How to protect yourself and protect your child from dog attacks on the street: ways to protect. How to behave properly when attacked by a dog: what to do and what not to do? How to protect yourself from a pack of stray, stray dogs, a fighting dog? How to protect yourself

A dog cannot be a friend of every person, since many dogs perform an opposite guard function. It is important for every person to imagine how to protect themselves from a collision with a dog and what to do if an attack is unavoidable. I offer a short retelling of the article about dog attack protection with his observations from life. Link to the original version is at the end.

When does a dog attack a person?

A dog is an animal that can attack a person the following reasons:

  1. self-defense. If a dog decides that a person is a threat to its life and health, it will defend itself.
  2. h food protection. An attack on dog food is regarded by the dog as an attack on the dog itself.
  3. defending your territory.

    Generally dogs are fine. distinguish between their own and others' territory. For example, I know two yard dogs who every time fiercely bark at me from the doorway and attack me on the street near their house, but show complete indifference on a walk a few blocks from their homes. I was surprised because I thought they had a personal grudge against me. It turned out that " nothing personal - just work».

  4. host defense.

    Dog - a herd animal that obeys a leader(in this case, the owner). In most cases, the dog is ready to defend the Owner to the last.

this implies several conclusions:

  • the dog that is next to the owner, it is very difficult to intimidate(easier to kill). It is possible to intimidate a lone stray dog, but in most cases he has already suffered enough from people, so he will prefer to avoid a collision.
  • if the dog lives nearby and regularly goes for a walk with the owner, it is better get to know her. It is recommended to calmly talk to the owner about something - the weather, the car, ask for advice about the dog (even if you hate this bag of fleas). Praise the owner and the dog. The goal is to do so so that the dog smells you, hears your voice and remembers you. The friendly atmosphere of the first acquaintance is always very important. " The owner's friend is my friend (although not the owner)". Such an acquaintance will drastically reduce the likelihood of a conflict in the future, although it will not completely eliminate it, since sometimes dogs even attack their own owners.
  • right dog must obey the master and obey his orders. If the attack did happen for some reason, it makes sense to “remove” the owner from the dog’s field of vision: retire around the corner, bushes, etc. It's drastic will reduce the dog's desire to continue the attack: the owner is not visible, the territory is not hers, and you are clearly not a game. What's the point of attacking further?

Importance of scent for a dog

Smell very important for a dog. As a small child must touch everything and even try “by the tooth”, so the dog must sniff everything new. Reminds me of a recent incident. An acquaintance complained to me that he was afraid to walk around the private sector - they say, street dogs are too partial to him. I was surprised because I don't have these problems. I understood the cause of the problems when I saw a friend. He is used to walking with headphones in his ears (which is dangerous in itself) and with the scent of expensive perfume a meter around. No wonder that the combination of exotic scents attracted the attention of surrounding dogs, and the sound in the headphones to the last masked their approach.

I have drawn my own conclusions about what kind of people annoy dogs the most:

  • drunk(most likely due to the smell of alcohol and inappropriate behavior),
  • bums(strong garbage smells + they are often drunk),
  • People with rattling cars, trolleys, strollers (irritating not only dogs).

How to behave when meeting a dog

If you meet a dog for the first and last time, it is better act like you're from another world like a bird in a tree. Pay no visible attention to the dog. Don't look at her, don't look her in the eye. If the dog shows interest in you from a distance, you can follow it with peripheral vision. Let the dog understand you are busy with your own affairs, and she is an empty place for you. That is, you do not claim its territory, food, place in the pack. Of course, it is better to bypass the dog as far away as possible.

That's why the best way to avoid conflict with a dog Don't provoke him yourself. Never tease dogs, do not shout or swing at them, so as not to provoke retaliatory aggression. You can not sneak up, suddenly and loudly turn to the owner of the dog, behave aggressively, make sudden movements. Do not try to give commands to the dog, because by doing this you are claiming the place of the Owner, whom he is protecting. It is also not recommended to smile and laugh too widely in a conversation, since the demonstration of teeth is perceived by the dog as a possible threat. Any of these actions for a dog means an attack on it, its owner and territory. And will cause a response defensive reaction.

dog attack

Dogs happen trained(trained to attack) and untrained.

To train a dog is not a cheap pleasure, which is done by special services or completely "frostbitten" owners of fighting dogs. If, on the orders of the owner, a trained dog attacked you, then the main problems should be expected from its owner. Dogs are still taught to detain violators, and not to bite a person to death.

Most untrained dogs. They do not have the skills to attack a person, usually the attack ends with a squeal of the victim and bites on hands, feet, face. More significant injuries can be inflicted by accident, for example, when falling.

People are also prepared and unprepared for defense against dogs.

  • Trained person + untrained dog = dog death in almost 100% of cases.
  • A trained person + a trained dog = usually a person wins, although often with losses.
  • An unprepared person + an untrained dog \u003d there is usually no fight, more often it ends with barking and screaming. An accidental (one-time) bite is possible.
  • Untrained person + trained dog = high risk of death for a person.

Know that a prepared person able to kill or neutralize a dog almost instantly. For example, by punching the dog in the nose, on the back of the head, in the bridge of the nose. You can take her for pain control by hitting her eyes with your fingers, into the solar plexus, plugging or tearing out her nostrils with your fingers. A dog, on the other hand, can take a person under control quite rarely, and only if he is absolutely unprepared. Every person should feel like a master of the situation, dogs feel it. Your motto should be " I will do with you whatever I want, and you with me - only what I let you».

Even minimal preparation drastically increases your chances of getting out of combat without serious damage of your body, not to mention survival. If you want peace, prepare for war.

A pack of stray dogs and improvised means of protection

If you see a pack of stray dogs sprawling along the way, it's better to bypass them or even another way. Show complete indifference to dogs and go through the flock - an unpleasant pleasure, you never know what may seem to dogs. This is an infrequent case when it makes sense to start a war first. The dog responds to intonation. If you are still on the way to the dogs, scream in a low but loud voice resembling a growl, dogs will understand that you are ready for battle. If a street pack of dogs has nothing to defend, then they will most likely retreat without a fight at this stage.

If the dogs do not retreat, show the dogs what are you armed with. Suitable branch, stick, stone. Most dogs already have some experience with these objects and will not want to repeat it. It is useful to defiantly bend down and pick up a couple of stones or a stick from the ground. Usually this movement is sufficient. If necessary, to confirm the seriousness of your intentions, you can throw one or two stones at a pack of dogs or demonstrate a blow with a stick. However, always keep the last stone with you. In case of a fight a blow inflicted by a stone is always more destructive to an opponent than a punch.

"Regular" pocket self-defense items can serve screwdriver with 10 cm shank or nail 15-20 cm long. And if it turns out in the hands pestle(see photo) from a mortar designed for grinding, then one blow from top to bottom will be enough to break the dog's skull, break its ribs or spine.

With help sticks you can not let the dog get closer, and on contact - poke in the eye, mouth, groin or break the spine. A bunch of leaves in her mouth will help buy a little time to take a better position, and dust and dirt can clog her eyes and nose. The main thing is to apply in direct contact with the dog's muzzle.

wield umbrella as a club is not very effective, it is better to use it as a shield. Open and close it in front of a dog that does not understand the essence of things. The changing size of the prey confuses her. For example, when the tribes of the Incas, Mayans and Aztecs first saw a rider on a horse, they decided that it was half-animal, half-human. And they were horrified when this half-animal was divided into 2 parts (the rider descended to the ground). Any dog ​​will be frightened if the umbrella dome suddenly opens in front of it.

bag you can "occupy" the dog's mouth. If you hit her in the face, on the nose, the dog will reflexively seek to bite her. Let her grab the bag. When she grabs her - pull with all your might. The dog will try to keep it. Take the bag aside, divert attention and kick the dog. If possible, knock over the dog, fall on it with your whole body.

If you manage to remove jacket or coat- use it to distract the dog, like a shield. Try to throw a coat over the dog, blind him and make it difficult for him to move. If you succeeded, fall on her with all your weight. If it was not possible to remove the coat completely, try to free half the left sleeve. Use it as a "stand" to occupy the dog's mouth. The right, free hand can strike.

There is no point in taking care of your clothes and getting bitten because of it. You have only one life and health, and you can buy a new jacket and jeans at least 10 times. By the owner of the dog.

Remember about protecting your rear. If a pack of dogs surrounds a defending prey, those dogs behind are the first to attack. It is better to take care in advance that there is a fence, a house, bushes or a tree behind you.

If the attack is unavoidable

Dog's main weapon teeth. A dog is not a cat and does not pull its claws. The standard behavior of an untrained dog is jumping, knocking down the opponent and biting. Some dogs try to grab the throat, others inflict multiple bites, tearing out pieces of meat. Trained dogs are trained to dodge blows, are very mobile and their harder to control pain(control behavior by inflicting pain). Such dogs must be put out of action purely mechanically - breaking her joints and ribs. Don't pretend to break a joint, but actually break it. The dog has already crossed the threshold of what is permitted and must be destroyed.

The most vulnerable places dogs are as follows:

  • tip of the nose, bridge of the nose,
  • the back of the head and the crown behind the ears,
  • solar plexus,
  • ribs,
  • paw joints,
  • coccyx.

TO vulnerable places also include:

  • eyes,
  • nostrils (sniff)
  • mucous membranes,
  • genitals.

These places must be influenced - mechanically (with a hand, stone, stick) or with a prepared weapon.

What should not be done? No need to run away like in the movies. The dog runs 5 times faster, so if there are no stairs, a tree, a fence nearby, then you should not even try. The fleeing person further stimulates her hunting instinct." catch up and grab».


The most wrong thing in the case of a fight with a dog - fear and passive defense(fall, cover your head with your hands, etc.). In this case, a person will definitely suffer more than with active defense. dog gets complete (including moral) superiority in such a battle and emerges from it as a winner and generally without losses.

Important before any fight morale. If it is psychologically difficult for you to fight with a dog, imagine that this little vicious dwarf with sharp teeth who will bite and who has done you much harm. But you must (and have every chance!) kill him. Yes, for sure you will have some losses, but they will be much less than if you surrendered without a fight. And some of your clothes will probably be ruined, but much more problems await the owner of the dog. Feel free to assess your moral and physical damage.

Dogs are good telepaths, it is believed that they feel the adrenaline of the winner. Imagine the scene as vividly as possible, the scene as you break the dog's paws and ribs, strangle with your knee, tear it to pieces, and its blood gushing in all directions. Let the dog also "see" this picture of his bleak future. Behave like Tarzan, show full determination to join the battle immediately.

Inject yourself with the adrenaline of the Winner. Loud and angry growling voice shout: " A-a-aY-s-s! What will I do to you! How I've been waiting for this moment! Finally! Now you will know what PAIN is!» Shout anything, but shout "scary". Shouting will not only affect the dog, but also attract the attention of others. And the owner of the dog does not need extra witnesses in court.

If there is no way to avoid a fight, you need to take up defense or even attack first. You can run towards her with terrible screams, waving improvised objects or taking off your coat (jacket). In this case, the dog itself turns into a game, and it begins to work the instinct of self-preservation. If the dog is not afraid and runs on you, do not stop.

If she jumps - dodge and give her a good kick in the groin or under the tail, hit the back of the head with your fist from top to bottom. Miss while jumping with a dog - extreme stress, which drastically reduces her self-esteem - she has already lost one round. The main thing is not to let her knock you down during the jump due to her kinetic energy. But if after that it does not give up the active form of attack, the game goes into an endgame.

You need to continue inappropriate behavior which the dog does not expect. Immediately you need to take a stable pose and turn sideways to the dog. Bend your head down and cover your throat with your chin. If possible, take off your coat, jacket and use them to occupy the dog's mouth or throw it over his head, blind him. At the same time, you need to beat, beat and hit the weak spots. If you managed to knock down a dog - a lying dog is not a fighter. Jump on it with your whole body and knee forward, on the chest, spine. If you manage to tilt the dog's head back, hit the base of the skull with your fist and break its spine.

If you are not a large person and the dog is large enough, you can even get on one or two knees for stability (but only after the dog jumps). Thus, you will become more stable and take your legs out of the blow - the most unprotected part of the body.

In martial arts there is "finishing" movement, which can be used against a knocked down dog (and a lying person). We are talking about dropping knee hitting the chest that breaks ribs. In humans, the ribs do not have high strength and in most cases can be broken even with chest compressions during resuscitation. A fracture of even one rib causes severe pain with a deep breath and coughing. A fracture of several ribs is dangerous with damage to the lungs and accumulation of blood in the chest cavity, which poses a threat to life. In humans, the muscles of the arm are attached to the upper ribs, therefore, if these ribs are fractured, active arm movements are impossible and dangerous if the chest is not previously applied pressure bandage.

For 1 min. 26 s - "finishing" movement, leading to a fracture of the opponent's ribs.

Do you think a dog with a couple of broken ribs will be able to continue attacking you or not?

remember, that a dog in the water is pretty defenseless. When she swims, and you are standing on the ground, you just need to dodge her at least once, grab her hair or head and lean so that her muzzle goes under water. And wait a little. In a minute it will all be over for the dog. That is, if a dog rushes into the water after you, drowning it, if desired, is as easy as shelling pears.

Special means against dogs

Against dogs useless nerve gases intended for people. But they have an excellent effect mustard and pepper gases. If a dog inhales such gas, he quickly loses interest in continuing the fight. Mustard and pepper (pepper) sprays are sold in hunting stores and are relatively inexpensive.

During the war, SMERSH employees (death to spies) to neutralize dogs used homemade a mixture of ground black pepper and tobacco in a ratio of 1:1. Both components are ground to a dusty state (for example, with a coffee grinder). Can you add more mustard powder. The resulting dust perfectly settles on wet mucous membranes (nose, mouth, eyes), causing intense growing pain. This dust can only be removed by washing. The dog will be neutralized for at least a few hours and is unlikely to be able to go without treatment. And if the dog takes a deep breath of enough cooked dust, not only will it burn the respiratory tract, but also acute respiratory distress syndrome with pulmonary edema and lethal outcome.

The original article (link below) also describes other special equipment (stun guns, firecrackers, noise weapons, etc.), but they have a number of drawbacks. In my opinion, for an ordinary person, the simplest special tool against dogs is still pepper spray or mustard gas.

How dogs should walk

Dogs must be in public places muzzled and on a leash.

Article 28 dog walking

1. Dog walking, depending on the venue, can be carried out using accessories (leash, muzzle) that ensure the safety of other animals and citizens, or without the use of such accessories.

dog walking potentially dangerous breeds and their crosses (with the exception of puppies under the age of three months and hunting dogs) without a muzzle, regardless of the place of walking, is prohibited.

2. Walking dogs using accessories that ensure the safety of other animals and citizens may be carried out on the territory of settlements where the presence of citizens with animals is not prohibited by this Law and other regulatory legal acts. puppies aged up to three months and dogs up to twenty-five centimeters tall at the withers allowed to walk on a leash without a muzzle.

Law of the Republic of Belarus on the treatment of animals,

If you have been bitten

In case of bites, contact the nearest emergency room. A dog with inappropriate (atypical, inexplicable) behavior may be sick rabies. It must be remembered that rabies is incurable, and only vaccination can help (6 injections according to a certain scheme). In addition to the prevention of rabies, it is also carried out tetanus prophylaxis.

If the owner of the dog is known, it is advisable to contact to court and receive compensation from the owner of the dog for treatment, damage to clothing and non-pecuniary damage.

This material was prepared on the basis of the article K. Timoshenko « Protection from a dog in case of an attack»: .

13 comments to the article “How to protect yourself from dog attacks”

    I will express an idea that many will not agree with: "a dog is not a friend of man and cannot be one by definition." A dog (any) is a predatory animal and tolerates a person for a number of reasons. Even special breeds (Labrador, for example). It is absolutely rightly said - a dog is a WEAPON, and the presence of it in a person is equated to the presence of a cold weapon in him. We have a relative who owns a Rottweiler and considers it a "companion dog". It is almost impossible to convince him that the Rottweiler is an extremely dangerous killer dog.

    All special breeds for official use are extremely dangerous for humans, very aggressive and, as a rule, defeat the average person. Therefore, it is written quite correctly that when such a dog is attacked, the fight should go only for its immediate destruction.

    There is another way to neutralize the dog: if it has grabbed the hand, you can cause a gag reflex by pushing the hand further. I also read somewhere that if you grab and hold it by the tongue (I don’t know how it is, I haven’t tried it myself, but I think it’s quite difficult), then it becomes no more dangerous than a kitten.

    ALL-DH If the dog is clinging to the hand, it seems to me that it will be impossible to push this hand further, because for this it is necessary that the dog first loosen its grip.

    You can also grab a small dog by the upper jaw, "crushing" her own cheek under her teeth. It is checked that she will not press excessively - she herself hurts, This will allow not only to win time, but also to intercept, turn over on her side and press down.

    I remember my friend and I ran to the bus, and a 50 kg shepherd dog of a neighbor ran out of the open gate, which knew us perfectly, but the evil creature did not care about friendship. Dimych and I stood with our backs and spun along with her ever smaller circles, shouting, swearing, getting out, as if they were cutting us, and if this bastard neighbor hadn’t run out, I don’t know who she would have gnawed out the throat first ... It was almost 30 years ago, but I still see it all now. How we became our backs and why - I don’t know, Dimych ordered in my opinion ...

    And all why? Because it is forbidden to carry weapons. They would allow at least small-caliber ones, which the bandits are not interested in, but they are capable of injuring a dog.
    And secondly, someone somewhere heard that someone was jailed for inflicting bodily harm with a dog on a durgo person or for walking without a muzzle and a leash. Give real prison terms: someone was bitten by a dog - sit down as if for serious bodily harm, took the dog out without a leash - pay $ 3,000 or sit for a year.

    I had to use pepper spray on the dog. The result is zero - she did not even sneeze. I sprayed a meter from her, she did not come closer. True, after spraying, she quickly lost interest in me and, with the air of a winner, left.

    Yuriy, it's good that there were two of you ... I somehow went to run and at the stadium, right on the treadmill, there was a pack of 6 dogs, when I approached them, they all surrounded me and started throwing themselves. Fortunately, the instinct of self-preservation worked and I growled, after that they parted and let me pass. Then the truth could not get closer than 15 meters from any dog.

    Unfortunately, repeated personal experiments with the indicated gas cartridge (SHOCK pepper) showed the COMPLETE inefficiency of this remedy against dogs. Perhaps the dry mixtures described in the article will have a greater effect, but, like with any weapon, you must be able to handle it (i.e., you need experience and training, without which any weapon is just a hindrance in your hands). Who, having bought one bottle, thinks that now everything is in order and is going to entrust his life to this bottle, it is better to quit this lesson right away. I advise you to spray at least three of them to make sure that hitting a moving target is a very non-trivial task and without appropriate training and experiments you will suffer from your own weapons (plus a dog will add, which, oddly enough, is very insensitive to spray cans and will calmly eat you up while you blindly cough and sneeze in a helpless state). And that this is not a remote weapon at all, contrary to expectations. Those. you can really get only practically at point-blank range, and even then - in a straight line, when the dog simply moves towards you without changing direction or stands still. An open question in this regard so far is about shockers. How effective are they against dogs? Who has really tried? Is there a video? So far, there is only a video that the dog does not react at all to the smell of ozone and the crackle of the spark gap, i.e. colorful tales of sellers about supposedly some kind of panic animal instincts for these factors in dogs are, like tales about gas cartridges, a simple lie.

    It's a shame that such an attitude towards dogs is cultivated in our society. It is from the fact that we treat dogs as enemies that most tragedies happen.

    I love dogs so much. My heart bleeds when you see a 4-year-old child who, at the sight of a dog on a leash (by the way, I have two poodles), starts yelling, bursts into tears, and sometimes even runs away. Probably, his kind mother taught him this. But this mother forgot that she drove into the child’s head “Oh, oh, doggy! Don't come!" she increased the chances that her child would be bitten at times. She should teach her child to be friends with the dog, and not to conflict with it initially.

    Your heart bleeds when you read articles like this. I think young rambauds will decide that, after reading the advice in the second half of the article, they are already quite ready to break ribs and rip out their nostrils. I want them to initially understand that a dog is much faster than a person. My two poodles run 100 meters without tension at the speed of an Olympic champion (specially measured). When they fight among themselves, I cannot understand where is whose ear, where is whose tail, because the reaction and speed with which this ball rolls around the house is much higher than a person can. I take what I can catch. If you don't have the skills, the dog is naturally better suited to fight! By the time you bring your foot in to make a right hook, the dog will already have time to grab your leg with its teeth. She does not even tear out pieces of meat, but clench her teeth with incredible force that the bones crack. THIS IS VERY VERY PAINFUL! Can you vouch for yourself that you will continue to fight through this pain? Me not. It's like with a car. Before the first serious accident, we are all ready to talk about how we will turn the steering wheel, bringing the car out of a skid. And after the first one, we understand that here I am, here I am in a ditch. Between these two states, half a second, in which I could not figure out anything.

    Therefore, IT IS BETTER TO BE FRIENDS WITH DOGS THAN TO CONFLICT! Better for everyone!

    Since I constantly communicate with dogs and their owners, walking my couple, I often meet inadequate dogs that show aggression towards my pets, very rarely me. However, without hysterically rummaging through my purse in search of spray cans and other utensils, and without attacking with a stone or a stick in my hand, I am guided by a couple of rules:

    1. Do not look someone else's dog directly in the eye (for them this is a sign of aggression); When you look away, you use his tongue to show the dog that you are going with him to a truce.

    2. Do not make sudden movements that are incomprehensible to the dog (it may regard this as an attack). Those. if the dog was not originally going to attack you, and you staged a dance with an umbrella, jacket or bag, the dog may change his mind. They bite painfully, I know from my own experience. Therefore, arrange dances in order to see “What will happen?” I do not recommend. Once again I repeat: It is better to avoid conflict!

    3. Be confident, don't panic. Shout at the dog in a confident voice, drive it away. Most often, a dog recognizes the authority of a person, and obeys.

    Remember, if a dog barks or growls, it is afraid of itself. SHE WARNS YOU! The dog never attacks immediately without warning. So, as they say, "why climb into the bottle?" When I see a drunken redneck who sticks his face in my dogs with exclamations of “What a pretty one!” or “Ulu-lu”, I always tell my dogs “You are smarter! Don't bark at your uncle!"

    I have never met with completely frostbitten dogs, “trained” to bite a person. And thank God!

    And remember that there are only a few of them out of thousands. Here it is appropriate to draw a parallel with man. After all, there are killer people who also have a special tool that mom and dad gave, always with them. But this does not mean that it is necessary to exterminate all people. This is Nazism. So don't be so one-sided about dogs.

    P.S. In general, the article is not bad, but it should be emphasized that the fight is the last thing and it must be avoided by all means.

    No, I don’t have such statistics, I have to look. But this percentage is clearly not high. Mostly bite people who behave inappropriately or are intoxicated. Sometimes the press discusses the need to capture stray animals.

  1. This morning I was walking to work past the apartment building. When she crossed the road onto the sidewalk, a woman with a Rottweiler came out of the entrance of the house. Approximately 1.5 m from me, the dog began to bark and fell off the leash, rushed towards me, but did not attack, but continued to bark. I stopped and tried not to turn my back on the dog. The owner said that the dog would not bite and did not even try to calm her down at first. When she realized that the dog was not going to calm down, then she just started scolding her. The hostess did not give any commands like “fu” or “come to me”, which surprised even me “not a dog person”. I did not go towards them, did not go in from behind, but crossed the road obliquely from them; I didn't smell of perfume, let alone alcohol; She didn't squeak or even talk. So there was no way I could provoke the dog to aggression. For me, her behavior was a complete surprise. I had a shocker in my bag, but I didn’t have time to just get it out and then I didn’t dare to do it so as not to provoke the dog with my movements. The owner nevertheless approached her dog when I had already moved a few meters away from them. I considered swearing with the “dog lady” dangerous for myself, because. I didn’t know how the Rottweiler would behave further ... I go there every day and it’s impossible to go the other way - my work is nearby ...

    And now the answer for Alex about the shocker. In May of this year, I happened to use a shocker for a warning. My sister and I went to the cemetery, and on the way back, almost at the entrance to the territory, we saw several lying dogs. They wanted to pass by, but one of the bottoms began to bark (she was tied to a tree), and the other two, as if on command, silently walked towards us. There were no people around, we were really scared. I remembered about the shocker, began to frantically look for it. My digging in the bag got the dogs even more interested. Nevertheless, I took out the shocker and, stretching my hand towards the dogs, with a fright, instead of the discharge button, I began to press the backlight button. Then I pressed the right button. I want to say that the shocker emits a rather unpleasant crack for the human ear, a blue glow appears when discharged, like a mini-lightning. After the first discharge, the dogs stopped, and after the next they turned and went (did not run with their tail between their legs) home. It's good that it all ended like this ... But the main purpose of the shocker is the impact of an electric discharge on the attacker's muscles so that he cannot attack. Thank God, I didn’t have a chance to check it ... Of course, it’s calmer with a shocker, but you need to have time to get it and use it. I would recommend buying it not only from dogs ... I already wanted to buy a pepper spray, but after reading the comments, I changed my mind - the shocker, I think, is more reliable. Always be vigilant! There is no need to rely on such unfortunate owners who do not raise their dogs, because they themselves are illiterate in this matter and not only in this, as a rule ...

Nowadays, the number of dog attacks on people is growing every day, and often with very serious consequences, and children are also attacked by dogs, so we need to be able to defend ourselves, and we must teach children this. Whether we like it or not, we often enter into contact with dogs, including stray ones. Stray dogs are dangerous in two ways:

  • if they are rabid and rush at everything that moves,
  • if they stray into packs of more than a dozen dogs with a strong leader at the head.

These are the most dangerous cases. And if you feed stray dogs on the street or in the yard, think about the consequences. There is no guarantee that you or your children will not suffer, even though you fed these cute animals. Packs of dogs are not man's friends at all, but his enemies, they are wild animals.

The dog may attack you in the following cases:

- if you entered the territory that she considers her own;
- if she feels that you have something tasty in your bag, and the dog is hungry and wants to
get your own food;
- if it is improperly trained, it can attack unexpectedly, without
visible reasons, especially for dogs of fighting breeds.
- the dog is infected with rabies, and the rabid dog attacks silently, without
warning bark.

Dogs are pack animals, each pack has its own leader and subordinates. Any disobedience in the pack is punished quickly and severely, sometimes by death. The psychology of dogs is such that she always wants to become a leader, at the slightest opportunity.
In addition, dogs are excellent telepaths, they perfectly feel the mood and state of a person, the presence of adrenaline in the blood. If you are afraid of a dog, then you are a ready victim.

How to protect yourself from dogs?

If you see that a pack of stray dogs has sprawled in the middle of the road, then do not risk it, calmly cross over to the other side in advance. If the flock lies, then it is not on the hunt.

If it is impossible to disperse, pretend that you are completely indifferent to them. However, be careful, as the possibility of an attack from their side remains. Nobody knows what's on their minds.

If you decide to disperse the pack, then on the approach you need to yell at the dogs in a loud and low voice, reminiscent of a growl. The dog responds to intonation. If you threaten her ("growl"), then you are ready for battle. If the dogs have nothing to protect in this place, then they are likely to run away even after screaming.

You can show the dogs that you are armed - pick up or pretend to pick up a stone or stick from the ground and swing at the pack. Usually, stray dogs already know what follows and scatter. You can even throw a stone in the direction of the pack, thereby demonstrating the seriousness of their intentions.

You can prepare for the attack of dogs in advance.

You can buy ultrasonic repeller dogs or pepper spray and carry it with you, or you can cook the so-called cayenne blend to neutralize dogs: mix in equal proportions finely ground tobacco (the smelliest you can find) and ground black pepper. Pour the prepared mixture into a small container, for example, from under vitamins, and you can carry it in your pocket, and when a dog attacks, pour it a couple of times in the face. It can also be used to protect against robbers.

If a dog attack cannot be avoided, then you should remember:

  • You can’t turn your back to the dog, you can’t look away and make sudden movements, if possible, you need to leave the territory guarded by the dog. Try to hide behind any door, climb higher.
  • If you can’t hide, pick up a handful of earth or sand and throw it in the eyes and mouth of a dog that has run up. A mistake in a fight with a dog will be fear of it and passive behavior, you need to actively defend yourself.
  • To protect yourself from an attack from behind, you need to stand with your back to the wall, wrap something around your hand or hold a bag in front of you. When the dog grabs your wrapped hand or bag, you need to kick him in the throat as hard as possible.
  • If you are attacked by dogs while you are cycling, then you need to stop. The dogs will most likely stop too, then walk a little next to the bike and the dog will fall behind.
  • You never need to run, the dog will catch up anyway, he runs much faster. You can run only when it is possible to be guaranteed to be out of the dog's reach. For example, quickly run to a tree and climb it, climb the ladder to the roof, enter waist-deep water.
  • If there is no opportunity to hide, then you should take up defense, or even attack it yourself. For example, loudly screaming to run towards her. Try to behave UNSTANDARD, not in the way the dog expects. Behave NOT LIKE A HUMAN, but like an unusual animal, so that the attacking dog itself is frightened. Shout and swing your bag, jacket, umbrella, and if the dog attacked, dodge and try to hit him in a weak spot. Use improvised objects to protect against dogs: an umbrella, a bag, a bag, clothes ... For example, an umbrella can be used as a shield: open and close it, the dog does not understand the essence of things, and the suddenly changing geometric dimensions of the umbrella confuse him.
  • The dog does not have many vulnerabilities, but they are. These are: the tip of the nose, the eyes, the bridge of the nose, the back of the head and the top of the head behind the ears, the ribs, the joints of the paws, the coccyx. These vulnerable spots need to be hit, and as hard as possible.

I wish you and your loved ones always get along with these animals and never meet with an aggressive dog pack.

Well, if you do If you were bitten by a dog, try to get to the emergency room as soon as possible.
There you will immediately be given two injections - one for tetanus, the other for rabies, and then you will be sent to the clinic in order to continue treatment. Today, the previous 40 injections in the stomach have been cancelled. Instead, six shots for rabies and one for tetanus. All injections are given at intervals of 5, 7, 14 days. And before the last, a break of two months is required.

Hello, friends! Most people are not afraid of dogs and are quite friendly towards them. However, this does not prevent you from knowing the basic rules on how to protect yourself from dogs on the street if the situation suddenly gets out of control.

Knowing how to behave in a society of four-legged animals is simply necessary in order not to provoke them again. Indeed, often the cause of an attack or manifestation of a threat is the actions of the person himself.

“A dog is a man’s friend” is a statement that few people will undertake to dispute. Most dogs behave quite adequately or show their dissatisfaction with barking. And yet in life sometimes there are situations when the animal does not hide its fighting spirit, and sometimes just aggression.

Why do dogs attack humans

The reasons for this behavior are different and depend on the specific situation. Firstly, lost or stray dogs on the street can pose a threat. Most likely, the person who was attacked somehow irritated the dog. Excessive gestures, running, drunken gait - all this can provoke the dog to attack.

Secondly, the dog may attack if it feels threatened by the “alien”. In this case, she will protect her master or her territory.

Thirdly, the dog can execute the “face!” command given by the owner. What this owner is guided by is another question. In such a situation, the main thing is to protect yourself from the teeth of a wolfhound.

How to protect yourself from dogs on the street

What not to do if there is a dog nearby

To avoid trouble, you should know the basic rules of behavior in a four-legged creature society. When there is a dog nearby, you can not:

  • Turn your back to the dog.
  • Wave your arms in front of the dog.
  • Run away from the animal.
  • Show aggression towards the owner of the animal.
  • Suddenly approaching a man with a dog from behind.
  • Sharply and loudly start a conversation with the owner of the dog.
  • Trying to pet an unfamiliar dog.
  • Give commands to someone else's dog.
  • Show your fear.

In any situation, you should maintain control over your emotions.

How to protect yourself in the event of a dog attack

If, nevertheless, it was not possible to avoid the attack, it is worth using self-defense techniques. The dog may attack from the front or from behind. In the first case, the animal tries to grab a person by the arm or leg.

When attacked from behind, the dog tries to overwhelm the person, striking with all four paws, simultaneously grabbing his teeth. Animals of all sizes can be dangerous. Small dogs are sometimes no less dangerous than their large counterparts.

In a critical situation, you need to act quickly. Any strong stick can be used for defense. Beating with a stick or fist should be in the most vulnerable places - the tip of the nose or the bridge of the nose. Blows to the paws, sides, ears, tail will not bring the desired effect.

Another weak point in the dog is the pits on the neck under the jaw, which are located symmetrically on the sides of the trachea. If you press hard on them with your index and thumb, this will force the animal to relax its grip. A dog clinging to a hand can throw a jacket over its muzzle and thereby win a couple of seconds.

If it is clear from the look and movement of the dog that it aims to grab the throat, then it is necessary to protect yourself with the help of your hands. One must be put forward, and then with the other hand, grab the animal by the scruff. At the same time, the first hand makes a movement up or to the side, and the hand that holds the dog's neck makes a sharp movement towards itself. This should make the animal open its mouth.

If the dog has not yet had time to attack, but only rushes towards it with a clear bad intention, then it is necessary not to run away, but to meet it with a strong blow to the stomach or chest. Sometimes a response growl or a loud scream works. Such a technique sometimes discourages the animal and stops it from further aggressive actions.

The most important thing in a critical situation is not to lose self-control and perform all actions with retaliatory pressure, speed and sharpness.

But it’s better to let all the ways of how to protect yourself from dogs on the street remain in theory, and you will meet only benevolent animals in your life. After all, most dogs are like that.

Good luck! Nadezhda Goryunova

Stray animals have long been a serious problem for Russian cities and villages. They are pitied, fed and feared, because a flock can easily attack an adult, not to mention a child.

However, pets can also be dangerous. Dog bites are not only stress and pain, they can cause serious illness.

When does the dog attack?

Cynologists believe that dogs are rarely just angry, in most cases there are reasons for attacking people:

An animal can attack when its owner sets it on.

Some breeds can be very dangerous, as they are distinguished by more aggressive behavior, which is corrected by training. Unfortunately, it can be difficult to determine how educated the dog in front of you is.

The animal can be annoyed by runners, cyclists or people who gesticulate violently.

Dogs don't like drunk people.

Deciding that a person is a danger, the animal may attack, protecting itself or puppies.

The animal can be simply rabid and rush at everything it sees.

How to protect yourself from an aggressive dog?

- To save yourself from a sudden attack, speak in a calm voice, do not look directly at the dog and do not smile. For animals, this is a grin, which means aggression.

Do not touch the animal in the absence of the owner, while sleeping or eating.

How to protect yourself from a dog attack?

When meeting with a "dog wedding" you need to stop and freeze. Do not approach, and the whole pack will run past.

Do not provoke the hunting instinct of the animal. Retreat slowly, without turning your back.

How to protect yourself if the dog is ready to attack?

- Show no fear. Give commands "Place", "Sit" in a calm voice. Sometimes a series of completely different commands work, confusing the animal.

Throw a stone or any other object towards the dog without raising your hand high.

Remember: a dog that is about to attack is crouching, preparing to jump.

How to protect yourself when attacked?

- If the situation is critical - you are alone against an aggressive dog or a whole pack - protect your face and throat (press your chin to your chest).

Call for help.

Use ordinary objects for self-defense: sticks, stones, bottles, snowballs, even an umbrella or a cane. If nothing is at hand, let the dog grab onto the sleeve of your jacket, then throw the same jacket over its muzzle. Cynologists do not advise running in this situation either: it is very likely that the dog will catch up with you - it runs faster than you. Turning your back, you will lose it from sight, and for the animal you will become a victim. Step back so that your back is against a tree or wall.

How to protect yourself from a dog attack

If you fall, try to roll over on your stomach, cover your neck and face.

Dog pain points - nose, groin, tongue.

A good weapon against an aggressive dog is a stun gun, a gas pistol and a spray can. Note that a stun gun can only be purchased from 18 years of age. At the same time, you will not have to go through the licensing and registration procedure with the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

What to do if bitten by a dog?

In this case, you need to properly provide first aid:

1. In case of abundant bleeding, immediately call an ambulance.

What to do if bitten by a dog

2. If you are near the house, thoroughly rinse the wound with running water. Then treat the injured area with hydrogen peroxide, lubricate the skin around the bite with iodine. (The wound itself should not be filled with either iodine or alcohol).

3. Put a gauze or cotton swab on top, secure it with a bandage or plaster.

4. If the dog is a pet, ask the owner about his vaccinations.

5. Notify the police.

The editors of the site hope that you will meet only charming, kind and smart dogs, and you will never have to put the advice of this article into practice.
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Learn how to defend yourself against an attack by a dog or a pack of dogs. Consider the rules of behavior in case of a dog attack.

How to protect yourself and protect your child from dog attacks on the street: ways to protect

The dog is one of the first animals to be domesticated by man. But despite the mutual affection, millions of people around the world suffer from dog attacks every year. Children are often attacked by dogs.

The reasons why dogs attack people can be different:

  1. Often dog owners are to blame, who do not follow the rules for walking dogs, train animals poorly and are negligent about possible consequences.
  2. Often dogs become victims of people, they simply end up thrown out into the street. As a result, they become stray, huddle in flocks. A pack of hungry stray dogs is a danger to human life.
  3. The dog is aggressive or wants to have fun. If a dog feels weakness in a person, it can attack for no reason, the instincts of the animal are triggered.
  4. A person can provoke a dog if he is on its territory. It is especially worth being wary of dogs guarding cottages, warehouses, etc. These are not weak mongrels, but trained fighting dogs.
  5. The dog sees a sporting goal in a person. Most often, cyclists and joggers in parks suffer from such excitement.
  6. The dog has rabies. A human bite from such a dog can be deadly if you do not go to the hospital in time.

Important: Many people are terrified of dogs. Even at the sight of a dog passing by or a pack of stray dogs, such people begin to tremble. Most often this happens to people who once suffered or were attacked by a dog.

The animal feels the reaction of the person, and the likelihood of an attack increases. If you are one of those people, buy a special device to scare away dogs. This way you can feel more confident. You may not need to use defensive weapons.

Dog Repeller

There are several options for dog repellent devices:

  • Taser. The crackle emitted by the device can scare away the dog, shake it. Also, the device is suitable for protection if the dog has already attacked. It is possible to use the device in close proximity.
  • Ultrasonic repeller. The device makes sounds that are inaccessible to human hearing, but this sound is very unpleasant for the dog. She starts to feel uncomfortable and leaves.
  • Pocket rocket launcher. A rocket launched into a pack of dogs has a good effect on them, the dogs will feel threatened.

Important: Some dogs are not affected by repellers. Moreover, they can anger them even more.

Often there is a classic situation when children try to pet or feed someone else's dog. Children do not understand what such an act can turn into if they have not encountered dog aggression before. It is good if the parents or owners of the dog are nearby. The animal may perceive such a gesture as a challenge. It is better for children to explain in advance that you should not touch someone else's dog, no matter how harmless it may seem.

Video: What to do if a dog attacks?

How to behave when attacked by a dog: what should be done?

Important: Children and adults should know the rules of human behavior when a dog attacks. Adequate competent human behavior will help to be saved.

First of all, you should learn to understand the behavior of the dog. There are several options for animal behavior:

  1. The dog warns of its presence, it growls, but does not rush. It is worth stopping, giving the dog space to groom. If she doesn't leave, you may have blocked her escape route. Take a few steps to the side.
  2. If the dog barks deafeningly, tries to rush at the person, jumping on its hind legs, then this type of attack poses a more serious threat. This may mean that the dog is guarding its territory, it has nowhere to retreat, it intends to defend itself to the end. But at the same time, the dog does not come into close contact, it is worth taking advantage of this moment. Retreating slowly, without turning your back, without sudden movements, leave.
  3. The most dangerous type of attack is when the dog rushes to the feet, trying to get around the person from behind. This means that she is preparing to attack, you should keep the defense. Some dogs do not wait for the right moment, they just try to overwhelm a person or jump on his neck, back. A fallen person has practically no chance to defend himself.

What to do if a dog attacks

The correct tactic of behavior is to make it clear to the dog that you are not touching it, but you will not let yourself be offended either. The first rule, which is very difficult to observe, is calmness. It is difficult to remain calm when the dog is about to bite its teeth. But it is important to understand that being scared means losing.

Rules of conduct in the event of a dog attack:

  • If you encounter an aggressive dog, try to leave the area.
  • If the dog is chasing you, try to at least retreat to a safe place: to the entrance, to the building. If there is nowhere to hide, it makes sense to retreat until the dog is in a different environment. Such a maneuver can cause a loss of confidence in the animal, and the dog will retreat.
  • You can siege the dog with a loud command "Sit" or "Fu". Dogs trained to commands may react and retreat or calm down. A loud cry can also calm a mongrel.
  • If the dog does not respond to commands, throw something at it. It is good if a stone, a block of snow, a stick is at hand.
  • If there is nothing to throw at the offender, pretend that you pick up the object and throw it at her. The effect of the animal's psychological attack occurs if you resolutely rush forward. At the same time, do not come close to the animal. A poorly trained dog may be frightened by such confidence of the opponent.
  • If there is a body of water or a tree nearby, do not hesitate: jump into the water or quickly climb the tree.
  • If there is nothing to defend yourself with, nowhere to go, resort to an extreme method: part the cloak and roar at the dog. This will unbalance her and reduce her confidence.

How to Avoid a Dog Attack

What not to do when attacked by a dog?

Important: Be sure to remember what you should never do when a dog attacks, even if you really want to.

The main taboos when attacking a dog:

  1. You can't run away. You can't do it, the dog runs faster. You can speed up the retreat when you are 100% sure that you will have time to hide in the entrance or run into the building. Otherwise, running is perceived by the dog as a command to attack. If the victim runs away, then it must be caught up and dealt with, this is how the dog perceives running.
  2. Do not turn your back or side to the dog. Keep your opponent in sight, don't let yourself be passed from behind. Often the dog attacks from the back. If possible, press your back against the wall, and look for a means of protection with peripheral vision.
  3. Do not put your hands in your pockets, you may need them for protection.
  4. You can not wave your hands at the dog, thereby provoking even more aggression.
  5. Don't stare into the dog's eyes. Many dog ​​breeds take a closer look as a challenge.

Even if the dog looks calm, you can provoke aggression with your behavior. Remember how not to behave:

  • Do not tease the dog, even if the owner keeps it on a leash.
  • Do not touch the dog if you approached your friend with a pet. This is a gesture of friendship on your part, but the dog may perceive it completely differently.
  • Do not approach the dog unexpectedly from behind, and also do not speak unexpectedly to the owner, especially in poor lighting, at night.
  • Do not yell at the dog and the owner, do not wave your arms or other objects.
  • You should not smile at the dog, she may perceive this action as a grin.
  • If a dog walks past you, do not try to drive it away with a bag or a bag.
  • Do not approach the dog when he sleeps and eats.
  • Don't try to take her toy away.
  • Do not touch the dog when she is feeding her puppies.

You can't run away from the dog

It is advisable to avoid collisions with dogs in every possible way, as well as teach children the rules for dealing with other people's pets and stray dogs. Even if you love dogs, and the breed seems friendly to you, do not forget that such a dog is a friend to its owner, not to you.

If you are walking with a small child and a dog barks at you, your actions should be as follows:

  1. Without looking the dog in the eye, slowly pick up the child.
  2. Ask the child not to scream, cry and look at you.
  3. If the child is old enough and you can no longer take it in your arms, teach him to freeze at the sight of a dog, lowering his eyes. The dog can come up, sniff at a calmly standing person and move on.
  4. Try to distract the animal by throwing a water bottle or a toy in the other direction.

Important: If you or your child must pass through aggressive dog areas every day, change your itinerary if possible. As a last resort, take care of the means of defense.

How to protect your child from an aggressive dog

If the dog attacks you, the only thing left is to defend yourself. And in this case, mercy and kindness will not help you, no matter how cruel it is.

Dog Defense Tips:

  1. If you have an umbrella, bag or other object with you, put it forward. The dog may grab the first thing in this object. This way you will have a better chance to prepare for the next steps.
  2. If you don’t have anything with you, take sand or dirt into your hand, and put your other hand forward. While the dog is clinging to your sleeve, pour sand directly into his eyes. This will distract the enemy for a short time.
  3. Scream. Do not yell, but shout in a loud voice, give commands to the dog. So the chances are great to calm the dog, and to attract people to help.
  4. Any objects are suitable for protection: keys, stick, nail file. You can calm an angry dog ​​by hurting it. Dogs have a very high pain threshold, take advantage of this if you want to save yourself.
  5. Don't let the dog knock you down by hitting your nose, eyes, groin, belly. These are the most vulnerable places.

Important: Do not hit the dog on the head, her skull bones are strong, but such an action can infuriate her even more. Defensively, strike at weak spots.

dog attack

There are cases when people defended themselves from wolves by putting their hand into their mouths. If you have a stick at hand, you can try to protect yourself from the dog in the same way. The main thing in this fight is to survive. No matter how cruel it may sound, but the dog is a large animal, bites may be incompatible with life.

It is unacceptable to deliberately harm an animal if the dog does not bite. Self-defense is only appropriate if your life is threatened by such an attack.

If you fall, you have less ability to fully defend yourself. This is just what the dog needs. Try to lie on your stomach, cover your neck and face with your hands.

If you have a pepper or gas spray with you, distract the attacking dog with some kind of maneuver. For example, throw an object at hand to the side. In the meantime, take out your protective gear. Even with a quick fight, try to react and properly spray the contents of the can. Wind blown in your face can blow the gas into your face, leaving the dog unharmed.

Another way to neutralize a dog is to lay it on its back. These animals know how to bite, but they do not know how to fight. Therefore, use your weight, lean your elbows and knees on the bones. Put your hand on the back of the neck, so you can immobilize the dog. In this position, wait for help.

After a dog attack, you should take measures to protect yourself:

  1. Pay attention to the dog, if it foamed at the mouth, it is a dog with rabies. Get to the hospital immediately. Only timely injections will help to avoid death when infected with rabies.
  2. In any case, even if the dog was without signs of rabies, contact the sanitary inspection room, the emergency room. It is necessary to seek medical help even when the wound seems frivolous.
  3. Wash the bite site thoroughly with soap and water and vinegar.
  4. Apply a bandage if bleeding occurs.
  5. Watch your dog after the incident, if possible.
  6. Notify the police and the veterinary and sanitary service.

Important: If you were injured in a dog attack, you can sue the owner of the animal.

Angry dog

How to protect yourself from dogs while jogging, cycling?

Cyclists and joggers are more likely to be attacked by dogs than pedestrians. This is due to the natural response of animals to rapid movement.

Cyclists can act in different ways:

  1. The first step is to assess the degree of danger. It makes sense to step on the pedals and accelerate if the size of the dog is not very large, and if the dog is defending its territory. As a rule, the dog does not run far, it drives the enemy away from its territory and comes back.
  2. If the dog is small and alone, you can kick it with your foot during the movement. This will reduce the aggressiveness of the attacker or scare away.
  3. In the event that you saw from afar a dog of impressive size, which you cannot fight off with a kick, try to turn in the opposite direction until he notices you.
  4. If it is not possible to escape on a bicycle, stop the bicycle, stand up and try to calmly walk past the dog with a bicycle in your hands.

Important: It is better for cyclists not to ride in the private sector, in wastelands, near warehouses and garages. You are more likely to meet dogs there than anywhere else.

It is also recommended to purchase an ultrasonic or gas repeller, a stun gun for self-defense. Since this group of people is in the zone of potential risk, extra protection will not hurt. Have some kind of sharp object with you that will help if your life is in danger.

Dog attacks cyclist

As for runners, when they see a dog, they should not continue running. If the dog ran after you, this does not mean that he is aggressive. In most cases, runners are followed by curious dogs who want to play. If you feel that the dog is not aggressive, freeze. Put your hands down, don't hide them far away. The dog will come, sniff, and possibly move away. If the dog is walking next to you, you have two options:

  • Wait for the owner of the dog in a calm position. This way you will show the animal that you are not a threat.
  • Shout to calm the animal, and then calmly leave the scene of the incident.

If you constantly run into an intimidating dog in the same place while jogging, change your route. So you protect yourself from possible consequences.

Even the thought of a possible collision with fighting dogs evokes fear and horror. These are not mutts who can be frightened of a stone thrown at them or a blow with a stick. Trained fighting dogs know how to kill people, they know how to capture and aim at vital organs. Moreover, their strength far exceeds the strength of many people.

Important: A trained guard dog is not as scary as a fighting breed that is not quite properly trained. The watchdog stops the attack if it sees that the enemy is not dangerous. His business is to catch and wait for the owner. In the second case, the situation can be tragic.

It should be noted right away that the fight with such a dog, and with any dog, is an extreme measure. Such a decision is made when the question becomes: life or death. Moreover, if the situation left no choice, you need to forget about the uncertainty of your actions. The blows must be very strong and aimed at defeating the enemy. It is very difficult for an unprepared person to cope with a trained dog.

Pain from a bite can cause stress in a person, block his movements. Unfortunately, this reaction is difficult to manage, it cannot be trained.

The best protection you can give yourself is to avoid fighting dogs. What tips can help in this situation:

  1. Pay attention to the signs on the gates of houses. They are placed not just like that, but so that people have this information in mind. It is advisable to avoid walking near such an area altogether. Better make yourself a new route, let it be longer. Remember, your life and the life of your children is the most valuable thing.
  2. If you love taking short cuts on someone else's property, give up on this idea for good.
  3. Do not walk unnecessarily near a private area protected by fighting dog breeds. If possible, ask the host to take additional measures. The owner of the dog, if he is of sound mind, is not interested in his dog attacking one of the passers-by.
  4. If you are walking in the park and the owner passes by with his dog, try not to cause the animal's aggression in any way. Do not wave your arms, do not shout at the owner with requests to immediately remove the animal from you and your children. Do not forget, such dogs protect their master, and your cries mean a threat.
  5. If the dog is already running at you, don't run away, it won't work. Give the command “Sit” in a loud, confident voice. A confident voice can affect a dog even if the command was not given by the owner.
  6. Try to show your dog with all your appearance that you are not going to attack him. The best way to escape is to leave, the main thing is that the animal allows you to do this.
  7. Pepper spray will help to subdue and neutralize the dog, if applied correctly and in a timely manner.

How to protect yourself from a pack of stray, stray dogs: tips

According to many dog ​​handlers, it is pointless to fight a pack of stray dogs. But you can meet them anywhere. Many dogs remain homeless, and then breed and replenish the army of hungry wandering hordes.

Some people love to feed stray dogs, but even they can't feel completely safe. In addition, such people endanger the lives of others. Dogs fed in a certain area feel like owners and can attack civilians who are just going about their business.

It is especially dangerous to get into a pack of stray dogs during a “dog wedding”. Angry males at this moment are ready for anything.

If you see a pack of stray dogs, go to the nearest store. If time permits, turn the other way before they attack you. You can also wait until the pack moves away, and then continue on your way.

Important: Avoid being surrounded by stray dogs. Don't let them be behind you. The dogs in the back attack first.

Pack of stray dogs

If a roaming pack is still trying to surround you, if possible, stand with your back to the wall. This will make it easier for you to defend. Yell at the dogs, call for help, defend yourself with all your might.

Shots from weapons, claps of special rocket launchers, and fire are good at scaring away a dog pack. Even the crackling of a stun gun can frighten off offenders. If you do not have such a device, and the dogs need to be scared away, a stick or a branch will come to the rescue. As a rule, stray dogs know what this means, they have to deal with bumps from time to time. And if they have nothing to protect on the territory, then they will leave it. A stone thrown from afar can help, which will prove the seriousness of your intentions to defend yourself.

We wish you and your loved ones never get into such situations and be able to get along with dogs. If you know other ways to protect yourself, please share with our readers.

Video: How to protect yourself from a pack of stray dogs?