Create a doll image in Photoshop. Create a puppet image (2 Photoshop lessons). What is important to remember when working with acrylic paints

I became curious about what the world of puppetry is like.
Factory-made dolls and dolls that are created fragmentarily or completely with your own hands are very different.
It's not even about the uniqueness of the work, but about the fact that a piece of the author's soul is invested in each of them.

AND now we will look a little into the world of creating a new image of dolls. A little, because there are simply no limits in this matter, and it is impossible to cover everything at once.
True fans of puppetry have turned their passion for dolls into the category of art, because artistic skill, the skill of modeling and tailoring, making accessories, and the art of photography are connected. They create stories and images, some close to real everyday life, some to fantasy.

So, let's begin...

First of all, the "old" face, as suggested in the comments rukella , washed off with acetone, and a new one is applied with acrylic paints.

In the pictures, the sequence of actions in the painting looks like this:

To create a more lively look, you need to designate the shadow of the moving upper eyelid, as shown in Figure 4, as well as outline the upper eyelid itself (the exception is that the Asian type of face does not have this skin fold or is not pronounced).
At the end, add highlights, as in illustration 5, because. eyes are constantly moist and healthy shine will not hurt them. :)

And the following illustration demonstrates how to depict the doll's lips.

The bottom line is this: the main tone of the lips is set, then the place where the lips meet is drawn with a more saturated shade. After that, with the same shade, with a thin brush (0-2), the effect of folds on the lips is created with soft, rounded lines. And the final touch, if desired, is to add shine to the lips with a lighter paint by applying dots of different sizes along the lip line, along its most convex part.

What is important to remember when working with acrylic paints:

1. Paints dry quickly, so apply very little paint to the palette, and periodically "refresh" it with water. You can also use small jars (2 ml) of gouache, diluting the acrylic paint with water and tightly closing the lids between uses.

2. Acrylic paints do not erase well, so before you start painting on the faces of dolls, you should practice a little on paper or some other "canvas", which is not a pity.

3. Wait for the previous layer of paint to dry, otherwise the paint may be distributed unevenly, in lumps.

A few examples of updated dolls and their "acrylic make-up" with varying degrees of realism.

The possibilities of Adobe Photoshop go far beyond retouching digital bitmaps, adding different results to them, and so on. One of the types of processing of real pictures in this graphic editor is their stylization in a certain habit. So, in the photo, a person is allowed to make a puppet face, which looks extremely authentic in combination with the right background.

You will need

  • – initial photo;
  • – Adobe Photoshop.


1. Open in Adobe Photoshop the initial photo containing the image of the face that you want to make a puppet. Convert the current layer from background to core. To do this, select Layer, New and “Layer From Background…” from the menu.

2. Copy the eyebrows, eyes, mouth and nose on separate layers. In order to select the desired fragment, use the Polygonal Lasso tool. At the same time, leave a small reserve with the image of the skin around the edges. Press Ctrl+J or select from the menu Layer, New and “Layer via Copy” to create a layer with a copy of the selection. Transfer each eye and eyebrow to a separate layer. Copy the nose, starting from a place located above the bridge of the nose.

3. Delete the eyebrows, mouth, and lower part of the nose in the initial image. Turn off the visibility of all layers except the original. Switch to it. Activate the Clone Stamp tool, choose a brush that is comfortable for work. Perform bold retouching. Refine the bumps with the Patch and Healing Brush tools.

4. Make puppet eyes. Turn on the visibility of the layer with the image of one of the eyes and switch to it. Activate the scaling transform mode by choosing Edit, Transform and Scale from the menu. Click the Maintain aspect ratio button in the top bar, or press and hold the Shift key. Enlarge the image of the eye by 1.5-2 times. Apply the transformation by double-clicking in the center of the selection. Use the Move tool to correctly position the transformed image. Do the same with the second eye.

5. Switch to the mouth layer. Reduce it. Use the same scaling transformation. At the same time, however, it is allowed not to activate the mode of mechanical maintenance of proportions, by more powerfully stretching or squeezing the mouth vertically.

6. Process the image of the nose. After applying the scaling transformation, compress it 1.5-2 times, but only horizontally. Use the Move tool to position it correctly above the nose in the initial image.

7. Deform the eyebrows in the Distort or Warp modes, preferring the corresponding items in the Transform section of the Edit menu. Make them more thin and stretched up and to the side.

8. Align the deformed fragments on separate layers with the main face image. Activate the Eraser tool. Set its mode to Brush. Choose a brush of a comfortable size and type. Lower the Opacity to 20-30%. Switch between layers and erase the edges of the fragments so that they blend smoothly with the background. Merge the layers choosing Flatten Image from the Layer menu. Use the Blur and Healing Brush tools to refine skin roughness and acceptable image imperfections at the joints.

9. Save the bottom line. Press Ctrl+Shift+S. Select the appropriate format, enter the file name. Click Save.

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The beauty of the doll's face delights even adults. Why not give this effect to a photo of a girl? Open the image (example) and start processing. First, we align the color balance and levels. Create a "Color Balance" adjustment layer and adjust the desired tone. Create a Levels adjustment layer and adjust the values.

We return to the layer with the girl and the tool "Blur" of a soft type and opacity 45-80% go over the girl's skin, avoiding hitting the contours and features of the face.

Use the Dodge Tool with a small diameter and low opacity to lighten the girl's eyeballs.

Using the Dimmer tool, we pass over the eyelids, eyelashes and iris of the girl.

Using the Patch tool, we eliminate skin defects: moles, freckles. You need to “Patch” select the area to be corrected and move the selection to the area with which you want to replace it.

Using the Sharpen tool, we pass over the eyes of the girl so that they become brighter.

Copy the layer with the girl and drag it on top of all layers. Add a layer mask to this layer by clicking on the icon at the bottom of the layers window, as shown in the figure. Fill the layer mask with black and with a white brush paint over the area with the hair so that they differ from the general tone. Create a Brightness/Contrast Adjustment Layer and lighten the hair. Create a clipping mask: holding down the Alt key, left-click on the border of the layers.

I recently saw a manga effect on the cover of Advanced Photoshop magazine and decided I would make my own version of it. I used a completely different technique to get the desired result, but it came out very decently.

To create the Manga puppet effect, we need the Liquify filter tools (liquify). Let's try and learn.

Result before and after applying the effect:

Step 1.

As mentioned above, I used the "Plastic" filter in my work. (liquify). It is better if you take a high-resolution image, otherwise, if the filter is applied to a low-resolution photo, its quality will deteriorate significantly.

I used a photo from the Deviantart resource with a resolution of 3000x4000 px. The use of high-resolution images also makes it possible to subsequently reduce the size of the image after it has been processed by the filter.

We open (Ctrl+O) image of a girl from the resources of the lesson in Photoshop and immediately create a duplicate of it (Ctrl+J) to work with the copy and use the original as a spare. Rename (double click on layer name) duplicate to the "Plastic" layer and work with it.

Step 2

On the "Plastic" layer, go to the menu Filter-Plastic (Filter > Liquify). Let's define the main features of the manga effect: the presence of huge eyes, a small mouth and nose, a rounded head with a pointed chin. All this we must achieve using the "Plastic" filter. I suggest using a large sized brush, as small sized brushes increase the likelihood of roughness on the edges and lines of the face.

Here are the tools we will need: (Bloat Tool) eye enlargement, Wrinkling (PuckerTool) to reduce the nose and mouth, Deformation (Forward Warp Tool) to change the position of the nose and chin.

Step 3. Eyes.

Let's start with the eyes. On the right side of the filter window you have the brush settings (brush). As I said, choose a large brush. How big? It all depends on the resolution of your image. The brush should be larger than the size of the eye. Select the Bloat Tool (Bloat Tool) and click on their eye. You will see how the shape of the eye changes. Perform several presses in different places of the eye, while maintaining its round shape. If necessary, use the Warp tool (forward warp) to position the eye correctly. Follow the same steps for the second eye of the girl.

Step 4. Mouth.

Now, let's move on to the mouth. We need to shrink and make it narrower. If the mouth is open in the picture, it will be a little more difficult to do this. Select the wrinkle tool (PuckerTool) with a brush size larger than the mouth itself.

I used the following settings: brush speed (Brush Rate) about 30, density (density) about 50. Start processing from the corners of the mouth, then move to the central region of the lips.

Step 5. Nose.

After completing the adjustments with the eyes and mouth, I advise you to create a duplicate of this layer. (Ctrl+J) just in case. Use the previous mouth technique to reduce the nose. Use the Warp Tool as many times as needed. For more detailed work, choose a smaller brush.

Step 6 Shape the head.

Here you will have to work harder. The main purpose of this stage is to reduce and round the lower part of the head, as well as create a sharp chin.
Selecting the Warp Tool (forward warp) with a large brush to move parts of the face. Move the mouth closer to the nose.

Try to keep the shape of the hair unchanged, to do this, reduce the density (density) brushes. The Density setting is synonymous with the hardness of a regular brush.
When you have formed the face, take the "Spot Healing Brush" (Spot Healing Brush Tool) and remove small spots and bumps from the skin. After each change, create duplicates so that you always have a backup.

Step 7 Color Correction

After the head is finished, we will change its color scheme and contrast for a more interesting effect.

Let's desaturate the image first. Click on the Adjustment Layers icon at the bottom of the Layers panel. (black and white circle) and select the "Channel Mix" layer (Channel Mixer). In the dialog box, set the channel mix to Black & White with Red Filter (RGB), the target channel is Grayscale. After completing the settings, reduce the opacity of this layer to 45%. Don't forget to create a Clipping Mask (Clipping mask). Holding Alt, move the cursor between the target and adjustment layers and when the icon of two rings appears, click the left mouse button)
Next, click the Adjustment Layers icon again and select the "Color Balance" layer. (color balance). In Light Modes (highlight) and mid tones (Midtones) set yellow level (Yellow) by -15, and red (red) by +1. In shadow mode (Shadows) change the level of blue color a little (cyan). After completing the settings, add a Clipping Mask (Clipping mask) per layer.

Step 8 Improve the eyes.

Create a New Layer (Ctrl+Shift+N) above all layers and go to the menu Edit-Run fill (Edit>Fill or Shift+F5). Fill the layer with 50% gray and change the blending mode to Overlay. (Overlay). Select Tools Dodge (Dodge) and Dimmer (Burn) with intensity (strength) 30% and run them over the areas of the eye indicated below in the screenshot. For clarity, I have indicated these places in pink and green. Repeat the enhancement process with the other eye.

Next, I added a few more details to improve the quality of the image. Create a copy of all layers by pressing Ctrl+Shift+Alt+E (print visible). Then, on the copy, use the "Surface Blur" filter. (Filter-Blur-Surface Blur) to make the girl's face look smoother. Eraser (Eraser) remove blur from the main parts of the face (eye, mouth, nose, eyebrows) leaving it only on the skin.

That's almost all. You can add more lighting effects.

Duplicate the merged layer (Ctrl+J) and convert it to smart object (right-click on the layer thumbnail and select from the menu - Convert to Smart Object). Then go to Filter > Render > Lighting Effects. (Filter > Render > Lighting Effects) and adjust the settings to emphasize the light on the left side of the face.

Creating a doll image in Photoshop

1) The girl already looks like a doll, but this is not enough. In order to “adjust” facial features to more puppet ones, we need facial plastic surgery. In the menu at the top we find Filter "Filters" below Liqify "Plastic". Or we type the key combination Shift + Ctrl + X.

Select the Warp tool, about 30 pixels in size. Carefully deform parts of the face as shown in the photo. Taper the lips around the edges and stretch up and down a bit to create a bow shape. The eyes in the corners need to be made a little wider so that they look larger, and the nose on the sides is narrower. Just don't get carried away! Too small nose and eyes on the floor of the face are useless to us.

2) We have decided on the forms. Now it is necessary to transform the skin of our future chrysalis. I did not bother for a long time, and chose, in my opinion, the easiest way.
Duplicate our layer and in the Filters select “Blur” in it “Surface Blur” (Filter> Blur> Surface Blur) with approximately the same value as in the photo (11-15). And .. we see this result.

Everything would be fine, but some parts of the face look sloppy. To fix this, we need to take an eraser. Set the Opacity to 45% and erase the lips, nostrils, eyes and eyebrows. Also the girl's hair.
Here! Now what we need! We merge the layers because those fragments that we have erased will not be processed.

3) We did the simplest thing with you! But after blurring, the girl's face began to look flat. Highlights and shadows on the face need to be increased. It is desirable, of course, that you roughly represent the anatomical structure of a person’s face, in which case it will be easier for you.
There are many options for rendering shadows, but we will use rendering with a gray layer in the “soft light” mode.
Create a new layer and fill it with 50% gray. You can do this with the Shift + F5 key combination. In the window that appears, select 50% gray.

Set our layer to soft light and paint with the Dodge Tool and Burn Tool.
nose line
wings of the nose
cheekbones (cheeks)
highlights in hair
outer cheekbones
inner line of the mouth and nasolabial fold

This is how our mask looks like in normal mode.

4) Now we are almost at the goal. It remains to correct the eyes and make them more expressive!
Everyone knows that dolls are distinguished by large thick eyelashes, while our doll has very small ones. You can use different ways of eyelash extensions, draw by hand or with a pen. I suggest you an easier option ... to build up with brushes. You probably have a similar set of eyelashes, if not, you can download them here.
Create a new layer and choose the appropriate size and color for the lashes. It all depends on your preferences. If you are not satisfied with how the eyelash fits, then you can fix it by clicking
Ctrl + T. Press the right mouse button and in the window that appears, select the deformation and edit the cilia.

We have done the eyelashes, now we need to add more expressiveness to the eyes. I do this with the Dodge Tool and Burn Tool. I darken the eyebrows, giving them a shape, and edging the iris. It is desirable to lighten the iris itself.

I showed you the main points of creating a puppet effect. The rest is your imagination and preferences. You can add new elements in the form of a bow or necklace, play with color and shadows. I hope that this lesson will be useful for you.

Here's what happened: