How to refresh white fur at home. How to clean white fur at home

On women's forums, you can often see complaints from owners of fur winter hats or white coats that the fur turns yellow over time. As a rule, the fur coat begins to turn yellow after several seasons of wear. In this regard, a natural question arises:

  • Why natural fur does it turn yellow over time?
  • how to remove yellowness from fur?
  • how to bleach fur at home?
  • how to clean yellowed fur?

That is why we decided to help them solve this problem. After all, not everyone knows that there are several proven methods for cleaning snow-white natural fur coats or other fur products at home.

Important: do not try to get rid of the yellowness of light or white expensive furs on your own exclusive fur coats eg mink. It is better to give such a fur coat to dry cleaning. Fur professionals certainly know how to do it professionally and without unforeseen consequences.

If your fur coat is not new and it is from a rabbit, muton or arctic fox, you can start bleaching, but be extremely careful and strictly follow the instructions below!

The photo below shows what the product looks like. light fur several seasons after purchase. Surely you have noticed that the fur gives off yellowness, but this is fixable. Below are recipes and products for cleaning furs.

Yellowed natural fox fur

How to bleach yellowed fur

So, how to make yellowed fur white? You can clean it at home using some folk methods:

  1. Spread out fur product on a flat surface and straighten it so that there are as few wrinkles as possible.
  2. Sprinkle the fur with some kind of absorbent that will absorb all the dust and dirt from the fur. As an absorbent, you can use ordinary potato starch or semolina. In order for the absorbent to be well distributed along the entire length of the fur, gently rub the fur in your hands between your palms.
  3. After 30 minutes, shake the fur coat and comb the fur with a brush.

Note: starch, flour or semolina, heated in a dry hot frying pan, do a good job of bleaching rabbit and arctic fox fur. Distribute products over the pile while still hot.

Whitening products

  • Treat the fur with a solution ( table vinegar + lemon juice), who need to wipe the fur with a semi-rigid brush, then dry the product in the open air. Also, to remove the yellowness of a white fur coat, you can prepare the following solution: mix 3% hydrogen peroxide with water and ammonia in equal proportions. Take a sponge, dip it into the solution, wring it out, and wipe the fur with it in the direction of its growth. As soon as you finish bleaching the fur, hang the product to dry. It's best to leave it to dry. fresh air but not in the open sun.
  • Another folk remedy is bran. They can be used to clean small dirt. To do this, heat them in a pan and sprinkle them with the contaminated fate of the product, lightly rubbing them into the pile.
  • You can bleach yellowed fur with chalk. To do this, grind it and spread it over the surface of the fur, lightly rubbing it between the pile, then shake the fur coat.

Important: after cleaning the fur coat with any of the above folk methods, it must be carefully knocked out and combed with a fur brush, which can be bought at a veterinary pharmacy or pet store.

Grease spots on a fur coat can be cleaned with gasoline and starch by mixing them together. Apply the resulting mass to the oily area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fur and wait about half an hour. Shake out the remnants of starch, and ventilate the fur coat itself so that gasoline vapors evaporate.

As you can see, in order to whiten the fur of a fur coat or an expensive fox collar at home, you can use many various methods. However, please note that getting rid of yellowness for a long time will not work, but you can remove it for a while.

Lining cleaning

to wash the lining of a fur coat, it must be carefully ripped off, and then washed in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. If you do not take into account the characteristics of the fabric, then it can be irrevocably spoiled. It can shrink and shrink in size.

The effect of bleaching or bleaching fur can be obtained by chemical action on the coloring pigment of the hair. Bleached fur or natural white fur has a number of both advantages and disadvantages over fur of other colors. White fur, as you know, can be dyed to any other tone, however, it requires extra care when handling it during the production of sewing products, since even slight contamination on it can be very noticeable on it.

There are several most common methods for bleaching (discoloration) of fur. The simplest and oldest methods for bleaching fur are bleaching with light and sulfur smoke, which people used long before the advent of other more modern methods. The simplest way to bleach fur with light is to wet fur is placed under an ultraviolet light source or under sunlight that contains it. The second of the simplest methods - bleaching fur with sulfuric smoke was called in the old days "Fur bleaching" and has been used in Russia for a long time.
The fur of skins whose hair was not pure white color but yellowish the shade was often bleached by fumigating with sulfur. For this, lumps of sulfur were thrown into hot coals, and skins with moistened fur were hung on top. Whitening of fur hair occurs due to the effect of sulfur dioxide on fur hair.
An interesting feature of bleached fur is that the hair after bleaching becomes more susceptible to dyes. In some cases, this figure even increases by about 5-6 times! fur, which is very an important factor in fur production. However, most modern methods of fur bleaching have a strong chemical effect on the structure of the hair, changing or destroying it, as a result of which the hair can significantly decrease its strength or become more brittle.
As noted earlier, to modern methods fur bleaching includes oxidative and optical bleaching. In most cases, fur bleaching is considered quite complex and laborious process in fur production, which can be quite expensive and significantly increase the cost of bleached fur. Therefore, it is recommended to use carefully selected fur of higher quality in advance for bleaching.
Optical bleaching. It has a slight chemical effect both on the structure of the hair itself and on the skin tissue of the skin, which is an important advantage of this method.
Optical or fluorescent bleaches are white dyes that are often used to enhance whiteness or remove yellowness from unpigmented fur hair. As you know, white light has a wavelength of 400-500 mm, which can be divided into several components: the maximum is with a purple tint ( the maximum amount of fluorescence is 415-429 nm), the average with a blue tint (430-440 nm) and the minimum with a blue tint are approximately (441-466 nm). Therefore, using various optical brighteners, you can achieve interesting color effects with shades of bluish, purple hair or just white. At the same time, hair tinted with optical brighteners can often look much whiter than unbleached ones. And the concentration of optical brighteners is of great importance, both in case of overdose and in their insufficient quantity. Incomplete removal of yellowness may depend on which, and the appearance of additional blue-violet hues.
The possibility of using optical brighteners in both smear and dipping methods makes their use more convenient. Usually, in the dipping method, optical brighteners are added to final stages directly into the tanning agent solution, which can shorten the bleaching time.
When applying optical brighteners manually with a brush or a sprayer, the skins must be given a soak. In this case, the skins are laid with fur against the fur for a period of 8-12 hours (for the night), and after drying, it is rolled back.

In fur technology, there are two main directions for bleaching hairline. The first is associated with the discoloration of the natural color on the fur of pigmented hair and serves mainly to expand the range of semi-finished fur products. For example, with the help of bleaching, you can get a pastel effect of golden sable on mink skins,

on brown mink skins, on black and colored astrakhan fur, bleaching in combination with subsequent dyeing of the fur opens up the possibility of obtaining a variety of fantasy colors. Discoloration of skins of muskrat, marmot, rabbit is carried out in order to imitate valuable types of furs. Whitening of pigmented hair is carried out with the help of oxidizing agents, therefore it is called oxidative.

The second direction of fur bleaching is aimed at removing yellowness from non-pigmented hair and enhancing the natural whiteness of the hairline. This is achieved by using optical brighteners, sometimes in combination with reducing agents.
The natural color of the fur is explained by the presence of pigments in the hair, which are called melanins. After chemical exposure to oxidizing agents, the destruction of melamines occurs, due to which the hair becomes discolored. Hydrogen peroxide is often used as an oxidizing agent.
Depending on the method of decomposition of hydrogen peroxide during chemical reaction Distinguish between catalytic and non-catalytic bleaching of fur. If the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide occurs in the absence of catalysts, then it proceeds according to the scheme:
2Н 2 0 2 - 2Н 2 0 + 0 2
The bleaching is carried out by the released oxygen. The non-catalytic method is ineffective. The intensity of discoloration can be increased if the skins are repeatedly treated in a bleaching solution at a pH greater than 7.0. However, under these conditions, the action of the oxidizing agent is directed not only to melanins, but also to the keratin located in the hair structure, causing its destruction at the site of the disulfide bond. The result is a loss of hair strength, a deterioration in shine, silkiness, friability, as well as the occurrence of such defects as a fuse, a tendency to felt fur. In this regard, a non-catalytic method is used for moderate bleaching of the hair. In order to avoid the destruction of keratin under the action of bleaches, various protective additives are introduced into the working solutions. The most complete destruction of melanins is achieved with catalytic bleaching. It is assumed that in the presence of catalysts, for example, iron(II) salts, hydrogen peroxide decomposes with the release of active oxygen:
2H 2 O 2 \u003d 2H 2 O + O
The destruction of melanins is explained by the release a large number energy in the process of peroxidase decomposition of hydrogen peroxide. Depending on the parameters of the process itself, the influence of oxygen can affect either the hair keratin to a different extent, while destroying it. Therefore it is very important right choice a number of parameters: catalyst, pH, temperature, determines the minimum degree of damage to the hair during bleaching.
Salts of iron (II) are considered among the best catalysts. This is due to the ability of melanins, located mainly in the core of the hair, to bind iron (II) in acidic environment. The binding of iron occurs at the site of chromophorically grouped melanins, so the effect of iron as a catalyst on the entire subsequent oxidative reaction manifests itself just here. Treatment with iron salts (etching) is performed before bleaching. Later, that is, in an oxidizing solution, iron (II) ions carry out a reaction between hydrogen peroxide and melaninim with less effect on keratin. In other words, the bleaching process proceeds more intensively than the process of hair destruction.
Bleaching (discoloration of fur can be done both after dressing the skins, and directly in the process of dressing them - during their pickling. Before bleaching the fur, an appropriate preparation of the semi-finished product is necessary, which begins with freezing or washing with the use of alkali and a solution of ammonia, sodium carbonate and surfactant The purpose of washing is the same as before dyeing.To protect the leather tissue of the skin from strong chemical attack from destruction under the action of hydrogen peroxide, before bleaching, it is necessary to retan the skins with persistent tanning agents (other than chromium), which form a system of bonds in the structure of collagen that is much more resistant to chemical attack oxidizers.
Fur bleaching is carried out immediately after its etching with iron (II) salts in an acidic environment. In the process of etching, iron impregnates both the hairline and the skin tissue of the skin at the same time, and with an increase in the pH level of the solution during etching in the range from 2.8 to 6.0, it leads to an increase in the amount of iron penetrating into the hair structure. At pH greater than 6.0, precipitation of iron hydroxide is observed. In accordance with this, the pickling is carried out in a slightly acidic medium, providing the pH value of the solution in the range of 5.0-6.0 by adding 1 ml/l of lactic acid.
A feature of iron etching is the greater intensity of iron absorption by the downy hair compared to the outer hair. This property is used to achieve various coloristic effects on nyshnina skins. If you change the concentration of ferrous sulfate when pickling the fur and, accordingly, the concentration of the oxidizing agent in bleaching, then you can lighten only the fluff (bleaching with tip reservation) or complete bleaching of both down and outer hair. The first bleaching option, as a rule, is combined with subsequent dyeing in fantasy tones. At the same time, the down hair of the fur is intensively dyed, and the presence of a natural color of the guard hair creates the effect of two-color dyeing. Particularly interesting results in terms of color are achieved when processing skins of a standard dark brown mink, which opens up wide opportunities for expanding the range of products based on this type of raw material.
Depending on the characteristics of the raw material and the required amount of clarification of the fur, the concentration of iron sulfate in the pickling solution can be changed in a wide range - from 5 to 15 g/l. If we take into account that iron (II) is easily oxidized, then pickling solutions should be prepared immediately before their use, and soaking of pickled fur is also highly undesirable.
Naturally, the action of active oxygen is not limited to melanins. It affects both the keratin of the hair and the collagen of the skin tissue, causing their destruction. The destructive effect on keratin depends on the temperature, the concentration of hydrogen peroxide, the duration of treatment and the pH value of the medium. It especially increases at a pH greater than 7.0 and is directed mainly to intermolecular -s-s-linkages between the main chains of keratin. Oxidative destruction of melanins and keratin negatively affects the morphological structure of the hair. In the cortical layer of the hair, voids form in the places of melanin localization, the layer becomes porous and less durable. The cuticle of the downy hair is noticeably damaged, which reduces its wear resistance. To avoid negative impact on the hairline of bleaching solutions, stabilizers for the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide, nalrimer, sodium pyrophosphate Na4P207 are added to them. This buffer salt regulates the pH value of the bleach solution, preventing it from rising and thereby slowing down the rate of decomposition of hydrogen peroxide. At the same time, the probability of the destructive effect of oxygen is reduced and the process is directed along the path of hair bleaching, and not destruction. In addition to stabilizers, protective additives are introduced into oxidizing solutions to prevent hair destruction under the action of oxidizing agents. Such materials are obtained on the basis of protein hydrolysates and polyhydroxy compounds. Its action is reduced to the formation of a protective film on the surface of the hair. The products of protein hydrolysis are able to bind an excess amount of alkali, thereby regulating the pH value of the solution. In addition, being able to interact with an oxidizing agent, they reduce the destructive effect of the latter on keratin.
The use of these preparations allows you to maintain the strength of the hairline, improve the shine and silkiness of the fur.
The intensity of hair bleaching depends on the consumption of the oxidizing agent and the pH value of the solution. Fur bleaching with tip reservation is carried out at pH 5.0-7.0 and total hydrogen peroxide consumption of 20-35 ml/l. The required pH value of the solution is achieved by using certain substances and formic acid. Intensive bleaching of guard and down hair is carried out at pH 7.0-8.5 and total hydrogen peroxide consumption of 30-70 ml/l. In both cases, in order to prevent the destruction of the hair during the bleaching process, hydrogen peroxide is introduced into the solution in three doses with an interval of one hour. The total duration of the process is 5 hours at a temperature of 32-34°C. Careful adherence to the process parameters: temperature and, in particular, the pH of the solution, is of paramount importance in bleaching. An increase in pH and temperature enhances the intensity of destructive processes.
Therefore, the higher the pH value of the working solution, the lower the concentration of the oxidizing agent should be used.
At the end of the oxidative treatment, unreacted hydrogen peroxide must be removed from the semi-finished product in order to avoid further damage to the hair and skin tissue. For this purpose, the fur is washed clean water with the addition of sodium chloride and then reducing treatment in solution oxalic acid. This treatment also contributes to the lightening of the hairline, which, after bleaching with an iron pickle, usually acquires a yellow-brown hue. The latter is explained by the fact that in the process of oxidative bleaching, part of the iron (II) is oxidized to iron III, which gives the indicated shade to the bleached hair. For clarification, you can also use treatment with restorative bleach, in the presence of lemon or tartaric acid. In this case, the iron, determined with the help of additional preparations, forms complexes with citrate or martrate ions, which are then removed in washing. After clarification of the fur, the skins are tanned with aluminum compounds.
In the case when bleached skins are further dyed in fancy colors, the preparation of the semi-finished product, including chrome retanning, is carried out according to the usual scheme for dyeing fur.
Non-catalytic bleaching of hair can be implemented in the process of dressing skins - at the stage of pickling. In this case, as in the case of catalytic bleaching, there are options for a more or less intense effect on hair pigments by varying the process parameters pH, the flow rate of the oxidizing agent and auxiliary substances. This method produces the effect of a golden sable on a pastel mink, and after bleaching according to the intensive option, the fur is lightly tinted with golden yellow dyes, as a result of which the downy hair acquires a beautiful golden hue. To protect the hair from damage, non-catalytic bleaching uses the same auxiliary materials as iron-etched bleaching.

Fur light colors they look great and are great value. However, through certain time a thing made of white furs, both natural and artificial, tends to take on a yellowish tint and loses its attractiveness.

Everyone knows that products made of white, beige and light fur are capricious, and they need special care.

The appearance of the slightest trace of dirt on a fur coat or elements of clothing immediately spoils appearance attire and presentability of the owner as a whole.

To restore the original cleanliness and shine of such clothes, it is not necessary to immediately look for the nearest dry cleaner.

clean up white fur at home, yellowness will not require significant time and financial costs.

Today, manufacturers of fur products in the procedure for dressing them use modern technologies, add special substances that stabilize and fix the color to delay the yellowing process.

However, despite all efforts, it cannot be completely eliminated. The light pile turns yellow not “suddenly”, but over time, and if you do not compare it with new things, then two or three seasons of this phenomenon can not be noticed.

Light furs turn yellow for several reasons:

  • Perhaps the thing was in contact with water;
  • incorrect storage. If the fur coat just hangs in the closet, not sheathed, with constant use of the closet (to open), a certain visible area will gradually fade;
  • frequent exposure to sunbeams capable of yellowing the pile;
  • dust accumulation, smog and soot are common "urban" causes of yellowing;
  • perfume exposure and products containing essential oils tend to discolor the pile;
  • frequent contact with human skin and its secretions.

Funds from the store

To keep the fur coat as long as possible original view it needs to be looked after regularly and done right.

The luxury and immaculate purity of white fur is another temptation for a woman when buying a fur product. The whiteness of new things conquers, gives youth and attractiveness to its owner. Unfortunately, nothing lasts forever and over time, the charm of light fur is lost through the appearance of an unattractive yellow tint. Then you begin to wonder how to return the former whiteness of your favorite thing?

Solutions to the problem

Take the fur product to the dry cleaner. But not every company that provides cleaning services agrees to take on such work; it can guarantee high-quality cleaning, while indicating a large% wear of the product. Large dry cleaners in big cities specialize in such cleaning technologies, and fur things are loved not only by them. In addition, paying for such a service requires considerable waste.

It is possible to bleach your favorite fur thing with your own hands. Initially, you need to shake out the product to remove accumulated dust. In the room, spread the thing on a moistened sheet down with fur and beat with light movements. Dry.

Before bleaching, it is better to test on a small area of ​​the fur, preferably on the inside.

Fur bleaching with powdered and fine-grained materials

Can be used for bleaching the following materials(sorbents): small sawdust, chalk, potato starch, semolina, bran. It is forbidden to use only sawdust of coniferous trees, since their wood contains resin.

The selected material must be scattered over the entire fur surface and carefully rub it into the pile in order for the dirt to be absorbed, then shake the product well, comb out the remaining particles with a brush.

To improve the effectiveness of starch, you can dilute it with gasoline to a gruel state, it would be better to use aviation, since it does not have a yellowish tint. Rub the wet mixture into the product, wait until it dries and carefully subtract with a brush. If there is no gasoline, you can replace it aqueous solution detergent for washing wool or from shampoo for animals.

If your choice fell on wheat bran or a mixture of wheat and rye bran in proportions of 1: 1, then they should be heated to an average temperature of 60 C. This can be done in a clean, dry frying pan, stirring the bran all the time. Apply hot material to the fur, rub it in, wait for it to cool completely and then shake out the thing. Bran can be bought at a pharmacy or any supermarket.

Whitening with hydrogen peroxide

To prepare the solution, you need to take a glass of water room temperature, add to it 1 teaspoon of 3% hydrogen peroxide and ammonia - 5 - 6 drops. Ammonia and peroxide can be bought at the pharmacy. With the finished solution, using a moistened and wrung out sponge, gently moisten the fur, while protecting the mezra from getting wet. Next, dry the product, preferably in the sun. Occasionally, a whiter concentrated peroxide solution is used, in proportions of 1: 1. Such a concentrate is recommended to be used if you decide to bleach a product made from arctic fox fur.

But what about the owners of an expensive white mink? Women are very fond of such fur, but after just a few seasons of wearing, their thing acquires a yellowish tint, which is difficult to remove. To clear white mink, it is best to resort to peroxide solutions.

How to bleach rabbit fur?

The wool cover of a rabbit product will effectively clean the solution from dirt and yellowness, prepared with 5-6 drops ammonia and 1 tablespoon of table salt diluted in a glass of water. The recipes above are also suitable for rabbit fur.

How to bleach faux white fur?

For the cleaning faux fur, you can apply both the already considered bleaching options, and new way- a solution of glycerin and water in a ratio of 1: 1, and they perform bleaching. Synthetic-based faux fur clothing can be washed hand wash. After that, they need to be straightened, dried and combed well. Cotton-based clothing can sag, resulting in deformation of the model.

Natural furs, which are used for tailoring products, are long-haired and short-haired. Perhaps the hostesses will have additional questions related to the features of bleaching in accordance with the length of the fur. For all furs, regardless of their length, you can apply the recipes described above, only remembering one rule: when working with short-haired furs, the surface is treated against the pile, and with long-haired furs, along the pile.

White mink products in the process of wearing quickly lose their attractive snow-white shade. Under the influence of factors environment fur acquires yellow which is difficult to get rid of. To mink from yellowness at home, you can independently prepare an effective remedy. As components for bleach, hydrogen peroxide, ammonia, vinegar, blue, lemon acid and other active ingredients, allowing you to quickly restore the original appearance of white fur.

You can clean mink fur at home using dry bleaching methods. For this, substances are used that absorb excess moisture, dirt, and remove dust deposits. As dry bleaches, such gentle components are used as:

  • semolina;
  • starch;
  • talc;
  • bran;
  • sawdust.

The main feature of this cleaning technique is that it does not require the use of liquid, so the product will not need to dry.


Semolina grains perfectly absorb dirt and also remove dust. For processing, the product should be placed on a table or a clean floor. If you need to clean the hat with semolina, you need to put it on a three-liter bottle wrapped in a towel.

To clean the fur with decoy, follow the instructions:

  1. Problem areas are sprinkled with a small amount of semolina.
  2. The entire surface is gently combed with a brush with soft bristles.
  3. After the semolina turns gray, it is removed. If necessary, cleaning can be repeated.

You can remove the semolina by shaking the product, or by vacuuming it. In the latter case, only weak devices should be used.

Gasoline based blends

A mass made from potato starch and gasoline will help to cope with yellowing. Both components are mixed until a porridge-like mass appears. The mixture is distributed over all contaminated areas and left until complete drying. The fur is carefully combed out with a fine-toothed comb. If desired, the applied product can be removed with a low power vacuum cleaner.

Another effective tool are sawdust impregnated with a small amount of gasoline. The resulting product is distributed over the yellowed pile, and then gently rubbed into the product and left for 2 hours. The sawdust is shaken off, and the pile is carefully combed out with a comb.

wheat bran

The fur collar can be cleaned with wheat bran heated to 60 degrees. The product is heated in a clean pan, while it should be stirred regularly. Hot bran is poured in an even layer on the pile, and then gently rubbed into it with a soft brush.

Remove the applied product only after it has completely cooled. To remove small particles of bran, it is necessary to comb the pile with a comb with fine teeth.

Talc, chalk, comb out with a comb

To clean a fur coat or hat from dirt and dust, white talc will help, which is poured in an even layer on the product. The ingredient is gently rubbed into the pile with a brush or fingers. After 2 hours, the talc is shaken off, and its residues are combed out with a special brush.

In a similar way, chalk or potato starch can be used to clean a fur coat or hat. For processing, chalk powder is used, which you can buy or prepare yourself by grinding the bar.

Wet ways to eliminate yellowness

In addition to dry methods for combating yellowing of fur, there are wet ways. They consist in the use of products prepared on the basis of active liquid components. After such cleaning, the fur product should be dried or cleaned of the applied agent with a damp sponge moistened with running water.

Dry the product only natural way hanging it on hangers or on stands. Drying near batteries, other sources of heat or ironing should be completely abandoned, as such exposure can damage the fur.

Hydrogen peroxide and ammonia

You can quickly and effectively clean white mink fur from yellowness using a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and ammonia. To prepare the product, you need to make a solution of 1 teaspoon of a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution and 1 cup of water. 3-5 drops of ammonia are added to the resulting liquid, everything is thoroughly mixed.

It is required to apply bleaching liquid to the fur carefully, using cotton balls. After processing, the product is combed and dried in the fresh air. You can hang the product on the balcony, if it is glazed, the window should be slightly opened.

soap solution

There are several ways to clean white fur from yellow plaque using soap solutions. Each of them has its own characteristics.

  1. Pet shampoo can be used as a cleaning agent. The composition of these products includes a blue coloring pigment, which allows you to completely neutralize yellow tint. The basin is filled with warm water, a small amount of pet shampoo is dissolved in it. To enhance the effect, you can add 2 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide to the solution. The fur product must be carefully treated with a sponge dipped in the prepared product. The sponge should be guided in the direction of the pile. After the procedure, the fur is washed with a damp cloth and dried.
  2. If the yellow tint is unsaturated, you can cope with it with the help of the usual liquid soap. Detergent must have White color or be transparent. 3 drops of liquid soap are added to a basin of water, the water is thoroughly foamed. A clean sponge is moistened in a soapy solution, squeezed out. The pile is wiped several times with a damp sponge, combed and dried.

Liquid soap can be replaced with shampoo or shower gel, which does not include a coloring pigment.


In this way, not only natural fur, but also artificial fur can be cleaned. Use this tool very carefully, as its excess can lead to the appearance purple hue on the pile.

A small amount of blue is dissolved in the basin so that the liquid acquires a pale blue tint. The resulting composition is poured into a spray bottle. The agent is sprayed even layer for all fur products. The applied solution does not require rinsing. After processing, the fur is dried and then carefully combed.

Alcohol and salt

To prepare bleaching liquid, dissolve 1 teaspoon of fine salt in a glass warm water. IN saline solution add 1 teaspoon of ammonia, mix everything and use for cleansing.

  1. The sponge is wetted in alcohol solution, and then it treats the entire yellowed surface.
  2. The product is dried in the fresh air so that the smell of ammonia is completely eroded.
  3. Complete the procedure by combing the pile.

When removing a faint yellow tint, the use of ammonia can be abandoned by treating the pile with saline.

Vinegar with lemon juice

This product effectively removes yellow spots on the pile. It should be used pointwise, avoiding processing the entire fur product. To prepare the product, you need to mix 1 teaspoon of vinegar and the juice of a quarter of a lemon.

A cotton swab is moistened in the prepared liquid, and then all stains that appear are wiped with it. The yellowness is gently rubbed with a brush with soft bristles, and then the fur is dried.

Any method described will allow you to quickly and effectively eliminate the yellow tint on a product made from mink fur. These products should be used very carefully, avoiding strong mechanical impact on the pile or its excessive wetting with prepared liquids. Otherwise, the fur may lose the attractiveness of its structure, lose its luster. If, during the cleaning process, the hostess did not calculate the amount necessary funds, and the fur product has lost its attractive appearance, you can restore the shine to the pile by wiping it with a 10% solution of glycerin.