Meet a girl February 14th. Phrases for meeting a girl on the street. Practical gifts for boyfriend on Valentine's Day

You don't have a girlfriend yet that you would like to congratulate on Valentine's Day, but would you like to get one? Or maybe you have long dreamed of meeting a beautiful girl, but did not know how to approach her? Here are some fun phrases that might work! Of course, templates and stamps are not the best option, although they can work. Moreover, girls will also read these phrases and will know that you are coolly rolling up to them! So good luck.

You couldn't smile, otherwise it's dark outside.

Have you had young people crawling at your feet before?

May I look at you?

You are so beautiful that I forgot the phrase with which I wanted to drive up to you.

Many already today sent off? I have only three so far. Well, the arrogant girls went.

You must have started. At least you're scary for me.

Do you need a husband? No! Then I'm right for you!

Hello, do you think we look like a young promising couple?

Didn't you just pinch my butt?.. No? It's a pity!

Why are you looking at me as if your parents had left for the dacha?

What do you think, who likes whom more: me to you or you to me?

Help me go to the left!

Your dress looks great on you, but it would look better on my bedroom floor.

Could you wake me up tomorrow morning?

You have the most beautiful place dirty.

Girl, can you show me the way to your heart?

Did you happen to see that my white horse didn't run through here five minutes ago?

You smiled so beautifully that I forgot where I was going.

Unfortunately, now I don't have time to melt your cold look, but I can call you in the evening.

I have an unusual question for you - what do you need to say to a girl to get a slap in the face? ..

Girl, excuse me, but your legs are not tired? .. You always do not get out of my head.

Girl, I like you so much that I've been following you for three stops ... Do you mind if we sit down and rest a little?

Do you have a thread to start our relationship right here?

You know, I have absolutely no idea what to say to get to know you, so let's pretend that I said it.

Girl, did you sleep well yesterday? And I could not sleep all night waiting for our meeting.

Hello. I agree…

Young woman! Can I hold on to you, otherwise your beauty makes my legs give way!

Is it okay if I stare at you up close instead of across the bus?

Do you believe in love at first sight or should I enter again?

Girl, do you want to guess what you have under your bathing suit?

Girl, can I sleep on your sunbed? Don't get up, don't get up!

Let me tell you how to meet a girl on February 14th. After all, February 14, Valentine's Day is almost the most ideal day to meet a girl.

Because on this day, girls especially do not want to be lonely, especially when they see how guys give flowers, gifts, valentines to other girls, or happy couples in love are sitting around them in a cafe ...

The girl has the same mood on this day - she wants a holiday, she wants to be not alone on this day, and therefore many single girls will simply be happy if you want to get to know them ...

Tips on how to meet a girl on Valentine's Day.

1. Go out to a cafe in the evening, if you see a campaign of 2 or 3 girls there, then you can safely approach to get acquainted, because most likely these girls do not have boyfriends (otherwise they would certainly spend this evening with them) or they have no serious intentions regarding this young man (since she preferred to go on vacation with her friends on Valentine's Day - Valentine's Day, and not be with him).

2. If a girl is sitting alone in a cafe, then most likely she is waiting for her boyfriend, so if you can, sit a little and watch her - does she look at her watch or phone and is waiting for someone or just sits relaxed and drinks tea ... I must say right away that the second option is less common - but if you saw a girl alone in a cafe that day and realized that she was not waiting for anyone - then this is one of the most ideal options for dating.

3. You should naturally look normal yourself and not be very drunk - so that the girl wants to start talking with you. Here, but if you invite her to your table, and even in a campaign of not very sober friends shouting obscenities at the whole room, then don’t be surprised that she wants to stay alone at her table ...

4. On February 14, you don’t even need to come up with any special ones - you can just come up smiling and congratulate her on Valentine’s Day or Valentine’s Day (as you prefer) and with jokes and in a good mood wish her love, cheerfulness, fun and everything that comes to your mind (the more interesting your congratulations are, the better). Depending on what she answers you - see how to continue the conversation ...

It was I who gave you the simplest advice on how to meet a girl on February 14, if you decide to take a walk down the street in the evening. By the way, if you have warm weather or you live somewhere in the south, then you don’t have to go to a cafe, but you can just walk and leisurely walk along the central streets of your city ...

If, on the contrary, you live somewhere closer to the north, or you just don’t want to leave the house in the evening, or maybe you stay late at work, then there is a great opportunity.

How to Meet a Girl on the Internet on February 14th.

1. To get started, just open all the social networks in which you are registered, so that you have an online status. If you have a cool interesting profile in Vkontakte or Odnoklassniki and many friends, you may even not need to do anything, and acquaintances or even unfamiliar girls will write congratulations to you or send Valentine cards to the wall. Naturally, with any of them you can easily start a correspondence and further communication.

2. An even more sure way is to go to a dating site that day - for example, to a mamba. And see which girls from your city are online. These girls will be 200% just happy if a cool interesting guy writes to them, and this evening you can have not only correspondence with them on the Internet ...

Do you want to know more about all the secrets of meeting and communicating with girls on first dates? Then follow this link

Hi people! My name is Vitaliy Okhrimenko, and I continue to analyze the subtleties and nuances of meeting girls on the street. Today's post will be list of phrases for dating girls on the street. I divided the phrases into subgroups, and I must immediately note that phrases are phrases, and creativity and a sense of humor are the main things for successfully meeting a girl on the street. As a matter of fact, each of you can either use the phrases I provided today as a template, or you can consider them and draw conclusions (recommended) how to compose phrases for meeting a girl on the street.

Girl, let's meet!

How to meet a girl on the street phrases

For all the phrases listed below, the main thing you need is self-confidence, charm and a sense of humor. You shouldn't be afraid to say what you're about to say. No need to hesitate - remember, if you chose a particular phrase, it means that you thought that it suits the occasion or the girl better than others, which means you should not hesitate.

This is not an exact template, but rather a source of inspiration that does not hurt to bookmark it ( press CTRL+D on your keyboard).

On the Internet you can find a whole bunch phrases for meeting a girl on the street. I reviewed more than half a thousand of them yesterday and selected only those that, in my opinion, are relevant, interesting and effective. Please, let's go:

Have you met an interesting young man in this place?

Hello! And you don't remember me, I was your neighbor. You don’t remember, well, that’s right, I was joking and we haven’t lived nearby yet. But, it is quite possible that we still have everything ahead.

Hello, we definitely met somewhere. In Sochi? No? In Crimea? Also no? Or maybe you dreamed of me? ..

I already liked you. So you only have two wishes left.

Hello, this is my first time in your city. Could you show me where you live?

Hello! It was difficult for me to decide, but I still dared to approach you with my feet and speak with my tongue. What is your name?

Girl, please forgive me. Could you see what's wrong with my eyes. What is the problem? I just can't take them away from you!

Hello! Could you help me, I really need to know a woman's opinion on one issue right now. Will you help? Okay, then please tell me what a guy has to say to get to know you?

(Looking at her) And what do you think I should say now? (phrase with a challenge). Do not you know? Well then, let's skip the optional introduction part and you'll tell me your name right away. 🙂

I'm sure I'm not the first to want to meet you. But I'm the best - want to check?

And what will you do tonight when you return home after our meeting with you?

Girl, do you look at everyone like that, or only at those who you like?

Girl, are you here for work? No, me too! Do you know how to play the guitar? And I can't, see how much we have in common! This is no coincidence!

Who do you think liked whom more: you or me?

Stop! I think we looked at each other so much that we forgot to introduce ourselves. My name is ... (hold out your hand)

Girl, please wait a minute. May I fall in love with you?

Can we get to know each other, or will we continue to look at each other and smile?

Hello! When I saw you, I immediately knew that we needed to get to know each other. I'm sure we'll have something to talk about! Why do I think so? It’s just that with such an appearance you won’t be able to be an uninteresting girl, and besides, I’m an interesting conversationalist.

You just smiled so much that I forgot where and why I was going. Yes, it doesn't seem to matter. Apparently I came to the right place and found what I was looking for! (sly smile on face)

Girl, what time is it? What about free?

Girl, wait. Do you know how this square (street, pavement) differs from all the others? And the fact that it is here that we met today!

Girl, do you mind if I hide from the sun in the shade of your beautiful figure?

Girl, are you in a hurry? Why did I ask? I just want to treat you to ice cream.

Hello! You know, you're the prettiest girl I've ever met today!

How about leaving your phone number?

You smiled so much that I completely forgot where I was going. Do you happen to know? And it doesn't matter anymore, let's go somewhere together!

Girl, I think you're following me! I have already seen you 10 times in a dream, and still do not know how I can contact you. Open the secret as soon as possible, what is your name?

I think you spent half your life trying to look so stunning and seduce men. Damn, it looks like I've already been caught (light sly sadness on my face). Where would you like me to follow you?

Hello! Imagine, until today I did not believe in horoscopes. But it so happened that today in my horoscope it was written about meeting a beautiful girl. Can you imagine, it looks like horoscopes come true! What is your name?

I suggest we walk past each other. I don't know your name, and you don't know my name. And we'll never get to know each other. Do you agree? Me not!

Girl, let's play an interesting game. You will now tell me your name, after which I will tell you my name. And then we will join hands and go eat ice cream!

Do you believe in love at 27 glances? I'm thinking of reaching 50 to make sure that I'm in love with you now.

Girl, I bet you know better than me how to spend my salary?!

Girl, can you tell me what year it is? It's just that Skynet sent me to your time, and gave me the instructions that Natasha, a messenger, would meet me here. Is your name Natasha by any chance? No, but how?

Girl, please tell me why planes fly, but don't flap their wings?

Girl, I need help, I think I have a problem. When I see a beautiful girl like you, I immediately want to press her to my chest, kiss her gently, and then make passionate love all night. Tell me, do I need to deal with this, or can you offer me something?

Hello! I exchange my free time for your name and phone number.

With pleasure I will exchange my boredom for the mischievous sparkle of your beautiful eyes!

Girl, please forgive me. You can call an ambulance for me. Say firearm, it seems Cupid shot.

Girl, can I have you for a second. I have a slightly odd question. Please tell me, how would you refuse a guy who would come up to you on the street like this and say: “Let's get to know each other”?

Hello! (holds out hand) Friends call me &name&, but you can call me tomorrow (might not work if the girl has a tight sense of humor or a dumb mindset).

If you think that I am going to meet you now, then you are deeply mistaken - I just want to invite you on a date.

Hello! So what's tomorrow? Like tomorrow, tomorrow we meet here at eight in the evening!

No? Well then, meet there at nine! No? So it's still here. That's agreed!

Hello! Listen, I'm in trouble. I seem to be lost in this paradoxical world, and I am looking for a bright and good girl, like you, who can take me out of this gloomy world of loneliness. So where shall we go?

And what is it like to be the most beautiful girl in this city?

Hello! Be honest, do you like me? No, don't answer. My &name& is yours? Give me your phone number quickly and say when you can be called.

Sorry girl. I forgot my phone number, please lend me yours.

Unfortunately, I don't have time now to melt your cold gaze. But I will certainly call in the evening and correct. Dictate your number.

Hello! I'm doing statistics here, please help. Just one question: what should a guy say to an unfamiliar girl that he really liked so that she would go on a date with him?

Hello! You won’t believe it, but when I saw you, I thanked God that I was still not married.

Where are you? I just decided to approach you, and you are already leaving. By the way, &name& is called, and yours. Do you want me to accompany you?

Hello! I am &name& and I was asked to say hello to you. From whom? From my heart of course!

Girl, I'm sorry. Can you tell me…your name and phone number??

Girl, please let me get to know you and pester you for at least ten minutes.

Girl, is it hard to get to know you?

How much is your smile worth? I would buy one for myself.

Hello! I don’t know your name yet, but I already know that you are in the first place on my to-do list for tonight!

Girl, let me see you least with a glance.

Hello! Excuse me, do you have any thread? I just want to have an affair with you right now.

Damn, you are so beautiful that I forgot the phrase with which I wanted to drive up to you.

I'm sorry. How could I fit into your schedule for tonight?

Hello! Did you know? So I didn’t recognize you either, but that’s not a reason to pass by!

Kiss me if I'm wrong, but as far as I know your name is Claudia. No, well, you'll have to kiss me.

Hello! Can I walk next to you? And then all sorts of people pester me here, ask for documents ...

Damn, I thought I was gay until today, until I saw you.

Stop, girl, it's me for you. Wait. You forgot there now ... (breathing, as if running and barely catching up) ... forgot to get to know me.

Hello! I urgently need to know a woman's opinion. How do I feel better, since now - with stubble, or better shaved? Oh yes, you haven't seen me shaved yet. Well then, give me a phone number, I'll shave in the evening and you can compare.

Girl, stop! Don't you dare go there! How why? Then we will part ways and not get to know each other.

Hello, are you ready to meet? No? Well, then I'll have to get to know you unprepared. I am &name&.

Girl, aren't you interested in meeting a pretty girl on the street? And I'm interested!

Hello Nastya (answer that not Nastya). Oh sorry, I think I misunderstood. You just look so much like my first love, and you smile the same way. Come on, Nastya, it's good to make fun, it's you (touching your face).

I feel sorry for all these people. Why? Just against your background, they all look like a dull gray mass.

Can I flirt with you?

Hello! Can I take a picture of you with my phone. For what? I just want Santa Claus to definitely not make a mistake with a gift under the Christmas tree for the New Year.

I don’t know who you are and what your name is, but I really want to see you again.

Can we get to know each other already, or will we just play staring games?

The railing is certainly cool, but holding on to my manly hand is much more pleasant (you offer your hand).

Help the homeless - take me with you.

Hello! It's definitely destiny. This is the third time I've seen you in a month, and this is despite the fact that we live in such a big city. I believe in fate, which means I won’t let you disappear, who knows, suddenly there won’t be a fourth time. By the way, my name is &name&.

Hello! Imagine, a dog attacked me this morning. And then the chief shouted. After that, I fell into an open hatch, the virus erased all my dissertation work, and the cat pooped into my favorite flower. If you don't give me your phone number now, I'll most likely commit suicide. Remember, you have a chance to save the life of a good person.

Girl, save me soon. I am now being pursued by an English spy, and he is hunting for this letter. Please keep it for yourself, but in no case do not read it. And give me your phone number so I can call you and pick up the letter.
(In a letter: "In my opinion, for such an original approach, I should be awarded the first date")

I just got into a fight with my friend because of you. He says that you are beautiful, and I am sure that you are the most beautiful. Which one of us is right?

I noticed that you noticed me. And I would like to note that I also noticed you.

Dirty phrases for dating a girl on the street

The following list of phrases may speed up your mission of conquering the women's bed, but they are also quite risky. Although, as you know, those who do not take risks do not wake up in the same bed with an unfamiliar beauty in the morning.

Let's bet $ 100 that I will invite you to spend the night with me, and you will refuse.

Cool legs, but what time do they open?

Girl, you are very beautiful! And beautiful girls must certainly be multiplied.

Just don't think that you can look at me like this as a sexual object, and you can get away with it.

Girl, did we meet in Crimea last year? No! And why are you looking at me so lustfully?

Girl, can you please tell me what virgins eat for breakfast? Do not know? I knew it.

Girl, if you don't mind, you can answer the survey. It will only take a minute. Name the most famous world currencies (names). Name 2 methods of contraception known to you (names). Name 2 Renaissance paintings known to you (does not name). Yeah, so you know more about money and sex.

Girl, is it true that silicone does not sink? How is that your natural breast? Your husband is lucky. Why don't you have a husband? So we'll fix that.

Girl, I bet I can guess what you have under your bathing suit?

Girl, I'm sorry, but you and I haven't fucked before?

I hope you're not gay No! That's great, then we can sleep.

I got into bed. Are you with me?

This dress looks just perfect on you. Although I would look better in his place.

Well, that seems to be it! In response to the question, I selected only the best first phrases. I hope they help you and you never look again phrases for meeting a girl on the street. I advise you to bookmark the page, but if you also share the record with friends, it will be such a huge plus to your karma of a female seducer.

Good luck on the street. And of course, remember: all phrases are just phrases, it's great to know also.

See you on the Fitkys pages.

Sincerely Vitaly Okhrimenko !

February 14 with a girl is, of course, an unforgettable romantic evening. Girls usually like to arrange romantic evenings more. The female sex loves to cook various delicacies, beautifully set the table, put on beautiful outfits, turn on music and create an intimate atmosphere. But what about this for men? It turned out that very few men love such a pastime, and if we talk about arranging something similar themselves, then all they have enough imagination for is taking their beloved to a restaurant. But you can go to a restaurant absolutely on any day, and February 14 is an unusual day, which means that a romantic evening should also be special.

Making the day special

To unforgettably celebrate February 14 with a girl, it is best to start in the morning. Wake up early and make her breakfast. Don't cook something heavy if your girlfriend isn't used to eating big in the morning. Bring her tea, coffee, juice and a couple of toasts or a pretty heart-shaped cake in bed. And stick stickers with nice words on the refrigerator or mirror. When the girl gets up and notices them, she will be very pleased. Such small surprises for a girl on Valentine's Day are very important, because they show your care and love.

If you are not yet living together, you will have to take care of some things in advance. For example, order flowers delivery. Waking up, your significant other will receive a beautiful bouquet of your favorite flowers. They will make her feel good all day long.

Alternatively, during the day you can pretend that you have forgotten about the holiday at all, in order to make a gorgeous surprise for your beloved in the evening. The girl, of course, will be very shocked. But it is better to use this method for those who are one hundred percent sure that the girl will not be offended. Otherwise, she may generally refuse a romantic evening.

Immediately discard ideas such as going to a restaurant or a movie. This is typical. To romantically celebrate February 14 with a girl, you need to do something that your beloved does not expect from you at all. Namely, make an evening that the female sex usually likes. You will have to be patient, but the result is worth it.

At that moment, when you will prepare everything for a romantic evening on Valentine's Day, the girl should not be at home. Go to the store. In order not to waste time on cooking, buy ready-made desserts. Don't forget the wine. Also buy candles and rose petals. Don't forget flowers and a gift for your loved one.

Gift options, you will find in our article:

By the time your loved one arrives, everything should be ready. Turn off the lights. Arrange candles throughout the apartment so that they create a pleasant twilight. Lay the way to the table, on which there is a bottle of wine, sweets and a gift, with rose petals. Turn on your girlfriend's favorite music, but only romantic. The girl will be intrigued by the created environment and will follow the road covered with roses straight to you. And you will meet her in a chic suit and with flowers. Spend this evening having conversations that are pleasing to your girlfriend. Even if it's gossip about girlfriends. Your patience will be rewarded.

In the warm season, a romantic evening on St. Valentine's Day can be arranged on the roof of a tall building, from which the city is clearly visible.

Many women believe that men are not capable of such actions, since this is completely uncharacteristic of them. Men do not like formal attire and sit at the table for a long time with a glass of wine. Therefore, this is your chance not only to surprise your soulmate, but also to prove your love to her.

So, Valentine's Day (Valentine's Day) is coming soon and you probably have questions, for example, what to write to a girl on Valentine's Day or how to celebrate it with your girlfriend, what to write in SMS. And also what kind of padarki you need to give.

First, let's take a look at which of these situations are you in?

  1. Actively looking
  2. Seducing or just seduced one girl
  3. Seducing two or more girls at once
  4. Already started dating a girl, but it still can not be called a relationship
  5. You are in a relationship with the same girl and you love each other

What my reader wrote to me yesterday on VKontakte:

Hey Egor! What do you think you can think of something so interesting for Valentine's Day? Thanks to your advice, now I'm dating three girls, but I'm afraid I won't take them to the DSV. What should I do to choose one for the evening and not offend the others? Although they all know that our meetings with them do not yet qualify for LTRku, but I think they want to spend this evening with me. Who would you choose and what would you buy as a gift? I want to please everyone, but I'm afraid if I don't meet someone they will think badly of me. Advise plz!
Anton, Perm

Thank you very much for your question Anton. Last year I was in about the same position, then I suffered for a long time with a choice and did not lose)

Scenario No. 1. You are actively searching!

The most fun option! You are alone, no one is holding you back. To celebrate Valentine's Day you need to go to a party in a nightclub or one of the bars in order to make a bunch of new acquaintances there. Valentine's Day parties are just about the coolest quick pick up parties for these reasons:

  1. The girls who come to celebrate February 14 at the club are a little offended that they are still alone, and none of their suitors called them on a date, and did not fork out for gifts and flowers. Resentment slightly alters the girl's consciousness and quick, non-committal sex becomes much more possible. All you need to do is show a sense of care so that the girl feels loved, even if only for 1 night.
  2. Even if the girl came to the party with her boyfriend (instead of spending a romantic evening together), then this is also a good indicator. She will already have an excuse to get to know you and have fun.

Here is the strategy for tonight:
You approach a girl or girls with a smile, broadcast that you are glad to see them. Say "hello" and your congratulations on Valentine's Day:

Happy Valentine's Day! Now tell me - what would be the best gift for you today - flowers, a valentine, compliments, or sleep until dinner?

The girl will most likely choose flowers, for which you will give her a rose from a napkin!

Instructions on how to make a rose from a napkin were filmed at my live training “Pandora's Box”:

Scenario#2 You started dating the same girl

Challenge: You like this girl and just want to fuck her on Valentine's Day. But at the same time, you are not going to marry her and invest heavily in order to make her fall in love with you completely.

Question #1 Do you want a relationship with her?

If not, then you need to avoid meeting her on February 14th. Otherwise, the girl will be strongly attached to you and will hope for a relationship. Just tell her or write in SMS or VKontakte your attitude to Valentine's Day:

February 14 is coming soon and I want to say that usually only couples who have already established full-fledged relationships go on dates on Valentine's Day, and you and I have just started dating. I really enjoy spending time with you, but unfortunately, I already have plans to spend this evening with my friends, and I would not want to refuse them. But you should know that if I was going on a date, I would ask you. Therefore, the next day I want to meet with you and have a great evening.