Japanese style tattoo on the arm. Male tattoos in Japanese style. The meaning of maple leaves

Japanese tattoo art

In the art of the East there is such a principle - the beautiful is the least accessible to the eye, the greatest effect is produced by what you rarely see. It is part of Japanese traditional culture, and without it, the Japanese would lose their sense of beauty. This principle applies to Japanese tattoos as well.

The history of Japanese tattoo artists

In the past, tattoos have been banned in Japan, with one unusual exception. Tattoos were allowed only for firefighters, so they decorated their bodies with very intricate designs. It was believed that in the event of the death of a firefighter, he could be identified by them. Everyone else, including civil servants and those who were involved in saving people, were forbidden to get tattoos by law. Images were also applied to the bodies of criminals and prisoners.

However, things changed in the 17th century. The reason for this was the abolition of markings with tattoos of criminals. Painted drawings on the body became allowed both among ordinary people and in yakuza clans. However, still wearing a tattoo in Japan is not encouraged.

The masters passed on the art of body painting to their students. In order to become a specialist, the student had to be a "shadow of the master" for several years, in other words, to learn this craft, being with the teacher all the time. It was only through long training that the technique of drawing images and understanding of which drawings were combined with each other and which were not mastered.

In traditional Japanese tattoo culture, there are many traditionally combined images. For example, lions, dragons and demons are located next to flowers, denoting the balance of strength and beauty.

Modern Japanese tattoo artists, as in former times, use the manual method of body painting, do not use electric tattoo devices.

Japanese tattoos and their meaning in Russian.

There are three types of Japanese tattoos: irezumi, gaman, and kakushi boro.

Irezumi (horimono). This word denoted images inherent in the yakuza. They covered the entire back, chest, arms and thighs. In the modern sense, irezumi is just a tattoo in the Japanese manner.


Gaman. Such tattoos were applied by noble men who wanted to show their power, courage and courage.

Kakushi boro is an unusual type of tattoo that was applied in the armpits or on the inner thigh only by women. This was usually done by filling the cuts with rice flour. Only the closest people could see such a tattoo, it became visible on the body, heated by love joys or after water procedures.

The plot of a Japanese tattoo is very important. Each component of the entire image must contain meaning and characterize the person with the tattoo. For example, a carp means happiness and prosperity, a rabbit means fertility, a tiger means courage and incredible power. Peonies are a sign of luck, sakura symbolizes the fragility of life, maple stands for love.

Japanese dragon tattoo

The most popular image in Japan is the dragon. In the tattoo of this country, the dragon has body parts of other animals, it can be the ears of a bull or a snake body. It is believed that this fabulous creature gives good luck, and if the dragon entangles the sword, then this means great strength.

Foreign tattoo artists often make gross mistakes due to the fact that they do not understand Japanese characters.

Japanese tattoo hieroglyphs

The most famous tattoos are the Japanese Kanji characters. This type of body painting has extraordinary beauty and diversity. Masterfully applied characters of the traditional calligraphic writing of the land of the rising sun can tell everything about yourself.

Meanings of kanji characters

In addition, images of fantastic animals are popular. It can be Koi fish, half-bull - half-dragon, which brings joy and wealth.

Video about Japanese tattoos

The video tells about the history of applying drawings on the skin in the style of the land of the rising sun.

Article genre - Japanese tattoos

The tattoo sleeve occupies a large area of ​​the body and turns into a real highlight, regardless of the season and fashion trends. This type of tattoo cannot be hidden from prying eyes, so it is chosen consciously, the sketches are thought over and everything is done perfectly.

Tattoo sleeve often choose:

  1. People of creative professions. There are sleeves on travelers, bloggers, designers, programmers, fitness center trainers, who are often called body sculptors.
  2. People with their own view of the world, original and free from social stereotypes.
  3. People with established values. Portraits of parents, books by a favorite author, esoteric signs, ornaments are often found on tattoos. By creating a sleeve tattoo, a person emphasizes important things for himself and declares them to the world.
  4. People with unusual views of the world. On tattoos there are pagan and magical signs. Tattoo owners believe that the drawing will protect them from the negative effects of the world and will attract good luck.

There are many who got a tattoo for the sake of aesthetics, fashion trends and beauty. Sometimes scars after an injury, skin irregularities and other defects are hidden behind a tattoo sleeve.
It doesn’t matter what reason became the basis for the desire to have a tattoo sleeve, the decision must be balanced, and every detail thought out to the smallest detail. When every millimeter of a drawing is chosen by you and you like it 100%, you will never regret that you made it.

Features and dimensions

Tattoos of this type are divided into several types. Each type of sleeve has its own dimensions and features. It is better to decide on the size of the picture right away and go to the master with a ready-made solution.

Fully clogged arm (full sleeve)

The classic version of the tattoo with an area from the shoulder to the wrist. In some cases, the pattern captures the area up to the neck. The whole story is told here on the body. This option is chosen by brave and strong-willed people.

Not everyone can endure long sessions, as well as make themselves the center of attention on an ongoing basis. But, a full tattoo sleeve gives more space for self-expression.
There are cases when the tattoo sleeve is stuffed gradually. To do this, periodically make drawings in the same style, which are then combined into a single picture.

half sleeve

The pattern is stuffed from the shoulder to the elbow. Or from the elbow to the wrist. This option is done much faster, costs less and is easier to hide under clothes if you work in an office.

Quarter Sleeve

The pattern starts from the shoulder and does not reach the elbow. The tattoo looks original. And if necessary, it is easy to hide under clothes. This type of sleeve is often made by people who encounter tattoos for the first time, realize their dreams, but want to get used to a new look.

Some people stuff these designs on their legs, the tattoo imitates real clothes. In the people, this type of body decoration is called knee-highs.

For men

Men are bolder than girls in terms of self-expression and crazy deeds. If a guy wants something, he will do it and will not look at what the people around him will say. Men clog a full sleeve with incredible designs and realize their fantasies in them. Men often have Celtic patterns and ornaments. There are a lot of options in the master’s catalog and it’s easy to choose a ready-made option when you want a sleeve, but there is no traced, clear idea.

Dragons and beasts of prey come to life on men's sleeves. They can be in color or black and white. The drawing is so realistic that it's hard to take your eyes off it. Tattoos symbolize the masculine principle, strong-willed qualities, a view of the world.

Biomechanical drawings look curious in a style where robots and people become one. High-quality execution technique, drawing the smallest details and the right color, turn the sleeve tattoo into a portal to another world.

Such tattoos are remembered, plunged into shock, but at the same time cause admiration. This type of drawing emphasizes the beauty and relief of the body, gives masculinity and uniqueness to the owner.

Men's sleeves combine author's drawings, patterns and ornaments. They are stuffed for beauty, or they can carry a specific meaning, known only to their creator. Given that tattoos are worn throughout life, men put their whole essence into them and make no mistake with their choice.

For women, which pattern to choose?

Women stuff their sleeves on a par with men, but they have their own author's approach. On girls, half or quarter sleeves are more common than its full version. They choose floral ornaments. There may be esoteric, magical, natural motifs.

The style and size of the drawing depends on the perception of the girl and her character. Some girls break all standards and stuff themselves with fire-breathing dragons, fantastic creatures, turning the tattoo into an incredible story. On a fragile female body, such drawings look phenomenal.

Extreme tattoos knock out girls with an unusual lifestyle and outlook on the world. There are sleeves with floral motifs. Each flower has its own meaning. For example, cherry blossoms mean a long and full of pleasure life.

Women often intuitively choose animal and plant symbols for tattoos. Each of them has its own meaning. The most popular are:

  • Butterfly on fire - a developed fantasy and a thirst for activity;
  • Human eye - patience and kindness;
  • The head of a wolf or a complete picture of an animal - willpower, love of freedom and fidelity;
  • Fantasy unicorn - mercy, kindness and faith in miracles;
  • Serpent, snake - love of power, flexibility and strong character;
  • Playing cards - love for experiments in life;
  • Whale drawing - self-confidence, steadfastness;
  • Cosmic motives - daydreaming, craving for supernatural things;
  • Leo, lion's head - leadership, strength and prudence;
  • Roses in all manifestations - beauty and sensuality;
  • Lynx - distrust of strangers, caution and dexterity;
  • Notes - craving for creativity, love for unusual things;
  • Human skull and bones - selfishness, freedom, rebellion.

Based on these symbols, using ornaments, geometric patterns and various colors, you can create truly phenomenal things. The sleeve tattoo will turn into an exciting story that the girl tells without words to anyone who wants to listen to the secrets and immerse themselves in this world.

Women's sleeve tattoos are not as aggressive as their male counterparts. They have meaning, femininity and special symbols are manifested, which are important only for the owner.
When choosing a sketch, it is worth considering every detail and achieving a result that is completely satisfactory. There should be no compromises here.

What styles are sleeve tattoos made in?

When choosing a tattoo style, personality is taken into account. It doesn’t matter if it’s a man or a woman, combining interesting styles can emphasize both masculinity and power, as well as fragility with femininity.

There are several basic sleeve styles:

biomechanical motives.

Shocking and unusual tattoos. From afar, you might think that in front of you is a person with a real prosthesis. The technique makes the body look like robot mechanisms. In combination with other elements and non-standard appearance, biomechanics looks original.

Old school.

The technique returns to the 19th century, when only sailors could afford tattoos. There are ships, weapons, aggressiveness and power.


There are ethnic motifs, ornaments and symbols. Most of the work is done in black and white. Accents can be placed with the help of colored, unusual details.


This technique often turns the hand into a memory book. Portraits of parents, important things from everyday life, favorite books and patterns come to life on the hands. Such work requires special skill and attention of the master. Often tattoos in the style of realism are more expensive than their counterparts, but the memory of things dear to you remains with you for life.

Gothic style.

There is a contrast of black, red, gloomy shades and vampiric images. Night, moon, crypts, skulls, bats, fangs and vampires are often present in this technique.


To create your own sketch and select the details of the sleeve, you need to consult with the master who will do the work. It is permissible to use several techniques, thereby creating your own image, emphasizing individuality and freeing your imagination.

What color to choose for a tattoo sleeve?

The drawing can be in color or black and white. If you are stuffing symbolic and important things for yourself, it is better to leave them in black and white. They will attract more attention and it will be easier to draw details.

It is better to leave black and white ornaments that, according to your beliefs, perform a protective function. It is interesting to look in black and white drawings on the theme of death and life. Gothic motifs look just as interesting in black and white.

Bright colors can be used to highlight certain details. Floral ornaments, author's symbols, biomechanical drawings look beautiful in bright colors.

It is worth choosing a color for the sleeve, taking into account the author's details, ornament, background. All this should be combined into a single, harmonious picture. If you want the tattoo to be in a single copy, then you need to bring your own sketch to the master or develop it with him.
The drawings that are in the catalog have already been done on other people and absolute uniqueness will not work. The development of a unique sketch makes it possible to stand out, realize your ideas and tell the world about everything that you planned.

How to prepare for a meeting with the master?

A sleeve tattoo is a tattoo that is large in area and cannot be done at one time. Given the volume of work, the master needs to be visited from 5 to 10 times.
For each session, you need to prepare in a certain way. This will facilitate the work of the master, and the process itself will not affect your well-being. Before going to the master you need:

  • Give up alcohol for 2 days and exclude products that thin the blood;
  • Drink more water. Moist skin absorbs ink well and the work will go faster;
  • Wear comfortable clothing that does not restrict movement. It will be comfortable for you to sit, and the master to work;
  • Eat a hearty meal before your session. This will help you not feel hungry and feel good. If the session is going to be long, take nutrition bars with you so that your blood sugar doesn't drop.
  • Prepare your skin for tattooing. To do this, you need to use moisturizers a couple of days before the session.

The procedure for applying a tattoo begins with a consultation with the master. He will give recommendations on how to prepare for the session, help you create or select a sketch for the sleeve. It is not worth saving on the procedure. You make a tattoo for life, experienced masters should work on it.
If you feel uncomfortable sitting for a long time or the pain becomes unbearable, divide the cuffing of the sleeve into several sessions. This will allow you to get the perfect picture without discomfort and realize your dream of a sleeve tattoo.

In the world of tattoos every day becomes more and more interesting. New styles, colors, forms and techniques of execution appear, but the fact remains that underwear drawings came to us for a reason. One of the oldest types of wearable images are Japanese tattoos. Previously, they served to convey the spiritual principles of a person, as well as to convey information about his social status and position in society.

The history of Japanese tattoos is very interesting and complicated. Japanese tattoos are a trend that appeared a long time ago. In those days, the government tried in every possible way to protect the people from wearable images, they successfully continued to exist, only in the lower social categories of society. It is interesting that palanquin carriers covered their naked body from view with tattoos depicting representatives of the animal and the world, as well as images of beautiful maidens.

Japanese-style tattoos also include Irezumi, which means “mascara injection”. This type of underwear was especially popular among courtesans and their admirers.

However, for the first time, tattoos appeared on the bodies of representatives of criminal gangs. The desire to disguise the stigma of a prisoner gave rise to fantasy in people, and so ordinary marks turned into bright, overall tattoos. Soon they migrated to the bodies of firefighters, and after some time they began to decorate the bodies of artists, merchants and other representatives of Japanese society.

Why then were they banned? And all because the authorities wanted to avoid mixing estates and classes. In Japan, this division was clear and has not changed for a long time. Apparently, the authorities did not understand that the ban serves as a kind of motivation, because as soon as a ban on tattoos was introduced in the country, they began to spread at lightning speed. Tattoos were applied to those parts of the body that were hidden from prying eyes as much as possible.


Since these tattoos are quite complex in execution, they require high professionalism and qualifications from a specialist. The master of Japanese tattoos must feel which sketch will suit this or that person.

He, like an artist, paints your body with different colors, and these are not just drawings, these are tattoos with meaning. You can choose classic Japanese tattoos or add something of your own and fill your body with a “Japanese-style realism” sketch - it all depends on you and the skills of the tattoo artist. It should be noted that the price of Japanese tattoos is quite high, and all because they are often large wearable images that require more than one day of the master's work.

As for dyes, mixtures of herbal dyes and dyes are used instead. Japanese motifs require accuracy and accuracy, the right combination of shades, etc. For applying a body image, needles are used, collected in a bundle of 2-10 pieces. This allows you to make the picture as bright and saturated as possible.

Main differences from other styles

The appearance of Japanese patterns, for the most part, is asymmetrical, having a smooth outline, which is displayed in thin and neat lines. As for the saturation of the image, with the right dosage of tones, the effect is incredibly beautiful. With the help of a special filling technique, the edge of the tattoo turns out to be brighter, and the central part of the tattoo is vice versa.

Among the innovations, perhaps, we should highlight moving images. They are stuffed into the muscles, after thinking about the movement of the human body. Tattoo artists manage to convey the image in motion.

The meaning of tattoos

The meaning of Japanese tattoos is far from simple. The depth, message and main idea of ​​wearable images in this style is immensely great. In addition to their appearance, bright colors and a large number of details, Japanese tattoo symbols have always fascinated with their interpretation. There are several basic sketches that are most popular today. Among them:

  1. Flowers (magnolia symbolizes steadfastness and fortitude, lotus means purity and eternity, and sakura is a symbol of the transience of life).
  2. Animals:
  • the dragon is a symbol of immense good luck;
  • koi carp and other fish - a symbol of wisdom, stamina, courage;
  • the tiger symbolizes fearlessness, strength, power;
  • the snake is a negative symbol, associates evil.
  1. Deities. This includes sketches depicting scenes from religion. In such drawings one can meet the faces of formidable deities, Buddha, etc.
  2. Yakuza, samurai. Most people associate with gangs in Italy, but they originally appeared in Asian countries. They are the stigma of a gang member, put such drawings on the chest. The image is a symbol of courage, fearlessness.
  3. Nature. These can be images of beautiful landscapes, sea waves, which symbolize calmness, harmony, peace of mind.

The meaning of the skull in Japanese tattoos is as follows: a symbol of the “great change” or the transition from the old to the new life.

About places of application

If we talk about the locations of such wearable drawings, it should be noted that the back, chest, are best suited for this. If it's an arm tattoo, it's most likely an entire Japanese sleeve, as this style of tattoo art requires a lot of space. It takes a lot of time, patience and money to create a Japanese-style sleeve tattoo, but we recommend that you be patient, because the result is worth it. The Japanese sleeve style is different from others. It not only looks spectacular, it carries a deep sacred meaning, and can also affect the life of its wearer.

Japanese tattoos for girls are most often applied to the lower back, arms, and shoulders. Among the popular sketches, black and white beautiful phrases in Japanese with a translation for tattoos, as well as the hieroglyph of wealth and prosperity, should be highlighted. The mystery and mystery that lurks in Chinese and Japanese tattoos attracts many people.

Japanese tattoos for men are large, colorful with an interesting plot. It can be a Japanese lion, a demon mask or a samurai mask. You can find Japanese hieroglyphs and their meaning in Russian today on the Internet, so if you dream of such a tattoo, hurry up to put one of the listed symbols on your body.


Looking at photos of tattoos I have always found that they are soothing, reminding me that they are calm even in the face of danger or adversity. We bring to your attention a new photo review of tattoos in the Japanese style.

Japanese tattoos and their meaning are mysterious, just like the culture of the East. How much beauty and symbolism in these works! And how harmoniously they look on the skin of their owners. Famous stories from mythology are embodied in vivid scenes on the skin. For example, this is a Japanese dragon - a symbol of wisdom, creation, power and harmony in one being. Also koi carp tattoos. They mean striving for your goal, overcoming difficulties. Therefore, they are often depicted as floating in a turbulent stream.
Other popular tattoo motifs are samurai, Japanese dragon, demon masks, sakura, tigers. Do the hieroglyphs so beloved by many belong to the Japanese style? Yes and no! Of course, in Japan they are used for writing, but the irezumi tradition does not use writing. She prefers bright large-scale drawings. These are beautiful and incredibly detailed sketches for the back, sleeves, and even entire "suits" of tattoos. Once they were made only by men, and mostly yakuza - representatives of criminal structures. But today, anyone can afford a tattoo in the form of a carp, dragon, tiger. They are made by both men and women who are passionate about the culture of this unique country.

Japanese tattoos for girls

Sketches of flowers in the Japanese theme are truly unique! The king of all flowers is the peony (botan), which is also called a rose without thorns. It symbolizes wealth, good luck. Chrysanthemum does not lag behind him - a sunny flower, meaning perfection, longevity, joy. And, of course, tattoos for girls are not complete without sakura - the symbol of the Land of the Rising Sun. Her beauty is amazing, but short-lived, so sakura symbolizes youth, love and time itself, which is so fast.

Japanese tattoos for men

The traditional art of irezumi is real paintings, not only colorful, but also large. Dragons and other mythical creatures deserve a bright embodiment! The ideal place for them is the shoulder blades and shoulders, back, arms completely, chest and stomach. Of course, it is important that a professional work on the project. Especially if you want the work to remain saturated for a long time.

Tattoo Japan is an ancient oriental style that has deep roots and a rich history. Japanese tattoo artists have long been held in high esteem not only in their homeland, but throughout the world. Influential people and even monarchs wore drawings by Japanese masters. Traditionally, tattoos from the Land of the Rising Sun depict dragons, fish, tigers, demon masks, flowers and ornaments.

The Japanese are considered a people who keep their traditions. In the old days, each element of the picture carried a certain meaning. Any detail of the tattoo had to be done in accordance with the canon. Today, in times of globalization, when mentioning Japan tattoos, people no longer mean the old classical school of ancient masters, but also new directions. Many masters around the world studied the art of Japanese tattooing and transformed the old style, adapted it to the present, introduced new creative elements into it.

History of Japanese Tattoo

Traditionally, Japanese tattoos were applied with a special bamboo tebori stick. The application process took many hours. Japanese tattoos in most cases are voluminous, these are large tattoo sleeves or a tattoo suit that covers most of the body. The process of training a tattoo artist in Japan was long and difficult. The master first of all had to learn patience, so he was allowed to work only after a few years.

Interesting Facts

In Japanese tradition, the tattoo is closely associated with the mafia. Modern authorities still have a negative attitude towards tattoos. People with tattoos often fall under the disgrace of the authorities, they can be kicked out of the pool or any other public place. Therefore, the Japanese do not make tattoos in prominent places and do not show them in society.

Japanese Tattoos - Main Plots

Japanese Carp Tattooone of the most popular stories. The symbol of the carp became popular thanks to the legend of Makatsuge, a fish that, through its perseverance, reached the Dragon Gate and turned into a dragon fish. In the legend, this fish was a carp. Carps (or as they are called in their homeland - Koi) symbolize perseverance, the ability to swim against the current. Traditionally, a carp tattoo is considered masculine, and embodies masculine energy.

Turtle Tattooamong eastern peoples it symbolizes wisdom and the ability to predict the future.

dragon tattoo- a symbol of the sun, good luck and longevity. The Japanese depicted dragons with three fingers on their paws. According to legend, the dragon is considered a sacred guardian spirit and is revered by people.

Tiger Tattoo- a symbol of courage, strength, courage and nobility. The Japanese believe that tigers are able to ward off evil spirits.

snake tattoo- protection from misfortunes and failures, snakes have superpowers that help people avoid troubles. The image of a snake curled up at the hammer brings good luck, wealth and prosperity.

Chania mask tattoois an image of an ancient spirit into which a jealous girl has turned. According to one version, this image symbolizes the embodiment of wisdom, and according to another, it reminds people of how destructive it is to succumb to negative feelings.

Men's Tattoos Japan - Japanese Style Tattoos for Men

The Japanese tattoo style is chosen by men more often than women. The first reason is the volume of the drawing. Japanese tattoos are almost always very large and bright, it is easier for a man to decide on such a bold step. Tattoo - a suit or sleeves in the Japanese style is a sign of reverence for Eastern culture, their ancient traditions and symbols. The Japanese Carp Tattoo is considered a traditional male tattoo.

Japan Women Tattoos - Japanese Style Tattoos for Girls

Girls do not often decide on a Japanese-style tattoo, but there are also brave lovers of a bright symbolic oriental style. Tattoos with chrysanthemums, peonies and can often be found among women. Girls cannot always decide on sleeves or a large pattern on the back, but even a small tattoo stylized as a traditional Japanese tattoo brings a special style and color to the image of a girl.