How to paint lips with bright lipstick - the secrets of choosing the tone and durability of makeup. How to make bright makeup

Bright lip makeup looks juicy, sexy, expressive, elegant. Provided, of course, that you did it right! I remember that before, when I tried to make beautiful, and most importantly, smooth lip makeup with bright lipstick, in the end I became like a frost-beaten Matryoshka.

How often do you put down a tube of red or hot pink lipstick just because you're not sure it will "fit" you perfectly? Perhaps you even decided that this color does not suit you or is "too bright" for the street. In general, these are the most common words in the comments to my makeup posts. "You can't go outside like that," you say. Haha! Twice. "You don't like cats? You just don't know how to cook them!"

I share with you a fairly simple manual on how to achieve the perfect lip shape, and wear bright lipstick proudly and with dignity at least every day!

  • Step 1: Prepare your lips (and face). I recommend using a lip exfoliant first. This way the lipstick will last longer. This step cannot be skipped! Once lips are naturally "smooth", apply primer to and around lips to fill in pores and wrinkles around the mouth to prevent product from "running out".
  • Step 2: Masking "irregularities". Take some time to mask the redness. Most of us use red or hot pink for bright lip makeup - the most. Therefore, it is very important to make sure that all redness on the face will be hidden. Otherwise, red or pink lipstick will only increase the redness of the skin.
  • Step 3: Create a simple image. But this does not mean that you should only make up your lips and that's it. Be sure to pay attention to the tone of the face, and sculpting. The face should not remain "naked", the perfect skin tone is the key to a stunning look.

  • Step 4: Choose your lipstick shade. As strange as it may sound, but the abundance of samplers and shade selection in cosmetic stores makes choosing the right lipstick color quite easy. The key to success here is simple. You don’t even need to know any tricks about it - just sort through all the shades until you find the “one” that instantly sinks into your soul. Whether this shade suits you or not will also be visible immediately, as soon as you "try it on", and you will see that it creates the perfect combination with the skin tone (well, or does not create, then keep looking).
  • Step 5: Divide your lips into three or four parts. Mentally! Put the knife down! :D This mental "separation" will help you to see where you need to work on the lips with a pencil. Our face is not symmetrical, so you need to know where to correct the shape of the lips. You can also give your natural shape a more rounded shape, or vice versa - sharpen the corners. If your lower lip is more or less symmetrical, then work separately on the right and left half of the upper lip, and the bottom (here you have the division into three parts). Use a sharpened pencil to keep the line straight! Bright lips do not tolerate mistakes in drawing the contour. Fill in the surface of the lips with a pencil. This is a mandatory step so that there are no bald spots! Apply lipstick over the pencil, following the contour.

  • Step 6: Blot your lips with a tissue. And get wet again. For what? And then, that at the moment when you press the napkin to your lips, "removing" the top layer of lipstick, you "press" the lower layers, forcing the pigment to be absorbed into the skin of the lips. Apply a layer of lipstick again, and blot again. The more such manipulations you do, the less chance that you will "lose" the color of your lips while eating, talking or kissing. To check if the pigment has "sat down" firmly, just put your lips on the back of your hand. Lipstick not printed? Congratulations, you did everything right!
  • Step 7: Apply concealer around lips to correct mistakes. Use a thin, flat concealer brush or Q-tip. The shade of the concealer should be identical to your skin tone. This trick will also help even out the shape of the lips and create a natural light and shadow pattern.
  • Step 8: Set with powder. This is a fairly well-known professional trick that will help fix the long-lasting effect of lipstick. Take a fluffy brush, some light-reflecting loose powder and powder your lips very lightly. You can do this through a napkin so that the powder is applied evenly. Bright lip makeup is ready!

Here are some more tips from Krygina for a snack. To visualize the process! :3 Of course, you can’t remember and master all the stages right away, but be sure to save this list for yourself, try, fill your hand. You won't notice how you learn to "draw" lips quickly and evenly! And even in the morning this business will take you, well, two minutes at the most!

Recently, makeup trends have become ambivalent, and now both natural makeup and rather bright makeup can be relevant. And you can already choose exactly what suits you more and what suits a particular occasion, and in any case, you will be, as they say, “in trend”.

Of course, making makeup that looks like the absence of it is easier and faster than spending a certain amount of effort on creating something more noticeable and spectacular, but it's worth it, right?

Perhaps the most important and most popular option for bright makeup is makeup with bright lipstick. Naturally, there are also a lot of nuances and various subtleties, but it's still easier than intricate bright That's why lipsticks of bright colors are so popular.

Bright lip makeup: what you need to know?

Another great benefit of makeup that focuses on the lips is that it suits absolutely all girls and women, with just a few adjustments.

Lip makeup for women over 40

Firstly, older women, let's say, 40+, should not choose too bright, flashy shades, they will visually age the skin and create the effect that you are chasing youth through bright lips. The effect is unpleasant.

You can choose tones less bright, then darker, and they will also look spectacular.

Bright lip makeup for brunettes

Makeup with bright lipstick for brunettes has the following nuances: it is better for brunettes to choose warm shades, they will be favorably combined with the type of appearance.

Here are some examples of such makeup:

Makeup with bright lipstick for blondes

Accordingly, cold shades of bright lipstick are more suitable for blondes: this image will be the most stylish and harmonious.

How to do makeup with bright lipstick?

The question of how to apply lipstick correctly so that the lips look as well-groomed, bright and seductive as possible can be devoted to a separate material, so we will manage with just a couple of tips:

  • Firstly, lips need to soften by first lightly rubbing them with a toothbrush dipped in warm water, and then apply lip balm. But you can’t leave a thick layer of it, you can leave only a droplet so that the lipstick lies more smoothly.
  • After the balm has remained on the lips in a small amount, draw an outline with a pencil lips, and we highly recommend not to go beyond the natural boundaries by more than 1 mm.
  • After the first coat of lipstick lightly blot your lips with a tissue , then apply a second layer, which after this procedure will lie more evenly.
  • To give the lip a glossy effect, not a thick layer apply lip gloss over lipstick in lipstick tone, of course. If you want to make your lips matte, then just barely powder them with loose powder.

What should be makeup for bright lipstick?

Now let's talk about how makeup should be for bright lipstick.

The first and most important rule, on which literally everything depends, is even and matte complexion. If your skin is shiny, or you see redness, or pimples, or some other bumps, and at the same time bright lipstick flaunts on your lips, then this is a 100% failure. Therefore, before applying lipstick, a lot of attention should be paid to the skin of the face. It needs to be scrubbed, cleansed, toned and moisturized.

Also an important point is that the shade of the foundation or concealer should be clearly in the tone of the skin of the face. In the most critical situations, a difference of one tone is acceptable when the cream is lighter than the skin, but the reverse situation is unacceptable under any circumstances. When applying bright lipstick, this is especially important to consider.

Brows in such makeup should be very visibly emphasized and have a clear outline. Because with an emphasis on the lips, the eyebrows can be completely lost, and this will not benefit your face. But they should not be made too geometric and bright.

As for eye makeup, there are both general and particular points. The first general eyelashes should be tinted. Second - shadows should not be in the tone of lipstick. Third - shadows should generally be light or muted.

Here is a successful illustration of makeup with bright lipstick in the photo:

Hot pink lipstick: successful examples of makeup

For example, eye makeup with bright pink lipstick does not allow bronze, brown, beige and other warm shades, it is better to opt for cold ones - silver, light gray, gray, white, even slightly bluish, etc.

By the way, hot pink lipstick allows us to bring the lash line and make small arrows.

Makeup with red lipstick: basic rules

Makeup with bright red lipstick can allow both cold shades and warm ones, here it is already worth proceeding from what shade the lipstick itself is - after all, red can be purely warm or a little coldish.

But arrows with red lips will look too much.

Is it possible to combine with bright smokey ice lipstick?

You can, if there are not too many or no dark shades there (because the eyes should not look too gloomy and mysterious, this will divert attention from the lips).

After all, this makeup can be done from light and medium shadows.

Is there a daytime makeup with bright lipstick?

Of course it does! Although in the daytime version it is better not to use more or less bright or dark shades of shadows and stop at white, slightly silvery or beige colors.

Or you can draw a line of eyelashes with a pencil and not use shadows at all. And, of course, mascara - nowhere without painted eyelashes.

In daytime makeup, in which the emphasis is on the lips, you should be especially careful with blush.

If the lipstick is pink, then let there be a little natural pink blush on the apples, if it is red, then you can limit yourself to only a small amount of bronzer on the cheekbones to make the face more expressive.

Many of the fair sex are not even aware of how diverse and unusual make-up techniques can be. Bright, colorful, with an abundant amount of glitter - these are the make-ups that are used for parties, masquerades and other celebrations. To create such a boring make-up, experts recommend contacting professional makeup artists who will help turn all your unusual ideas into reality. Also, no one canceled the experiments at home. How not to turn a bright make-up into a frightening Halloween one and maintain naturalness, we will describe in more detail in this article.


Bright makeup will highlight any woman from the crowd, help hide flaws and focus on the merits of the face. Besides, such make-up is a way of self-expression of the most unusual ideas and disclosure of one's imagination. He does not have to make a doll out of you, to create something unusual, you can use only some tricks and fashion ideas.

Creating a bright makeup is not just the process of applying rich shadows with glitter or bright lipsticks. This is a whole art. Such a make-up must be carefully thought out, selected for this or that outfit and skillfully placed accents in it.

Despite the fact that when creating such a makeup, you have a million opportunities not to limit your imagination, try not to overdo it, otherwise there is a chance of getting a clown face, because there is a very thin line here.

Bright makeup should be stylish, most often when creating it, stable and professional cosmetics are used. Shadows and blush with shimmer, liquid pigments with glitter, unusual shades of lipsticks and much more, which is most often not used in abundance when creating everyday and natural make-up.

Bright make-ups in their most varied designs will suit all the fair sex with a variety of eye, hair and skin colors. But, of course, each girl should take into account her individual characteristics and choose the right palette of shades.

Basic rules for creation

Despite the fact that bright makeup opens up many opportunities for creating on the face and embodying the most extraordinary ideas, try to take into account the rule of accents. If all attention is focused on the expressiveness of the eyes, then minimize the emphasis on the lips, and vice versa. Bright make-ups blur such frames, but for makeup at home, it is better to listen to the advice of experts.

A lot of make-up accents are appropriate for themed parties, bright holidays and catwalk shows.

Many professional makeup artists believe that there should not be more than three bright shades in makeup, otherwise you risk making the image vulgar.

To get a juicy and bright make-up, the skin of the face must be perfect, without any flaws.

Make up step by step at home

Bright makeup can easily be done by any makeup artist, or you can experiment at home. To do this, we recommend that you pay attention to the following detailed and at the same time general instructions for creating such a make-up step by step:

  • Cleanse the skin in the usual way for you (for example, using a scrub or special foam).
  • Moisturize your face with a nourishing cream.
  • Apply a make-up base, primer or foundation to your face. It will help to make the relief of the face more even and hide imperfections. But, as a rule, the base does not always cope with redness and acne. To correct these problems, use a corrector.
  • You can spread the foundation with a special brush or sponge. Also, no one canceled the application of the product with the help of fingertips. Don't go wrong with a shade of foundation. Blondes are allowed to use one tone lighter, and brunettes one tone darker (this applies only to dark-skinned or tanned dark-haired girls).
  • You can fix the foundation with the help of powder, it can be with a slight shine.

  • Choose the desired shade of blush, with their help you can refresh the "apples" of the cheeks or clearly define the cheekbones. For a bright make-up, you can choose both bright matte and satin versions of blush with a shimmer. You can highlight the face with a highlighter, which should be applied above the cheekbones, above the lips and on the nose.
  • Perfect eyebrows can be achieved with a special eyebrow wax, shadows or mascara. If you are comfortable using a pencil, then use it to shape your eyebrows.
  • Eye makeup should be done based on your design. You can complement it with unusual colored or shiny arrows. It is very important to make smooth transitions between shades of shadows and shade them well.
  • A clear contour of the lips and the choice of lipstick to match the pencil are also important. Do not forget that when the pencil is darker than lipstick, it does not look very beautiful. Bright lip makeup can be complemented with colored glosses with a shimmer or matte lipsticks.

Visage by eye color

Bright makeup gives you the opportunity to fully reveal your creative potential. Here you can combine a variety of textures and create unusual transitions with shadows.

Beauties with blue or gray-blue eyes, it is better to give preference to various shades of purple, yellow, orange or blue. These colors and their shades can be successfully combined when creating eye makeup. The lighter the blue eyes, the darker the shadows should be chosen for them.

Grey eyes Goes well with the following shades of shadows: black-charcoal, silver, blue, purple and emerald. Under them, the classic smoky "smoky ice" with the addition of silver accents in the corners of the eyes is well suited. To make gray eyes expressive and deep, use only saturated shades of shadows, but faded colors are unlikely to help create a bright and festive make up.

girls with brown eyes should be more attentive to the selection of shades of shadows for their eyes. Chocolate, wine, black and pink shades of shadows will look most advantageous on them. But with green and blue shades, you should be careful.

To create a bright make-up for green eyes you can use emerald shades of shadows, as well as skillfully combine them with silver, black and gray.

Regardless of the color of the eyes, you can make a colored "smoky eye" and complement it with shiny French arrows.

More shine

From year to year, sparkles do not go out of fashion, their appropriate use does not spoil even daytime makeup, and evening makes it memorable and expressive. Unusual textures with shimmer, pearlescent eyeshadows and lipsticks and other options with glitter will easily create a fashionable and memorable look. Very appropriate in creating a bright make-up would be the choice of the following products with radiance:

  • Lip glosses and lipsticks;
  • A wide variety of shadows in cream, liquid or dry textures;
  • Fancy brow mascaras can also be glittery;
  • Glitter mascaras;
  • Illuminators, highlighters, bronzers;
  • Foundations and powders with luminous pigments.

Of course, you should not use absolutely all of the above tools in one make-up, unless you are creating a fabulous look for a children's party.

Also, an abundance of glitter can make makeup dull, but luminous and pale, especially if you use shadows in moderate shades.

Extraordinary and exotic options

In recent years, a very unusual beauty trend has been dyeing eyebrows in the most unusual colors. Of course, graphic eyebrows are unlikely to be a complete alternative to natural shades, but they can be used to make a very eye-catching and expressive makeup.

Not every lady will agree to make juicy raspberry or orange eyebrows for everyday life, but for a festive look or some kind of show, they will be very useful. They can be done with colored mascara or cream shadows, or a combination of both.

Colored eyebrows can be diversified with rhinestones. A very bold decision could be to create eyebrows entirely from small and shiny stones, it looks extremely unusual. At the same time, it is best to do moderate makeup for such bright eyebrows with rhinestones.

Lips can also be designed in a special way. A great option would be to create a gradient or ombre effect on the lips from a brighter and more delicate shade. Red-black lips or black-gray look very elegant.

To create a spectacular ombre on the lips, choose two matching shades of lipstick or lipstick and pencil. Spread the main color completely on the lips, and select their corners with others and blend smoothly.

Also an interesting solution could be coloring the upper and lower lips with different shades of lipsticks or glosses.

Lips will look bold, partially or completely covered with rhinestones, sparkles and stones. Such makeup is very often found in glossy fashion publications.

Creative makeup can be supplemented with sugar lips. This make-up is very easy to make at home using regular sugar. To keep it perfectly on the lips, use a long-lasting transparent or soft pink lip gloss.

An excellent option for "non-classical" makeup is the use of bright colored mascaras. Artificial eyelashes with various feathers and rhinestones also look very unusual, which can successfully complement the colored smokey ice.

Unusual ideas

From whom, if not from shocking and scandalous celebrities, you can borrow the most unusual and bright bows? First on the list, of course, is Lady Gaga. Her make-up and images in general are always expressive and unusual. They attract a lot of attention of her fans from all over the world. We recommend taking a closer look at her bright, but at the same time moderate black and white makeup. It will be a great solution if you are going to a party. The eyes in it are made quite expressively, and the lips are in a neutral range. To achieve the same wide open eyes as Lady Gaga, line the lower inner eyelids with a white waterproof pencil.

Ordinary everyday makeup should be aesthetic, even. And most importantly, fast in application, because in the morning most girls and women make up on their own.

Makeup plays a big role in the image, it emphasizes the dignity of the face and hides its flaws.

You just need to want, and any woman can make a beautiful make-up with the help of our tips.

Of course, you have to try a little and repeat the steps. Naturally, it is much easier not to paint at all or to do it minimally.

But after all, you can learn at home to create real beauty on your face that can attract looks.

Let's start with the fact that shadows and mascara are not makeup yet, but only a small part of it. The science of makeup needs to be studied and studied again, adding new knowledge and skills to existing knowledge and skills.

Beautiful makeup step by step

Makeup should only be applied to clean skin. Pay attention to the ingredients of cleansers! In no case should there be oil, it is very harmful.

The concealer conceals skin imperfections and evens out the complexion. It can be chosen exactly according to the color of your skin, a tone lighter or darker. Apply the cream on the face a little bit, not forgetting the neck.

After that, we mask small skin imperfections with a corrector. If you want to visually change some part of the face, then we use a bronzer (visually reduces) or a highlighter (focuses on the merits).

If the skin is prone to oiliness, use loose powder, you need to apply it with a special brush.

Eyebrows play an important role in your appearance. They can be of different shapes and different thicknesses.

If you have large and bright facial features, then it is better to leave your eyebrows thicker and vice versa.

The main rule is that eyebrows must be well-groomed.

We give the eyebrows width and shape with a simple white pencil. We carefully shade all the extra hairs, and then remove them with tweezers.

If you accidentally ruined something, at the final stage of applying makeup, correct the defect with a pencil or eyebrow shadows.

To emphasize the eyes, it is necessary to apply three components: shadows, mascara and eyeliner.

There are a huge number of colors of shadows. Choose the one that best suits your eye color.

Try it, choose what suits you. For example, a beige-brown tone will favorably emphasize blue eyes.

Owners of brown eyes can experiment with shades from lilac to violet shades.

And almost any shades are suitable for gray eyes, but it is better to take calm tones.

In no case should you choose a tone that matches the color of your eyes.

If you wear glasses or have large expressive eyes, emphasize them with dark shadows. Light shadows visually make the eyes bigger.

For makeup for every day, choose shades of gentle, calm tones. And bright, shiny or very dark shadows are only suitable for evening makeup.

The classic black mascara is suitable for everyone and can be used for any occasion. But do not forget about its other shades.

Brown mascara goes well with blond hair. And for a festive make-up, you can try mascara in bright colors.

The eyeliner is applied after the shadows. It comes in liquid and stick form. For makeup for every day, choose calm tones of eyeliner, for a party - catchy and shining.

How to draw a neat beautiful arrow? You need to tilt your head back and look directly into the mirror.

The skin on the eyelids straightens. The arrow must be drawn from the middle to the outer corner of the eye, then we bring it to the middle from the inner corner.

To make your face look fresher, use blush. They will highlight the cheekbones. Tones of blush for everyday makeup also choose calm ones. For the evening, modeling blush is suitable, which will correct the oval of the face.

Lipstick is better to choose close to the tone of the blush. For evening makeup, you can choose it a few tones darker.

To make the lip contour more defined, use a special lip liner in the color of lipstick.

We looked at how to make beautiful makeup at home. Now let's move on to the trends of 2017.

In 2017, makeup is relevant:

Natural beauty, elegance, tenderness. In everyday makeup, it is better to use neutral, calm tones.

The arrows remain common, but this time under the name "cat's eye". You can also add two shades of shadows to them.

The Smokey Eyes style is back at the top of popularity. With this makeup, you definitely will not go unnoticed.

Lips must be emphasized, pay attention to them. But in this case, the shadows should be calm tones.

Makeup is a science, the main thing in which is experience. Here it would be appropriate to add the proverb "patience and work will grind everything."

Learn, experiment, and even on the most ordinary weekday, attract the eyes of acquaintances and casual passers-by! We hope our tips will help you with this.

Photo of beautiful makeup

Lips are the center of attention and an effective tool for a seductress. Bright lips again conquered the pinnacle of popularity. Learn how to apply lipstick in eye-catching shades.

For several seasons in a row, natural makeup was in fashion, but now makeup artists suggest using the brightest shades of lipstick. Red, red, coral and wine "coloring" of the lips, perhaps now at the height of fashion. They look spectacular, attract attention, make a woman's appearance more vivid and attractive. Unfortunately, not every young lady knows how to use bright cosmetics. Listen to the advice of makeup artists who will tell you how to do makeup with bright lipstick.

Secrets of bright lips

Ten minutes before applying it, cover your lips with shea butter or a thick balm. It feels like a light oily film will remain, and thanks to such a trick, cosmetics will lie well on the skin. You can be sure that after this simple procedure, the makeup will last at least four hours.

To prevent the lipstick from blurring, circle the outline with a pencil. You can choose a pencil to match the tone of lipstick or use colorless. Such a cosmetic product will not allow dyes to spread beyond the edges of the stroke and flow into folds.

Now on sale there is a special tool Lipstein. It comes in the form of a felt-tip pen and contains a pigment that is instantly absorbed into the skin and stays on it for a long time. Lipstein can only be used when you have soft and delicate skin on your lips. On flaky or dry surfaces, the pigment will lie unevenly.

Much depends on the quality of the cosmetic product. Expensive and well-known brands have unique lipsticks that are applied immediately from a stick without various tricks and contour pencils, but at the same time they do not smudge or spread.

Of course, on sale you can find special resistant cosmetics. It looks flawless, but dermatologists do not recommend using it more than once a week. This product is very drying to the skin. Bright lipstick is best applied with a soft brush. Many apply it with their fingers, but this will require certain skills.

Step by step instructions for creating beautiful lips

The process of applying bright lipstick is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance. Use a gentle scrub first to keep your lips from peeling. Next, cover them with moisturizing colorless lipstick or petroleum jelly. Do this before applying make-up.

Lips are painted at the very last moment, but it is necessary to prepare for applying lipstick in advance. After a few minutes, lightly powder the lips, then outline the contour with a pencil to match the lipstick and adjust the contour. It is not recommended to go beyond the contour by more than two millimeters. The image may turn out to be vulgar due to the brightness of the lipstick.

Carefully paint the lips with a brush, moving from the corners of the mouth to the middle. At the end, blot the excess with a paper tissue so that the makeup is well fixed. If you want to add gloss, apply a little shine to the center, and if you want to make the lips more velvety, powder them with a light loose powder.

The tone of bright lipstick should be selected based on skin tone. Warm matte and mother-of-pearl shades are suitable for swarthy and tanned women. Ladies with pale skin are better to give preference to cool shades.

Video instruction:

Secrets and photos of makeup with bright lips

It is important not to forget that makeup with bright lipstick should be complex. Look at the photos of the models, working on which the makeup artists took into account all the rules and picked up the right shades of eye and face makeup.