Competition for the wedding - he and she. board game he and she


The host asks the gentlemen to come out and invites one girl. Men need to kiss a girl on a certain part of the body and name her. For example, the first one kisses on the cheek and says "I kiss (Masha) on the cheek!". This means that the rest of the gentlemen can no longer kiss on the cheek. The next kisses, say, on the hand and says, “I kiss (Masha) on the hand. This means that the rest of the partners can no longer kiss either on the cheek or on the hand, etc. By the end of the competition, the girl will be kissed in all parts of the body. The one who loses a gentleman who will no longer have anywhere to kiss.

Wedding contest - Take care of your husband

The competition involves several teams of two people (groom and bride, couples from among the guests). Ladies are invited to demonstrate their care, as well as the skills to "care" for a man, that is, they will need to shave their "beloved". But in order not to take risks, just in case, the girls will shave not men, but a balloon inflated to the limit. A thin layer of shaving foam is applied to the ball, and the participants are given a tool - a disposable razor. Men help their partners by holding a balloon. Thus, they will see with their own eyes whether their ladies will cope with such a responsible task, if such a need really arises. The team whose balloon is “smoothly shaved” (that is, there will be no foam left on it), but does not burst, wins the competition.

Wedding contest - He and She

Only the newlyweds participate in this competition, and the guests become spectators. The bride and groom sit on chairs with their backs to each other and sideways to the "auditorium". The newlyweds can exchange shoes so that each has one of his own shoes and one of his other half in his hands. Another option: you need to prepare four cards in advance, on which “I” (two pieces), “He” and “She” will be written in large print. The facilitator reads questions that can be divided into several groups: everyday life and household chores, love and romantic memories, comic questions. The facilitator may ask, for example:

Who will take out the trash?

Who was more nervous on the first date?

Who sings louder in the shower?

Who keeps forgetting to turn off the lights?

Who decided on the first kiss?

Who is always late?

Who pulls the blanket over himself all the time?

Who will decide how to spend the donated money?

Who decides where to go for the weekend?

Who is to blame for the burning of the dinner?

The final question might be: “Who can make you happy?”

These are just some of the possible questions. You can come up with them with humor or with a more romantic, nostalgic mood - it's all up to you.

For the past year I have suffered from unrequited love. Perhaps this is due to the weakness of my faith, but there is nothing I can do. She rejected me. I want her to understand her mistake. What should I do? How to put out such a destructive feeling?

Any trait of a person's character can be both destructive and revitalizing, useful for self-development and self-realization. It all depends on the ability to use it: a knife can injure a person, but at the same time, it can help save another life on the operating table. Love is a very high and noble feeling, although sometimes the control center can fall into the hands of Satan, who will turn it into a fire that burns everything in its path.

"What to do?" you ask. I think that's what...

1. Prioritize tasks and life goals (make a list of ten important tasks for the year, for example). Remind yourself daily of what is most valuable, most important to you (stages of personal growth, career growth, development of professional skills and physical fitness). I strongly advise you to read the book by D. Colvin “Outstanding results. No talent!"

2. Strengthen the will (learn to force yourself to do this or that necessary at the right time) and faith, for example, through good deeds, helping relatives or orphans.

3. Choose a suitable prayer formula, which would be constantly on the lips.

5. Periodically (at least once every two days, for several months) listen to sermons.

Understand that you are Human, one of the best creations of God. In your short worldly existence, you can do an incredible amount of useful things for a huge number of people. Find yourself and tirelessly develop in this direction, keeping the faith and strengthening it. You will see the expanses of the world opening before you, you will constantly feel the mercy of the Creator and His grace (barakat) next to you. You will meet and fall in love with a wonderful and reliable person for you.

All this, and much more, you will achieve by the grace of the Lord of the worlds, making the necessary efforts, consistently and tirelessly.

Imam ash-Shafi'i said:

... In the omniscience of Allah, both the young man and the old man move.

The Lord helps someone, and leaves someone without help.

Some are happy and some are unhappy, some are good and some are bad.

Some are rich and some are poor. And after all everyone - the hostage of the affairs.

That is, what are the deeds, deeds, daily efforts for decades, such are the results, worldly and eternal.

The path will overcome the walking one.

A few months ago, in a foreign film, I saw a beautiful girl with whom I immediately fell in love. She is a Catholic, and I am a believing Muslim. I can't help it, I love her so much. She is now 27 years old, and she lives in America (the city of San Antonio), and I am 15 years old, I live in Russia (Nizhny Novgorod). I really want to be with her, but I don't have the opportunity. Please take everything seriously. I dream of somehow moving to 1996 in America, in its city, living next door to it, etc. Now, in an attempt to fulfill my desire, I practice various methods to achieve my dream, but nothing works out for me, I despair. I'm in a hopeless position. I hope you can give me advice on how to fulfill my desires. E. A., 15 years old.

Your feeling is not love, because love is experienced for real people. You just became a fan, created for yourself an idol of the opposite sex. With age, other things, more serious, will take privileged places in your life: how to successfully graduate from school, how to enter a good institute and successfully graduate from it, having found your professional path; see your upcoming goals and objectives, and then achieve them one by one, working every day and gaining new strength and optimism. For your youthful "mania" there will simply be no place, no time, no strength.

And yet it is important now to descend from heaven to earth and understand for yourself that you should not waste your life on empty dreams of distant beautiful people. Your time is precious! And if you miss a good opportunity today, you won't get it tomorrow. Every day we should write in a clean copy, write in the context of irretrievably passing years, realizing that no one else will do it for us.

I'm sure by the time you get this answer, you've already fallen out of love with her after watching a movie with another great actress (just kidding). You are at the age when a young man needs to intensively and daily, systematically and consistently work on himself spiritually, physically and intellectually. It is difficult, but necessary, otherwise you will lose much that you could achieve in decades of life, and then you will blame everyone and everything, but not yourself. Gritting your teeth, try to change your regimen and routine, giving a good blow to the nose of laziness and to the solar plexus to an empty pastime.

Can you date a girl knowing you won't marry her? Aidan, 19 years old.

Tell me, is it possible to communicate with a girl on the phone just for the sake of interest, knowing that you will not marry her? Ramadan, 24 years old.

Is your interest limited by the forced circumstances of the educational process? If not, then you absolutely cannot communicate with her. In addition, by communicating with her, you inspire empty hopes in the girl, even if you don’t talk to her about marriage (marriage), I’m sure she means it subconsciously and hopes for it.

I have a question to which I roughly know the answer, but I still want to finally make sure that one act is sinful, or rather a misdemeanor. I have a girlfriend that I seem to love. We do not engage in adultery, but at every meeting we cannot but kiss. After each such offense, I ask the Almighty for mercy, repent and each time I promise not to repeat this sin. But as soon as I see her again, everything repeats itself.

I used to console myself with the thought that this is my future wife, but lately I have changed my mind about marrying her. This is probably another sin. I promised to marry her and here I refuse ... Thus, I cause her pain and suffering, because after what happened between us (kisses and hugs), I simply have to take her as my wife. Aydar, 20 years old.

You all know, understand, “repent” and then what? You are low and vile in your attitude towards her. Is it difficult to understand and take note of this?! You don’t have children yet, but imagine that someone treats your future daughter so meanly (kissed, hugged and left), what will you do with him? Maybe stop being an animal, posing as a devout penitent?!

I am 20 years old, I am a Muslim. I don't have a girlfriend, and lately I've been thinking about my soul mate a lot. I haven't found her yet. This prevents me from developing, in general, it obviously has a bad effect on me. I am literally addicted to this. Kh., Kazakhstan.

You didn’t “hang” on this, but slowed down, stalled on life itself. The reason is that you did not formulate a clear program of action for the period “up to 30” in advance (from the age of 13–15) and no one convincingly helped you in this, and therefore now you are standing in a turbulent stream of life passing by you and think about what your place in it might be. It is possible that you do not even think about it, and therefore on the surface there is only hormonal development and no intellectual or physical perseverance, if you want - a revolution.

Don’t worry about getting married, by the age of 25 you will certainly find a life partner suitable for you, and for the rest of your life you will be happy with her, if by that time you have formed as a person who knows what she wants, why, and relentlessly moving towards her goals without looking back and without being distracted by something else. I wish you success.

I am a married person. One girl wants to ask me about Islam, is it allowed for me to meet with her, but, of course, not as a girl with a guy? She wants to know the answers to her questions. Y., 21 years old.

After marriage, it is categorically not worth communicating with strangers, except in cases of educational or work process. Often such communication ends with a psychological catastrophe and the breakup of the family. If she has questions, you can give her the email address of our site where she will be able to find the answers and much more.

What should a man do if he is far from home and for a long time, wants to get married, but cannot due to material reasons? D.

"How to be a man?" - to be a man capable of maintaining his courage, honor and dignity.

Muslims, wherever and whenever they lived, always showed social activity and a remarkable penchant for science. For example, Omar Khayyam, whom European and Russian Oriental studies tried to present as a rake and an apostate parasite, was in fact an outstanding scientist and pious person. So, did you know that Khayyam, who lived in the 11th-12th centuries, compiled a calendar that gives a significantly smaller error than the modern solar calendar, introduced by Pope Gregory XIII only in the 16th century?

So, without further ado, taking into account the Muslim history, which you are not ashamed to remember, do your work at the highest professional level, improve your skills and hone your skills.

In Islam, if I'm not mistaken, there are no concepts of "girl" and "guy" as a means of describing the relationship between people. How personal can a relationship be? Are mutual bodily hugs and kisses factors in intimate relationships? I mean the actions that the foreign word "petting" would best describe. This question is really important to me. At every touch, I feel awkward in front of me and above all in front of Allah. Tell me how to be? Timur, 16 years old.

Feeling awkward? Very good. This means that you are spiritually alive and the indicators for evaluating an act (sinfulness or lack of it) work for you.

Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said:

1. “Righteousness (piety) [manifests] in a high disposition (education). Sin is what causes anxiety in the soul, and what we would not like to show to others ”;

2. “Ask your [healthy, right intentions and actions] heart. Al birr(righteousness) - this is all that your soul, heart are calm about. But sin is all that causes confusion in the soul and hesitation (doubt) in the chest. Even if people give you a conclusion (advice)";

3. “A noble deed does not decay (does not disappear). Sin is unforgettable [clearly recorded and will be presented to the person who committed it on the Day of Judgment]. The Judge [Lord of the Day of Judgment, Allah] does not die! Do what you will [O man]! As you do, so you will be rewarded."

A Muslim friend of mine asks me: are there certain verses in the Qur'an that must be read in order, to put it more accurately, to bewitch (in his words) a non-Muslim woman? He himself, without knowing exactly, says that he heard about it. Ravza.

Haven't heard or read about it. A large explanatory dictionary of the Russian language gives the following definitions to the word "tell" - to conjure, to make predictions, to guess. I believe that for a self-respecting man, and even more so a Muslim, it is not appropriate to even think about such things, and even more so to link his pernicious weaknesses-inclinations towards the opposite sex with the Holy Scriptures!

Dear Shamil, once in the mosque after the evening prayer, the imam told us the following story: “When I lived in Pakistan, my friends and I were sitting in the mosque, and one of the parishioners asked the imam a question: “Can I kiss a girl?” And in our mosque they began to discuss this, without letting the imam finish his story. I didn't dare ask. So is it possible to kiss a girl or not? Apti.

If she is your wife, then yes. And it’s not that you can’t kiss someone else’s girl, you don’t even have the right to touch her, of course, excluding those female representatives whom you cannot marry due to family ties.

I study at the music school in the vocal department, and most of the students are girls. We have joint subjects such as dance, stage movement, in which we have to touch each other. At the same time, I feel great discomfort, because I know that this is forbidden. Are my actions forced, because actions are judged by intentions? L., 19 years old.

You answered your own question. Canonically, you can not intentionally touch strangers girls, women.

Can I go to discos and dance? Abdurakhman, 22 years old.

This is not in line with the lifestyle of a Muslim. It is forbidden.

See, for example, my book The Path to Faith and Perfection, last chapter.

You will find my Friday and Sunday sermons on the site, as well as on disks.

See: al-Kurtubi M. At-tazkira fi ahwal al-mawta wa umur al-akhira [Remembrance of the states of the dead and the affairs of eternity]. Cairo: al-Maqtaba al-Qayima, [b. G.]. S. 45.

In mathematical works he gave a presentation of the solution of equations up to the 3rd degree inclusive. See: Big Encyclopedic Dictionary, 2004, p. 842.

While the fanatics, the crusaders began to drown the promised land in the blood of the "infidels-Saracens". For more details about the six crusades undertaken over the course of almost three centuries, see: Uspensky F.I. History of the Crusades. M.: Thought, 2001.

Petting petting< pet обниматься, целоваться, предаваться ласкам]. См.: Новейший словарь иностранных слов и выражений. М.: Современный литератор, 2007. С. 623.

Hadith from an-Nawwas ibn Sim'an; St. X. al-Bukhari (fil-adab), Muslim and at-Tirmizi. See, for example: an-Naisaburi M. Sahih Muslim [Code of Hadith of Imam Muslim]. Riyadh: al-Afkyar ad-dawliya, 1998. S. 1032, hadith No. 14–(2553); al-Suyuty J. Al-jami ‘as-sagyr. S. 192, hadith no. 3197, "sahih".

St. x. Ahmad and ad-Darimi. See, for example: Nuzha al-muttakin. Sharh riad as-salihin [Walk of the righteous. Commentary on the book "Gardens of the Good"]. In 2 vols. Beirut: ar-Risala, 2000. Vol. 1. S. 432, Hadith No. 4/591, "Hasan".

Hadith from Abu Kulyab; St. X. ‘Abdur-Razzak. See, for example: as-Suyuty J. Al-jami‘ as-sagyr. S. 192, Hadith No. 3199, "Hasan".

He and She is a love game where you are asked questions about your significant other. When you answer correctly, you move one step forward across the field. As soon as both of your chips - yes, yes, both the guy and the girl - reach the finish line, your pair will win.

I am sure that we understand each other perfectly. What to do next?

  1. You take a card with a question and read it out.
  2. Your significant other writes down the answer on paper.
  3. You try to guess it.
  4. If you succeed, you move the pawn forward.

What are the questions?

There are 4 question themes in the game:

  • Red cards - love and erotica. Here you will learn about the preferences of your soul mate and, perhaps, meet questions that she would not have answered in other conditions.
  • Blue cards - home and relationships - here are questions about home and family. Do you remember the day you met?
  • Yellow - past and future - where would you like to go on vacation?
  • Green - money and work - questions about the mercantile side of life.

What are the fields with jokers?

Ordinary fields, but only for the answer on this field a rose is given. The more roses you have by the end of the game, the better. If there are two couples who came to the finish line at the same time, then the one with the most roses wins.

What's included?

  • A playing field with cells of different colors so that you come across different questions.
  • 8 player pieces (i.e. maximum 4 pairs).
  • 18 rose tokens.
  • 400 cards with questions of 4 types.
  • Rules in Russian.