Very sad statuses with meaning, touching to tears! Statuses sad with meaning

The saddest statuses, often moving to tears, are on! There are times when the world around us ceases to please us. When even on a sunny day we want to be in silence. Relatives and friends cause only irritation and anger. We are covered with a gray canvas of hopelessness and sadness. At such moments, sad and dreary statuses appear on our pages on social networks. How is it, we think, yesterday the birds sang to us and we wanted to tell the whole world about our happiness. And today there is pain in my soul, and all thoughts are filled with despair. Flipping through the pages of other people on the Internet, you suddenly stumble upon sad statuses to tears, to the most acute pain in the heart. And now tears are flowing down your cheeks like two streams. And you think, well, why is this happening to you.

Why are we sad?

Why our life is not always so carefree and simple. Why is my friend doing great, but I have problem after problem. So at least once in a lifetime each of the inhabitants of the planet Earth thinks. But for many centuries and even millennia, sages have been trying to find answers to all these questions. And many were able to formulate their vision of the problem. On our site Statuses-Here you can find sad statuses with meaning. These are quotes and sayings of great people who saw themselves from the outside and left clues to their descendants.

Sad statuses for classmates, like a cry for help!

Or maybe it's not so bad? You just need to prioritize correctly, sit down and talk. If you saw sad statuses for classmates on a friend's page, he may need your help. After all, we so often do not see the small behind the big. And as the famous saying goes, we make a big elephant out of a fly. And sad statuses on your page are just an excuse to meet friends. But no, sad statuses are not just an excuse, this is a cry for help for loved ones. It happens that we become sad after watching an interesting movie or performance, or our favorite music inspired melancholy. And then we look for very sad statuses that could convey our thoughts to other people. They say that in the twenty-first century the problem of human loneliness in this world is one of the first places. Whether this is so is not for us to decide, but sometimes even in a large family people feel lonely. Our sad statuses about loneliness are your word addressed to the most beloved people. And let them understand and help.

The saddest and most beautiful quotes!

What is sadness? Is it a state of mind or just a bad mood. Complex issue. One thing is clear, if cats are scratching in your soul, our sad statuses for VKontakte are an occasion to let your other half know that something is wrong. Man is the most complex being in our world. We cannot understand ourselves. Sometimes we rejoice for no particular reason, sometimes we are sad. On you can always find the saddest statuses and let your friends break their heads, what is the reason for your melancholy. After all, sometimes you just need to be sad. Or maybe your beautiful sad statuses are just a word game. Or you really like the sayings of famous people about life and love. No, as they say, there is no smoke without fire, and you are sad because it is cold and damp outside the window, and just such a strange mood.

Let sad statuses be replaced by positive ones!

Our life is a very changeable thing. Disappointments are replaced by delights, failures by ups and downs and universal admiration, depressions by insane optimism. However, in difficult times, it can be hard for us to believe that someday the light will dawn. Sometimes a person simply needs to reach the very depths of his sadness, so that later, pushing off from the bottom, he rises to more pleasant experiences. In real life, we can express our feelings with the help of facial expressions, gestures, on the Internet we have to do with only graphics and words, so it is so important to choose the status that matches the mood. Let the new sad statuses you find here stay on your pages for no longer than a day.

beautiful statuses about love with a short meaning, for your page in VK or Odnoklassniki. Which will help you express your own feelings, as well as convey the emotions that love is associated with.

I am too strong to cry for you, and too wise to keep hatred.

In the building of human happiness, friendship builds walls, and love forms a dome.

What about those who don't love us? - It's better not to be with them.

For love to be happy, money is also needed.

The moon is a reflection of the eyes. When two people look at her from different parts of the world, their eyes will certainly meet. (E. Safarli)

Happiness inspires a person when his life is filled with the aroma of love.

To love is to see a miracle invisible to others. This is the loneliness of two in a vast world.

The touch of love can make a person a poet.

I love you and will never forget you. You are the best in my life.

I went to walk on the roofs and think about you ...

“Being together and loving are not the same thing. It often goes hand in hand."

The pleasure of love lasts only a moment, the pain of love lasts a lifetime

"In love, like in chess, you can't lose your queen to save pawns."

Respect has limits, love never.

"Fate never sends us unnecessary people."

I have the best man in the world...

“It's not jealousy. This is my happiness."

A caring man, this is the best gift for any woman.

Even the strongest and most formidable can be gentle.

You managed to find the key to my heart.

God created two of the most beautiful creatures in the world. This is the Earth and you.

You are my life and soul.

To be capable of true love is to mature with realistic expectations for the other person.

You can do anything if there is a person nearby who believes in you.

I do not play in love, I do not enter into correspondence.

You are like a variable wind, you lie and smile at the same time.

There are two sins in a relationship: to break off a living relationship and to hold on to a dead one.

In you my world is forever enclosed!

Only yours.

Looks are the first tender notes of love.

You alone love, and I give tenderness.

Memory is perfume for the soul.

All women are beautiful, and the love of men gives them beauty.

Old love doesn't rust.

Above truth is love. Above the law is Grace. Above Justice - Forgiveness.

The most effective cure for all ills is love.

Dressed from head to toe in Love... it's the only label that never goes out of style! Let's keep our love forever.

Jealousy is the acid that corrodes love.

Even the one who is far away stands nearby if he is in your heart.

The path of true love has never been smooth. William Shakespeare

Two hearts - one rhythm, two souls - one feeling, two people - the same thoughts.

To forgive is to free the prisoner and discover that you were the prisoner.

Europe sleeps, Australia sleeps. It is evening in America, and the most beautiful eyes in this world are now reading my status.

There is only one step from hate to love.

If love kills time, then time takes revenge and kills love

They were made for each other, but stupid in a terrible way.

If it is not possible to get closer, people disperse farther away.

One Love - one Life.

Show her that she is the most needed of all, and you will see that she is the most tender of all ...

If you love it, then this is the meaning of your life.

There is no happiness without your love.

Too much love suffocates, too little kills.

Unspoken love is a heavy burden

Sometimes just one word is enough for happiness ... "prints"

Beauty does not decide who we love, but love decides who we find beautiful.

Sometimes what you are looking for all your life is found in an instant.

Don't be proud with those with whom your soul wants to go crazy...

Artificiality in love, various restrictions - it's like killing or stopping a bird in flight. It will not work to stop, but to kill her is to kill love.

True love is always mutual.
The man asked the sage: “Which woman is the most beautiful?”… He thought and answered: “Beloved”…

To my dear, seven miles is not a suburb.

My life is still ahead of me, but I loved and I was loved.

When people leave, let go.

You can love all your life and fall out of love on Wednesday.

When a man and a woman are drawn to each other, no one can stop them.

People always destroy what they love the most.

There is no immunity against green-eyed

Hot love quickly cools down.

His smile makes him lose his balance.

Even the one who is far away can be near if he is in your heart...

But again the word “But” .. And again pain, tears, and it’s all the same ..

If I were offered an eternity without you, I would choose a moment but with you.

Don't get used to me. I'm not forever.

If you do not see the sun, do not cry - because of the tears you will not see the stars! R. Tagore

True love expects nothing in return.

True love suffers silently.

Love for all ages.

Love is tested not by time, but by relationships away from love.

To love is to live the life of the one you love.

Love conquers everything.

Power in Love!!!

True love is a relationship in which there is no place for humiliation.

One born in love cannot be weak. Samurai saying

Everyone breathes oxygen, and I breathe you.

You need to love not for words, but for actions.

Love is for two.

You can't lock love.

Love is not about finding the "right" person, it's about creating the "right" relationship.

Love has nothing to do with relationships, love is a state.

When I look at you, I forget all my sorrows ...

Love, like a tear, is born from the eyes, falls on the heart

What a great happiness it is to love and be loved!

Love, like a tree, is strong, but subject to various "insects" - insults and quarrels.

The art of love... is pretty much the art of constancy.

My behavior is the result of your attitude.

Sometimes love with meaning in life

A man has to find the right purpose in life, and a woman has to find a man with the right purpose.

If faith dies, love also dies.

Don't be sad when you realize your mistakes.

If they love, then not only with their soul or heart, they love with their whole body.

Tenderness and Love are healing remedies that are suitable for everyone and never give allergies.

The soul, like a cherry, has ripened for love ...

She drove away his cold, and he cooled her heat.

Even the most faithful and loving will get tired of waiting if she constantly feels cold and indifferent towards her.

Relationships are a pair dance. Both partners must catch the rhythm.

You are made for each other!

Different things Love and Falling in love ... The first is Eternity ... The second is Seasonality ...

The lovers invent each other. Those who love will know.

The greatest happiness in life is the certainty that you are loved.

In overcoming difficulties, a smile has more power than sighs.

Your desires are my weakness.

Faith is needed in love, firmness is needed in faith.

Only sincere love can forgive.

You can close your eyes to what you see, but you cannot close your heart to what you feel...

You are like a string in my life that combines all octaves and notes...

“Love is able to lift up to heaven and with the same composure to smash against the rocks.”

You can fake a smile, but not happiness.

Native - the one whose pain hurts you more than your own.

The mirror has two faces.

Love those who paint a smile on your face

The extinguished fire of love, you need to kindle from the coal ...

Walk with me through life... that's all I need for the journey.

A good memory is the basis of friendship and the death of love.

The more I know people, the more I love computers!

I may be different, but I always remain yours.

Love is the only feeling that does not depend on anything.

Love knows no pride.

Love is laughter and joy, not reproaches, and not a cage, and not a desire to possess.

Love can do a lot, but money is everything.

Love is evil ... love me too

Self-love is the beginning of a romance that lasts a lifetime.

Love is true between souls, not their bodies.

I'm your most independent addiction!

I am like the wind between the wings, always there and always invisible.

A person is not perfect until someone falls in love with that person.

Lost love does not return.

Only true love survives all trials.

Dear men! Remember! From the frequent change of holes, any nail will bend!!!

One love, one heart, one destiny.

You look at him... And he looks at you...

"In friendship between a man and a woman, someone's hope always lives"

You love everyone, and to love everyone is to love no one. You are all equally indifferent.

"Read my status and think of me"

To be together means to be together in everything and to the end.

To love is to find your own happiness in the happiness of another.

Your love is peace in turmoil and comfort in sorrow.

In the necessary - unity, in the doubtful - freedom, in everything - love.

Sometimes pride destroys everything! Even strong love and close friendship.

My friends, family and love are non-negotiable - they are perfect, period.

Sometimes you make a relationship, and sometimes a relationship binds you.

He who loves many knows women, He who loves one knows Love.

True love is like a masterpiece: it is one, but there are a lot of fakes.

Love is first and foremost a gift.

When people ask me about my life, I talk about you.

Love is the wisdom of a fool and the stupidity of a sage.

Better to be alone than unhappy with someone. Marilyn Monroe.

Love is blind, but family life is a brilliant ophthalmologist!

Love and loved…

Love takes away pride, but gives wings.

To love means to stop comparing.

Love turns dead ends into freeways.

The one you love is not the one you die without. And the one without which there is no need to live

Love is not subject to reason.

The best way to fight temptation is to give in to it.

Love in a person is a powerful source of activity.

Mother's love is the only love from which betrayal cannot be expected. We looked into each other's eyes: I saw myself, and she saw herself.

Love is the energy that drives life.

If you knew how little you were... .

They say that lies kill love. But frankness kills her faster.

This section contains beautiful statuses about love with a short meaning for your page in VK or Odnoklassniki.
Only by loving, giving oneself to another and penetrating into him, a person discovers himself, discovers another, discovers a person.
The experience of love is the only answer to the question of what it means to be a human being, and only love can guarantee mental health.
For most people, the problem of love is primarily how to be loved. In fact, being loved is much easier than loving yourself. Love is an art and must be mastered just like any other kind of art.
Love is always an action, a manifestation of the strength of human nature, which is possible only under the condition of complete freedom and never through coercion.
Love cannot be a passive manifestation of feeling, it is always active, one cannot “fall into” a state of love, one can “abide” in it. Erich Fromm.

It's a shame and very painful, do I really deserve it ((But I will be glad if you find the one that you need and will not interfere (( 147

Now someone is born, dies, laughs, enjoys life, catches snow with his palms, falls in love, lives, gets sick, loves, cries, and I just listen to music, to tears about you. 160

This is not the end, my boy, this is only the beginning of a brighter future without you! 123

I sit and draw on a sheet of paper with a brush - I draw love ... That's just for some reason with dark colors ... 120

After all, you're not mine, I know it!
Why then do I suffer, suffer?
Why do I ruin my love?
After all, you are not mine, why fate
Am I destined to know you?
Why did I meet you?
Just to suffer?
Why did you force in vain
love you so much?
Oh if you knew
How terrible
To be unloved and LOVE. 299

The main thing for you is to have fun, it would be more beautiful to find,
An hour as we know each other, you scream that you love a lot,
Stroking your hands, kissing your neck,
Love, smoke nervously and forget. 92

You are alien to me, but also dear, I don’t need you, but it hurts to lose you, I seem to understand you, but it’s unrealistic, you don’t seem to be a mirage, but not real ...
Some nonsense this love! 76

You said - love, I believed you. You said - one, only, dear. And again I naively believed you. But you were only playing a game, a ridiculous game that you made up, and hurt me like hell. 127

I like rain. You can hide your tears in it... 187

How bad it is when you love your loved one, you cannot live without him, and he knows this very well and uses it! 139

I don't need much - I just want you to be by my side... Here and now. 149

Still, it is very painful to be disappointed in those people whom you let too close to you ... 174 - Sad statuses

Do you feel that?
- What?
- That our game has been played...
- In terms of?
- It's all over in short.
- I will not let you go!
- It's all over, goodbye!
With these words, everyone can leave, take care of your love ... 83

How to remove our relationship file from memory? No way! I am not a computer! It's a pity... After all, they don't have hearts. 107

Yes, it hurts, but I keep my back straight and do not show pain! 151

The highest happiness of life is the confidence that you are loved: loved for your own sake, or rather, loved in spite of you ... And you really are loved! 33

I feel very good with you ... When you are around, I want these moments to last forever, I have very little time that we spend together, I want more ... I love you like no one else ever. 92

Love is like spam :) Sometimes you need it, but more often it's a complete mess. 51

What is love? For someone, iron chains, for someone, freedom and a dream ... My advice to you, if you want to save a relationship, then don't tell anyone about them. 64 (1)

It doesn't matter how much you know each other - a week, a month, a year or a lifetime ... If you miss a person, then he managed to touch your heart, then he has become dear to you. 86

I love everything, and I don't care who you're with now! 99

It's easier to drive out the darkness of the night than you out of your head... 89

I want him to call and say: “In short, baby, I don’t care who you are with now and who your boyfriend is. Tell him that you are only mine and this is not discussed! 429

"Call me back in 289 minutes" ... In his language - it meant "Never" ... And she counted. 344 (5)

"This status is for all those who once stupidly lost their other half and because of pride missed the moment when they could return it" 379 (2)

They quarreled... She cried into the pillow, and he smashed his fists against the wall... 518

They write on cigarettes: they cause lung cancer, on alcohol: it is harmful to health, why don’t they write on guys - dangerous for the nervous system? 275

"I heal wounds" - said Time. "I inspire" - said Happiness. "And I hurt, raise to the skies, and then throw to the ground" - Lyubov chuckled. 236

Before you judge someone, take his shoes and walk his path, taste his tears, feel his pain.

There are rivers of tears in my soul, and a sweet smile on my face ...

It makes no sense to cry in the rain - a drop more, a drop less.

Everyone can bring to tears ... And make your eyes shine with joy ... only a few))))))

Tears are words that the heart cannot utter.

Virtual love brings real tears.

If I smile, it does not mean that I feel good. I just know how to hide my tears

It's not rain - it's glass crying.

Tears wash away our sorrows, drop by drop, day by day...

Who was beaten by life, he will achieve more. Having eaten a pood of salt, he appreciates honey more. Who shed tears, he sincerely laughs. Who died, he knows that he lives.

Statuses about pain and tears, about resentment

Tears are not a sign of weakness. And a sign that a person has a Soul!

Your girl has grown. Already no one wipes her rare, angry tears from pain, she will quietly moan them into the pillow, clenching her teeth into a creak, herself.

Tears are the blood of the soul.

Tears are a weakness, you can forgive yourself for them ...

My heart is crying, you can’t hide the pain in your soul ...

Tears on the cheeks, pain in the heart, fear in the soul ... We store love in phone numbers ...

She can sit like this for hours, listen to the same song, wipe her tears with her palm and convince herself that she doesn’t care.

There are such days - all the time the eyes cry ...

Thanks anyway, for the pain, for the tears...

Sad statuses about women's tears

Women endure worse sorrows than those for which they shed tears.

I cried out the tears of millions of people, And I have already paid in full for all the sins in advance ...

Someday you will understand the price of women's tears.

Girls have such tears that they definitely need to cry out, at any time of the day or night, to cry out so that everything inside burns out ...

Beat means love. The husband thought, wiping his tears and looking at the bruises in the mirror.

Let weaklings with broken hearts cry, but I laugh. Because my heart is as cold as ice. If you don't come, someone else will. I'm too good for tears!

Tired of playing cheerful and cheerful when you want to sit in the middle of the street and sob bitter tears of loneliness.

God counts women's tears and returns them to a man doubly...

One wise woman said: “There are 3 cases for tears: a wedding, a funeral and the birth of a child, and the rest is all garbage ...”

I will leave, proudly raising my head, clattering my heels ... And behind the door I will slide down the wall in tears, but you will not see them anymore !!!

The strongest water in the world is women's tears.

A pillow sees women's tears... A girlfriend knows women's secrets... For the rest, under the instrument of torture - Only smiles, only smiles...

Women's tears are love, and happiness, and joy, and longing ...

Status about tears in the eyes

And again the tears of autumn on the eyelashes of September.

A broken heart, tears in the eyes, emptiness in the soul, and only on the lips are the words: "Come back, I love you."

Tears froze on my eyelashes, and it seemed that my heart stopped beating, because I feel incredibly bad without you, and I love you more than life.

Statuses with meaning

Tears are weakness. That is why it is the privilege of a woman, not a man.

Real tears happen only when the people closest to us leave us ...

Those eyes that weep the most look deepest into the hearts of people.

The tears of a stranger endear us to him before we know their cause.

Between condolence and consolation lies an ocean of tears.

Even a tear can be dropped on the floor with pride. Not to be confused with self-respect and self-control. If you cried yesterday and cry today, you will definitely find a reason to cry tomorrow.

Tears are more reliable witnesses of the state of the soul than laughter.

Tears cannot bring the dead back to life. There is one more thing to know about tears - they cannot force someone who no longer loves you to love you again.

Perhaps our eyes need to be flushed with tears from time to time so that we can see life more clearly.

I will always remember this phrase, the old man said to me: “Eyes that have not cried even once cannot be beautiful.”

Status about tears of a loved one

You draw a sparkle in my eyes and erase the tears on my cheeks, I love only you and want to be together forever.

I remember how he molested me, and tears flowed down my cheeks, I told him only one thing: “how I hate you,” and he smiled and answered: “no, you love me.”

The one who is trying to keep usually leaves, and the one who is ready to let go with
they usually try to keep a smile……….and it’s true…..girls,
guys are such goats, you never have to cry and suffer for that person
who left on his own………not a single guy is worthy of our tears, but the one who
worthy will never make us cry...

I cried my love today. Standing in the bathroom, hands trembling on the sink. You flowed down my cheeks to the last drop.

Nothing touches a man like the tears of a beloved woman, and nothing irritates him like the tears of a woman he no longer loves.

We suffer when parting with a person. But who knows, maybe if we stayed with him, we would shed many more tears ...

Statuses about tears of parents
A mother's tears are drops that burn and make even her own blood more painful. Mom is the most precious thing I have!!!
tears are flowing...

As children, tears helped us explain what we want to our mothers. Now tears help to understand what we want for ourselves.

The worst pain in your heart is when you see your mother crying and you can't do anything.

Tears of parents. These drops are more painful than your own blood.

How many times have we heard the phrase: "there is nothing more terrible if mom cries." But only the one who saw his father's tears truly understands what pain is.