The parable of betrayal is the most interesting thing in blogs. Wise sayings and phrases about betrayal Sayings about loyal friendship

A crowd gathered in the marketplace to watch the witch being burnt.

They brought out a beautiful woman, not at all like an ugly sorceress.

She climbed onto the platform and looked around at the raging crowd.

Many of the audience came to her for advice or help, she helped many with a kind word or medicine, she saved many from physical and mental ailments, but in a cruel world there are their own laws: someone did not like her virtue and gave her to be torn to pieces by bloodthirsty judges, they found her guilty and sentenced to be burned.

And she stood on a platform above the heads of those to whom she extended a helping hand, and they looked at her from the bottom up, and exuded their eyes with the insane, furious malice that their sick imagination gave rise to.

This woman is a witch! And you all know about it!

You have all experienced her witchcraft charms!

She spoils everyone, and something happens to everyone. Here is a husband and wife, - he pointed to the people standing in front, - they do not have children, because she performed a terrible spell on them.

But the woman, once the most beautiful woman in our city, lost her beauty and youth, thanks to the atrocity of the sorceress.

The beauty before her eyes turns into an old woman, although she is still quite young, and her beauty would not fade for a long time.

But the man - and at the same time the judge pointed to a man whose body was covered with ulcers - suffers from a terrible disease. And this is also her work.

And who can say that everything is fine with him? - the champion of the law asked the brutalized crowd. - Nobody! Because everyone has something: illness, grief, loss, failure. So know that she is to blame for all your misfortunes! A fair court considered all her deeds and found her guilty of all earthly sins.

Not only people suffer from her atrocities, but also the great nature. It is she who causes droughts, loss of livestock, crop failures. All troubles are from her, because she is a witch!

To save the innocent from this plague, the court ruled: burn it!

The servants of justice brought flaming torches to a platform laid out of firewood and set it on fire.

People! - whispered the woman, struck by the treacherous silence of those cured by her, - didn't my life-giving power help you?

Seeing the confusion of the people, the judge shouted to the crowd, frozen for a moment:

She says that she is a miracle worker, so let her perform a miracle and put out the fire.

God works miracles, but he does not help witches.

Suddenly the clouds rolled in and it began to rain. The woman raised her eyes to the sky and begged:

Lord, I have no place on this earth. People need someone to kill in order to shift their blame onto someone else's shoulders. If they have targeted a victim, they will still kill it, burn it, or throw stones at it. They do not die twice, let me leave this life, for nothing binds me to it anymore.

The clouds dissipated in an instant, the scorching sun came out, the flame flared up with such terrible force that in a short time only ashes remained from the fire.

The judge kicked the hot coals with his foot and, as if at the end of everything, shouted:

That's all that's left of the miracle worker!

Thousands of eyes looked at this terrible sight, and not a single one became wet with tears. When the last flames, running through the ashes, exhausted, went out, an old, weak man made his way through the crowd. He went to the fire, knelt down and said:

Forgive me, healer of souls and human bodies. I didn't get there in time. I was late just long enough to give you the opportunity to quickly leave this animal lair. But I hurried to you, I wanted to help you or climb the fire and share your bed of death with you. I am old and weak, and the days of my life are numbered. I was lying on my deathbed, and my strength was already leaving me when I heard the call from Above. My eyes were opened and I saw a terrible picture. I pushed back death to help you with my human truth, but I could not cross the path that separates us quickly enough. I didn’t help you in any way, I didn’t protect you by word or deed, and I grieve that there was no one in this crowd of thousands who could help you.

The old man turned to the dumbfounded crowd, and people saw dry old eyes full of sorrow and pain.

Fear of some incomprehensible, but palpable misfortune already ran a chill through the skin.

The old man looked into the eyes of the man eaten by the disease and said:

Your illness is the fruit of your life, and not the spell of an innocent. A dissolute life has led you to suffering and disease. You rot from your own debauchery, not from a conspiracy.

Then he turned to the fading beauty and said calmly:

You, losing your beauty, lived your whole life in anger, envy and hatred, and they ate your charm.

But when he turned to the unfortunate spouses, the crowd recoiled from them as from lepers.

And you, a godly couple, bear the burden of your sin instead of a beautiful fruit. You, - he turned to the woman, - were afraid of shame and deprived yourself of motherhood. And fate rewarded you with infertility. And you, - he turned to the man, - for the sake of a moment of pleasure, you drank a potion that deprived you of life-creating moisture. You are a withering tree, unable to bear fruit. Now, in order to hide your sin from each other and from people, you have shifted your blame onto an innocent being who has extended a helping hand to you more than once.

All of you, who accused the immaculate creature that cleansed you, have committed a double sin.

You wanted to hide behind someone else's back in order to be pure and sinless in front of sinners like you. You killed an innocent soul. How are you going to live on? Can you really enjoy life and build personal happiness? How can a murderer be serenely happy?

The elder wanted to say something else, but, looking into the empty eyes of people who did not understand the meaning of his words, he realized the futility of his zeal.

He sank down on the ashes, and his strength left him, and people, covering their eyes with their hands, afraid that they, like in a mirror, reflected all their sins, and someone else could read them and make them public, hurried to their homes, like walls and the doors will be able to hide them from shame.

The one who commits a sin will be sinful, but the one who accuses another of his sin will be twice as sinful.

The modern concept of "friendship" is so different from its real meaning: it forgives betrayal, accepts lies, does not allow frankness, and real communication has effectively been replaced by electronic correspondence.

A betraying best friend hurt me much more than a betraying boyfriend ...

When a best friend betrays, it is hard to cope with doubts tormenting the soul: to forgive her or lose her forever? ...

Love is the great art of building close relationships, and friendship is the ability to keep a distance.

Best Status:
If you have neither a grandmother nor a grandfather, it's time to solve this issue radically - make them your parents!

Friendship and Love are empty, faceless words, an absurd farce if there is no trust and respect in them. But sometimes even with these worthy qualities, feelings turn into a game. So it's up to you to decide what to invest in a relationship.

The best way to save a friendship is not to change it.

We have already dotted and finished our story ... but when he enters the site, my heart shrinks treacherously ... and if he also writes “how are you?” - starts to jump out of the chest ... How? Nothing without you...

Thank you for the betrayal and insight! Now I know that my girlfriend is a reptile ...

If your friend is jealous of you all the time, then send her on a walk!

How faithful you are, between betrayals!

It's hard when your favorite songs are played and treacherously remind him ... and you will never be together ...

I despise cowardice in people, when for their own benefit, saving their WOLF SKINS, they slander their FRIENDS!!!

Tired. from lies, falsehood, unnecessary actions, anger, aggression .. the heart wants warmth, tenderness .. without betrayal ...

Friendship does not rust for a long time if you regularly wipe it with vodka.

To date, the concept of resentment has become vague, it can mean the event itself ... but in my concept, resentment is such a feeling when you want to smash everything to hell ... this feeling of betrayal is the taste of irritation and eternal lies ....

I swear never to fall in love again, because my heart can't take the betrayal anymore.. I swear!! I want to forget forever the word PAIN… I can… do you hear, I CAN!!!

The deepest friendship breeds the most bitter enmity

Oleg showed up for the election, and stupidly looks at the ballot: he is looking for where are the hearts and the button to tell friends

It's very difficult to say "I love you" after a lot of betrayals, lies, insults and zero reactions. it’s hard to say “I believe” after you have been abandoned by the most beloved and dear people who once swore that they would never leave you

Friendship? What is friendship? For many, it's just something to wipe your feet with.

One of the greatest joys of this life is Friendship: one of the joys of friendship is that there is someone to entrust a secret to.

No vocabulary will help to express what a friendly hug will say ...

I’m writing a term paper, I can’t express my thought in scientific language, and the line turns treacherously in my head: “Not enough words? Give Raffaello!”)

Now you're dining alone. You used to have a lot of friends, now you don't have them at all.

An honest politician is not for sale! - Arkady Davidovich

Betrayal is a blow you don't expect. Betrayal aphorisms - Paulo Coelho

A friend is not the one who will give you a hand when you have fallen, but the one who will fall next to you and laugh.

When no one needs you - this is not loneliness ... this is self-deception ...

The most beautiful gift made to people after wisdom is friendship!

We deceive ourselves so often that we could make a living doing it...

Don't call an unfaithful friend. Is the mutable worthy of love? Betrayal of a friend aphorisms - Saadi

Decent people sell for a decent price. – Hot Petan

A good friend is better than a hundred relatives.

May retribution strike with misfortune Those who paid for friendship with enmity. Jalaluddin Rumi

I so love to look into your eyes and listen to how you lie ... And you don’t even know that I know the truth ...

So what if I believed you, fell in love, got used to it - I was a fool, but thanks to you I became smarter!

By the time you realize that there are only wolves around, you will already be eaten.

The friendship that ended never actually began. Publilius Sir

Sneak is a branch among the branches of lies and one of its varieties. – Ibn Hazm

Again comforted by that deception, I believed in your ridiculous story ... But I knew there was no more faith, not for the first time ...

The loyalty of the rascals is as unreliable as they are. - Pliny the Younger

Marrying without tying yourself in anything is a betrayal. Betrayal aphorisms - Michel Montaigne

A friend is someone who is comfortable with your successes.

Cheating on a friend is a crime Without justification, without forgiveness. — Lope de Vega

An old friend is better than two new ones, knows how to spoil the mood

A true friend is someone who will hold your hand and feel your heart.

I love betrayal, but not traitors. - Julius Caesar

Don't have 100 friends, have all the enemies!

Betrayal is like a blow below the belt...always unexpected and very painful...

Betrayal is a payment for fear or a beautiful life. – Victor Zubkov

He has all the properties of a dog except for fidelity. Betrayal aphorisms – Samuel Houston

A friend is a person who knows absolutely everything about you and still loves you!

Indulging in memories, do not betray them. – Vladimir Kolechitsky

Betrayals are committed most often not by deliberate intent, but by weakness of character. – La Rochefoucauld

We look for new friends when the old ones get to know us too well.

Money can't buy a friend, but you can buy decent enemies.*-)

War tests the brave, anger the wise, need the friend.

I tear my life like a piece of paper, along with those who did not want to go further with me ... And I start writing it from scratch ...

Whoever leaves a friend in trouble, he himself knows the bitterness of troubles. – Shota Rustaveli

A deceitful face will hide everything that an insidious heart has conceived.

Where friendship weakens, ceremonial politeness intensifies.

She was - betrayed, and became - betrayed ... just one letter that can break a person ...

It is better to be at enmity with a smart one than to be friends with a fool.

The loyalty of a coward or a fool is no support to the master.

Betrayals are committed most often not by deliberate intent, but by weakness of character. — Francois La Rochefoucauld

There's nothing to be done - then we indulge in love, then love betrays us. — Frederic Begbeder

Only a true friend can rejoice in your success!

Don Juan is the one who cheats on a woman, but not on women. – Spiegel Yefim

Be loyal to the one who is loyal to you. – Plautus

Men betray out of hate, women betray out of love. (Aphorisms about betrayal) - Moritz-Gottlieb Safir

Betrayal, maybe someone likes it, but traitors are hated by everyone.

Friendship is more tragic than love - it dies much longer.

Yes, I sometimes lost friends, not because I'm a nerd, but because there are friends who SHOULD NOT be lost!!!

This means that they never existed.

Nothing weighs more than devotion. — Christy A.

A woman in love is more likely to forgive a big indiscretion than a small infidelity. – La Rochefoucauld

Denunciations and denunciations are a natural form of manifestation of truly people's democracy. – Alexander Zinoviev

Everything is not so bad: we were not sold - we were given away for nothing. Betrayal aphorisms – Karel Capek

To send people to war untrained is to betray them. Betrayal of a friend aphorisms - Confucius

The richer your friends are, the more it costs you.

A friend is not a status - changing is harmful ...

Sometimes the lie merges so closely with the truth that it's hard to live in the remaining gap.

The basis of friendship lies in the complete agreement of will, tastes and opinions.

There are many friends; friendship is rare.

A bad friend is like a shadow: on a sunny day, run, you won’t run away; on a cloudy day, you won’t find it.

You know, what the hell is wrong with me, if you lost the main happiness of life because of stupidity?

A wise friend will not abandon a friend, despite all the hardships. Betrayal of a friend aphorisms - Rustaveli Sh.

Never judge a man by his friends. in Judas they were impeccable.

Malicious enemies do not get it like cunning friends.

The faithful may sometimes deviate from the letter, even from the precepts of the Gospel, in fulfillment of a higher law, the law of love. — Milton John

Friendship between a man and a woman is sex postponed until later.

I love betrayal, but I hate traitors. - Caesar Julius

They betray only their own. – French saying

Believing the vows of a traitor is like believing the piety of the devil. – Elizabeth I

Sometimes friends are the last people you can trust.

There are such friends - and enemies are not needed.

People call each other friends, but there's just users and those being used!

Friends now and then change is not good.

It's a shame when you are a Judas, and they sell you like Christ. - Arkady Davidovich

Other people only after selling out are convinced that they had some price. – Leszek Kumor

Betrayal, although very cautious at first, in the end betrays itself.

Friends are like stars, you can't see them, but they are there.

Not sure - don't betray. – Maxim Zvonarev

Who has deceived you so often as you yourself?

Lies are fiction, fiction is art, so all art is a lie.

Friendship and tea are good when they are strong and not too sweet.

Friends are the backbone of life. By multiplying supports, we prolong life!

Friendship can only unite worthy people)))

If a friend takes your mistress away from you, you should not quarrel with him completely in order to meet him when you feel gratitude to him for this ... - Albert Guinon

Traitors betray themselves first of all.

You can forgive betrayal, but you can't forgive. – Akhmatova Anna Andreevna

Don't have 100 friends, but have a cheeky face!

And our contact statuses are not a hoax, those two just got lost somewhere among the dreams.

You don’t have to ask a friend for anything, Trouble is not terrible with him, A friend is your third shoulder, He will always be with you ...

When you know what to talk about with a person, this is a sign of mutual sympathy. When you have something to keep quiet about together, this is the beginning of true friendship!

Friends appear and then disappear like waiters in a restaurant.

Don't have 100 rubles, but have 100 friends. Each will give 2 rubles, you will have 200!!! :-P

Of all that wisdom brings to itself for the happiness of a lifetime, the most important is the acquisition of friendship.

Again, having consoled myself, I believed in your ridiculous story, although I knew that there was no more faith, not for the first time ...

The golden man is easier to sell. – Slavomir Vrublevsky

Betrayal already points to love. You can't betray a friend. – Marina Tsvetaeva

Crowd in the marketplace to watch the witch burn.

They brought out a beautiful woman, not at all like an ugly sorceress.

She climbed onto the platform and looked around at the raging crowd.

Many of the audience came to her for advice or help, she helped many with a kind word or medicine, she saved many from physical and mental ailments, but in a cruel world there are their own laws: someone did not like her virtue and gave her to be torn to pieces by bloodthirsty judges, they found her guilty and sentenced to be burned.

And she stood on a platform above the heads of those to whom she extended a helping hand, and they looked at her from the bottom up, and exuded their eyes with the insane, furious malice that their sick imagination gave rise to.

This woman is a witch! And you all know about it!

You have all experienced her witchcraft charms!

She spoils everyone, and something happens to everyone. Here is a husband and wife, - he pointed to the people standing in front, - they do not have children, because she performed a terrible spell on them.

But the woman, once the most beautiful woman in our city, lost her beauty and youth, thanks to the atrocity of the sorceress.

The beauty before her eyes turns into an old woman, although she is still quite young, and her beauty would not fade for a long time.

But the man - and at the same time the judge pointed to a man whose body was covered with ulcers - suffers from a terrible disease. And this is also her work.

And who can say that everything is fine with him? - the champion of the law asked the brutalized crowd. - Nobody! Because everyone has something: illness, grief, loss, failure. So know that she is to blame for all your misfortunes! A fair court considered all her deeds and found her guilty of all earthly sins.

Not only people suffer from her atrocities, but also the great nature. It is she who causes droughts, loss of livestock, crop failures. All troubles are from her, because she is a witch!

To save the innocent from this plague, the court ruled: burn it!

The servants of justice brought flaming torches to a platform laid out of firewood and set it on fire.

People! - whispered the woman, struck by the treacherous silence of those cured by her, - didn't my life-giving power help you?

Seeing the confusion of the people, the judge shouted to the crowd, frozen for a moment:

She says that she is a miracle worker, so let her perform a miracle and put out the fire.

God works miracles, but he does not help witches.

Suddenly the clouds rolled in and it began to rain. The woman raised her eyes to the sky and begged:

Lord, I have no place on this earth. People need someone to kill in order to shift their blame onto someone else's shoulders. If they have targeted a victim, they will still kill it, burn it, or throw stones at it. They do not die twice, let me leave this life, for nothing binds me to it anymore.

The clouds dissipated in an instant, the scorching sun came out, the flame flared up with such terrible force that in a short time only ashes remained from the fire.

The judge kicked the hot coals with his foot and, as if at the end of everything, shouted:

That's all that's left of the miracle worker!

Thousands of eyes looked at this terrible sight, and not a single one became wet with tears. When the last flames, running through the ashes, exhausted, went out, an old, weak man made his way through the crowd. He went to the fire, knelt down and said:

Forgive me, healer of souls and human bodies. I didn't get there in time. I was late just long enough to give you the opportunity to quickly leave this animal lair. But I hurried to you, I wanted to help you or climb the fire and share your bed of death with you. I am old and weak, and the days of my life are numbered. I was lying on my deathbed, and my strength was already leaving me when I heard the call from Above.

My eyes were opened and I saw a terrible picture. I pushed back death to help you with my human truth, but I could not cross the path that separates us quickly enough. I didn’t help you in any way, I didn’t protect you by word or deed, and I grieve that there was no one in this crowd of thousands who could help you.

The old man turned to the dumbfounded crowd, and people saw dry old eyes full of sorrow and pain.

Fear of some incomprehensible, but palpable misfortune already ran a chill through the skin.

The old man looked into the eyes of the man eaten by the disease and said:

Your illness is the fruit of your life, and not the spell of an innocent. A dissolute life has led you to suffering and disease. You rot from your own debauchery, not from a conspiracy.

Then he turned to the fading beauty and said calmly:

You, losing your beauty, lived your whole life in anger, envy and hatred, and they ate your charm.

But when he turned to the unfortunate spouses, the crowd recoiled from them as from lepers.

And you, a godly couple, bear the burden of your sin instead of a beautiful fruit. You, - he turned to the woman, - were afraid of shame and deprived yourself of motherhood. And fate rewarded you with infertility. And you, - he turned to the man, - for the sake of a moment of pleasure, you drank a potion that deprived you of life-creating moisture. You are a withering tree, unable to bear fruit. Now, in order to hide your sin from each other and from people, you have shifted your blame onto an innocent being who has extended a helping hand to you more than once.

All of you, who accused the immaculate creature that cleansed you, have committed a double sin.

You wanted to hide behind someone else's back in order to be pure and sinless in front of sinners like you. You killed an innocent soul. How are you going to live on? Can you really enjoy life and build personal happiness? How can a murderer be serenely happy?

The elder wanted to say something else, but, looking into the empty eyes of people who did not understand the meaning of his words, he realized the futility of his zeal.

He sank down on the ashes, and his strength left him, and people, covering their eyes with their hands, afraid that they, like in a mirror, reflected all their sins, and someone else could read them and make them public, hurried to their homes, like walls and the doors will be able to hide them from shame.

The one who commits a sin will be sinful, but the one who accuses another of his sin will be twice as sinful.

I will never betray the one I love, no matter what the gods promise me.
Robert Green Ingersoll

Major betrayal is like loyalty.
Japanese proverb

He has all the properties of a dog except for fidelity.
Samuel Houston

If you keep a dog on a leash, don't expect affection from it.
André Wilmeter

I love betrayal, but not traitors.
Augustus, Roman Emperor

They betray only their own.
French saying

It's a shame when you are a Judas, and you are sold as Christ.
Arkady Davidovich

The golden man is easier to sell.
Slavomir Vrublevsky

Selling out friends is not a sign of bankruptcy, but a sign of a career.
Leopold Novak

Everything is not so bad: we were not sold - we were given away for nothing.
Karel Capek

I love those who are about to betray, but I hate those who have already betrayed.
Antigonus III


One who has never experienced the ecstasy of betrayal does not know what ecstasy is.
Jean Genet

The betrayer will never forgive us for his betrayal.
Nicholas Gomez Davila

A traitor cannot succeed because then he becomes a founding father.
Saul Alinsky

He sold everyone who bought him.
Walking review of Talleyrand

Renegades stigmatize shifters
Arkady Davidovich

Of the twelve apostles, only Judas turned out to be a traitor. But. if he were in power, he would prove that the other eleven were traitors.
Leon Trotsky

Times change. Now, for the same money, Judas kisses thirty people.
Mikhail Turovsky

Traitors are sold for dollars, patriots for rubles.
Arkady Davidovich

Traitors are despised even by those they serve.
Tacitus Publius Cornelius

To send people to war untrained is to betray them.
Confucius (Kung Tzu)

Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra

Dishonesty equal drags along
The one who betrays love and who left the fight.
Pierre Corneille

Betrayals are committed most often not by deliberate intent, but by weakness of character.
François de La Rochefoucauld

That hand is a fatal blow,
who caressed us.
Nikolay Alekseevich Nekrasov

How easy it is to betray, how hard it is to forgive betrayal, if it can be forgiven at all; for I am more and more convinced that the prerogative of forgiveness belongs solely to God.
Frantisek Lid

Any betrayal is nothing but broken loyalty.
Gabriel Honore Marcel

Betrayal, maybe someone likes it, but traitors are hated by everyone.
M. Cervantes

Time always has circumstances
And a coherent logical thread,
So that low betrayal can be
Explain in lofty words.
I. Huberman

Changed place, circumstances,
System of symbols and signs,
But the smell, essence and taste of betrayal
It's the same all over the planet.
I. Huberman

The traitors sell themselves first.

They betray only their own.
french wisdom

The role of a prudent person is very sad: he upsets friends, predicting for them the troubles that they bring upon themselves by their carelessness; they do not believe him, and when trouble does come, these same friends are angry with him for predicting it. Their pride lowers their eyes before the person who should be their comforter and to whom they themselves would resort if they did not feel humiliated in his presence.
N. Chamfort

I love betrayal, but I hate traitors.
Gaius Julius Caesar

To marry without tying yourself in anything is a betrayal.
Michel de Montaigne

Intrigue manipulates human trust - and therefore always smells like betrayal.
Alexander Kruglov

Betrayal is as much an integral part of politics as a dagger is of weapons.
Victor Hugo

Betrayal is a feat of loyalty to one's interests.
Alexander Kruglov

The lower the price, the lower the betrayal.
George Ratner

What can be more humiliating for the betrayer than the knowledge that they did not manage to properly use his betrayal.
Fazil Iskander

The soul that has committed betrayal perceives any surprise as the beginning of retribution.
Fazil Iskander

Betrayal, although very cautious at first, in the end betrays itself.
Titus Livy

There are never too many friends, only acquaintances can be many. And the best friend, and at all there will be only one. We offer you a selection of statuses, quotes and aphorisms about friends. Some of them will help you understand what real friendship is and what a fine line it has, while others will amuse you and cheer you up. We are sure that in humorous statuses about friends, almost everyone recognizes himself or his friend!

Friendship is a relationship in which a person is immersed in childhood. Playing in the yard, children begin to make friends, then friends appear in the kindergarten, at school, in the student environment. At work, finding a friend is already much more difficult, as a rule, by this time a person already has friends, and possibly the experience of betrayal, so he is in no hurry to let someone get too close to him. In addition, the spirit of superiority and competition always boils at work, so it’s good if friends are not connected by a common occupation - then they have nothing to share.

Friends are not just people you can meet to chat and have fun. Friends are first of all people to whom you are ready to open your soul. A true friend will never envy, but on the contrary, will only rejoice at the achievements of a friend. A friend is a person who always tells the truth, perhaps even criticizes in private, but in front of others he will never dare to talk about the shortcomings of his comrade. A friend is a person who believes in you, who can give you a magic kick and say that everything will work out for you!

It is strange that we are afraid to be friends with those with whom we have shared the best moments of this short life. Who else can we be?

It happens that friends with whom many bright moments have been lived become just acquaintances ...

Friends should be valued regardless of their origin. (Kate Morton)

Friends are much more valuable than diamonds.

A true friend is always by your side. He shares joys and sorrows with you. When you are in trouble, he is always ready to sacrifice himself for you, without thinking about the consequences, without expecting a reward, such friends rarely come across, if you meet, take care of him. It is your strength. (From the movie Rebel Spirit)

A true friend is support and moral support, while he does not count on profit and always helps disinterestedly.

The best cure for melancholy is meeting friends.

With friends, the world becomes brighter and life more fun.

It's easy to die for a friend. It's hard to find a friend worth dying for.

True friends are ready to do anything for each other.

In friendship, unlike in love, friendship requires obligatory reciprocity. And equality by all means. But not in the same sense. (I. Efremov)

Friends are the same in their rights, but in tastes they may be different.

A friend in need is a friend indeed. (Russian folk proverb)

To understand who is next to you, a true friend or not, only difficulties and trials will help.

If you went to visit a friend, the sight of his children before you even entered the house will tell you whether you are honored by your friend. If the children meet you joyfully, you can be sure that a friend loves you and you are dear to him. But if his children did not come out to meet you, then your friend does not want to see you. Then - turn around and do not hesitate to return home. (Menander)

Now I’m waiting for my friend to finally have children, I want to check if he is happy to see me ...

All sympathize with the misfortunes of their friends, and few rejoice in their successes. (O. Wilde)

A true friend will never envy, he will only be glad of all the successes of a friend.

About funny, good, best

There can be no sharp corners in the circle of true friends.

Among friends there is no meta to traitors, liars and gossips.

Where is the wise and faithful friend? Become one yourself!

To have a good friend, you must first become one yourself.

Whoever is a good friend, he also has good friends.

Your friends are a reflection of you.

A true friend is someone who doesn't need to be told "make yourself at home". He's already in the fridge.

A friend and his family are like close relatives.

Friends are those people who hate your ex more than you...

Friends are ready to tear up anyone who has hurt you.

Probably, each of us has a “pen pal” who lives far away from us, but at the same time knows more about us than those who live nearby.

Because he does not know anyone from your environment, and will not tell anyone anything, which means he will not betray.

Friendship is not 538 friends on the site, but one friend in life, which you can’t send in figs, because you have to go there with her so as not to worry about how she gets there.

Friends are not sent, because they may never return.

True friends are friends who won't let you do stupid things on your own.

True friends will either talk you out of stupid things, or they will go and do them with you.

About betrayal

You will not understand anything in friendship until you are betrayed by a friend who was the best.

To become real, friendship must go through difficulties. If one cannot stand them and betrays them, then there was no friendship ...

When you are in a car, with money -
Friends rock you in their arms.
When you buy them wine
They laugh with you...
You make gifts, you rush to them,
You worry and value friendship.
Come and help them in need.
You are crying... And where are your friends today?
When not by car, but in debt.
When not above the ground, but at the feet.
Take a look at who's next to you
Is this a friend given by fate?
And those who laughed in unison,
And spent a million with you
Today they will also laugh
To discuss you with your enemy.

The more money you have, the more "friends" you will have...

When friendship begins to weaken and cool, she always resorts to increased politeness.

They don’t stand on ceremony with friends and they don’t take offense at anything, because they themselves are like that, but they have to be polite with acquaintances ...

Friends are not capable of evil, otherwise they are accomplices.

And if one friend is capable of harming another, then he is a traitor.

There is no enemy more cruel than a former friend. (André Maurois)

He knows so much about you...

An enemy is usually made out of a friend.

From friendship to enmity, as well as from love to hatred, is one step.

Do not make acquaintances with those who betrayed old friends - as they betrayed the old, so they will betray the new ones.

Do not make friends with him, do not expose yourself to betrayal.

Why are those who usually protect with their chests getting stabbed in the back?

A friend is the closest, and at the same time the most dangerous person, because he knows everything about you.

Statuses are cool, funny and meaningful

Mom was right. Better to have a hundred friends than a hundred toys. Especially when your friends are as funny as Petya. (From the song by V. Thunder Ship)

Only one of these hundred will be the best.

There is only one person you can rely on.
- I thought there were two of us. (From the movie Dr. House)

In friendship, two must be sure of each other.

True friendship is when the message “I got sick” comes back to you “Are you FUCKED ??”

After all, there were so many joint plans ...

A friend is a news service, a liquor store and a psychological support center all rolled into one!

Sometimes it is also a stylist, makeup artist and ... a spy ...))

A true friend is not the one who sympathizes in trouble, but the one who shares your joy without envy.

Everyone can sympathize, but only a few can sincerely rejoice.

Friendship is like a puzzle. Each of your friends is a piece... Some are on the edge, others are closer to the center, but each one adds a piece of himself to us.

Each of your friends has a place in your life.

Friendship is everything. Friendship is more than talent. Stronger than any government. Friendship means only a little less than family.

And sometimes friends are more influential than family.

A true friend is someone who walks through your door, even if the whole world has walked out of it.

A true friend will never turn his back on you, even if everyone else does.

You probably wondered if all the friends of your environment are really friends, or perhaps some of them are just good friends? Many, probably, remembered their yard and school friends, and wanted to meet them, and someone realized how dear his current friends are to him. Be a good, loyal and reliable friend, appreciate your friends, and let your friendship only grow stronger over the years. Make friends so that later your children will be friends!