find graceful comparisons for almost any character trait and body part, but do not say that she has a perfectly plump lip or a look like a cartoon character.

It is best to learn a few poems from the repertoire of early Yesenin or Blok, Akhmatova and Tsvetaeva or a few lines from a famous song. Read some quatrains to your lady. Your performance should look confident, becoming hotter and more emotional with every new moment.

Of course, many men may face inner insecurity, because the last time they read poetry was only at school. However, this situation will only benefit you, because your girlfriend, with a probability of 99.99%, also did not hear poetry from other men. So you can hit her and get a significant advantage over potential rivals.

To finally consolidate the favorable impression that has developed after the first meeting, it is not at all necessary to study the top 100 super pickup tricks. It will be enough for you to write to a new friend soul sms.

An example of a warm SMS after a meeting:

  • “I had a pleasant evening and now I understand what my favorite eye color is!”.
  • “I hope that you have become my friend, with whom there are many more unforgettable meetings ahead!”
  • “Tonight was truly kind, because I met you!”.
  • "Sorry for the silence, I'm just amazed by your beauty!".
  • "The meeting has already passed, but your charm and tenderness is still with me ... Me."

As a response to her message, an SMS smile or an exquisite phrase that you will miss is suitable. Try to avoid templates. After all, emotional prose sounds much more sincere than a poem taken from the Internet.

Appropriateness of compliments

  1. Compliments that relate to appearance.

    In this case, you should highlight for yourself 2-3 features that you liked in the appearance of the girl. Then you need to think about the topic: did anyone tell her that she had beautiful eyes. Such a compliment is no good, because they said it more than once. If suddenly you try all sorts of options in your head, then just say:

    “Surely you have been told more than once about your beautiful eyes / lips, but I want to say that I am simply fascinated by your eyes / lips!”

    Remember - the main thing is to avoid banal phrases. Agree that not every guy will be able to make such a compliment.
  2. Compliments for her efforts

    Each girl before a date for a long time and carefully prepares for it. She scrupulously chooses a dress, picks up shoes, a handbag or a clutch, makes a special stylish and fashionable manicure that will match the outfit, applies face and hair masks. She tries to make sure that her hair is neat and her figure is as refined as possible. Among other things, she regularly uses creams, eats right, in some cases even plays sports ...

    Therefore, you must understand all this and perceive it correctly. After all, every young man wants to see a neat and well-groomed girl in front of him. Do not forget to express your admiration not only for her appearance, but also efforts which she had to apply for this. Believe me, this requires praise and approval!

  3. Compliments without words which will express your interest in a partner

    Do not forget that you are obliged to help the girl get off the chair, open the doors in front of her and give a hand. Help her take off and put on outerwear, give up her seat on public transport and try to anticipate her desires.

Compliment examples

  1. Einstein was right - in your society, even a hundred years will seem like a small moment.
  2. This evening is great because you are its decoration.
  3. I look at you and understand that you have impeccable taste, a sense of style and excellent manners.
  4. All girls need to take an example from you, and especially in the ability to select evening dresses.
  5. Your image is worthy of an expensive restaurant, serious security and a luxury car.
  6. You are so beautiful that I want to get to know you anew every day.
  7. It is very easy and pleasant to talk with you, you know how to win over guys.
  8. Your photo could become an adornment of any gallery.
  9. I am drowning in your beautiful eyes and I hope that not a single tear will fall from them.
  10. I look at you and understand that a person can have a beautiful soul, body and thoughts.
  11. I thought you were decent, but you are obscenely good.
  12. You have not only beautiful centimeters on the outside, but, I am sure, no less beautiful kilometers of an unknown soul!
  13. I am amazed at how easily creative ideas are born in your head!
  14. It's so easy and infinitely good with you, as if I'm alone with myself.
  15. Your beauty inspires me to do good deeds!
  16. Are you sure your eyes aren't magnets? They pull me closer and closer!
  17. You are like a spark that energizes everything around you.
  18. All I need to be happy is just to look at you!
  19. When you smile, it seems to me that light comes from you.
  20. For the first time I meet a person without flaws, but with special effects.
  21. It's so good with you that you don't want to leave at all!
  22. If we see each other again, it will be the best gift of fate!
  23. A - Angelic, angelically beautiful.
  24. B - Incomparable, divine.
  25. B - Magic, vanilla-chocolate.
  26. G - Graceful, dizzying.
  27. D - Soulful.
  28. E - Natural.
  29. J - Feminine.
  30. Z - Mysterious, bewitching.
  31. And - Sincere, amazing.
  32. K - Fascinating to the stars, Calling to kisses, candy-marmalade.
  33. L - Radiant.
  34. M - Alluring, dear.
  35. N - Unearthly, unique.
  36. Oh - Charming, charming.
  37. P - Pleasant.
  38. R - Romantic, luxurious.
  39. C - Fairytale, sunny.
  40. T - quivering, touching.
  41. U - Amazing, smiling, sophisticated.
  42. F - Dreamer.
  43. X - Fragile.
  44. C - Paradise flower.
  45. H - Enchanting.
  46. W - Gorgeous.
  47. Shch - Generous.
  48. E - Effective.
  49. Yu - Humorous.
  50. I am Bright.
A great way to give a compliment would be skillful rhyme, which you yourself will come up with, looking at your companion.

Let's exclaim, admire each other.
High-sounding words are not to be feared.
Let's compliment each other
after all, these are all happy moments of love ... (Bulat Okudzhava)

Making a beautiful, correct compliment is a whole art that needs to be learned. Compliments can be given to a girl, boyfriend, sister, man or woman, boss or subordinate, the main rule is that it be sincere and simple.

Here are a few rules How to make a compliment from a psychologist (video)

What a compliment

How to compliment a girl - 20 options for original compliments.

  • I love you the way you are...
  • Now, if I was born a girl, I would like to be like you!
  • What dragon do I need to kill to be worthy of such a princess?
  • I fell in love with your sunshine: your smile and freckles.
  • It's unbearable, I can't be near you! I'm just blind from your beauty!
  • You are so beautiful and attractive that I forgot why and where I was going as soon as I saw you...
  • You are like a sonorous spring stream on a quiet steppe night, when everything around shimmers from the radiance of the stars. And I freeze from you ...
  • If nature ever created perfect shapes, it was yours!
  • You are a very self-confident girl - it is understandable, you are beautiful, energetic, sensitive, cheerful, smart, kind ...
  • You really are special - you have your own opinion on everything, and I like it!
  • I will draw an analogy with cars ... so here you are - this is the latest model of the Ford Mondeo!
  • The subtle smell of your hair will drive me crazy, I'm not kidding.
  • But do you know what a beautiful, charming smile you have? Well, no, really, you have such a beautiful, most radiant smile. Only very good and happy people smile like that.
  • Girl, I admired you all the way. I saw and forgot about all my problems, I want to thank you for this.
  • Even the petals of a May rose cannot compare with the tenderness of your skin!
  • Such a time that no matter how a girl - so a star. You, by the way, too, only you are for me - a guiding, polar star ...
  • Mademoiselle, there is something so mysteriously beautiful in you that I cannot take my eyes off you...
  • You look as charming as on our wedding day.
  • I have seen you before... and it seems to me that it was in a dream...
  • Happiness?.. it's you!
  • I'm sure you'll be a good wife!

And some real life.

The first step to starting a relationship is communication. If you like a girl and you want to win her over, compliment her. You shouldn’t shower with compliments too often, because it feels affected. Find a middle ground and do not forget to please the girl with pleasant words. If you are not too eloquent, you can memorize compliments in poetry and prose. But it is better to learn how to speak them from the heart for a particular lady.

The main thing in the article

How nice to compliment a girl?

  1. according to external data. Ideal people do not exist. But something in the appearance of a certain girl hooked you, so highlight the part of the body you like and make a compliment. Example: “Your eyes are so bright! It’s so beautiful, and when you look at me, it’s like something lights up inside”, “How can you not notice such cute dimples on your cheeks when you smile.”

    Not all girls like it when breasts or buttocks are chosen as the object for a compliment. The guy in this case looks like a vulgar person who cannot consider the true essence of the girl.

  2. Comparative compliments. Something a girl should do better than others: cook, have excellent physical fitness, get along with animals. Compare her to someone who does worse, like yourself. Example: “You know how to put the house in order so quickly, I would like to learn from you”, “What a delicious dinner you cooked. No chef can compare."
  3. From the heart. Summarize the qualities for which you appreciate your lady. Example: “You are my support, I appreciate you for your support, for not letting me give up and forcing me to move on”, “Your sincerity helps me understand you better. Thank you for not arguing with me, but you can settle everything with a simple heart-to-heart talk.
  4. Personal space. This includes compliments about the hobbies, hobbies and work of the girl. Example: “You manage to work and play sports, and also knit! You are great with me, you know how to properly manage time”, “I kept wondering where you got such a great vocabulary and the ability to clearly express your thoughts. No wonder you've read so many books."
  5. Support change with compliments. It's just a new hairstyle, clothes. Example: “New hair color? It suits you, he emphasized your expressive eyes and soft skin color”, “This dress is beautiful. It's just right for your slim figure."

100 Best Short Compliments to a Beautiful Girl You Like

  1. Well, it's a crime to be so luxurious.
  2. You cook even better than my mom.
  3. I love your sense of humor.
  4. You are stunning and charming!
  5. I lose touch with reality when I look at you.
  6. You deserve a thousand compliments.
  7. Irresistible as always!
  8. You are my love and my pride.
  9. You have so much tenderness, happiness and sensitivity!
  10. Adorable, I can't take my eyes off her!
  11. You, while walking towards me, did not bring a crowd of admirers behind you?
  12. You look brilliant!
  13. With such a Hollywood smile, only act in films.
  14. Today you outshine everyone.
  15. Your main trump card is independence.
  16. What a luxurious you are, you can immediately see - a real woman!
  17. You are my most precious gift in life!
  18. Charming, like a queen from a fairy tale.
  19. That sincere smile drives me crazy.
  20. Alluring, bewitching ... Not a sorceress, by any chance?
  21. Stylish and attractive lady, keep it up!
  22. Light as a cloud!
  23. Well-groomed and attractive!
  24. Sweet like a peach!
  25. Eyes are like magnets.
  26. Approaching you, I feel magnetism.
  27. You have great taste and sense of style!
  28. Polite and cultured.
  29. Stately, as if from the royal family.
  30. Angelic
  31. Radiant.
  32. Fascinating.
  33. Stunning.
  34. Extraordinary.
  35. Creative.
  36. Versatile.
  37. Unpredictable.
  38. Ardent.
  39. Mind-blowing.
  40. Harmonious.
  41. Perfect.
  42. Otpadnaya.
  43. Selfless.
  44. Touching.
  45. Marvelous.
  46. Bright.
  47. Amazing.
  48. Incendiary.
  49. Faithful.
  50. I love that you are a lady.
  51. You have such diverse interests!
  52. Your jokes are so original!
  53. I can do 1000 crazy things for you.
  54. You are so open, honest and simple.
  55. You can see the extraordinary in simple things.
  56. Intoxicating.
  57. Divine.
  58. Flirtatious.
  59. Desired.
  60. Unique.
  61. Flawless.
  62. Sparkling.
  63. Dreamy.
  64. Shy.
  65. Exciting.
  66. Incendiary.
  67. Playful.
  68. Beloved.
  69. Delightful.
  70. Fabulous.
  71. Diligent.
  72. Neat.
  73. Purposeful.
  74. Prominent.
  75. Unique.
  76. As from the picture.
  77. You know how to surprise.
  78. Immaculate.
  79. Knowledgeable and well-read.
  80. Comely.
  81. Soulful.
  82. Direct and open.
  83. You know how to stand out from the gray mass.
  84. I love your subtle manners and royal breeding.
  85. Unconstrained.
  86. Frank.
  87. A girl with a twist.
  88. You have an outstanding, bright appearance.
  89. Irresistible figure.
  90. You are positive and sparkling.
  91. You know how to listen and give good advice.
  92. Once seen, you cannot be forgotten.
  93. Sensual.
  94. Extreme.
  95. Generous.
  96. You are the one that I think about every minute.
  97. You are the most special and irreplaceable for me.
  98. Were you the first and only one in line for beauty?
  99. I love this playful live light in your eyes!
  100. Once you see you, you won't be able to sleep peacefully.

The best compliments to a girl about her beauty in prose

  1. I envy myself that I grabbed such a beauty.
  2. You took the best from mom and dad and turned out incomparable!
  3. Everything that I dreamed about is in front of me!
  4. Your appearance is so beautiful that I would paint pictures of you if I were an artist.
  5. The look in your beautiful eyes made me forget what I wanted to say and do.
  6. Perfectionists would get real satisfaction if they contemplated your beauty.
  7. Unlike many girls, you look great without makeup. I love your natural beauty.
  8. When I look at such a beauty, my heart flips.
  9. Everything is fine with speech. It's just that when I see a cute girl, my tongue starts making strange sounds.
  10. I can't take my eyes off your figure. She's perfect!
  11. The more I think about what the ideal girl should be, the more I remember you.
  12. You are like a goddess descended from heaven to earth.
  13. Have you tried beauty pageants? I'm sure it would take the top spot.
  14. You are so luxurious that in my head ordinary lines add up to poems in your honor.
  15. Only your daughter can surpass you in beauty.

Pleasant compliments to a girl in your own words

  1. In the photo you are beautiful, but it conveys only external beauty. You are even more beautiful on the inside.
  2. It is already unforgettable for me that I spend time with a sweet and intelligent girl.
  3. I'm sorry I'm stuck, I hear everything you say. I just can't stop loving you.
  4. I have learned a lot from you. Endurance, patience and perseverance.
  5. When we chat, it's like time doesn't exist.
  6. Your fingers are very delicate. When you touch me, all the pain goes away.
  7. Do not change anything in yourself, because for me you are perfect.
  8. You understand me like no one else, as if you read my mind. It drives me crazy!
  9. I like that you know what you want to achieve in life. You are a purposeful girl who plans and achieves her goal.
  10. I love your ability to understand a man and keep the conversation going.
  11. I like everything about you inside and out. From a light walk to the ability to dress, from the ability to speak and express thoughts, to tactful and bold ideas.

The most beautiful compliments to a girl in verse

Sweet, unique
alluring, playful,
You are a fairy, I know for sure
I hope you will be mine.

Fire in the eyes, goodness in the soul,
Warm in your arms
charming, charming,
It's very interesting with you.

Your eyes and languid look
I am always attracted to you.

I'm not good at compliments
But I want to tell you
You are divinely beautiful
It seems like I'm in a dream.

You are not more beautiful in the world
It hasn't been a secret for a long time.
I think we are on our way
You won't find another one for sure.

Very gentle and beautiful compliments to your beloved girl to tears

  1. I never dreamed of such a girl. After all, compared with reality, dreams turned out to be insignificant.
  2. Do you know why I am the happiest person? I have you!
  3. Only with you can I be who I really am. Don't lie and don't pretend.
  4. I thought that there are only smart or only beautiful. You proved by your example that one person can combine both.
  5. We must thank your parents for the fact that they created a real miracle - you.
  6. When men turn around and follow you with their eyes, I'm not jealous. I'm proud to have you with me!
  7. When I saw you, I realized that natural beauty can be amazing and wonderful.
  8. Next to you, I managed to feel like a real man.
  9. Your gentle and slightly sly look made my heart rage and my hands tremble.
  10. I treat you too reverently, because you have awakened in me the desire to protect and protect.
  11. Although you are a fragile girl, you will quickly knock out with your eyes.
  12. There are few wise women who correctly set life priorities. But I found one.
  13. Fell in love at first sight. I feared that appearances were deceiving. You proved that I was afraid for nothing.
  14. I feel completely in your power. Well, let it be a pleasant slavery.

Unusual compliments to a girl for a photo

  1. When I look at your photo, goosebumps run through my body. How can you be so beautiful?
  2. You know, your photos are on all my gadgets. Because I can't stop admiring you.
  3. I can’t stop looking at your photo, but it’s much more interesting to communicate live and see you next to me.
  4. The range of emotions that you radiate in the photo energizes me for the day.
  5. Are you the beloved of God? He gave you unearthly beauty.
  6. Honey, you look a lot like your beautiful mother.
  7. Have you ever seen an angel look? I see in the photo.
  8. Can we take a photo together next time? I boast that I have a photo with a supermodel.
  9. I look at your photo and I have a dance of butterflies in my stomach, a rainbow in my head, happiness in my eyes. What are you doing to me?
  10. Great photo. You combine tenderness and passion, determination and inner balance.

When choosing a compliment, you should not openly flatter a person, this is inappropriate. It is also not necessary to lie for the sake of a compliment, because the girl knows her strengths and weaknesses very well, therefore she will consider you hypocritical. The most effective compliment is from a pure heart in your own words. This will show your sincerity, and you will be remembered by the girl for a long time.

There are many ways to get a girl's attention. It is worth remembering that the key to success is a non-standard approach. The same rule applies to verbal manifestations of sympathy - that is, compliments. Compliments to a girl you like can be completely different! With their help, you can express interest, frank sympathy, admiration for the character and beauty of your chosen one.

Features of compliments

Before you make a compliment, you must take into account all the features of the character of the girl. Agree, different girls like different manifestations of tenderness. So, for example, romantic people will like formulations with a gentle and soft sound, which will emphasize their difference from everyone else. At the same time, other girls will need compliments that will be extraordinary and even a little spontaneous.

The whole essence of a compliment lies in only one thing - the girl must be surprised! And it's nice to be surprised. This will allow you to position her.

What compliments do girls like the most? First of all, those that emphasize the beauty and dignity of the beloved. At the same time, a good compliment includes absolutely all the aspects listed below:

  • sonority;
  • notes of romanticism;
  • manifestation of sympathy;
  • slight admiration;
  • spontaneity;
  • desire to surprise.

At the same time, do not forget that the compliment should be not only unusual, but also beautiful. Do not use standard phrases and banal confessions.

The compliment should be subtle, it should not hint too obviously at the desire to start a relationship with the chosen girl.

It is worth remembering that beautiful compliments to a girl you like should include the truth! Women feel everything, they should not lie about their appearance or character.

Remember - a compliment should emphasize the merits of the chosen one, without touching her shortcomings!

In order to make a compliment, you just need to find the trait that you like best in the woman you love, and then praise her in a light, slightly casual way.

Best Unusual Compliments

With the help of an unusual compliment, you can do everything: get to know each other, strike up a conversation, confess your sympathy, make peace with a girl, or just make her happy.

The main features of unusual compliments are non-standard and lack of banality.

The best compliments that are included in the TOP 10:

  1. "I like your smell so much that I feel a little dizzy ... Perhaps that's why I'm a little lost next to you";
  2. "They say that the most beautiful are the stars, but if I chose what to look at - the stars or you, I would choose you";
  3. "If I drowned in your eyes, it would be the most stupid and the best death at the same time";
  4. "I look at you not only because you are beautiful, but also because this is what my ideal looks like";
  5. “To be honest, I can’t imagine you as my girlfriend, if only because you have to marry such people”;
  6. “Maybe you have flaws, but I didn’t see them. And if I see them, they are unlikely to change anything”;
  7. "It hurts to see that a beautiful girl breaks my stereotypes and turns out to be still smart";
  8. "You look at me like that, as if you have a huge number of complexes. It's just strange to see them in someone like you";
  9. “I would never date you, because over time you will become even prettier. And I don’t want to die from delight that such a miracle is next to me”;
  10. "Next to you, tenderness sometimes rolls over me. Maybe it's because you seem beautiful to me, or maybe because you are really beautiful."

All other advice for men can be found. And the most spicy articles about sex are collected in this section.

Main Rules

It is important to understand that any compliment must be said in a timely manner. A well-chosen moment is the basis for everything said to have a positive effect.

For example, a girl standing next to a guy in a crowded subway car should not be told something related to her figure or complexion, because this may be perceived incorrectly.

It is also worth remembering that any compliments are pronounced with a slight smile and a calm, half-joking tone. Remember - the main task of a compliment is to locate the girl to yourself and establish contact with her.

In addition, there are several basic rules for compliments:

  • the liberty and freedom of your words depends on the degree of acquaintance;
  • any compliments have their own specifics, so you should not tell a girl that she will be a good wife if you are not sure about it. A vague compliment will sound fake. This can be perceived in a negative sense, and in any subsequent phrase the girl will hear the usual sarcasm;
  • any compliment is pronounced in a calm, even voice. At the same time, there should be lightness. Squeezing words or long breaks will prevent the compliment from sounding natural.

All compliments to the girl you like should be spoken with a certain break, that is, you should not immediately praise the chosen one in all possible ways, and then constantly remain silent.

Compliments should be made gradually. As relationships improve, the form of compliments becomes more free and personal.

Despite all the rules and norms of a compliment, the best compliment is the one that is uttered sincerely and spontaneously. A simple phrase "you are very beautiful", spoken honestly and openly, will bring a girl more pleasure than thousands of beautiful and tender words that will be spoken as if they were simply memorized.