How to console a person: the right words. What time of day is the most difficult for you?

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The girl is upset. Any guy who has the privilege of dating a beautiful creature knows firsthand what kind of task it is with the nth number of unknown reasons for frustration.

And they will be right. Sometimes a lady throws out such tricks that the honorary employees of Harvard throw up their hands in amazement. However, the young lady is different. Many women do get upset often and for no apparent reason.

And the fact is that girls give a lot greater value little things than men. Therefore, the likelihood of a cause of bad mood, sadness and tears is much higher for them.

As Gabrielle Chanel said, a man who is capable of action is doomed to be loved. Climbing up to the sky for a star, perhaps, would be an overkill. However, the ability to calm and cheer up a woman is priceless.

Just think, now she is a young creature, in twenty years - mature woman, wife, at work you probably have a lot of female colleagues. And also mom, sister ... Knowing the approach to woman's heart, you win the jackpot! In addition, what man does not dream of being a hero in the grateful eyes of a young lady.

Try to determine the cause

Yes, try. No one guarantees that you will find it. After all, often the girl herself does not fully understand why she is offended.

  • Let her know you want to know why. “Honey, I see your eyes are sad. What's happened? Did someone hurt you?"
  • “Darling, I feel that something is wrong with your mood. Maybe it's me?"

Be prepared for the fact that the young lady does not admit about real reason sadness. A bad mood will be attributed to well-being or the weather.

  • In this case, say that you are willing to wait, and then offer to help: “It's okay, I understand. All people get sad sometimes. If you want to talk, I'm always ready to listen to you. You have a magical smile, I would really like to return it.

When asking for help, be sincere.

Offer your strong shoulder only if they are really willing to provide it. At such moments empty promises can be detrimental to relationships.

Give a chance to speak

We understand that listening to women's tears is not for the faint of heart. And, if instead of Tanya, Mani, Angelica, she will carry out an intense exchange of emotions with you, you may think that you will not be able to stand it, you will be exhausted and die young.

But here you need secular patience. In general, if a girl is ready to talk about a sore point, it means that she trusts you and agrees to make contact. Therefore, give her attention and the luxury of being heard.

Don't argue if you disagree with something. Your job is to listen, not give advice. Believe me, by showing unlimited patience and sympathy, you will automatically gain her favor.

Hug a woman

Hugs should be used in any case. However, their nature directly depends on the type of your relationship. Yes, if you are in a relationship, hugs should be as warm as possible. If a girl with sad eyes is your friend or classmate, friendly hug over the shoulders will be enough.

Hugging, tell her that you are worried:

  • “I'm sorry that this test upset you. But, believe me, one mark does not decide fate. You are the smartest person in our group, learn everything and shine in the exam. And I will keep my fingers crossed."
  • “Sunny, don’t be upset because Alena came in the same dress. The product is really beautiful. But it looks much more attractive on you. And don’t be offended by your girlfriend: it means that you both have excellent taste. You are my best."

Try to make me laugh

Laughter prolongs life. And yet - uplifting and helps. Therefore, if you know how to joke subtly, go ahead and show your talent!

Having clarified a little the reason for the bad mood, try to avoid ambiguous jokes, as well as those that can aggravate the situation.

  1. Don't be afraid to look funny. Sing a song. And it's even better if a bear stepped on your ear: many DJs think that the meaning of music is in decibels, and that's okay, everyone loves them.

Sing as well as you can, and if you don’t know how, it dramatically increases the likelihood of the result of your efforts.

  1. Tell funny story. This is also a good version of the monologue with sad girl. If this story is from your life, embellish it with vivid metaphors. If you are a master of comic situations, show the possibilities of your imagination and please her with unrealistically cool humorous story. Try to talk to her in a humorous tone about the offender (if any).

In life, we often face various obstacles. It can be job loss, illness, death of a family member, financial troubles. At such a moment, it is difficult for a person to find the strength in himself and move on. He so lacks support at this moment, a friendly shoulder, warm words. How to choose the right words of support that can really help a person in difficult times?

Expressions that should not be used

There are a number of familiar phrases that are the first to come to mind when you need to support someone. These words should not be spoken:

  1. Don't worry!
  1. Everything is formed! Everything will be fine!

At the moment when the world collapsed, it sounds like a mockery. A person is faced with the fact that he does not know how to solve his problem. He needs to figure out how to fix things. He is not sure that the situation will turn in his favor, and he will be able to stay afloat. So, how will the empty statement that everything will work out help? All the more blasphemous are such words if your friend has lost loved one.

  1. Do not Cry!

Tears are natural way body to cope with stress. It is necessary to give a person a cry, to speak out, to give vent to emotions. He will feel better. Just hug and be there.

  1. No need to cite as an example people who are even worse

A person who has lost his job and has nothing to feed his family does not care that somewhere in Africa children are starving. Someone who has just learned about a serious diagnosis is not very interested in the statistics of deaths from cancer. It is also not necessary to give examples that relate to mutual acquaintances.

When trying to support a loved one, remember that in this moment he is mentally depressed by his problem. It is necessary to carefully select expressions so as not to accidentally offend or touch on a sore subject. Let's find out how to support a person.

Words to Help You Get Through the Tipping Point

When our loved ones find themselves in difficult situations, we are lost and often do not know how to behave. But, the words spoken at the right time can inspire, console, restore faith in oneself. The following phrases will help to feel your support:

  1. We will get through this together.

In difficult times, it is important to know that you are not alone. Let a loved one feel that you care about his grief and that you are ready to share all the difficulties with him.

  1. I understand how you feel.

When you're in trouble, it's important to be heard. It's good to have someone around who understands you. If you have been in a similar situation, please tell us about it. Share your thoughts, emotions at that moment. But no need to tell how you heroically coped with the situation. Just make it clear that you were in your friend's place. But you survived it, and he can handle it too.

  1. Time will pass and it will get easier.

Indeed, this is a fact. We will not remember many of the troubles in life that happened to us a year or two ago. All troubles remain in the past. Sooner or later, we find a replacement for a betrayed friend or unhappy love. Financial difficulties also gradually resolved. Can be found new job, pay off a loan, cure an illness or relieve its symptoms. Even the sadness of the death of a loved one passes with time. It is important to get over the moment of shock and move on.

  1. You've been in worse situations. Nothing, you did it!

Surely your friend has already encountered life's obstacles and found a way out of them. Remind him that he is a strong, courageous person and is able to solve any problem. Cheer him up. Show him that he can survive this difficult moment with dignity.

  1. You are not to blame for what happened.

Feeling guilty about what happened is the first thing that prevents you from taking a sober look at the situation. Let your loved one know that this is how the circumstances developed and that anyone else could be in his place. It makes no sense to look for those responsible for the trouble, you need to try to solve the problem.

  1. Is there something I can do for you?

Perhaps your friend needs help, but he does not know who to turn to. Or he doesn't feel comfortable talking about it. Take the initiative.

  1. Say that you admire his endurance and fortitude.

When a person is morally depressed by difficult circumstances, such words inspire. They are able to restore a person's faith in their own strength.

  1. Don't worry, I'll be right there!

These are the most important words that each of us wants to hear at a turning point. Everyone needs someone close and understanding next to them. Do not leave dear person alone!

Help your friend come up with a sense of humor about the situation. Every drama has a bit of comedy. Lighten up the situation. Laugh together at the girl who left him, or at the pompous director who fired him from his job. This will allow you to look at the situation in a more optimistic way. After all, everything can be solved and corrected while we are alive.

The best support is to be there

The main thing we say is not with words, but with our actions. A sincere hug, a handkerchief or napkin served on time, a glass of water can say more than you think.

Take on some of the household chores. Provide all possible assistance. After all, at the moment of shock, a person is not even able to cook dinner, go to the grocery store, pick up children from kindergarten. If your friend has lost a family member, help arrange the funeral. Make the necessary arrangements and just be there.

Smoothly switch the person's attention to something mundane, not related to his grief. Keep him busy with something. Invite to the cinema, order pizza. Find an excuse to go outside and take a walk.

Sometimes silence is better than any, even the most sincere words. Listen to your friend, let him speak, express his emotions. Let him talk about his pain, about how he is confused, depressed. Don't interrupt him. Let him speak his problem out loud as many times as necessary. This will help to look at the situation from the outside, to see solutions. And you just be close to a loved one in a difficult moment for him.

Olga, St. Petersburg

Good afternoon, dear readers! Everyone wants to be taken care of and supported in a difficult moment. When you are in a relationship, you always try to be a support for your loved one. Today I want to talk to you about how to cheer up a man. What to do when he quit or his depression dragged on and what exactly is better to avoid at such moments.

office problems

Difficulties in a man related to work are divided into two categories: he works too much or he has been sitting without work at all for a long time. If you are in the first situation, then you can not do without the article "". In the article I talk about the features of such men and what your support is like.

In my opinion, when a man has a job and he devotes a lot of time to it, this is much better than when he sits at home and does not even try to find a new occupation for himself. Therefore, I would like to focus on this issue.

To understand what tactics of behavior you choose, first you need to decide what type your unemployed man belongs to. After all, we all have a different attitude to problems and cope with crises in different ways.

The first option is a martyr. Such a man is always in a depressed mood and does not show any activity. He rarely leaves the house, prefers to watch TV shows or, which no longer bring such pleasure as before. If he spends time with you, he complains a lot.

He does not want to do household chores, they are boring and uninteresting for him. humiliate his dignity. Previously, he was in good shape, clear-cut, job competition, serious tasks. And now it's like the whole world has stopped.

With such a man you need to act on concrete examples. Did something good - well done! No matter how hard it is for you, no matter how much you want to switch from encouraging to sarcastic remarks - hold on. Remember all the good that this man did for you and do not stop being his support at this difficult moment.

The second option is an insecure activist. Such a guy shows a lot of activity, but the mood is more bad and depressed. With deeds, he is trying to plug the hole that was formed after the dismissal.

He can do all the chores around the house, just because he has to move and do something. Constant interviews that do not end with anything good and only spoil his mood even more. This man talks about work all the time.

Such a man is accustomed to quickly solve the problem. And he started looking for a job immediately. But the problem is that emotionally he is not yet ready for this. Hence the failures in interviews, he grabs everything in a row and only gets angrier when it doesn’t work out.

Try asking him how he would advise his friend, who is in the same situation as him, to do. Help him in his search, let him not grab every vacancy, but choose the one. Do a test interview at home so that he is ready and feels more confident (be sure to read and apply the recommendations from the article - How to prepare for an interview so that everything goes well).

The third option is a joker. Chic and high spirits, but there is absolutely no desire to look for a new job. This man can finally do all the things that he put off due to lack of time. He goes to relatives, goes in for sports or minor repairs around the house. He looks active, but this activity is in no way aimed at finding a new job.

If you remain silent and do not show in any way that the situation is annoying you, then this way you can live for a very long time. But remember that phrases like “let's talk”, “what are you thinking”, “I think you have problems” and so on repel men.

Try to approach from the other side. Tell us about your emotions and feelings, worries and fears. For example, offer to watch his favorite, and then discuss plans.

The fourth option is the controller. He's in a good mood, he's so active. Such a man can do advanced training or start studying new topic. He will not get any job, maybe he has even turned down several offers. The problem with such a partner is that he does not say anything, he just says that everything is under control.

I want to offer you an article "". It contains many useful and practical tips.

What to do if your lover is in bad mood already for a long time, nothing pleases him, he often gets sick, he doesn’t want anything and you feel that at such a pace he will soon fall into.

In such a situation, you need to understand how you can cheer him up. If he gets tired of big digging and does not want to see anyone, then you need to give him time to be alone with yourself, but show that you are always there and ready to provide all the necessary support.

If you know that friends have a beneficial effect, your man is charged with positive communication, then you should try to meet friends, maybe invite them home, or vice versa, get out of the four walls.

Believe it or not, board games can really lift your spirits. Invite a couple of close friends over for a monopoly night. Let it be fun and quiet evening. Don't lift serious topics just take a break and relax. Maybe your boyfriend has a lover board game from childhood?

You can make his dream come true. Find out about your partner's secret desire. For example, he has long wanted to go karting, see all the parts of " star wars» in one evening, cook a huge pizza. Just don't push him too hard. Offer and see the response.

Walking is uplifting. You can try to drag your loved one outside. Of course, it is better to choose a day when it will be good weather. Go to a place you haven't been before. And do not press on him with conversations.
Your care and affection may be excessive in an attempt to cheer up a man. Sometimes he wants to be alone with himself, think or do stupid things that distract him from all thoughts. Give him time to be alone.

What better not to do

Don't ask too many questions. This tactic only makes them more annoying and angry. Another phrase "how are you" can just drive a man crazy. Women prefer to cry, eat sweets or buy a new pair of shoes. And the man closes and tries to solve the problem. Give him time and show that you are there and always ready to listen, support and help. It will be much more useful and valuable.

Some women panic when a man experiences a crisis. They take over everything more, they begin to worry that he has fallen out of love, or he has another woman, or he, or a million other options. Calm down and mind your own business. Your panic will only make matters worse.

Another problem of a woman who does not know how to console her man is that she begins to try to save him. Do not do this. He is a man and must handle the situation on his own. The best tactic is to show confidence in him.
There is nothing worse than unsolicited advice.

Even if you are sure that you have a brilliant idea, do not tell your loved one about it. Your advice may be perceived as doubts about his ability to solve problems. If he asks for help and advice, then yes. In any other situation, keep the advice to yourself.

In no case should you reproach and blame your beloved. Like, you yourself are to blame, you will never cope, you can’t do anything, and so on. Now it’s hard for him, most likely, he doubts himself. In such a moment of vulnerability, your words can hurt him deeply and cause serious harm.

cook for him delicious dinner, show that you are there, that you are confident in him, that you know that he can handle it.

Tell your story: what is happening with your loved one now, how are you trying to cheer him up, how does he react to your help? After all, every situation is different. So feel free to write to me and together we will find a way out of your situation.

Best wishes to you!

Everyday life confronts us with periodic problems at work, which are sometimes difficult to solve without a sense of humor. That is why in reserve you need to have a couple of funny aphorisms that will completely defuse the stop.

  • To knock on the clave is not to control the joystick.
  • The programmer is sleeping - work is in progress.
  • System administrators don't die - they go offline.
  • I am a politician and I know how to send people so that they will be happy to wait for a trip.
  • Users social networks and those who like to play "Klondike" at work have greatly developed the ability of peripheral vision and quick reaction.
  • Give me a point of support, at least I will lie down there (an analogy with “I will turn the Earth over)
  • The chief wants to find a magician, but he gets only storytellers.
  • If management disagrees with you, then immediately argue why you are wrong.
  • Disagree with the team? Be the boss. Let them try to disagree with you.
  • Russia is an amazing country. Everywhere they work to get a bonus, but here, so as not to lose it.
  • The boss is always right, because this unique person decides on a courageous act: to voice the decision made by the back seat with his mouth.
  • A woman has two paths: to successfully marry and not work, or to find a job that does not need to be married.
  • The best corporate party is the one after which, at the entrance of each colleague, everyone applauds and hoots in unison.
  • They talk about the bosses either well, or at another job.
  • The first vacation, when you rest yourself, the second - when the boss.

Easily cheer up colleagues is not difficult. And you will still become a noble comedian, which is priceless in a team. After all, finding friends and like-minded people is priceless, for this you should use cool phrases to lift the spirits of the team.

How to cheer up people

If you want to become the soul of the company, then you will need in the arsenal of eloquence interesting statements about life to cheer up. They can be used in completely different situations and are easy to juggle with expressions in dialogues with others. What encouraging phrases with a touch of irony and humor can be used?

  • Wife refuses to talk in the morning? Rejoice, the corporate party was a success.
  • A man should have a wonderful family so that he would happily return home and a terrible mother-in-law so that he hurries back to work.
  • small children on back seat lead to an accident, and an accident in the back seat leads to small children.
  • And why aren't women like dogs? They understand everything, but they cannot say.
  • What you sow, you will not find.
  • With alcohol, you need to know the measure, otherwise you can drink less.
  • I know my limit, but can you drink it?
  • - What is missing in the child's body if he eats plasticine? – Brains!
  • Frighten customers who are interested in how to get to our car dealership by bus from the metro station. After all, they are interested in Gelendvagen.
  • You have to work for a miser, he pays twice.
  • Drinking tap water is harmful, but an apple washed with it is immediately free of bacteria.
  • To print photos of winter St. Petersburg, it is enough to have a black-and-white printer at hand.
  • Life experience comes only with reptiles.
  • Millionaires earn hundreds of times more than me, but I'm the only one that's interested in the IRS. Looks like delivery problems.
  • Grandma lets you walk without a hat in winter? Check to see if she's not yours.
  • An alarm clock is like the sound of a gunshot. Most lie dead.
  • - Good afternoon, we are from St. Petersburg. Well, you should not threaten from the threshold.
  • If your boyfriend does not hang out with friends, does not interrupt, is with you all the time, then poke him with a shelf - he, like, died.
  • If before work you are happy to look at the opposite sex, and after that you don’t, it means that the intimacy was somewhere in the middle.
  • When on Monday the boss says: “Well, get to work!” The main thing is not to think that this is a toast.

Use your humor to add something of your own to the suggested phrases. It is possible that in the company you will be valued precisely for impromptu jokes, understanding someone else's mood; and very soon they will quote your statements. Sometimes one word or sentence can establish contact in a team if you bring a genuine smile to your faces.

Laughter is the solution to all problems

Even when you feel tension in the team or are very depressed yourself, it is enough to remember positive thoughts to cheer up, and everything around will sparkle with new colors. And if you are positive, you can give a charge positive energy to everyone who is near you.

  • Do you want to enjoy life? So live and enjoy it.
  • Fate often throws us back a step, but this is only for a run before a big jump.
  • It's nice to think that in someone's fate I'm also a rake.
  • You need to dream about what is forbidden to even think about.
  • Said you were born to crawl? Rejoice, you are one of those people who will never spoil from above.
  • Always go for your dream. Tired of walking? crawl. There is no strength to crawl, well, at least lie down and lie in the direction of the dream.
  • I have a conscience! I use it rationally.
  • I got sick good mood. To be treated and I don’t think, let everyone else get infected.
  • Every pancake is lumpy? So sculpt cool lumps.
  • The black streak of my life will be only from the best chocolate.
  • If life is a series of black and white, then I intend to stop at white and go along.
  • Only the one who does not lie to the question: “How are you?” is happy.
  • Happiness does not come, I will go, I will step on it myself.
  • I want a miracle! Do not offer yogurt!
  • If a man leaves you, do not hold back, but ask him to throw out the trash along the way.
  • And where I just did not go. I didn’t go to the Maldives, I didn’t go to Cyprus, I didn’t even go to Greece. I think where not to go this year.
  • Why do you think I'm vindictive? I have very bad memory you have to write everything down.
  • Previously, if a girl met a guy in a cool car, she knew that he had money, and now that he has a loan.
  • Dad, please, when he asks for my hand, just say that you don't mind. No need to hug him and call him your savior!
  • My parents told me that it was time for me to live alone. Well, I collected their things, I'm waiting.
  • In the look of my cat it is read that I live in her apartment and it seems that it is time for me to move out.
  • I like that you are not sick with me ... I don’t like that you are sick in life.
  • Came home. The husband cooked dinner, cleaned the apartment. I thought I screwed up in what, but no, the computer broke down.
  • Are you trying to spit on my back? Great, so I'm ahead.
  • Look for the positive in everything. A fire is being put out above you in an apartment, which means it’s worth having a foam party.

It is not difficult to memorize words and phrases for every day to surprise friends, colleagues or relatives. But you will be the star of the program at any party and gatherings. Of course, you should not say them out of place, but it is easy to wait for the right moment to impress others.

Joke about everything and always

Sometimes even laconic sarcasm will not cause discontent. A subtle prank on someone will only spice up your humor. It is worth remembering that this can only be done in the company of close friends. Unfamiliar people will not appreciate your impulse. But any positive statements addressed to someone will always go with a bang. Aphorisms to cheer up will cause your popularity.

Funny phrases to cheer up short and long ones that you should keep for yourself:

  • I'm a cat and I don't care what mice think of me.
  • I was not noticed in the connections discrediting me. - Were there any such connections? - What are you, just not noticed.
  • Even if I fall on my face in the mud, it will be curative.
  • Horseradish is a very educated plant, because it knows everything.
  • All poisonings begin with the words: "There will be nothing in the refrigerator for this."
  • Everyone has a hobby. Someone collects stamps, someone models ships. My husband has been collecting wardrobes from Ikea for three years now.
  • We just ran and jumped in childhood on construction sites, and now - parkour.

You can easily find and come up with many witty, positive statements for every day, if you look at it with humor the world. In every even the most serious problem, you can find a curious, funny. The main thing is not to lose heart, then it will become easier to worry.

And which ones are not worth it? the site will tell you how to provide moral support to a person in a difficult situation.

Grief is a human reaction that occurs as a result of some kind of loss, for example, after the death of a loved one.

4 stages of grief

A person experiencing grief goes through 4 stages:

  • shock phase. Lasts from a few seconds to several weeks. It is characterized by disbelief in everything that happens, insensibility, low mobility with periods of hyperactivity, loss of appetite, problems with sleep.
  • phase of suffering. Lasts 6 to 7 weeks. It is characterized by weakened attention, inability to concentrate, impaired memory, sleep. Also, a person experiences constant anxiety, a desire to retire, lethargy. There may be pain in the stomach and a sensation of a lump in the throat. If a person is experiencing the death of a loved one, then during this period he can idealize the deceased or, on the contrary, experience anger, rage, irritation or guilt towards him.
  • Acceptance phase ends a year after the loss of a loved one. It is characterized by the restoration of sleep and appetite, the ability to plan one's activities taking into account the loss. Sometimes a person still continues to suffer, but attacks occur less and less.
  • recovery phase begins after a year and a half, grief is replaced by sadness and a person begins to relate to the loss more calmly.

Should the person be comforted? Undoubtedly yes. If the victim is not helped, then this can lead to infectious, heart disease, alcoholism, accidents, depression. Psychological help is priceless, so support your loved one as much as you can. Interact with him, communicate. Even if it seems to you that the person does not listen to you or does not show attention, do not worry. The time will come and he will remember you with gratitude.

Should you console unfamiliar people? If you feel enough moral strength and desire to help, do it. If a person does not push you away, does not run away, does not scream, then you are doing everything right. If you are not sure that you can comfort the victim, find someone who can do it.

Is there a difference in comforting familiar and unfamiliar people? In fact, no. The only difference is that you know one person more than the other. Once again, if you feel the strength in yourself, then help. Stay close, talk, involve in common activities. Do not be greedy for help, it is never superfluous.

So, let's look at the methods of psychological support in the two most difficult stages of experiencing grief.

shock phase

Your behavior:

  • Don't leave the person alone.
  • Gently touch the victim. You can take the hand, put your hand on the shoulder, relatives can be stroked on the head, hug. Watch the victim's reaction. Does he accept your touch, does he repel you? If repulsive - do not impose, but do not leave.
  • Make sure that the comforted person rests more, does not forget about meals.
  • Keep the casualty busy with simple activities, such as some sort of funeral arrangements.
  • Listen actively. A person can say strange things, repeat himself, lose the thread of the narrative, now and then return to emotional experiences. Refuse advice and recommendations. Listen carefully, ask clarifying questions, talk about how you understand it. Help the victim to simply speak out his feelings and pain - he will immediately feel better.

Your words:

  • Talk about the past in past tense.
  • If you know the deceased, tell something nice about him.

Can't say:

  • “You can’t recover from such a loss”, “Only time heals”, “You are strong, be strong”. These phrases can cause additional suffering to a person and increase his loneliness.
  • “God’s will for everything” (helps only deeply believing people), “Was exhausted”, “He will be better there”, “Forget about it”. Such phrases can greatly hurt the victim, because they sound like a hint to reason with their feelings, not to experience them, or even completely forget about their grief.
  • “You are young, beautiful, you will get married / have a baby.” Such phrases can cause irritation. A person experiences a loss in the present, he has not yet recovered from it. And he is invited to dream.
  • “Now, if the ambulance arrived on time”, “Now, if the doctors paid more attention to her”, “Now, if I didn’t let him in.” These phrases are empty and do not carry any benefit. Firstly, history does not tolerate the subjunctive mood, and secondly, such expressions only increase the bitterness of loss.

Phase of suffering

Your behavior:

  • In this phase, the victim can already be given the opportunity to be alone from time to time.
  • Give the victim more water. He should drink up to 2 liters per day.
  • arrange for him physical activity. For example, take him for a walk, do physical work around the house.
  • If the victim wants to cry, do not interfere with him to do it. Help him cry. Do not hold back your emotions - cry with him.
  • If he shows anger, don't interfere.

Your words:

How to console a person: right words

  • If your ward wants to talk about the deceased, bring the conversation to the realm of feelings: “You are very sad/lonely”, “You are very confused”, “You cannot describe your feelings”. Talk about how you feel.
  • Tell me that this suffering is not forever. And loss is not a punishment, but a part of life.
  • Do not avoid talking about the deceased if there are people in the room who are extremely worried about this loss. The tactful avoidance of these topics hurts more than the mention of the tragedy.

Can't say:

  • “Stop crying, pull yourself together”, “Stop suffering, everything is over” - this is tactless and harmful to psychological health.
  • "And someone is worse off than you." Such topics can help in a situation of divorce, parting, but not the death of a loved one. You cannot compare the grief of one person with the grief of another. Comparative conversations can give the person the impression that you don't care about their feelings.

It makes no sense to tell the victim: “If you need help, contact / call me” or ask him “How can I help you?” A person experiencing grief may simply not have the strength to pick up the phone, call and ask for help. He may also forget about your offer.

To prevent this from happening, come and sit with him. As soon as the grief subsides a little - take him for a walk, take him to the store or to the cinema with him. Sometimes it has to be done by force. Don't be afraid to be intrusive. Time will pass, and he will appreciate your help.

How to support a person if you are far away?

Call him. If he does not answer, leave a message on the answering machine, write sms or email e-mail. Express condolences, report your feelings, share memories that characterize the departed from the brightest sides.

Remember that it is necessary to help a person survive grief, especially if this is a person close to you. In addition, it will help to survive the loss not only to him. If the loss has touched you too, by helping another, you yourself will be able to experience grief more easily, with less loss for your own. mental state. And it will also save you from feelings of guilt - you will not reproach yourself for the fact that you could help, but did not, brushing aside other people's troubles and problems.