Crochet hat pattern for girls. Cat ears: a master class on creating a fun decoration. Crocheted bunny hat with ears

Now gaining popularity coarse embossed knit. A warm hat with ears for a girl is knitted using this crochet stitch. Almost all children like crochet knitted baby hats. Together with a hat, you can make a snood of the same color.

A knitted winter hat with ears can have a different shape - it can be knitted according to the shape of the head and have rounded ears - this silhouette can be used if you knit a Minnie Mouse hat or a bear cub. Or it can be square and have sharp ears - then, depending on the color, you get a cat, a raccoon, or a fox. A flirty demi-season or summer hat can also be decorated with ears. Such knitting is not difficult even for beginners, provided that you already know how to hold a hook well and knit loops-columns.

In this article we will look at how to knit a fur hat, for example, a cat hat with ears.

What we need to create such a cute little thing as a baby hat:

  • gray, black and white threads;
  • pink yarn;
  • special piece for lining;
  • hooks 2 and 2.5.

The size of the cap should be 50-52 centimeters in girth.

How to knit a cat hat

According to a personal knitting pattern for the bottom, we knit it to a certain diameter (about 15-17 centimeters).

First, we knit in a circle without additions to a certain height, somewhere around 15 cm. We do the following four rows: 2 dc, 2 open (embossed) dc. Having made 4 rows in this way, we will have a headdress 18 cm high. Next, we start working on the ears.

To do this, we divide all the loops into five parts and arrange them as follows - one part (occipital), two parts (frontal), two parts (ears). It will come out somewhere in 22 loops for each part. We make each ear, removing one loop on each side in a new row.

We knit other parts of the hat according to the schemes and sew them to certain places. We decorate the muzzle and make a fleece lining. Animal hat for a child, ready!

Hat-cat for children

This is work for a head circumference of 46-48 cm. So, let's start. We need the following materials for knitting:

  • pink, gray, white and black wool and acrylic yarn;
  • hooks with different numbering;
  • double thread.

For threads, you need to take a hook number 4.5. To create the inside of the gray ears, flowers, nose and eyes - No. 3. And to create outer part of the ears pinkish shade we work with crochet No. 2.

Detailed job description

Twisting around your finger thread twice and create a ring, then knit 3 VP and 11 CCH into it. We tighten the ring. We make a hat with double crochets, add twelve columns in a row and knit two columns in one.

We create increases in such a way that they are not on top of each other. We pass to a new row, once again we make three air loops. We close with a special column in the upper loop. We count 9 cm and add through the row.

We knit and turn through each row. For the size of this cap, 72 columns are needed. We crochet as much as we need without taking into account 0.5 cm for the strapping. The base is done. It remains to finish the details.

Create ears for ties: divide the number of columns by five. We divide exactly in the circle of the product. Two will go to the ears, two - back, two - forward.

We make double crochets, remember the alternation of the front side and the wrong side. In this case, the first row is the wrong side. We create fifteen columns. And so six rows.

After the first two, we remove two columns at the beginning and at the end. That is, you need to connect three columns at the same time.

We work with strapping: we make along the edge of the cap row of single crochets. In the transition to the ears, we do three at once. At the bends and ends, you need to make two of one.

Knitting ties, description

First we take six identical pieces of thread. We immerse them in the center of the ear, straighten the ends and braid four threads. We fix our braids into a knot with one of the threads in each braid, and cut off the excess with scissors.

Flowers need to be made according to the following scheme: we knit four rows with pink yarn, the fifth row with white. We knit the third row in a clean circle, from the fourth we begin to make petals.

We knit according to the scheme and along this chain 4 sc, starting with second loop from the hook; further, we skip the column and work five more times.

Then, with the help of another thread, we tie everything into a circle. Our flower has a diameter of 9 cm. We pass the flowers with an iron and steam them to make it easier to sew on, and after that they will look much better. Need to iron the flowers from the wrong side. We sew them on the ears. It is necessary to sew with a thin thread so that the stitches are not visible from the inside. We use ties for beauty and to warm the product.

Knitting ears, description

For knitting, we study the pattern with ears. Outer side should be pink. The inside is grey. Two ears. If the thickness of the yarn is the same, then you can make both parts according to the same pattern. We add two parts.

Outside, the final row should be knit. We tie the borders with three rows of single crochets. Crochet the top three stitches from one.

Children's hat should be flat . Put the ears on the hat and with the help of a pink thread we sew the back part, capturing all the loops of the bottom row and the top of the columns. Ahead, you also need to tie pink yarn.

Sew on the gray part small transparent thread, slightly stretched to make it strong. Flowers should be arranged so that the child's ears do not freeze later. Flowers will not let in cold air and then the child will not be blown.

To create a muzzle, the nose must be connected according to the scheme with a triangle, in black. That is, we make a triangle, and after that we crochet on turns with one row of RLS with VP.

We also make eyes according to the standard scheme: four rows in black, the fifth in white. We also steam the eyes and nose and stretch it slightly when warm.

We pin the nose in the center of the cap and the eyes above it. Next, with a thin small thread we make a nose and eyes in a circle.

Try to wake up your fantasy and on your eyes attach beads or rhinestones. To create a mustache, take two pieces of thread, trim them, fasten them on the reverse side, and then move back to a couple of pillars and thread them again in the same place.

We twist the threads into a flagellum in our direction of twisting so that one thick thread comes out. Then we pull out the needle to the wrong side at the end of the antennae and move on.

Then we make three antennae. We do the same for the second side and eyelashes. We fix everything from the wrong side with ordinary threads. Now our crochet hat with ears for a girl is ready.


Animal hats can knitting not only for girls, but also for boys. After all, all children love animals, the main thing is to choose your child's favorite animal. Even if the number that expresses the number of your child's favorites is plural, you can always single out one very-most in order to start with someone.

How to crochet a hat

With the help of threads and a hook, in addition to the mass of other various products, it is quite possible to create hats of almost any model and shape. It doesn't matter if it's a sports hat for men, or a classic women's hat, or a funny and fancy hat for a child.

Knitting this will be very easy, perfect for all crochet fans if they can master some specific little tricks and secrets involved in making such a wonderful piece. So crochet.

Basic crochet: the process of knitting from the crown, separate motifs or wedges. And also from the bottom of the future product itself. Crocheting a hat for all beginners is recommended to be done from the top of the head, precisely for the reason that in this case, trying on everything will be much easier to do.

In addition, the workflow itself will be much easier. But the knitting of such a hat from the rim must be carried out in an extremely careful manner, while strictly adhering to special calculations and a special scheme, so as not to eventually deform the product.

Obviously, before crocheting a hat, it would be best to make a pattern for the future product, having previously taken each necessary measurement. The list of these measurements will include the girth of the head in order to calculate the width of the future product, the length along a special line running from the beginning of the neck to the forehead, in a special way for the depth of this product. A couple of centimeters should be added to fit the width of the product freely.

Actually, for a simple hat without ears, the rim should be crocheted one size smaller than for the entire other part. For all hats that will be up to the middle of the ear, you need to add a total of exactly two centimeters.

Well, if the product is tied to the lobe according to the plan, then you will need to add three centimeters. In order to create a crochet hat from the crown, you should, first of all, learn. If the method of knitting the hat from the bottom up was chosen, it would be best to take a pattern that will be easier to do.

Various crochet hats

Crochet baby hat with ears

It is possible to knit this hat for the smallest children, under the age of one year old, or for children who have just been born. For example, as a special kit for their discharge from the maternity hospital. And for this product, it is worth preparing a 2.5 hook and cotton yarn. This hat should be knitted from the crown, and after that a rim and ears are imposed on it, in accordance with the following scheme:

Children's hat with ears scheme

Description of the workflow

  1. First you will need to knit a circle for the crown. In a special way for this, you need to knit 15 s / n in a ring from a chain that consists of five loops, make 3 ch at the start of each of the rows. especially for lifting, and in the end, make a connecting type loop.
  2. Second row. In each of the loops you need to knit 2 tbsp. s / n.
  3. The third row, in which it will be necessary to repeat (in each of the loops 2 st. s / n., 1 st. s / n, then one convex relief column, 1 st. s / n., 1 convex relief column from one next loop ) exactly seven times, and finish row 2 tbsp. s / n.
  4. Fourth row. In this series, as in all the following, up to the eighth of Art. s / n., will have to knit Art. s / n., and from the relief pillars 1 tbsp. s / n., one convex embossed.
  5. From the ninth to the eleventh row. Above st. s / n. should be knitted. s / n above the columns of the relief type, namely the relief ones.
  6. Twelfth row. Two relief pillars should be repeated, skipping the loop of st. s / n, two vp, art. s / n twice (exactly two loops of st. s / n, 2 ch st. s / n) skip the loop) eight times.
  7. Thirteenth row. It is necessary to repeat (two relief columns, skip one loop, three times 4 tbsp. S / n in an arc of two loops) eight times.
  8. From the fourteenth to the fifteenth row. It is necessary over st. s / n knit st. s / n, above the columns of a relief type, the same relief. And at the next stage, you need to knit in turn, the ears. It is necessary to count exactly nineteen loops, starting, moreover, from the middle of the circle, and exactly from twenty loops, begin to knit this part of the entire product. At the start of each of the rows, you need to do 3 ch.
We knit ears
  1. First row. It is necessary to knit 17 tbsp from each loop. s/n
  2. Second row. Starting from the second loop, you need to repeat knitting (st. s / n, ch, st. s / n skip two loops) four times, and the last of the loops cannot be knitted.
  3. Third row. It is necessary to knit four times from all the arcs of the previous rows exactly 4 tbsp. s / n, and in the last of the lifting loops, make 1 tbsp. s / n.
  4. From the fourth to the seventh row. At the beginning and at the end of the row, decrease by knitting 2 tbsp. s / n together Art. s / n, and knit the remaining loops st. s / n. At the very last step, you need to attach special laces to your ears, which were connected precisely from air loops.
  5. The edge of the hat with ears should be tied with a crustacean step. Immediately after these manipulations, the hat will be completely connected.

baby hat

For all those who are not too well versed in the process of crocheting stitches, there is a special plate with a good example of a description of the process of creating a crochet stitch, as well as a half stitch and a embossed or connecting stitch.

How to make columns

Another example of knitting a baby hat and also a detailed description of the process for creating it is discussed in the video below:

Crocheted men's hat

This model must be knitted using separate wedges. The main advantage of this method is that in a situation where the product turns out to be too large or, conversely, small in its own volume, it will be enough to tie up only one or a pair of wedges, and not redo the entire cap as a whole.

Crochet men's hat

However, for this feature, the header will be divided into more individual sectors. And the main stages of such a workflow will be such stages as:

  • Creation of a special sample for calculating the volume and height of the product itself;

Calculation of the volume and height of the product

  • Calculation of the required number of loops and scars using special formulas:
  • Number of stitches in knitted swatch x Head height/Horizontal length of swatch = Number of stitches for total fabric.
  • Number of scars in sample x value related to head circumference/total vertical length of sample = total number of scars.
  • After all this, it is necessary to determine the number of wedges from which the product will subsequently be created, and the calculation of the width of these same wedges. And for this you need the total number of loops, divided by the number of wedges.
  • The next stage is marked by the transition directly to, according to the following scheme:

Parts diagram

The very first row. You need to dial the required number of loops and make one loop in a special way to lift the row. And in each of the loops of the chain, you need to knit exactly one column.

The second row, exactly like all subsequent even rows, also needs to be started with a lifting loop and knitted to the floor with columns, but up to the penultimate of the loops.

The third row, like all odd rows, must be knitted in exactly the same way as the very first of the rows.

So, the wedges are knitted to the desired height, and the floor columns are knitted along the edge of the untied loops.

And at the final stage, all the wedges must be interconnected by means of a special hidden seam, and the product must be neatly pulled together along the edge of the crown.

Product tightening

Crochet summer women's hat

For the summer, as a wonderful addition to a light wardrobe and a wonderful entertaining accessory for all little girls and adult girls, it is quite possible to knit this hat:

flight cap

Knitting is best done with thin yarn. For example, mercerized cotton. For those girls whose head circumference is 53 ± 2 cm, you will need approximately fifty grams of the named yarn. And the product itself will be created precisely from the rim from the bottom up from a certain combination of a simple pattern from art. b / n and also a “shell” pattern, which is knitted according to this pattern:

Summer hat pattern

  • 1 needs to be repeated (3 st. b / n., 3 ch., skip three loops);
  • Row 2, exactly like all other even rows, must be repeated (3 st. s / n., 1 ch., 3 st. s / n.) in the same arc that refers to the previous row;
  • 3 and all other odd rows, it will be necessary to repeat the pattern: (3 ch, 3 st. s / n.) In an arc of exactly 1 ch. previous row.
  • Knitting a ring from 130 v.p.
  • Knitting one row of the shell pattern and, starting from the second, repeating in accordance with a certain pattern, the pattern in a circle for fourteen rows. So, the canvas of the product should raise to a height of exactly nine centimeters.
  • After these actions, the pattern should be changed to a simple one. In a special way, for this, in the very first row of the transition, you need to knit in single crochet stitches without double crochet, and in an arc of three loops, 2 tbsp. b/n. As a result, in the next row it should turn out exactly one hundred and thirty loops.
  • Starting from the next row, you should begin the process of forming the crown by performing special reductions. It is for this that in this row, it will be necessary to find the thirteenth loop from the beginning of the row and knit it with the next loop together with st. b/n.
  • After that, the decrease of exactly one loop must be done through the row, exactly above the decrease of the previous row. And all decreases must be done exactly until ten loops remain in the row. And the next row needs to be knitted two loops together, getting five loops, which in a neat way, need to be collected and pulled together using a working thread and a hook.
  • Especially so that the hat does not begin to wrap around the edge, you should tie it with columns without making a crochet.

It is often believed that in the wardrobe of any woman, there should be at least three different models of different hats designed for each of the seasons of the year. And the kids, moreover, also need hats to change. For this reason, learning to crochet a hat will not interfere with any woman in this life.

Dressing up a child in a kitten is a simple matter. All you need is a plain tight-fitting suit with fur cuffs and a collar, a nose and mustache painted with mom's makeup. But about how to make cat ears, the master class of this article will tell you step by step.

Cardboard ears

The most inexpensive way to get cat ears in terms of money and time is to make them out of cardboard.

For cardboard ears you will need the following:

  • two-color cardboard (outer and inner ear);
  • glue for paper;
  • scotch;
  • scissors;
  • hair band.

In general, ears made of any material are attached to the rim, so this accessory will be considered in the manufacture of cat ears of different composition.

According to the template below, we cut out 6 parts from cardboard: 4 external ears, 2 internal ones.

Glue the parts of the inner ear to the two parts of the outer ear, after which we glue the two large parts at their top with glue. After drying, we attach the ears to the rim. To do this, we bend the sharp corners at the base of the parts inward, and after that we attach them from above to the rim with a thin strip of adhesive tape.

If a headband is not available, the ears can be attached to a cardboard hoop from a strip of cardboard, as shown in the diagram:

Cardboard parts can be pasted over with satin or other fabric, like the headband itself, and you can also use patterns made of faux or real fur, which are also seated on glue or silicone.

Knitted option

In order not to stain your hands in glue, you can use a crochet hook and tie cat ears. For the inner and outer parts of the ear, you will need two colors of yarn. To tie the inner ear, you need to make a loop on which to impose 10 air loops.

After the yarn is made, we knit a yarn over, which should be knitted into the fourth loop in a row from the hook.

Then you should knit the cap columns to the end, make two lifting air loops.

Turning the work, we knit the loop column into the next one, knit until the end of the row, after which we leave two columns from the previous one.

Having knitted a crochet column, you need to make a crochet and thread the hook into the air loops of the previous row. Next, we knit a column to the last three loops, through which the thread should be stretched, decreasing the end of the row.

After that, we make two lifting air loops, we knit with cap columns, at the end of the row we leave three columns. The reduction is done in the next two columns. Columns No. 3 and the last in the previous row must be left, thereby completing a decrease in the previous row. Turning the work, we make two air lifting loops, after which the cap column into the next column of the previous row. The next two columns need to be knitted together, after which the knitting ends, while the remaining tail does not need to be hidden.

Starting to knit the outer ear, leave a long tail after the loop, after which there is a set of 9 air loops. After that, we knit a single crochet stitch in 4 loops from the hook, knit to the end of the row with single crochet stitches. The width of the part of the inner ear and the outer should be the same. Next, we knit so many rows that the rim in the transverse girth is covered tighter. Add two air loops.

The next row is different for the right and left ear. In the first case, we knit a row behind the back wall of the loop, in the second - behind the front. We continue the next knitting as for the part of the inner ear, attaching the part for trying on the row. The last two columns need to be knitted together, then turn and tie 2 air lifting loops. After that, we knit a row with slip stitches, making a decrease at the beginning of the previous row, leaving a column of air loops not knitted. Next, we knit two columns of the edge together. After that, we knit 2 air lifting loops, combine 2 columns with a crochet, leave the last column.

The knitting of the ears is more clearly shown in the diagram:

There are not so many differences in the technique of creating do-it-yourself cat ears for a fancy dress for a boy or a girl. The biggest difference in artificial ears for boys or girls is the color.

In addition, there are several other differences between cat ears and cat ears:

  • what ears are attached to: hairpins, bows, a headband are more suitable for girls, while cardboard hoops or a bandana are for boys;
  • material: satin, long-haired fur - girlish ears, cardboard, fleece, felt - boyish;
  • shape: rounded, wide are more suitable for girls, and pointed and narrow - for guys;
  • decoration: the use of decorative elements, like sequins and rhinestones, of course, are more suitable for a girl's outfit.

Video on the topic of the article

A selection of videos on creating cat ears:

Quite simple in execution, but neat, comfortable and cute, a crocheted hat with ears will warm the baby and protect against cold and colds. The loops are calculated for a head circumference of 52-54 cm.

What to take:

  • Hook number 3
  • Yarn "Romance" No. 005 beige (Kamteks) 100 gr.
  • Yarn "Romance" № 063 chocolate 50 gr.
  • Two large wooden beads

Crochet hat with ears, master class

The general rules for knitting any hat are quite simple. According to the chosen scheme with or without a certain pattern, you need to tie a circle with a diameter of twelve centimeters. After that, rows with and without increments are knitted in turn until the product equals the girth of the head. Then the loops are no longer added, there is an even canvas. In order to knit a hat for a boy "Coffee with milk" you need to focus on the same system.

Work begins as follows:

Five air loops are recruited, connected into a ring, tied with eleven double crochets. From the next row, the number of loops is constantly increasing. The seventh row is already performed without adding loops. Here's what should happen:

For a head with a girth of 52-54 cm, further increases are not needed. If the size is larger, then the eighth row should be done with an increase in every sixth loop of the base, and the ninth row should be knitted without changes. And so it is repeated until the desired size of the cap is reached. For the size taken here, without addition, six more rows are performed. Everything, the base for the cap is ready, its diameter is seventy-nine loops:

Now you need to take any thread of a contrasting color and outline the boundaries of the future visor. This is twenty-five loops.

If the visor and ears are planned to be made in the same color as the hat itself, then not one, but two skeins of yarn should be taken, that is, 200 gr. If they are contrasting, you can pick up any thread of the same thickness. The visor is made according to the following scheme:

In this hat, the first two rows are made with the main color yarn. The next two will be connected with a darker shade.

In order to tie the ears, you need to step back from the visor in each direction, four loops of the base. Fourteen loops are made with single crochets. The first two rows go without changes, in the third you need to reduce the number by knitting together two columns in the middle of the eyelet and from the far edge. As a result, the part will turn out to be slightly beveled, so that it is more convenient to tie it, and nothing is bulging anywhere. In the fourth and fifth rows, three columns are tied together from the edge, in the middle there are still two. Ready-made ears, a visor and a hat are tied with half-columns without a crochet.

Here is what the product looks like:

For ties, it is enough to tie two chains of air loops, having previously threaded a bead onto the thread:

Almost finished thread:

To prevent the bead from falling, two or three knots are tied on the tail.

If desired, you can leave the fringe. Here is the hat:

In principle, you can leave it like this or add a pom-pom made of dark-colored yarn (see how to do it):

The finished hat for a boy is knitted quite quickly thanks to the thick yarn and the size of the hook, it is very practical, comfortable and beautiful.

Hat with crochet ears

crochet hat with ears

Knitting notes. No. 1 Cap with closed ears

It is very easy to crochet this hat. Even for those who just took up the hook. I hope these notes help someone.

The main knitting techniques in our case are air loops, single crochets, double crochets, connecting posts.
1. Air loop (abbreviated - V. P.)

2. Single crochet (abbreviated RLS) .

3. Double crochet

4. Connecting post (loop)

First you need to pick up the yarn, having thought in advance how the colors and patterns will be arranged.

I knit with Pekhorka Romantic yarn (100% cotton) 100g per 200m. Here is such.

It is thinner than the yarn from which the hats in the photo are knitted, and what is the difference - notice for yourself

So let's start
Chain 4-6 stitches (this depends on the thickness of your chosen yarn)
Close the chain into a ring with a connecting loop
Next, knit in a circle, according to the selected pattern. Before starting each new row, perform lifting loops. For a row with RLS - 1 air loop, for a row with CH - 3 in. n. End each row with a connecting loop.
On the first scheme - knitting RLS, on the second - CH.

Thus, you need to tie a circle with a diameter of 12 cm, making increases in each row, then increase through the row until the circumference is equal to the desired size of the head for which you are trying

After this, you do not need to make an increase, knit a hat in a circle to the last (bottom row). Gradually, your circle will turn into a cap.

Fantasize, play with color, patterns.
After the cap is ready, mark the edges of the lugs with a contrasting thread.
The width and height of the ears is a matter of taste.
After attaching the thread, knit the first row of the eyelet, turn the product over, make lifting loops and knit the next row. Make decreases according to the desired size of the ear, for example, this diagram.

And here's what happened to me

Having finished with the ears, we make the binding of the edge. I chose fan tying for this hat.

Often use reception with single crochets.
Next, we make strings, we stretch the threads to the lower edges of the ear and weave a pigtail, fasten it with a knot and cut the ends


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