What does bi orientation stand for. What is bi orientation: types of sexual orientation. Don't say you're in an open relationship if you're not. Don't claim you're not looking for anything serious if that's what you're looking for. And vice versa, do not lie because of art

Who are bisexuals?
People who have a bisexual orientation live ordinary lives and it is difficult to identify them outwardly until they reveal themselves. There are various stereotypes about them, for example, there is an opinion that bi wear earrings in their right ear, but this is just a myth. To understand what bi means, scientists have been conducting various studies for decades. It was determined that no bisexual person could be identified by considering only his reactions to erotic scenes.
A huge number of psychologists and psychiatrists claim that such inclinations in orientation are associated with psychological trauma. Such an impact leads to the fact that a person simply does not know how to build full-fledged relationships with members of the opposite sex. In addition, such people are constantly in search of themselves, not knowing where their real place is.
bi orientation
Congenital bisexuality - Freud
Sigmund Freud is an authoritative psychologist who has studied various fields. He presented a work to the public, which is called "Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality." In it, he analyzed such a concept as "homosexuality". To understand who the bi are, he used the information that was obtained from the study of the human fetus. During the development period, the embryo goes through the stage of hermaphroditism, that is, it has the makings of both male and female genital organs.
Freud argued that there is an innate bisexuality, and the person himself chooses over time in which direction to move. Developing, the child gets acquainted with the norms of behavior and interests that have his biological sex. Often there are situations when these norms are not fully assimilated, which causes the girls to have a strong and assertive character, and the guys stand out for their refined nature. Such qualities are symptoms of psychological bisexuality.
Signs of bisexuality
If a person doubts his orientation, then the first thing he should do is frankly answer his questions about whether there is sexual attraction to people of the same sex equally as to members of the opposite sex. Separately, it is worth mentioning such a concept as latent bisexuality, this is when a person has always had a desire to build relationships with representatives of his gender, but due to a number of reasons, for example, moral and psychological, he cannot openly show this.
There are several tests that help you understand who a bi is. They make it possible to determine a model of behavior, analyze sexual behavior, desires and preferences, which gives a chance to dot the "and". The tests ask you to answer several questions, for example, “Do you have tender feelings for a girlfriend / friend?”, “Does erotica with members of the same sex excite?”, “Would you like to have a threesome?” and so on.
Signs of male bisexuality
Many scientists who are interested in this area have come to the conclusion that male bisexuality does not exist. It is believed that the representatives of the stronger sex can be either heterosexual or gay, and if they call themselves bisexual, they simply hide their true sexual preferences. Such conclusions were drawn by conducting experiments during which men watched pornography, and scientists reacted to their sexual arousal with the help of sensors.
Bisexuality in men, or a tendency towards homosexual relationships, arises from psychological problems, the desire to change sexual and social roles, as well as self-affirmation and dominance. Other reasons include the fashion for sexual experiments and the desire for asocial control over an opponent. In some cases, a man needs a need for emotional intimacy with people of the same sex.
who are bisexuals
Bisexuality in women
The desire of the fairer sex to show sympathy for other women is considered a biological norm. In most cases, ladies find out about their bisexual inclinations by accident, and at first it can be frightening. There may not be any visible reasons for a change in orientation, and then they talk about genetic features. Often female bisexuality is the result of failed relationships with men, psychological trauma and strong emotional experiences. There are times when women eventually return to heterosexuality.
According to studies, the number of bisexual women has increased significantly in recent years. Attempts to find hormonal and innate causes of changes in sexual preferences have been unsuccessful. Finding out who a bi is, it should be said that sexual desire occurs in adolescence, and orientation is laid at about 11-13 years old. It has been proven that it is easier for women to understand each other, they are affectionate and attentive to a partner, which gives them a chance to have fun.
bi orientation
Causes of bisexuality
Scientists cannot agree on the reasons that can make changes in a person's sexual preferences. Allocate congenital and acquired properties that affect orientation. The last reasons include dissatisfaction in sex with members of the opposite sex. In most cases, this applies to women. Bisexuality of people can be provoked by several reasons:
Reluctance to belong to a particular gender and to abide by the rules imposed as a result of gender definition.
The presence of physiological sexual characteristics of both sexes.
Problems in building relationships with members of the opposite sex.
Desire to experiment in the sexual sphere.
Psychological trauma in childhood and adolescence.
Is bisexuality normal or not?
Experts consider only the traditional sexual attraction, that is, the desire of a man for a woman, to be the norm, and vice versa. Bisexuality is considered a psychological disorder. Scientists also believe that a person cannot love both men and women all his life, because sooner or later he will choose either homosexual or heterosexual orientation. There are scientists who say that bisexuality is normal and about 70% of people have this orientation.
How to get rid of bisexuality?
For a person to feel comfortable, he must necessarily accept his sexual orientation. You cannot force yourself to stop loving men or women. The psychology of bisexuality indicates that if changes in orientation were caused by psychological trauma, then in this case it is necessary to seek help from a specialist who will help you understand yourself and your sexual preferences.

“Decide on your orientation already” is a phrase that many bisexual people have heard, and often within the LGBT community. As a lesbian, I too have not escaped the prejudice against bisexuality, thinking that this is at least strange. Subsequently, I realized that I reasoned biphobically and that this is no better. I want to support bi people, who often feel vulnerable in the LGBT community, and deal with popular myths about them. How does bisexuality work, why can't bisexuals "decide" and what to do if you are embarrassed by their heterosexual relationships?

Disclaimer: The text uses alternately feminitives (nouns that are used in the feminine gender. - Approx. ed.) and masculatives (nouns that are used in the masculine gender. - Approx. ed.). This is a standard format for the design of materials in the LGBT community: this is how we try to show support for people of different identities. It is important that the masculine gender among LGBT people is used not only by those who define themselves as men, and the feminine gender is not only used by those who define themselves as women. You can learn more about the specifics of LGBT culture at the Open queer zine.

What is bisexuality?

If a person is able to experience romantic and / or sexual attraction to people of different genders - he or she can define himself as. Any, including - it is always a matter of personal self-determination. It is impossible to establish a person's orientation "from the outside" simply by knowing about his or her sexual or romantic contacts - this is contrary to the idea of ​​choosing an identity.

Some lesbians have had relationships with both women and men. Some bisexuals have only had homosexual relationships. Some pansexual women (the ability to be sexually and/or romantically attracted to any of a variety of genders) have never had a relationship at all in their entire lives. Only the person himself can decide what to call his orientation.

What is biphobia?

What is monosexuality and monosexism?

Means that a person has a romantic and/or sexual interest in people of only one gender. So, formally homosexuals or heterosexuals are monosexual people, and bisexuals and pansexuals are non-monosexual people. is the belief that it is “right” to be attracted to only people of the same gender. The requirement for bisexual people to "decide" and choose a homosexual or heterosexual orientation is monosexism. But even if you do not make demands, but just deep down you think that homosexuality is “true”, but something is wrong with bi-people, this is also an example of monosexism.

10 myths about bisexual people

Myth 1. "Bisexual people are something in between"

Bisexuality is not half-hearted homosexuality. This is an independent and complete orientation, suggesting that its bearer or bearer can be attracted to people of different genders - romantically and / or sexually. To accuse bi-people of inconstancy is absurd. For any and any of us, partners and partners, in principle, are somewhat different from each other. Just for bisexual people, the difference can be not only in the character and hair color, but also in gender.

In addition, homosexual people do not always observe the monosexuality of their relationships. For example, it is not uncommon for lesbians to date non-binary individuals with an assigned female gender, and this is not surprising. Moreover, a person’s self-identification can change right during your relationship - due to. So, you can start dating a cis woman (cisgender is a term for people whose gender identity matches their biological sex. - Note. ed.), and continue the relationship with - if your partner is aware of her identity in a new way.

It can be assumed that one hundred percent monosexuality in a world of increasing gender diversity is generally a very conditional and mythical thing.

Myth 2. “Bisexual people are those who have not decided on their orientation”

Bisexuality is not a "transitional stage", but a separate independent orientation, no less complete than all the others. And if a person calls himself bisexual, it means that at the moment he or she has decided on his or her orientation. A bi-person cannot guarantee that he will keep one identity for life. Every hetero-, homo- and bisexual person can one day reconsider their orientation as well as gender. But this does not divide our identities into "real" and "transitional" ones. We are changing - and that's okay.

Myth 3. “Bisexual people have it easier than gay people”

In the LGBT environment, it is possible that “bisexuals are well settled,” because they supposedly can enjoy all the benefits of homosexual contacts, and, if necessary, go into socially approved hetero relationships. The sad truth is that bi-people are most often subjected to double discrimination: homophobia from the hetero world and bi-phobia from LGBT people. On both sides, they may be required to “decide”.

Bisexuals often feel "extra" in LGBT culture, because the other three letters of the abbreviation receive a lot of attention, but they are almost none. You can endlessly argue about who lives harder, and face the difficulties, but most often such disputes lead to nothing: it is not easy for everyone in their own way. Bi-people have their own, specific to their group, problems. And so far, unlike the problems of the same homosexual people, practically no one is solving them.

Myth 4. “There are more bisexual women than men”

No one really knows this - reliable statistics are unlikely to emerge until LGBT people feel safe to freely report their orientation. But if it seems to you that bisexual men are barely noticeable against the background of bi-women, there is a reason for this.

The image of a bisexual woman is somehow found in popular culture - in contrast to the male bisexual image. At the same time, men may be more careful to hide their homosexual preferences or even avoid thinking about them - due to strong homophobic pressure. But this does not mean that it is easier to be bisexual: the imaginary "loyalty" to women is associated with such unpleasant things as objectification and sexualization.

Myth 5. “A bisexual woman will go to a man”

An ancient and completely stupid stereotype that most of my bisexual acquaintances have encountered. Yes, events can really develop in different ways: a bi woman can love one girl forever, she can choose another relationship one day - with a man, a woman or a queer person, or she can decide never to enter into a relationship again. To say that "all bisexuals always" is illogical.

Yes, there are bi-women who prefer to build long-term relationships with men, and with women - to be limited to flirting or sex. There are those who choose to start a family with a woman, but do not take contacts with men seriously or do not practice. Whatever relationship a bisexual person chooses, that choice is worthy of respect. Unfortunately, the need to constantly justify oneself for one's relationship either to the hetero- or to the homoworld is a complex and specific problem for many bi-people.

Myth 6. “Bi people always want parallel relationships. And generally prefer group sex "

Sentences like: “Are you bisexual? Oh, let's have sex with me and my girlfriend!" is one of the most annoying facepalm things that bi people experience (and apparently especially bi women, due to sexism and objectification). The sexualization of bi women is no less a hot topic than the sexualization of lesbians, especially given that bisexual women are sexually assaulted significantly more often than homosexual and trans women.

The root "bi" in the name of the orientation does not indicate the number of additional people who must necessarily be in the bed of a bisexual or bisexual. Bi people can be monogamous, maybe they like group sex, they like sex only as a couple, or they don't have sex at all. The myth about the general tendency of bi-people to parallel relationships is also supported by mass heteroculture - but it is hardly worth believing in it.

Myth 7. “Bisexuals call themselves bisexual, not pansexual, because they recognize only two genders and reject non-binary people”

There really are people who recognize only two genders - among representatives of any orientation. But bisexuality is not directly related to this: bi-people can be attracted, for example, by cis women, trans men, non-binary people, agenders, and so on. At the same time, those who may be attracted to their own gender and another, or to several genders, most often call themselves bisexuals. And pansexuals are those who can be attracted to different people, regardless of gender.

If you want to know why a particular person calls himself bisexual and not pansexual, just ask him or her.

Myth 8. “I can’t consider myself bi if I only had hetero contacts”

For some reason, it is believed that people can consider themselves heterosexual even before the absence of sexual contacts, and belonging to other orientations must be “proven”. This is an absurd approach - but many still experience "impostor syndrome" before the first homosexual contact, and often after.

However, only the individual can decide whether to consider themselves bi, homo or straight. Sexual contact with any of the genders does not stamp on the forehead about the orientation, does not "test" the orientation and does not "change" it. A person may not have a single sexual or even a single romantic contact in his life - but at the same time have a specific orientation.

Myth 9. “If I don’t want to hear about bisexual heterosexual relationships, this is biphobia.”

We live in a patriarchal world and some women have triggers associated with men and some lesbians have triggers associated with heterosexual relationships. If you are ready to discuss with bisexual girlfriends their homosexual contacts, but heterosexual ones are not, you have every right to do so. It is only important to separate the flies from the cutlets: personal rejection of hetero relationships does not mean that bi people are terrible because they enter into them.

You can always ask others not to touch on any difficult topic for you. It is better to do it correctly, because both homo- and bi-people are in a vulnerable position relative to each other: some certainly have experience of encountering homophobia, others - with biphobia. And it is unlikely that anyone wants to meet with this again, especially in friendly contact. You can say, for example, that the topic of heterosexual relationships is personally unpleasant for you in the context of your personal history.

Myth 10. “Bisexual people make me uncomfortable”

It is not the bisexuality of people that causes discomfort, but patriarchy. If there were no gender inequality and homophobia, which can cause fears associated with bi-people and their heterocontacts, then we would probably treat each other's orientations differently. Unfortunately, the situation is unlikely to change quickly. But progress is taking place, among other things, due to the fact that different LGBT people are beginning to speak openly about themselves and support each other - regardless of the letter that designates them.

If a partner is a liability - how to be an asset in bed

In the view of many - a man should be courageous, and a woman - submissive. Others do not like this option. But what to do if a girl likes to obey, you want to see a strong man nearby - but there is none?

Think naturally. Before committing rash acts.. Let me remind you that we are talking exclusively about sexological types of liabilities, assets, and others. We do not attach the slightest negative connotation to these words! It is only about the need of the soul of a particular person for leadership in bed and the form of this leadership.

What is passive

So - a "passive" is a person who needs the proximity of an "active". That is, a leader, but with a slightly more active-aggressive accent than "father". The needy is for happiness. The rest is the same person as the others. Maybe a minister, a general and a commando, a business woman or a feminist. If there is such an asset nearby, everything is in order. Both are happy.

If there is no such thing, or it seems to her that there is not (this is not about a specific girl, I'm talking in the general case, but you can apply it to her) - either the search or the expectation will begin. Depending on society, on customs and other things. Not essential. The main thing is that there is a feeling of dissatisfaction with one's position and a desire to change it. Sometimes - this is combined with "hopelessness", sometimes - with hope and active search - in different ways.

But in general, the same biocomp is configured for the appearance of an asset nearby. The biocomp can be deceived. That is, to take an impudent hooligan, for example, behaving aggressively and cheekily, as an active type. And include attraction and all other programs. After a while, dissatisfaction with the behavior of such an error sets in ...

If the girl is passive

We take exactly girls, we will not touch male liabilities for now. If such a girl marries or meets for some reason, such as running away from her parental family or just to provide for herself. It is notoriously unlikely for her to meet a suitable type, because the mind works, not the feelings. But the patterns are the same.

She begins to "provoke" her partner in order to push him to be more active. In various ways - from just itching, whims - to jealousy scenes or vice versa - she herself goes on treason to cause jealousy. Even if such betrayals were carried out with a different purpose, that is, simply temptation-pleasure, the effect of influence on the partner of such events is still important.

Doesn't matter. In this case, we observe a characteristic cycle in the family (couple) - after a surge of feelings and rapprochement - there comes a distance, growing discontent from the side of the passive, which begins to manifest itself (the work of the subconscious - therefore unconsciously) in whims, grumpiness, bitchiness, reproaches, .. - very different manifestations.


But all are characteristic - that after a while the partner-active will stand up and bark or "raise his hand" or otherwise put her in her place (outwardly) - but in fact give her the long-awaited feeling of that same male asset nearby. Not even sex, by the way - although sex will be a clear manifestation of just such a man. All others (3 types) are sluts and "sons" in front of a real asset.

So it is seen in the head of a passive lady, I mean.

There comes a climax, both get satisfaction, social and sexual, and as a rule everything repeats again and again. The cycle can be from a couple of days to months .. Dozens of years, in fact. The couple seems to swear, fight, scream - and enjoy the feeling of closeness, and God forbid someone rushes to "reconcile" the spouses ...

The man is an asset

Now about the complex "disguised" cases.

Like a male father?

Outwardly, a man behaves like a "father", for example. Decent, caring, polite .. And inside?

Many times in the head of this man there are epithets and desires (not realized, of course!), Which do not suit the father in any way. And only his upbringing saves his wife from whipping and beating and other things .. At the same time, everything inside boils and boils at such minutes and hours - but does not find a way out. And the “passive” wife is more and more persistently provoking the “rag-husband” to express strength and other emotions ..

I once used the term "good aggressive"

Kind aggressive

What it is? And here it is... a man who most of the time behaves like a father - caring and kind, attentive, .. But when the "bed" approaches, POWER wakes up in him... no, not erection, but leadership. Yes, he can hide it and not show it. For different reasons. For example - to learn from childhood that the pioneers do not act like this ... and it can be learned from bitter experience that to realize one's strength, activity - there is no one with whom, nowhere .. Life ... But - there is a need!

The ability to be flexible, to show their different sides, different incarnations - is important for any "not pure" type. In different conditions, we need to act and think differently. When a girl is sad, she has anxiety - it is better to comfort and please her father. And when she has a playful mood, it is better for her father to go into the background. And give way to "active" - ​​persistent, inventive and cheerful.

It is with this type that stable enough pairs are obtained for a passive woman. Not ideal, but sinusoidal. They clash, quarrel - but continue to live. They tell everyone that they don’t love each other - but at times they also experience tenderness and so on for each other ..

There are similar cycles in a father-daughter couple, but they are less stormy there, there is no such intensity of passions ..

The question is - is there really an Active in you, huh?

What is bisexuality? This concept is quite widespread in modern society. It means a certain phenomenon of a person's sexual behavior, in which he is attracted to both his own sex and the opposite. Currently, a huge number of scientists and sexologists are studying this concept, considering it in different aspects. To date, many facts are already known about the features of this phenomenon, some of them call it a disease and offer options for its treatment.

So, what is bisexuality, how does it develop, and what are its main features?

Who is bisexual?

First of all, you need to decide who is bisexual. As the practice of sexologists shows, this feature of the body is characteristic of both men and women, and scientists from North America argue that bisexuality is more common among the representatives of the weaker half of humanity. All this is connected with some studies, during which it turned out that half of the women at least once thought about sexual contact with a representative of their own sex, and a large part admits that they are attracted to other girls.

Who is bisexual? This is a person who is sexually attracted to both men and women. It often happens that a person brought up in certain cultural conditions and surrounded by strict principles, sensing signs of bisexuality in himself, tries to suppress them. Then there may be disharmony between the body and the psyche, which, as a rule, entails bad consequences. On such grounds, a considerable number of maniacs appear, suicides occur, at best, a person can simply experience isolation in himself, especially in sexual terms.

Bisexuality in men

According to sexologists around the world, this phenomenon is rarely seen among men. However, guys who are characterized by this pathology are often confident that their orientation is fully compatible with family life. It often happens that a woman may not even know about the inclinations of her sexual partner.

What is bisexuality in men? This attraction to the representatives of not only the beautiful half of humanity, but also to the stronger sex. It may not necessarily be expressed in intimacy with men. Often this is limited to a simple manifestation of sympathy, for example, to one of their friends. The degree of such sexual deviation in men can be different: from a slight interest to a serious desire to have sexual contact with him.

Bisexuality in women

This phenomenon is especially popular among women, which scientists explain by the great closeness of the mother with her daughter from her very birth. Some sexologists argue that such a phenomenon arose in society in connection with the mass propaganda of this topic in porn videos. After all, videos with lesbians, where they have sexual contact with a man, can be found very often, and there are few pictures where gay bisexual sex takes place.

As a rule, representatives of the weaker sex reveal their propensity for sexual contact with women after heart-to-heart conversations with a friend, which are accompanied by light alcohol. In a state of complete relaxation and understanding, women often enter into intimacy. Based on this, experts have identified another reason for female bisexuality - the presence of understanding, which is not always found in men.

Signs of the presence of this phenomenon in a woman

Knowing what bisexuality is and what are its signs, you can calculate a person with a deviation in traditional sexual orientation. The difficulty in determining this phenomenon in women is quite high, but, nevertheless, it is possible to calculate a lady who wants to have a mistress.

Such a girl behaves quite frankly with other representatives of the fair sex. She can flirt with her girlfriends, stare at women's naughty parts of the body, or even be interested in women's opinions about how they feel about bisexuality.

It's easy to test a woman's bisexuality by asking her opinion about lesbian pornography. However, the difficulty of clarifying this point lies in the fact that in order to conduct conversations of this nature, close contact with the object of interest is necessary.

Signs of a bisexual man

Who is bisexual? Such a man can also not be immediately identified, since many of them maintain regular intimate contact with women and are often popular among them. However, scientists have found that men with such sexual inclinations carefully monitor their appearance, and this is expressed not only in neatly trimmed nails or a perfect hairstyle. As a rule, representatives of this type have a noticeable excessive craving for beauty, more characteristic of women: they often follow the shape of their eyebrows, tint them, attend a number of cosmetic procedures and follow fashion trends intensely. When paying attention to such signs, it is important not to confuse a bi man with a typical metrosexual. Bi men often maintain friendly contact with gay men and have nothing against homosexuality.


Not so long ago, a sexologist named Klein developed a test for bisexuality, which accurately determines a person prone to sexual attraction to members of both sexes. It is presented in the form of ten questions, which must be answered from the proposed options. According to the total number of points received, one can draw conclusions about one's sexual inclinations. The definition of bisexuality in this way, as a rule, succeeds with a probability of 100% if all questions have been answered honestly.

How to fight

It often happens that a woman or a man knows what bisexuality is, and then suddenly find signs of such a phenomenon in their sexual partner. What to do in such cases?

If many men dream of being in bed with two beauties, and can only be delighted with such a message from their girlfriend, then with women, as a rule, everything is the other way around. It happens that confessions of husbands about their, even a slight attraction to men, become the cause of disagreements in relationships and often - divorces. In such a situation, a woman should show understanding for the problem (if it is one) and perceive it as a normal phenomenon - only with the help of understanding can the problem be eradicated. Any girl should remember that by arguing, she will only force a man to close in on himself and be left alone with his thoughts and desires, and this can have negative consequences in the future. In the best case, to deal with the problem, you should contact a specialist.

The generally accepted theory of most modern sexologists can stun the average woman. They believe that women's sexuality is much more flexible in terms of same-sex love than men's, and that every woman is bisexual in nature. In particular, North American psychologists were the first to conduct official research on this subject.

The controversial study, which took place at the University of Idaho in Boise, involved 484 ordinary women. The statistics of the experiment are inexorable: 50% of the fair sex of the research group at least once in their lives thought about same-sex sex. 60% of women admitted that they are attracted to women. And 45% categorically stated that they once kissed a girl.

And yet, most great minds are inclined to one thing: bisexuality is the result of human intelligence, not nature. In other words, any deviation from heterosexuality has nothing to do with the natural instinct for procreation.

Signs of bisexuality

There is only one way to detect bisexuality: to notice in yourself an attraction to a same-sex person and recognize his right to exist. Recognizing bisexuality by other methods is impossible only because each sign may contradict the other.

Short haircuts, unisex clothes or typically masculine behavior - all this can only speak of a woman's individuality and in no way affect her stable heterosexuality.

Nevertheless, once admitting that she is bisexual, a woman is unlikely to ever back down from her choice. There may be periods of calm or unexpected bursts. The life of a bisexual woman is calm and measured, she does not distinguish between the sexes and is next to the person who is closest and most desirable to her at the moment.

At the American University of Utah, scientists were able to establish an indisputable fact: girls do not deviate from their sexual inclinations if they have already recognized themselves as fans of same-sex love. The study took place over 10 years, it involved young women aged 18 to 25 years (total 79 women with non-traditional sexual orientation). As time passed, not a single woman changed her inclinations.

Bisexuality test - Klein lattice

This test was created by Fritz Kleinham, based on the Alfred Kinsey scale of sexual orientation. The Klein lattice will not reveal something new to a specific person about his personality, but it helps to self-identify sexually.

What does the horizontal column mean:

  • Past - events that have occurred over the past three years, not counting the last year lived.
  • The present is the events that took place during the last year of life.
  • Desirable - how a person imagines his ideal life.

How to decipher vertical cells:

  1. Sexual Attraction - Which Gender Causes the Most Sexual Desire?
  2. Sexual behavior - information about real sexual partners.
  3. Sexual fantasies - which gender dominates your dreams?
  4. Emotional Preferences – What gender do you feel most comfortable with?
  5. Social preferences - in the company of people of what gender do you feel most secure?
  6. Lifestyle - what gender dominates your company in real life?
  7. Self-determination - what sexual orientation do you consider yourself to be?

The Klein lattice does not imply that a person can be asexual in some matters, so in some columns it is allowed to put the value "0". In other cases, each parameter is filled with numerical values ​​from 1 to 7.


  • Asexuality - a norm or a pathology? Asexuals - who are they?

Bi-orientation stands for a fairly stable romantic feeling, the attraction of representatives of the same sex (male or female) to people of both their own and the opposite sex. Most Russians refer bisexuals to the so-called LGBT sexual minorities, and especially radical homophobes even to perverts and patients. But the World Health Organization, sexologists and psychiatrists have a completely opposite opinion.

Orientation against homophobia

Orientation is one of the four components of human sexuality, along with biological (passport) sex, gender identity, which determines the mental content of a person, and gender role. That is, in which field a person lives in society. It comes in three types:
- heterosexual, traditionally considered the main one, and without any special evidence, unfounded (man's attraction to and vice versa);
- homosexual (man + man and woman + woman);
- bisexual (male + male or female, female + female or male).

There is an orientation of one of the three possible types in a person from the moment of his birth, laid down by nature from the very beginning. By itself, it also does not disappear and is not treated. Unlike, for example, the biological sex, which is corrected by most transsexuals. Another thing is that for its manifestation in a person and openness, some extraneous factors, external stimuli are sometimes required. For example, love or, conversely, divorce from her husband. But much more often, men and women realize and discover their true orientation on their own, as they grow up and learn about the world.

It is this fact, which has long been proven by psychiatrists and the WHO (World Health Organization), who excluded homosexuality and bisexuality from the list of mental illnesses, that a large part of the brutal and in many ways still patriarchal Russian society does not understand and does not want to understand. Even at present, she is quite aggressive towards representatives of other orientations, different from the more familiar heterosexual one. Such aggression, not only physical, but also psychological, moral, in the form of discrimination, is called homophobia and gives rise to organizations like the extremist Occupy Pedophilia.

According to Freud

Bi-orientation, among others, was seriously studied at one time by the famous Austrian scientist Sigmund Freud. It was he, based on the knowledge of human anatomy, biology and physiology, on the scientific developments of his colleague Wilhelm Fliess, who introduced the concept of such a human phenomenon as “bisexuality”, dividing it into female - female bisexual and male - male bisexual. According to Freud and Fliess, all people on Earth are born and born bisexual. But later, during upbringing, they also become homosexual or heterosexual. However, not all researchers agree with the founder of Freudianism, as mentioned above.

By the way, in recent years there has also been such a thing as "pansexualism". Pansexuals are people for whom in sex and life it is not the biological sex of a possible partner, his gender and orientation that is important, but the person himself, his content. Based on this, they, even if only theoretically, are capable of having any of the three possible orientations. Scientists also clearly distinguish between sexual orientation and sexual behavior. This means that a person who is able to love representatives of both sexes hides and even denies his true nature. And in society he usually plays the role of a “real heterosexual”. And often forced to avoid manifestations of homophobic aggression or discrimination. First of all, this applies to those who are more inclined to fear the negative reaction of others.

Tsvetaeva and her "Girlfriend"

It is customary in Russian society to hide one's orientation, as something quite intimate, and not to expose it to the judgment of others. That is why, as a rule, many public actions of activists of the Russian LGBT, a public organization that formally unites lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgenders, do not meet with understanding and approval. Such as, for example, film festivals held in large cities under the rainbow flag, sports competitions, flash mobs, gay parades and other similar actions expressing an anti-homophobic position and calling for tolerance.

By the way, it is quite difficult to call an LGBT organization of like-minded people. Rather, it is a kind of semi-amorphous and not very viable education without foreign grants, into which, for some reason, several diverse and not very connected social groups were united on the basis of sexual orientation at once. In particular, it is no secret that bisexuals and transgenders, especially women, are not very respected by some "true", as they consider themselves, lesbians. By the way, the same transsexuals have nothing to do with the so-called sexual minorities, they are also divided into homo-, hetero- and bi-oriented women (MtF) and men (FtM).

Self-respecting gays and lesbians are quite difficult to recognize and somehow distinguish outwardly from the general mass, although some of them sometimes give themselves away. For example, researchers of the life and work of the famous Russian poetess Marina Tsvetaeva knew very well that she loved not only men, including her husband Sergei Efron, but also women. For example, another famous poetess Sofia Parnok, to whom she even dedicated a cycle of poems "Girlfriend". It is Tsvetaeva who owns such famous lines: “To love only women (a woman) or only men (), obviously excluding the usual reverse - what a horror! And only women (man) or only men (woman), obviously excluding the unusual native - what a bore!

Celebration of bisexuality

Few, probably, have heard that there is a Bisexuality Day in the world. It appeared on September 23, 1999 at the initiative of several bi-activists from the International Gay and Lesbian Association in the USA, becoming a kind of response to homophobic prejudices and attacks by both heterosexual marginals and individual representatives of the LGBT itself. The holiday is celebrated with meetings, discussions and even themed carnivals not only in the USA, but also in Great Britain, Germany, Canada, New Zealand, Sweden, Japan and some other countries.

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