When is a lack of physical development diagnosed? Insufficient physical development and conscription in the army in Petrozavodsk. History from practice. Prevention of violations of physical development in the baby

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It is possible to talk about the lag in the physical development of the child only after the doctors have carried out a series of necessary examinations and made a diagnosis. Up to this point, parents can only draw preliminary conclusions based on observations of the baby, but in no case on comparison with other children of his age.

It is important to understand that every child grows and develops at their own pace. Some are ahead of their peers in physical development, while others, on the contrary, demonstrate some lag, which, nevertheless, cannot be considered a serious deviation from the norm.

So, when do you need to start thinking about the fact that the physical development of the baby does not correspond to his age? After a year, you can already observe the crumbs' attempts to take steps, pronounce the first words. The norm is the development of walking skills up to 14 months and initial speech skills up to two years. Naturally, small deviations from the norm cannot be a reason for excitement, but even in this case it will be necessary to strengthen the observation of the baby, fixing the slightest progress.

What is developmental delay?

It is customary to talk about a delay in the physical development of a child in cases where there is a lag behind him in a number of anthropometric
indicators. Quite often, the problem is exacerbated by a lag in the formation of cognitive and motor skills.

Experts talk about a delay in physical development in cases where anthropometric indicators fall below the 3-5th percentile or noticeably decrease in a short time. It is customary to divide the lag in physical development into those caused by diseases and provoked by social conditions.

Causes of delayed physical development

A variety of reasons affect the delay in the physical development of children:

  • pedagogical neglect;
  • biological factors;
  • social factors.

When it comes to pedagogical neglect, they mean serious gaps in the upbringing of the baby, not related
with brain activity. In such cases, children are completely healthy, while they are unable to absorb simple information, they do not know elementary things.

Parents and teachers are simply obliged to introduce children to mental work, encouraging them even insignificant achievements. Otherwise, their ability to learn and assimilate new information will noticeably decrease. As a rule, a problem of this nature can be solved if you correctly build a scheme for working with a baby.

The situation is somewhat different with mental retardation, which can also cause a lag in physical development. Typically, such children are characterized by age-inappropriate behavior, despite the fact that the work of the brain is carried out without significant disturbances. Children with mental retardation quickly get tired, unable to concentrate for a long time and complete the task to the end.

The lag in the physical development of the child can also be influenced by biological factors associated with the difficult course of pregnancy, violation of the rules of a healthy lifestyle during the bearing of the child by the mother, difficult childbirth,
pathologies, as well as serious infections transferred inside the womb or in the first months of life.

And, finally, social factors that entail a lag in physical development imply total control by adults, an inadequate attitude towards the child, as well as stress suffered at a young age.

How to determine that the child is lagging behind in development?

How is the lag of children in physical development manifested? External signs can be different, ranging from growth retardation and weight gain to loss of subcutaneous fat, baldness and protein depletion. Most often, a delay in physical development is manifested precisely by a lag in growth and weight gain.

determine the level of delay by analyzing all anthropometric indicators corresponding to the age of the child. The process takes into account the characteristics of the child, the degree of full-term maturity, possible diseases he has recently suffered that can affect the development process. In babies who were born prematurely, some deviations in physical development are allowed, which are affected by the duration of their prematurity.

The lag in physical development can be of several types:

  • light;
  • moderate;
  • heavy.

Most often, the first sign of developmental delay is a slow weight gain, over time, you can notice changes in growth rates.

Features of the diagnosis of physical developmental delay

It is important to understand that laboratory studies do not give a complete picture, therefore, they are carried out rather to supplement it. To distinguish diseases of an endocrine nature from family short stature, bone age must be determined. In addition, the child's thyroid gland is examined, MRI and a number of additional studies are performed.

It is possible to diagnose a delay in the physical development of a child on the basis of the clinical data obtained as a result of the examination, as well as the results of observations of family relationships and a survey of parents.

It is very important that the baby grows up in a calm, friendly atmosphere, receives sufficient nutrition for his age, and also does not have difficulties with his assimilation.

Most often, the baby does not receive enough nutrition due to the incompetence of the parents in this matter, due to low material prosperity, due to the negligence of the parents. In the first months of life, the baby should receive a sufficient amount of breast milk or a formula adapted for it every 2-3 hours. Doctors are obliged to find out what kind of food the child received in the first months, after which
time intervals and what was the reaction of the parents to the anxiety of the crumbs between feedings.

Quite often, the inability of the baby to absorb the required amount of milk in the first months of life is associated with anatomical anomalies: enlarged palatine tonsils, adenoids, contractions of the muscles of the oral cavity. That is why, when diagnosing a lag in physical development, doctors are simply obliged to take into account the age of the baby and the overall clinical picture, recreated on the basis of a detailed conversation with the parents.

Treatment of growth retardation

In order for the treatment to be successful, it is necessary to identify the underlying cause that led to the developmental delay. So, for example, if the cause is a disease that causes growth retardation, then it is necessary to focus therapy on it. If a child is slowly growing and gaining weight due to family genetics, it is worth stopping trying to influence the process, because as a result, growth rates will be somehow related to the growth rates of parents.

If the underlying cause of growth retardation is growth hormone deficiency, then appropriate therapy with its inclusion may be the solution. Correctly selected
therapy will help the baby in the first year to add from 8 to 13 cm, and in subsequent years - up to 6 cm per year.

Regardless of what reason had the main impact on the stunting and weight gain of the child, care must be taken to ensure that the family has a daily routine, proper nutrition is practiced, and a calm atmosphere prevails.

If we are talking about babies of the first year of life with a pronounced delay in physical development associated with social reasons, after 6 months they must be fed mainly with thick food for half an hour. At this time, it is important that the child is not distracted. Children after a year can eat at a common table with adults.

It is extremely important not to force the baby to eat against his will. Water, juices and other low-calorie foods in the diet should be in the minority, while high-calorie foods such as butter, cheese, cream should be included in the daily diet.

What consequences to fear?

In many ways, complications will be associated with a disease that caused a lag in physical development. So, for example, if growth retardation is associated with Itsenko-Cushing's disease, then
problems with the cardiovascular system, pressure. In addition, complications can manifest themselves in the form of diabetes mellitus or osteoporosis, stomach ulcers, etc.

If a child suffers from hypothyroidism, then there may be consequences in the form of arrhythmia, an increase in the thyroid gland, as well as a general decrease in intellectual activity, complexes caused by growth inconsistencies with the norms.

In order for a child to have normal growth, he must grow up in conditions conducive to development, receiving good nutrition, the amount of vitamins and microelements necessary for his age. Noting the short stature of children, it is important to contact specialists in a timely manner, who will help identify the cause and prescribe a program to correct the lag.

When should you think about hospitalization?

It makes sense to talk about hospitalization in cases where children are diagnosed with a complex form of malnutrition, a noticeable lag in growth. In the hospital, the child is examined for the true cause of the lag in physical development, they will prescribe adequate treatment. As a rule, the period of hospitalization in this case does not exceed 10 days, during which doctors control the diet of children, monitor their daily routine.

The main purpose of hospitalization is to teach children and parents how to make the right balanced diet and stick to it to stimulate growth, regardless of the cause of the lag in physical development.

About forecasts

The most dangerous lag in the physical development of a baby is considered to be in the first year of life, regardless of what the cause of the problem is. It should be understood that postnatal brain growth is most active in the first six months, so the child must have suitable conditions for full development during this period. Many babies who have been diagnosed with "delayed physical development" have failures in the development of the emotional sphere and difficulties in social adaptation.

If the cause of the delay is a disease, the prognosis can only be announced after determining the severity of the disease and the effectiveness of the method of its treatment. Children with developmental delay, regardless from the cause, it is necessary to constantly keep under supervision, controlling the process of emotional and cognitive development, if necessary, applying corrective methods of influence.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that it is possible to solve problems with delayed physical development in children, but not in all cases. If it is a matter of a genetic predisposition to small stature and age-inappropriate weight, then most likely you will have to live with this all your life.

In some cases, surgery, massage, physiotherapy sessions, classes with specialists who practice work on early brain development can help. Especially important is the atmosphere in the family. Parents should be confident in the strength of the baby, calm and responsible, practice regular classes as part of early development programs.

It is important to understand that slow physical development cannot put an end to the future life and fate of the child. Often, it is the timely determination of the cause of the lag that will help to more effectively eliminate the problem and allow the baby to catch up and even overtake peers with faith in themselves, their strengths and skills.

Before talking about the main causes of developmental disorders in children, it is important to understand the key concepts associated with this, unfortunately, a problem that is often encountered today. A developmental disorder in medicine is understood as any deviation from the norm that can occur both in infancy and in the process of growing up a child.

With the normal development of the child, the biological and mental functions of his body at various stages of growing up correspond to the standards provided by specialists. The child grows without delay in development, both on the physical and psycho-emotional levels. This means that the baby begins to walk, talk in time, and also quickly learn to write, read, and masters all the primary skills necessary for further independent life.

There are enough reasons for the violation of the development of the body. According to research results, boys are more prone to physical development disorders than girls. However, with the right approach, over time, the child begins to develop as it should. In order to avoid more serious consequences, if a child is suspected of having a physical development disorder, parents should immediately consult a doctor.

What you need to know about developmental disabilities in children

Modern pediatricians distinguish two main types of developmental disorders in children - comprehensive and specific. If a child lags behind in development in most of the main medical indicators, then he has a comprehensive disorder. Autism can be considered an example of such a violation in the development of a child. If there is a deviation from any one specific medical indicator, the child suffers from a specific disorder.

Dyslexia can serve as an example of the specific development of a child. With this disease, the child's ability to master the skill of reading is impaired. With dyslexia, there is a general ability of children to learn. However, the child learns to read with great difficulty. It is noteworthy that, as in the case of dilexia and autism, one and the same cause of developmental disorders in children can be noted.

A disruption in the functioning of the brain can also cause a violation of physical development. The truth should not be discounted and genetic diseases, as well as heredity. The causes of violations in the development of the body in children can be injuries, as well as serious illnesses.

It is not in vain that doctors pay such close attention to the health of women during pregnancy. It is during the formation of the fetus that irreparable harm can be done to the health of the unborn baby. So, the hormonal background of the mother affects the normal development of the child. Modern medicine helps in the early stages to identify violations of physical development in children.

Experts single out another good reason for the occurrence of violations in the development of the child's body - the ecological environment in which the child is born and lives. In addition, the qualitative composition of the products they use affects the violation of physical development in children. The richer and more varied the baby's diet, the more he eats foods rich in vitamins and useful compounds, the less likely he is to face the problem of impaired physical development. Deviations in the physical development of the child can be determined by body weight and height. If a child grows too fast, he may suffer from gigantism, children who are short for their age suffer from dwarfism. Cerebral palsy refers to severe disorders of the physical development of the child's body.

A deviation from the normal body weight of a child by 10% to a smaller (hypotrophy) or larger (paratrophy) side, experts also rank as deviations in physical development. An important parameter for assessing the physical development of a child is head circumference. Pediatricians pay special attention to the development of the child's chest.

Motor Development Disorder

Often, experts call excessive childish clumsiness "motor awkwardness." Behind this name lies a rather serious problem - a violation of the motor development of the child. Parents often look forward to that happy moment when their baby takes the first steps. Children begin to sit at about the same age, which cannot be said about the first steps.

The human body is a unique mechanism in which many details are provided in advance by nature. Your baby will not start walking until his body is ready for it. It is in the unpreparedness of the baby's body to master the vertical position in this case that the main problem lies. Symptoms of impaired motor development can be considered just the fact that the child learned to walk late. If the baby often falls and moves awkwardly when walking, constantly drops toys, as if he cannot hold them in his hands, most likely he has a motor disorder.

Motor developmental disorders can also be observed in children who not only walk awkwardly, but also dress awkwardly and slowly. With impaired motor skills, babies may not use cutlery correctly, as well as be afraid to go up or down stairs. In the vast majority of cases, children with motor disabilities behave restlessly, constantly break toys, and get angry and even hit others.

Unfortunately, not all parents immediately notice violations in the motor or general physical development of the child, as well as mental deviations. And in such cases, you need to act immediately and immediately contact the experts. Without the help of professionals alone, you will not be able to help your child.

However, this does not mean that parents should withdraw themselves and place all responsibility on doctors. Only the care and support of parents, combined with professional medical care, can help a child with violations of physical or motor development. Pay more attention to your child, play educational games, learn children's songs, counting rhymes and rhymes.

Wiping with a hard towel after a bath, massage, as well as playing sports perfectly helps. Active games in the fresh air will not only cheer up the child, but also help to cope with a serious problem effortlessly. Modern children's stores offer a wide selection of toys that develop not only the mind, but also the body of the child.

Home children's sports complexes can be an excellent preventive and therapeutic tool in the fight against physical development disorders. In addition, it is useful to play sports, especially since it is necessary to accustom the child to physical activity from childhood. Parents should only want very much and make every effort to give their baby a happy and healthy childhood.

Each parent wants to see their baby smart, beautiful, cheerful, and most importantly, healthy. Here only one desire of parents is not enough here. Unfortunately, the statistics of recent years suggests that children with physical development disorders are often born. Why does this happen, how to determine if a child has a developmental disorder, and what should parents do? We will answer all these questions in this article.

First of all, let's say that it is possible to talk about a violation of physical development only if the doctors have carried out a number of diagnostic measures and made an appropriate diagnosis. Up to this point, parents can only make preliminary inferences based on the behavior of the crumbs, but not comparing it with other children.

Classification of violations of physical development

Deviations in the physical development of the baby can be due to various adverse factors, which in a general sense can be divided into two types:

  • Endogenous - disorders caused by genetic causes, as well as internal influences.
  • Exogenous - violations provoked by the influence of the external environment.

In addition, all pathological factors that can affect a child are usually divided by doctors into 3 groups:

  • Prenatal - factors that act on the embryo or fetus during development in the mother's womb.
  • Natal - factors that act during labor.
  • Postantal - factors that affect the baby after birth.

Causes of impaired physical development in babies in the prenatal period

1. Various hereditary pathologies. These include cystic fibrosis (pancreatic enzyme defect), galactosemia (impaired absorption of galactose) and myopathy (impaired metabolic processes in the muscles). In addition, hereditary diseases include disorders of the auditory and visual analyzer, rhinolalia and other pathologies.

2. Chromosomal disorders. These include "cat's cry" syndrome or Down's disease.

3. Genetic pathologies. These are diseases such as tyrosinosis or phenylketonuria.

4. Malnutrition of the embryo or fetus. These violations occur when a pregnant woman eats improperly, i.e. chaotic, unbalanced and irrational. In this case, the embryo or fetus lacks nutrients (proteins, fats and carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals).

5. Infectious diseases of a pregnant woman. This should include: syphilis and mycoplasmosis, toxoplasmosis and various viral lesions (influenza, hepatitis, herpes or cytomegaly).

6. Intoxication of the body. This pathological process is caused by a chemical effect on the body due to smoking or alcoholism of the expectant mother, the use of drugs, long-term medication or radiation exposure.

7. Temperature effects on a pregnant woman, in particular, her severe hypothermia or overheating.

8. Mental or somatic diseases of the expectant mother. These include heart disease, hypertension, sciatica or diabetes mellitus.

9. Incompatibility of blood groups or Rh factors in mother and baby.

10. Mechanical injuries of the embryo and fetus in the womb due to external influences (falls, blows to the stomach).

By the way, there is a relationship between the time of exposure to a negative factor and the resulting consequences. It has been proven that the earlier the embryo is damaged in the process of intrauterine development, the more severe the consequences are.

Factors that threaten the development of the baby in the natal period

1. Rapid or vice versa, prolonged labor. The action of these factors threatens the child with asphyxia, i.e. oxygen starvation.

2. Injuries received by a newborn during labor.

3. Infections received by the newborn during delivery.

Causes of developmental disorders after birth

During this period, the baby is negatively affected by both biological and social factors.

Biological factors include:

1. Injuries.

2. Various infections (meningitis and scarlet fever, influenza and measles, otitis media, poliomyelitis, encephalitis and others).

3. Malnutrition of the child.

4. Intoxication of the body (smoking, alcoholism or drug addiction of a breastfeeding mother, an overdose of antibiotics, radioactive exposure).

Social factors include:

1. Unfavorable living conditions for the child.

2. Psychological trauma.

3. Severe experiences of the baby due to unfavorable conditions at home or in a children's institution (kindergarten, school), accompanied by constant stress.

4. Lack of verbal communication with the baby.

5. Imitation of wrong speech.

6. Pedagogical neglect.

Types of physical development disorders in children

Now let's look at some of the most common physical developmental disorders in childhood.

Hypotrophy and paratrophy

Body weight is one of the most unstable indicators in young children. Deviations to one side by 10% should not frighten parents. Such a problem is easily eliminated by the correction of nutrition, which is prescribed by the pediatrician. When the percentage of deviation is much greater, and besides, it progresses with the growth of the baby, the baby is diagnosed with "hypotrophy" or "paratrophy", that is, underweight or obesity.

To determine these indicators, the Quetelet index is often used. It is calculated immediately after the birth of the child and indicates the nutrition of the fetus inside the womb. The Quetelet index is the ratio of body weight (g) to the height of the baby (cm) at birth. Normally, this value varies between 60-70 units. An excess of this indicator will indicate intrauterine obesity, and an underestimation will indicate a lack of weight in the fetus.

For children of the first year of life, the Chulitskaya index or fatness index is used. To calculate it, the circumference of the hips (cm) is added to the 3 circumferences of the shoulders (cm), as well as the circumference of the lower leg (cm), after which the height (cm) is taken away. The normal indicator in this case is 20-25 units.

For children with malnutrition, specialists prescribe diet therapy, carry out symptomatic treatment, with the appointment of multivitamins and missing enzymes, and also find the cause that caused malnutrition (including infectious), and take measures to eliminate it.

However, the greatest danger to the child is childhood obesity. It can develop at any time, but more often overtakes children aged 5–7 years, as well as during puberty. The danger of this condition is that the child develops diseases that are characteristic only for adults: diabetes mellitus, osteoarthritis, high blood pressure or high cholesterol. Moreover, obesity in childhood threatens with flat feet, spinal problems, and in adulthood - infertility and early mortality.

Children with such problems should be treated by doctors together with their parents. Obese babies need nutrition correction, an active lifestyle, and in case of impaired enzyme production, medication.


This disease in children occurs due to disruption of the endocrine system, in particular, due to pituitary adenoma. As a result of this violation, somatotropic hormone begins to be intensively produced. This leads to excessive bone growth and the child's height is seriously oversized compared to normal. In addition, in a baby with such a disease, the nose, lips, superciliary arches increase, and the facial features themselves acquire rough outlines. The first symptoms of the development of gigantism become noticeable 5-7 years after the onset of the development of the disease.

In addition to external manifestations, such children are diagnosed with frequent headaches, sleep apnea, memory impairment, pathological enlargement of the spleen and the presence of diffuse goiter.

It is not surprising that people with this disease, both in childhood and in adulthood, experience a lot of problems, ranging from the lack of suitable shoes to the development of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The life expectancy of such patients is also significantly lower than the average.

To combat this problem, conservative, surgical, radiation, as well as a combination of treatment are used. All of them are aimed at stabilizing the level of growth hormone. In the absence of the effect of drug treatment and radiation therapy, the child may be prescribed surgery to remove the pituitary tumor. For minimal trauma, such an operation is performed transnasally, i.e. through the nose.


In contrast to gigantism, children may experience such a violation of physical development as nanism. The causes of this pathology can be very different:

  • endocrine (deficiency of hormones: somatotropin, sex hormones, insulin or thyroid hormones, as well as increased synthesis of glucocorticoids).
  • somatic, i.e. not related to the hormonal system (chronic anemia or hypoxia, pathologies of the liver, kidneys and skeletal system, malabsorption of nutrients, as well as Down's disease).

From childhood, parents notice the development of nanism in a child, because the baby’s growth does not reach normal age indicators, the baby’s face becomes puppet-like, and his voice is high.

Considering that in most cases insufficient production of somatotropin hormone leads to nanism, a young patient is prescribed hormone therapy, which is carried out until an acceptable growth. Treatment may vary depending on the underlying cause of dwarfism.


This problem in a child is associated with a deficiency of vitamin D, as a result of which a violation of mineral metabolism occurs in the body. Most often, such a disease is faced by children of the first year of life, and most of them are premature babies or “artificial” ones.

If treatment is not started in a timely manner, the crumbs may develop skeletal deformities that are visible to the naked eye, namely, a convex forehead, a hump on the back, a “frog belly” and twisted legs.

To combat this disease, the child is prescribed vitamin D. Moreover, a specialist should prescribe the vitamin, because too small a dose will not give the desired effect, and too much will provoke hypervitaminosis. In addition, the patient is prescribed calcium and phosphorus preparations, as well as diet therapy. Finally, given that a person receives vitamin D under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, every child with this problem is assigned daily walks in the fresh air.


This disease is often called "dropsy of the brain", and all because the disease is an accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid in the brain. This problem can be detected in the first days of life, and may appear later, at any age.

Hydrocephalus in a child can be seen with the naked eye. The head circumference of such a baby significantly exceeds the normal parameters, and besides, it grows by 1.5 cm every month. The child has a large forehead, a protruding fontanel, the baby often burps, suffers from strabismus, visual and hearing impairment.

Treatment in this case is quite complicated and is aimed at lowering the production of cerebrospinal fluid. For this, medications or surgery can be used. Surgical intervention is a more effective method of treatment, because with its help a decrease in intracranial pressure is achieved and liquorosorption is activated.


This incurable disease is characterized by a pathological decrease in the size of the brain and a small circumference of the skull with normal body parameters. Microcephaly can be congenital, in which the disease is diagnosed immediately after birth, or acquired, which means that it appears in the first year of a child's life.

The disease can be hereditary in nature, and also develop as a result of an infection suffered by a future mother in the first trimester of pregnancy. In addition, microcephaly may appear due to metabolic disorders.

A child with such a defect is easy to recognize by external signs. It has a narrow forehead and large ears, a protruding nose, and prominent brow ridges. Children with microcephaly are characterized by mental insufficiency of varying severity, they develop strabismus, suffer from convulsions and impaired coordination of movements.

To facilitate the standing of such patients, drugs are prescribed that improve the functions of brain tissues, drugs that relieve increased muscle tone, sedatives and anticonvulsants. In addition, non-traditional treatment helps to relieve symptoms.

Infantile cerebral palsy (CP)

Cerebral palsy is a complex of motor disorders caused by damage to the central nervous system in the prenatal period. Most often, the disease leads to fetal hypoxia (lack of oxygen), as well as intrauterine infections (herpes virus). However, cerebral palsy can develop due to genetic causes, trauma to the brain inside the womb, and also due to toxic damage to the brain.

A child with this disease has a shortening of the limb on the side of the lesion, scoliosis and curvature of the pelvic bones. The joints of such a child are characterized by stiffness and limited range of motion. In addition, the child often suffers from convulsions, he suffers from swallowing disorders, problems with speech and hearing. Quite often at such patients the mental retardation is observed.

Rehabilitation of children with cerebral palsy includes the work of teachers and doctors. Toddlers from 1 to 3 years old attend classes where they learn to speak, perform daily activities, learn self-care and interact with peers. In addition, through special devices, the child is helped to develop correct motor skills, train articulation and visual function. And every child with cerebral palsy is prescribed massage courses and physiotherapy exercises.

Prevention of violations of physical development in the baby

In order to prevent deviations in the development of the baby, a pregnant woman should remember that refusing to visit a doctor, trying to be treated on her own, as well as starvation, irrational and malnutrition, have the most negative impact on the intrauterine development of the baby and can lead to his death. A woman should consult an obstetrician-gynecologist for any ailment and not take medications without a specialist prescription. In addition, even before the conception of a child, the future mother should be cured of chronic and acute diseases, which can also affect the health of the baby.

With the birth of a child, a woman should regularly visit a pediatrician who conducts an anthropometric examination of the baby, i.e. measures his height, head and chest circumference, and also weighs the baby. In addition, the specialist examines the child, assessing his physical condition. After that, a conclusion is made about the condition of the child. All this is necessary for the timely detection of deviations and prevention of violations of physical development.

Take care of your children!

Good afternoon everyone! I continue to acquaint readers with interesting cases from the practice of protecting the rights of conscripts.

The other day, the process on the issue of protecting the rights of conscripts was successfully completed in one not frequent, but indicative case. The case went off this time without any trial, and this is an ideal option.

A conscript turned to me and told his sad story. The conscript is underweight in such a way that it corresponds to "underdevelopment", when a very small weight or height. So, he was even already called up, but he fell ill during the last call, and this time he turned to me as a lawyer for draft disputes in Petrozavodsk. The conscript has a lack of physical development: the weight for 3 years does not exceed 43 kg, despite the fact that according to the law, if you weigh 45 kg. and less - you are not fit for service.

After reading the article of the law, looking at his medical documents, and realizing that the guy really weighs less than 45 kg and he should not join the army, I said in the voice of the hero of an American film: “OK. Let's do it!". I realized that I could solve the problem of this young Russian citizen, because. he is objectively unfit for military service. In my legal practice, there are cases when the question of the suitability or unfitness of a conscript for military service is not obvious and it all depends on a particular diagnosis, the stage of the disease, and its (diagnosis) interpretation. In short, the question is evaluative in nature and depends on a number of factors. Here everything was more than obvious. The law directly says: if you weigh less than 45 kg, you will not join the army (to put it simply).

In the end, I took the case to production. First, I represented his interests at the Petrozavodsk recruiting committee by writing an application and assigning category B, with the following content:


For a long time I suffer from such a disease as - Insufficient physical development: a) body weight is less than 45 kg, my weight for 3 years does not exceed 43 kg. This disease falls under Article No. 86 of the Schedule of Diseases of the “Regulations on Military Medical Examination” With a weight of less than 45 kg. the conscript is examined under paragraph "a". Art. 86, he is assigned a category of fitness "B" - limited fit for military service.

Earlier, I was already granted a deferment from military service due to lack of weight, however, at the moment, the weight still does not exceed 43 kg, which is - Insufficient physical development. Data on my weight is available in the personal file of the conscript, in the medical examination sheets ... "

The conscript was sent for an additional examination, the lack of development was confirmed, but, in the end, instead of category B, he was given G, but even here they managed to break the law - article 86 of the Regulations on military medical examination does not provide for category G for a period of six months, as they gave the conscript . If category G is already given, then for a year. In short, the draft board made a strange decision.

We appeal to the draft commission of the Republic of Karelia with a complaint against the decision of the lower draft commission. Recognized as partially fit, receives a military ID.

Then, as a representative of the conscript, I received an extract from the minutes of the meeting of the conscription commission in the military commissariat of Petrozavodsk and it was decided to write a complaint to a higher authority. I wrote a complaint to a higher authority - the draft commission of Karelia.


On 10/17/16, at a meeting of the PGO recruitment commission, in relation to the full name, a decision was made to assign him a fitness category G, a six-month delay for the following reason: Insufficient physical development, art. 86 RB Regulations on VVE.

We consider this decision illegal and unreasonable, because:

Full name suffers from such a disease as - Insufficient physical development: a) body weight is less than 45 kg, my weight for 3 years does not exceed 43 kg.

This disease falls under Article No. 86 of the Schedule of Diseases of the “Regulations on Military Medical Examination”, in connection with which he must be recognized as partially fit for military service (fitness category “B”), exempted from conscription on the basis of paragraphs. ”a”, paragraph 1 of Art. 23 of the Federal Law "On military duty and military service" and enlisted in the reserve of the Armed Forces .... And so on.