Hemorrhoids in children. Hemorrhoids in children - is it possible for an "adult" disease at a tender age

Although hemorrhoids are recognized as a disease of adults, children also often suffer from this unpleasant ailment. And if adults earn hemorrhoids due to their own carelessness, then children due to oversight of their parents. So, hemorrhoids in children: where does it come from and how to treat it?

The likelihood of hemorrhoids in children is not as high as in adults. But the older the child, the greater the risk of "getting acquainted" with this disease. A peculiar boundary of risks passes at the age of 13 years. From this moment on, problems with defecation begin to appear regularly in children, especially those leading a sedentary lifestyle.

It is a paradox, but among all children, hemorrhoids manifest themselves most often in very young children who have not reached the age of one. Even specialized medical literature contains much more information about hemorrhoids in infants than in children who have reached the age of one and a half to two years.

What does hemorrhoids look like in children?

The essence of this disease in children is the same as in adults. Varicose veins in the rectum lead to the formation of hemorrhoids. They have a tendency to fall out, and can also be located outside the anus.

Outwardly, all this looks the same for all people, regardless of age. not much different - the nodes are detected visually or using instruments that demonstrate the insides of the rectum.

Causes of hemorrhoids in a child

A child's lifestyle is fundamentally different from an adult's. The guys are more mobile, but eat a slightly different food. If an adult most often suffers from hemorrhoids due to inflammatory processes caused by blood stasis due to long sitting at the workplace, then children become a victim of the disease due to frequent. Let's see where they come from:

  • Imperfection of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Big love for fast food;
  • If we are talking about a child under the age of three, then constipation can be provoked by prolonged sitting on the potty.

The last reason arises through the fault of parents forcing the children to “poop before going to bed”. If the child does not want to use the toilet, then you do not need to force him.

All of these causes contribute to the compaction of feces, which leads to difficulties during defecation. As a result, the child is forced to push hard, which means that blood actively flows to the pelvic organs, including the veins of the rectum. Stagnation of venous blood in this part of the body is the cause of hemorrhoids.

Older guys add a sedentary lifestyle to the factors for the development of hemorrhoids. It is characteristic that this began to be observed by specialists not so long ago - in the early 2000s. At this time, children began to prefer walks on the street to gatherings for computer games. Together with the wrong diet, replete with sweets and carbonated drinks, this greatly increases the risk of developing hemorrhoids.


Symptoms of the disease in children are almost the same as in adults. By and large, the difference in the "age" of hemorrhoids is only in the causes of occurrence, and even then not always. Another thing is the identification of these signs. If, when diagnosing an ailment in an adult, a simple conversation is sometimes enough, then in the case of children, a detailed examination usually cannot be avoided - babies often hide discomfort from parents and doctors, fearing painful treatment.

So, what signs indicate the development of hemorrhoids in a child:

  • Pain in the anus;
  • Visually noticeable and detectable to the touch hemorrhoids;
  • Difficulties in defecation;
  • The child experiences a feeling of incomplete emptying of the intestines after going to the toilet;
  • Bleeding from the rectum;

At home, it is not always possible to identify these signs, so if you suspect hemorrhoids in a child, you need to observe his behavior. If a child cannot sit in one place for a long time, constantly fidgeting in a chair, then this may well turn out to be hemorrhoids, and not the first stage.

Also pay attention to your child's underpants when washing. If traces of blood are visible on them, then the baby is sick, you need to go to the hospital. In this case, the examination is especially important - such bleeding can be signs of other diseases, often very serious ones.

At this age, frequent crying can be safely attributed to the causes of hemorrhoids. The child strains during this, which means that a lot of blood flows to the veins of the rectum, stagnation begins. Therefore, it is necessary to identify the cause of the crying of the child and eliminate it, this is useful for the baby in every sense.

Identification of hemorrhoids at this age is quite problematic and it is difficult to detect it at home in the early stages: the child will not complain of pain, he does not sit on hard surfaces, which means you will not notice “fidgeting” in the chair. So it turns out that the disease is detected visually by the fallen nodes or by bleeding. In both cases, the disease is already relatively advanced, the treatment will be more difficult.

The best way to prevent the development of hemorrhoids in a one-year-old child is frequent trips to the hospital for examinations. But you don't have to be too zealous. In babies, this ailment rarely occurs, so you should only worry under the following circumstances:

  • The child has frequent constipation;
  • He is constantly crying;
  • The child is on artificial feeding.

The latter circumstance leads to compaction of feces, which can damage the delicate walls of the children's rectum.

Hemorrhoids at 2 years old

At this age, some children can already complain of pain on their own. In addition, they are not yet afraid of treatment, which means they will not hide their problems during bowel movements. Thus, the diagnosis of hemorrhoids at this age is much easier than in infants.

The likelihood of hemorrhoids in such children is less than in one-year-old children. Their intestines are already relatively adapted to adult food, which means that the likelihood of constipation is lower. They cry less than babies, which means less stress is placed on the rectum. Children at the age of two are very mobile and practically do not sit in one place, stagnation of blood due to constant sitting can be excluded.

It's all about healthy children. If the child has serious pathologies and moves little, then the risk of developing hemorrhoids is much higher. Such children cry more, and their intestines are weaker, all this can lead to hemorrhoids, although the likelihood of such a development of events is still small.

Hemorrhoids in a 3 year old child

The likelihood of hemorrhoids in such children is even less than in 2-year-olds. Their intestines are getting stronger every day, the risk of constipation is low. On the other hand, it is advisable not to abuse sweet treats and carbonated drinks, this can provoke an upset of the digestive system.

At this age, difficulties with diagnosis sometimes begin - the child is already afraid of treatment, he may hide some symptoms. But the problem is not very big, it is enough to monitor the child's condition and show it to the doctor more often if there is a suspicion of the onset of hemorrhoids.

At this age, additional symptoms of the development of the disease may be observed;

  • Irritability;
  • Tearfulness;
  • Constant scratching in the buttocks, which the baby is trying to hide.

It is already somewhat difficult to diagnose hemorrhoids by droplets of blood in the feces, since at this age going to the toilet becomes an independent action, it is not always possible to see the “results of the labors” of the child.

Despite such difficulties, the risk of developing hemorrhoids still remains low, although there are additional factors for the onset of the disease: a child can seriously violate by refusing soups and cereals. This provokes constipation. However, control over the nutritional situation is still in your hands, the problem can be solved.

Hemorrhoids after 5 years

At this age, the risk of developing hemorrhoids increases significantly. The main reason for this lies in the drastic change in lifestyle after sending the baby to school. First, he sits in class, conceived on not very comfortable furniture, which contributes to clamping the veins in the rectum. This is a direct path to the stagnation of venous blood. After school, the child comes home and, as a rule, sits down at the computer. Thus, a child at this age sits most of the time - an excellent soil for the development of hemorrhoids.

In addition, the diet is changing. If earlier the child constantly ate a lot of healthy food in the kindergarten or at home, now the basis of his daily diet will be sweets, chips and pastries from the school cafeteria. Violation of digestion will not take long, hence constipation occurs, the companion of which is hemorrhoids.

The situation is facilitated by the fact that at this age children often overcome their fear of treatment and treat their health relatively responsibly. They will not hide discomfort in the rectum, which means that diagnosis is much easier compared to younger ages.

Treatment of hemorrhoids in children

Practically does not differ from "adult" funds. But you should not resort to it, children are very sensitive, allergies can begin. The fact is that folk remedies are based on plant substances, which are often strong allergens. Therefore, before starting treatment, consult with a proctologist and pediatrician, do not allow amateur activities.

How to treat hemorrhoids in a child

Unfortunately, there are practically no special children's medicines on the market. And those few funds that are sold in pharmacies are not cheap, and their effectiveness is doubtful. Treatment is carried out with the same medicines as in cases with adults.

  • Sea buckthorn candles. They do not cause allergic reactions, stop bleeding and relieve inflammation. With the correct dosage determined by the doctor, this oil can be a good tool not only for relieving symptoms, but also for eliminating the disease itself.
  • Vishnevsky ointment. It perfectly relieves swelling and inflammation. Moreover, the tool is completely safe for children of any age. It works best in combination with other drugs.
  • Relief. This tool is available both in the form and. It fights the symptoms of the disease, helping to eliminate the causes of hemorrhoids. It can only be used as prescribed by a doctor, as there are a number of contraindications. In addition, the product is not recommended for children under 3 years of age.

All of these funds have maximum effectiveness in combination with other methods of treating hemorrhoids. Even considering their safety, it is not recommended to use medications without consulting a proctologist.

They can be divided into two types: home treatments and.

  • Home remedies are best avoided or used only on the advice of a doctor. As mentioned above, allergies can occur. An exception, perhaps, is the ground boiled eggshell, mixed with a drop of lemon juice. The remedy relieves swelling and bleeding, and also alleviates pain. Applicable to the treatment of children of all ages.
  • The operation is prescribed only in the most extreme cases - the development of complications, the onset of the 4th stage of the disease, persistent bleeding. In the treatment of children, the most popular are those that do not cause complications and allow you to completely or partially remove hemorrhoids. Some doctors prescribe cryogenic treatment, but for a child's body this can be too difficult a test, despite the effectiveness of the method.

All these methods are best combined with medications. The treatment process will accelerate, and there will be much less discomfort. Remember that you need to choose the most painless way to treat hemorrhoids - this is important for maintaining a healthy child's psyche.

Prevention of children's hemorrhoids

It is better to prevent a disease than to treat it. does not include anything complicated, it is within the power of all parents, regardless of the level of income.

  1. First of all, you need to take care of proper nutrition of the child. The diet must include soups, cereals and vegetables.
  2. You should limit the time your child spends at the computer by sending him on regular walks.
  3. Very young children should not be left in one position for a long time. Turn the kids over, change their position, pick them up. This prevents stagnation of blood in the veins of the rectum.
  4. Ask your children about how they feel. Avoid head-on questions; speak softly.

Prevention of children's hemorrhoids is in the hands of parents. If the child does not want to follow these rules, then try to gently explain to him the consequences of such behavior, tell him about hemorrhoids. But do not intimidate, this you can instill in your child a fear of doctors and hospitals!

Although children's hemorrhoids are rare, the danger is still present. Watch your children, and at the first signs of the development of the disease, go to the pediatrician and proctologist. Remember that complications after hemorrhoids can affect the rest of the child's life!

Hemorrhoids in a child

Asks: Elena, Belgorod

Gender: Male

Age: 6 10 months

Chronic diseases: Logoneurosis - stuttering. Often sick with viral diseases.

My son (6 years 10 months) with 3 hemorrhoids. The doctor calls this perineal phlebectasia. Treatment prescribes - douching with chamomile, sea buckthorn candles, a contrast shower on the anus and baths with herbs. Meals and do not sit long in the toilet. All these manipulations do not lead to improvement, but only to deterioration. The last time the doctor ordered an ultrasound
kidneys, pelvic organs. Add to
treatment of picamilon 25 mg (half of an adult tablet) 3 r. per day for 2 months. I read that Picamilon is a nootropic. Please tell me how, in your opinion, can it be treated with such a drug and what does it give for hemorrhoids?
Thank you very much for the answer.

6 responses

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I don't treat hemorrhoids like that. You need to normalize the stool, as you probably have constipation. You need to stick to diet #3 constantly, put cleansing enemas daily up to 500 ml (1 teaspoon of salt per 0.5 l of water at room temperature) for 2 weeks. Place Relief candles on the floor of the candle 1 time per night. Do not eat spicy and do not strain too much. If you have constipation, then fight them and the hemorrhoids will pass.

Elena 2015-04-08 20:21

There are just no blockages. And it wasn't. A child from early childhood drinks compotes from dried fruits and fresh apples. Eats a lot of berries, carrots, apples. We make juices from carrots, apples and beets. Our food is not rich, meat is not often available, cottage cheese every morning. Rarely fried, spicy son does not eat. Very picky about food. Of the cereals, he eats only buckwheat with milk. Poops every evening. At 1 year and 4 months, the doctor prescribed the wrong treatment and burned the child's intestines. There was a strong dysbacteriosis. Could this upset the venous balance?

No, put Relief candles and you need an internal examination, it's so difficult to say something.

Catherine 2016-11-02 16:50

Hello! The child is 3 years old. He got out a hemorrhoid, does not hurt and does not bother, How to treat such a disease and is it possible to do without surgery? Thank you in advance!

To begin with, adjust the stool with the help of a diet. An examination is needed, maybe it's not a hemorrhoid, but a polyp or fold. Treatment can be prescribed only after examination.

Elena 2016-11-08 20:05

Ekaterina, good afternoon!
My son is now 8 years old and he, like your child, developed hemorrhoids at the age of 3. We fought with him for a long time, went through many doctors and wrote thousands of letters.
Now everything is pah-pah, but we check regularly. Our actions: firstly, find a surgeon and let him check if hemorrhoids are accurate. They also checked for dysbacteriosis, ultrasound of the abdominal cavity and pelvic organs. I don't know what they wanted to find there, but everything is normal. If it is hemorrhoids, then it is necessary to adjust the stool so that there is no constipation. We didn’t have constipation, but we pooped cool. They drank juices, apple, carrot and necessarily added beetroot. Do not let sit on the potty. Buy a child's toilet lid and poop half-sitting, half-standing. So that the butt does not sag. Pokakal - immediately wash with cool water. We fill the knot. If it refuels easily, then all is well. In the evening, a contrast shower of priests. We bought slats stuffed on the base in a hardware store, such a square of slats, put on a bath, a child on his back on this square, lifted his legs and watered - we count up to 5 with cold water, we count up to 5 very warm. Water should not be icy or hot. So times 7. Still sitz baths in warm water with a decoction of oak bark. Ointment proctosedil, and ointment troxevasin (it's also troxerutin, but cheaper.). That's all. They also prescribed Troxevasin tablets, but we did not. In general, something like that. Try it, God willing, and everything will work out. The main thing is not to run.

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Hemorrhoids literally means bleeding. This term has been used since ancient times to refer to bleeding, but at the beginning of this century, this term was assigned to a specific nosology: varicose veins and disease of the veins of the anal canal and lower rectum.

Being the most common proctological disease in adults (hemorrhoids in adults), hemorrhoids as a disease in children is rarely observed and only at an older age. It is no coincidence that in the periodical literature there are no works on this topic, and even in textbooks on pediatric surgery, hemorrhoids are not assigned a place. Meanwhile, if we summarize everything that is known from the literature on hemorrhoids, and compare these data with clinical observations, it becomes obvious that in a significant percentage of cases the origins of the disease go back to early childhood.

Etiology and pathogenesis. There are a number of theories of the origin and development of hemorrhoids (neurogenic, endocrine, allergic, etc.), and all of them explain the development of the disease by changes only in the venous system. According to established views, hemorrhoids develop, as a rule, against the background of congenital insufficiency and inferiority of hemorrhoidal veins. Among the producing causes, the leading role belongs to unfavorable conditions of life and work (standing or sedentary, sedentary, as well as heavy physical work, alcoholism, etc.). Since the way of life of children in this regard is completely different than that of adults, the clinical pathology is not sharply expressed either. In fact, cases of a typical hemorrhoid clinic for children are casuistic.

As you know, a characteristic clinical sign of the disease is the release of bright scarlet blood, which cannot be explained from the standpoint of the pathology of the venous network. Interesting data shedding light on this side of the issue were obtained at the Research Institute of Proctology of the Ministry of Health of the RSFSR. It has been established, in particular, that in people of all ages in the distal rectum in the submucosal layer of the columnar zone and under the skin of the anal canal, a typical cavernous tissue is constantly found, consisting of multi-chambered bodies and individual cavernous veins, forming in 1/3 people of the group on the left lateral, right posterolateral and right anterolateral walls. By the time of birth, the cavernous tissue is poorly developed, its differentiation continues in the postnatal period and ends by the period of puberty. Hemorrhoids are represented by enlarged groups of cavernous bodies and individual cavernous veins with thickened sclerotic walls without signs of inflammation. Thus, hemorrhoids are hyperplastic changes in the cavernous tissue of the rectum, due to increased inflow of arterial blood into the cavernous bodies through small tortuous arteries and difficult outflow through the outlet veins. Naturally, when the wall of the cavernous body, which is filled with blood directly from the arterial bed, is damaged, it is released: it is scarlet blood.

Diagnosis of hemorrhoids in children. In most cases, parents turn to the surgeon with complaints that the child has nodular bulges around the anus during defecation, as well as when crying and straining. On examination, the anal area looks as usual, and only in some cases dilated vessels appear through the skin, but it is worth putting the child on a potty or asking to strain, as varicose veins or external hemorrhoids become clearly visible. It is very characteristic that there are no subjective complaints of pain or itching and such objective symptoms as bleeding, inflammation. In other words, one has to deal with the form of the disease that A. M. Aminev called " hemorrhoids without hemorrhoids". Although outwardly the child is practically healthy, the disease is in a latent, clinically not yet manifested stage. Under the action of appropriate causes, sooner or later hemorrhoids will manifest clinically.

In young children, in the midst of complete health, slight bleeding occurs from individual nodes, apparently due to injury by dense fecal masses. Bleeding is repeated. Pain is absent. In older children, first there is a feeling of a foreign body in the anal canal, then itching and burning. Soon the pain joins, sharply amplifying at a defecation. One or more external hemorrhoids swell, enlarge, and become inflamed. The skin above them is stretched and tense, bluish in color. Palpation of this area is sharply painful. Body temperature rises to 37.5-38 °C. Bleeding is usually absent.

As in adults, in older children there are three degrees of severity of acute hemorrhoids that have arisen on the basis of thrombosis of hemorrhoids. At grade I, painful hemorrhoidal nodes located below the dentate line are detected. The perianal skin is slightly hyperemic. With hemorrhoids of the II degree, a more pronounced edema and hyperemia of the perianal region are noted. Touching this area causes a sharp pain, which is also felt when walking and sitting. With hemorrhoids of the III degree, the entire circumference of the anus is an "inflammatory tumor". Palpation is sharply painful. In the area of ​​the anus, bluish-purple internal hemorrhoids are visible, which have fallen out of the anal canal.

Diagnosis of hemorrhoids encounters no particular difficulties. The question may arise: is it legitimate to make a diagnosis of hemorrhoids based only on the presence of dilated veins, without subjective complaints and an appropriate clinic? In our opinion, only those cases should not be called hemorrhoids when varicose veins of hemorrhoidal veins are a symptom of portal hypertension; in all others, this diagnosis is correct, even if phlebectasia is the result of another disease, such as Hirschsprung's disease.

Hemorrhoid Treatment. At the initial manifestations of hemorrhoids, conservative treatment is prescribed, which consists in regulating the act of defecation and the consistency of feces with the help of an appropriate diet containing products that have a laxative effect. It is necessary to observe the hygienic regime. In acute hemorrhoids, more vigorous measures are needed. Cleanse the intestines with enemas. Assign warm sessile baths with a weak solution of potassium permanganate 2-4 times a day, with severe pain, first cold on the perineum, then compresses with Vishnevsky ointment. In the morning and at night, 1/2 candles of the following composition are injected into the anal canal:

Extr. Belladonnae 0.01
Xeroformi aa 0.1
But. Cacao 1.7
M.f. suppos.

A good therapeutic effect is observed from microclysters with warm obelikhov or rosehip oil, Vishnevsky ointment. The combination of diet, physiotherapy and medicines allows you to quickly eliminate the acute process.

In addition, there is a large number of folk remedies hemorrhoids treatment However, it is advisable to use them only after consultation with your doctor.

Prevention of hemorrhoids should be the focus of attention of pediatricians, since it is in childhood that the prerequisites for the emergence of chronic forms of the disease in adults are created.

One of the main measures for the prevention of hemorrhoids is the development of the correct act of defecation. We fully agree with A. M. Aminev that from an early age it is necessary to educate the most physiological one-time type of it, for which purposeful work should be vigorously carried out in preschool institutions, explaining to the staff the harm of a child sitting on a potty for a long time.

Prevention of hemorrhoids is likely to be more effective if preventive examinations are systematically carried out. It is necessary to take children with congenital dilation of hemorrhoidal veins to the dispensary, focusing on preventive work in this group (risk group). Of primary importance is the active prevention of constipation: cold water for drinking and washing. Cool water drunk in the morning on an empty stomach acts as a mild laxative, and washing, in addition to hygienic value, tone up blood vessels. Phlebectasia gradually decrease in size and disappear after a few years.

A disease such as hemorrhoids is more typical for an adult, as it is associated with weight lifting, pregnancy, varicose veins of the legs and other factors that do not apply to children. Does this pathology occur in childhood, how does it manifest itself and what should be done in the treatment of hemorrhoids in a child?

Can children have hemorrhoids?

This disease is more often detected in adults, but in childhood, hemorrhoids can also occur, albeit extremely rarely. Moreover, in children, this proctological problem has some features, and the causes that cause hemorrhoids in a child differ from the factors that contribute to the development of this disease in the older generation.


  • External. It is an expansion of the veins that are under the skin of the anus. Such a pathology looks like bluish-purple swellings near the anus.
  • Interior. It causes the expansion of the veins that are located inside the rectum. The resulting nodes begin to come out of the anus when they become significant.

Hemorrhoids bring a lot of inconvenience to the child and require immediate medical attention

What does it look like?

Looking closely at the anus of the baby, parents can see a nodule that appears when the baby strains, and then disappears inside the anus. A small child may be restless at the time of a bowel movement if he is worried about burning, itching and other uncomfortable sensations. Older children may talk about feeling like something is blocking their anal area.

The node can become inflamed, and then the child's temperature rises. In rare cases, a blood clot forms in the node, which is manifested by sharp pain. If the node begins to bleed, the parents will find blood in the stool.

Hemorrhoids come in different stages, it needs to be treated on time


The most common cause of hemorrhoids in children is constipation. Such a problem can occur at any age, even in infants, because the digestive system in babies is still imperfect. In schoolchildren, constipation is caused by malnutrition.

In addition to constipation, the following factors lead to the appearance of hemorrhoids in childhood:

  1. Prolonged sitting on the toilet or on the potty. A problem with bowel movements can be associated not only with constipation, but also with psychological reasons (for example, a child cannot poop outside the house). If the baby is planted on the potty on time, he may sit for an unnecessarily long time before the urge to defecate appears. At this time, blood rushes to the small pelvis, and an uncomfortable posture prevents its sufficient outflow, which contributes to the development of hemorrhoids.
  2. Prolonged crying. If the baby cries for a long time, this causes an increase in intra-abdominal pressure. As a result, the vessels of the pelvis overflow with blood.
  3. Insufficient mobility. Modern children, especially at school age, move very little. They sit in class at school, then sit in class and in front of a computer at home. A lack of physical activity and prolonged sitting are factors contributing to the appearance of hemorrhoids.
  4. Congenital varicose hemorrhoidal veins. Such a rare cause can be detected immediately after the birth of the crumbs - with tension, crying and defecation, a vein will protrude in the anus.
  5. Inflammation or tumor of the large intestine, which caused stagnation of blood in the hemorrhoidal veins.

For successful treatment, it is necessary to identify the cause of hemorrhoids.

Development of the disease

With hemorrhoids, the veins in the rectal area expand and knots form. At first, their size is small, so outwardly they are invisible. Gradually, they increase and may sag from the anus when a bowel movement occurs, as well as during coughing or heavy crying.

As soon as the child stops straining, such nodes again hide inside the rectum.

If the disease is not treated at this stage, the nodes begin to fall out without straining, while they do not return back to the intestine, but require manual reduction. In an even more advanced stage, they cannot even be adjusted by hand, the nodes immediately fall out again.

What to do and how to treat?

For the treatment of hemorrhoids in children, conservative methods are mainly used, except for the situation with congenital varicose veins.

At home

First of all, for effective treatment, it is important to eliminate constipation and other factors in the baby that contribute to stagnation of blood in the small pelvis. The child is prescribed suppositories, as well as ointments, but since such preparations for hemorrhoids are not produced for children, the dosage of an adult drug must be agreed with the doctor.

Special candles can help a child


Surgical treatment is resorted to in cases where conservative methods have not been effective, and the disease has moved to stage 3-4. This happens very rarely in childhood, so the operation for young children with hemorrhoids is performed in exceptional cases.

Folk remedies

Microclysters, baths and lotions can help the baby


To prevent the development of hemorrhoids in a child, parents should:

  • Establish a baby's diet so that the child eats regularly, drinks enough water, eats fruits, cereals and vegetables in sufficient quantities for his age.
  • Teach your child how to defecate properly. Defecation should be quick, without long straining and sitting in the toilet.
  • Make sure your child is comfortable while pooping. To do this, choose a comfortable potty, install a footstool next to the toilet.
  • Monitor your child's personal hygiene habits. You need to wipe yourself without pressure, and after defecation, it is recommended to wash the anus with cool water (this is necessary for normal vascular tone).
  • Include physical activity in the child's daily routine. Let the child do gymnastics, swim, play outdoor games, roller skate, go to sports sections.
  • Monitor the weight of the child, as obese children develop hemorrhoids more often.

Affected in adults only. However, it is not. Hemorrhoids occur in babies and older children. Moreover, it proceeds in a slightly different form than in adults, and if the child is very small, then he is not able to explain what worries him.

Every parent should know what are the causes, symptoms and features of the course of hemorrhoidal disease in children, and how to deal with it.

Causes of hemorrhoids in a child

Many are interested in whether there can be hemorrhoids in infants and older children? Yes, however, its causes are different than those of hemorrhoids, which develop in adults. Pregnancy and childbirth, weight lifting have nothing to do with the development of this disease in children. But what then can cause children's hemorrhoids? There are several causal factors.

Constipation and malnutrition

This is the main cause of children's hemorrhoids. Constipation can occur in both infants and older children.

In children of the first year of life, constipation in most cases is a consequence of a violation of the intestinal microflora. In adolescents, it is associated with malnutrition. Children's love for nuts, chips, sandwiches, sweet soda results in such an unpleasant consequence as hemorrhoids in teenagers.

Prolonged constipation causes hardening of the feces, which, in the process of defecation, injure the intestinal mucosa. In addition, the baby with constipation strongly strains, which increases blood flow to the pelvic organs and contributes to the development of hemorrhoids.

Prolonged sitting on the potty

Hemorrhoids in children 2-3 years of age can occur precisely for this reason. Long-term sitting on the potty is associated with constipation or with psychological factors. For example, some children cannot go to the toilet in an unusual environment (in kindergarten, at a party). In addition, children in kindergarten are put on the potty at certain hours, and not when the child wants to go to the toilet.

As a result, the baby sits on the pot for a long time and to no avail, the veins of the rectum overflow with blood, which contributes to the development of the disease.

If this factor is the cause of the development of children's hemorrhoids, then the disease does not need enhanced treatment. Parents just have to follow the biological rhythm of the child, and the problem will be solved on its own.

strong crying

Hemorrhoids in newborns can occur due to prolonged and frequent crying. When the baby screams, intra-abdominal pressure rises and blood flow to the pelvic organs increases. If crying is repeated often, there is stagnation of blood in the veins, hemorrhoidal disease occurs.

Before treating hemorrhoids in this case, the cause of the baby's crying should be eliminated.

Expansion of hemorrhoidal veins

This is a fairly rare cause of children's hemorrhoids, which can make itself felt from the first days of life. In this case, any tension, straining, crying can lead to the development of the disease.

The main symptom of the expansion of hemorrhoidal veins is a protrusion in the anus when the child is straining. In this case, treatment by an experienced specialist is required.

Adult causes

Hemorrhoids in teenagers can appear for the same reasons as in adults.

Today, many children lead an inactive lifestyle, sitting for many hours at a computer or school desk. And this causes congestion in the pelvic area. In this case, parents should ensure that the child leads an active lifestyle.

Another adult factor that leads to the development of teenage hemorrhoids is the use of alcoholic beverages. Combined with low physical activity, alcohol provides organ flow to the pelvis, and this is a direct path to hemorrhoids.

Symptoms of hemorrhoids in children

The classic picture of hemorrhoids in a child appears already in adolescence, while in children under 5 years of age, the disease can be asymptomatic for a long time.

Sometimes a child develops hemorrhoids after going to the toilet or sitting on the pot for a long time. You can also observe an increase in the veins around the anus. Nevertheless, the signs of the disease in children are implicit, and it is extremely difficult to recognize the disease from them. It is better to entrust this to a specialist.

Sometimes cysts in the anorectal zone or prolapse of the rectum are confused with hemorrhoids. Therefore, parents should not hesitate, but it is better to immediately seek medical help at the first signs of the disease.

Hemorrhoids in children are manifested by a feeling of pain, itching and burning, discomfort in the anorectal zone. And in babies, the mother may accidentally detect a protrusion of a node in the anus when straining or crying. In a calm state, the nodes disappear.

In children who attend kindergarten, a nanny or educator may pay attention to the nodules.

If children's hemorrhoids are accompanied by an anal fissure, you can notice an admixture of blood in the stool. And if the nodes become infected and inflamed, an increase in body temperature is characteristic.

Such a complication of hemorrhoids as node thrombosis occurs extremely rarely in children. In this case, the baby feels a sharp pain in the anus, which is signaled by strong crying or, if the child is older, simply talks about it.

Features of treatment

A specialist during a visual examination will determine how much hemorrhoids are running in a child. Visually, the veins have a swollen and inflamed appearance. Due to the constant injury of the mucosa with fecal masses, its inflammation is observed.

If the child does not receive adequate treatment, the disease progresses, the nodes fall out and bleed, which can cause anemia.

Proctologists distinguish 3 stages of hemorrhoids in children:

  1. The disease is manifested by small nodes, slight itching and pain are observed;
  2. There is a strong protrusion of the nodes, as well as soft tissues around the anus;
  3. The nodes fall out of the anus, there is a pronounced swelling of the anus, the child feels severe pain.

When symptoms of the disease appear, it is important to consult a doctor in time, since advanced stage 3 hemorrhoids can cause complications such as thrombosis and necrosis of the hemorrhoid.

Children's proctology is performed by a pediatric surgeon. In addition, it is necessary to contact a gastroenterologist and a pediatrician who will tell you what to do in order to eliminate the causes that caused the development of the disease.

If a problem arises, parents are wondering what should be the treatment of hemorrhoids in children and how to treat it?

Of course, proctologists prefer safe and conservative treatment in the first place. However, in case of complications, especially if hemorrhoids are diagnosed in children under 5 years of age, surgical methods can also be applied.

Conservative therapy

Such treatment involves the use of ointments and suppositories for hemorrhoids. Today, unfortunately, medicines designed specifically for the treatment of children's hemorrhoids are not available. Therefore, doctors tend to prescribe drugs intended for adults, only carefully adjusting the dose depending on the weight and age of the child.

It is important to consult a specialist and study the instructions before purchasing a medication, as some drugs are contraindicated for use in childhood.

Candles that are approved for use by children include: candles and ointment Relief, Hepatrombin G, Ginkor Procto candles, candles with sea buckthorn oil.

Ointment Aurobin, Proctosedil and suppositories Relief Ultra (except for infants).

To activate blood circulation in the pelvic organs and eliminate venous congestion, doctors prescribe a special massage in addition to drug treatment. It gives excellent results, however, it has the following contraindications:

  • acute inflammatory diseases of internal organs;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, including at the stage of exacerbation;
  • tuberculosis of the abdominal cavity and intestines;
  • tumor processes in the abdominal cavity;
  • tendency to bleed.


Doctors try to avoid surgical treatment of hemorrhoids in children. However, in some cases, they cannot be dispensed with.

One of the indications for surgery is hereditary hemorrhoids, caused by varicose veins and leading to serious complications, for example, node necrosis. The operation to excise the nodes of the child is performed under local anesthesia.

Folk remedies

Doctors, diagnosing hemorrhoids in a child, may advise using some folk remedies at home:

  1. Baby cream. It helps to eliminate the symptoms of children's hemorrhoids. It is desirable that the cream contains vitamins A and E, panthenol, cocoa butter. The cream quickly relieves itching, swelling, reduces bleeding nodes. It is also acceptable to use it for hemorrhoids in adolescents.
  2. Sedentary baths with a decoction of herbs: succession, chamomile, oak bark, calendula. These plants are good for both adult and children's hemorrhoids. Recipe for their preparation: 2-3 tbsp. l. pour a mixture of the above herbs with a glass of boiling water, cover tightly and let it brew for an hour. Strain the finished broth and use it for sedentary baths or microclysters. The optimum bath temperature is 37 degrees. You can take it daily for 5 days for 5-10 minutes, or regularly 1-2 times a week.
  3. Chamomile steam bath. 2-3 tbsp. l. pour chamomile into a small bowl and pour 0.5 l. boiling water, cover and leave for 5 minutes. After that, put the child on the bottom of the basin and wrap the legs and lower back with a warm blanket. The optimal time for a steam bath is 5-6 minutes.
  4. Microclysters with rosehip and sea buckthorn oil. Before using this method, you should make sure that the child is not allergic to these substances. To conduct 1 microclyster, you will need up to 100 ml of oil heated to 37-40 degrees. The oil is drawn into a soft-tip enema and gently inserted into the baby's anus. Pre-lubricate the tip with petroleum jelly or oil. After the enema, the child needs to lie down for about 10 minutes. This procedure promotes soft and easy defecation and stimulates the healing of anal fissures.
  5. Vishnevsky ointment. It can be used for external hemorrhoids. It creates a protective film, has a warming effect, relieves irritation, stimulates blood microcirculation in the affected area, and starts regenerating processes in tissues.

No treatment for hemorrhoids will be effective if the underlying cause that led to its development is not eliminated. Thus, the prevention of hemorrhoids is to change the child's lifestyle, his diet, the establishment of a chair.

Normalization of the stool is an important point. Parents should ensure that the child does not have constipation. To do this, the children's diet should contain foods rich in dietary fiber and vegetable fiber: whole grain bread, fruits and vegetables, bran. They stimulate the activity of the intestines, prevent the accumulation of feces in the intestines.

Fractional nutrition is another important point that will help prevent hemorrhoids in a child. A teenager's diet should be frequent and in small portions. It is necessary to minimize salty, fried, spicy, smoked foods - just everything that schoolchildren and teenagers love. Be sure to include dairy products in the diet. They stimulate the work of the intestines, normalize the microflora.