Congratulations on the birthday of a child of 13 years. Happy birthday to son. My dear son, dear

Congratulations son! 13 years old! Hooray!
And let it be time for good luck in life,
And let happiness cover you with a wave,
And your parents will always be with you!
Let the teachers respect you at school
Let the girls from the yard notice you
May you be the first among the best
Let a happy accident help you in life!

Son, dear! Happy birthday! Thirteen!
We want you to have a cool birthday party,
So that the cake is big, so that it reaches the ceiling,
And so that a bloody hand would stick out from there!
To scare your friends insanely,
And aerobatics show them birthdays,
And to make the holiday look like Halloween,
We'll stick a toy knife in your back!

Our son, you have already reached thirteen years!
And we want to tell you a little secret
Thirteen is a difficult age, but we will survive,
And the whole family will go through this difficult path!
We will indulge you in everything,
If only you respected your father and mother,
The rest of the little things you can forgive
And continue to love you very much!

Thirteen years have come to visit you,
And they told you: boy, we found you!
Take heart, son, they come to everyone,
Be patient, in a year, don't leave!
And all the troubles will be taken away
And we will be very fine here without them,
We are number thirteen, we don’t like it very much,
It reminds me of autumn in the state of my soul!

Beloved son, what can I give you?
To make the number 13 easier, you could survive,
It's unpleasant, we know, but be patient
Your fourteenth birthday is ahead of you!
And then we'll take a walk to the fullest,
In the meantime, warn your girlfriend
It's too early for you to kiss on the roof,
You are supposed to be shy because of your age!

Sonny! 13 years old! Well, what a mess!
13 times I don't want to pull you by the ear,
And they say it's an unlucky number
But we wish you luck in life!
Despite what people say
May you be lucky many times in a row
May you be lucky 13 times this year
And then let the fourteenth year come!

Son! You are our pride, thirteen years in a row,
And may your years not fly so fast,
We wish you that childhood does not end,
Mom hasn't sledged with you yet!
Dad still wants to carry you in his arms,
And you are already going to be an adult with us,
Son, you probably, come on, slow down,
And you, wizard, stop time for us!

Dear son, congratulations
Happy Birthday to You,
I wish you to be happy
You are thirteen years old, hooray!
I want to study well
Don't be discouraged and don't be sad
I want to play sports
Be a good person!
I wish you to be successful
I love you with all my heart
I want to be honest with my family,
I'm insanely proud of you!

At 13, the whole world is open,
Son, in front of you
I wish you good luck
I'm on your birthday.
Let school life whirl
Won't let you get bored
Let the world rush to you
Secrets to reveal.
You can do everything, you can do everything
Believe in yourself son
Open to life for you
Any door will be.

My son - you are my sunshine in fate!
What to wish at 13 years old to you?
Responsive, be strong in any business,
Successful, let fear bypass you.
Always achieve everything successfully
Dream and don't give up.
Always have good friends
And fulfill your cherished dreams.

Congratulations to my son on his birthday 13 years old

Thirteen years old son
Fulfilled for you
Our dear, happy birthday,
Be brave, don't be shy
We wish you joy
You study well
Well, how fast did you grow up,
You have become big!

My son, you are pride and joy,
I heartily congratulate you
Victories, successes, achievements
I wish you thirteen glorious years.
Be strong in spirit, believe in luck,
Go forward confidently
Let in high beginnings
You, my boy, are lucky.

Happy birthday, dear son!
Reach the top in everything.
Don't forget to smile
After all, you are 13!
Let there be more friends
May luck love you
Be ready for success
Vigorous, cheerful and healthy!

Happy birthday son
Here are 13 for you
You became a beautiful young man
May you be lucky in everything.
Let learning inspire
A true friend will be nearby
Follow your dream
Find goodness around.

Son! You are 13 years old!
You are not a tomboy, not a shket!
You're already a serious guy
All of a sudden the answer is ready.
Congratulations! To grow
No bumps along the way.
And a path to happiness
Just one, find yours.
Feel the freshness of life
Light the way with rays
And reliable, strong, important
You become a man.

Here you are already 13,
My beloved, glorious son,
I want to smile more
For all you be irreplaceable!
I wish you joy, health,
And you always win
Don't let bad things happen
Never be upset!

Happy birthday our beautiful
Our son is an adult, dear!
And dreams, like in a good fairy tale
May they always live with you.
At school, so that everything goes smoothly,
Many days to be
It's good when it's sweet
From people's attention!

Son, you're already 13!
So it's time to smile
Clap your hands joyfully
Gather good friends!
We heartily congratulate
We wish you happiness, our son.
You grow up to be a strong man
Bold, wise and happy!

You are thirteen years old, son,
Let this birthday be
Cheerful, bright, interesting,
You be in a good mood
You study only for five,
Always listen to teachers
And remember, our dear boy,
For us, you are always the best!

Here you are, son, 13.
Young man, where are you?
I wish that study
You only brought joy.
So that friends do not fail
So that leisure is worthy,
For girls to love
Everything around was happy.

Congratulations on 13 years to your beloved son

Son, at the age of 13 I wish you happiness,
Success at school, joy, smiles,
And may the days of life be always clear,
Go ahead and avoid mistakes.
I wish you wonderful friends
Grow up, be inquisitive completely.
My dear, happy birthday,
Good luck, my dear, wish fulfillment.

Happy birthday son
After all, you are already 13!
Let our congratulations to you
Makes you smile
After all, we invested in it
All the love, all the care.
And we want everything
Son, what do you want!

Happy birthday, our boy,
The house is full of jumble!
The guests are all rushing to you,
Every word is glad to say.
Our word is more important:
We wish you warm days
Kind faces, radiant eyes,
Be happy many times!

Son! 13 years old! Your age colors the soul!
And do not let frost and cold in there,
Let your soul bloom like a garden
May a happy starfall fall on you!
We will not hide, and we will give you our hearts,
So that your happiness has no end,
You will be happy, and we will be happy,
And for your fate relatively calm!

Dear son! We celebrate you thirteen
We love you very much, we don’t have a soul in you,
And we wish you unlimited good,
May there be no evil in your life!
May your life bloom and smell sweet,
May your best friend love and respect you
And let, when you have a wife,
For a lifetime, only one!

We are infinitely grateful to our fate,
For the fact that today you turned 13,
For the fact that all 13 years you are with us,
And parents don't need anything else to be happy!
Son! You are the greatest joy in our destiny,
And we want to give our hearts to you
With the warmth of our hearts you will find comfort,
And let the nightingales sing on your soul!

Congratulations birthday boy! 13 years old! This is not a joke!
You won’t sit by your mother’s skirt anymore,
It's time to make your own decisions
That's it! Happy birthday!
That life is not a toy, learn to understand
Listen carefully to what your mother tells you
Listen to your father's advice, respect the elderly,
And never lose heart over trifles!

Joy in the family! Son's birthday!
13 years of life we ​​spent without regret,
Such a hero is growing, it's a pleasure to look,
So I could look at him forever!
After all, for a mother there is no higher reward,
How to raise a son like this!
So how should it be? You ask us with interest,
And it's so pleasing to the eye!

Thirteen years - just think!
When did our son grow up?
Look around for gifts,
Today is the best reason to make some noise!
Relatives are in a hurry to congratulate you,
Be happy, our dear son!
May fate bestow joy
And save from life's adversities!

So it's time for youth,
Turned 13, you son in the morning!
Please accept our congratulations
Walk through life boldly and do not be discouraged!
You will meet a lot of interesting things on the way,
Only by happiness, son, do not pass!

We wish you dear
It's great to celebrate 13 years.
Let the interests of fate
Come according to age.

You began to mature confidently
Walk with friends under the moon.
Trying to get things done
We are always proud of you.


Purchased and owned by the site.

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All to you our dear

At thirteen you grew up
He became a prominent and handsome guy.
On his birthday he managed
To be necessary for friends.

We congratulate you all
With such a cool date in life.
Gently tugging at the ears
Let's congratulate the winged phrase.

All to you, our dear,
Always and infinitely many.
Now you have met another year,
May the path be smooth.


Purchased and owned by the site.

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Be the first among friends

You will not forget this holiday
Thirteen years have come to you.
When you look at gifts
Find the hidden secret in them.

We congratulate you together
With your wonderful date.
We always want to be happy
And be the first among friends.


Purchased and owned by the site.

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We wish you joy in fate

At thirteen you realize
You know a lot in this life.
We are on your birthday
We wish you joy in fate.

You accept our gifts,
Embrace your guests with a smile.
Always be like this with friends
After all, you won't win with them.


Purchased and owned by the site.

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You became an older guy today

Accept our congratulations
Happy birthday, happy birthday.
Today you became an older guy,
One more year in my life.

May 13 years be beautiful
We wish you good luck.
So that all successes are subject,
In your joyful, bright fate.


Purchased and owned by the site.

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Congratulations on your "day"

Congratulations on your "birthday",
After all, you are thirteen years old.
We wish you a strong spirit
And bloom like a bouquet of roses.

Let them become joyful
Your days are daily.
And the girls won't get tired
Give us your views.

Congratulations for a boy for 13 years

Purchased and owned by the site.

Create a postcard

Let thirteen years shine
In your destiny, like a diamond.
Through life boldly reveal
Your experience, skills, talent.

You are an inquisitive boy
I became addicted to computers.
We wish the "mouse" to work,
when your monitor is on.


Purchased and owned by the site.

You are thirteen years old, my dear,
You accept congratulations
I wish you well, strength,
Excitement let it boil in the blood.

Let the peaks submit
To you, my darling son,
Go ahead and don't give up
You are the best, you are the only one.

I wish you to be healthy
Smiles, happiness and kindness,
Friends tried and true,
And the heart - joy, warmth.

Dear son, congratulations
Happy Birthday to You,
I wish you to be happy
You are thirteen years old, hooray!

I want to study well
Don't be discouraged and don't be sad
I want to play sports
Be a good person!

I wish you to be successful
I love you with all my heart
I want to be honest with my family,
I'm insanely proud of you!

At 13, the whole world is open,
Son, in front of you
I wish you good luck
I'm on your birthday.

Let school life whirl
Won't let you get bored
Let the world rush to you
Secrets to reveal.

You can do everything, you can do everything
Believe in yourself son
Open to life for you
Any door will be.

Thirteen years old son
Fulfilled for you
Our dear, happy birthday,
Be brave, don't be shy
We wish you joy
You study well
Well, how fast did you grow up,
You have become big!

Happy birthday my dear son. At your age of 13, I wish you brave strength and courage of the soul, good health and happiness in life. May not a single wind or hurricane be able to crush the sails of your ship and knock you off the right course. I wish you to always follow the call of your heart and do things out of the kindness of your soul.

Beloved son, at thirteen
I wish you joy, fun
And life is sweeter than all sweets,
And important goals to achieve!

Be a smart guy and always
Step forward and develop!
never know sadness
And smile brightly!

My dear son
Strong, agile, energetic,
On your birthday, your wonderful
I wish you a great life!

In sports, achieve victories,
Always be the first in life
After all, you are thirteen years old,
And for the younger ones, be an example!

Let it not be on the way
Failures and defeats
more fun to go
To the greatest achievements!

My son, you are pride and joy,
I heartily congratulate you
Victories, successes, achievements
I wish you thirteen glorious years.

Be strong in spirit, believe in luck,
Go forward confidently
Let in high beginnings
You, my boy, are lucky.

You are thirteen years old, son,
I heartily congratulate you today
Great victories, health, happiness
I wish you, my love.

Let the dream beckon you forward
And let everything succeed
Be strong, strong-willed, brave
And never back down.

Accept my congratulations
My most beloved son
I wish you a birthday
As a gift - good luck flower!

And the sea of ​​\u200b\u200bjoy is boundless,
And happiness is a fountain to heaven,
Gentle spring rain
Gifts, success and various miracles!

13 years old is just the beginning
Have a wonderful road ahead
Let nothing interfere with happiness
And life will be sweet as honey!

Happy birsday, my dear!
You're already big
After all, you are thirteen years old
And here is my answer:

You do not know bad worries,
May you be lucky in everything.
On "excellent" you study
And glow with happiness.

Always be beautiful, smart,
Naughty, a little noisy.
So that friends do not betray
And that you do not quarrel.

So that you achieve heights
You weren't afraid of anything.
Like a child you frolic
And "fly" everything up and up!

Don't rush to be an adult
No need to rush years.
After all, the best age is adolescence,
He is carefree and cheerful.

Happy birthday to you!
We wish all your dreams come true!
May good luck be by your side
And a lot of joy to boot.

Let everything that you undertake - it turns out,
Let all people admire you!
Smiles, happiness warmth,
And a lot of kindness in life.

Congratulations on your 13th birthday to a wonderful girl, a real beauty and smart girl. I wish you great success and achievements in your studies, your hobbies and interests. I wish you a great mood and excellent knowledge. I wish you good health and great luck, cheerful friends and fulfillment of all desires.

Happy birthday, beauty. I wish at the age of 13 to be bright, versatile, cheerful, smiling, kind, courageous, talented and quick-witted, to always achieve success, to serve as an example of a diligent student, the best girl for everyone. Be happy and dreamy, and may all your dreams come true.

You are thirteen, you are beautiful
May all dreams come true
And the ray of luck shines clear
To be happy you!

May all good things happen
I want the sun to shine
Laugh, have more fun
And get the buzz from life!

Happy birthday to congratulate
I want a young lady.
Here you are already 13,
Anything you want is on your shoulder.

I want a sea of ​​laughter
Positive ocean.
And trust you more
Wise mother's words.

Happy birthday honey, you're 13 years old
Be the happiest, beloved everywhere,
Let faithful, faithful friends surround
And may your studies go well.

Smile beautifully and rejoice in everything,
Let joy and a fairy tale come true.
Fulfill all desires and all your dreams
After all, you are the most beautiful person in the world!

Thirteen is a wonderful age
This is youth and enthusiasm
Happy birthday girl.
To be happy is a deal.

May you be lucky in your studies
Friends will be true
Let the rear be reliable
Your glorious family.

Will incarnate without fail
May crystal dreams
I want to be persistent
You were the achievement.

happy birthday dear
Charming girl
I wish you from the bottom of my heart
Golden ladder!

For you to climb it
And she was happy
To smile at the sun.
Happy birthday, honey!

A beautiful day without a doubt
After all, today is my birthday!
We will congratulate (name)
And thirteen to celebrate.

We wish her well
Many devoted friends
Have fun and dream
Never lose heart!

May this school year
End without worries.
Give gifts more often
May each day be bright.

There will be miracles in life
The beauty never ends.
People will be kind to her
And dreams come true!

You are thirteen years old boy
A beautiful youth is in full swing,
I wish you great success
The fuse of the soul brought you.

I want to study well
Always be a great friend
Helper for mom and dad
Don't forget about sports too.

Dream, strive and don't give up
Always make big plans
Stay the same kind
Be happy, my dear.

Today marks
You are 13 years old
accept for birthday
My little advice
So that more often in your life
Joked and smiled
With friends not on Skype,
Live to communicate.
I wish to be near
Always had friends
And proud of you
To the whole family.

You have become a year older
You are already 13
Soon you'll be growing
You are equal with your dad.

I wish you
Was strong and healthy
excellent grades,
To wear from school.

To not be lazy
did sports,
Difficulties so that you
Never been afraid in my life.

I wish there was
Resolute and strong
In real life
To become a man.

Happy birthday, cheerful, dexterous, brave and beautiful boy. I wish you strong strength, health and determination, I wish you to show yourself as a real man in every situation, I wish you to always remain a talented, kind, tireless boy. And may your 13 years become happy, incredibly lucky and cool for you.

Well, young man, 13 -
This is the golden age.
Set goals, don't give up
Always be yourself.

Only true friendship
Appreciation is the most important thing in life.
And for mom and dad only
Pride, joy to be.

Happy Birthday,
Here's 13 for you.
I wish in a young life
Be bright.

Always be a great friend
Be a support for relatives
Well chosen path
You go to your dream.

At thirteen I wish you
To be the happiest on this earth
May friends always surround you
Let the good mood give.
Great success in your studies,
Joy, laughter, kindness and health.

Congratulations to a kind and brave boy on his 13th birthday. May this date be happy for you, may your dream come true this year, may great success and great luck await you. I wish you health, faithful comrades, interesting games and hobbies, good mood and great happiness.

You've grown up, you're thirteen
The energy beats with a key,
I want to have fun
Be a happy boy!

The best is always to study,
Vigorously drive the ball,
be talented and capable
And achieve all goals!

Thirteen years is a great time
I wish you joy, fun!
Celebrate your birthday with a bang
Let your mood take off!

It's easy to let all dreams come true
And your life will always be beautiful!
I wish you to be happy
May the sun shine brightly in your sky!