Who is the father of Anna Kalashnikova. The father of Prokhor Chaliapin's child turned out to be a married businessman. The son of Kalashnikova was not born from Chaliapin

Anna Kalashnikova
// Photo: Instagram

On May 24, a beautiful wedding of Prokhor Chaliapin and Anna Kalashnikova was to take place. However, after the results of the DNA test were announced on the air of Andrey Malakhov's program “Let them talk”, it turned out that Prokhor Chaliapin did not
is the biological father of one-year-old Daniel.

The son of Kalashnikova was not born from Chaliapin

Anna tried to convince her lover that the examination was carried out incorrectly and urged the groom not to succumb to provocation. However, Kalashnikova decided to justify herself and reappeared in the studio of the program “Let them talk” to tell the whole truth. The model said that she did not hide from Prokhor that he might not be the biological father of the child.

“I was initially extremely honest and frank – he knew everything. He gave my word to my parents that he accepts everything as it is. The probability was that this child was not his - 50 to 50. And he knew from the beginning, and said that this was his baby and promised never to raise this issue, ”Anna shared.
Anna said that Prokhor was aware of the whole situation

Kalashnikova spoke about the oaths of her fiancé that the secret of the paternity of the baby will remain only between them. She was surprised when Chaliapin calmly listened to the results of the DNA test, which were announced throughout the country. The model was sure that Prokhor would not let everyone know their secret, and would tear the envelope.

Anna Kalashnikova is not recognized in connection with other men

Anna frankly admitted who actually could be the father of the child.

“I met a man, he was older than me, a business man. We lived together. He loved to pamper me and really wanted to make me a beautiful anniversary. I threw a party, invited friends, the press, colleagues. And on June 13 I wake up - I have flowers and such a box, and in it is a ring with diamonds, sapphires with a stone of almost five carats. And a note that says: “I can’t be with you on this day, I have problems, I need to fly away,” Kalashnikova admitted.

Anna said that it was on this day that her lover broke off relations with her. And at her holiday she met Prokhor Chaliapin. He was a breath of fresh air for her. After some time, Anna realized that she was expecting a baby. But, according to her, she immediately warned Chaliapin that she was not sure if this was his heir.

Anna and Prokhor could become a wonderful family
// Photo: Instagram

Prokhor Chaliapin's girlfriend, writer Lena Lenina, appeared in the studio. She stated that she had heard about Anna's supposedly dubious reputation. However, Kalashnikova was outraged by such accusations, saying that she was offended by these words. She considers herself a single mother, who has to raise the baby herself. During the program, Kalashnikova had a real tantrum. Through tears, she said that now her parents are driving her out of the house, saying that she is a disgrace to the family.

When Chaliapin proposed to Kalashnikova, he presented her with a gorgeous ring. But now the ex-fiancee of the musician intends to return the jewelry back to her failed husband. However, Prokhor flatly turns out to meet her. His brother appeared in the studio, who gladly agreed to give the gift to Chaliapin. But the experts in the studio did not allow him to do this, and advised Anna to personally hand over the ring to her ex-fiance.

Chaliapin and Kalashnikova lost millions due to the cancellation of the wedding

Prokhor's brother wanted to personally give him the ring
// Photo: Frame of the program "Let them talk"

Anna Kalashnikova is a Russian actress and model. She played in several theatrical productions, starred in TV series, participated in beauty contests. She became widely known after a scandalous affair with singer Prokhor Chaliapin.

Childhood and youth

The girl was born in the regional center of the Stavropol Territory, later the whole family moved to Pyatigorsk. From early childhood, Anya dreamed of becoming an actress, studied dancing and music, and also drew well.

In 2001, she graduated from high school with honors and left for Moscow, where she entered the Faculty of Economics of the Moscow Aviation Institute, from which she graduated with honors in 2007. During her studies, the girl did not stop thinking about her acting career: she ran around auditions, starred in commercials, and performed in the KVN student team. Then she managed to get a job at Mosfilm, in the office of Karen Shakhnazarov.

Anna Kalashnikova in the series "Next"

This helped the aspiring actress get a cameo role in her first film, the series Simple Truths. In the future, she played several more inconspicuous roles in various TV series: “Happy Together”, “Detectives”, “Trace”, “Witch Doctor”, “Volkov's Hour”, “Crazy Angel”. Sometimes her name was not even indicated in the credits.


After graduating from the Moscow Aviation Institute, Anna decided to become a certified actress and took an acting course at the Correspondence People's University of Arts. After that, she moved to the United States for several years, where she continued to hone her skills in acting courses and trainings. However, Anna's Hollywood career did not work out, and she returned to Russia.

At home, the girl continued to act in serials, played in several theatrical productions. However, far from obscure supporting roles failed to advance. Then Anna decided to bet on her appearance and started modeling.

Back in America, she corrected the shape of her breasts and increased her size. Having increased self-esteem, Anna took part in several beauty contests and began to actively act in films for glossy publications, including erotic ones. She began to be invited to shoot in clips and various television projects. But the main "show" in the life of Kalashnikova, thanks to which she gained all-Russian fame, was an affair with singer Prokhor Chaliapin.

Anna Kalashnikova and Prokhor Chaliapin

They started talking about their relationship in the summer of 2014. Prokhor Chaliapin, who had already declared himself after marrying Larisa Kopyonkina (his lover was 28 years older than him), made himself a girlfriend - Anna Kalashnikova.

Many people who followed the development of their relationship believed that the whole story was started for the purpose of PR. The lovers diligently demonstrated unearthly love to the public, but got confused in the testimony: either they said that they met at a friend’s party and fell in love at first sight, or they claimed that they had known each other for many years, but all this time they remained friends.

One way or another, the couple was not going to beat around the bush, and already in December 2014, Anna and Prokhor soon announced that they were expecting a baby. On social networks, the couple showed a “dowry” for the baby - a crib, strollers, undershirts, but Anna and Prokhor were in no hurry to come together.

The birth was difficult - the girl ended up in intensive care, the doctors pulled her out of the other world for several hours. The son of Anna Kalashnikova was born on March 20, 2015 and received the name Danil. The newly minted parents rejoiced at every achievement of the baby and started talking about the wedding.

The lovers planned to hold a luxurious wedding ceremony on May 24, 2016, but the plans did not come true. When the results of the DNA examination were announced on the air of the program “Let them talk” (it went on air on April 20), it turned out that the father of the Kalashnikova child was not Chaliapin at all. “Please give me some time so that I can comprehend everything that happened!” Said the singer in Andrey Malakhov's studio. After that, the relationship of the couple came to an end. Prokhor canceled the wedding.

“Let them talk”: Prokhor Chaliapin passed the DNA test

Anna Kalashnikova did not disclose the name of the real father of her child. She told only the following about him: “I met a man, he was older than me, a business man. We lived together." On Anna's 30th birthday, he broke up with her, but it was then that the girl met Chaliapin. Moreover, Kalashnikova claimed, she honestly warned Prokhor that the child might not be his.

In October 2017, Kalashnikov was suspected of having a romantic relationship with Alexei Panin. Both celebrities are lovers of provocation and excitement around their personas, so it is not surprising that many fans considered their relationship as another PR campaign.

Anna Kalashnikova now

At the beginning of 2017, Kalashnikova underwent another breast augmentation operation and decided to start looking closely for a worthy husband. For help, she was going to turn to the services of a professional matchmaker Rosa Syabitova, but she refused her, advising her to grow spiritually.

Anna Kalashnikova - "Two Planets"

Also, the girl tried herself as a singer. In August 2016, her first video for the song "Two Planets" was released. However, the listeners greeted the composition coolly, saying that Anna did not know how to sing, and that all the hype with Chaliapin and the child was artificially created for the sake of PR.

At the end of May, the former lover of Prokhor Chaliapin, Anna Kalashnikova, admitted that she would become a mother for the second time. The 33-year-old actress kept the name of the father of the child a secret, but did not hide the fact that he indulges her with expensive gifts. For her birthday, a man presented Anna with an apartment worth more than 40 million rubles.


Fans were glad that Kalashnikova's personal life was finally getting better, but they began to notice that the actress, who should already be in her fifth month of pregnancy, looks too slim. It turned out that Anna had lost the child.



“I do not have the strength and desire to discuss this topic. It hurts, ”Kalashnikova said in an interview with StarHit. Anna's friend Maria Pogrebnyak explained that she hides her feelings and works hard to cope with the pain.


“It’s insanely hard to talk about it, but it so happened that Anya lost her child. It happened a few weeks ago - unexpectedly for everyone. I won’t go into details, but I’ve never seen her in such a state ... Only son Danechka saves - mother’s joy. He feels everything! When he sees that mommy is sad, he runs up and hugs her with all his might. God forbid, everything will be fine and she will cope with this test. We will not leave her,” said Maria.


Recall that in 2015, Anna gave birth to a son, Daniel. Kalashnikova assured that Prokhor Chaliapin was the father of the child, but it turned out that the actress became pregnant from her former lover. Prokhor accused Kalashnikov of betrayal and broke off the engagement.

The broadcast of the program from 19.02.2018 watch online

Last year's story of the "Factory graduate" Prokhor Chaliapin, and Anna Kalashnikova, his ex-fiancee, was continued! As you know, the couple broke up due to the fact that Prokhor found out that he is not the biological father of Anna's child. Then the singer said that he was not ready to marry and start a family with deceit. Anna Kalashnikova, in her defense, retorted that she had never deceived the singer. She warned from the very beginning that the baby might not be from him ... At the same time, Chaliapin publicly declared himself deceived, and returned back to bachelor life, leaving the ring to Anna. Who actually gave birth to Kalashnikov, the whole country began to guess. She only said that she met with a man who was older than her, a man of business. And he became the initiator of the rupture of relations.

As a result, the Kalashnikov-Chaliapin couple broke up in front of the whole country, a few months before the wedding. Today in the studio of the project "Actually" another man, Mikhail Terekhin, another lover of Anna, who may be the father of her three-year-old boy. Their love story began back in the period when he was married to Ksenia Borodina, the host of the scandalous project "House - 2". According to Mikhail, Anna swore to him that this was his child, and demanded that he leave Xenia for her. But Terekhin refused to do so. And then, when I saw Chaliapin’s statement on the First Channel show that they were going to marry Anna, and that Kalashnikov was carrying a child under her heart, he was shocked by the woman’s treachery. It turns out that she convinced two men at once of paternity at the same time!

But this is not enough. Today, Kalashnikova herself was invited to the studio, who agrees to go through a lie detector and confess whether Mikhail is really the father of her baby. Like it or not, it will be known today in the studio, thanks to a DNA test and a lie detector.

Mikhail Terekhin, a well-known businessman and lawyer, is on the air of the program today, and explains why he has been silent all this time. He notes: his age is already under 40 years. It is already too late for him to have a new child, as well as a new family. If it turns out that Anna's child is his son, he will be extremely happy. He passed a DNA test, the results of which will be announced at the end of the program. He is ready to raise the baby, and recognize him as his own, even if he and Anna Kalashnikova no longer have any relationship. Mikhail says: Anna assured even during the period when he was with Ksenia Borodina that they had a common child, and she did not want another father for her baby.

At the same time, Anna is in the studio today, and she replies that her romance with Mikhail broke out after the birth. And after she got pregnant and gave birth. Michael is not the father of her child. He is a true friend, a person close to her, their romance flared up and then faded away, and in the end, they both realized that the relationship could not continue like this. Anna Kalashnikova decided to stop everything, if only because Mikhail was always a ladies' man, and she knew that her man would always belong not only to her, but also to other women.

Anna tried to convince her lover that the examination was carried out incorrectly and urged the groom not to succumb to provocation. However, Kalashnikova decided to justify herself and reappeared in the studio of the “Let them talk” program to tell the whole truth. The model said that she did not hide from Prokhor that he might not be the biological father of the child. “I was initially extremely honest and frank – he knew everything. He gave my word to my parents that he accepts everything as it is. The probability was that this child was not his - 50 to 50. And he knew from the beginning, and said that this was his baby and promised never to raise this issue, ”Anna shared.

Anna Kalashnikova finally admitted that Prokhor is not the father of her child

Kalashnikova spoke about the oaths of her fiancé that the secret of the paternity of the baby will remain only between them. She was surprised when Chaliapin calmly listened to the results of the DNA test, which were announced throughout the country. The model was sure that Prokhor would not let everyone know their secret, and would tear the envelope.

Anna frankly admitted who actually could be the father of the child. “I met a man, he was older than me, a business man. We lived together. He loved to pamper me and really wanted to make me a beautiful anniversary. I threw a party, invited friends, the press, colleagues. And on June 13 I wake up - I have flowers and such a box, and in it is a ring with diamonds, sapphires with a stone of almost five carats. And a note that says: “I can’t be with you on this day, I have problems, I need to fly away,” Kalashnikova admitted.

Anna said that it was on this day that her lover broke off relations with her. And at her holiday she met Prokhor Chaliapin. He was a breath of fresh air for her. After some time, Anna realized that she was expecting a baby. But, according to her, she immediately warned Chaliapin that she was not sure if this was his heir.

Prokhor Chaliapin's girlfriend, writer Lena Lenina, appeared in the studio. She stated that she had heard about Anna's supposedly dubious reputation. However, Kalashnikova was outraged by such accusations, saying that she was offended by these words. She considers herself a single mother, who has to raise the baby herself. During the program, Kalashnikova had a real tantrum. Through tears, she said that now her parents are driving her out of the house, saying that she is a disgrace to the family.

When Chaliapin proposed to Kalashnikova, he presented her with a gorgeous ring. But now the ex-fiancee of the musician intends to return the jewelry back to her failed husband. However, Prokhor flatly turns out to meet her. His brother appeared in the studio, who gladly agreed to give the gift to Chaliapin. But the experts in the studio did not allow him to do this, and advised Anna to personally hand over the ring to her ex-fiance.

Starhit.ru / Photo: Instagram

Blogger after the death of her husband and friends in the bath went to the Malakhov show