Mexican passions in the first person: friendship, love and marriage

The Mexicans are very similar to the Portuguese in their temperamental and quick-tempered character, about which stories and legends are composed. Mexicans do not tolerate ridicule in any form, believing that this humiliates their dignity.

Hot and passionate Mexican men are capable of very strong feelings, they love sincerely and give their all to this feeling. Along with this, they have insane jealousy, which sometimes crosses the line and manifests itself in cruelty towards women.

A Mexican can be jealous of his wife for any passer-by, and jealousy can even arise from scratch. It's better for Mexicans to be seen as funny than to be recognized as a cuckold, and he also can't stand ridicule from anyone.

For this reason, women are very careful not only in their behavior, but even in their words, they always have to watch what and to whom they say, because many things can be transferred to the spouse incorrectly, and then problems cannot be avoided.

In principle, women try not to be near an unfamiliar man and even communicate too often with their male relatives. The women themselves in Mexico, too, have not gone far from male jealousy, they also quickly light up, like a broken match.

Often in the family there can be scandals and quarrels with mutual reproaches and insults. However, parents will never sort things out when there are children in the house, so as not to disturb their peace and not overshadow their cloudless children's life.

For Mexicans, a family is not only a spouse, children, who are adored by everyone in the family, the family also means parents, as well as all more or less close relatives, of which there are sometimes a great many.

It is not always possible to immediately understand who and to whom are relatives, and how close these relatives are to each other, however, they are all friendly and strongly connected by common family traditions and norms of behavior.

In a Mexican family, women do not work, they are responsible for housekeeping and raising children. Women, of course, can work, but this is not mandatory, and some men are even categorically against it, since they believe that only a man is obliged to solve all financial issues in Mexico.

A man is the main breadwinner in the family, and he is obliged to bring home money, a woman has enough work at home, she is loaded with household chores and raising children.

Mexicans are distinguished by their cleanliness, and therefore the cleaning of the house is carried out several times a week, the same applies to laundry. By the time a man returns home, the house should be in perfect order, a hot and plentiful dinner should be waiting for him on the table.

A man in Mexico, of course, is considered strong, but this does not apply to the fact that he does something around the house on his own, this applies to even the most basic things, such as hammering a nail and fixing a door handle. For all this, they believe, there are masters. A man in Mexico is not equipped to do any housework.

In Mexican families, such a feature as female solidarity is clearly expressed. The entire female half of the family in Mexico is very close to each other and always share the most intimate things.

The daughter-in-law and the mother-in-law become the closest friends who can communicate with each other on absolutely all topics, and the mother-in-law takes an active part in the life of her son, always listens to the complaints of her daughter-in-law, trying to take measures to eliminate family problems. In addition, the mother-in-law is an indispensable source of information and she can give any advice to her daughter-in-law, even in an intimate way.

When all Mexican families gather on all significant dates and events, then these meetings are noisy and stormy. Mexicans love to express their emotions and such events are just a joy for them, because there they can talk enough and chat with those people whom they have not seen for a long time.

Children for Mexicans are truly the flowers of life. Love for children here cannot be measured by any framework, they have the same rights in the family as adults and enjoy complete freedom.

Children invariably take part in all family events and celebrations; in Mexico, children are always present at all significant and important family councils. Mexicans never punish their children, sometimes they even encourage their hooligan acts, especially for boys.

Mexican men are directly involved in the upbringing of their children. They do not see anything shameful in feeding, changing or bathing a child, and as for walking with children and joint family vacations, there is nothing to even talk about, because the man is the very first to organize such events.

Moreover, a man himself can take parental leave, and this despite the fact that the mother does not work and is at home.

Children in Mexico grow up very late precisely because of the fact that their parents take too much care of them. Even as adults, they are not able to completely get rid of parental dependence.

Parents take it hard to part with their children, when the children are going to start their own families and leave the parental home, parents very hard agree with this.

Throughout their lives, parents support their children in every possible way, this especially applies to sons, because they get the most parental, and especially maternal love.

Mothers have a hard time parting with their pets. However, this parting is loudly said, because the sons then spend a lot of time with their mother, and the mother herself often visits her son's house.

With such an attitude of children, one can not even talk about the fact that parents in a Mexican family are never left alone, their children always look after them. They can even be taken into their home by one of the children, but Mexicans will never hand over their parents to nursing homes.

Now we will tell you all the good that awaits you in this country, as well as the bad. In addition, we will briefly describe what Russian women in Mexico lack.

What's good in the country?


In this country, the culture was formed due to the mixture of different cultures (Mayan tribes, Tishteks and others). In the twentieth century, it had a strong influence. In such an amazing country, the traditions and beliefs of 2 civilizations coexist perfectly - Indian and European. For example, in the country, except for Mexico City, abortion is prohibited. But same-sex marriages are allowed in Mexico.

Nature and climate

Nature in this country is diverse. The state has everything: deserts with cacti, mountains with snow, wet jungles, volcanoes, ocean coasts and more.

This is a self-sufficient country, so local citizens should not travel abroad, because everything is here.

Domestic tourism is very well developed in the state. The only regret is that there is no rail transportation. But there are air carriers and a comfortable network of buses. By the way, the roads are quite good, and toll roads are just beauty.


Mexican Spanish is a pleasant-sounding variant of Spanish. It is pleasant to speak and very easy to learn.

European clothes

All clothes are usually American brands. The shoes here are good, for every taste. There are expensive ones and cheap ones. $50 is the most expensive shoe in the most expensive store.

Meat and milk

In this country, always juicy, lean fresh meat. They cook it divinely. In Mexico, milk is of excellent quality, and it doesn’t matter if you bought it cheap or expensive. In any case, this product will be better than the Russian or European counterpart. From such milk the best cocktails for breakfast are obtained.

Channels on TV


In this country, the law is the same for everyone (even for the homeless, even for the president).

What is not good about this country?

Transport problem

22 million people live in the capital alone. This is what creates a lot of problems. Only in the center of Mexico City there is a metro, you need to get to the outskirts by minibuses, which are very difficult to get into. By the way, this type of transport travels with open doors. Minibus drivers have no idea about the rules of traffic rules.

Ecological problem

In this state, there are a lot of cars, respectively, and exhaust masses. The government of the country seeks to improve the environment in the country. Therefore, cycling is developing quite actively here. For an annual subscription you need to pay about 400 pesos (in rubles - this is 1000 rubles). If you are the owner of this document, then you have the right to ride for 40 minutes a day.

Old vehicles are prohibited from entering the country once a week. This is done in order to reduce the level of gas contamination. Despite all efforts, the cleanliness in the country leaves much to be desired.

Noise problem

People who come to the country come to their senses only after a couple of days, as it is very noisy here. Everything is fine for the locals, because they have been living here for a long time. In addition, in the state they signal with or without reason. There are a lot of sellers and organ grinders on the street, as well as beggars. Many carry carts with musical accompaniment. In such noise and chaos, it is very difficult to put the children to sleep.

mexican women

The local girls do not like foreign citizens. They literally destroy Russian women physically and morally. There is no female friendship in this country. If they smile at you, then be sure to check if you have a knife sticking out in your back. The local citizens are not particularly beautiful. Cosmetics they only worsen their appearance. Mexicans try to copy a lot from European citizens. Skin whitening of the face and body is popular in the country. All local girls wear high heels. By the way, Mexicans can be photographed with blue-eyed blondes.

The girls here look a little worse than the men. The representatives of the stronger sex take care of themselves here, they are always neatly dressed, often with gel-coated hair and polished shoes. Many of them speak English. All men in the country watch the news and read newspapers.

Local girls, as a rule, sit with children. Maternity leave takes only 45 days. Most of the local girls after the birth of a child become housewives. They do household chores, cook food and raise children.

food culture

For local citizens, national cuisine is a religion. There are a lot of different restaurants with national cuisine in the country. In the local families, they cook very rarely, and even then only Mexican food. In Mexico, the following dishes are eaten from morning to evening: chilaquiles, tacos, quesadillas and other dishes. Everything is the same on the streets. Each meal is accompanied by tortillas.

Such monotony, of course, is boring. Even in Japanese cafes and restaurants, you will not be served wasabi and ginger, but on the table you will see finely chopped chili and lime.

Junk food is the second love of Mexicans. Nuts, chips (corn, potato, with and without chili), sweets - all this is eaten by local citizens in large quantities. The average Mexican family of 6 buys a box of crisps and a six-pack of two-liter bottles for the weekend. Both two-year-old children and 80-year-old grandmothers eat such food. It becomes clear why this country is one of the first places in obesity.

Mexico's neighborhood with such a successful country as the United States does not pass without a trace. More and more Mexicans are rushing to work in the States. Most often, men emigrate, and this is understandable: a man must provide for his family, be its breadwinner. And if there are no opportunities for decent earnings at home, then why not try your luck abroad?

Only their wives do not turn into poetic persons, waiting for their loved ones at the family hearth with embroidery in their hands. Mexican women get it all: they have to meet the female standard for cooking, washing and cleaning, and raise children on behalf of both parents, and do all the hard male work around the house. And if the husband’s career does not go at all as successfully as planned, or the father decides to forget about his Mexican family, then the woman has, among other things, to provide for her children on her own. At the same time, in modern Mexico, finding a job for a woman is not so easy, so you often have to take on any possible options.

(Total 20 photos)

1. Some women, like Felicitas, after their husbands stop sending them money, are forced to raise goats and prepare firewood for sale in order to earn a livelihood for themselves and their households. And we can say that Felicitas copes with everything quite successfully, since she can already afford to pay for the work of an assistant. Pictured: Felicitas Contreras Santiago and her worker Anna tending goats in San Pablo.

2. It is surprising that Felicitas also manages to actively participate in the activities of the Mujeres Unidas (United Women) group, whose main activity is to provide shelter and assistance to those who flee violence in their families.

3. After hard working days, women who find themselves in a difficult situation due to their husbands who emigrated and forgot about them can get together, relax near the TV, chat on the phone with children who also left for the USA in search of a better life. Mutual assistance, care and support helps those who are faced with the same difficulties to survive. In the photo: Felicitas Contreras Santiago and Cristina Isidrio Salazar relax after a busy day.

4. Only a photograph of a couple in love in a beautiful frame hanging on the wall can remind you of your former happy family life. In the photo: Felicitas family portrait.

5. Due to the fact that most of the able-bodied men leave to work in the United States, the famous traditional rodeo competitions are admired mainly only by children, women and the elderly (all men of working age are invited to take part in this competition). Due to the mass emigration of the male population of Mexico, mothers may not see their husbands and children for decades. But the country's authorities are not trying to curb emigration, thanks to which the unemployment rate is reduced, and the Mexican economy receives solid cash injections in the form of bank transfers to relatives and friends. Pictured: Emilia Juana Pérez (far left) watches her youngest son perform at the rodeo with her family. Five of Juana's children live in the United States.

6. It goes without saying that the repair of household appliances, houses and even cars falls on the fragile shoulders of Mexican women. Pictured: Cristina Salazar (left) and Felicitas Santiago repairing a car to deliver boards to the construction site. Their husbands, who went to the States, have not sent money to their families for a long time.

7. Girls themselves take the initiative and flirt with men. Competition among young ladies in the struggle for a future husband is very high. In the photo: 30-year-old Federico, who recently returned home after being deported from the United States, where he lived and worked from the age of 15.

8. Teenagers, having heard a lot of fairy tales about those who still managed to get rich in the States, secretly from their mothers themselves dream of getting there. The opportunity to see older brothers and father, drop out of school and, as a grown man, start earning money attracts children's hearts. In the photo: 13-year-old Celso Ortega-Cruz argues with his mother, who does not approve of his decision to illegally cross the US border and go to his brothers.

9. There are times when boys, having agreed with their comrades, run away from home with minimal luggage from food for a day or two, change of clothes, documents, meager savings and some unverified information about relatives who managed to get settled in the USA. Teenagers head to the border to try to illegally cross it and get to fairyland. In the photo: Celso stands at the airport in Oaxaca, holding a passport and a one-way ticket to Tijuana.

10. Rafaela Cruz weeps as she sees the plane taking off on which her son, Celso, went to Tijuana. In border Tijuana, a 13-year-old boy will try with other migrants.

11. Companies providing telecommunications services seem to be quite happy with the current situation. Due to the fact that many international calls are made between relatives located in the US and in Mexico, they are getting rich before our eyes. The owner of one of the largest telecommunications networks in South America, Carlos Slim Hela, was recognized by Forbes magazine as "The Richest Man of 2010". In the photo: Women are waiting for phone calls from relatives who have left to work in the United States.

12. Due to the predominance of the female population, Mexicans are becoming less impressionable and romantic persons. The harsh truth of life has led to the fact that most girls plan in advance the best options for earning. Family ties and household are no longer attractive. Young women want to get higher education and start their own business. In this picture, taken from the door of a gift shop, a girl is seen walking to the antenatal clinic, down the street of the town of San Pablo.

13. Solemn meetings, marches and meetings have gained popularity, at which the women's circle discusses and exchanges experience on running their own business, and the meeting itself turns into a special holiday for women entrepreneurs. The festive atmosphere gives new strength to wait for their men from the USA.

14. Meeting a father returning after several years of absence is a very exciting thing. In the photo: Marisol Lopez Cruz in search of her father at the airport in Oaxaca. Marisol's father had been working in the States since 1979 and only returned home a few times a year. Now he is returning to Mexico forever, but for the girl he is not at all the same as before. Marisol considers him a stranger.

15. Long-awaited meeting: At the airport, the son meets Pablo Lopez, who worked in the States for a long time.

16. But it is not always easy to find a common language with grown-up children. Especially when you have not seen them and have not participated in their upbringing for several years. In the photo: Pablo Lopez kisses his daughter Marisol. He worked so long in the US that he was not at home during the birth of his three children.

17. Only if you sincerely show your children how much you love them, tell them how you tried for their future, you can melt the ice of the tension that has arisen. And now, the daughters have already stuck around their father and are happy to talk about themselves and ask him about life in the States. They have so much to tell each other... In the photo: Pablo in his hometown, sitting with his daughters Marisol (left) and Marlene.

18. It is especially difficult when a father, leaving to work, simply does not see how his little child is born and grows, and a woman with a baby is forced to work hard so that her children are warm and full. In the photo: 27-year-old Florentina Gaspar, a resident of the small Mexican town of Santa Ynez de Monte, descends from the mountains, where she chopped firewood. The youngest child, five-month-old Esmeralda, has to be taken with her, while the other four children are waiting for her at home.

19. It is difficult to understand children who leave their elderly mother and go to seek their fortune abroad. The old woman is sadly looking at family photos. Now there is no one to take care of her. She is left to herself. In the photo: Celestina Lura, who lives with her granddaughter, since her children left for the USA.

20. It seems that, as in Mexico, the United States is not very worried about this situation and is trying to get the maximum benefit from the illegal labor force. This attitude on both sides can lead to the fact that it will be quite difficult to see a man in a crowd of Mexicans. Pictured: Women at the weekly bazaar in Tlacolula.

Considering the cardinal social differences between different segments of the population of this country, I will try not to generalize, but to talk only about what I myself have encountered. So, what is friendship, love and marriage with the inhabitants of this country?

About friendship

The general opinion is that it is easier to make friends with Mexicans than with Europeans. Many of my friends who lived in Europe compared friendship there with the siege of a fortress. It will take a lot of time: people are distrustful and reluctant to let strangers into their personal lives. It is also worth waiting for the number of ceremonies, as in the royal court. Forthcoming: acquaintance with parents, mandatory dinners with the family, family visits.

Everyone around will be nice and relaxed, because that's the way it is. But you will feel out of place, choosing a fork for fish among countless appliances. It lacks the simplicity customary in Russia. So, in Mexico there is both: both ceremonies and ease of communication.

Mexico is rich in small daily rituals. The very same "Hello how are you doing?", which is taught in the first Spanish lessons, you will always have to pronounce it in that order. There is only one answer - "Okay, and you?". And you, which is typical, are also good. Even if things go from bad to worse, then you need to wait until the person asks a standard question to all those gathered, hugs and kisses them - only then can you sincerely talk about the sore.

Kissing land

Another source of culture shock is kissing upon meeting. Greetings here should only be a kiss on the cheek. With everyone. Including with the boss, work colleagues and teachers at the university. If you are introduced to 20 people while dining with a Mexican family, focus. None: " Oh, I can't reach.ANDyou in that cornerSameGood evening' is no excuse. The main thing to keep in mind is that these ceremonies, which do not carry any meaning for us, are very important for every Mexican. And if in the midst of an acquaintance you forget about someone, he will remember it. And tell the other 19 people. And families in Mexico are very tight-knit.

When you leave, you need to say goodbye even to those with whom you did not exchange a word all evening. Don't forget to hug them and say " See you”, even if you are both sure that you will never meet again in your life.

No punctuality

If you have agreed to meet on a certain day and hour, this does not mean anything. It is not at all certain that the meeting will take place. The famous Latin American “manana”, translated depending on the circumstances as “tomorrow”, “next week”, “maybe” or “never”, perfectly characterizes Mexican society.

Therefore, the day before the appointment, it is better to ask again if you will see each other. People in Mexico are sociable and open, but - that's bad luck! - much on promises, uttered automatically. When I was learning Chinese, we were warned not to make quick promises to the Chinese. The thing is, when they hear: Well, see you again sometime.”, begin to harass and wait for a meeting. So, in Mexico, I often feel like a Chinese.

Polite floridity, or Learn to read between the lines

An important skill that is well trained in Mexico is the science of understanding the subtext of spoken words. Usually the meaning is hidden in numerous ornate designs. At first it is very pleasant that no one "chops off the shoulder", but later this can cause difficulties. The Mexican mentality excludes directness as such, and even a dry refusal in response to your request will turn into a paragraph of printed text. This is especially evident in business letters - in addition to the usual “thanks in advance”, literally such phrases as “we are at your feet», « our fate is in your hands” and other grandiloquent expressions that you are unlikely to write to your partners in Russia.

This attitude is also present in everyday life. For three months now, various people have been calling me and asking for the person who was previously assigned my phone number. So, recently I was explained that it is not enough to say: “Please do not call here again, there are no such people here”. It would be correct to say in a polite tone: May I ask you a favor, señor? It would be nice if you stop dialing this number, as it causes me concern.Of courseIfThisIt won't bother you. Is it possible?Bthank you very much". Oh yes, Mexico teaches patience.

Is it easy to make friends with Mexicans?

If you ask a Mexican if it is easy to make friends in his country, he will answer yes without hesitation. But after a while, he will definitely clarify what kind of friends he is talking about. A truly close and reliable friendship grows gradually.

At first they look at you, and after a while you become a “cuate” (friend, buddy) - this means that the first level has been reached. Then you can grow up to amigo / amiga, which already characterizes you as a friend. In male friendship, the highest level is hermano, that is, brother. Such friends can always be counted on the fingers, but for them it is really worth going to Mexico.

Real friends here I have appeared by themselves. At the first lesson in TV journalism, I met a classmate, we exchanged phone numbers, and a week later she invited me to a party in the suburbs of Mexico City. There, in turn, were her closest friends. And so it went.

Another case is my neighbor. He drove me to the institute a couple of times a week at the request of the owner of my rented apartment. We had a simple conversation and found out that we study at the same faculty. So after a couple of months, he told me about Colombian politics and helped me prepare for the exams. Once I lost the keys to the house, where at that moment there was no one, and called him with a request to spend the evening with him. It turned out that my friend stays late at the institute, but he warned his mother about my problem. As a result, she and I had a great evening watching a soap opera and having a steak dinner. It was scary to ring the intercom and say: “ Ithe sameRussiangirl from across the streetwhichlost the keys- but everything worked out. That evening was my first (and so far my last) exposure to Mexican TV shows.

Visit with your own food

By the way, in other cases, when you come to visit, you, at best, will be offered a glass of water. Don't expect your friends to get everything in the fridge, cook it, and put it on your plate. And big parties here are often held in the style of "de traje", which literally means "in business style", but in fact - "eat what you brought yourself." The host can provide guests with a few large packets of crisps, and you will have to take care of everything else.

Mexicans love to save money. This quality manifests itself in its own way, especially in relationships. If a Mexican earns well, he is ready to swear for every peso (that is, for every 3 rubles) in a vegetable stall, buy himself the cheapest and low-quality things all year, but he will certainly go on vacation to a five-star hotel. This was especially irritating to my Australian neighbor, who had her local boyfriend pick out a hotel before her vacation. At the beginning of the relationship, she informed him that there was no need to pay for her, because she felt quite independent, and every trip planning turned into a series of scandals.

Such savings are manifested in everything - friends try to call each other by phone, refuel for 100 rubles (3 liters of gasoline cost so much) so that there is no temptation to spend a lot of car fuel. Another unusual moment of Mexican culture: if you are invited to a birthday party, you yourself will have to pay for everything you order. But this rule does not apply to a small meeting. For example, when I go to drink coffee with one of my friends, they treat me with pleasure.


But it is precisely the tender feelings for the Mexicans that make girls from generally prosperous countries stay here for permanent residence. Most of the foreign girls I know, after a month of living here, broke up with their young people via Skype. Moreover, many of them abandoned strong long-term relationships for the sake of suddenly met Mexicans. You will ask why? As much care and attention as girls are given in Latin America, they do not receive almost anywhere. They are escorted home, they always hold hands, even a stranger will always open the door for you. On the street you will see a lot of couples walking around hugging and kissing.

Mexico still adheres to a conservative upbringing in terms of the role of men in relationships. This means that most often he makes decisions and takes the initiative. Having traveled around Mexico for some time, and then after visiting Europe, I noticed that Mexican men, in comparison with European ones, have a strong tendency towards patriarchy.

On my first visit, I encountered the other side of this sphere of life. I listened to the radio station, where public service announcements constantly sounded, urging girls not to tolerate the violence of men, but to call the hotline or contact the police.

The husband of the girl who kept order in my host family's house beat her and did not let her go to work. Moreover, as they explained to me, he was guided by the fact that he is a man, and only he can work in the family. And if he does not want to work, and there is no money in the house, this does not mean that his wife is allowed to leave the house.

In Spanish, this is called machismo, which means sex discrimination. Therefore, if someone in Mexico is called "macho", this word has a different connotation than in the usual sense. Machismo is just the other side of the fact that the principle of gender equality does not work in Mexico: the stronger sex allows itself to do whatever it wants.

Marriage and family in Mexico

Another negative side of relationships is that they can last for a very long time, but never end in marriage. To make sure of their choice, Mexicans meet for about 10 years and begin to live together most often after the wedding. But this does not mean that after such a thorough check of the future spouse or spouse, the relationship will not end in divorce.

Mexicans get married about 30 years and later. I have friends in their 40s who are still not married and don't really think about it. Children are also born after 30 years, often closer to 40. They themselves explain this life plan by the fact that they devote a lot of time to their careers and savings to buy their own home.

In addition, children from the age of 3 must go to kindergarten, and in most cases you have to pay a lot of money for it. There are free gardens for single mothers, but parents themselves try to avoid them. Most Mexican schools are also paid, there are also state institutions, but they have an unenviable reputation, so for a middle-class family they are not even a question. The education system in Mexico is quite rigid - after kindergarten, you need to pass an exam in order to go to the first grade. Classes in schools and kindergartens begin at 7 am, and this daily routine continues until entering the institute.

Therefore, the appearance of a family here imposes completely different, much greater obligations. My stories about the fact that in a Russian elementary school parents can write a note to the teacher so that the child comes to the third lesson cause everyone's delight: in Mexico, you cannot skip school for any reason.

On the one hand, such a habit of slowness in making important life decisions is surprising. On the other hand, each such step is better thought out. If you get used to the pace of life here, getting comfortable in Mexico will be easy. Mexican life with an abundance of parties and the ability to enjoy life, whatever it may be, and at any age, in the end turns out to be very attractive, and friendship with people from this country is long and strong.

Marianna Snegireva

has changed significantly in recent years. A woman has always been the boss in the house and over the children, but recently Mexican women can be seen more and more in responsible work. Already at the border of Mexico, you can immediately meet women - customs officers and drug police, and further inland in many services and company offices you can also see an impressive number of female employees. There are many more women drivers and taxi drivers in Mexico than in Russia. On the one hand, this can be interpreted as a vivid manifestation of emancipation, on the other hand, Mexico is still a rather poor country, and women often have to take on a lot.

All this, however, does not negate the features of the traditional mexican family, which is still stubbornly preserved in Mexican society. Plain family in mexico- this is not only a husband, wife and children, but also necessarily parents, and, in addition, many more or less close relatives. Relatives in Mexican family, as a rule, are strongly connected by common family traditions, they often communicate, participate in each other's life, and are very close to each other.

In the traditional Mexican family the woman does not work, the duties of the household and the upbringing of children fall on her shoulders. This way of life is gradually becoming a thing of the past, but, nevertheless, this current state of affairs is still often found in Mexican society. Many men believe that solving financial issues and providing for the family is a purely male responsibility. A man in Mexico is considered strong, but this does not apply to the fact that he can fix something in the house on his own. Even such simple things as hammering a nail or fixing a doorknob require calling a craftsman. Men in Mexico, as a rule, do not do such work themselves.

IN Mexican families such a trait as a special solidarity of the female half of the family is very clearly manifested. All women in the family are very close to each other, trust each other without limit and share the most intimate. Mother-in-law and daughter-in-law do not behave like rivals, they find a common language and become close friends. Mothers-in-law play a very important role in the families of Mexico, as they take a very active part in the life of their sons and after their marriage. In Mexican everyday life there are no jokes about mother-in-law or mother-in-law, there are comic songs. But since in Spanish mother-in-law and mother-in-law are denoted by the same word - suegra, the meaning of the song depends on whether it is performed by a singer or a singer.

The stereotype about the bright makeup that Mexican women use is actually true. The women here are very bright, they are bright makeup, and they do not look vulgar with it. Women in Mexico really want to get married, according to everyday ideas, being single is very unprestigious. However, the bar for Mexican women is quite high: you need to get married well. A man should be handsome, rich, smart, loving, kind, etc. And all those intrigues that abound in soap operas are not so far from the truth, Mexican women are ready to seek the love of a worthy man. After all, even in the same plots of the series, the heroines do not fight for the love of a drunkard who recently got out of prison for killing his wife.

Mexican women are absolutely crazy mothers. In the families of Mexico love of children has no limits, even in the poor Mexican families Children's holidays are handled chic and on a grand scale. Indeed, it can be said that the unspoken motto of Mexican families - "all the best for children" is the starting point around which family life is built. The love for children that Mexican parents demonstrate cannot be measured by anything, children enjoy complete freedom and bathe in boundless love. Large families families in mexico they are found mainly in villages, in the city there are usually one or two, less often three children in a family. Children are required to participate in all family celebrations and activities. Mexicans do not punish their children; moreover, boys are even encouraged for hooligan acts.

men in Mexican families actively participate in the upbringing of children. There's nothing wrong with redeeming
dress and feed the child. As for joint rest and walks with children, then, as a rule, it is men who take the initiative.

In the families of Mexico children grow up very late. This is largely due to the increased care and concern shown to them by their parents. Parents and children maintain a close relationship throughout life, regardless of age. A situation in which parental custody at some point disappears from a child's life, Mexican families practically impossible. Parents perceive the period when the children are going to start their own families and leave the parental home very hard. Boys are given special care and remain bound for life to their mothers. As noted above, mothers-in-law are very actively involved in the lives of their adult married sons and this is not considered something wrong. Love and care in Mexican families is by no means one-sided and directed only from parents to children. Children also take care of their father and mother all their lives, often see them, if necessary, take them to their new family to care for them.