Tattoo on the palm from above for men. Tattoo on the phalanges of the fingers and the edge of the palm. Personal opinion of the tattoo master. Paired images in the palm of your hand

Whale tattoo on the palms, photo from:

The tattoo on the palms has actively become fashionable. Someone believes that a tattoo in the palm of your hand has a sacred meaning. Others perceive this option as a way to express themselves. Not many people think about how long a tattoo will live and about the need for careful care for the work done. However, with proper care, the drawing will stay with you forever, adding a unique touch to the image. We will talk about the pros and cons of this solution in this article.

Features of a tattoo on the palms

Before getting a tattoo in specific places, it is necessary to understand the physiology of the tattoo. The pigment is poured into the dermis, above it is a layer of the epidermis. In order for the deep layer to change, the skin “pushes out” the upper layers of the dermis. So they become part of the epidermis, due to which active husking occurs.

And this is the main reason why the tattoo turns pale. In places such as the shoulders, shoulder blades, chest and forearm, this process is slower. In the area, palms and behind the ear sinus, detachment occurs more actively.

Before making a tattoo on the palms, you must remember that the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe hands is subject to increased thermal, mechanical and solar exposure. The palm is covered with thin oily skin. It is replaced twice as actively due to the large load. For this reason, tattoo.

Ouroboros tattoo, photo from:

When working on a sketch, it is important to consider the size and shape of the drawing. To understand what the palms will look like when fully covered, find a photo with Indian. Henna most closely reflects the texture of the tattoo. In India, the tradition of covering the palm with a pattern is widespread. From the photos you find, you can determine how much you want to cover the skin.

Nerve centers are located in the area of ​​​​the palms. There is a possibility that frequent punctures of these points will be painful. But we will talk about this later. It is important to remember that for work the master must use anesthesia with a strong effect. So you need to make sure in advance that there is no allergy to it.

Advantages and disadvantages of a tattoo in the palm of your hand, how to arrange a picture

Tattoos on the palm are still considered a controversial topic, around which heated debates boil in salons. Some tattoo artists flatly refuse to stuff them, because there is a chance that the drawing will not “take root”.

Others, on the contrary, consider this a new step in the field of tattoo culture. Both those and other opinions have a healthy grain in the arguments. Whether or not to draw is up to you. However, it is worth considering all the pros and cons, so that later you do not blame the master for lack of experience.

When performing a tattoo on the palm of your hand, the master must warn about the features of applying the pigment. The inner surface of the brush actively exfoliates as it is constantly exposed to friction or contact with aggressive media. There is a chance that the tattoo will not “take root” the first time and several sessions will be needed.

The degree of "survivability" depends on the area. For example, the central part is most often subjected to mechanical stress. The edge of the palm is less involved, which increases the chances of achieving a successful result the first time.

Men's tattoos on the edge of the palm are usually done in black. The detail is low, which allows you to keep the drawing sharper. Girls mostly use lettering. Various adorn the edge of the palm, creating a graceful look.

Flower tattoo photo from:

Dealt with controversial issues. Now let's talk about the pros and cons of a tattoo in the palm area.

Pros of work:

  • originality;
  • non-standard approach;
  • wide range for self-expression;
  • tattoo is always in the field of your attention.

Negative sides:

  1. Poor "survivability".
  2. Careful care during the healing process, which should not be forgotten.
  3. Discomfort throughout the regeneration.
  4. There is a high probability of individual rejection of the pigment.

Men's tattoos on the edge of the palm heal better, have a minimal degree of risk. For girls, tattoos on the palms make their way easier due to thin skin. In both sexes, parts of the tattoo on the back of the hand may partially fail to take root due to frequent contact with water and the sun.

How successful the work will be depends on the skill of the tattoo artist and individual characteristics. There is no way to know how a tattoo will look on you, if you do not try it in practice.

Popular Ideas

Popular tattoos include an eye in the palm of your hand. The drawing carries a sacred meaning and protects the owner from the evil eye. A large number of tattoos on the palm are taken from the Indian and Eastern epic. Floral and geometric patterns look beautiful on girlish palms. The advantage of this solution is that the drawing can be endlessly supplemented and developed.

Popular ideas:

  • crosses;
  • stars;
  • swallow in the style of geometry;
  • the hand of Fatima;
  • cubes;
  • "For the Airborne Forces" on the edge of the palm;
  • pentacle.

To make your tattoo original, choose symbolic images. For example, birds are a symbol of freedom. The eye represents protection, the gaze of God. emphasize cheerfulness, show your desire for naturalness.

Does it hurt to do?

Let's get back to the question: how painful is the tattoo. Here we need to return to the topic of the anatomical structure of the hand. The inner surface area is 50% muscle, 30% fat and 20% tendons. The skin has an increased oil content, although this is hardly noticeable due to frequent abrasion.

Skin density is higher in men than in women. But the most important criterion for determining the quality of the skin is the type of activity of the owner. If you play sports or your work involves physical labor, the skin is less sensitive. Office workers, students, and similar occupations lead to less palm involvement.

There are many nerve endings on the surface of the palm. This leads to increased pain sensitivity. The master must use anesthetics. But this will not save you from pain.

Video - how the tattoo "takes root" in the palm of your hand

Tattoos are becoming more and more popular every day. Having long lost their symbolism, for most people tattoos are a way to express themselves, give originality to their appearance and attract the attention of others. have been particularly popular lately finger tattoos, on the edge of the hand and on the palms.

On the Internet, you can find a fairly simple explanation for this: finger tattoos are considered the best choice for people who do not want to draw on another part of the body. Such a tattoo is not as striking as a large image, it looks original and is noticeable to others. However, the option is not without drawbacks. As an expert in tattooing, I would like you to think about the consequences of getting a tattoo on one of the areas of the hands.

Disadvantages of a tattoo on the hands

The phalanges of the fingers are constantly in motion, since any person does almost all the work with his hands. Constant movements, due to which the skin is shifted, will cause the pigment (dye) to “float” or “fall out”, since the skin of the hands is updated much faster than the skin on other parts of the body. A bright clear picture after a rather short time will be smeared, turning into an obscure image. This process does not depend on the skill of the tattoo artist, or on the quality of the paint used, or on the size of the needle. Of course, you can contact a tattoo artist for correction, or not contact a specialist, but the tattoo will smear over time anyway.

Price tattoos on the edge of the palm or on the phalanges of the fingers is quite high (average in Novosibirsk is 2000 rubles). When ordering a tattoo, you are counting on a result that you are unlikely to get for that kind of money. Since the first thought would be the intention to correct the image, then you pay another 2000-3000 rubles. Regardless of which correction option you choose (going to the tattoo artist, or to another specialist with payment according to the price list), the costs will increase significantly. After a year, the image will fade and you will want to return the tattoo to its former brightness, which will also cost a considerable amount. As a result, a small crown or heart on the edge of the palm or on the phalanx of the finger will cost the cost of a larger and more interesting image.

Imagine that you put the name of your husband or loved one on the phalanx of your finger, thinking that your relationship is forever and you will not part. But a couple of years passed, the feelings faded away or turned out to be an illusion, but the inscription on the hand remained. And every day you see the name of a person who annoys you. What can be done in such a case? There are two options for solving the problem:

    • buy and wear a ring to hide the tattoo;
    • do a laser removal procedure, the cost of which is quite high with severe pain.

Both options are quite costly and unpleasant.

On originality and creativity

Let's try to deal with the statement that tattoos applied to the phalanges of the fingers or the edge of the palm are original, look playful and creative. This statement is as far from the truth as the previous ones. The image on the skin of the hands cannot be large by definition, therefore, tattoo customers have to limit themselves to minimalistic primitive images in the form of colored flowers, hearts, inscriptions, crowns of various shapes or anchors. A simplified version of such images are the contours of the same flowers and hearts, applied using black or colored paint. Inscriptions are applied in the same way, for the most part representing names, mottos or appeals.

Frankly speaking, such images are associated, especially if the phalanges of the fingers are chosen as the place for tattooing, with a prison tattoo. The popularity of the game, which consists in guessing how many times the wearer of a prison tattoo has been in prison, how long ago it was and what he was in prison for, has not completely exhausted itself. The habit of people to think stereotypically or stereotyped will cause you to hear questions about “zek rings” on your fingers quite often. Over time, when the image begins to fade and blur, the questions will become permanent, since few people will be able to discern the original in the erased image. Correcting images on your hands constantly is a troublesome task and does not justify itself, and the correction will require impressive costs. Not everyone will agree to pay a double or triple price for the dubious pleasure of admiring a rather primitive image for several months.

There are many places on the human body suitable for an original and high-quality tattoo. You should not, chasing fashion, do something that you later regret. I treat my clients with respect and value them, trying to do my best to ensure that they enjoy my work. That is why I do not want and will not get tattoos in places not intended for this.

Palm tattoos are a new and trendy trend in tattoos. The tradition of covering the palms with a pattern came to us from India. In this country, people are used to painting hands with henna before a holiday or wedding. But such patterns (mehndi) are short-lived and fade the next day.

Applying a tattoo on a hand, palm or its edge is relatively painless, since the skin here is quite dense. The size and shape of the palm is small, so inscriptions or small images are appropriate here. Oriental patterns look best on the palm - intricate lines, thanks to which it seems that a lace glove has been put on the hand.

Followers of Buddhism apply mandala on the inside of the brush - this is a complex circular pattern depicting the Universe. Those who want to emphasize their originality, prick a symmetrical pattern on the inside of the left and right palms. The image of an eye or a web with spiders is especially common.

The drawing of the eyes, enclosed in a triangle, is an ancient and complex symbol. Usually its meaning is the third eye of the Buddha deity, the all-seeing eye, vigilance. American Indians believed that it was a symbol of divine wisdom and consciousness. The eye of God sees everything, every soul, every thought.

Another version of the eye in the palm is the “hand of Fatima” (“hamsa”) - a wonderful amulet in Arabic and Jewish traditions. This is a very strong amulet, it helps the owner to protect himself from the evil eye and damage.

Paired drawings that are applied to the edge of the palm look very nice. In this case, an image is specially selected - for example, butterfly wings or a flock of flying birds. By squeezing and spreading both palms, you can see how the butterfly flaps its wings. Another direction is all kinds of inscriptions. It can be sayings, prayers or the names of loved ones. Actress Angelina Jolie has a Chinese character tattooed on the back of her hand that means "courage".

Despite its popularity, the palm is the most inappropriate place for a tattoo. It is believed that the skin here is quickly updated, so the tattoo soon becomes fuzzy and sloppy, and then disappears altogether.

Tattoos on the palm look very elegant if their owner has thin, graceful hands with long fingers.

Videos palm tattoo

In this video you can see how the master makes a tattoo on the palm of his client.

Below are photos of tattoos on the palm of different tattoo artists.

The current reality has made the tattoo culture extremely popular and accessible - in every, even the smallest city, there are several professional tattoo parlors. Kolshchiki arrange fests and matser-classes for the exchange of experience. Modern youth loves to tattoo on the arm (its inner side), the back of the head, and the legs, often without stopping at these places.

A tattoo on the inside of the arm can be called a tattoo for the humble. Such a drawing does not look catchy.

In the case of formal work, it can be covered with long-sleeved clothing, and also hidden by simply pressing the arm to the body. In the case of a party or just free time, on the contrary, it can be emphasized with the right outfit.

A big plus (especially for those who made a tattoo for the first time) is that the owner of the drawing can easily admire it, as it is constantly in front of their eyes.

This place of drawing does not carry a sacred meaning. The tattoo is interpreted depending on the image itself. The inside of the arm is a versatile place where the tattoo owner can express just about anything.

You should know that the hand is a very mobile part of the body, and you need to carefully select the image on its inner part. Otherwise, the picture may skew when changing the position of the hand, and it will look ugly, and in the worst case, even funny.

An important aspect that worries a person before applying a tattoo is the pain of the process itself. The inner side of the arm cannot be attributed to the most painful parts of the body (for example, like the shoulder blade, abdomen, lower back), but the procedure cannot be called painless and imperceptible either.

The skin on this part of the body is thin, therefore, if the master clogs the paint deeply, then you will have to endure considerable pain, gritting your teeth for a while. The most painful segment is the wrist and the inner part of the elbow, since the skin there is as thin as possible, and the bone is very close.

The tattoo on the inside of the arm is very comfortable and stylish

The thin skin of the inner side of the hand also dictates certain conditions for choosing a pattern. You should not stuff an image with a lot of small details, because after a couple of years the paint can “spread” and the tattoo will become unreadable and ugly.

The meaning of the tattoo in this area for women

Tattoos located on the inside of the arm have gained maximum popularity among women. As a rule, if a man has made one tattoo on his arm, then he transfers it to a completely clogged sleeve as soon as possible. A woman can often stop at one picture.

A tattoo on this side of the arm has a number of advantages for girls, such as:

Despite the advantages, many girls find some disadvantages in such a place for a tattoo:

  • Painful application;
  • It is difficult not to wet your hands (during the healing of the tattoo);
  • For some ladies, a tattoo on their arm (especially in the area of ​​​​the shoulders) seems unnecessarily defiant.

Despite the contradictions, according to tattoo artists, most often girls prefer this area when applying a tattoo.

Tattoo on the inside of the shoulder

The choice of the inner surface of the biceps is the prerogative of men. Girls rarely choose this place for a tattoo, despite the minimal pain and practicality. The fact is that the skin in this area is very supple, so the applied drawings heal quickly, do not deform even over time and with changes in the owner's body weight.

Tattoos located on the inside of the arm in the shoulder area, namely on the biceps, as a rule, tend to express and emphasize the strength of the owner. Drawing with its outlines repeats the shape of the body, visually increasing the size of the muscles and demonstrating the power and aggression of the owner.

However, there is another approach to the interpretation of this place for tattooing. Girls choose the inside of the shoulder on the left side in order to apply a drawing with a very deep personal meaning. Such a tattoo is located very close to the heart and retains something very important in memory, leaving an imprint on the entire life path of the owner.

Tattoo on the inside of the forearm

Completed pictures are stuffed on the inside of the forearm. It should be a holistic sketch that expresses a specific idea.

Such a work contains a message that the owner of the drawing can open to both everyone and a select few. The image on this part of the hand is designed to motivate and guide the girl through life.

You should not stuff something bad, demonic or reminiscent of negative events in this place. Such a tattoo can affect karma, attracting negative events into the life of the owner.

henna tattoo

Henna tattoo is an excellent choice for those who have not yet decided on a permanent option. Henna stays on the skin for up to 2-3 weeks. Such an image allows you to take a closer look at the drawing and determine whether you need to switch to a permanent option. It is also a great opportunity for those who do not want to get a permanent tattoo, but they don’t mind temporarily decorating themselves with a pattern.

Henna tattoos are:

  • mandalas

The most popular version of images made with henna for women. Mandalas are cyclic, circular images symbolizing feminine energy. They give the owner a surge of female health and strength.

  • Mehendi

The second most popular version of pictures for girls. Mehendi is applied to the hands, palms and fingers. The tradition of applying these drawings came from India. There, women applied them in order to direct the flows of female energy in the right direction.

  • dragons

Such images are most often applied by men. Dragons symbolize strength, courage and nobility. Caution should be taken with such a tattoo for those who were born under the water element. The dragon is the lord of fire and can bring confusion and confusion into the lives of people under the auspices of the signs of water.

Inscriptions, their translation and meaning

Tattoos in the form of inscriptions are very popular among both sexes. Such drawings allow you to very clearly declare your worldview, as well as designate for yourself and those around you your life position.

Most often, the choice is given to inscriptions in Latin, containing wisdom proven over the centuries:

Cat tattoo

Drawings with this animal look very beautiful and carry a strong spiritual message.

The most popular tattoos are:

  • Cat curled up in a ball

Such a drawing is made by those who yearn for family life and comfort. An animal in this position attracts simple family joys, returns the owner to the hearth, and strengthens family ties.

This tattoo enhances libido. As a rule, this image is chosen by girls who want to emphasize and enhance their sexuality. Drawing allows you to attract the attention of the opposite sex and improve your intimate life.

  • Yorkshire cat

In most cases, it becomes the choice of men. Symbolizes freedom and independence. Such a tattoo speaks of the willfulness and difficult nature of the owner.

bird tattoo

A bird tattoo primarily expresses the desire of the owner for something.

And why exactly - depends on the specific drawing.

  • Phoenix

Such a pattern is chosen by self-confident people with an inner core. The image helps to endure adversity with a proudly raised head and affirms self-confidence.

  • Peacock

This drawing is loved by self-confident girls. However, their confidence can be based on an empty place, and there is excessive pathos in life.

  • flock of birds

The image symbolizes sadness. The owner of the tattoo is sad for someone or something that he cannot forget. The thoughts of such a person will always be far from what is happening around.

3D tattoos on the arm

3D tattoos are a style that not every master can do.

But, with high-quality performance, such tattoos look very realistic.

Tattoos depict the insides of a person connected to artificial mechanisms. Such images symbolize the stamina and strength of the owner.

  • strings in the muscles

Favorite theme for musicians. Thus, they show their absolute unity with art.

animal tattoo

Animal images are very popular in tattoo art.

The owner of such a pattern projects the strengths of a stuffed beast onto himself.

Such themes symbolize loneliness, both by choice and by force of circumstances.

  • Tiger

This image is an illustration of the strength and confidence of the owner. Such tattoos are chosen by fighters in spirit and athletes in life.

  • Lizard

Lizards are a symbol of a sharp mind, the ability to adapt and respond competently in any situation. Lizard tattoos add wisdom and cunning to the owner.

flower tattoo

The pattern of flowers looks equally good on both girls and women.

The choice of sensual natures. The image symbolizes femininity and purity.

  • Roses

This flower has many interpretations depending on the color of the picture. Classical meaning: the leaves denote joy, the flower itself denotes glory, but the thorns denote sadness.

portrait tattoo

A very bold decision - to fill a portrait.

Most often depicted:

Fans' choice. Such images were popular in the beginning and middle of the last century.

  • Portrait of a loved one

Not the best choice. Such an image can spoil the relationship of a couple on a mental level, not to mention how such a drawing will deteriorate after the skin loses its elasticity.

Architectural elements tattoo

Not the most popular option is a sketch of an architectural element, but even such images have their own demand:

  • Pyramids of Giza

The image can show a person's commitment to the events that took place in this place. It can remotely echo Egyptian mythology.

Such a drawing is the choice of romantics. It can testify to a frivolous and at the same time refined nature.

  • Cathedral

Such images were popular at the beginning and middle of the last century among people who had a certain fate associated with state-owned houses.

plant tattoo

The image of vegetation is mainly used to fill the free space on the body, as well as to ensure the transition from one sketch to another.

  • creepers

These beautifully wriggling stems do a great job of separating images and drawing attention to the main theme.

  • branches

Often used to cover up old unsuccessful or boring tattoos. With the help of an arbitrary form, you can hide any picture.

A very popular option among American girls, especially among Miami residents.

Butterfly tattoo

Butterflies are chosen for drawing by girls who want to express such impulses:

  • Moths fly to the fire

The image is made in a small size and monochrome style. It speaks of the fragility of the owner, her gullibility and vulnerability.

  • Butterfly with spread wings.

The choice of confident, sometimes defiant natures. Such a tattoo looks bright, but only with skillful application (otherwise it has a defiant look).

abstract tattoo

Abstractions are chosen by girls who do not want the interpretation of images by outsiders. Such drawings retain a sacred meaning for their owner.

These are fully shaded black areas. They can be in the form of bracelets, rings and so on.

  • Dotwork

The meaning is the same as that of the previous style, but the peculiarity is that there is not a continuous hatching, but a dotted application.

heart tattoo

Hearts are the choice of lovers. Those who love or loved.

  • Broken heart

Such a drawing is chosen by those who are disappointed in love and no longer want to meet this feeling on their life path.

  • Half heart

Each representative of the couple fills himself with half of the heart. The drawing symbolizes their closeness and unity.

Tattoo in ethnic style

Such sketches look very stylish and bright.

The picture is universal. It is stuffed in order to convey the meaning of the rune to itself.

  • totems

The tattoo projects the power of the totem onto the owner, providing him with patronage and protection.

Chinese sketches

The Chinese style is distinguished by the traceability of details and colorfulness.

  • Hieroglyphs

The bearer of the tattoo makes it in order to get a kind of amulet using the meaning of the depicted hieroglyph.

  • Images from Chinese books

Most often depicted tigers and dragons. Such tattoos are designed to show the strength and stamina of the owner.

Tattoo in cyber style

This futuristic direction began to gain popularity with the advanced training of masters and the development of the 3D tattoo genre.

  • Shock absorber in the leg

The picture is inherent in athletes, especially runners, as well as those who are ready to go their way through life without giving up.

The image is intended to emphasize the physical strength and endurance of the owner. With the help of such tattoos, the owner says: “I am a machine. I'm capable of a lot."

  • Do not fill the name of the beloved man. Love can pass, but the tattoo will remain forever;
  • You should not make tattoos that express strength and aggression - one day there may be a desire to become fragile and dependent, and the drawing can interfere with this.

Having decided on the choice of drawing, you should listen to the opinion of experts about the procedure tattoos so that the desire does not diverge from the result:

  • Tattoos can only be done by a trusted master who observes sterility during the procedure;
  • You should not choose drawings with small details, as the paint will spread in the skin over time and the tattoo may become unreadable;
  • You should not make a tattoo with a lot of orange, yellow and white colors. After acquiring a tan, areas with these colors will merge with the background of the skin. As a result, the drawing can be completely distorted;
  • It is necessary to ensure that the master makes the contours and background with different needles;
  • Do not scratch the tattoo and pick off the crusts after application. There is a high probability, along with the crust, to damage the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin with paint and spoil the drawing;
  • Do not expose the tattoo to direct sunlight for 3 months. Otherwise, the colors may change color.

When choosing any tattoo of any size and in any place, whether on the inside of the arm or on the chest, one thing is important - to consciously select the image, given the fact that removing a tattoo is much longer and more unpleasant than applying it.

Arm tattoo video

Tattoos on the girl's arm:

50 Best Wrist Tattoos:

For both men and women, hand tattoos are becoming more and more popular.

  • Firstly, they look very aesthetically pleasing (provided they are done professionally)
  • Secondly, there is a huge variety of tattoo sketches from small inscriptions to patterns that cover the entire surface of the skin.
  • Thirdly, a tattoo on the arm often carries a semantic load in the form of hieroglyphs or various sayings.
  • Fourth, what other part of the body is most open and always in sight? Tattoos on the arm are very noticeable and clearly demonstrate our individuality.

It is necessary to choose a sketch for a tattoo based on which part of the arm you want to apply it to. Experts distinguish several areas, each of which has its own specifics. This is the shoulder, forearm with the elbow, wrist, hand and fingers.

Palms and fingers

Tattoos inflicted on the inside of the palm and fingers are more masculine, as they often reflect belonging to a certain stratum of society (meaning various symbols, coats of arms of motorcycle clubs, military signs). Yes, and doing them is quite painful because of the large number of nerve endings.

There are, of course, beautiful sketches for girls who are ready to suffer a little. The idea of ​​putting inscriptions on the finger on the side is very interesting, when they are visible to others only when the owner of the tattoo wishes it. These are small, in one or two words, inscriptions, which are a capacious and vivid expression of individuality.
Own name or the name of a dear person, special feminine phrases, flirtatious or carrying a hidden meaning. Sometimes one word is applied to each finger, which together make up some kind of catch phrase or motto.

Hand and wrist

Making a tattoo on the hands is the destiny of brave and extraordinary people, ready to constantly demonstrate their uniqueness to others. Most often, inscriptions are applied to this part of the body, although sketches of drawings of animals, fire or zodiac signs are also quite popular.

Of the hundreds of common sketches of hieroglyphs, where each carries its own meaning, you need to choose the one that is more suitable specifically for you. For example, the symbol "rage" does not quite harmonize with the look of fragile girls, and "male" tattoos "butterfly" or "tenderness" can cause unhealthy laughter from the Chinese who met you. Choose only those characters whose meaning is known exactly.

The popularity of images on the hands and wrists is also due to the fact that making a tattoo in these places almost does not hurt even with the simplest pen - a stencil, the invention of which is attributed to Thomas Edison.

Shoulder and forearm

Tattoos on the shoulder and forearm with an elbow bend provide great freedom for imagination, since for these areas of the arm tattoo artists offer a great variety of sketches, both drawings and inscriptions. The options for combinations of fonts, sizes, and colors are nearly limitless. The shoulder is called a universal place; a portrait of Che Guevara, ornate patterns, hieroglyphs, and Gothic inscriptions will look organic here.


On the forearm and shoulder, you can also make the so-called "sleeves" - images of various lengths that cover the skin entirely or almost entirely.

  • A long "sleeve" is applied from the shoulder to the wrist. This is either one whole image, or several combined

  • A quarter of the "sleeve" - ​​the area from the shoulder to the top of the elbow
  • Half "sleeve" can be applied both from the elbow to the wrist, and from the shoulder to the elbow

Such tattoos perfectly allow you to stand out from the crowd and have both male and female versions.

Maori patterns

Tattoos with Maori patterns, a people living on islands near New Zealand and practicing the art of tattooing, have also gained some distribution. They are a combination of smooth lines, geometric shapes, images of animals. But if the representatives of this tribe themselves have a similar ritual that has a deep meaning and lasts almost a lifetime, then in our country such patterns carry, of course, a decorative load. Although it will be better if you are still aware of what exactly this or that ornament means.

Making a tattoo with Maori patterns with a pen is quite painful and time consuming.

Process Technology

It's the 21st century, and progress has touched even the centuries-old traditions of tattooing. There are still masters who use only the good old pen - a stencil, but many salons have already switched to modern tattoo machines - machines that allow you to apply a drawing quickly and without pain. The needle pierces the skin to a depth of 2 mm at a frequency of 50 to 3000 times per minute and leaves insoluble particles of pigment paint there - these particles form the pattern.

This method is very good for large colorful images, as it saves a lot of time. But if you're conservative and need a small tattoo, like someone's name or some numbers, don't be afraid to use a pen. It will hurt a little, but you can fully feel the magic of this ritual.