The best winter hats. Winter men's hats: features and benefits. What winter hat to choose for a man with a triangular face shape

Vladimir Sbitenkov 0

Winter is in full swing and if you haven't bought a hat yet, now is the time to do it. Modern men's hats are not only indispensable things in the cold season, but also a fashion accessory that can emphasize the sense of style and individuality of the owner. When choosing a hat style, it is necessary to take into account not only your own preferences, but also the shape of the face. For example, asymmetric hats are suitable for young people with a round face, but thin, tight-fitting hats can afford owners of an oval face.

Varieties of models of men's hats

Today, men's knitted hats are presented in the widest range. These are hats with earflaps, beanie and bob, hats with a visor, hats-helmets and hats-transformers.

Knitted sports caps. Such hats come with and without a pom-pom. As a rule, they are made of cotton, wool or synthetics and have a round shape. Some options can be tucked up, forming a double layer above the ears. Sports-style knitted hats can be loose-fitting or tight-fitting.

Knitted hats with earflaps. We are used to the fact that this type of headwear is usually made of natural or artificial fur. But the designers took radical measures and introduced knitted hats with earflaps in their collections. Such hats are more suitable for boys and young guys than serious men. Knitted earflaps go well with jackets and down jackets. They are warm, often have an inner lining, so they perfectly protect from the cold.

Knitted beanie hats. These men's hats have recently been very popular not only among young people, but also among older men. They are universal headwear and have several names - snooks, ski hat, stocking hat. Beanie hats are comfortable and practical, perfectly protect in cold weather.

Choosing a hat for your style

When choosing a headdress, it is necessary to ensure that the hat looks harmonious with the style of outerwear, creating a single image. In order not to look ridiculous, remember one rule - the more complex the cut of your jacket or coat, the simpler the style of your hat should be. The color of the headgear also plays an important role. Blondes are suitable for blue, beige and peach tones. Burning brunettes can safely choose blue and black colors.

When choosing a hat color, men should also consider the color of their outerwear. The headdress can be selected both in the tone of the clothes and in a contrasting design. A combination of a blue down jacket and a yellow hat or a black jacket and a white hat will look great. To complete the look, you can pick up a scarf to match the hat.

Where are the most fashionable knitted hats sold?

Men's hats from the HATSANDCAPS store are represented by models of the best collections from well-known manufacturers. Here you can choose a hat that will be of excellent quality and will be the final note in your image.

Hats for men have been used for their intended purpose since ancient times. Representatives of the stronger sex, thanks to them, were saved from cold, heat and other atmospheric phenomena. Nowadays, hats have become more of a fashion accessory. It will not be difficult for anyone to choose a product of such a plan, since without problems you can find a model for your image, taste, financial capabilities and style. Today we will look at the most interesting and popular men's hats.

A bit of history

If the female headdress in the history of Rus' was a tribute to tradition and decoration (a married woman was obliged to cover her hair), then the male one was an indicator of status. The higher it was, the more significant position was occupied by its owner. Slaves did not cover their heads at all.

Hats for men were usually removed only at home or in church. At the same time, they could be at boyar and royal meetings, as well as at weddings.

Types of hats for men

This element of the wardrobe today is presented in almost all versions. You need to buy a specific model, starting from its purpose, as well as the style of clothing. Next, consider the most interesting hats.

A cap

Such winter hats for men in Rus' were very widespread, although they originally appeared in the princely environment. So, the first images of princes in hats date back to the eleventh century. At the same time, their shape was the same: a spherical crown with a fur edge. In the sagas, they are referred to as the "Old Russian fur hat."

The rich wore models made of fine cloth or velvet, while the noble princes wore brocade ones (silk with a base of silver or gold metal threads), decorated with precious stones, gold and silver. In summer, this piece of clothing was trimmed with beaver, sable or fox. In winter, they were completely lined with fur.


Considering fur hats for men, we can say about the yarmulke ("muromka"). The crown of these caps expands upwards, may have lapels and be decorated. The end of the cap was sometimes decorated with a silver tip.


The cap is one of the most ancient forms of men's headdress in Rus'. His image is found on bracelets of the 12th century and in Kyiv on the fresco of the famous St. Sophia Cathedral.

In the XIII-XVII centuries, this is one of the most popular headdresses. Rich people put on satin caps (mostly white) in the summer, fastening a collar (necklace) around the edges, decorated with pearls, precious stones, etc. In winter, the caps were trimmed with fur inside and turned inside out with the same part. Additionally, a longitudinal incision was made in the back and front.

Poor people also wore caps: in summer - from ordinary cloth, and in winter - from sheepskin. They decorated them with buckles, buttons, brooches and cufflinks.


Assessing the hats for men that came from the east, you need to tell what tafya is. It is a variation of the famous skullcap. Rich people, mostly princes, often wore them indoors, covering only the top of their head with them. These small hats were made of morocco (thin soft leather made from goat and sheep skins of bright colors), brocade and velvet, decorated with pearls, silk and gold.


Caps are a basic element of the image of every young man who leads an active lifestyle and prefers modern headwear. Autumn for men should be as comfortable as possible. Such products protect from rain, go well with sportswear or casual direction. They also look good with sweatshirts, sweatshirts, trousers and jeans.


Such winter hats for men, popular in Europe, like berets, have not yet taken root in our country, although we believe that the situation will change soon. The beret is combined with a straight cut or a bomber jacket that has been fashionable for the past few seasons. It should be borne in mind that we are talking about "noble" models, and not about the berets of taxi drivers.

Appearance features

If you want the hat to be the final touch of your image, do not forget about the features of your own appearance when choosing a model. Therefore, carefully study your reflection in the mirror and you can start looking for the best option for decorating and warming your head. Also, do not forget that there are different ones for men, therefore, do not make a mistake with the choice.


The taller you are, the bigger your hat should be. For short men, a small headdress is suitable, while tall ones should be given preference to flat or wide products, most importantly, not miniature, tight-fitting options. Tall and slender men look great in hats. A large light headdress is ideal for broad-shouldered people. Fat guys should choose wide-brimmed hats for themselves.

face shape

Round - voluminous panamas, berets, asymmetric options will suit these men. Pill caps and bulky hats should be avoided, in other words, no extremes. In addition, the fullness of the face is emphasized by a sports cap.

Oval - for such a universal shape, almost any model is suitable. In this case, caps with a flat visor, asymmetrical hats, berets, as well as classic hats look especially good. Although for an oval face, you should not buy hats elongated upwards, as well as tight hats.

Triangular - not tight-fitting and small and scarves with narrow fields are suitable.

Square - the best choice for these men is a hat with earflaps, sports options and an asymmetric model. It is advisable for owners of this to abandon bandana scarves and hats with fields.

A haircut

For young people who have straight and short hair, a sports-type hat, earflap or bowler hat is suitable. Owners of short haircuts should choose Panama hats or caps. Men with long and straight hair need to buy and For guys with curly long hair, hats, berets and knitted caps are the best options.


Hats for men should also be combined with clothing, both in color and style. So, with a coat and a raincoat, a hat will look good. Knitted knitted hat is suitable for a short jacket. Hats are worn with a sheepskin coat using mixed textures.

When choosing a men's hat, consider other characteristics: convenience, style, functionality, material, practicality, relevance, versatility and seasonality. In addition, you should build on the climatic conditions of your region and fashion trends regarding this accessory.

Before buying a hat, a person often spends a lot of time trying on many models. After all, an unsuccessfully chosen hat can turn even the most handsome man or beautiful woman into an unattractive one. In order not to waste precious time, you should study your type of appearance in advance, this will help you both choose a hat according to the shape of your face and choose the right headdress.

How to choose the color of the hat to the face?

Let's start with the simplest. We will determine which shade of headgear is most suitable. First, look at the color outerwear that you plan to wear with your hat. Secondly, take fabrics or paper of different shades, and attach them to your forehead, it is very convenient to use colored cardboard or scarves for this. So you can determine which color suits the skin tone, hair and eyes.

After these manipulations, choose several options that suit both the face and outerwear. Several colors are needed because the store may not have hats in the shade that you like the most.

How to choose the right hat for the shape of your face?

First, determine the shape of your face. This can be done both “by eye”, and by measuring the length and width of the forehead, chin, cheekbones with a centimeter and drawing something like an identikit on paper.

Experts distinguish the following face shapes:

  • circle;
  • oval;
  • elongated;
  • triangle;
  • square.

It is necessary to know this classification, because it will help how to choose the right hat and hairstyle.

Bell hats, which will completely cover the forehead, and wide-brimmed hats, are suitable for an elongated type of face. A person with an oval face will like turbans and bandage hats, and someone with a round face will like hats with pom-poms and “cossack” models. For a triangular type, experts recommend picking up bell-shaped hats or caps, and for a square type, berets and other round-shaped headwear.

How to choose a men's hat?

First of all, try to carry out all the manipulations described above, that is, determine the type of face and suitable colors. But, don't be too original, especially when defining shades. As a rule, men wear hats and outerwear of restrained colors. In such a situation, you can “play” with shades, for example, there is a rich blue, dark blue, blue-gray color.

Once you have decided which hats you can pick up, see what the guy will wear it with. For example, a pom-pom hat will not look good with a classic coat or a strict leather jacket.

How to choose a hat for a man in a classic style?

If a guy prefers a classic style in clothes, then you should buy a headdress just like that. In the event that a man does not want to wear hats, you should opt for a simple smooth-knit hat or fur winter coats. models. Both the one and the other option perfectly “coexist” with coats and strict jackets.

Careful attention should be paid to the choice of the color of the headdress. It’s great if it harmonizes not only with outerwear, but also with a touch of a scarf and gloves. But, if this does not work, for example, a man wears a light gray muffler and a dark coat, then you can simply buy a black hat. is universal. Therefore, experts often recommend that men choose accessories of this shade.

And, of course, keep in mind that there should not be any patterns or logos on the headdress. It doesn't go well with classic clothing and a hat just won't do.

Ekaterina Malyarova

Despite the abundance of fashion accessories and shoes, the autumn-winter season rarely brings pleasure to fashionistas, and all because of the forced need to wear hats. Infrequently, a headdress is perceived by women as an element of style, or at least as a functional detail of an outfit that protects the head from the cold. Usually berets and hats are counted among the harmful things that electrify the hair and spoil the hairstyle.

However, if you choose your hat wisely, many problems will disappear by themselves, and your winter wardrobe will become more diverse and brighter! In addition, with the help of a hat or cap, you can not only create a unique image and keep warm, but also correct the shape of your face, so why not take advantage of this opportunity?

How many hats should there be?

This issue is resolved individually, however, the more hats there are in the wardrobe, the easier it is to match them to outerwear. The general rules here are:

- classic hats with fields - fedora, slouch, cloche - are worn with coats, trench coats, cape coats or leather jackets.

- for down jackets and similar jackets, knitted hats and berets of various styles, as well as some models of caps and fur hats, are suitable.

- you should not combine fur hats with fur coats, especially if the fur coat and hat are made of the same fur. This combination is considered obsolete.

- high fur hats "a la russ" are good with fitted classic coats and military-style coats.

- voluminous knitted hats are suitable for a fashionable oversized or “cocoon” coat.

The most fashionable look of the current season: an oversized or "cocoon" coat, sneakers and a voluminous knitted hat

- fur hats "with ears" are in harmony with leather and suede jackets, down jackets, various coat models and thick cardigans.

When choosing a headdress, it is important to be guided not so much by personal preferences or fashion as by such parameters as height, build and face shape.

- the more corpulent the figure, the more voluminous the cap should be. This will balance the upper and lower body.

- tall and slender girls with an oval face shape can afford almost any headdress. The only nuance that should be taken into account is whether the color of the hat matches the tone of the skin, hair, eyes and the image as a whole.

Petite women should avoid voluminous hats and hats with large brim.

All faces can be roughly divided into five types: oval, triangular, round, square and rectangular (or elongated).

Oval face shape

The oval shape is considered classic. It is the oval shape that is taken as the basis for the correction of any other face shapes. Women with oval faces fit almost any headwear, so if you are a happy owner of a classic shape, feel free to choose hats, berets and hats to your taste, while not forgetting about the features of your figure.

Triangular face shape

The triangular shape of the face is characterized by a rather wide forehead, high cheekbones and a narrow, as if elongated chin. Popular actresses with a triangular face are Reese Witherspoon and Scarlett Johansson. Women with a similar face shape should avoid overly tight hats made of thin knitwear and bulky knit hats, which will further increase the wide upper part of the face. But they do:

- small berets worn asymmetrically so that the edge line of the beret (near the face) repeats the line of the chin.

- non-voluminous, but dense caps, planted on the head in such a way as to balance the upper and lower parts of the face.

- hats tapering upwards with small fields.

- a cap with earflaps with ears that are not tied, but, on the contrary, hanging along the face.

Another nuance that aligns the proportions of a triangular face well is a hairstyle of semi-long hair that frames the face with soft waves. If the hat is matched to a triangular face, decorated with such a hairstyle, you can allow for more voluminous, round shapes of hats and berets and even neglect a little asymmetrical fit.

The triangular face of Reese Witherspoon is corrected with a hairstyle: the soft waves of the asymmetrical long bangs hide the volume of the upper part of the face, and the curls near the chin balance the top and bottom, so a knitted hat with a lapel, worn symmetrically, does not spoil the overall impression.

Round face shape

A round face is distinguished by smooth transition lines from the forehead to the cheekbones and from the cheekbones to the chin. Usually the length of a round face is not much greater than its width. Another characteristic feature is that the widest place of a round face falls on the cheekbones. Famous people include Kirsten Dunst and Selena Gomez with round faces.

Tight-fitting caps and bandanas, brimless or small-brimmed hats (cloche, low pillbox caps) that cover the forehead, as well as wide knitted hat styles will further emphasize the roundness of the face - it is better to exclude such hats from the wardrobe and pay attention to:

- voluminous knitted hats that lengthen the face.

- hats with visors, which must be "planted" on the head asymmetrically.

- berets worn obliquely, almost completely covering one ear and cheekbone.

- soft hats with a high, asymmetrical crown and medium-wide brim.

- fur hats such as papakha, hats with ears tied back.

Asymmetry is one way to adapt a headdress that does not fit the shape of the face. Kirsten Dunst is the owner of a round face, not only did she choose not the most successful hat (small brim, rounded crown), she also pulled it over her forehead! But the asymmetric fit on the head very gently smooths out these nuances, making the image not quite a failure and even cute.

Square face shape

A square face, despite being relatively proportional, can look overly wide, angular, and heavy. Popular personalities with a square shape are Paris Hilton and Diane Kruger. Women with a square face shape will suit:

- hats and berets, planted on the top of the head so that the forehead remains open, and the volume falls on the back of the head.

- Fedora hat with asymmetrically curved brim.

- fur hat with ears tied back.

Owners of a square face shape should avoid low fur hats such as "papakha" and any other square hats that sit low on the forehead.

Rectangular (or elongated) face shape

The rectangular shape is very similar to the square shape, but women with this face shape have a more elongated chin and a high forehead. Celebrities with rectangular faces - Sarah Jessica Parker, Olivia Wilde. A rectangular face should be corrected, decreasing in length and expanding along the line of the cheekbones. Owners of this form will suit:

- low knitted hats with a voluminous lapel, which are best worn by covering the forehead.

- berets set on the forehead with a slight asymmetry

- low caps of medium volume.

- a hat with earflaps with ears bent back, low fur hats.

- wide-brimmed hats with a low crown.

But very voluminous and high hats, fur daddies and any other hats that can further lengthen the face should be avoided.

Image maker, creator of image and style trainings, author of website. Since 2007, over 500 clients have gone shopping with me. More than 5,000 people attended trainings and seminars on image and style.