What episode of Star Wars does Ahsoka appear in? Ahsoka Tano, "Star Wars": the history of the character, weaving into the plot, appearance, gender, skills and abilities. Bonds stronger than war

I'm happy for you, Max. Believe me, there is so little good in our galaxy and so much evil that looking at you and Ahsoka makes me feel warm inside. Maris furrowed her eyebrows. “However, there is something you need to know. No, this in no way casts a shadow on your chosen one, it just might come in handy. You understand yourself - it's not enough ...

I'm listening to. - Neverov's eyes suddenly became the former cold eyes of the killer.

Brr! Maris cringed. - Well, you have a look! Boba Fett's eyes are even kinder!

Who is Boba Fett?

A Mandalorian mercenary, but that's not what we're talking about right now. Have you heard of the Clone Wars?

It was as a result of it that this bastard Palpatine came to power, or rather, he himself unleashed them, only then no one knew about it. An epiphany came later when Ahsoka's master Anakin Skywalker defected to the Sith and became Darth Vader. So - during the war, Ahsoka, as Skywalker's Padawan, was often on the front line or performed various missions of the Order. During a visit to Raxus Secundus, she met a guy, Lax Bonteri, the son of Separatist Senator Mina Bonteri. A certain sympathy arose between them, perhaps Bonteri was even in love with her. Tano saved him a couple of times, but after the coup and Order 66, they went their separate ways. So - now this type holds the position of Vice-Governor of Onderon and they say that he took this place not without outside help. Do you understand what I mean?

Is he collaborating with the Empire?

Not excluded. Imperials are not liked on Onderon, but it is no secret that the imperial authorities show increased interest in this planet - after all, Onderon lies at the intersection of seven space commercial lines at once. From there, shortcuts lead to important planets such as Bimmisaari, Commenor, Hapes, and Kato Neimoidia. Before Bonteri, the position of lieutenant governor was held by Shane Brassell, but he tragically died a year and a half ago ...

How did it happen?

Officially, the crash of his starship on Telty, which occurred due to malfunctions of the propulsion system, but then why did two investigators trying to figure out the causes of the disaster die under mysterious circumstances? One crashed on his own aircar, the other allegedly suffocated with a poisonous mixture for unknown reasons. And the chief of the Onderon police, Major Guerrera, was simply shot dead by an unknown sniper right on the threshold of the headquarters.

It's funny. - Neverov scratched his right ear. - And no hint of Bonteri's involvement?

Of course. The governor of Onderon, Tarik Dono, is not a young man, and they say he has been very ill lately. And Bonteri gained fame among the people as a defender of the interests of Onderon - the imperial garrison was never placed on the planet. The Empire does not interfere much in the internal affairs of the planet, and people credit Bonteri with this. But what is the price of all this?

This is very interesting information. Thanks Maris.

Glad to help. Do not think - I did not mean anything like that ...

To make me jealous of Ahsoka for some politician? - Neverov smiled, but so that Maris trembled. - My people are a people of warriors and explorers, more than half of the special units of the Board are made up of Hubbardians. One of my ancestors distinguished himself during the Andromedan Wars, commanding a VKS strike squadron. My great-great-great-grandfather was Praetor of the Security Police for twelve years. The captain of the Dal-cruiser Thanatos, brother of my great-grandfather, discovered a highly advanced Yeshe race in the Triangle galaxy, which is now one of our most loyal allies, because it was the Corporate Board that stopped the so-called Power Wars that raged in the Triangle, which were waged by six of the most developed peoples of the Triangle. Who was this Onderonian's family? Senators-governors? Does he even know what the solo survival test is? Maris is not funny.

Not funny, agreed the Iridonian. - But you keep that in mind, Max.

Necessarily. During the war, any information can come in handy.

Shaak Ti entered the cockpit of the starship. Neverov looked inquiringly at Ahsoka's relative.

Maris and I will still be in the cockpit. - Master went to the pilot's seat. - Rest.

Uh…thank you…master…

Max - I asked you not to call me that. - Shaak Ti jokingly shook her finger at the "genderless". - For those close to me, I'm just Shaak. After all, soon you will become, in a sense, my relative. It is so?

It turns out that it is. - Neverov narrowed his eyes.

Go. She already woke up.

Entering the cabin, Neverov found Ahsoka at the controls of the food processor. The Togruta was preparing something and did not seem to notice the Hubbardian entering. But he knew that the Jedi felt everything perfectly. Max quietly approached her and put his arm around her shoulders.

You know that I see everything. - The gray-blue eyes of the Togruta looked at Neverov, and there was so much tenderness and love in them that he could not resist and pulled her to him.

Phew! Ahsoka looked up from Neverov's lips. - Are you not enough?

And there is never too much, especially with the woman you love. The Hubbardian swept Ahsoka into his arms. Your word, princess.

I actually cook dinner for us ...

Waiting for your lunch.

The Thunderer raced through the featureless void of hyperspace, heading for the Sivris system, but for the two in one of the starship's cabins, that was not the point at the moment. Frankly, they didn't care if he was flying or not.

Aunt Shaak told me not to offend you over trifles and not doubt your feelings,” Ahsoka whispered, biting Neverov’s earlobe. - I answered her that the second is not even worth discussing, but with regards to the first, I don’t throw my words into the wind.

You are a very stubborn woman, Ahsoka Tano. - Neverov lightly slapped the togruta on the elastic ass. - I also told you more than once that you are my only one for life.

Nevertheless. Ahsoka playfully nudged the Hubbardian in the side. - What shall we do now? Maybe we can still eat and replace Shaak and Maris? And that, the right, somehow becomes inconvenient.

Yes, it is not good to shirk from the performance of your duties of steering the ship. - Neverov got up and began to dress. "By the way, Ahsoka - what can you say about a guy named Lux ​​Bonteri?"

What? The Jedi looked at him in surprise. - Lax Bonteri? How do you know this name?

It's my job to know everything. Again the eyes of the Hubbardian became as cold as the snows at the north pole of his home planet.

Yeah, it's Maris, she must have told you. Ahsoka sat on the edge of the bed and began pulling on her boots. - Yes, I know him. We knew each other, I won’t hide it, perhaps Lux was even in love with me, but then our paths diverged. You understand - the collapse of the Republic, the hunt for the surviving Jedi ... Hutt fuck you, Max, - the Togruta suddenly got angry, - you yourself saw that I didn’t have anyone before you! So why the hell are you picking on me about Bonteri?!

I clung to you, as you deigned to put it, not at all because some jerk was once in love with you. The thing is, your aunt's Padawan heard rumors that things weren't clear with this guy.

That is?

A string of strange deaths contributed to Bonteri becoming Lieutenant Governor of Onderon. - Neverov buttoned his vest and fastened his weapon belt with two holsters, which contained a blaster and an EM pistol. - No one accuses him directly, but according to Maris, a strange picture emerges. Take note of this.

Hm…” Ahsoka strapped her lightsabers to her belt. - As you say, dear.

Neverov nodded satisfactorily and went out into the corridor.

During their absence at the base of General Kota, practically nothing has changed. Practically - except for the fact that two more Jedi arrived on the asteroid, Kai Hudorra, a native of the planet Botavuya, belonging to the non-humanoid race of bothans, and Quinlan Vos, a representative of the Kiffar race related to people from the planet Kiffex. When asked by Neverov how this happened, both replied that they heard the call of Master Kenobi to the remaining Jedi to unite to fight the Empire, because the situation in the Heavenly River began to change for the better for all freedom-loving forces. At these words, Ahsoka clutched her head and said some very rude and harsh words to Obi Wan, which surprised the rest of the Jedi a lot. Both Hudorra and Vos had known the Togruta well since her time as Skywalker's Padawan, and it was quite unexpected for them to hear such words from her. Neverov, who already knew a lot about the abilities of the Jedi and that such a person as, say, Darth Vader, could very well feel such "communication sessions", shook his head and correctly made a remark to Kenobi, asking him to continue to be careful in such matters. .

After arriving from Carlak, both Lax and Ahsoka had to answer questions. Whether it's a doctor or an evil master waiting for you at home. Ahsoka, arriving on Coruscant without Bonteri, dragged her head down to her room. In it, she lay down on the bed and thought about that very kiss. He was so awkward, unexpected, but so desired and passionate. Although it was for cover... Or maybe sincere... Padawan lay on her bed and remembered this wonderful moment with a smile. She would lie like that at least the whole evening and dream of Lax, but Anakin unexpectedly entered the room. Ahsoka lay face down in the door, and as soon as the teacher opened the door, he saw an awkward smile on the Padawan's face. - Ha, something you are not very disappointed with your mission to save the senator. Skywalker said with a grin. Ahsoka's montrals darkened a little and she lowered her eyes. Anakin found this suspicious, and the Padawan knew it. Until it came to litigation about Lux, love, etc., the student still stuttered. “Master, I… I would like to visit Senator Amidala. She's just in there. Ahsoka smiled. The hero, without fear-and-reproach, just shrugged his shoulders and allowed the apprentice to clear his head. Ahsoka got on the speeder and started towards Padmé's house. They have become very good friends lately. And besides, the senator could keep secrets. Plus, Lux was no less close to her. The Padawan wondered whether to speak or not to speak? And it hurts in the chest! The Disciple of the Chosen One knocked on the solid door of the woman's quarters. From the other side came the muffled sounds of mechanical movement. At the same moment, the door opened in front of Tano and she saw C3PO. He was clearly not expecting a young girl on the other side of the door. The protocol droid was about to ask the Padawan something, but a soft voice came from within, "Threepio, who's there?" - Oh, Mrs. Padme! Jedi Ahsoka Tano has arrived! - Said the robot turning to the senator. Hurried footsteps could be heard from the living room. Padmé looked out of the cozy room and smiled at her guest. - Ahsoka! Good to see you! Come on, honey! The senator said with a smile on her face. Padme took the teenager's hand and dragged him to a cozy sofa. Sitting down on a soft surface, the Padawan looked a little embarrassed. She was going to talk about her attachment to a young separatist guy. Amidala noticed the girl's confusion and asked, “Ahsoka, are you okay? Something happened?" - Yes, Senator, it happened. It's about Senator Lax Bonteri. I… - Oh, I'm sorry, dear. I will interrupt? I just wanted to know is he alive, well? - Padme asked with concern. - Yes... He is completely fine, but did not fly to Coruscant. The problem is with me. - Padawan took a breath of air and blurted out - When we were on the ship, he turned to Karlak. The Death Watch was there and he... He... He kissed me... on the lips." - Finished Tano blushing deeply and staring at the floor. The Naboo senator was very surprised, but quickly recovered. - Did you like it? Or not? The girl did not expect such a direct question, but, having overcome herself, she answered: “Yes. Maybe. This is what I wanted to talk to someone who knows about love. I need advice, Padme! What should I do? How to deal with these feelings? Amidala smiled warmly and placed her hand on the teenager's bare shoulder. “Ahsoka, it’s completely normal for you to like someone!” If he kissed you, then he likes you too! - I thought it was a cover... - Honey, even if it was just a cover, he would have come up with something else. But he likes you, that's why it happened! Ahsoka smiled broadly and hugged the woman tightly. Thanks, Padme! *Meanwhile on Onderon. Local clinic. Psychologist's office.* Lux Bonteri lay in the psychologist's office, staring up at the ceiling, a little fear in his eyes. Folding slightly pale hands on his chest, he silently waited for the doctor to finish writing something in his notebook. Finally, the older man turned to the young man and examined him. - Well, my dear, what worries you? Why are we sitting so pale? Lux turned his head towards the doctor. Closing his eyes, Bonteri began his story. --There is such a Jedi girl. Or rather, as I understand it, Padawan. We had such a situation ... In general, I kissed her ... - And what's wrong with that? Was she trying to push her away somehow, or did she not want it at all? The senator just shook his head absently. - Well, if she was not disgusted, then what's the matter? - She's a Jedi, and... How can I tell you... - And she can't love you? Yes? - No ... It's different. She has a master. I overheard that it was Master General Anakin Skywalker. Unfortunately, I decided to find out more about him and realized that he not only hates the separatists, he is rumored to tear them to shreds! - On the last phrase, he emphasized and showed with his hands the reception of the gap so that the psychologist himself jumped on the spot. -What should I do doctor? If I pretend to be with the other, she will kill me, since she is a Jedi and who knows what is in her head. And if I show her my affection, and indeed catch the eye of Skywalker, then, too, after all, “Remember what your name was! The doctor took a deep breath, took off his glasses from his tired eyes and approached the boy. - Lax. I have known you for several days and I can only say one thing: you are probably almost the most courageous guy in our state. There is no other way to describe it, my boy. - Finished the doctor, putting his hand on Bonteri's shoulder.

Ahsoka Tano is a Togruta Jedi in the Star Wars universe, as well as one of the main characters in the Clone Wars cartoon. In Ahsoka's life, events are mostly canon stories, but Legends are occasionally present. If you are interested in knowing about the relationship between Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano in Star Wars, then feel free to read this article.

The character of the heroine

Ahsoka is as reckless as her master Anakin Skywalker. Thanks to this similarity, after several joint missions, Anakin and Ahsoka began to completely trust each other. A warm feeling arose between them, uniting them as a student and a master. They have the same aspirations and goals, which made it possible for them to quickly come to an understanding.

However, Ahsoka Tano in Star Wars has a very surprising personality. He absorbed a mixture of youthful intensity, kindness, sincere curiosity, restlessness, and also a love of freedom. She communicates very informally with other Jedi, even if they are higher in rank. Often she comes up with nicknames. For example, the astrodroid R2-D2 is often referred to as Ardvasha, with Anakin being referred to as Sky Rocker. In response, Anakin came up with a tenacious nickname for his subordinate - Hairpin.

Songs in Star Wars about Ahsoka Tano are not sung, but she is very popular with many fans of the franchise. Despite the fact that she has appeared in book or cartoon versions and has not yet hit the big screen, her character, charisma and appearance have made a large number of people fall in love with her.

When did she appear?

As a young child, Ahsoka was found by a Jedi Master and grew up inside the Jedi Temple.

For the first time with the heroine can be met in the animated film "Star Wars: The Clone Wars." Ahsoka Tano is just an ordinary messenger that delivers a message from Yoda to Anakin and Obi-Wan.

At first, Skywalker believes that the girl is Obi-Wan's new Padawan, but Ahsoka assures him that Anakin is her teacher.

Bonds stronger than war

With the help of Ahsoka, Anakin manages to destroy the shield generator, and then they go on a mission together to save a small child. After several outings together, the Padawan and the master approach each other and enjoy working as a duo.

The girl often shows her stubborn character traits, perseverance, as well as streams of optimism and enthusiasm. Ahsoka is not shy about showing off her youthful flair, though this often gets in the way of her more relaxed assignments. The Padawan is also trying to learn the finer points of diplomacy and how to make the most of his time.

Ahsoka has someone to learn from. Traveling with the impulsive and talented Anakin, as well as the balanced and cold-blooded Obi-Wan, the girl learns a lot from the masters. Thanks to her sharp mind and great sense of humor, she helps her comrades endure the hardships of war, despite the loss of friends or difficult, sometimes impossible situations.

The clone wars in Star Wars gave Ahsoka Tano a great life experience. Battles, traps, encounters with the enemy and the loss of comrades taught Ahsoka to clearly follow orders and instructions, as well as quickly make decisions in critical situations. However, she is well aware that there are situations when, in order to save her life and her comrades, she must completely surrender to her reckless impulses.

Events of the Clone Wars

Yoda assigns Ahsoka the rank of padawan at a very early age, which is somewhat unexpected in the Star Wars universe, Ahsoka Tano and Anakin become an apprentice and master.

She is sent to the master on Christophsis, where she is to assist Anakin in battles against the armies of the enemy. Through rigorous military training, Ahsoka quickly improves her fighting skills and other abilities necessary to survive and protect her loved ones.

Gradually, the Separatists outnumbered the forces of the Republic with a large fleet, which is why the Clone Wars dragged on more and more. Ahsoka had to go through many dangerous and risky adventures together with the master and Obiv-Wan.

The armies of the Republic receive several serious defeats from the troops of General Grievous, in connection with which a squad of clones led by Anakin and Ahsoka are redirected to the planet Bothawui.

Soon, Ahsoka comes face to face with a dangerous adversary - General Grievous himself. Obviously, the Padawan could not defeat such a formidable opponent. After chopping off one of his arms, she managed to escape.

First love

Ahsoka often went to diplomatic meetings with her friend Padmé Amidala. The girls liked each other and became close friends. During a peaceful meeting of the Separatists with representatives of the Republic, Ahsoka meets the guy Lux Bonteri, the son of one of the senators. Despite the fact that the negotiations themselves were a failure, Ahsoka began to develop feelings for Lux.

Some time later, the Republic receives information that the planet Ryloth has been occupied by Confederate forces. Ahsoka took part in the battles on this planet as the leader of the Blue Squadron.

Ahsoka didn't always follow her master's orders exactly. During the battle on the planet Felucia, she resisted the orders of the teacher, for which she received a severe reprimand from the Jedi Council and for some time worked only in the Galactic Archives.

Departure from the Jedi

On charges of organizing terrorist attacks inside, Ahsoka was court martialed. Padmé Amidala chose to defend her friend while Tarkin was her accuser. Despite the fact that Anakin managed to find evidence of his Padawan's innocence, Ahsoka felt that the Council had betrayed her and had never trusted her much before. She decides to leave the Temple. Anakin tried his best to persuade her to stay, persuading and begging, but the girl did not change her mind and said goodbye to her master forever.

Ahsoka Tano also appeared in Star Wars Rebels at the end of the second season, where she had to fight Darth Vader.

What happened next?

Ahsoka still dated Lux ​​Bonteri, who after the death of his mother, who died because of Grievous, decided to defect to the Republic and ran for the Senate.

After Order 66 went into effect and the Empire was formed, Ahsoka hid from reprisals thanks to her husband's surname. Despite being a senator for the Empire, Lux refused to believe that the Jedi had betrayed the Republic.

During the Jedi massacre, Ahsoka tried her best to help her husband, who sought to lead a rebellion against the forces of the Emperor.

Ahsoka and Lux ​​have a daughter, whom they decide to name Marina.

After the deposition of the Emperor, Ahsoka joined the New Jedi Order and helped train new Padawans, including her young daughter.

Ahsoka took part in many more wars and battles that have not yet been filmed either in films or in cartoons. Lux was human, so he died much earlier than his wife. Ahsoka, due to her Togruta origin, was able to live to the age of 150 years, after which she merged with the Force.

In Star Wars, Ahsoka Tano is the second character to use the reverse grip. She holds the blade down and the hilt up. The first such fighting style was used by Adi Gallia, one of the Jedi Masters that was a character in the game in the Star Wars universe. It is worth noting that Revan was also often able to use a similar technique, as can be seen from some images on the network. However, it is not known for certain whether he actually used such a technique.

In Star Wars, Ahsoka Tano is nicknamed Hairpin. Most likely, she received it due to her character traits - she often shows indiscipline, is harsh in decisions and often shows rigidity.