Great names of India. Ancient Indian aphorisms about the world, about man and about fate

"He insulted me, he hit me, he got the better of me, he robbed me." For those who harbor such thoughts, hatred does not stop. For never in this world does hatred stop with hatred, but with the absence of hatred it stops... Hatred can be ended not with hatred, but only with love.

The madman takes comfort in the past, the feeble-minded in the future, the wise in the present.

An unreasonable quarrel is a sign of stupidity.

Wealth and permanent health, a friend and a soft-spoken wife, an obedient son and useful knowledge - these are the six blessings in this world.

Fear danger while it's gone; when danger comes, do not be afraid, but fight it.

Be attentive to the guest - let him be your enemy. Even a lumberjack with an ax tree does not refuse shade.

In childhood, a fool thinks only of his father and mother, in his youth - only of his beloved, in old age - only of children. So he does not have time to think about himself.

Time loves no one and hates no one, time is not indifferent to anyone - it takes everyone away.

Everything that is conceived can be realized by human efforts. What we call fate is only the invisible properties of people.

All our deeds, thoughts and speeches follow us - do good!

Everything is determined by the word, rooted in the word, originated from the word. He who lies in the word lies in everything.

The highest power is attained by the one who sees himself in all beings and all beings in himself.

Lethargy, philanthropy, sickness, attachment to one's native places, contentment with life, fearfulness - these are the six obstacles on the way to greatness.

Where the unworthy are honored and the worthy are despised, there three find refuge: hunger, death, and fear.

A hero, a scientist and a beauty, wherever they go, they will find shelter everywhere.

A fool fusses with might and main, having started a trifle, - a smart one remains calm, taking on a great deed.

Speak truthful and pleasant; do not speak truthful but unpleasant; do not speak pleasant, but untrue - this is the eternal commandment.

Speak pleasant, but do not flatter; be a hero, but without boasting; be generous, but not to the unworthy; be bold, but not arrogant.

Giving advice to a fool is only to anger him.

To give, to take, to share a secret, to question, to treat, to accept a treat - these are the six signs of friendship.

Even in a vile body, the sage will find a virtue that must be honored and respected.

Even the truth should be kept silent if it brings misfortune.

Even with own body it is impossible to be forever - what to say about other beings?

Even the one who is far away stands nearby if he is in your heart; even the one who stands next to you is far away if your thoughts are far from him.

There are two ways before the wise in this barren and fickle world: to taste the nectar of higher knowledge, or to enjoy young beauties.

There are two remedies for bodily and mental ailments: either use counteraction, or do not think about them.

Two omissions are possible in the possession of wealth: to give to the unworthy and not to give to the worthy.

The creator made two mistakes: he created women and gold.

Works should lead us to happiness. But where there is no justice, there is no happiness. Do the right thing.

The deed stands next to the one who is standing, follows the one who is going, creates with the one who creates. It follows us like a shadow.

For the greedy, there is no practical and weekly, there is no glorious and shameful, there is no good and evil - for him there is only profitable and unprofitable.

Until the age of five, treat your son like a king, from five to fifteen - like a servant, after fifteen - like a friend.

Until then, only a man is the master of his affairs, until the goad of women's speeches is stuck in his ear.

good and evil

Virtue is to do good to others and not to do evil. And to do good to others is to do for them what you would like for yourself.

Virtues are not as conspicuous as vices.

A friend is known in trouble, a hero in battle, an honest man in the payment of a debt, a wife in poverty, relatives in adversity.

Friend, wife, servant, reason and courage are known in trouble.

If danger cannot be avoided, what is the use of cowardice, which will not protect you anyway?

If you are wise, do not contradict a rich man, a ruler, a child, an old man, an ascetic, a sage, a woman, a fool and a teacher.

The woman shines - the whole house shines, the woman is gloomy - the whole house is plunged into darkness. The mistress of the house is what a house is. And a house without a mistress is like a forest.

A woman was created to give birth, a man - to produce offspring.

Women are learned by nature, men by books.

Cruelty - even to the evil ones - leads to hell. What about cruelty to the good?

Live in youth in such a way that you will be happy in old age.

Happiness is followed by unhappiness, unhappiness is followed by happiness.

The wound inflicted by an arrow heals, the forest cut down with an ax rises again, but the wound inflicted by an evil word does not heal.

A splinter, a loose tooth and a bad adviser must be removed by the root - this is the condition for peace.

Health, stamina, power are great blessings, but they are useless if there is no enjoyment of love.

Knowledge depends on learning, honor depends on deeds, well-being depends on diligence, reward depends on fate.

The noble should sympathize with the evil, and the good, and those who deserve death. For no man is free from guilt.

Avoid things that depend on others; strive only for what depends on yourself.

Avoid frivolity, avoid passion and pleasure, for only a serious and thoughtful person achieves great happiness.

Do your duty without thinking about the outcome; do your duty, whether it brings you happiness or unhappiness. Whoever fulfills his duty and calmly, without rejoicing or sadness, meets any consequences, he is truly great in soul.

Strive for the smart and the honest, be on your guard with the smart and the deceitful, pity the honest and the stupid, avoid the deceitful and the stupid.

Just as two pieces of wood meet in the great ocean and, having met, diverge, so do people meet.

How clever is the noble when it is necessary to hide someone else's vice! How awkward he is when he has to reveal his virtues.

No matter how small a good deed, it will sprout a hundred sprouts, if rendered to the worthy.

No matter how bad native son- ill-bred, ugly, stupid, dissolute, angry - he still pleases the heart.

What are those who serve him, what are those whom he serves, such is the man himself.

When it is time to act, the knowledge hidden in books is ignorance, and money in the wrong hands is not money.

When everything perishes, the wise man saves half and with this half reaches his goal.

When a book, a wife, or money falls into the wrong hands, they are lost to us; if they return, then the book is worn out, the wife is spoiled, and the money is piecemeal.

When it comes to giving advice to others, everyone is a storehouse of wisdom. When it is necessary to follow this advice yourself, then the wise man is not smarter than the fool.

When one is bold in battle, the whole army becomes bold; when one is cowardly, all become cowards.

When it happens to fall, a worthy person falls like a ball, an insignificant person like a lump of clay.

Whom the gods have planned to destroy, they deprive him of reason, and everything appears to him in a false light.

Some things can be revealed to wives, some to friends, some to children - after all, they are all worthy of trust. But everything cannot be revealed to everyone.

Coquetry with a loved one replaces a woman's declaration of love.

A horse, weapons, science, a lute, speech, a man and a woman are good or bad - it all depends on how they are treated.

Whoever does not respond with anger to anger saves both - both himself and the other.

Whoever does not respond to either excessive praise or censure, who does not respond with blow for blow, who does not wish harm to the offender, the gods envy him.

Whoever, knowing about villainy and having the power to prevent it, did not do this - he is guilty along with the villain.

The cure for unhappiness is not to think about it. When you think about misfortune, it does not go away, but increases.

Only a scientist knows the fatigue of scientists, the barren pains of a woman in labor will not understand.

It is better to be at enmity with a smart one than to be friends with a fool.

Best of all, money obtained by one's own labor, worse - obtained by inheritance, even worse - from a brother, worst of all - from a woman.

Better is a moment lived in the law than millions of years of lawless life.

It is better to do one's duty poorly than to do someone else's well. He who follows his own nature does not commit sin.

Love for a woman is sharper than a hook used to tame wild elephants, hotter than a flame; it is like an arrow piercing the human soul.

Peace and labor are the sources of well-being.

You can catch a tiger in a thicket, a bird in the sky, a fish in the depths of the waters, but you cannot catch the fickle heart of a woman.

Silence is better than words.

The wise devote their time to poetry and the sciences, the foolish to vices, sleep and quarrels.

The wise do not mourn for the lost, for the dead, and for the past. That is what distinguishes him from a fool.

The wise do not mourn for the dead or the living.

Softness wins over the soft, softness wins over the harsh. There is nothing unattainable for softness.

Softness is the strongest.

The sun is red at sunrise, and it is red at sunset. Both in happiness and in misfortune, the great ones are unchanged.

Hope is the source of great anxiety, freedom from hope is the source of great peace.

Science leads to modesty, only a fool boasts of learning. So light enhances our vision and blinds owls.

Do not take on any business - this is the first sign of wisdom. Having taken up the matter, bring it to the end - this is the second sign of wisdom.

Do not be rude to anyone - you will be answered the same. Angry speech hurts, and retribution will befall you.

Be neither too close nor too far from kings, fire, elders and women: if you get too close, they will destroy you; if you are too far away, they will be of no use to you.

Don't be too harsh, don't be too stubborn, don't be too soft, don't be too argumentative, don't be too angry. Excess in anything is dangerous: rudeness irritates people, stubbornness repels, gentleness causes contempt, unnecessary evidence offends, blind faith makes ridiculous, unbelief leads to vice.

There is no continuous unhappiness, there is no continuous happiness.

There was not, is not and will not be a person worthy of only condemnation or only praise.

There is no trace of a bird in the air and a fish in the water - such is the path of the virtuous.

Do not interfere in the affairs of a husband and wife, do not interfere in the affairs of a father and son.

Do not do to others what would be unpleasant to you.

Do not live in a country that no one rules, many rule, a woman rules or a child rules.

Do not borrow from a friend and do not lend to a friend. Duty, like scissors, cuts friendship.

A lute without strings does not sound, a wagon does not roll without wheels, a woman without a husband is unhappy - even if she has a hundred relatives.

A chariot does not roll on one wheel, fate is not accomplished without human efforts.

The strong cannot overcome the weak when he is distrustful. But even the weak will overcome the strong when he is trusting.

The strong cannot defeat the weak if they stick together; the hurricane is not terrible for bushes that grow close to each other.

It is not proper for a wise man to talk badly about another in the assembly. The noble speaks only of the virtues of his neighbor, though he bereft of them; low - only about shortcomings. And let them both lie - the first goes to heaven, the second - to the underworld.

Wise instructions do not profit him who fears action. What good is a lamp in the hands of a blind man?

Do not talk about what you have in mind: there is no success in a plan that is open to another.

If not today, then tomorrow our body will perish among sorrows and diseases. What is the use of transgressing duty for his sake?

Do not be angry with the angry, respond with gentleness to rudeness, do not speak vain and deceitful.

Do not follow immoderate desires, but do not suppress all desires.

Do not do what should not be done - even under the threat of death; do not put off what should be done - this is the eternal commandment.

The wise will not destroy the great for the sake of the small. Saving the great for the small is true wisdom.

Desire does not calm down from enjoying what is desired; the fire flares up even stronger, into which oil has been poured.

Little wisdom - to deceive the gullible. Little courage - to kill the one who fell asleep on your chest.

Invariably a good heart - let him be angry; the ocean will not heat up from burning straw.

The untrue appears to be true, and the true untrue - such is the diversity of being. Be reasonable!

You cannot stop the singing of a madman, the babbling of a child, and the words of a woman.

You can't sow one thing and get another. Whatever seed is sown, it will bear fruit.

Often our mind is mistaken, and things seem different than they are. The sky seems to us flat and the firefly is a light, but the sky is not flat, and the firefly is not fire.

Unrealizable dreams that come to the sick, saddened, bitter, in love and drunk.

There is no virtue higher than truthfulness; there is no vice worse than a lie.

There is no friend equal to health; there is no enemy equal to sickness.

There is no place, no chance, no wishing - then the woman is pure. Let her get the god of love himself - she will wish for another man. Such is the nature of all wives.

There is no asceticism equal to patience; there is no happiness equal to contentment; there is no gift equal to friendship; there is no virtue equal to compassion.

There is no barrier equal to the barrier of ignorance.

Neither a mother, nor a wife, nor a brother, nor one's own children can be trusted like a true friend.

No good is wasted.

No one is by nature either high or low - only his own deeds lead a person to honor or contempt.

Nothing threatens ripe fruit except fall; nothing threatens the born into the world, except death.

He is worthless who is able to talk about other people's shortcomings or about his own virtues. A truly worthy person does not speak about other people's shortcomings, nor about his own virtues.

The fire is poured with water, they are covered from the sun with an umbrella, they are saved from the disease by medicine. There is a remedy for everything - there is no remedy for stupidity.

The king orders only once, the worthy expresses his opinion only once, the girl is given in marriage only once - these three things are done only once.

The remnants of debt, fire and disease are able to grow again - destroy them to the end.

The fruit of victory is hatred, the lot of the vanquished is sadness. Calm and happy is the one who refused both victory and defeat.

Defeat yourself first, and then your enemies. How can one who does not control himself control others?

Conquer anger with gentleness, evil with kindness, greed with generosity, lies with truth.

Defeat the greedy with money, the proud with supplication, the foolish with indulgence, the wise with truthfulness.

Having overcome pride, a person becomes pleasant. Overcoming anger, he becomes cheerful. Having overcome passion, he becomes successful. Having overcome greed, he becomes happy.

Imitate the good even in enemies, do not imitate the bad even in your parents. Heed useful speech, let it come from a child; do not listen to bad speeches, let them come from the elder.

In love pleasure, a woman's lips are always clean.

Time will pass, and a friend will become an enemy, and an enemy will become a friend. Because self-interest is the strongest.

Knowledge is lost without work, a person is lost without knowledge, an army is lost without a commander, women are lost without men.

Let the jewel lie underfoot, and the glass adorns the head - the jewel remains a jewel, and the glass remains glass.

Let no one connect with bad friends, let no one connect with bad people. Get attached to good friends, become attached to noble people.

Let them make you rich, do not trust the enemy and the unloving woman - otherwise you are dead.

The slave of his hopes is the slave of all people, the master of his hopes is the master of the whole world.

The world is full of joy for one who looks at everyone without enmity and prejudice. One useful word hearing which one becomes calm is better than a thousand speeches made up of useless words.

Rejoice in the joy that has fallen to you, endure the grief that has fallen to you, wait for everything that time brings, as a farmer waits for the harvest.

Can anything be beautiful or ugly in itself? What a person likes is great for him.

Reason without courage is the property of a woman; courage without reason is a property of cattle.

A wise man evaluates according to his own judgment, a fool trusts rumors.


With great difficulty we lift a stone up a mountain, and it falls down instantly - virtues also draw us up, and vices down.

They grow on their own oil stain on the water, someone else's secret in the mouth of a gossip, a small gift from the worthy and knowledge from the wise - such is the nature of things.

The heart of the villain is firm in happiness and soft in misfortune; the heart of the worthy is soft in happiness and firm in misfortune.

How many virtues a person has, so many vices. No one is born into the world without vices.

The sweetness of lips, the elasticity of breasts, the sharpness of women's eyes and the beauty of poetry are understandable only to a connoisseur.

Like a reflection of the moon in the water, the life of mortals is fragile; Knowing this, do good without ceasing.

Look benevolently at everything that exists: let your every word be calm, friendly, favorable; let your every action serve to correct, to develop goodness.

The essence of millions of books is in one verse: merit is in good to one's neighbor, sin is in evil to one's neighbor.

The body grows old from wanderings, the mountain - from water, the woman - from unsatisfied desires, the heart - from evil speeches.

Patience is a virtue of the powerless and an adornment of the strong.

Patience is the ornament of a man, modesty is the ornament of a woman; however, the one who has received an insult must respond with force, and the one who indulges in love pleasures must leave restraint.

What fate destined us to receive, we will receive while lying in bed. What we didn’t judge, we won’t get, no matter how hard we try.

Then it is only worth being born when you are destined for freedom. If slavery is life, what is death?

He is visited by the goddess of happiness who works like a lion. Only the insignificant ones say: “Everything is from fate!” Overcome fate with courageous deeds; but if your diligence is not crowned with success, then there is no fault on you!

Tormented by passion, he will not fall asleep even on a soft bed; whoever satisfies passion will fall asleep sweetly on thorns.

He is great who becomes blind in front of other people's wives, lame in pursuit of other people's wealth, dumb, hearing blasphemy against his neighbors.

That real man who sheds the anger that has risen, like a snake sheds its old skin.

He whose heart does not strive either for science, or for battles, or for women, was born into the world in vain, having stolen the youth of his mother.

You think: “I am alone” - and you do not know that the wise man does not leave your heart, looking at the good and evil that you do.

Who is not smart enough to teach another? Only the great in mind is able to follow the proper path.

Already one jealousy of the husband attracts the wife to another. A wise man guards his wife without showing jealousy.

The decoration of a person is wisdom, the decoration of wisdom is calmness, the decoration of calmness is courage, the decoration of courage is gentleness.

A man is smart - and yet he serves the king, consumes poison and enjoys women.

Good wife works for you like a servant; gives advice as an adviser; beautiful as the goddess of beauty; calm and hardy, like the earth; feeds you like a mother and delights you like a hetaera. A good wife is six faces in one.

are good new clothes, new umbrella, newlywed and new house. But the old servant and the old rice are also good.

The well-spoken word of a man who does not follow it is as fruitless as beautiful flower but devoid of flavor.

An insignificant person is like a bowl of scales: a little something - he ascends, a little something - he falls.

A person must work - it is bad for him when he is inactive.

A person does not serve a person - a person serves money.

A person who does evil is an enemy to himself: after all, he himself will taste the fruits of his evil.

What is meant to be will be with me. The path of events is inevitable, my job is to follow it.

What is impossible is impossible; what is possible is possible. The wagon does not move on water, the ship does not sail on land.

Of what use is science to one who has no mind? What good is a mirror to one who has no eyes?

What is the use of learning directed towards evil? What is the use of a lamp covered with a pot?

What is the use of knowledge to him who, having studied all the sciences and penetrated into their essence, will not benefit from them? One fatigue.

What will the villain do to the one in whose hand is the sword of tranquility? When the fire finds no grass, it calms itself down.

Six do not remember those who helped them before: student - teacher, married son- a mother, a husband who fell out of love - a wife, who reached the goal - an assistant, who got out of the thicket - a guide, a patient - a doctor.

Youth rushes in an irrevocable stream. So let us indulge in joy - after all, joy has been given to mortals!

The child is a guest in your home.

Feed, learn and let go.

Indian wisdom

Not all parents know how to let their children go. It all starts from early childhood. Such parents can already be seen in the hospital. They scrupulously clarify with the medical staff all the nuances about their child: is there enough milk for the child; not cold / hot to him; Is it normal that he has such ears / eyes / nose and the like. Bringing the child to their home, the first thing they care about is the sterility of the children's room. When a child begins to crawl, walking becomes the number two task - to distract the child from all the things that surround the baby with toys. First interest in simple household items replace rattles and musical toys. When a child wants to play "wash the dishes", "load washing machine”, “cook dinner”, “wash the floors”, etc. analog toys are bought. The time comes when the child realizes that the children's version of a mobile, tablet and laptop is not as attractive as real gadgets, and parents agree to give the child a tablet by downloading educational games and good children's cartoons. Parents convince themselves that a tablet is still better than dangerous slides, horizontal bars and trees where a child can climb. Such parents know exactly the talents of their child, and which circles / sections suit him best.

Everything starts from childhood. At first, parents simply kindly convince the child of what color to paint the walls in his room and what pictures to hang instead of posters of loved ones. musical groups; advise with whom it is better to make friends in the class, and with whom to sit at a desk; recommend a university and a profession that is in demand in this moment. They love, they worry, and the worst thing is that they do not let the child go into their own life. Such caring parents good children who do not know how to build their own lives, own family and even your own career. It's all about fear. The fear of parents that the child will suddenly not need them, and he will be able to live his own life in which they have no place, without needing their help. Very often it is because of this fear that the children of such parents never become “adults”, but remain grateful children serving their parents (parent).

For every parent, a child is the most precious treasure in life, to some extent the meaning, the stimulus of life. But a child is not a property to be disposed of. A parent cannot give his child his experience and protect him from his own mistakes. A parent, with the advent of a dear and beloved person in his life, should perceive him as a guest. A guest who chose these two wonderful people in love as mentors. They will help him, support him and raise him. Hold his hand when he takes his first steps, and lend a helping hand when the first difficulties meet. Cheer, pity and rejoice for him. It is from them that he will learn love, care and grow independent personality. Remaining the master of his own life and a guest in the parental home.

After all Love really "like a butterfly - squeeze too hard - crush, let go - it will fly away."

India is a country with a huge cultural heritage. Indian wisdom and culture has had (and continues to have) an impact not only on neighboring countries, but also on other states located far from it.

India is a country with a long history and rich culture. Probably, in no other country so many sages, philosophers and educators were born

Until now, India has a caste system of society, thanks to which Indian culture retains all its traditional values.

Unlike Western countries, where people strive for external achievements, the people of India direct all their energy to self-knowledge and self-development of the individual.

For example, Indian wisdom says:

  • "To conquer oneself is the best remedy in order not to be defeated"
  • “Great minds discuss ideas. Middle - discuss events. Small - people "
  • "The inconsolable is comforted by the past, the feeble-minded by the future, the wise by the present"
  • “Do not boast when you are about to leave, but boast on the way back”
  • “If danger cannot be avoided, what is the use of cowardice, which will not protect you anyway?”
  • “The fool fusses with might and main, having started a trifle; the smart one remains calm, undertaking great things "
  • “There is no trace of a bird in the air and a fish in the water - such is the path of the virtuous”

India is a real spiritual laboratory, where the mystery of life, the inner world and the subtle human soul have been studied for centuries.

Indian wisdom about relationships:

  • “To control yourself, use your head. To treat others, use your heart."
  • "Giving advice to a fool is only to anger him"
  • “If someone betrayed you once, it is their fault. If someone betrays you twice, it's your fault."
  • "Write grievances in the sand, carve good deeds in marble"
  • "The world is full of joy for one who looks at everyone without enmity and prejudice"
  • “Learn from the mistakes of others. You can't live long enough to experience them all."

Indian wisdom about life:

"Truth is what people believe"
"A wise man evaluates according to his own judgment, a fool trusts rumors"

“A woman shines - the whole house shines, a woman is gloomy - the whole house is plunged into darkness”
“You can catch a tiger in the thicket, a bird in the sky, a fish in the depths of the waters, but you cannot catch the fickle heart of a woman”

"Women are scientists by nature, men are from books"
“A child is a guest in your home. Feed, learn and let go"

“When it comes to giving advice to others, everyone is a storehouse of wisdom. When you need to follow these tips yourself, then the wise man is no smarter than a fool.
“The decoration of a person is wisdom, the decoration of wisdom is calmness, the decoration of calmness is courage, the decoration of courage is gentleness”

“Happiness itself finds its way to a strong spirit”

When you are happy, you want the whole world to know about it. However, happiness, as you know, grows well only in silence, away from envious eyes. No wonder there is such a Russian proverb: “What you boast about, you will remain without it.” Besides happiness, there are other things in life that are better left unsaid.

1. Your plans

No, this, of course, is not about the intention to buy a juicer or go to the cinema tomorrow (although sometimes it is better to leave such trifles out of the equation), but about more global things. Plans, especially far-reaching ones, should not be trumpeted until they have taken on more or less real features, and even better, until they have been realized. There are several reasons for this precaution: firstly, plans are often just ideas that easily perish under the pressure of someone else's criticism and skepticism, and secondly, having received a portion of approval, a person, most likely, will already put them into practice with less zeal.

2. Good deeds

In Christianity, all the good that you do must be done in secret. And then, according to the word of the apostle, "Your Father, who sees in secret, will reward you openly." This is absolutely true for the bearers of any other religion. A man who boasts on every corner of his patronage and help does not cause admiration, but contempt. Already, the good deeds themselves become for him just food for a self-satisfied “ego” and an occasion for posturing. Indian sages say that nothing kills charity like pride.

3. Asceticism

You should be silent about how strict image the life you lead. Abstinence in sleep, food, sexual life - useful thing, but only if it is in alliance with the emotional component.

4. Courage and heroism

The inner trials we experience are no less valuable than the outer trials. However, the former are visible to people with the naked eye, while the latter remain secret. Why should they be silent about them? Here it is necessary to say especially. On the one hand, you already received a reward in the form of wisdom and experience, and on the other hand, this will protect you from excessive pride and bragging. It thunders, as they say, that which is empty from the inside.

5. Spiritual knowledge

What you can accommodate is not for everyone. You should not delude yourself. Your internal changes will already be reflected in your life, so whatever they are, keep everything inside.

6. Problems in the family

If you are a wife, keep silent about your husband's shortcomings in front of your friends and relatives. If you are a husband, do not say anything bad about your wife. You will not resolve conflicts in this way, but people will not have the highest opinion of your loved ones. That family is strong, where rubbish is not taken out of the hut.

7. About other people's misdeeds and negativity

You can stain your shoes, or you can stain your soul. The soul becomes dirty from gossip, from retelling someone's impartial actions, from condemnation, from ugly words. If you have witnessed something like this, let that negativity die in the silence of your soul. Don't spread this infection any further.

According to the expression of the classic, silence is good, safe and beautiful.


So said the wise men of the East. In ancient Indian aphorisms, everyone can find something useful and instructive for themselves that will change their lives for the better.

    He is in all beings, he is different from all beings, beings do not know him, his body is all beings; he governs all beings by dwelling in them. This is Atman.

    He is everything that was and will be, he is eternal, his comprehension is a victory over death. There is no other way to liberation.

    Our "I" is only a reflection of a higher being.

    That you are me, that I am you. And I, and you, and all beings are always in one.

    Less than small, more than great, the Atman is hidden in the heart of every being.

    Faith will set you free and take you beyond death. He who sees in himself all beings and himself in all beings does not turn away from his condition. From where will blindness and sadness come to the one who sees unity, to the one who knows that all beings are one with himself?

    Both immortality and death dwell in our body - death comes from delusion, immortality comes from goodness.

    There is nothing here and there is nothing there; wherever I go, there's nothing anywhere. On reflection, I see that there is nothing in the world, except for the knowledge of oneself, there is nothing.

    Who am I? Who are you? What is this world? Who and why is doing this evil? One comes into the world, the other leaves. All life is a chain of instantaneous changes.

    Our life is like a mirage that disappears in an instant; knowing this, get along with kind people for the sake of virtue and well-being.

    The world is full of joy for one who looks at everyone without enmity and prejudice.

    Truly great is the one who does not care - happiness or sorrow; who doesn't care - cobblestone or gold; who doesn't care - pleasant or unpleasant; who doesn't care - blasphemy or praise.

    Desire breeds sadness, desire breeds fear. There is neither sadness nor fear in one who is freed from desire.

    Whatever a person desires, the desired eludes him. But he achieves everything when he ceases to desire.

    The slave of his hopes is the slave of all people, the master of his hopes is the master of the whole world.

    One should bridle speech, bridle thoughts, bridle the body.

    Give up one person for a family, give up a family for a community, give up a community for a country. For the sake of your soul, give up all the earth.

    A man enters the world alone, he leaves the world alone, he eats the fruits of his good and evil deeds alone.

    In every birth there is death, in health there is sickness, in success there is failure, in youth there is old age.

    All things are created by the properties of nature, but blinded by the consciousness of his "I" he thinks: "I create."

    It is difficult to overcome one's own nature. Put a dog on the kingdom - it will still gnaw on shoes.

    Whoever made the swans white, the parrots green, the peacocks colorful, will provide you with a livelihood.

    Troubles guard the birds soaring in space; skillful fishermen extract fish from the depths of the sea. What is unreason and what is reason? What is the use of keeping your place? Even from afar, fate overtakes us - it is worth it to stretch out its hand.

    What is not to be, does not happen; what to be, it happens without any effort. From our very hands slips away that which is not destined for us.

    Time is like a cook: every moment it prepares for everyone his destiny.

    Do not be born, old age, death; do not be afraid of separation from loved ones; If everything were not so fickle - who would not be happy in this life?

    Who has not become proud when he has gained wealth? What libertine escaped adversity? Whose heart on earth has not been broken by a woman? Who can be called a friend of the king? What poor man got respect? Who emerged unscathed from the trap? Who is not subject to death?

    Happiness is followed by unhappiness, unhappiness is followed by happiness. There is no continuous unhappiness, there is no continuous happiness.

    One heart for two is the fruit of love. When hearts are divided, it is the love of corpses.

    When it happens to fall, a worthy person falls like a ball, an insignificant person like a lump of clay.

    Defeat the greedy with money, the proud with supplication, the foolish with indulgence, the wise with truthfulness.

    Fools hate the smart, the poor the rich, the vicious the virtuous, the harlots the faithful wives.

    Nothing shortens lives like intimacy with someone else's wife.

    Time will pass, and a friend will become an enemy, and an enemy will become a friend. Because self-interest is the strongest.

    An unreasonable quarrel is a sign of stupidity. A smart one will give a hundred coins, just not to enter into an argument.

    Desire only what is available to you; never wish for the unattainable. Enjoy the present, don't worry about the future.

    The poor man is the one who is seized by greed, may he own the seven islands. Whoever is satisfied is the supreme lord.

    People salute the one who is not worthy of salutation; honor the one who is not worthy of honor; approach those who are not worthy of communication - such is the power of money.

    No one is by nature either high or low - only his own deeds lead a person to honor or contempt.

    Avoid things that depend on others; strive only for what depends on yourself. Everything that depends on others brings grief, everything that depends on you brings joy.

    You can't sow one thing and get another. Whatever seed is sown, it will bear fruit.

    There is no barrier equal to the barrier of ignorance.

    Who is unfamiliar with poetry, music and other arts, he is like a beast - except perhaps without a tail and horns.

    To study the sciences does not mean to get rid of stupidity. He is only truly learned who is capable of action. And a well-prepared medicine will not heal the sick with just the name.

    It is easy to satisfy the ignorant, it is easy to satisfy the enlightened, but the Creator himself will not satisfy the corrupted by superficial knowledge.

    Knowledge is called the highest good among all: it cannot be taken away, it is invaluable, it never dries up.

    Do not talk about what you have in mind: there is no success in a plan that is open to another.

    Strive for the smart and the honest, be on your guard with the smart and the deceitful, pity the honest and the stupid, avoid the deceitful and the stupid.

    As clouds eclipse the sun, so crowds of fools, like cattle, cover everything worthy with darkness.

    A dressed-up fool shines in the assembly, but only until he opens his mouth.

    A fool fusses with might and main, having started a trifle, - a smart one remains calm, taking on a great deed.

    When it comes to giving advice to others, everyone is a storehouse of wisdom. When it is necessary to follow this advice yourself, then the wise man is not smarter than the fool.

    Wealth and permanent health, a friend and a soft-spoken wife, an obedient son and useful knowledge - these are the six blessings in this world.

    Everything that is conceived can be realized by human efforts. What we call fate is only the invisible properties of people.

    He is visited by the goddess of happiness who works like a lion. Only the insignificant ones say: “Everything is from fate!” Overcome fate with courageous deeds; but if your diligence is not crowned with success, then there is no fault on you!

    The noble speaks only of the virtues of his neighbor, though he bereft of them; low - only about shortcomings. And let them both lie - the first goes to heaven, the second - to the underworld.

    Nothing encourages a person like a kind word.