What to write to a girl to make her feel good: in SMS, WhatsApp or VK? Examples of pleasant phrases for interlocutors. What to write to a girl you like online

When affection for a loved one is felt especially deeply, and sympathy is about to degenerate into true love, the time comes to declare your feelings openly. But how can I tell a girl that I like her so that the confession sounds sincere and convincing, touching the living strings of the soul? This is a question asked by many young people who truly value relationships.

Setting the mood for success in a relationship with a girl

Every young man who wants to have a decent and pleasant relationship with his beloved representative of the fair sex should have an optimistic outlook on this issue. In no case You can’t afford to be insecure or show weakness of character. The first thing you need to do is set yourself up for success. An optimistic attitude cannot arise out of nowhere, so don’t be shy to work on yourself a little. Perhaps you just don't understand what .

Show it to your girlfriend your best sides. In order for feelings to become mutual, it is important to present yourself in a favorable light.

So don't miss this great opportunity get rid of bad habits or make your life more active, interesting and varied.

To do this, you need little: devote a small period of time every day to your favorite activity, read more, reflect on spiritual topics. All this can develop in you the qualities of an excellent interlocutor and even make your external image attractive due to the lively movement of thought. And a little later you can find common hobbies, which will bring both pleasure and fun.

Remember that girls like guys who are able to take care of themselves physically and spiritually, and who have a developed sense of purpose.

Try to look neat and beautiful

Neat and beautiful representatives of the stronger sex attract the attention of worthy girls. In order to look like this, you need to pay special attention to self-care, this includes:

  • Regular showering;
  • A haircut;
  • Hair Styling;
  • Teeth cleaning;
  • Shaving;
  • Nail cutting;
  • Use of deodorants;
  • Clothing style.

Noticing that you follow the rules of hygiene and are not a sloppy, untidy person, the girl will understand that you can take good care of her, since you know how to take good care of yourself.

If you want to improve your image and increase your strength and power, you can workout. Of course, it is absolutely not necessary to quickly lose excess weight or pump up huge biceps - after all, every man needs a soul mate who is attracted not only by external indicators, but also by the inner world of a person, his soul.

Regular, reasonable exercise will improve your health, get you in shape, and add a sense of comfort and self-confidence. And the developed endurance and dexterity will not allow you to blush from rapid fatigue, will also protect you from feelings of inferiority, lack of strength, and will add masculinity.

Calmness and tact in relationships with a girl

Develop in yourself such spiritual qualities as calmness, patience, prudence. Don’t be nervous, don’t get confused by the questions - answer confidently, with a calm expression on your face, thinking briefly before answering. This behavior will pleasantly surprise and even attract the girl you love. And at the same time, try not to be overly restrained when in company with your chosen one: openly express your emotions, feelings, do not hesitate to express your personal opinion, even if it contradicts her thoughts.

In your relationship with your sweetheart, show maximum tact and respect. She should feel that you consider her a full-fledged person, an individual, a worthy person - and this is actually the case! Avoid being overprotective, it makes the girl feel too helpless. Build your friendship on the foundation of respect and goodwill, and you will achieve success and achieve your dreams.

This trembling moment: what to say and under what circumstances

So, you have already worked hard on yourself, overcome embarrassment and fear, learned to be confident and courageous. Now the important moment has come, which needs to be approached correctly - communicate your feelings. It is best to do this in person, and not via SMS, by selecting original form of expression of thought.

10 ways to tell a girl you like her

A little creativity, flight of fancy and imagination - and you will become the height of perfection for your beloved, the best guy in the world. After all, you can avoid platitudes and use original ways to tell the girl your feelings and thoughts:

    1. Write your message paint on the asphalt of the alley along which you will walk on this significant evening. And after she reads, confirm your words and list everything you like about her and everything you feel.
  1. Order a text with her photo on a billboard, and on the day it is posted, drive by, focusing on the unusual advertisement. Or hang a fancy banner on the fence outside her house.
  2. Do beautiful collage or a short video, using her personal photos and yours together, as well as romantic music and beautiful tender poems. An unusual message can be sent using Internet resources or recorded on a disk and handed over personally.
  3. Post it your confession from the candles directly on the floor your apartment or from rose petals.
  4. Show up for your next date at T-shirt with the image of your chosen one and words of recognition - this is where she will truly be amazed at your ingenuity!
  5. Write the words “I like you” in a hot air balloon, which you give to a girl or attach near her bedroom window.
  6. Place your mini-message in a surprise box into the egg"Kinder Surprise". To do this, carefully remove the foil, cut the chocolate into two parts with a thin hot knife, take out the toy, instead of which place a confession in a plastic box. Then give the chocolate egg to the girl.
  7. Order a cake with the desired inscription or make it yourself by squeezing the cream through a small slot on the plastic bag.
  8. Order a musical hello on her favorite radio station, accompanying him with her kind words.
  9. Make a puzzle with the inscription “I like you”, which your sweetheart will have to collect at the next meeting.

By revealing your potential in choosing the method of recognition, you will win the heart of your beloved girl and increase your self-esteem. But before that, it is important to show yourself on the good side: a real man with self-esteem and a sufficient amount of courage. Then the question of how to tell a girl that I like her will not become an unsolvable problem: your behavior will already determine your actions and results in advance. As a last resort, you can just .

Many inexperienced guys ask the question: “How can I tell a girl that I like her?” Even if beginners have an idea of ​​how to do this, they prefer not to rush and gain confidence in mutual sympathy. Only after this are the guys ready for certain actions, and their life seems to be divided into two stages: before recognition and after. Although some men, fearing the unexpected, do not dare to take this step, believing that the initiative in a relationship should come from the woman. Therefore, they will never be the first to say: “I like you!”

Recognition from a woman's point of view is viewed very differently. Girls sympathize with decisive and brave guys. Such recognition always increases women's self-esteem. And who wouldn’t like it, especially if everything is done unobtrusively and delicately? The question torments me: “How can I tell a girl that I like her?” In this article we will answer it. So let's get started.

1. Reveal her sympathy for you

Just don’t ask directly: “Do you like me?” After the date, offer to meet again. Or ask how she feels about going for a walk, going on a boat ride, etc. If a girl likes you, she will agree to the next meeting.

2. Make a “hook”

For a second meeting, you can ask or, conversely, borrow some thing, for example, an MP3 disc, so that you can return it later. Forget a collection of lyric poems next to her. When returning for the book, ask her if she would like to receive this book as a gift. Tell us about your attitude towards romance and watch the girl’s reaction.

3. Use humor

It is non-binding and is appropriate in almost any situation. It's rare to meet a girl who doesn't like humor. She will give a hint about her expectations with a smile or laugh.

4. Take care!

Show concern even in small things: bring and serve, take off outerwear or offer a jacket if she is cold, etc. This will look like some kind of recognition to the girl that she likes her. Next, two types of reaction are possible on her part: either you will hear words of gratitude, or you will see irritation.

5. Give a gift

Give her a simple gift or an ordinary flower. Her reaction will clarify a lot. As if you accidentally touched her. When a girl gives you an attentive look, in which a sea of ​​​​tenderness will be read, recognition will not be difficult.

6. Tell us about yourself

This is one of the most effective ways. Still wondering: “How to tell a girl that I like her?” Tell her about yourself and encourage her to respond with frankness, and then it’s not far to recognition.

7. Make mutual friends

Gaining their respect, support, or good opinion can greatly simplify the communication process.

8. Find common interests

Thus, you will spend more time together, and it will be easier to communicate.

You got the answer to the question: “How to tell a girl that I like her?” And don’t forget: women have very developed intuition, they feel when they attract sympathy from guys, and, of course, they wait for initiative. So everything is in your hands!

Home >> Declarations of love, practical jokes and congratulations on your mobile phone

Declaration of love by name on the phone - select a name:

❥ I want the whole world to know that I love you! Today I called you, heard your sad voice, and I also felt sad. Smile, honey, please. You have a very beautiful smile! I feel happy when I see her. I love you very much, from the first day we met.

❥ My girl, I feel for you an incredibly great and truly wonderful feeling, without which a person cannot live, but simply exists - this is love. You are everything to me and even more, you are the one for whom I began to live and breathe. I love you and will love you forever!

❥ My favorite kitten, I love you madly! I will give everything for you, you are the whole world to me, you are my life, I am happy with you. I value our relationship and value you, I want you and I to always be together, without being separated for a moment, my sunshine. I love you!

❥ My dear, the best girl on this Earth. I don’t know what’s going on in your soul, I just want to say that for me, meeting you is the best thing that’s happened to me lately, I’m grateful to the Almighty for meeting you, I can’t imagine how I would live, not knowing you. I love you.

❥ I love you more than life itself, I want to be only with you, I live with you, I will be happy only with you, you are the most beautiful, wonderful, charming girl in the world. I just adore you! You are my ray of sunshine, I realized that I can’t live without you... I love you!

❥ My beloved and dearest in the world! You are the most beautiful in this world and I am very happy that we met! You know very well that I love you, but I want to tell you about this personally - that I love you madly and I don’t doubt my feelings at all, I value you very much. You are the most dear person to me in this world!

❥ I never thought that it was possible to think about the same person all day long. About a person with whom you always feel good and cozy, with whom you never want to part, with whom hours fly by like minutes. About a person, looking into whose eyes you forget about everything! Sunny, I miss you so much, I miss you so much! I want us to always be together. I want to repeat to you all my life - I love you, love you, love you...

❥ I remember how terribly nervous I was before our meeting. I was expecting a date with an ordinary girl, but a real angel was waiting for me! When you came up to me and looked at me, my breath caught, my heart sank, my knees buckled and my chest felt somehow unnaturally warm. I drowned in the heavenly gaze of the most beautiful eyes in the world. During our short meeting, I realized that it would not be the last. Walking next to you and talking about all sorts of nonsense, I felt my heart fill with joy and warmth spread throughout my body. I was truly happy. I fell in love with you from the first second of meeting you and I will always love you, my joy.

❥ Absolutely everything has changed for me since you appeared in my life! I realized that you are the best, and I no longer need anyone except you. I want to always be with you. Look into your eyes, hold your hand gently, kiss you and tell you how much I love you. My love grows stronger every day and it becomes more and more difficult to be without you, because my life takes on meaning only when you are near. You are forever in my heart.

❥ I keep you very carefully in my heart... every look of your beautiful eyes, every word that your angelic lips said, every second that we were close. You have completely and completely filled my soul and heart... and my heart can’t live without you... I love you baby!


Declaration of love to a girl in your own words

Our beautiful love story...

We fell in love despite our differences, and from that moment something rare and beautiful was created.

You are all for me …

I can lose everything I have, but I can't lose you, I can't lose someone like you in my life.

I love you …

You bring me joy when I'm sad, I dream of you when I sleep, you're my guardian angel, when I'm with you, you're my soulmate, you're the one I love.

You can love me like I love you...

Even if everything goes wrong, I will smile at you. Just because you once told me that you love my smile and I love you.

Your love is enough for me...

I love you with all my heart and soul and that is more than enough for me.

You are my treasure …

My love, take care of yourself, take care of yourself, you are my precious treasure, so take care of yourself like a treasure.

Beautiful words for a beautiful girl!


Beautiful declaration of love to a girl

Hello friends! All self-respecting men believe that a beautiful declaration of love to a girl in their own words, to the point of tears in prose, must be accompanied by a bouquet of roses in the shape of a heart. It's hard to disagree with this. Love is like that. On this page you will find everything you need in such cases.

My gentle, charming princess... My real life began the moment I met you, when I saw your cornflower-colored eyes. I fell in love with you at first sight, and I can no longer live without you. I want to see you every day, hear your voice, like the murmuring of a mountain stream, I want to kiss your tender lips, which are like rose petals, beckoning to you... I love you, my angel!

I have never experienced a feeling stronger than loving you, my sweet girl! With you, the world around is filled with colors, with you I want to rejoice in everything around me. You won my heart from the first sight of your big brown eyes. And from that moment I couldn't think about anything else. I want to spend my days with you, I want to give you only happy moments. I want you to smile, my dear. Your smile illuminates everything around with joy and makes the sun shine even brighter.

Is there a feeling brighter and stronger than love? Next to you, my wonderful one, I realized that there is nothing more important than love. You appeared in my life, and everything became different. I realized that I have someone to live for, someone to create for, someone to become better and more perfect for. For your sake, my joy! I will do everything to make you happy!

Your eyes are like two blue lakes, there is so much warmth and love in them... Your lips are so similar to rose petals, you really want to touch them... Your blond hair fluttering in the wind is like ears of wheat on a fine summer day... Your graceful figure resembles the form of a swan, noble and magnificent... You are perfect. I love you!

Our meeting was destined for us by heaven. I believe that you are my destiny, and I want to live my whole life with you. I love you, my best of all living on Earth...

My feeling for you is difficult to describe in words... When I don’t hear your ringing voice, when I don’t see you, the whole world becomes gray and insignificant. I want to spend more and more time with you, I want to take care of you, get to know you, your interests, your outlook on life. I want to become one with you, so that no one and nothing can separate us. I love you so much…!

I remember that wonderful day when we met you. It was early autumn. I immediately liked your graceful gait, your impeccable taste in clothes, and when I heard your sweet voice and saw your look, enchanting and mysterious, I fell in love like a boy. And now there is only you in my thoughts, only you alone. I want our relationship to become stronger and stronger. I want to confess, I love you, my beauty!

Every hour, every minute, every second of my life is filled with thoughts of you, my beloved. I wake up and fall asleep thinking only about you. You are the best thing in my life. I am grateful to God that we met on that sunny spring day. I will do everything possible to ensure that we are always together!

I like your golden hair, your sea-blue eyes, your tender lips like rose petals... Every day I fall in love with you more and more, my beautiful girl!

You became the meaning of my life. I never thought it was possible to love so much. Since we met, I can’t live a day without you, my most beautiful woman in the world!

I like everything about you: your big brown eyes framed by lush eyelashes, and your dark silky brown hair that you love to put in a bun, and your slender, graceful figure, and your clear voice, and even the small mole on your wrist. You are perfect and unique!

I've never met girls like you! Your refined manners, your regular facial features, your graceful gait, your character traits... I'm crazy about you, my femme fatale!

You look like a ray of sunshine in the spring sky, like a delicate fragrant flower in the grass, like a tremulous singing bird in the trees... You are beautiful! My feelings for you forever, my wonderful girl!

Our meeting was planned by heaven! We were supposed to meet! You are mine and I am yours. Forever. Forever. No matter what happens.

It seems to me that you have bewitched me with your dazzling beauty, your ringing voice, your tenderness... I want to kiss you, I want to hug you, I want to touch your skin, I want to be with you always. Only with you. I want to be in your captivity.

My happiness, my joy, my sunshine, my love... When I see you, the world becomes better, I want to love you all my life.

The world lit up with the sun's rays when I met you, my beautiful... I love you, my feelings for you are strong and strong. I will endure all hardships just to be with you always. You are the most precious thing I have. I breathe you, I live you.

It is very difficult to find a person for whom you can give, whom you love with all your heart. And I found it, it's you. My beloved, my dear, my desired. I want to protect you from all troubles, from all adversities, from all problems. I want you to be happy, so that we can be happy together.

Wherever I am, whatever I do, I think about you. I really hope that I am also in your thoughts, and that you, just like me, are looking forward to our meeting. Just a little more and we will be close, we will enjoy each other to the last drop.

Today I want to confess to you... I love you, more than life, more than anyone in the world. You are alone in my thoughts and in my heart. I can’t imagine my life without you, my beautiful nymph.

I feel very bad without you, I miss you very much. The world without you loses color and fades. I want to be near you now. Hugging your fragile shoulders, kissing your soft plump lips, stroking your blond hair. You are an angel, you are the most beautiful girl in the world! Be mine forever, I love you very much!

Flowers will be a wonderful addition to words. A lush bouquet of roses in the shape of a heart, bought in a store and presented to a girl on this day, will strengthen your feelings and make your love mutual for life. You simply have no other options!

Don't miss the beautiful video and good music on the topic, it's worth watching!


Declaration of love to a girl in your own words

You are the sun that lights my path. You are my universe, you are my love! You are the main person in my life and will always remain so. It's great that I have you! Love you, kiss you, hug you! 16

It's so good that we met! You gave me love and filled my life with meaning! Next to you I forget about everything in the world. There is only you and me, my love! 12

You are the light in my window, you are simply my life. My love for you is limitless. I love you, my angel, I look forward to every meeting. Be always happy, my sunshine. 15

I want the whole world to know that I love you! Smile, honey, please. You have a very beautiful smile! I feel happy when I see her. I love you very much, from the first day we met! 15

I need you, and I can’t live without you! Believe me, I don't need anyone except you. You changed my life, which became much brighter and more interesting, so many colors appeared in it that I did not know about before. My heart can no longer live without you. Just be there, and we will take care of the rest. 12

My heart forever belongs only to you, only with you I am truly happy and only with you I want to be always! I feel very bad when you are not around, I miss you madly, my love! 18

I feel an incredibly wonderful feeling for you, without which a person cannot live, but simply exists - this is love. You are the one for whom I began to live and breathe. I love you and will always love you! eleven

I love you so much that you can't even imagine. You are the most desirable thing in the world for me. I'm crazy about you, you're the best girl I've ever met. I love you so much. 14

You are a wonderful and very dear person to me. I really want you to be happy! And I want to always be with you, because I love you with all my soul and with all my heart! eleven

My girl, I love you madly! I dream every day of seeing your smile, listening to you and kissing your beloved lips! I'm so attached to you! You are my mistress of my heart! I want to be with you every minute, I want to love you to the point of insanity! 13


15 most beautiful declarations of love to your girlfriend

In our own words we tell our beloved girl about our feelings for her. Note to guys - a list of the most beautiful declarations of love to a girl.

There's probably a girl who drives you crazy, and you've already thought of a thousand ways to tell her how you feel about her. For such recognition, you must have two components: self-confidence and the right words to express your feelings.

If you are sure that she feels the same way about you as you do about her, and you decide to declare your love to her, then first find the most beautiful words to declare your love to your beloved girl. But don't worry about it because on this page we provide you with a list of many phrases that are perfect for expressing your love for the girl you like so much.

  1. “One look at you was enough for me to understand that you are the ideal girl for me, I love you, and next to you I feel the happiest! That’s why I want you to be my girlfriend and make me happy every day!”
  2. “I lived in a sad world filled with darkness until you came like a shining sun that brightens my days and since then my days have been the happiest! I want you to be my bride, so that you can be a part of my life forever, and I can make you happy every second of my life!”
  3. “The feeling that arose in my heart when I first saw you became stronger and stronger until I knew that it was pure love. Therefore, I want you to give me the happiness of being your boyfriend and living together from now on to make you as happy as me!”
  4. “You are perfect, your beauty is limitless, you are beautiful in my eyes and heart! I want to give you my love, and you will give me yours in return. Agree?"
  5. “You are the only one who can pacify my loving heart. I know that you and I are more than friends and that's why I would like to officially court you."
  6. “You managed to win my heart with your beauty, intelligence and tenderness, and I want to feel the joy of completely conquering my heart by you. I want to make you the happiest girl in the world!”
  7. “I fell in love with you at first sight, and at that very moment I realized that I felt true love for you. Let's take this opportunity to start a beautiful relationship and enjoy beautiful love together!”
  8. “Tell me you feel the same way I do. When you and I are together, life becomes beautiful, and every moment becomes the happiest for me! I feel great love for you and I want to know if you feel the same for me."
  9. “When I met you, I felt like an arrow of love pierced my heart! You are the girl I have always been looking for! I love you, and when I see you, I feel great happiness that overwhelms me! I want you to be my girlfriend, tell me YES and I will never let you down!”
  10. “Ever since I met you, everything has changed in my life. You inspire me and I feel like the happiest person every day! I just want you to give me a chance to show how much I love you and how happy I would be to be with you forever!”
  11. “I used to think that I would never meet a person as sweet, gentle and smart as you. Now that I know you, I'm head over heels in love with you. Trust me with your heart to take care of it and show you how much I love you!”
  12. “I couldn’t think that such a beautiful girl would be as simple as you. You managed to conquer my thoughts and occupy my whole heart. I ask you to let me be your boyfriend because I love you very much and I want to give you all my love!”
  13. “Next to you, I feel that everything around is beautiful! You add the most rainbow colors to my monotonous everyday life! When I wake up, my first desire is to see you! I hope you think the same about me. Don’t deny us the opportunity to love each other.”
  14. “I wanted to tell you that wherever I am, no matter what happens, I will always think about you and remember those moments when we were together as the happiest in my life! I would like to return these moments again and again, because I love you!”
  15. “I have never loved you more than at this second. And I will never love you less than at this second in which I want to confess my love to you!”
  • If you notice that she usually starts a conversation with you first.
  • Constantly looks into your eyes.
  • He says he feels good around you.
These signs almost certainly mean that she is also attracted to you and therefore you can tell her about your feelings and confess your love.

Use any of the above beautiful confessions to express your love to the girl you love and you will see that your words will go straight to her heart!

About the article: Updated: 08/25/2017, 01:01 Word count: 643 Reading time: 3 min. Thanks to the authors for the article, which has already been read 30,599 times! Thanks to our readers who left 1 comment and have already rated the article 12 times!

Sometimes it’s hard to muster up the courage and tell a girl how you feel about her, so in this article we’ll look at how to hint to a girl that I like her in person or via correspondence in contact, and whether it’s worth using a social network when trying to tell her about your emotions.

Like any person, it is natural for us to be nervous and afraid to admit our feelings, but the fear of being rejected may prevent you from building a happy relationship. Therefore, you need to gather all your will into a fist and confess to the girl that you like him; perhaps she is also afraid to confess her feelings to you. So, the most necessary thing in the first stages is to get to know the girl better, understand what she likes and what she wants. And only then look for an approach to it. Don’t forget that all girls are different - one likes to be told about their feelings directly, while another may be completely frightened by this.

Whatever one may say, guys often spend a long time planning and thinking about how to let a girl know that you like her, what to say to her, where to say it, and when to say it. If you have feelings for a girl and you are crazy about her appearance, then a few phrases from which she will understand what attracts you to her can help you, for example:

  • “Your eyes are so beautiful, I just can’t tear myself away!”;
  • “The hair shines so cool in the sun, it’s so soft”;
  • “It’s immediately obvious that you play sports, you have a beautiful figure.”

If you decide to focus on a girl’s appearance, you shouldn’t tell her, for example, about her chubby cheeks, she may begin to have a complex and be upset because of this, or compliments about her buttocks and breasts may also disappoint her, and she will consider you vulgar , a cheeky guy.

Are you making plans for the future and thinking about how to let a girl know that you like her using joint planning methods? Then you should understand one simple truth - your sincerity with a girl you barely know will be regarded as a joke, but if you have already talked for a long time and are already thinking about how you will celebrate sunrises and sunsets together, then these phrases will help you:

  • “You know, next year I want to give you an unforgettable Valentine’s Day”;
  • “Maybe, of course, I’m rushing things, but a joint vacation at sea during the summer holidays will give us the opportunity to relax and prepare for the new school year. How do you like my offer?"

A compliment is the simplest and most profitable step on the way to a girl’s heart, so you can come up with a huge variety of them, and the girl will always be pleased. The main thing is not to overdo it and not turn a compliment into everyday flattery.

If you want to conquer your beloved, you should learn how to give compliments correctly. You shouldn’t memorize them, and in order to impress a girl, don’t say obvious things, for example: “There is no one more beautiful in the world than you,” this is quite boring and everyone is already tired of it. Get creative with complements:

  • “Having traveled half the world, I have never met such a treasure in the world as you”;
  • “Before our meeting, I was thinking about what to say to you, but when I saw your charming smile, I forgot all the words.”

Most importantly, remember to be sincere. If she realizes that you truly admire her, she will appreciate your persistence. And if you try to memorize the text, she will immediately understand it and get angry. You should not repeat compliments very often, let them become unexpected.

If you suddenly go too far and your girlfriend gets upset, ask her for forgiveness and that you didn’t mean to offend her.

There is no need for long sentences, speak briefly, clearly and your intonation should not let you down.

If you still can’t get over yourself or are not a male who can constantly flirt and compliment girls, but are a serious, straightforward guy, it doesn’t matter. This is even good, since the option suits you is to immediately speak the truth about what you really want from a girl.

For example, let these be simple, uncomplicated phrases:

  • “You are very beautiful, smart and I have really liked you for a long time!”;
  • “I’ll be honest, I’m crazy about you!”

Tell the girl what exactly attracted you to her, what made her stand out among others. And then she will feel superior to other females, which will greatly flatter her.

Tell everything honestly, don’t try to make things up, because if you start hanging around before the next compliment, it will seem very strange.

Let's imagine that you already know this girl, you study, for example, in the same group or class, you work together, or you are on different courses, and then you met your eyes, and you realized that this is exactly the girl with whom you would like to spend Always have your time. Then you shouldn’t delay, it’s time to confess your feelings to her, but you shouldn’t do this in a crowd. Let you be left alone. So that you feel more confident, and she does not feel embarrassed, and also so that her answer is sincere, since in the crowd of surrounding eyes she may not even speak out, so as not to offend you or, on the contrary, accidentally humiliate you.

And if suddenly your privacy has taken place, be brave, tell her that you like spending time with her, communicating, and you want to move to the next level by inviting her on a first date.

In fact, the easiest way to ask a girl out is to then tell her after a certain period of time that you love her. Thoughts immediately begin to come to mind, what if she doesn’t reciprocate? Is this really love? What should I do if she also says that she loves me? You need to be prepared for both a positive answer and a negative one. And for this you need to prepare.


Practice your speech. Decide what you will say after saying “I love you.” The girl will definitely want to hear some kind of continuation.

A declaration of love should be memorable, therefore, to get a better chance of not being rejected, choose a meeting place, and also agree with the girl on the time and date in advance.

Even if, after admitting your feelings, you do not hear an answer, do not start asking questions: “Do you love me?”, “Do you want to tell me something?” The girl may not feel love for you, or she might simply be confused and embarrassed. Therefore, before the meeting begins, be patient and resilient.


When you see your chosen one, you don’t need to immediately rush out with words of declaration of love. Take a walk, enjoy each other, wait for the right romantic moment, and only then tell her: “I love you.”

Don't rush the girl, she needs to realize what she heard.

It is important to remember a few tips:

  • Try not to get nervous and pretend to be someone you are not;
  • Before you confess your feelings to her, think carefully about whether you really love her;
  • There is no shame in practicing, so you rehearse your speech;
  • When you meet, give the girl all your attention, look after her;
  • Having confessed your love, do not press her, she will open up to you when she is ready.

You are a cheerful and sympathetic guy, so this can be your ace in the hole. Try to demonstrate your sympathy for her using positive notes, for example, phrases like:

  1. “And I would marry you!”;
  2. “I envy your cat’s life, maybe you’ll take me in his place?”

If suddenly a girl also decides to make a joke, and even if it didn’t work out very well for her, don’t criticize her, support her and laugh together.

Now we will try to let the girl know that we liked her, but at the same time you saw her for the first time. Here you will have to work hard, the most important thing is to try to bring her into dialogue, because if she is not interested in you, then she will flatly refuse to talk to you, and you simply will not be able to express your feelings.

What do we need to do?

  • Try the simplest thing, ask her the time or how to get to a certain place;
  • After the answer, you can compliment her, and if you get a smile on her face, you can continue the conversation further;
  • Ask if she would like to spend time with you or chat on the phone or online;
  • A girl interested in you may herself hint to you that she would not mind spending time with you to get to know you in detail;
  • If, after compliments, you saw how her face became embarrassed, or she tried to look away and turn away from you, then you should not waste your time on her.

Now let's deal with the hints. They will depend on the type of your lover, since we would not recommend using vulgar hints for a modest and intelligent lady, she will simply not understand you correctly, but will also be disgusted by you.

Let's look at examples. Let the first one be “uninhibited”; with this type of woman you can joke about sex and other 18+ topics, and also talk directly about your crush, about a beautiful, sexy body, etc.

There is also the “quiet-modest”, with them you need to choose hints carefully, since such girls usually hide any emotions in themselves.

In order to understand what type your girl is, let her open up in general, look at how she dresses and behaves with other people, and only then choose an approach for recognition.

We believe that the Internet is not the best place for declarations of love, of course, more on this below, but if it comes to hints on the Internet, then let's figure out how to hint to a girl that I like her by correspondence, using the simplest methods.

The simplest and most effective way is to write to her in plain text that you care about her. On the plus side, she can immediately reciprocate your feelings or not, but on the minus side, the girl can simply ignore the message without answering you, since she may receive dozens of exactly the same confessions.

Alternatively, you can send her musical compositions that, to one degree or another, hint at your feelings for the girl. You shouldn’t stop at music; you can also give her videos or simple pictures. An interested girl will reciprocate your feelings, and then you can offer her something more serious than just hints.

Now we hope that you have no more questions about how to hint to a girl that I like her on VK, since the methods we described above are 100% effective and here either you will receive a refusal, or a continuation where you can already invite her on a live date.

If you have not seen a girl before, but are in the mood for a declaration of love or sympathy, then we do not advise you to do this through social networks or other remote methods.

Here are a few reasons why we think the Internet is a bad place to confess your feelings:

  • Your lover can read the message and immediately leave the network without telling you anything, simply ignoring your confession;
  • On social networks, beautiful girls are often declared in love and several times a day. If you want to be in the company of men who have not been answered, then go for it;
  • You will not be able to convey all sincerity and show how important this is to you through messages on VK or SMS; it is best to do this face to face when you meet;
  • Another girl may think that you are trying to prank her or want to make fun of her, so she will simply leave this message without an answer, or send you an emoticon.

Recently we were chatting with friends, and the topic came up about how to let a girl know that you like her. I don’t know who thinks and how, but you can invite her somewhere just for a walk. Surely she will understand that those girls who the guy does not like will not be invited for a walk. But there is a flip side to the coin - she can resist.

Dear guys! Never hint to girls that you like them on VK. It immediately seems that you are afraid to say this face to face. And if this is so, then why is such communication necessary at all? And how many times do girls not respond to such messages, only because they themselves do not understand anything.

I think some kind of non-standard approach is needed. Surely, if a girl is beautiful, then many people hint to her that they like her, so immunity may develop over time. If a man wants to show, then he needs to show it with all tenacity, and not hint or state a fact.

Girls almost never take the first step, only the brave ones can. They are afraid of being rejected. Therefore, a man will have to take everything into his own hands. If he sees that he likes her, then why not take the plunge? What's the use of empty hints, they can't be given or taken.

Hinting to a girl about sympathy is a difficult matter. Especially if she is very modest. Now I don’t know how or what to tell her. I'm afraid to go too far and offend. I read the article, but there are quite a few methods that I will use. And I certainly won’t write to her about it.

I was thinking about how I could hint to her that I like her. The girl was ahead of the curve, she said everything herself, that is, she wrote on VK. You know what? I don’t want anyone to confess their sympathy to me like that anymore. It’s not very pleasant, and I won’t do it myself. It’s better to hint somehow with your eyes, smile, fool around together.

I once saw a girl on the subway and really liked her. I didn't know how to talk to her. I followed her, fortunately she didn’t think that I was some kind of maniac. He ran up, asked what time it was, and said that he had forgotten his phone at home. We talked and decided to exchange numbers. He took out his phone and started recording. It was awkward...

I recently asked a girl if she wanted to continue talking in a cafe. She said categorically “no.” What a twist. That’s why now I’m first trying to find out if the girl likes me even a little bit, otherwise you’ll learn all the ways and be left a fool.

And I just said it directly, without hints. Why make unnecessary gestures when you can say everything in person. I don’t regret it, there’s no need to be afraid under any circumstances. You will only regret it later. Therefore, gather courage, a year’s supply of compliments, and go into battle!

Damn, I like a girl and I rarely see her and every time I wish that I didn’t confess and today I gained strength and I will give it to you and I advise you not to take the first step otherwise you will wish that you didn’t confess

Many guys have a problem: they don’t know what to write to a girl to make her feel good. This is not difficult when you have known a person for a long time, but if you have known each other for several days, it is difficult to guess which phrase will lift her spirits and create the right impression. We will try to help, share our experience and imagination, as well as tips from experienced people.

What to write to a girl in the first message?

The most difficult thing is to start; the first letter is undoubtedly difficult to formulate, because there is a person whom you do not know at all, and often have never seen. Therefore, you should maintain modesty and avoid vulgarity in your messages, but maintain intrigue and originality:

  • “Today is suitable for a pleasant acquaintance, can it take place?”;
  • “Hello, I’m also a fan of this group, can you tell me which site is best to download their songs on?”;
  • “I can’t solve this problem, can you help me?”;
  • “Hello, don’t you remember me?”;
  • “I need to give a gift to my sister, tell me what a 12-year-old girl might like?”;
  • “Hello, my name is Sergey, I’m a member of the same group, so I wanted to meet you”;
  • “Today I dreamed of a beautiful stranger, and in the morning I accidentally saw your photograph, are there such coincidences?”;
  • “Let's just become friends and girlfriends?”;

If you are really interested in her, study her page: what she is interested in, what groups she is in, what music she listens to. This will give you information with which you can start dating.

How to proceed?

If she doesn’t answer, don’t insist, it means she doesn’t want to. The girl responded with a phrase that suggests further communication - go ahead. Here it all depends on the goals, if this is flirting for an easy relationship, then don’t delay with poems and emoticons, throw in a few defining phrases:

  1. "Are you sad? I can brighten up a lonely girl’s evening”;
  2. “Baby, I care about your hot photos, do you want to meet?”;
  3. “You’re cool and I’m not a mistake, I think we’ll have a great time together, don’t mind?”;
  4. “I’m ready to dedicate myself to you, are you ready?”;

By answering them, she will immediately make it clear what she is ready for. But, when you are looking for a serious acquaintance, the correspondence can last an indefinite amount of time, take your time, don’t push, get to know the person and at the same time don't forget to compliment:

  • “Great photo, how did you manage to take such a picture?”;
  • “Every time I rush here to spend the evening in pleasant company”;
  • “I didn’t find a message from you today and I’m upset”;
  • “I’m interested in communicating with you on the Internet, I’m sure it’s more interesting in real life.”

Slowly probe her, talk less about yourself, if she is interested, she will ask, this will be a good sign.

This video demonstrates several interesting, original examples of such messages, after which any girl will certainly melt:

What to write to a girl you like?

You’ve already gotten to know each other a little, maybe you’re dating, and you really want to please your beloved with a message during the day:

  • “They say that angels live in heaven and only occasionally descend to earth - I was lucky, I saw one yesterday”;
  • “The most beautiful eyes are now reading this message”;
  • “The most pleasant thing I can do is think about you”;
  • “Baby, when you are far away, the days and nights last twice as long, and the sun does not shine so brightly, I want to be close”;
  • “The best girl was with me tonight”;
  • “You see the weather has turned bad because you are sad today, give people joy - smile”;
  • “You cured me of color blindness, now I see the world in bright colors”;

You can use these phrases as is, you can change the meaning by adding a suitable emoticon and a touch of humor for a good mood.

How to apologize in verse to a girl?

It happens that a guy offends a girl, and then it’s difficult to find words of apology. Of course, it’s better to ask for forgiveness in person, but sometimes it’s not possible and the Internet comes to the rescue.

Use regular touching sentences:

  • “Forgive the fool, I was wrong, I’m very afraid of losing you”;
  • “I know that because of my mistake you are not sleeping now, I want to change everything, to forget what happened.”

Or send poetry :

I want you to shine with a smile,

Forgive my mistakes!

My baby frowned

Sorry for the grief!

I'm left alone and I miss you

Now I'm on my way alone

It's not too late to admit your guilt,

Forgive me, forgive me!

Darling, forgive me for the quarrel,

I admit that I'm guilty

I brought you a lot of grief,

You smile - I will be glad!

I'm afraid of losing you

From now on I will be calm and gentle,

Would you agree to take a walk with me?

I'm standing under the balcony with flowers.

Of course, everything depends on the degree of guilt, but it is unlikely that a woman will be able to resist poetry (not even always with rhyme) and sincere apologies.

What should you not write to a woman?

There are phrases that, after reading, a girl will not communicate with you. Usually this is either vulgar advances or self-aggrandizement. Below we give some examples:

  • « Hello, let's get to know each other!" - This phrase is normal, but it gives the right to choose; this question can simply be answered: “No”;
  • « You probably won't answer my message, but...“- a demonstration of uncertainty, and this does not make a man look good;
  • « Maybe I'm not your type" - this is never good for dating. How can she know what kind of person is writing a message if you are just trying to get acquainted;
  • « Baby let's have sex“- but everything is clear right away, but not for serious intentions. Some ladies will like this context if you are looking for her for these purposes. But when you need a woman to build a serious relationship or even a family, it is better to exclude this proposal;
  • « Your photos are beautiful, but your content is equally beautiful?“- sounds challenging and if some accept the challenge, then the majority will be added to the blacklist.

Try to be just a person in correspondence with a new acquaintance, communicate as equals, do not belittle yourself and do not put yourself “above” and everything will work out.

How to write an original “Hello” to a girl?

We are used to starting a letter with the word “hello,” but you can replace it for originality:

  • “You are so beautiful that I forgot to say hello”;
  • “There is a thread, I want to start a friendship here”;
  • “What can you say about the phonetic analysis of a word?”;
  • “Do you know that today is Saturday, and not yesterday or even tomorrow?”;
  • “Tell me, how many electrodes does the transistor have?”;
  • “Do you play chess? Me not.";
  • "Shake";
  • “Hello” - in Bulgarian.

There are a lot of original phrases, greetings in foreign languages ​​or “scary” sentences from physics or other complex sciences sound good, they speak of you as an intellectual person. It’s difficult to guess right away what a particular girl will like; information from her page on a social network can help.

So, we have suggested what to write to a girl so that she is sure to be pleased, the rest is up to you. Act carefully, but persistently, if you are getting acquainted, modestly and ingratiatingly - when you apologize.

Video: funny attempts to get acquainted

In this video, Daniil Rogozin will show 20 funny “tackles” on a girl, written in VK: