Sayings about bad friends. Statuses about bad friends, unfortunately, are not uncommon

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When you are in a car, with money, your friends rock you in their arms. When you buy wine for them, they laugh at the same time with you ... You make gifts, you rush to them, You worry and value friendship. Come and help them in need. You are crying... And where are your friends today? When not by car, but in debt. When not above the ground, but at the feet. You take a closer look, who is next to you, Is this a friend given by fate? And those who laughed in unison, And spent a million with you, Today they will also laugh, Discussing you with your enemy.

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Good friends are interested in how you are doing, and not just talk about their own.

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Do I have friends? Certainly! Especially when I have good mood and desire to walk. When am I lonely? No, unfortunately they are not.

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People are the most gentle, loving, kind, sympathetic, peaceful and caring creatures in the world. Especially when they need something from you.

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I could find an excuse for a person who betrayed love - it was a hobby. But to a man who has betrayed friendship, I can't...

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How painful it is when you opened your soul and heart to a person, and he simply betrayed you...

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Why are those who usually protect with their chests getting stabbed in the back?

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Sometimes you don't know which is better - to lose a friend or to forgive her for her betrayal...

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Never exaggerate the stupidity of rivals and the loyalty of comrades.

If one of your friends turned out to be a shit... then be sure to step on him... They say it's for the money!))

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Every year I am convinced that my friends also have an expiration date.

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Good friends make great traitors.

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Unfortunately, sometimes there are such friends that when their true face, you think: it would be better if I were friends with my enemies ...

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Time doesn't matter to me anymore. You can be friends for 10 years and then find a knife in your back.

When I asked God to deliver me from enemies, I began to lose friends.

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When I was a virgin, my parents told me that there are no friends for life, but I didn’t believe it, I thought that I had found such a friend, cried and defended our friendship, and now I understand that my parents were right after all.

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It's bad if you don't have friends, but it's even worse if you believe you have them.

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Dear friend, if you don't call me when you feel good, then don't call me when you feel bad!

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If friends do not call for a long time, it means that they are doing well.

The more friends you have, the fewer of them will come to your aid in Hard time.

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Sometimes even the best friends don't need you because something more important happens in their life than friendship.

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Sometimes God gives us a few bad friends, so that later, when we meet a good one, we realize what a priceless gift he is for us.

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The betrayal of a best friend is one of the deepest wounds that is difficult to heal, and sometimes even impossible.

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Our friendship is like glass, it breaks quickly and easily, only wounds from fragments heal for a very long time ...

There are no bad friends. If he is insincere, not close, dishonest, then this is just an acquaintance, and nothing more.

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A friend is the one whose betrayal is the biggest surprise for us.

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Friendship ends where distrust begins.

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Learn to distinguish friends from those with whom you drink beer on the weekends, and then you will not worry about the betrayal of another "friend".

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To a person who betrayed love, I could find an excuse that it was only a hobby. But to a man who has betrayed friendship, I can't.

With friends like that, you don't need enemies...

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There is such a thing as friends. There is a concept, there are no friends anymore ...

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Sometimes it seems that friendship is the name of processed cheese and nothing more..

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A friend like "Adidas" - everyone has, but not everyone has a real one.

  • #1

    Vladimir Shebzukhov

    Who happened to deceive

    Don't call me stupid.

    in deceit true essence -

    If he was friendly with you,

    He trusted you more

    What did you deserve!

  • #2

What could be more beautiful than the company of best friends? Who else will cheer you up, support and reassure you, if not them? Instructive statuses about friends and friendship are appropriate in almost any forum and in any social network, regardless of whether they are positive or negative.

Friendship statuses

Statuses about "friends"

Statuses about bad friends

Caring people are well aware that friendship has back side and true friends are a gift of fate. Statuses about bad friends, unfortunately, are not uncommon. Often they are out of place, but they do not cease to be relevant. Probably because they come from the soul.

  • If your friends talk about you behind your back, cut them out of your life.
  • There are some friends whom it is a sin not to lose.
  • Everything in life comes back, and the one who betrayed his friends will soon find out himself
  • The traitor does not realize that he betrayed himself in the first place.
  • Betrayal of a good friend is always a blow below the belt.
  • Best of all my secrets are kept only by a four-legged friend.
  • A person who survived the betrayal of a friend will be able to survive everything!
  • Thank you my bad friends! Your betrayal helped me become stronger.

It’s hard to surprise anyone with stories about bad friends today. It would seem that everyone knows about the existence of the following problem, but heartache is always unexpected and scary. Statuses about bad friends causing heartache, are the most discouraging.

  • Only a person who has survived the betrayal of a friend understands what minor problems seemed to him global.
  • For some reason, a stab in the back is made by those friends whom you protect with your chest.
  • I'm watching former friends, I see that they have changed even more (but far from better side) and thank God for giving me a chance that divorced me from them.
  • Man is the only animal that aimlessly hurts others.
  • Let the sad experience make you more experienced, but not more whiny.

Statuses about pain

  • Seeing someone else's pain makes you feel better about your own.
  • When a person is in pain, he feels how weak he is. When it hurts a lot, a person is overcome by anger. When a person is torn apart by pain, he doesn’t care anymore ...
  • Physical pain is dulled when the soul hurts.
  • Breaking a dream doesn't hurt. It hurts to pick up pieces.
  • He who does not know pain will never know this world.

Statuses about bad friends, of course, make many people feel heartache. But it is much more painful to read the revelations of people who have survived the betrayal of their loved ones.

  • Empty in the heart and empty soul, when there is everything, there is no only you.
  • It hurts to be friends with those we love.
  • It is impossible for a person to move forward when his soul is torn from the pain of memories.
  • Though the soul hurts, but the heart still believes in a miracle.
  • If it doesn't hurt, it's not life; if it doesn't go away, it's not happiness.

He forgave betrayals of the body, but never betrayals of the soul and heart. Afonchenko Valery

Not noticing the cooling of people means little appreciation of their friendship. François de La Rochefoucauld

It is easy to turn a friend into an enemy, it is difficult to turn an enemy into a friend. Toyshibekov.

In poverty and other misfortunes of life, true friends are a safe haven. Aristotle.

Once a friend asked me: What will happen if one day I betray your trust? I answered: Trusting you is my decision, and whether to convince me of the correctness of my decision or not is only your choice.

You can't have too many friends. Alexandre Dumas (father)

In adversity a friend is known and an enemy exposed. Epictetus.

It is imperative to have a few reliable friends who will always be there for you!

The sincerity of relationships, the truth in communication - that's friendship. Suvorov.

Everyone in the world has enemies, But save us from friends, O God! Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin

The only sincere and lasting friendship is between a man and a woman, because it is the only affection that is free from all rivalry. Kant

Women though they give great importance friendship, but forget about it; men are distrustful of her, and lovers are jealous. Paul Charles Joseph Bourget

The girl who never gossips simply doesn't have any girlfriends to talk about.

Really, childhood friends are those whose home phone numbers you still remember.

He who does not seek friends for himself is his own enemy. Shota Rustaveli

With a friend, it is easy to talk and be silent. V. E. Mikhaltsev

Many talk about friends and friendship, but only a few are capable of friendship.

Without friendship, no communication between people has value. Socrates

Better hitting friends than kissing enemies. John Chrysostom

People who have shared memories, cannot be strangers ...

Both our friends and enemies are our own creations.

Being deceived by friends, we may be indifferent to the manifestations of their friendship, but we must sympathize with them in their misfortunes. François de La Rochefoucauld

Have only one friend, but a real one.

A true gentleman is never a friend of the heart. Edmund Burke

Yes, I have a few real girlfriends, but we don't really like each other.

A woman always needs a friend to brag about.

May retribution strike with misfortune Those who paid for friendship with enmity. Jalaluddin Rumi

Can't be long friendship, subordination, partnership where one does not adapt to the other. Francesco Guicciardini

Our paths may part, but in my heart there will always be only one friend - you.

Friendship is content with the possible, without demanding what is due. Aristotle

Women's friendship can be called simply a non-aggression pact.

Betrayal, although very cautious at first, in the end betrays itself. Titus Livy

Hatred for the same subject brings people together a hundred times stronger than love, friendship, respect combined.

The best you can have is a friend, but the best you can be is to be a friend. Douglas Pagels

Share your thoughts with a friend. Unknown author

A friend is a mirror for a friend, there is no mirror brighter! Auhad al-Din Anwari

Betrayals are committed most often not by deliberate intent, but by weakness of character. François de La Rochefoucauld

Only a true friend can tolerate his friend's weaknesses. William Shakespeare

Betrayal is a feat of loyalty to one's interests. Alexander Kruglov

If life gave you a friend, be sure to tell her that she is good.

The best statuses about friends on! Only the most selected statuses about friends collected in this section. Perhaps only a very unsociable person or an inveterate misanthrope can do without friends. Communication is one of the prerequisites for maintaining and maintaining friendly relations. Friends are not just people who know your secrets and mistakes. Friends are those who have always been with you, who rejoiced and were sad with you. They say that a friend is known in trouble, thanks to the Status-Tut website you will always find statuses about friends with meaning, and your friends will know how you feel about them. In order not to feel lonely, you need to communicate with friends more often, our funny statuses about friends will allow you to make up with a friend and find a reason to laugh at yourself. We can't always find time for friends, and they are quite often busy. Our statuses about the best and most devoted friends will help you express your feelings and make your close friends happy.

With the advent of the Internet, it has become easier to keep in touch with people close to us. There will always be a few free minutes to write a small message on the Internet to your friend or your girlfriend, to remind you of a meeting, to share an idea that just came to mind. By setting a status about a friend, you can easily show him that you remember him, value friendship with him and appreciate it. The most devoted friend is the one about whom you can say that you would go on reconnaissance with him, a friend who will cover your back. And the Status-Tut site will help you find the right statement or quote about your friend.

Quotes about friends and betrayal!

It happens that yesterday you considered this person the most best friend, even a brother, but today you understand that you were wrong. If your friend, as they say, “turned up all of a sudden”, then look for statuses about the betrayal of friends on Statuses-Tut. In the life of every person there are friends, when parting with them, a piece of ourselves also leaves. sad statuses about friends will help you express the depth of your feelings. But there really is faithful people, and no matter how far your friend is, the warmth of your heart, the most sincere wishes you can express thanks to the statuses about the most devoted friends. However, it often happens that the person whom you trusted as yourself turned out to be a traitor, and you are disgusted that you have not seen this for so long. Statuses about friends who betrayed will allow you to tell this false friend everything you think about him!

Statuses about friends for social networks!

Friends are not just people with whom you feel easy and comfortable, who will come to the rescue day and night, in any weather, this is your second self. Tell me who your friend is and I'll tell you who you are! Our cool statuses about friends - this is a world filled with wise sayings about friendship in general and about friends in particular. After all, the main thing is to keep your friendly attitude for life. So that in thirty years you can proudly say at the reunion of graduates that the best and faithful friends are friends from school. Do you want your friends to always know on your page on social networks that you remember them and look forward to visiting? Our statuses for classmates about friends will help you with this.

Friends will rate your friendship status!

Today, in the age of computer technology, we forget about simple communication at the table with friends and like-minded people. We live in a virtual world of SMS messages and emoticons, and it's time to get together, as in the good old days, in a friendly company somewhere outside the city, in the country and sing songs with a guitar under the crackle of a fire. And our statuses about friends will help you bring them together. Your friends hang only in contact, because, according to them, this is the most advanced social network well, we and for them have wonderful, funny, sad and simple beautiful statuses in contact about friends. The most important thing for any person is to know that friends in any situation will come to his aid. And it is important for us that your friends, anywhere in the world, always know that you remember them and look forward to meeting them. And our site will help you say thank you to a friend by simply choosing the right status about friends!
  • She smiles with me, she cries with me when I feel bad. She and I are just crazy girls who can laugh for 3 hours over it’s not clear what. She is really the person who will not leave you in difficult times and I LOVE her! My dear friend, I just want to say THANK YOU! Thank you for everything! I guess I found that angel who will protect me from everything bad ... and it's you.
  • sweet, bitter, funny, sad, lonely, bad, tears of happiness, tears of suffering, secrets, advice, ups, downs, pain, help .. whatever it is .. the only friend is always there
  • girls, if you unrequited love, it's not so bad, everything is ahead of you ... and my girlfriend still loves a man who crashed to death a month ago ... (((
  • You are not a part of his life, not a part of his plans, when you feel bad he is resting in Kanah, you are waiting for his call and look at the phone, and he is somewhere in a club with new girlfriend... no, he doesn't want to be with you, even though he is a hero for you, forget him, live your life, what do you find in him, say... diamond dreams are meaningless. no tears, no words, close your eyes, turn off your mobile...
  • "When you feel bad, only a friend can say "-don't cry, bitch!"
  • Forgive me for everything! I want you to feel good. It hurts so much when you feel bad! I really want you to be happy! I'm really ready to give my life for you! (Are you thinking about a guy? RUN!) My beloved Alyonka, my friend-sister... I love you!!!
  • Is it fair to help arrange life for a person who said terrible things to you (but then apologized and said that he didn’t think so)? What if this person is a friend? If at this time your life is not arranged? And if this is a very bad friend who never gives in return? ... is it necessary?
  • A good lover, but a bad friend Monogamy for her is synonymous with boredom. And he does not shy away from casual connections. Her hobby is all that is called dirty.
  • Here time passes. All bad things are forgotten, you no longer want to take revenge, to be better than you really are. Work begins to bring joy, happy girlfriends are no longer annoying. It turns out that you are not unhappy, you are free. It is at this moment that HE returns.
  • [...when you feel really bad, your girlfriend will tell you, don't be upset, and your best friend will say he's a moron or something...there are no damn words...]
  • You know, when I feel bad, or want to run away from the hustle and bustle, I don’t hide from everyone, I take with me best friend, and we go to a high mountain, silently, and when we get there, we lie down on this prickly grass, look at the city, from this place it is like on the palms, turn on calm music, look at the clear sky, and just keep silent, not because we are tired , but just so as not to spoil this happiness.
  • only she will share your joy with you, she will be sincerely happy for you! only she will console you, understand how bad you feel, give advice ... best friend! this is the most important thing in our life to have friends .. the best .... and how warm in your heart when you know that you have such a person who needs you! love my best friend
  • A true friend is not the one who got drunk on shit with you, but the one who helped clean up after drinking.
  • I smell the weekend... With what I congratulate my friends! after all, this means there will be a party ... And on the lips of a martinka taste! (:
  • Love is not fair at all! From unloved person you would never endure such antics, betrayals, resentment, pain ... you would have sent a long time ago and still would have given in the face ... but here it’s different, you endure, you endure everything ... fuck me? because you love bitch..that's why
  • you are an IDIOT (Ideal Friend And Awesome Companion)
  • The most important thing is true friends, not big money
  • True friendship is when you think about your friend's exams more than your own...
  • Friends should not be many ... There should be only the closest ...
  • Friendship ends where distrust begins
  • did you also have invisible friends or animals in your childhood ... or am I the only one so crazy?? ..))