A Happy Marriage: Tips to Strengthen Relationships. How to strengthen a marriage: advice from a divorcee

Surely the proverb “What we have - we do not store, having lost - we cry” is familiar to everyone since childhood. Parents instill in their children a caring attitude towards animals, plants, and things. "People too!" - you will be indignant. However, if so, why are there so many divorces, broken hearts and crippled destinies around? There are no small things in love!

What for one seems to be a mere trifle or for granted, for another will be a real gift or, conversely, a reason for tears. How not to cross the fine line of human feelings? What to do if the relationship has reached an impasse or is bursting at the seams? How can a marriage be saved? Not everything is as complicated as it seems at first glance. Familiarize yourself with these rules and see what exactly you are doing wrong.

How to save a marriage

  1. Never stop caring
    If you have been married for several years, try to strain your memory a little and remember what emotions each of you experienced during the candy-bouquet period, what gifts you gave, what you dreamed about. And even if this time is long behind, you are still together, so do not stop surprising each other, caring, showing small signs of attention, saying compliments. Love does not tolerate laziness.
  2. fall in love again and again
    Yes, both of you are not the same as you were when you got married, and in five years you will be different again. And even though you perceive each other differently, try again and again to surprise, inspire and delight. Win the heart of your partner as often as possible, and your love will not cool off.
  3. Try to see the best
    Everyone has their own shortcomings, but you do not need to take them to heart and even more so constantly pay attention to them. Try to focus your attention on what you like the most about your significant other. What a person concentrates on tends to grow. If you are obsessed with mistakes, you will see them everywhere, and if you are fixated on what you like, then soon you will realize that you have married the most beautiful woman in the world (married the most worthy of men)!
  4. Don't try to change your partner
    Your task is to love your companion as he is, without hopes and expectations. If one of you changes and the other remains the same, love anyway, whether you like it or not.
  5. Take responsibility for your emotions
    Your spouse doesn't have to make you happy. Likewise, it cannot make you unhappy. You are responsible for your own positive attitude. This rule applies to both partners.
  6. Don't blame others when you're upset or angry
    Everything that happens inside you is your emotions and your responsibility. Don't take your anger out on the person you love. You don't want to be in his place, do you?
  7. Don't be afraid to look stupid
    Don't take yourself too seriously, smile and joke more often. Also, make your partner laugh. Laughter helps to soften any situation.
  8. You are a stronghold and support for each other
    When a woman is upset, hug her and let her know that you are there and always ready to support her. Women's nature is changeable and impetuous, emotions, like a storm, intensify, and then subside.

    And if you remain unshakable and strong in this storm, you will not only rise in her eyes, but also become the person you can trust.
    If a man is upset, do not rush to fall on his neck with questions and words of consolation. He himself will let you know when it is better for you to leave him alone or, on the contrary, support him.

  9. Feel the value of your partner
    The best way to do this is to ask them to make a list of 10 things that will make your partner feel loved, wanted, and appreciated. Ask your partner to do the same. We will make a reservation right away, you will be very surprised by the result!
  10. Get ready to embrace each other's sexy side
    Intimate relationships are far from the last place in marriage. Discuss, experiment, fantasize. Learn to fully trust your body and the body of your partner.
  11. Grow and develop together
    In a stagnant pond, malaria is born, and a turbulent stream is always fresh and cool. When human muscles stop working, they atrophy. The same thing happens with relationships. Try to find common goals and dreams together, as well as ways to achieve them. It brings together even the most diverse people.
  12. Be open
    If you both want your relationship to be full and harmonious, do not be afraid to trust even what is difficult and scary to pronounce by ear. Reveal not only your bright side, but also your dark side. Be yourself!
  13. Learn to forgive
    Past mistakes, no matter whose - yours or your spouse - are like a heavy anchor that will constantly prevent any movement forward. Both will learn to forgive and find true freedom.
  14. Don't focus on money
    Treat money like a game and make it a team game. In this case, you will not have to compete with each other and both of you will be winners.
  15. Always choose love
    After all, this is the only advice you really need. If love is the guiding principle on which all your decisions are built, then the marriage will not only be strong, but also durable. Love always wins!

These tips are relevant not only for those who have been married for a long time, but also for those who are just starting their relationship. Take care of yourself, take care of your loved ones. Be sure to tell your friends about this article, and may everyone live happily ever after!

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how to strengthen your marriage. Many will doubt, but it is quite possible. Although it is better not to puzzle over how to strengthen your marriage, but to strengthen marriage and family relationships every day. But it happens that some couples, after a certain period of time, begin to be disappointed in their soulmate, in particular in marriage itself, and therefore the question of how to make your marriage strong and happy becomes the main one. Try to figure out for yourself how to strengthen your marriage, what to pay attention to, what to fix. Let your soulmate also think about how to strengthen the marriage on their part and what can be improved in your relationship for the better.

|left-->Most married couples, after some time together, ask the question: how to strengthen your marriage. Many will doubt, but it is quite possible. Although it is better not to puzzle over how to strengthen your marriage, but to strengthen marriage and family relationships every day. But it happens that some couples, after a certain period of time, begin to be disappointed in their soulmate, in particular in marriage itself, and therefore the question of how to make your marriage strong and happy becomes the main one. Try to figure out for yourself how to strengthen your marriage, what to pay attention to, what to fix. Let your soulmate also think about how to strengthen the marriage on their part and what can be improved in your relationship for the better.

http://aartsplastics.nl/?mapsro1 Work that requires a lot of effort and time, certain financial difficulties or health problems can contribute to the destruction of a marriage. Although basically the relationship between spouses is spoiled by psychological and internal factors that contribute to the destruction of love in the family. Such factors include deceit, lack of trust and understanding, which can lead to betrayal. Each of us has certain expectations and plans. And if the marriage does not meet our needs, then the other half is not quite what we imagined. As a result, we notice only the negative character traits of a loved one, his shortcomings and completely forget about his virtues. In this case, it is worth asking not the question of how to strengthen your marriage, but how not to destroy it.

So how come make your marriage happy? To do this, in your relationship you need to avoid some mistakes. If your conversations consist of cold abrupt phrases, change to a sincere calm conversation. Sometimes during a conversation you need to be more flexible and show prudence in time, not stubbornness. Therefore, make every effort to keep the conversation pleasant, calm, and loving. Do not forget about respect, value each other's opinions and feelings. Be grateful. Learn to forgive and acknowledge your wrongs. Do not forget to support each other, love, consult and share painful problems and questions. After all, this is the only way to strengthen your marriage and build a happy family life!

Who, if not grandmothers, knows better how to create a strong marriage? The following article provides tips based on years of experience in successful relationships.

Choose your life partner carefully

Building a happy family begins with choosing a partner. Take a close look at who you are going to live the rest of your life with, because it is with this person that you will share all the joys and failures.

Don't think you're irreplaceable

Our grandmothers say that if a wife cannot satisfy her husband's needs, he will always find a woman on the side who can do it. So always try to please your partner.

Watch what and how you say

More flies can be caught with honey than with vinegar. Therefore, always watch your speech. Even when you have a tense conversation, don't try to hurt your husband. You will achieve the best results in a friendly tone.

Let him win

It may seem unfair to someone to allow a partner to emerge victorious in disputes. But in fact, this is the key to building strong relationships. You will sacrifice little to get a happy marriage.

cook food for him

Many have noticed that the grandmother always has food ready when their husbands return home. Yes, if you can't cook, it won't ruin your marriage. But cooking dinner is one of the manifestations of caring for your man, which he will undoubtedly appreciate very highly.

Pretend you can't open a jar of pickles

It is important for your husband to feel needed even in small things. Therefore, leave for him a simple job that you can handle yourself. For example, never open tightly closed jars yourself or cut bones. Let your husband do it for you. It is not difficult for him, but very pleasant.

Respect Above All

You cannot build a relationship without respect for your chosen one. Respect him always and in everything, even if you are extremely angry with him.

Don't Miss Opportunities for Physical Contact

This is not about intimacy, but about simple everyday things: hugs, kisses, pats on the back. There is nothing wrong with the fact that after 20-30 years of marriage you will be walking down the street holding hands.

Before starting a fight, put yourself in his shoes.

Even if the husband seems to you not right in some matter, first assess the situation from his point of view. Scandal is not the most productive way to maintain a relationship. Therefore, analyze the situation from the point of view of a partner so as not to stir up an unnecessary quarrel with anyone.

Sex is not a competition

In the bedroom, partners are equal in front of each other. Therefore, you should not try to do more than your soul mate does for you. Identify those moments that make you happy, and do not transfer them to the economic plane "how much you get - so much you need to give." Just be happy.

Hygiene is always important

Even if you are extremely tired after sex, never forget to carry out the necessary hygiene procedures. This will protect you and your partner from possible infections that enter the body after intimacy.

Relationships are not rushed

Never do anything in a hurry. If a stressful situation arises, put it off for a while. This will make it possible to solve any problems with a cold head, when emotions have already calmed down a bit.

Keep courting

Even in an established marriage, there is room for romance. It is especially important when routine life gradually begins to turn you into neighbors in the same living space. But being romantic is easy. For example, put in your husband's pocket a little love note that he accidentally finds on his way to work.

You can't know absolutely everything.

Even if it seems to you that you perfectly understand the feelings of a partner, ask him about them. In most cases, you will be surprised by the answer. But we often act in accordance with what we think, and not with what is actually.

Happiness loves silence

Make it a rule to never share with anyone what is happening at home. Do not take dirty linen out of the hut. Strangers will not help you, but will only aggravate the situation even more. Only you and your husband know best how to solve the problem.

Equality starts at home

Don't let yourself become a housekeeper. In the house you are equal. Therefore, if your husband does not immediately understand this, resort to little tricks, as if you cannot do some household work. For example, burn his shirt so he can start ironing his own clothes.

Be flexible

The beginning of a new relationship is a synchronization of the interests and foundations of both partners. Therefore, do not be afraid to step out of your comfort zone in order to better understand your companion.

If you don't agree, at least listen

You don't have to agree with everything your spouse says or does, but you can't defend your opinion until you've listened to it. Without this, you will not have a family.

Every boot has a pair

Do not rush to get married, even if all your friends already have their own families. Your real match is worth the wait. If you want to have a happy family, make sure that this is possible with this person.

Don't marry a wallet

Grandmothers say that feelings are important in a strong relationship, and not how much money your chosen one has. Even if you do not have a villa in the Maldives, but there is true love, you will be truly happy together.

Don't Forget Dating

The fast pace of modern life leaves so little time to be alone. Therefore, arrange more simple dates for yourself: walks in the park, coffee breaks at the local fast food, trips to free concerts.

Watch your manners

It is very important to be polite to all people. So don't forget to say "Thank you" and "Please" even to your spouse.

Dirty Arguments Dirty Both Partners

Never bring quarrels to the point where you start offending each other. The pain caused to your spouse will affect you too. Yes, and it will not be forgotten as quickly as we would like.

A balanced budget is the best love letter

Financial problems often destroy families. So plan your budget together so you don't add stress to your relationship. Believe me, this will most likely save your marriage.

Never forget how to live without a loved one

You cannot know one hundred percent what your future will be like. Therefore, do not fall into complete dependence on your spouse and keep the ability to live without him, even if he just went on a long business trip.

Sometimes you have to be silent

Everyone needs personal space and time to be alone with themselves. Therefore, learn to see such moments when your words mean nothing to a person and it is better for him to be alone for a while.

Don't Stop Growing Your Relationship

Marriage is based on love, passion, respect. Therefore, every minute maintain and develop your feelings. Every day you should love your chosen one more than on your wedding day.

Avoid one-sided love

Build your marriage with the person who loves you. Your joint investment in feelings will support you and your family more than just your love for someone who is indifferent to you.