We dye natural fur at home. Is it possible to dye natural fur yourself

Fur dyeing at home

Many people probably already have a couple of dozen things in their closet. And it seems a pity to throw it away, and it is no longer possible to wear it. It is possible that you will show your talents and decide to create something completely new and unique from an old fur thing, but this will not make the fur its former color. You can, of course, contact a specialist and he will return him to his former beauty. This requires financial investment. But you can resort to another method and dye the fur at home.

Fur products always attract attention. No wonder, because they look beautiful and rich. And in the cold season they also warm well, and there is no need to make a choice between beauty and warmth. But, like any thing, over time they lose their properties. The product can be everything, also neat and look decent, but the color changes. And it pretty much spoils the original look.

How to determine the color of fur?

First you need to determine what color you want. It is advised to dye fur products in colors that are one tone lower than the original. But it can also be illuminated. Especially if your product was white and turned yellow over time. In this case, there are two ways out: either make the fur dark, or try to return the color that was when you bought it.

Determination of fur colors

We will consider the first option later. And in order to return the white color, you can purchase the paint that is used for suede products. They are sold in cans. It is not necessary to paint along the entire length, only the tips can be processed. Spray the composition of the can at a distance of 60-70 cm. Try to apply it to all visible areas. To prevent sticking of the fur, comb the product immediately after the procedure.

Recipes for paint mortar

Before dyeing fur at home, it must first be prepared for this. Remember that paint is poorly applicable to dirty or greasy things. It just won't go deep. So first clean the item of dirt and grease. In this case, two types of solution are used. First: 1 liter of water, ammonia 25%, about 6-7 grams, add 20 grams of salt and 1-2 grams of baking soda here. It is advisable to add another 1 g of detergent. Then soak the product for an hour, stirring occasionally, then wring it out and rinse thoroughly with water.

Basic recipes for painting

The second option: in 10 liters of water, a pound of slaked lime is diluted, about 150 grams of alum and about 250 grams of iron sulfate are added there. There are many more options, these are some of the most popular. You can simply wash the thing with laundry soap. Even shampoo for oily hair will do. Just don't rub too hard to avoid damaging the fur. Please note that in order to dye fur at home, you need to take care of the skin itself.

Solutions can deplete it. To prevent such a situation, you should first smear glycerin or a fat cream on the wrong side of the wrong side. After cleaning, the thing is fixed on a flat surface. The skin needs to be stretched a little. On the same surface, the fur should be completely dry.

The method of dyeing fur yourself

If you decide to change the color of the product globally, you should first whiten it. Think it's difficult? No, it's very similar to hair coloring. The procedure is carried out in much the same way. After, lighten the color after dyeing and bring it as close as possible to the color indicated on the package. You can, of course, use ordinary peroxide. Before you dye the fur at home, do a little experiment. On a small part of it that is not visible when worn, apply hair dye of the selected color.

Carry out house painting

So you can evaluate the appearance of the product after the procedure. Do not risk resorting to changing the whole thing at once. All paint manufacturers write that the end result may differ from that indicated. Especially if the fur is initially very dark. So, how to dye fur at home? Protect your hands with gloves, apply quickly. See if all areas have been treated. You need to withstand the paint for as long as indicated in the instructions. After the procedure, rinse the dyed fur with water.

Fur painting at home

You can make a solution of water and vinegar. As after coloring your hair, you need to apply a balm. This addition will give a beautiful sheen and shine to the fur. And rinse again with water. Dry gently using a towel. You can make the color completely unique by resorting to the method that is used in highlighting. More precisely, paint only some areas and wrap them in foil. As a result, spots of a different color are obtained against the background of the main one. Your clothes will be unusual, original and eye-catching.

After painting, the color will be irresistible

The product treated in this way must be looked after as before. The effect after the procedure lasts about 8 months. Further color depends on the type of fur, and on the means that was used. So the procedure will have to be repeated again. But with the experience gained, it will be much easier. And you can easily choose the right color, practice and create something completely extraordinary.

Natural fur and its dyeing

Dyeing natural fur has its own characteristics. For example, the arctic fox successfully holds color and lends itself perfectly to such experiments. And the mink is worse. The beaver reacts to lightening with yellow, and the muskrat will surprise with an unusual peach shade with a white bottom. Over time, the paint fades and takes on a completely different look. A dark solution of potassium permanganate will help return the brown tint to the fox.

Suede dye should be used if and only if you do not want to completely dye the fur. It will help to give a new shade only on the tips of the fur and no more. So you learned the main ways to restore the former beauty of things. Based on the experience of dyeing your own hair, if any, choose a paint. Too cheap, it can lose its appearance in a week, so you should not save in such a responsible matter. You can learn more about how fur is dyed with the video.

Natural fur - will conquer any

There are many salons and dry cleaners where you can apply for a fur dyeing procedure. There, a professional will take care of your favorite thing. After everything is ready, carefully inspect the result so that it matches your wishes. Be careful and do not rush to run home for joy, first evaluate the product.


Dear Clients

Prepayment for tailoring products is not less than 50% of the cost of work.

The Lynx factory also offers additional services, such as painting, cutting and hauling.

Dye fur is produced in different colors. We dye both individual skins and finished fur products (we do not paint sheepskin coats) .

When painting finished fur products, be careful. Paint happens without fabric lining, only skins are dyed. Before painting, you are checked for the possibility of painting.

You can check it yourself if you want. : take your fur product that you want to dye, slightly open the lining and wet the skin well. After that, pull the soaked skin with force in different directions, if the skin is torn, it means that poor-quality dressing was used in tailoring and when painting your product may fall apart - paint it IT IS FORBIDDEN if the skin stretches easily to the sides - paint CAN .

We warn you in advance, when sewing a fur product, many companies often stretch the skin so that it is larger, such things after painting I can sit up to 30% .

Fur dyeing

Name (painting in black, brown, graphite)
Price in Malakhovka

Beaver (not shorn)
95 rub. dm 2
Beaver (shorn)
65 rub. dm 2
Long fur (fox, arctic fox, etc.)
580 rub. dm 2
Short fur (marten, mink, sable, polecat, etc.)
525 rub. dm 2
Plates (karakul, mink)
65 rub. dm 2

7.000 rub.
Jacket (length up to 65 cm.)
8.000 rub.
Short fur coat (length up to 90 cm.) without hood, without restoration
12.000 rub.
Short fur coat (length up to 105 cm.) without hood, without restoration
16.000 rub.
flare (for vests, jackets and coats)
+ from 10 - 30% to the price for dyeing, depending on the length of the product
Fur coat straight (length from 110 cm.) without hood, without restoration
18.000 rub.
Fur coat flared (length from 110cm.) without restoration
23.500 rub.
Hood, without restoration
3.000 rub.
Collars, cuffs, edges (long fur) without restoration
95 rub. dm 2
Collars, cuffs, edges (short fur) without restoration
65 rub. dm 2
Caps, without restoration
1.300 rub.

Shearling coats, sheepskin (NOT SHEARED) AND LEATHER - WE DO NOT COLOR!

  • Painting time 2 weeks
  • Shrinkage of a fur product during painting 30% (1 size)
  • Shrinkage during dyeing always occurs and the product shrinks uneven
  • It is necessary to restore (restorate) the product after dyeing Necessarily!

    Restoration of products after dyeing

    Size In Malakhovka
    Vest 10.000 rub.
    Jacket (length up to 65 cm)
    from 15.000 to 18.000 rubles.
    Short fur coat (length up to 90 cm)
    from 18.000 to 20.000 rubles
    Short fur coat (up to 105 cm) from 20.000 to 23.000 rubles.
    Fur coat long (from 110 cm.) 25.000 rub.
    Recut new lining
    25.000 rub.
    Flare (depending on the length of the product)
    from 10 - 30%
    2.000 rub.

    Prices do not include the cost of the stock (up to size 50)

    A bit of history about dyeing coats, furs and skins

    Animal fur has been necessary for mankind throughout the history of its existence. And today, fur remains a valuable and commercially viable commodity, because it is used not only for warmth, but also for decoration and, of course, is a luxury item.

    The skins of fur-bearing animals consist of a dense undercoat and longer and stiffer hairs that rise above this layer. The main function of the undercoat is to maintain the animal's body temperature, while the longer outer coat is to protect the skin during rain or snow. Mostly fur skins are sold at auction. Most of it is bought by manufacturing companies specializing in tailoring products using fur or brokers. The largest auction centers are located in New York, Montreal and St. Petersburg.

    In the modern fur industry, fur is used for tailoring or decorating outerwear. Often, in order for the finishing color to blend well with the color of the main material of the product, it is used fur dyeing in different tones. quality dressing and dyeing of fur very important, because it will depend on how long the product from it will last. Many are interested in the question: is it possible dye the fur so that it does not lose its quality? Certainly! Moreover, if skin dyeing was produced in compliance with the necessary technology, the fur can last longer. That's how dye natural fur so that the skins remain soft and elastic, only professionals know. Sometimes the fur, on the contrary, is bleached or this method is used. natural fur dyeing, in which only longer hairs are shaded. This is what happens in some cases. silver fox fur dyeing. By the same method Can you dye fox fur? and give the product a very original look. When sewing a mink coat or coat, it is also advisable dyeing fur or mink coats in one color, if there are skins that are the same in softness, length of the pile and density of the undercoat, but initially different in color.

    The selection of skins for the product is not easy and requires a lot of furrier experience. The advantage of the fur material is that, if necessary, you can replace pieces with defects with others that are ideal for the main raw material. In such cases, it may also be necessary dye mink fur, arctic fox or other fur-bearing animal in the color of those skins that were selected for the product. It is possible to give a fresh look to a coat or fur coat that has been worn for several years, if paint old fur in another, more saturated shade. A competent selection of fur makes a fur coat as if sewn from one large skin, without focusing on the joining of different fragments.

    Information about where can i dye my fur Now it's not hard to find. It is important to turn to professionals, because such material is quite expensive and requires a special approach. Usually, these are special workshops or fur dyeing studio. Such organizations have special equipment and, most importantly, extensive experience in working with different types of fur, so you should not have any doubts where to dye natural fur .

    Fur skins can be dyed in different ways. The main ones are namazny, okunochny or combined. In each individual case, the most optimal of them is used.

    Where to dye fur in Moscow can be found from various sources. It should be noted that this procedure is quite expensive and only a high-quality service can guarantee a good result and not disappoint. So just trust trusted sources , in such a non-standard type of service as fur dyeing in Moscow . Fur dyeing price will depend on several factors: the method of painting and the chemicals used, (size, length, style) if this is a product.

    Examples of work on dyeing fur and skins

A brand new mink fur coat or hat looks very attractive, but it is worth bringing the item for several seasons, and the fur will lose its luster and its color will fade. If conventional cleaning methods are powerless, then it's time to paint the mink. But how to do that?

Caution and accuracy!

The best option is to use the services of professionals, since dyeing fur is a laborious and responsible process. When dyeing mink fur at home, there is always a risk of hopelessly spoiling the thing.

Well, if you are ready to take a chance, then experiment first with a piece of fur, which is sure to be attached to any mink product. This, of course, will take time, but you will get some confidence that you will not spoil an expensive thing (or make sure you do).

Methods for dyeing mink fur

Now in the store you can buy special sprays for painting fur. They make it possible to quickly and without much hassle to return things to their original appearance, but at the same time they have a number of disadvantages: in particular, any light-colored thing, upon contact with your fur coat, will acquire its color, and the color of the fur coat itself will fade again after a few months.

A more durable result is the use of hair dye: after all, the structure of mink fur is similar to the structure of a human hair. But you will need a good preparation from a reliable manufacturer, only in this case the staining will be successful. As for the shade, it is better to choose a paint tone darker than the natural color of the fur.

It is imperative to pre-clean the fur, otherwise the fat and dirt on it will not allow the pigment to penetrate deep into the pile, and the result of painting will be unstable. Degreasing can be done with sawdust or potato starch, which is simply sprinkled on the surface of the product and then shaken off.

Next, you should treat the mezdra on the reverse side with any greasy cream, which will prevent it from drying out. Now you can start preparing the composition, following the instructions that you will definitely find in the paint box.

Using a brush or toothbrush, evenly apply the prepared solution to slightly damp fur (use a spray bottle to moisten), and then walk with gloved hands over its entire surface so that no unpainted spots remain. We lay the fur in the direction of hair growth and wait: the exposure time of the coloring composition is about 3 hours.

Further, under warm water, the paint is removed using shampoo, the fur is treated with hair balm, washed thoroughly and rinsed in a solution of vinegar (a tablespoon per liter of water). Now it remains only to carefully remove the remaining moisture with a soft towel and once again apply a thin layer of glycerin or any greasy cream to the mezra.

Keep in mind that after painting the skin can sit down, so for the time of drying, the core must be pinned with buttons to a flat, solid base. Fur must be dried at room temperature. If done correctly, after drying your mink should remain as soft and fluffy as it is, but with a more attractive, intense coloration.

Undoubtedly, it will be much easier to take it to a dry cleaner or to specialists. Then the fur coat will definitely not deteriorate under any circumstances. However, you can do it yourself, but at your own peril and risk. When painting or changing the color of this kind of clothing, many factors should be taken into account - the age of the fur coat, the density of the seams, the possibility of the skin drying out. Can you dye a mink coat? Answer: of course. But first it has to be processed.

For this you will need:

· glycerin;

· ammonia;

a special product for washing fur products;

It is necessary to carefully coat the inside of the skins themselves (and not the lining) with glycerin. This is necessary so that they do not dry out after getting wet.

And the fur itself should be treated from dirt with an alkaline solution, which consists of three teaspoons of salt, one teaspoon of ammonia and a similar amount of detergent. All this must be poured into one liter of warm water and add a pinch of soda. Then mix thoroughly.

All this must be applied to a fur coat, laid out on the floor without folds, from the front side, carefully brushing the fur with a brush. This procedure will clean it of dirt, due to which the paint may lie unevenly. After that, the fur should dry on its own.

How to dye a fur coat yourself?

Now you can paint.

1. To solve the question of how to dye the fur, you will need several packages of high-quality hair dye (depending on size and density) and a large ceramic bowl.

2. The paint in it must be diluted according to the instructions on the package.

3. Then, paint should be applied to the unfolded fur coat with a special brush or brush, after slightly wetting the fur. It is advisable to put on gloves before this - if necessary, it will be possible to equalize the substance directly on the clothes.

4. After 30-40 minutes, rinse the fur in water with vinegar, and then blot thoroughly with paper towels until slightly damp. It is forbidden to wipe and wring out the fur more actively.

5. Then you should let the coat dry on its own. You can stretch it a little on the shoulders so that it does not sit down.

Over time, the fur wears out, it can burn out in places, lose color saturation. But this is not a reason to send things to the trash can. After painting, they have a good chance to start a new life. Ateliers and dry cleaners may convince that old products will not withstand such exposure, or they may require a considerable amount for the procedure. We will tell you how easy and not expensive to dye fur at home.

Where to dye the fur product?

There are several options for resolving the issue of where to give the fur for painting. They differ in price and range of services offered. Before making a decision, check which ones are available in your city.

  1. In case of problems with clothes, it is customary to contact the studio. Things made of fur are no exception: there are special fur studios that you can contact with questions of repair and dyeing.
  2. Some dry cleaners not only wash clothes, but also dye fabrics and fur.
  3. In production, fur is dyed without fail, but on an industrial scale. Not all factories can be contacted with the question of painting an individual product.
  4. It is quite easy to dye the fur yourself at home.

How can fur be dyed?

Manufacturers claim that dyeing occurs according to a complex technology using dyes and oxidizing agents. In fact, this technique is almost no different from painting in a hairdresser. It turns out that fur can be successfully updated with ordinary hair dye. Indeed, in its structure, animal hair is very similar to human hair. The described method is safe for strong mezdra (skin from the inside of the pile), reliable and easy to perform. It is suitable for any kind of natural pile.

It is important to know that it is impossible to work with finished products (hats, fur coats, collars), without first opening them. This is necessary in order to have access to the mezra.

Before proceeding, you need to check the condition of the mezdra. It must be moistened with water and try to stretch. If it does not stretch or tear, you can use paint. Otherwise, it's not worth the risk. You can tint the color with a tint hair balm, following the instructions. A bright and fresh shade is as stable and long-lasting as the paint. In this way, artificial pile can be dyed, since it is not as resistant as a real one, as well as silver fox, arctic fox, rabbit, mink.

Instructions for dyeing fur at home

Since the fur is thick and long, you may need 2 packs of paint. This is especially true for Arctic fox and mink. It is better not to buy the first coloring agent that comes across, but to prefer proven brands. Having prepared the workplace, you can start painting according to a method consisting of two stages.

Stage 1 - preparation

It is necessary for cleaning from grease and dust for high-quality and uniform coloring.

  1. Prepare a cleaning solution: soda, salt, washing powder, a teaspoon per liter of water.
  2. Clean the pile with a brush.
  3. Rinse under warm running water.
  4. Leave until dry.

Stage 2 - painting

  1. Wear protective plastic or rubber gloves on your hands.
  2. Prepare the dye mixture according to the instructions.
  3. Before staining, it is necessary to treat the mezra with glycerin (you can replace it with any fat cream). This will keep the skin from drying out.
  4. Apply the mixture as quickly as possible, combing the pile in the direction of natural growth.
  5. Roll up and place in a plastic bag.
  6. By time, the paint must be kept for as long as indicated in the instructions. Compliance with the recommendations is mandatory, otherwise you risk spoiling the material.
  7. Rinse in warm water with any shampoo.
  8. Treat with any hair balm for shine and silkiness.
  9. Wash off all products with warm running water.
  10. Rinse in warm water with the addition of vinegar: 1 tablespoon per liter of water. You can use any table vinegar.
  11. Dry gently with a towel.
  12. Lubricate the mezra again with a thin layer of glycerin. Gently crush it.

The drying process should take place in natural conditions - at room temperature, without the use of heaters, hair dryers and air conditioners. Drying time can be up to 3 days depending on the length and thickness of the fur. Speeding up the process can damage the fibers.

After drying, the product may shrink. To avoid this, pin it to any hard surface with the flesh side down. For example, pushpins or sewing pins to a wooden board.

Light and red shades are difficult to paint over with any hair dye, no matter how much it costs. Therefore, you can repeat the procedure 2-3 times, especially if you want to get a rich black color.

The easiest way is in cases where you just need to enhance the tone or make it darker. In order to properly dye fox fur, which has a white or other light color, at home, it is necessary to carefully paint over the pile to the very roots and the mezra itself. You can do this with a regular toothbrush, and then comb through with a comb in different directions. It should be borne in mind that chemical exposure to the skin does not pass without a trace. To change its color with minimal risk, use a regular marker.

When painting dark things in lighter tones, you need to be prepared for an unexpected result. Of course, like hair, fur with dark pigment must first be discolored. To avoid surprises, cut off a small piece of material and work on it. You can experiment by mixing colors in different proportions to achieve the desired result.

Do not try to change the color of a whole fur coat or other large items yourself. Such a surface cannot be painted by hand evenly and quickly. The described methods are suitable for relatively small things, for example, for a fur collar on a sheepskin coat or jacket.

You don't have to worry about the color disappearing. Dyed hair retains its color even with regular contact with water and detergents for many weeks on end, and clothes get wet much less often. Guaranteed result for 7-8 months. After that, the staining procedure can be repeated. The most persistent color is red.

What if you can't use paint?

The described technique is not suitable for artificial fur, since its structure is not as strong as that of natural fur. Also, if you are afraid to damage or stain the product, the skin is weak, unreliable, or there are any other reasons to avoid chemical hair products, you can do with shoe paint for suede, velor and nubuck in cans. This method will quite cope with the masking of burnt areas. According to the instructions, the balloon must be shaken up and the substance applied from a distance of 20 cm. In order for the color to be evenly distributed over the entire surface, after application, the paint can be “smeared” with a napkin.

If you are no longer going to wear clothes with fur and do not know what to do with it, consider decorating your handbag, headphones and other accessories with stylish, bright and multi-colored fur inserts.

If you are still not sure whether to paint your product and how exactly to do it, contact the workshop and consult with experts.

After proper dyeing in compliance with all the rules and instructions, the fur will become as soft and thick as before, and it will look completely new!