Storing a mink coat in the summer. How to store fur products. Moth protection features

Real warmth will come very soon, but today we are changing into lighter jackets and jackets. It's time for fur coats to go on summer holidays. Taking into account the latest fashion trends, when everyone around is talking about the loss of popularity of natural fur, the vacation can drag on for several years. If your fur coat is already many years old, you don’t have to think much, but if the fur coat was bought recently or even new, it should be sent to decent storage.

A mink coat has been an element of prestige and an object of desire for many years, but nothing lasts forever in this world. Even such beauty and luxury can lose popularity. Now it is difficult to say, and in general, natural fur in the future. Someone will continue to wear fur products in the winter of 2018-2019, but I want to take a break from a mink coat, at least for one year.

How to keep a fur coat in summer and winter

An ideal place for a fur coat in a fur refrigerator. At the same time, it should be noted - their own fur refrigerator, and not a public one, where many products are deposited. After common refrigerators, your fur beauty can absorb other people's not the most pleasant smells!

If you have a small apartment and only 1-2 lockers, it will not be easy to arrange decent storage for a fur coat, but we will try and consider all the nuances of long-term storage of furs.

1. The fur coat should hang loose enough so that the fur can breathe and not rub against other things. The cover will protect from abrasion. It is important to remember that the fur cannot be stored in the light, even if it is electric lighting. Open hangers and cabinets with transparent glass are not suitable for storage.

2. Hanger. Choose a wooden hanger with wide shoulders. This seems obvious, but many do not know the simple truth and hang fur coats and sheepskin coats on narrow hangers. As a result, a fur coat can be deformed in a few months.

3. Our favorite fur coat should be fastened with all buttons or a zipper - this will not allow the product to warp and deform. Things in the closet are always in motion, and even if you don’t touch the fur coat itself, you periodically shift other things, and if you don’t fasten all the buttons, the fur coat will definitely shift. Personally, I button up everything, even blouses and shirt blouses, with all buttons when they are in long-term storage.

4. If the fur coat will not be worn in winter, it is necessary to take it out to the balcony several times during the winter in frosty weather, this will be useful for the preservation of the fur. In the summer, too, at least once a month, you need to get a fur coat and shake it slightly so that the fur does not stale.

5. Moth protection. In the fight against moths, it is important to follow several rules. Most importantly, only clean, odorless things should be in the closet. Secondly, we place repellents everywhere in the closet. Third - once a month you need to get a fur coat and shake it. The last is a moth-impregnated storage case. If you follow all the rules, almost certainly your fur coat will be perfectly preserved from insects.

6. Case for storing fur coats. The cover creates a barrier against moths, protects the fur from abrasion against neighboring things, keeps it from sunlight, dust and pollution. Therefore, a storage case is very important, which means that the choice must be approached responsibly.

The cheapest way is to sew a cover from cotton fabric. Cotton is an environmentally friendly material that allows fur products to breathe and is pleasant to the touch. We choose natural cotton, what could be better? It turns out that for storing fur products, cotton is not the best option.

Woven materials allow dust, odors and even moths to pass through. Non-woven polymer material has superiority in this respect, it also breathes, but at the same time it does not allow dust, moisture, odors and moths to pass through. Which material to choose? The most affordable option is spunbond, it is reliable and inexpensive.

In conclusion, it is important to say that the cover must match the size of the fur coat so that during storage the product does not have wrinkles and creases in the fur. Buy a cover a little larger than your fur coat, and it will serve as a faithful protector and keeper for more than one season.

A fur coat is not only an attribute of a winter wardrobe, but also an indicator of the status of its owner. However, natural fur does not tolerate careless treatment and is very susceptible to adverse effects. To maximize the period of its operation, you should understand how to store mink and other fur coats in the summer.

Special conditions - a whim for an artificial, but a severe necessity for a mink coat

When buying an expensive mantle or fur coat, you want to be irresistible and in no way allow the thought that such clothes can become unusable. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to create special conditions for storage. Under the influence of various factors, such as high air temperature, humidity or poor ventilation, natural fur can fade, turn yellow, lose wear resistance and become brittle. Hair can fall out, forming bald spots on clothes.

But this, as a rule, does not apply to artificial material. A fur coat made of synthetic fibers is not afraid of sunlight, changes in temperature and humidity, and is also of no interest to moths.

How to prepare natural fur for storage

The winter season is over and it's time to hide the fur coat until the next suitable occasion. What measures should be taken to keep the clothes in perfect condition? The procedure is as follows:

  1. First, inspect the fur product from the outside and inside. If necessary, fasten the buttons, replace the torn lining.
  2. Then remove impurities, if any. The easiest option is to take the coat to the dry cleaners. But you can get rid of stains on your own.

    A solution of 9% vinegar and vodka will help eliminate greasy traces. Mix the components in equal parts, moisten a sponge in the resulting composition and wipe the contaminated areas with gentle movements. Fur coats covered with a short pile, process against its growth. Clean long hair in reverse - in the direction of the pile. After processing, dry the fur coat in a ventilated room with a temperature of no more than 17 ̊С and a humidity of 50–65%.

  3. If the fur has faded, crumpled or dust has accumulated on it, dry processing will be required. Sprinkle potato starch evenly over the surface of the fur coat at the rate of 1 cup per 50 square meters. see fur. Wipe problem areas with a sponge. After cleaning, shake the fur coat well to completely remove the remnants of the loose product. If the first cleansing did not give the desired result, the procedure can be repeated 2-3 times.

    There is an option to use rye or wheat bran or semolina instead of starch. But know that they will attract moths to the fur coat.

  4. Comb the fur in the direction of the coat with a wide-toothed metal comb.
  5. Air your fur coat outside or on an open balcony during the day.
  6. After that, put the product on the shoulders, fasten the buttons. The size of the hangers must match the product. Using too wide will lead to deformation, and on a narrow hanger the fur coat will sag.

Wardrobe, balcony or freezer - which room can be used for summer storage

The most important rule when choosing a room is to avoid high humidity. The fur coat should be stored in a cool, dark and dry place.. Optimal temperatures - 15–17 ° C, humidity - 40–65%. It can be a closet or dressing room. The required temperature indicators can be achieved using an air conditioner.

A balcony is not suitable for this purpose, because in summer it is too hot in this room.

Important! Do not place the product near lighting fixtures, also avoid direct sunlight.

Also, the room should be well ventilated and spacious. In the closet, you need to create enough free space, since the fur coat should not come into contact with other clothes.

Important! If the fur hangs tight and squeezed, the fur will quickly lose its shape.

Some women practice storing their fur coats in the freezer. Low temperatures really have a beneficial effect on the safety of the fur. But this is a highly controversial option. In a household freezer, there is no way to hang a fur coat, it will have to be stored folded, and as a result, creases may form.

Be that as it may, today many dry cleaners offer storage in special refrigerators. If you chose this option, take an interest in the conditions in which your fur coat will be. Signs of proper storage are subdued light, temperature from 2 to 8 degrees, humidity not more than 65%, placement of fur coats at a distance of 10 cm, packing products in a case, the presence of freezing programs, which allows you to destroy all insects. Make sure the camera is not exposed to sunlight.

Case or vacuum bag?

The safety of a fur coat depends not only on temperature conditions and humidity, but also on the quality of the cover in which it is placed. When choosing it, you need to take into account a number of nuances:

The cover, unfortunately, does not protect the fur from moths. Therefore, it is desirable to treat the material with a special spray or aerosol. For example, Mosquitall, Tornado or Raptor. Such impregnation must be renewed every 3 months, as it loses its properties.

Important! Do not spray the fur coat, otherwise traces will remain on it, apply the product exclusively on the cover.

Pieces of cedar bark can be put in pockets: the moth does not tolerate this aroma, and, accordingly, will not encroach on a fur coat. In addition, its smell does not disappear. Dry geranium, lavender or citrus peels are also suitable for this purpose. But folk remedies are inferior in effectiveness to aerosols and sprays. Do not use naphthalene. It repels moths well, but is a carcinogen, and therefore many countries have banned its use for several years.

The subtleties of home storage of different fur

Each type of fur has its own wear and storage period. To keep your clothes in perfect condition, you need to remember a few simple rules.


The most durable is the muton. This coat is often used as an everyday option. Store it, like others, in a dark, well-ventilated closet. But the fur of the muton has one peculiarity - if the pollution is not removed from it immediately after the appearance of the stain, then later it will be almost impossible to do so. Therefore, the fur coat must be thoroughly cleaned before storage.

Muton's enemy is heat. The product is placed in a cabinet where even artificial light does not penetrate. The optimum temperature is 8-12 ° C, otherwise the fur may lose its luster and acquire a musty smell of rags. To protect the mouton from deformation as a result of its own weight, the shoulders must be exactly the same as the width of the cut of the shoulders of the product.


Mink - capricious and not wear-resistant fur. Such a product should be stored in a hanging position on soft hangers. A suitable option is a cabinet made of cedar, since such a tree practically does not allow moisture to pass through and repels moths with the smell. It is desirable to choose a storage cover from a fabric in order to provide sufficient breathability.

Before storage, be sure to clean the fur from dirt, it is advisable to entrust this process to dry cleaning specialists. Mink is a very delicate material that can be easily damaged.

How to store products from nutria, goat and other types of fur

The fur of nutria and beaver is the most wear-resistant and durable. Such fur coats will last more than one year, retaining their appearance unchanged. But there are still some storage nuances.

  • The product from a beaver has to be in the cool dry room. Exposure to dampness and heat instantly spoils the fur coat, making it faded.
  • Nutria fur is more resistant. It is enough to protect him from moth attacks.

    Both of these materials must be thoroughly dried before being sent to the cabinet.

  • Rabbit fur is stored in the same way as mink. It is important to prevent the product from caking, as well as moth attacks.
  • Fur of a raccoon, fox and chinchilla easily gives in to creases. Products are stored only on hangers. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that they are well straightened.
  • A goat fur coat is placed on wide shoulders, this allows you to keep its shape. The rest of the storage conditions have no features.

What can happen if you don't follow the rules?

A fur coat is a fairly expensive wardrobe item that requires careful storage. Let's take a look at the most common fur storage mistakes and how to fix them.

Moth damage

It is not difficult to hang a sachet from moths in a closet, but if you forget about this easy measure of care, the result will be almost irreparable: a fur coat beaten by moths loses all its charm.

Creases on folded product

If you store a fur coat folded, it will inevitably wrinkle. If the bruising is not strong, then in order to bring it into proper condition, you will need a hanger, a fur brush or a sponge made of foam rubber. You can try straightening a fur coat in two ways:

  1. The first one is to use steam. First, turn on the hot water in the bathroom. When steam forms, put a fur coat on a hanger. It should be in the bathroom until it is completely smoothed out. After that, shake the product well and dry it in a ventilated area.

    Do not keep the fur coat in the accumulation of steam longer than necessary, otherwise it will warp.

  2. If the fur coat is weakly wrinkled, you can resort to the second method. Wet the sponge and gently go over the problem areas in the direction of the pile. Then comb the fur and dry the fur coat. If necessary, repeat alignment.

Drying out of the core

When storing the product in conditions of low humidity or high temperature, the skin may dry out. Mezdra is called the treated skin on which the fur is located.

With an increased level of humidity, the mezra, on the contrary, stretches.

You can try to soften the dried hard mezra with a solution of 1 liter of water, 1 tbsp. l. vinegar and 50 g of salt. Apply this composition on the inside of the skin for 2 hours. Then mash the mezra and rinse with water.

For this purpose, a mixture of soap solution is also suitable, to which ¼ part of its fat volume and 1/10 part of glycerin should be added. Treat the mezra with this composition and leave it for 5 hours. Then rinse and rub the skin with chalk to remove any remaining oil.

If the mezdra is excessively stretched, normalize the humidity in the room.

Yellowness on white fur and fading of dark fur coats

When exposed to sunlight, the fur loses its color. Dark coats may fade, and light coats may turn yellow. In the first case, do this:

  • soak a cotton pad in a 9% vinegar solution and treat problem areas;
  • take a napkin, apply alcohol on it and wipe the fur until it is dry;
  • comb the product and hang to dry.

If the fur coat is made of zigeika or astrakhan, your actions should be the opposite. It should be dried first, and only then combed.

As a result of violation of storage rules, yellowness appears on light fur. In addition to the influence of ultraviolet rays, dust, soot, perfumes and cosmetics lead to this.

Do not spray perfume on fur. It absorbs odors well, but over time, the smell will change and become unpleasant.

Dry cleaning will help get rid of such traces. But only if the damage is minor and formed recently. With significant yellowness, exposure to chemicals will further aggravate the situation. In this case, you can take a chance and resort to home methods.

Sorbents have bleaching properties. For example, semolina, bran or starch. Processing options:

  1. Lay out the fur coat, apply a sorbent (semolina, wheat or rye bran must be preheated in a dry frying pan for several seconds) and rub it into the fur. Then shake the product and comb through.

    This is the most gentle bleaching method, so yellow patches may remain after it. In addition, if the semolina is poorly combed out, it will attract moths.

  2. The second way is more efficient. Dilute in equal proportions with water 3% hydrogen peroxide or ammonia in a ratio of 1: 2, moisten a napkin and wipe the yellowed areas. The solution does not need to be rinsed off.
  3. If the two previous methods did not solve the problem, you can use bleaching shampoos for animal hair. For example, All System Whiteninq, HERBAL WHITENING SHAMPOO. In this case, the fur coat cannot be washed. Dilute a few drops in water and scrub the fur with a sponge.

If, after all the above methods, the fur has not acquired its original color, it must be dyed. But staining should never be done at home. Take the fur coat to an atelier that provides such a service.

All white fur coats, regardless of the origin of the fur, are stored in blue cases. This helps to avoid the appearance of yellowness.

If you follow all the requirements for storing a fur coat, it will last several seasons. With minor damage, the appearance of the product can be restored. But if the fur suffers significantly due to improper storage, even dry cleaning specialists will not be able to help you.

One of the expensive wardrobe items is a fur, mink coat. Since this is a seasonal product, most of the time it is in storage. With proper care, your favorite mink coat will serve you for a long time. Take advantage of the suggested tips.

It is necessary, before sending a fur coat to the closet, check its condition.

  • Remove possible stains, in a professional dry-cleaner, immediately upon detection.
  • Ventilate. A few hours, hold in the sun. The sun's rays remove even invisible moth larvae. Remember, a white mink coat turns yellow in the sun. It is better to take it to a dry cleaner, where your fur will be professionally processed and bleached.
  • Shake the fur and remove the dust.
  • Repair, if necessary, in a professional studio.
  • Clean annually before storage.

It is forbidden:

  • Comb and rub the mink fur. Especially wet. This will damage the product.
  • Wrap in polyethylene new package.
  • Allow any chemicals to come into contact with mink fur. The damage will be irreversible.
  • Use naphthalene. The chemical composition of this product harms mink fur products.
  • Dry the coat near the fire and heaters. She will be irrevocably damaged by such heat.

To store a fur coat in the summer you need

How to check the condition of the mink fur?

A sign of a quality thing will be the shine of hairs, thick pile, thick skin. When crushed by hand, there are no hairs on the palm and the product immediately takes its previous position. Feel the silky texture and elasticity to the touch.

In the article, we will tell how to store a mink coat in summer, because this thing is not cheap, and if you just hang it in a closet, it will quickly fade and lose its shape. And there will be nothing left but to throw it away.

In principle, everything is clear with the care of a mink in winter, any seller of fur products will tell you about this when buying. After all, it is important for them that the fur coat does not fade over the winter and that you do not come demanding a refund for a poor-quality product. There are not many recommendations here. Ventilate in severe frost, immediately clean from dirt, do not wet much. But about that how to store a mink coat in the summer you will have to find out on your own.

Before finally removing the fur coat and dressing up in lighter things, you should carefully examine it for dirt and stains. If you find something serious that you are not able to wash off with a damp sponge, you should immediately carry your beloved mink for dry cleaning, in no case do not try to use cleaning products to remove dirt, and even more so do not leave stains until next winter - ruin the product completely.

Before storing the fur coat in the closet, go over it with a wide-toothed comb or a natural bristle brush. This will remove loose hairs from the wool and prevent the fur from falling off over the summer.

If the fur coat gets wet before storage, in no case do not dry it in the open sun, and even more so near the battery. It should dry at room temperature, and only then go to summer storage. The sun in general can cause a light-colored mink to fade and deteriorate.

This coat should be hung in the closet only on a wide hanger with thick shoulders. It is advisable to use a wooden hanger. This will prevent deformation.

In no case should your fur clothes hang tight. So the fur will not be able to breathe in the summer and may deteriorate and lose its luster. Also, never wrap your clothes in polyethylene or special plastic bags for clothes. Fur should always be in a place with good air circulation.

If you are afraid of moths, wrap outer clothing in gauze soaked in a weak solution of blue and pre-dried. It will protect not only from insects, but also allow your pet to breathe well. Also, in no case does not use naphthalene against moths. It can damage delicate skin. Use natural defenses like dried orange peels or tobacco leaves.

And by following these simple tips on how to store a mink coat in the summer, you will provide your mink with a long service life, and it will delight you for more than one season. And it does not matter if a certain cut goes out of fashion. You can always quite inexpensively change your favorite clothes to new design trends and be fashionable and irresistible again in the cold winter season.

After acquiring the long-awaited fur, I immediately thought about how to store the fur coat. Since the price of a new thing is really rather big, I want to save it and keep it as long as possible. How to do this, let's see together.

How to care for fur at different times of the year

First of all, the service life depends on the proper storage of fur coats, as well as on the care of the fur. This fur product is not only expensive and valuable, but also picky about the conditions of storage and use.

Rule 1. Winter

How to store a fur coat at home so that it does not lose its attractive appearance? Despite the fact that mink is outerwear for the winter, make sure that in your wardrobe there is a down jacket in addition to it. A fur coat should not be worn every day.

If you are wearing a fur coat, you should avoid:

  • places where chemical treatment against ice has taken place;
  • crowded places;
  • wet snow and high humidity.

Winter has come, and the temperature still does not allow you to wear a fur coat? Then you should “walk” her on the balcony.

A frosty evening is ideal to let the skin air out, but during the day it is better for her to stay in the closet.

Although high humidity can be harmful, when you return home, a fur coat can be restored to its attractive appearance with the help of proper drying.

To properly dry the fur, remember the rules:

ANDimage Sequencing

Step 1.

Choose a shady spot in your home to dry.

The sun's rays should not fall on the fur.

Step 2

Shake the product and hang it on a wide coat hanger.

Other outerwear may hang nearby.

Step 3

Get a brush for natural fur and walk it along the villi.

Step 4

Wet a soft, absorbent cloth, then lightly wipe the fur with it.

Step 5.

Leave the product to dry naturally.

Do not use a hair dryer or leave a fur coat near any heating devices.

Rule 2. Summer

Properly store a mink coat in the summer - in a case. If you want to ensure that your fur is protected, for example, from moths, take your outerwear to a dry cleaner. In specialized refrigeration units, all conditions are met to properly store fur products.

Keeping a mink coat at home is also possible. Detailed instructions will help you create optimal conditions for "idle" mink.

To keep the fur coat attractive for the next winter season, you must:

ANDimage Sequencing

Step 1.

First you need to find a spacious and cool place. .

Step 2.

Take coat hangers, hang a fur coat on them and cover with a cover.

Step 3

Then, using cloth bags impregnated with moths, put protective tablets in the pockets.

Step 4

The coat should be aired and periodically inspected.

Proper care is essential for a mink coat at home, so do not forget about the following points:

  • fur has a negative effect exposure to sunlight;
  • heat air dries the product, from this it deteriorates;
  • humidity over 60% and temperature around 10-15°C these are uncomfortable conditions for the fur.

Rule 3. Mink Care Details

In order for the mink to retain its attractiveness, you need to take into account all the nuances. For example:

  • Storage case mink coatsmust be breathable. Polyethylene fabric is not suitable in this case.

  • As a result of the use of aerosol stains may remain. To avoid them, make protective bags with your own hands. They may include lavender, dry geranium, etc.

Any of the fur storage assistants shown in the photo will be effective, but handmade is the most harmless
  • Fur needs a lot of space.

How to store fur, you now know. But do not forget that the fur coat should be aired at least once every 4 months. Change protective bags against moths, and then your mink will retain its appearance for a very long time.